February 17, 2022, 9:04am
this is the project I have creates for kids. My issue is that while I subtract like 20-40 the answer is -20. but while saying the output as voice it skips the negative sign and just saying 20.
please guide me if any one of you know the answer.
February 17, 2022, 9:18am
TTS probably thinks the -
is a hyphen.
Use a text replacement block to replace -
with minus
(there is a space after the s)
Also, only you can access this link.
If it's necessary, you'll need to export your project's .aia and import it here:
Steps to export your project's .aia:
Step 1: Open and sign onto App Inventor.
Step 2: Open the app whose .aia you want to export.
Step 3: Click on the My Projects drop-down menu located near the top of the page, and click on "export selected project (.aia) to my computer" in it.
You can use the upload function on this community (picture below for reference) to upload a file onto it:
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