È possibile animare un'immagine facendola muovere per esempio
You can move components by two ways:
1- if it was image sprite you can move it using the move to (x,y) block
2- if it was a normal component you can use
Hello everyone,
Today i introduce my second extension which is component tools extension. This extension allows you to get and set some components features, move the component,overlap it, and reposition it, detect touches on it with full info about the touch, set its padding,set some shadows for it,And much more!
Blocks picture
Currently it have 48 blocks
[blocks (20)]
[component_event (1)]
This event is triggered when an error occurs.
Error ~ String
which allow you to set coordinates of the component, and move it horizontally and vertically.
And for animations generally you can see this extension
Adding animations to apps made with App Inventor had never been an easy task. Also, there's nothing out there, like an extension, which would make it possible. That's why I thought of creating Phase, my first extension.
Introducing Phase
Phase is a powerful yet easy-to-use animation extension. It makes it possible to animate any View/UI component on the screen. So, no matter if it's a simple label or a vertical arrangement containing a complex group of components, Phase …