App inventor 2 enviar texto y foto

Buen dia. Necesito desarrollar una app que tome fotos y sea adjuntada como imagen , asi que que pueda editar el texto del cuerpo del correo.
En espeta de tus ideas.
Gracias de antemano.

Hello crsltepeaca_puebla

That’s a very broad request :slight_smile: We are here primarily to help when you have an issue with your code.

I suggest:

  1. Look through the Gallery, you could find something similar to your requirement.


  1. If you haven’t already done so, invest a day doing the free MIT App Inventor tutorials. See my Website for links plus lots of tips, tricks and free code snippets:
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You cannot take a picture using the Camera and send the resulting image in an eMail using only App Inventor 2 Blocks. There is no way to send an eMail with an attachment (your picture) using just Blocks.

You might be able to send the eMail with a picture using one of the methods listed on Taifun’s web page
eMail Solutions

Some of these email options are free, others are paid and other’s use servers. These are created by third party developers and are not endorsed by App Inventor 2.

These links contain information that might help you to do what you want to do with the Camera


Save Camera Pictures with Custom Names (Variables)


Take a Picture Tutorial