I have been playing with the BluetoothLE extension (awesome!). I would like to scan for adverts broadcast on channels 37, 38, and 39; and display content of each received report (RSSI and channel number would also be useful).
The data size (in the adverts) is small, so I would like to get access to all the raw data as it is received.
I have few beacons (Eddystone UUID). Each broadcasts UID frames. At minimum, I would like to get the "namespace" and "instance" broadcast in the advert reports.
Is this possible?
I can scan for devices and when I do that, I get a device list with the beacons included. However, when I do scan-advertisements, these beacons are not listed.
I cannot find any other function to scan for and process received beacon advertisements.
NB in some other BLE libraries, theare are typically two functions:
1/ start-scan
2/ handle-report
The first one starts a scan on channels 37-39 and the second one is a handler that gets invoked every time an advert is received.
Has anyone succeded scanning for and receiving beacon adverts?