[AI2 Oflline] Help - Server error: could not load file. Please try again later!

I am using this https://sourceforge.net/projects/ai2offline/

@Peter He is running locally

I understand but i don't know who made it. :wink: :grin:

Can't I recover it this way?
AI2 \ war \ WEB-INF

I do not know what to do


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: there are many people who want to build their own App Inventor.

I could not find any solution

To many........

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Export the aia file, I will try to remove unnecessary blocks. What extension did you remove?

Do you know a way to do this?

No, never had this problem and always made backups. Especially when using an offline version.

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So what should i do

Export the aia file, it will try to remove unnecessary blocks. What extension did you remove?

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I can't get aia file.
"RandomGenerator extension"

If you can't export aia, then you won't do anything. Delete the project and create a new project with backup. Better to use ai2 online too.

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Is your Offline version set to auto load the last used project?



You should be patient when exporting the project. Is it a big one?

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no. There is nothing in it. There are only blocks
I closed the project without saving.
Never opened again