I had made an app with the app GDevelop and now i decided to remake it using Mit App Inventor
The problem is that when i exported my aab file i got this error in my developer console:
Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:
but the certificate used to sign the App Bundle you uploaded has fingerprint:
The problem is that i cannot export any keystore on GDevelop to transfer it Here
What should i do?
Can i ask the Google Support to reset my sign?
P.S: Sorry if i look not export, i am still learning
Hi @Anke
Thanks for replying
I tried but Google is requesting a .pem key file
I can export my keystone form the Mit website but how can i get down my pem file
Let me know
Download your keystore from AI2 and store it in a safe place
export the certificate for this keystore to PEM format: keytool -export -rfc -alias androidkey -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore android.keystore -storepass android