I need help getting my app to work properly, and I'm pretty sure my viewer is stuck in monitor size, while the frame is phone size, and I cannot add any components without appinventor telling me to report an error.
(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.
So I was working on it today and the problem only seemed to be occurring after I either copied and pasted a component, (a list viewer more specifically), or when doing that in a table arrangement.
SunnydaleFarms (1).aia (10.5 KB)
I made a new screen without copying to show what it should look like, and it's working better now.
Workaround/Top Tip: don't use the table arrangement, can be buggy for buttons and especially when copying and pasting in development. Use vertical and horizontal arrangements to layout your app.
I can take a look at your file later to day when I get home and possibly repair it however, try this if it helps
I tried this and the problem didn't go away. I have redone the whole thing now.
I noticed you started to add Screens named after the farm workers.
That's a bad idea, leading to repetition of code.
Screens are for logic and processes, not for data.
what kind of procedure should I use if each screen is personalized with chores just for that person?
you only need 1 screen to display the chores of a specific person
select a person, for example in a listpicker and in the after picking event load the data of that person from the database and display it
see also Building Apps with Many Screens
This is a matter of filtering a table.
Here is a sample:
You can also use the Spreadsheet component to filter downloads from a sheet, restricting the rows to only those matching a given value in a given column.
Show us you task assignments sheet for more detailed advice.
I played with your app a little.
You are hiding parts of the display with no way to un-hide them.
The global webviewer is suposed to be like that, its visibility is in the settings button for one or two people, to set up the app for signing in
I got it all working the way I want it