If your global data contains many sublists in this format, then you are approaching in wrong manner/blocks. If this is your structure then you must try as below instead of loop
for each items in the global list
Add items to the list global or local lan
Items select list item list (get item) index 2
Add items to the list global or local Lin
Items select list item list (get item) index 3
If it is not pls show us your global data to us.
This will work only if you are not using select first items intofrom the global data
So in the end it seems my triplet lists that look like this [default, 39.57128145106525, -7.635200049198133] are not recognized as lists. Then what are they? and how do I make them lists to extract the info? They are not strings either and I can't split them. They have been produced by simple sqlite through the SELECT statement you can see in the code. I really haven't got a clue how to solve this...
I notice you are using my Simple Sqlite extension. Are you using the latest version (V3). This has a "ListFixer" block built in to the extension to convert what looks like a list to an AI2 list. (There was a separate extension containing the list fixer for earlier versions, but this is now obsolete.)