The operation > cannot accept the arguments [empty string], [4]

its an error about calculating

Looks like this one ?



i tried too much on it i even changed it to text, i put 0 for all texts to not to get the error but still getting it !, i changed the or to and and still getting the error

when adding a num and then press x its showing the error

can i eliminate the user when press removing to not to be a blank at least 1on the keyboard?

see the first example


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so how can i make such equations with the global?

if i wanna say set text box1 to text box 2 * 5

Before comparing make sure, the textboxes are not empty....
This also is called data validation


am adding to their text as 0 and they will be changed due to the user choosing whatever taxt or van and inside the city or outside, that all my equations in so i wanna just add a global for all these texts to not to get the error

Why not checking for empty string before doing something?

If is empty myTextbox.Text
Then "please enter a value"
Else continue with your blocks


thanks so much i put it and i found an error i put no people in the spinner as empty as well so its working now

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