Background Tasks extension [3.8 A] πŸ₯³

@Kumaraswamy This Works fine.

But if we set process like get data from web then it works only one time, then it doesn't even the app is open.

Hi, I know this is an old article, but I just ran into it.

I need to keep my app alive in the background.

My app receives data from an Arduino board, by bluetooth.
It checks for new data every 2 seconds.
I would like the app go in the background and when a potentiometer
(or temperature sensor) rises above a certain value, that the apps sends a notification.

Can I do that with this extension of you??

I've tried several ways, but didn't get luck yet. I guess I don't understand the proper way
in coding and using this extension, although it seems to be a very nice extension.

Hope you can help me out, Kumaraswamy :slight_smile:

Best regards from The Netherlands.

Hi @Jaga1973

This extension has been outdated. You need to use the Itoo extension:

Or, I can provide you the paid support :slightly_smiling_face:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: ItoO - Background Tasks [special] :partying_face:

could someone help me, with this extension I can monitor the webview url? when I change the url I want to create a notification

Good Afternoon everyone
please forgive me but the above blocks ect doesn't seem to be making much sense to me, it could just be me lol. I'm trying to create an app that will run in the background. i need the location sensor, the two procedures and post to web1 to still function as per the blocks attached. Please if anyone could show me how to do this you will be a life saver :), I've had to block out details relating to a third party. Appreciate any help.

The locationservice extension is able to send a post request in the background...


Extension is deprecated.
Should Alternatively use Itoo extension:

(an update for Itoo will be posted soon)