Build apk whitout internet permission

Is there a way to build apk, by appinventor, whitout internet access permission? My apps do not require internet to run. till iesterday I deleted internet access permission using apptomarket but whith appinventor nb 184 apptomarket do not is able to rebbuild apk after modifing the manifest
thak you

I checked it with A2M. No problem removing this line

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

from the Manifest and build the APK.
You will likely need to update the apktool.jar file: .

Otherwise you can use → APK Studio Editor:

Anke. thank you for your reply. I have win xp, apk studio editor do not run on it.
Can I send you my apk, you will do this work for me? it is possible?

No, you must sign the app with your own keystore.
What is the version of the apktool.jar and which A2M version do you use?

See also here (in the old AI2 forum):

A2M version nb 184

ApkTool versions

No, the last version of A2M is: 4.1!topic/apptomarket/4XjNUSgh42Q

Dear Anke thank you wery wery much for your writtings
Even in the past you was very kind to me
Best regards

same problem for me.
my last App upgrade 24 april 2020 and A2M worked, yesterday after editing manifest - do new apk ... circle mouse pointer run but do anything
Below my system:
AI2 nb184
A2M 4.1
apktool 2.4.1

p.s. I'm trying Apk Editor Studio but i have a problem with resign app...

See here: