This has been requested in the past (possibly by you?) a few times. I don't think that it would be hard to add, but it's mainly an issue of my time availability to implement it.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I’ve requested a few times as it continues to be the one thing sorely missed.
I consider it best practice to avoid assumption…
So, it would be really really nice to see if you could find some time to add in this feature (and avoid these persistent requests ).
Hi, it is really nice that there is a new extension. I am starting a new little micro:bit project, but I really got tripped up by the name of the new extension: 20190701. ??? That is almost a year ago! It took me quite some time and searching until I found that it is really the latest one.
I am looking forward now to using it!
Cheers, Ghica.
Here’s a version that should do what you want. Let me know:
The version number is based on the last change that I made to the code base. Given testing and my work schedule, it can be months between coding a solution and actually releasing it as a production version.
Thanks Evan,
BLE is very important these IOT days.
I tried to play with BLE advertising (without connect).
I'm able to find the devices around me, and I can get their services UUID.
But, I'm not able to get the advertising data itself.
Using "call BluetoothLE1 AdvertisementData" block, always return null.
More details are here BLE Advertising Data
I tried the official 20190701 and the aix you post here few days ago.
Hello, i want to report that when i try to use method ConnectToDeviceWithServiceAndName to ESP32 arduino, i failed. So now i am using method ConnectWithAddress. And method WriteStrings and WriteStringWithResponse, they can't send more than 23bytes even after RequestMTU and event MTUChanged is success to change the MTU for both devices. But the good is method ReadStrings is able to receive more than 23bytes. Thank you
I tried and fixed my problems on android 10 on my samsung mobile phone.
i cant unregisterforvalues?
i register with a button and unregister with another button
register works, but unregister not
What is the exact symptom when you unregister for values? Can you show a sample of your blocks?
Hello ewpatton,
in App it works just fine.
But on the BLE Peripheral the CCCD Handler is not written when unregistered.
Should be the same Issue:
The most recent BLE Extension is
I haven't tested this version yet, but you may want to try this version:
sorry for my late reply, i had not so much time to test the BLE stuff.
But i want to say that your unregister fix worked.
Thank you very much.
will it be official fixed in the next releases?
i can't send more then 23 Bytes (Chars) with WriteStrings component.
MTU Size is set to 517 and i can send more then 23 Byte with WriteBytes component.
is it a Bug? ( or a Feature?)
Most likely a bug. The old code assumed it would always be the 4.0 MTU as it was written before BLE 5.0 and variable MTUs. We'll need to change the behavior of those functions in order to support the larger MTU options.
ok, i hope that it will be fixed soon