not about to start updating packages (to newer versions) that are up to date on my system.
I will create a package for all devices
Version 1.1-Expected Features
Compatibility for all linux devices
Syntax highlighting for java and a more refined UI
Thanks David for sponsoring 1$ for the development of Blaze
Include AI assistant as well to code easily, if possible.
How this will work? Can you explain with making a sample extension from start to end? Because, there is no option named 'NEW' but 'OPEN' option is there. So, how can we begin the project? Can you make a demo extension from start to finish?
That's a false positive
open a folder or a directory first
new file or new folder option will show
Sure I am planning to make a sample video coding an extension
Blaze is now coming to android this android ide for Python will be able to compile python
It has various features including code linting, ability to use Pypi, correct syntax and using saved codes at just less than 15 mb size
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Blaze IDE for Python on Android is now released!
Many students across the world have an interest for coding but they are not able to fulfill their dreams because they don't own a laptop or a computer.
But no need to worry, because Blaze is here to solve the problem!
Features of Blaze
Runs via web so minimal ram requirements
Pypi modules are supported (except gui)
Fast code compiler
Less than 15 mb app size
Download & Support
Please support the initiative by giving reviews! Hope you will love Blaze!
Fund Blaze
Blaze IDE has 100+ installs on mobile in just 7 days!
Thanks everyone for your support!
How do you know that, is your app calling home?
Or do you mean the app has been downloaded 100 times from your site ?
Well, that tells me that you had 100 installs over a three week period, not 7 days...
Why do we need to know this ?
The first 100 installs were in the 7 days of the release and I was just thanking everyone for their interest
Blaze IDE Forum
I am feeling to launch the Blaze IDE Forum!
It is your ultimate destination to learn python and share your awesome projects built in blaze with the community!
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Why shouldn't we ask the questions here and only on the forum?
You can ask the questions here but not every user of the app is an mit app inventor user. Also its a forum focused on Blaze and its applications where python learners help each other