merhaba app inventor ile esp32 kartını bluetooth yardımıyla kontrol ediyorum. esp32 ile bağlantı kesildiğinde ekranda uyarı vermesini istiyorum. yardımcı olurmusunuz
October 3, 2023, 9:54pm
are you using bluetooth classic or BLE?
see this thread for BLE, for bluetooth classic it is similar
Dear Maggie,
I've just developed a couple of days ago, an app that behaves like a BT gateway between a smartphone and an Arduino, which is equipped with a HC06.
In attachment you can find the .aia, the Arduino code (in txt format) and a document that explains all the HW and the SW (at least in my thought ).
It operates on the basis of a watchdog (more or less). In few words: the Arduino board sends an "alive" character to the app every two seconds. If the app does not receive the "ali…