AdMob implementation

Hello, I have build a 4 screens app all good, it's on google play store. Now I am trying to update the App with ads. I am utilizing the free admob extensions have follow all steps; but when I build it and try to open, it won't open. Thus I try different blocks but to no avail, then I deleted the blocks and tested again and same issue, it won't open! then I deleted the Admob extensions build it again and the app opened find. Can anyone please help or MIT is not supporting such free AdMob extensions? Thank you, kindly!

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Which free extension are you using? Any link?
Probably this outdated extension?


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Yes the outdated extension!

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This extension is outdated
Choose another admob extension
Search the community or the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


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You may use this latest (Paid) Admob ads extension.

Hello, so far so good, the app does open fine, but I don't see the ad banner. I have include 2 screenshots; is there something missing? Thank you!

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Are you still using the outdated extension?
Well, another word for outdated is it 'does not work anymore'. .


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I am using another one, Am I using the right blocks?

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No. You've setup blocks in wrong way. Here is your mistake. Set InitializeSdk function inside Screen initialize event. And you've to load the banner ad to show it inside any layout.

hello, Thank you for correcting me, It's all working fine!!

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ok, great
and next time it would be nice to provide a link to the extension you are using, so we do not have to guess... thank you


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sorry about that! this is the link to it: [Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application - Extensions - Kodular Community

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Well, actually it is the same extension from @oseamiya , only taken from the Kodular community this time...
It looks like we have to mark it as outdated also there...

Let us know, if you also get the following error afrer uploading your project to Google Play


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hello, Outdated? but is working! I haven't uploaded will let you now!


Hello, I uploaded the app and it had no issues! just that I don't see any ads so far!
Note: Can you please do me a favor an installed the app on your phone just for testing, Because my son installed the app on his phone and it displays weird and on my phone it looks ok, Thus can you do it and send me a screenshot of it? this is the link to it:

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I can't see any ads into your application.

Same at my end!
When I created the .apk to check, it did show the ad on 1 screen, and then on screen 2 it displayed the test one, but nothing on screens 3, and 4. Thus I uploaded the app to the Play Store to see it all works but It hasn't.
If you don't mind I have screenshots of blocks and components for each screen; is there a mistake there perhaps? Thank you!

Oscar Medina Matiz

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Blocks are looking ok.

Can it be because I don't have the app-ads.txt on th root of my site?( I can't do it with Bootstrap hosting, yet) Thank you

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I think no. It should be working without it.