BUGS: Working well in Companion but not working if installed as .apk in phone

How can I stop the video player before loading the page? Okay, there is a block to stop, but will it hide as well? Il try.

Something like this ?

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This is not working in my device. I tried using companion. Is it working in your device?

And, I have one more doubt. How can we hide the app name that appear for few milli seconds at the start of the app at the upper left corner?

I tried in a different way and it is almost working but the name of the app is appearing at the left top corner for few seconds and after that it is disappearing. I wish to know/create the app according to the blocks you shared above as well.

This is the app I tried (but app name is appearing at the left top corner for few seconds).

image_3 (2).aia (839.6 KB)

How can I hide the app name that is appearing at the left top for few seconds?

Note: This is not perfectly working, so please share the idea of your way of doing this as well. I am working on the blocks you shared above.


image_5.aia (839.8 KB)

ERROR: App name appearing at the left top corner for few seconds.

The url that I am using is this https://indiansupermarketdotkg.company.site/ . This take few seconds to load completely.

Actually, i am using custom webview extension in my project. So, i have to change all these blocks accordingly again. The problem is that there is no block in custom webview extension as ''Set.CustomWebview.Visible=True/False''. There is no such block in this extension to make it hidden. Can you help me in this?

What is the Make/Model of your device, and what Android version are you testing with?

Use the visibility property setter for the containing arrangement or use the method block:


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DEVICE I USE: Samsung Galaxy A20 S.

component_method (1)

What is id in this block? Is it just any random string/number like we use tag in tinyDB?

And the android version ?

You set the id when you create the customwebview.

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Android version 11.

When i tried to recreate the blocks using customwebview extension, the app is behaving differently. I shall explain.

Blocks of Webviewer:


Blocks used in CustomWebview:

Behavior Difference of both Blocks:

  1. Webviewer 'blocks' successfully performed two things simultaneously. a) Played the video file as soon as the app is opened. b) The webpage was loading in the background. And as soon as the page is loaded completely, the video file was stopped and hidden so the url that is loaded will be shown.

  2. CustomWebview 'blocks' failed to perform both things simultaneously. In Customwebview, video file was played succesfully at the start of the app but the video was stopped first (after few seconds) and then the the url started to load. Customwebview failed to load the url in background while the video was playing. The url that I use takes few seconds to load completely, so I don't want to show that weakness (delay in loading webpage) to my app users, so only i am planning to hide it by playing a small video.

So, how can I make it possible in customwebview to load the url in background while the video is playing and only after the page is fully loaded the video has to disappear and the webpage should be shown?

I think, I found the culprit block that is causing problem. I assume that in CustomWebView extension, the url will not load if we make it invisible. Is it true?

Culprit Block (maybe):

I created blocks in such a way that if the url got loaded then play the video. But, I made the Visibility of this block as FALSE. No video was played. So I doubt that, if we make the url to be invisible, it will not load as well in this extension. Anyhow, I am not sure ...

Help me to solve this issue. My intention is to load the url by making it invisible (so, video/image will be shown at that time) and make it visible only after the page is loaded (so video player will be stopped & hidden).

Another Culprit Block (maybe):

The below block is also not working as intended. The below block is not capable to precisely detect when the webpage is fully loaded ...

component_event (1)

Help me to solve this issue.

What about testing it yourself and letting us know about the result?
You could have a tiny webviewer 1px x 1px, i.e. almost invisible to load the url before showing it full size...


I tried like that, that is not working. So, only I doubt that there may be incapability/issue in CustumWebView.PageLoaded block. This block has to function only after when the page loading is finished but functioning before page loading is completed.

Instead of CustomWebview extension if I use Webviewer, it is working but webviwer has less features than CustomWebView has. So, I have to go with CustomWebview and have to solve this issue.

Okay, I changed the plan of my project to play a 10 seconds promo video at first and simultaneously the webpage will be loading in the background. After 10 seconds the webpage will be visible to users.

Next thing is to display some image/video while there is no internet connection and webpage never load.

What is the block that I have to use to play a video while 'No Internet - webpage error' occurs?

I tried this but not working,

I mixed custumwebview extension and webviewer together to achieve this.