A strange behaviour of response

Respected Sir,
Here is DO IT result

Here is complete text in DO IT popup box
Do It Result: "https://lettered-manners.000webhostapp.com/cng_sample.php?date=2023-05-01&p_ltr=9.00&p_rat=75.22&p_amt=677.00&mydate=2023-05-01"

You are all experts, so you know better what does it mean but I think there is date format problem. I am using this format

Second result when data saves:

Please help me I have to still click SUBMIT Button twice to save one record.


date and mydate is the same information?
Do you obtain those dates with the DatePicker?

I'm going to create a new topic about this example.

Yes Sir, date and mydate has same date that comes from DatePicker.

Try this

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