About the MIT App Inventor Help category

This is a place for MIT App Inventor Programmers to ask questions or report problems using MIT App Inventor.


How to sort the topics? I could sort topics few months ago but now I can’t.


Is there some sort of event handler which alerts and allows some action to be coded when a whatsapp msg is received, sinilar to when a phone msg is received?


i hope that everything is well
I want to ask for the challenge MIT APP INVENTOR CORONAVIRUS APP
what are the steps to share
because i didn’t understand some steps
thank you for your time
best regards

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I think you should go to this link:

I really hope that this would be helpful to you. Thank you.
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Guys i want to update my app that i created using mit app inventor as i am facing probelms regarding the updates of the app so kindly help me ..
Tell me how to notify the user that i have released the update of my app and how to download and upload
the update of the app without the problem of reinstalling the app . Thank You

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I´m developing a app who can show the coordinates(latitude and longitude) and i want to store that coordinates in a databank(who can be tinywebdb or tinydb). But i can´t do it. Can anyone send the code/blocks for me? Or explain anything about it?

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Lo que me ocurre es que he creado una aplicacion donde se abre una nueva pantalla y esta abre otra.
Cuando le pulso a mi boton de cerrar aplicacion siempre me vuelve a una de mis pantallas. Nunca cierra la aplicacion.
¿Alguna sugerencia o idea?

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Attempting to install the App inventor on macOS Big Sur 11.5.1. After completing the installation and restarting the computer, the app does not appear to be installed after all.

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A post was split to a new topic: We are a 1:1 chromebook district. Can MIT APP INVENTOR run on chromebook?

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A post was split to a new topic: I can't figure out how to separate the tiny DB information into a list

Please, no one should reply about their problems here. If you have any problems, please create a new topic instead, don't reply here. This topic should be closed.

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