Blaze IDE for coding

You can ask the questions here but not every user of the app is an mit app inventor user. Also its a forum focused on Blaze and its applications where python learners help each other

Hello Everyone :wave:
I set up the Blaze IDE Forum yesterday and would like to get your feedback regarding the site...
At present I have added these categories announcement, python, showcase and bugs... and four badges... I am looking forward to your suggestions to make it the best community for beginners to learn coding

Why don't you ask your users about this on the established forum?

Please don't ignore this message

Blaze IDE is being launched today on ProductHunt and I need the support of Blaze Users.
Please upvote Blaze so it gets noticed

It is worth to mention that Blaze is 100% free as of now no IAP etc. I will be happy if you support the project

First of all, I appreciate the work you have put into this IDE. But I have plenty of things to say about it.

  1. This is not a complete software as of now. I am saying this because it does not even have a basic feature of an IDE, the Code Highlight.

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. The three common features in most IDEs are the source code editor, build automation and debugger. Additional features may vary and can include the following: Code editor UI enhancements. Automated testing features.

But this does not yet fulfil any of these features.

  1. Coming to the project creation and build part. It relies on Rush and Fast CLI as you mentioned. So, it does not have its own creation and build system.
  1. Why should someone use this software instead of Notepad. I am comparing it to Notepad because it really does not fulfil any needs of an IDE. I know that you are currently working on adding support for Code Highlight, but what was the point of launching it before completing it, and that too as an IDE?

  1. How is Blaze IDE for Python related to AppInventor?

In conclusion, the presentation of Blaze as an IDE is misleading. It is currently a code editor. I hope that you will soon add more IDE-specific features. I would be happy to use it.

Please take it as constructive criticism.

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You took this wrong I am talking about the Blaze IDE Mobile App for Python

New features added to Blaze Pro IDE

Llama 80b code assist AI Code generator
Python module compiler
File retrieval and storage
Check out the latest version at

What is the use of Python IDE in AI2?


No use :grin: but great if you want to master python...
Spoiler: blaze mobile app will soon support Java

Then you should stick to relevant topics :wink:


Then there's no logical point of posting about it here on this forum. This forum is related to discussion about Ai2 platform only.

Kindly avoid any sort of self promotion and stick to the topic

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There is, I mean we can showcase apps built using MIT App Inventor right?

I don't see any promotion in it I built Blaze to help students learn coding who can't afford a laptop

Okay, but the tags of your post suggest a different story. App Showcase is for showcasing the apps made with MIT Appinventor and not Extension Development and Open Source Development.


Btw, the IDE wasnt made in App inventor, it is a desktop application.

No updates for the past 3 months hmm something big is coming :eye:
I am splitting the topics to avoid confusion between-
Blaze Code: IDE for Python on Android
Blaze IDE: Develop extensions

The new Blaze IDE is here :tada:

Set your post as solution will close your post in 7 days. You don't want your post closed, do you?

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Close it I separated out the topic as I launched Blaze AI IDE