App Store build beta testing available

Yeah I am not sure what actually triggers this. I was not having any issues with iOS 16 on my iPhone, but once I upgraded to 17 all of my iOS devices started giving the error. There is a section on the iOS build instructions that goes over how to turn on developer mode. Unfortunately, this seems like yet another roadblock Apple is putting up for people developing their own apps.

I'm logging the additional layout and behavior issues with our issue tracker so we can fix the functionality before release.

Affects only compiled apps (IPA):

  1. There must not be a non-empty Screen.Initialize event on any screen. There can't even be an empty Screen.Initialize event on Screen1. Instead, I replaced the Screen.Initialize events of all screens with timers. There are now no more problems/error messages.

  2. There are no problems when switching the screens, as long as you don't want to open other screens via Screen1, but only switch between the other screens (non-Screen1 screens). When switching to another screen via Screen1, an error message appears after 4-5 attempts at the latest and the app freezes.

By the way, I had to change the view mode on my iPad to "Dark" so that the screen titles would be displayed/visible.

Any news on this? (point 3 in post #17)
Are there any special requirements for using Material icons on iOS?

ChatGPT (→ Xcode)

and on AI2 for iOS?

Of course, if I upload the icons (PNGs) to the assets and then assign them to each, it works (but that's how it's always worked).

Even if I set the AppName in Project Properties, the iPhone Application name when installed is the name of the project.

I need answers can I create iOS app with MIT app inventor I've been trying to find answers. No answers found can't find anyone who knows.

You have already received an answer from me.

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I am so confused what?????

Please do not ask the same question in multiple topics.

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Hello I'm trying to find out if mitt can develop for iOS for Apple plays store I am have a hard time finding answers

Hello I can't find out how to develop for iOS in MIT app inventor or if it is even possible

Please don't spam the forum with the same question over and over again.

I messaged you because I've found multiple conversations about using mit for iOS. From what I understand under build there should be the option for this but there is only for android


Thank you kindly I very much appreciate this information there is not very many places I was able to go to find help on this your help is appreciated.

If you don't mind telling me. How do I access the beta option. Under my current version I'm using there is no such option

How about you read carefully first and then ask questions.

So now for the 5th and final time:

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Thank you
