Buttons text disappears on a random basis

Hi, I have finished my App, when installed on my phone everything works fine, but when is installed in another phone sometimes the text on the buttons disappears though the buttons are still operational. Any ideas why this happens?

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If you are using Default for BackgroundColor or TextColor, my suggestion is to not do this.

The Default is different on different devices and the BackgroundColor and TextColor may end up being the same, thus giving the appearance of the text being missing.


We need more details ...

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Thank you for your response, yes it is very strange, my App is a quiz with 10 questions, there is only one screen with 6 virtual screens, to proceed to the next question or to reset the game there are two buttons “RESET” and “NEXT” most of the time the App displays the text on the buttons with no problem, sometimes when going to the next question or answering a question the text on the buttons of the new question just disappears though the buttons are still enabled since when I click on them I can proceed to the next question or I can reset the game. The most intriguing part is that when testing the App on my phone I never get this problem; it only happens when I install the App on a different phone and as mentioned this happens only sometimes.

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Which settings, which Theme, which devices, which Android version …?
So post the aia or at least a screenshot of the (relevant) blocks.


Thank you for your response here is the .aia

paraLeerEnLibertadFinalv2-1.1.aia (2.0 MB)

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What buttons is it about? Take a screenshot or more if necessary.


Here are a couple of screen shots, as you can see one shows the text with no problems, the other one has no text though the buttons are operational (REINICIAR = RESET, SIGUIENTE = NEXT)

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But these are obviously different screens (arrangements). How do you get there and which are they exactly? Your app has numerous arrangements …

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Thank you for all your help. My quiz has 20 questions each with three possible answers; time allowed to answer is 20 seconds before the next question appears automatically, if 5 questions are incorrectly answered the game ends. When a questions pops up only a small part of a poem is shown asking through the three buttons for the right answer, if it is incorrectly answered a screen with the wrong answer pops up showing an image and the biography of the selected author along with an external link to further explore the author works. If the answer is answered correctly the screen with the full correct answer pops up.

The screen shots I attached are two correct answers for two different questions, they are displayed in the same virtual screen just the content has been dynamically changed. The screen used for this is the one called rightAnswer.

Here are a few screens of the Designer and Blocks sections.

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Thank you, I’ll try it :slight_smile:

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This issue is most likely caused by this:

So take a horizontal arrangement indead of table arrangement and this problem should be solved.

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Btw, same problem with Kodular:


Thank you very much!! I have changed my blocks, installed the app on another phone and no problems anymore :blush:, from reading what you pointed out this is a bug that affects Android versions > 6 (API 23). I have learned so much with all the help from the Forum, this is my first App and its already in Play Store, thanks again!!


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