Have either of you tried reverting the theme to Classic ?
ok, i try it
Thank you so much TIMAI, its seems to work fine.
The code.appinventor.mit.edu server usually upgrades a few days after the ai2 server.
Maybe export to that server for your final build?
And it also worked for me. Thank you very much.
We will be rolling out an update shortly to the system to address this issue.
Thank you
I just had a similar experience. I was putting the finishing touches on a project... and all the font sizes changed!
To be fair, the new Buttons look very nice and I'll have to see if I can use them on the next project - but the font change was a disaster!
I set the theme to Classic and it's back again.
Thank you all, and especially TIMAi
For some reason the TextColor property ( button foreground color ) of ListPicker is no longer allowing to be changed on the App Inventor 'IDE' browser; even after selecting any color, its returns to 'default' upon clicking at the color.
Works okay for me.
Maybe a Theme problem?
Works OK for me, however if you select 'Black' it will return to 'Default' (because black is the default color)
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