Android API Level / Versions Resource CSV

For those that do not want to use an extension.......

See attached a csv - list of pairs for all android versions and apis, up to 16/36.

You can use this with the Screen1 PlatformVersion block to get the api of the device.

av.csv (554 Bytes)



Here is the csv as a string for use in a text block to convert to a list of lists, with all the line returns.


(now updated to Android 16 / 36)

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Or just this:


Maybe someone will take the trouble to complete the dictionary and make it available as a template.

It should only start with Android 2.1 (API lebel 7), as this is the minSdkVersion with AI2.

Please open a new topic for this ...

See also here:


Here is the dictionary. I hope it's all good.

Dictionary_Android_Versions_and_APIs_up _to_14-34.aia (5.8 KB)

The (modified) blocks for the above: