For a few days the apks relating to my apps have no longer been installed if compiled from my account. If I compile the aia file imported on another account the apk works!!!
Is this the case where the Build completes, but the download never completes?
I had to turn off Google Play Protect and request the Build and .apk download from my phone.
It was very cramped trying to open and use MIT AI2 from my phone.
the problem occurs for all apps that compile from my account. on all phones, even those of friends, the installation is interrupted but if I change accounts on my computer and compile the app from there then they install and work everywhere
I'm running out of straws to grasp here.
What accounts?
AI2 logins?
Windows PC logins?
Google logins?
my account on windows is that of google franco italiaprogrammi
Well, I'm stumped.
I wanted to publish an app on Google Play but since the minsdkversion was too low I tried adding Firebase to the app which should have increased the version, then I removed it because I didn't need it and from that moment on I wasn't able to get the apk working with that account
What about doing a search in the community?
unfortunately the problem persists but it is not linked to a single app, in fact any app compiled with app inventor from my account is not installed on smartphones. Is it possible to restore appinventor to its initial configurations? I tried to delete the account, but when I restart the inventor app the error comes back, if I start with another account everything works! the same app, loaded onto another account, is compiled and installed regularly on smartphones!!
I'm still trying to understand what happened and, given that by managing them from another account my apps and appinventor work normally, the problem is evidently in the configuration of my account and therefore I would like to know if it is possible to restore the default settings of the account and related Google Play
It looks like you are talking about 2 different issues? Is this only a Google Play issue? Are you able to install an apk file on your device without publishing it in Google Play?
Try logcat to see what's going on
[the problem is the same, I have an app and if I create the apk from appinventor with my first account it is not possible to install the apk on any smartphone. If I transport the aia file relating to the app to a different account and build the apk, it is possible to install the generated app without problems. I think it's a problem with some parameters on the account. that's why I wanted to bring its configuration back to the initial one.
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