After I've built my app to an apk and installing the apk on the phone, whenever i try to open the app I built, it instantly closes/crashes.
On AI Companion the app works fine, I've never built an app before, does someone know why this happens?
It might be one of several things:
- permission differences
- file system access
- TinyDB defaults of wrong type (text vs list)
Thanks for the reply,
After some tries and fails and research, I've figured out that what was happening was that a font that I was using didn't get transfered to the assets for some reason, after uploading it back the apk is working fine.
If someone else finds trouble on this matter:
To figure out what the error was I used the adb cmd tool from android sdk, I followed this tutorial from @Taifun:
adb logcat | findstr "your package"
"your package" being for example appinventor.ai_username.appname
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