AskPermission takes unusually longer time prompting to close the app


This block of code takes unusually long and prompting to close the app
However when I check the permission section of the app it has been set correctly.

I am prompting for 3 permissions READ_SMS, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_CONTACTS. incase of Android <10 WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

I ran this on Android 13 and on Android 9 the result was same.

Please see the attached blocks.

Please let me know if I am doing it incorrectly or is there a better approach.


Thanks! @Anke
Any idea when the bug will be resolved.

I'll go through it in detail also.

Have a good day!

I have not used Package Utilities component, the app uses standard screen component calls to ask for permission and if not granted seek again.

Any workaround for this issue ? kindly let me know.

Is there any extension that handles the permission scenarios well ?


Which bug?

Yes, but it is not needed.

I have attached the PermissionCheck app, please take a look

I am using AI2 MIT to build, currently not using Kodular.

The compiled app when opened in Android 9 or 13 just freezes for a while before prompting to "Close App / Wait" notification.

Request to review the block and You may please test it at your end also.

kindly let me know if my approach is incorrect.

Thanks Again!!

That's all you need:


(added to FAQ)

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Thanks a lot @Anke

Thanks! these references are useful to understand the standard permission functions and how to use them.

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