Yes, I had already tried it. And it actually works afterwards, but with individual (irregular) short interruptions.
Does Hauwei have an "Autostart" option? That is disabled by default and prevents background services?
I tried it again on all my chinese devices. And again, it works on all of them without any issue (interruptions etc).
I found out that the counter stops counting if I have the notification sound (phone settings) silenced !!
Which means that if the sound is enabled it keeps it alive
This seems to work also with my full code (mqtt etc) but ofc that is not acceptable since I can't have a notification buzz every now end then just to keep my phone alive
I tested that too, no difference.
Works ok on
Xiaomi Redmi 4x Android 7
Galaxy A13 Android 13
looks like my Realme 8i has an issue. Can't find any setting that will make this work.
Well hmm unfortunately I cannot do anything about it. You can contact your device manufacturer for help.
Try resetting to factory settings.
None of the others had worked, not even Ulli's example. This one worked! Could you provide the .aia of this file?
The same thing happens to me with keep Alive ai2 with applications that I have had for several years, they do not work on some Samsung phones since they updated to API34, I discovered that if I remove that extension everything works fine but until the phone goes into sleep mode. Any idea what I can do? thank you all very much!
@Ulrich_Bien that extension probably needs a sdk 34 update
Meanwhile to keep the screen on try the tools extension and its KeepScreenOn method
Try Ulli's MediaNotification instead (and enable the Foreground service there). This one is already adapted to targetSdk 34, after I pointed out to him the RECEIVER_(NOT_)EXPORTED
issue on Android 14+ devices.
I have now reminded Ulli again of the same problem with his KeepAlive extension.
He told me he would take care of it soon.
thank you very much Anke!!
@Ulrich_Bien, Please bring us update for SDK34 of your one of the best extension creation which is KeepScreenOn.
It is not necessary and helpful for you to add your two cents to almost every topic.
What do you mean by that two cent, are you insulting me?
In India it is Do Kaudi you insult me or advice me.
Do(Tho) = Two
Kaudi = Cents
My english is very weak.
Auf Deutsch meint es, man solle nicht zu jedem Thema seinen Senf dazugeben, sei denn, es liefere weiterfĂźhrende Erkenntnisse.
In German, it is said that you should not give your opinion on every topic unless it provides further insight. Period.
So try to remember that.
Okay, Thanks for your suggestion, I will be try to remember that to at least every topic!