Yup I've just found it. Previously I've found that gid is sheet ID which was quite suspicious to me. But anyways it works basically same as before and those copies are still not being stored. Well for me having reliable delay that will make sure sms was sent correctly is just enough. I can always lookup what was sent by taking look at sheet file. While others tend to store their data in excel files not in cloud. They probably would need to move to cloud if they want to have good way of see messages sent to compare.
At least until I'll find out whats wrong with these copies. Currently my guess is that it may be connected with fact that our phones has more than one google account connected.
That could be it, with SendMessageDirect selecting the default messaging app on the device, worth checking.....(I do not have that setup on any of my devices)
I'm not sure if there is any possibility to select certain google account to be treated as main for messaging purposes as well. I'm gonna look more into this tomorrow or on Sunday. As far as I know Android tend to treat first logged in account as master one. Thus I would need to check it with an app. That's the best bet I have for now. Though still I am not sure how google account could be connected to messaging generally speaking. I'll try it anyway. Then I'll start to ask around over the internet.
On your device ( I looked on my Android 11 device), go into Settings, then Apps, then Default Apps, this will show you the default app for messaging.
The SendMessageDirect block tooltip says it will use the default app for messaging. However, this still may not overcome the potential issue that the "master" google account on your phone is the one that actually sends the messages, which may not be the account you believe you are using at the time...
as for that I only have one messaging app and it is Google Messages.
And this one is also busted. While I did not check it myself. Guy who first found that tutorial had it deployed via his personal google account to a file that I was owner (on my google drive). And his phone where he was testing it was only logged in to our common google account to store contact details [3rd account].
When you set up a google apps script web app, in the way that we have done: executed as the owner of the google account and with access to anyone, even anonymous), the script is available to anyone (yes, anyone) who has the link (script url) and they can use this script url to carry out the functions therein. The creator of the script (e.g. the google account owner), owns the script, but allows anyone to use it. This means that any user, even those without a google account, can run the script.
This is how the web component on an AI2 app is able to send parameters to a google apps script, run it, and return output data, without any need for OAuth or authentication to the script owner's google account.
Consequently, what ever is happening in the app, or on the user's device with regard to google accounts, has nothing to do with being able to run the google apps script with the web component. You do not have to be using the same google account on your device in order to run the google apps script, of for the app to then send a message.
I must check if your organisation is using google workspace with a domain, as things could be responding differently....
Well for me it is quite logical what you've just said. Though it is still not clear to me why these copies are not stored on phones. Especially given that when you for example have 2 or more messaging clients sending a SMS from any of those automatically stores message so other apps have copies of them as well. That means more or less that in andoid there is a place in memory (lets call it folder) where all messages received and sent [whole correspondence] is stored. And all messaging apps whether it is Samsung Messages, Google Messages, or even Messenger (by FB - i heard it also has messaging capabilities) - are using same place to write history of conversations. Now it is very strange that these copies are not being written there by AI2 app while still are being pushed to be sent as normal SMS.
No, at least not yet. We use more or less our private accounts and we are about to force management to move from buying office for every new employee and instead invest into cloud solutions whether it would be office 365 (more expensive) or Google Workspace (more affordable).
Here is what Wikipedia says :
*Message delivery is "best effort", so there are no guarantees that a message will actually be delivered to its recipient, but delay or complete loss of a message is uncommon, typically affecting less than 5 percent of messages.[44] *Some providers allow users to request delivery reports, either via the SMS settings of most modern phones, or by prefixing each message with 0# or N#. However, the exact meaning of confirmations varies from reaching the network, to being queued for sending, to being sent, to receiving a confirmation of receipt from the target device, and users are often not informed of the specific type of success being reported
per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS
That's why fact of message being sent or not is not what concerns me. Maybe apart from that while batch sending huge amount of messages without any delay there are much higher risk of something will not be sent (and probably it will more likely stuck on messaging app not on SMS service overall). What I'm trying to figure out is that why some (in fact one...) of us do have these messages sent and visible as copies in any other messaging app while rest don't.
It is more professionally said what I said above - There is shared place where all messages are being stored when sent or received and apps like Google Messages are just client for looking into that that's why messaging history is to be seen interchangeably between different clients. Something like web browsers - where you can see same website no matter if you're using safari, chrome or internet explorer.
I also given storage permissions to the app so it could maybe access that place in phone memory where messages are stored but no... it doesnt help with saving copies.
As for different carrier - yes he has different carrier but my personal phone (which at some point I also tried to run that app to see if history is stored) is on the same network as one of my colleague. As for Android. I tried it on both A11 and A10. And his moto E3s was also on A10 as far as I know.
Hello TIMAI2.
I just used your script and blocks above you posted 2.5 years ago that helped another user. I tweaked it to be English language for me and I thought I finally fixed MY errors/bugs. I even got a message on my google sheet the 'sms message sent". However the message apparently did not send. I think I am missing the parameter associating it to my messenger app. I have been working on trying to build this (as a newbie) for some several weeks, found your script, and it works better. My brain is tired now. I just cant figure out what parameter I'm missing to connect it back. Can you assist me please?
You will need to provide your blocks, apps script and sheet layout, so we can see what you are attempting. The example above does not include sending an SMS so this part is important to show.
I just got home but haven't attempted my fix yet that I thought of after sleeping on it. I think my REAL issue is I associated to my Google Voice phone number that I wanted my messages to be sent from to an account that is no longer attached to a direct phone number. but anyway Here are my blocks and my google sheet code though. I use a separate mobile just for wifi and thought I could use the inactive phone for voice messaging override. I'm going to try in a few minutes but... Of course I gave myself a migraine i've been fighting at work thinking about this. ha.
Give your procedure called procedure a better name! (sendText?)
Your updateGoogleSheet procedure might be sending requests too fast? Let the first one finish (responseContent ?) before you send the next.
Perhaps the same (2) could be said for your sending of text messages. Unfortunately there is no direct event for this so you may need to use a clock timer.
In summary, your blocks are in too much of a hurry trying to get everything done at the same time.
Thanks. It seems you did build ina SMS Send Delay. (see attach) It did give me a warning box before sending but I did I put in 15 seconds delay. When I checked my google sheet it said everything sent but no one received anything. I honestly think it's on my end on not doing the "Voice" part right as I tried my best to research before asking questions, also but I will change the procedure name.