Hi, I am working on a calendar app, I already built it and it is fully functional. This is an application for fertility purposes, so what I need is that when the user chooses a day, the button for the day and the next 7 days (that is, the next 8 buttons) also change the color. I already have a background color setting and it changes the color when there is an event on the date. I don't want to damage this function by adding the first one.
Ok, we learned that you are building APP. However, I can not find in your post a question or problem.
Is it this?
You're probably right. Translator Google strangely translated into my language.
Translation from first post:
więc potrzebuję tego, aby gdy użytkownik wybierał dzień
Translation of your quote:
to czego mi potrzeba to to, że gdy użytkownik wybierze dzień
See this extension:
In AI2 components, you will also find a DatePicker component.