Calling a procedure crashes the App

Beautiful blocks @ABG, like the logic. Didn't completely solve the issue tho..
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE HELP, YOU ARE ALL CHAMPIONS and I wish I could return the favour.
The next few troubleshooting steps are, I made all the ButtonPatterns1 - 7 invisible, ran the companion app and went 1 by 1 making them visible then re-freashed the screen, found it was the rainbow button which crashed the app, so I uploaded the picture started again (didn't fix the problem), then changed the shape of the rainbow button from rounded to default like the others I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT WAS DIFFERENT or how I never noticed.... Solved...

Well that's it... Done... That was the cause of all the fuss and commotion, the bug has been SQUASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I Learned that a button with an image background can't have rounded edges.(at least in my version) BT_Lights_CPR1 (2).aia (142.2 KB)

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This is called a runtime error
Using logcat helps to find out the underlying issue


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