The screen moves automatically. Why should this happen. Previously one just nudged the screen if you wanted to see parts of the screen.
This is not a feature for the arthritic or others who have trouble with fine motor skills using the mouse. Someone wanted this to 'save time ??" Moving lengthy blocks do this automatically with no intention to move to the edge real estate and just means one has to reposition the block.
Edge-scrolling of the workspace makes it difficult to get blocks into the backpack.
There is a new bug in DoIt where the comment window does not open when it should. This should be an easy fix.
Edge-scrolling triggers with the edge of the block, which can cause problems for tall or wide stacks of blocks. We're looking at changing it to trigger with mouse position instead.
Do these things sound relevant to the problems you're experiencing?
...also new icons above the + - zoom icons . One seems to lock moving blocks.
Edge scrolling triggers while moving a block or block cluster to the trash icon too.
OK, I think we need some more information in the release notes for that checkbox icon/button. That is a toggle button, and it toggles multi-select of blocks. This allows you to drag/delete/etc arbitrary groups of blocks. It's a GSoC project from a couple of years ago that we couldn't release until the Blockly library was updated. It's pretty cool. To turn off multi-select, just click the checkbox again.
I don't actually know what the other compass-looking button does. I wasn't involved in the blocks update. I think it resets the workspace to some starting location, but in my projects, this is not the farthest left-top but someplace in the middle. I'll ask about this.
It looks good,
and also moving smoothly the screen rather than make jumps.
I have seen in other applications that the speed is relative to the distance the pointer goes beyond the edge of the screen.
New blocks require moving them all to remove overlaps.
Hola, he notado un comportamiento muy extraño en la interfac de bloques, aparece una casilla de virificación que no se para que sirve y además el boton de ampliar y disminuir aparecen en gris, cuando intentas copiar o mover algún bloque, la pantalla se desplaza sin control. He visto en otro usuario que tenía el mismo problema y he querido responder pero tampo me deja. En general algo extraño está pasando ya no es tan cómodo el tratamiento de los bloques
When I open any of my projects, some blocks seem to have gotten bigger, others seem to have grown, and others seem to have moved from where I last left them. Many of them now overlap each other on the screen.
I'm going to have a lot of work rearranging them (I have a project with about 8,000 blocks)
But also, when I try to rearrange them, just by clicking on one of them, it starts to move like crazy around the screen, in any direction. I have to drop it and do "undo" to get it back to where it was. But I can't get it to where I want it.
It's impossible to rearrange them so they don't appear overlapping.
What do you recommend I do? Is it better to wait without doing anything until someone fixes this strange behavior of the block editor?
In fact, is the screen below the block that moves really fast. And not in the direction you want to move the block. But like to make room for the block to fit in the visible part of the screen, without never achieving it.
It looks like this..
Before they all fit together, with some empty space between them.
But now they overlap (regardless of the zoom size of the screen)
In fact, when you try to rearange the blocks, is the screen below the block that moves really fast. And not in the direction you want to move the block. But like to make room for the block to fit in the visible part of the screen, without never achieving it.
The movement only stops when you release the button in the mouse.