04-29 13:00:43.539 8920 8920 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.alibaba.ailabs.tg.mtop.MtopCommonHelper 04-29 13:00:43.539 8920 8920 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mtopsdk.mtop.domain.MtopRequest 04-29 13:00:43.539 8920 8920 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.aliyun.alink.linksdk.logextra.upload.Log2Cloud 04-29 13:00:43.539 8920 8920 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ut.mini.UTAnalytics 04-29 13:00:43.555 8920 8920 E MicroMsg.SDK.WXApiImplV10: register app failed for wechat app signature check failed 04-29 13:00:43.568 8920 9013 E jni_log : getObjectString fileIdName:productKey,error 04-29 13:00:43.568 8920 9013 E jni_log : getObjectString fileIdName:deviceName,error 04-29 13:00:44.046 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.047 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.247 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.248 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.250 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.251 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.253 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.254 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:44.610 8920 8920 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:00:44.611 8920 8920 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[] 04-29 13:00:44.625 8920 8920 E awcn.Inet64Util: startIpStackDetect ip stack:1 detectType:udp_connect 04-29 13:00:44.627 8920 9048 E awcn.SessionCenter: |[seq:[default]] onNetworkStatusChanged. networkStatus:WIFI 04-29 13:00:44.646 8920 8920 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@fd1b3e0] 04-29 13:00:44.646 8920 8920 E awcn.Http3ConnDetector: registerListener http3Enable:false 04-29 13:00:44.646 8920 8920 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@fd1b3e0, anet.channel.detect.e@580699] 04-29 13:00:44.648 8920 8920 E anet.NetworkSdkSetting: NetworkSdkSetting init 04-29 13:00:44.648 8920 8920 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:00:44.805 8920 8920 E anet.CookieManager: CookieManager setup. cost:156 04-29 13:00:44.805 8920 8920 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:00:44.816 8920 9058 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo] CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:00:44.816 8920 9058 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo] CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.816 8920 9058 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.StrategyCenter] registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@fd1b3e0, anet.channel.detect.e@580699, anet.channel.e.c@919be7d] 04-29 13:00:44.816 8920 9058 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.StrategyCenter] registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@fd1b3e0, anet.channel.detect.e@580699, anet.channel.e.c@919be7d] EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.820 8920 9058 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] connect host:********************************************* ip:living-accs.eu-central-1.aliyuncs.com port:80 sessionId:1714388444820 SpdyProtocol,:http2_0rtt_emas proxyIp,: proxyPort,:0 04-29 13:00:44.820 8920 9058 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] connect host:********************************************* ip:living-accs.eu-central-1.aliyuncs.com port:80 sessionId:1714388444820 SpdyProtocol,:http2_0rtt_emas proxyIp,: proxyPort,:0 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.866 8920 9058 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:CONNECTING 04-29 13:00:44.866 8920 9058 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:CONNECTING EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.DefaultSecurityGuard] getBytes ErrorCode = 508 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.DefaultSecurityGuard] getBytes ErrorCode = 508 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: com.alibaba.wireless.security.open.SecException: 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: com.alibaba.wireless.security.open.SecException: EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at com.taobao.wireless.security.adapter.JNICLibrary.doCommandNative(Native Method) 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at com.taobao.wireless.security.adapter.JNICLibrary.doCommandNative(Native Method) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at com.alibaba.wireless.security.mainplugin.б.doCommand(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at com.alibaba.wireless.security.mainplugin.б.doCommand(Unknown Source:0) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at а.а.а.а.а.д.а.а(Unknown Source:36) 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at а.а.а.а.а.д.а.а(Unknown Source:36) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at а.а.а.а.а.д.а.getByteArray(Unknown Source:3) 04-29 13:00:44.931 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at а.а.а.а.а.д.а.getByteArray(Unknown Source:3) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at anet.channel.security.b.getBytes(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at anet.channel.security.b.getBytes(SourceFile:4) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at anet.channel.session.TnetSpdySession.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:5) 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at anet.channel.session.TnetSpdySession.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:5) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at org.android.spdy.SpdySessionCallBack.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:3) 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at org.android.spdy.SpdySessionCallBack.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:3) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at org.android.spdy.SpdyAgent.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: at org.android.spdy.SpdyAgent.getSSLMeta(SourceFile:4) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:CONNECTED 04-29 13:00:44.932 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:CONNECTED EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:44.934 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] spdySessionConnectCB connect connectTime:62 sslTime:4 04-29 13:00:44.934 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] spdySessionConnectCB connect connectTime:62 sslTime:4 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.053 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:AUTH_SUCC 04-29 13:00:45.053 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.Session]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] notifyStatus status:AUTH_SUCC EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.053 8920 9078 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.SessionRequest] sendConnectInfoToAccsByCallBack 04-29 13:00:45.053 8920 9078 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.SessionRequest] sendConnectInfoToAccsByCallBack EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.055 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: startAccsHeartBeat 04-29 13:00:45.055 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: startAccsHeartBeat EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.056 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:2 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.056 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:2 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.057 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:754 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.057 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:754 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.057 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:910 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.057 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:910 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.072 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:-3 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.072 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:-3 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.072 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:-4 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.072 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:-4 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.150 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:136 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.150 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:136 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.151 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 0 0 84 0 82 60 0 2d 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 7c 5 33 7c 64 6d 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 34 38 31 33 2e 32 0 0 7b 22 64 61 74 61 22 3a 20 7b 22 61 63 63 73 54 6f 6b 65 6e 22 3a 22 22 7d 2c 20 22 63 6f 64 65 22 3a 32 30 30 2c 22 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 7d 04-29 13:00:45.151 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 0 0 84 0 82 60 0 2d 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 7c 5 33 7c 64 6d 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 34 38 31 33 2e 32 0 0 7b 22 64 61 74 61 22 3a 20 7b 22 61 63 63 73 54 6f 6b 65 6e 22 3a 22 22 7d 2c 20 22 63 6f 64 65 22 3a 32 30 30 2c 22 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.171 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:5 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.172 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:5 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.249 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:201 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.249 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:201 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.250 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 c5 0 c3 e0 0 3a 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c 10 32 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 31 36 30 2e 35 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 2c 22 63 6d 64 22 3a 22 72 65 67 69 73 74 65 72 22 2c 22 64 65 76 69 63 65 49 64 22 3a 22 41 69 46 71 72 57 72 76 48 58 33 77 56 63 76 4a 34 65 69 74 58 55 4f 45 6c 6e 4b 79 6f 6e 41 4a 53 54 63 67 45 36 76 41 64 54 77 67 22 7d 04-29 13:00:45.250 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 c5 0 c3 e0 0 3a 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c 10 32 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 31 36 30 2e 35 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 2c 22 63 6d 64 22 3a 22 72 65 67 69 73 74 65 72 22 2c 22 64 65 76 69 63 65 49 64 22 3a 22 41 69 46 71 72 57 72 76 48 58 33 77 56 63 76 4a 34 65 69 74 58 55 4f 45 6c 6e 4b 79 6f 6e 41 4a 53 54 63 67 45 36 76 41 64 54 77 67 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.264 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:6 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.264 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:6 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.326 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:145 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.326 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:145 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.327 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 8d 0 8b e0 0 3a 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c 10 32 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 32 35 33 2e 36 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 2c 22 63 6d 64 22 3a 22 65 6e 61 62 6c 65 50 75 73 68 22 7d 04-29 13:00:45.327 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 8d 0 8b e0 0 3a 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c 10 32 7c 41 67 6f 6f 44 65 76 69 63 65 43 6d 64 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 32 35 33 2e 36 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 2c 22 63 6d 64 22 3a 22 65 6e 61 62 6c 65 50 75 73 68 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.344 8920 9084 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.vivo.push.sdk.service.SystemPushConfig 04-29 13:00:45.344 8920 9084 E VivoPush.PushPackageUtils: (8920)cursor is null 04-29 13:00:45.345 8920 9084 E VivoPush.Utility: (8920)systemPushPkgName is null 04-29 13:00:45.350 8920 9084 E PushManagerHelper: pushInitCallback onSuccess Push bindUser 04-29 13:00:45.876 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:7 type:200 04-29 13:00:45.876 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:7 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.943 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:45.943 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:45.945 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 38 36 36 2e 37 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d 04-29 13:00:45.945 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 35 38 36 36 2e 37 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.135 8920 9057 E MPS:ReportManager: report switch turned off 04-29 13:00:46.135 8920 9057 E Push-MPS:ReportManager: report switch turned off EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.147 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:8 type:200 04-29 13:00:46.148 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:8 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.295 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:46.295 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.299 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 31 33 39 2e 38 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d 04-29 13:00:46.299 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 31 33 39 2e 38 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.379 8920 9057 E MPS:ReportManager: report switch turned off 04-29 13:00:46.379 8920 9057 E Push-MPS:ReportManager: report switch turned off EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.410 8920 8920 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:46.446 8920 9057 E Push-NAccs.MessageService: hasMessageDuplicate,msgid=1711469967-29466166&&1711469967-29466166&&YdHa7+VSvV4DAJAOtfRFNy1r&&10&& 04-29 13:00:46.452 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:9 type:200 04-29 13:00:46.452 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:9 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.467 8920 9057 E Push-NAccs.MessageService: hasMessageDuplicate,msgid=1711469969-29466166&&1711469969-29466166&&YdHa7+VSvV4DAJAOtfRFNy1r&&10&& 04-29 13:00:46.469 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:10 type:200 04-29 13:00:46.469 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:10 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.571 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:46.572 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:277 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.573 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 34 34 30 2e 39 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d 04-29 13:00:46.573 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 11 1 f e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c f 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 34 34 30 2e 39 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 37 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.633 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:278 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:46.634 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:278 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:46.636 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 12 1 10 e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c 10 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 34 35 39 2e 31 30 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d 04-29 13:00:46.636 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 1 12 1 10 e0 0 34 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c a 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 41 63 6b 7c 10 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 34 36 34 35 39 2e 31 30 0 4a 10 48 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 7b 22 61 70 69 22 3a 22 61 67 6f 6f 52 65 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 22 69 64 22 3a 22 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 31 37 31 31 34 36 39 39 36 39 2d 32 39 34 36 36 31 36 36 26 26 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 26 26 31 30 26 26 22 2c 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3a 22 34 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:48.156 8920 8959 E .tenda.security: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 04-29 13:00:48.199 8920 8975 E SGApmMonitor: enable1: null, enable2: null 04-29 13:00:48.616 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 710 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Un.call(:355) 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:00:48.617 8326 8906 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:00:55.353 8920 9076 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:11 type:200 04-29 13:00:55.353 8920 9076 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] sendCustomFrame dataId:11 type:200 EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:55.418 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:131 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad 04-29 13:00:55.419 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] [spdyCustomControlFrameRecvCallback] len:131 frameCb:com.taobao.accs.net.j@8d322ad EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:55.421 8920 9047 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 7f 0 7d a0 0 3c 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 54 6f 6b 65 6e 52 65 70 6f 72 74 7c 12 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 54 6f 6b 65 6e 52 65 70 6f 72 74 7c 10 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 35 35 33 34 30 2e 31 31 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 7d 04-29 13:00:55.421 8920 9047 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.TnetSpdySession]|[seq:29466166.AWCN1_1] str:20 40 0 7f 0 7d a0 0 3c 59 64 48 61 37 2b 56 53 76 56 34 44 41 4a 41 4f 74 66 52 46 4e 79 31 72 7c 63 6f 6d 2e 74 65 6e 64 61 2e 73 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 7c 61 67 6f 6f 54 6f 6b 65 6e 52 65 70 6f 72 74 7c 12 32 7c 61 67 6f 6f 54 6f 6b 65 6e 52 65 70 6f 72 74 7c 10 31 37 31 34 33 38 38 34 35 35 33 34 30 2e 31 31 0 0 7b 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 43 6f 64 65 22 3a 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 7d EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:00:56.983 9237 9237 E or.aicompanion3: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:00:57.002 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:00:57.004 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:00:57.005 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:00:57.006 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:00:57.007 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:00:57.528 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:57.529 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:57.543 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:57.556 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:57.559 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:00:57.562 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.569 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.570 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.643 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.652 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.654 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.657 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.663 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.666 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.668 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.669 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.670 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.671 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.673 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.674 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.677 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.677 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.679 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.680 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.680 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.681 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.682 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.683 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.684 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.685 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.686 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.687 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.688 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.689 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.690 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.699 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.699 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:00:57.841 9237 9237 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:00:57.852 9237 9263 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:00:57.872 9237 9291 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:00:59.887 9237 9237 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-29 13:00:59.912 9237 9237 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-29 13:01:00.461 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:00.577 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:03.393 9237 9548 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-29 13:01:03.394 9237 9548 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-29 13:01:03.613 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:30.710 9237 9237 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.KIO4_Base64/com.KIO4_Base64.jar 04-29 13:01:30.713 9237 9237 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64.jar 04-29 13:01:30.716 9237 9237 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64.jar 04-29 13:01:32.176 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.190 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.194 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.196 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.197 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.198 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.200 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.202 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.204 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.207 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.208 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.210 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.212 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.214 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.215 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.217 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.218 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.219 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.220 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.222 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.231 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.234 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.234 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.235 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.235 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.237 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.238 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.246 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.247 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.250 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.251 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.251 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.252 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.252 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.254 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.254 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.257 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.258 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.259 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.266 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.268 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.269 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.273 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.274 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.277 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.278 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.451 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.452 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.452 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:32.453 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:33.317 9237 9237 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:01:50.170 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.171 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.173 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.174 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.177 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.346 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.461 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.465 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.467 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.469 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.470 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.472 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.473 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.475 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.476 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.478 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.479 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.481 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.483 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.485 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.486 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.488 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.490 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.491 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.493 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.494 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.495 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.497 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.498 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.500 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.502 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.504 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.506 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.508 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.511 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.513 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.522 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.525 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.527 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.529 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.530 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.532 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.533 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.535 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.536 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.538 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.544 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.547 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.606 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:50.623 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:01:51.005 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.006 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.021 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.023 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.039 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.040 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.056 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.058 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.072 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.074 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.685 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.688 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.876 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.878 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.881 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.883 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.886 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:51.888 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:52.171 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:52.172 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:52.328 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:52.330 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:53.432 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:53.514 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:53.983 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:53.985 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:01:59.551 9237 9237 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:01:59.551 9237 9237 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:01:59.551 9237 9237 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 04-29 13:01:59.553 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.800 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.810 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.812 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.813 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.814 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.814 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.816 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.817 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.817 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.817 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.817 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.818 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.820 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.821 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.824 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.826 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.827 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.828 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.829 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.830 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.830 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.831 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.832 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.833 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.834 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.835 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.836 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.836 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.838 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.840 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.842 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.845 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.846 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.847 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.848 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.849 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.849 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.849 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.850 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.852 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.853 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.854 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.855 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.857 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.858 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.859 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.861 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.862 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.864 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:05.865 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.000 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.000 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.001 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.001 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.002 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.003 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.004 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.006 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.008 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.009 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.010 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.012 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.013 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.139 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.139 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.140 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.140 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.141 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.141 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.141 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.142 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.142 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.142 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.143 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.143 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.144 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.144 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.144 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.144 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.338 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.339 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.340 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.340 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.341 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.341 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.703 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.704 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.705 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.706 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.706 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.723 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.724 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.725 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.725 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.726 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.963 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.964 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.965 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.965 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:06.965 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.012 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.012 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.013 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.013 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.014 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.025 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.026 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.027 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.027 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.028 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.103 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.104 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.104 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.104 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:07.390 9237 9237 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:02:07.390 9237 9237 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:02:07.390 9237 9237 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:02:12.623 9737 9737 E m.facebook.orca: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:12.638 9737 9737 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:12.640 9737 9737 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:12.641 9737 9737 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:12.642 9737 9737 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:12.642 9737 9737 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:12.968 9737 9767 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:12.968 9737 9767 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:12.968 9737 9767 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:12.976 9737 9767 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:02:12.984 9737 9767 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:13.408 9737 9822 E HiddenApis2: Failed to init DecodeJObjectFuncPtr 04-29 13:02:13.437 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: MessengerApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 66ms: MessengerLoggedInUserProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 67ms: FbContactsContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 67ms: MessengerPlatformProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 67ms: FileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 68ms: MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 68ms: FamilyAppsUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 72ms: ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 72ms: ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 72ms: PlatformProviderBase instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 72ms: FamilyAppsUserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 72ms: SecureFileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 78ms: InitializationProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.442 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 88ms: DecryptedAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 89ms: QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 89ms: TamAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 88ms: SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 88ms: EverythingTogetherContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 109ms: PushNegativeFeedbackLollipopService instantiating… 04-29 13:02:13.443 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 610ms in the background starting with MessengerApplication 04-29 13:02:14.482 9737 9840 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736081334.00, execute:736077839.00 device current:736081334.48 04-29 13:02:14.482 9737 9840 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736081334.00, execute:736072055.00 device current:736081334.48 04-29 13:02:14.482 9737 9840 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736081334.00, execute:736071155.00 device current:736081334.48 04-29 13:02:14.483 9737 9840 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736081334.00, execute:736072807.00 device current:736081334.48 04-29 13:02:16.463 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.469 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.471 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.472 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.473 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.473 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.474 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.474 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.474 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.475 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.476 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.478 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.479 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.481 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.481 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.483 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.483 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.486 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.486 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.487 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.488 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.489 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.490 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.490 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.492 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.493 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.493 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.494 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.495 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.495 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.496 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.496 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.497 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.498 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.499 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.500 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.500 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.501 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.502 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.504 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.505 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.506 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.507 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.508 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.509 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.509 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.510 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.510 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.511 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:16.512 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.465 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.465 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.468 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.469 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.469 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.523 9918 9918 E zle.solver.free: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:17.543 9918 9918 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:17.544 9918 9918 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:17.545 9918 9918 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:17.546 9918 9918 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:17.548 9918 9918 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:17.654 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.655 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.657 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.657 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.658 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.825 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.825 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.827 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.828 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:17.828 9237 9237 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:18.059 9918 9918 E zle.solver.free: Attempt to load writable dex file: /data/user/0/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free/code_cache/1714388538056.dex 04-29 13:02:18.172 9737 9964 E msgr.BackgroundLocationManager: PERMISSION_DENIED 04-29 13:02:18.301 9918 9969 E chromium: [0429/130218.300121:ERROR:variations_seed_loader.cc(37)] Seed missing signature. 04-29 13:02:18.378 9970 9970 E webview_service: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:18.399 9970 9970 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:18.402 9970 9970 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:18.403 9970 9970 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:18.405 9970 9970 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:18.406 9970 9970 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:18.768 9737 9819 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:02:18.771 9737 9821 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:02:19.207 9918 10120 E zle.solver.free: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:02:19.208 9918 10120 E zle.solver.free: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:02:19.867 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: LollipopConditionalWorkerService instantiating… 04-29 13:02:19.868 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 41ms in the background starting with LollipopConditionalWorkerService 04-29 13:02:19.922 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookPushServerFinishNotifiedLollipopService instantiating… 04-29 13:02:19.922 9737 9737 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 48ms in the background starting with FacebookPushServerFinishNotifiedLollipopService 04-29 13:02:21.633 10436 10436 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:21.654 10436 10436 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:21.655 10436 10436 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:21.656 10436 10436 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:21.658 10436 10436 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:21.660 10436 10436 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:24.895 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 708 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Lt.call(:363) 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:02:24.897 9737 10001 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:02:25.896 9237 10494 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:02:26.374 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:02:26.538 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:26.894 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:27.367 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:27.700 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:28.038 10750 10750 E book.appmanager: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:28.057 10750 10750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.058 10750 10750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.060 10750 10750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.061 10750 10750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.063 10750 10750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.357 10750 10750 E SQLiteLog: (14) cannot open file at line 39583 of [bcd014c473] 04-29 13:02:28.357 10750 10750 E SQLiteLog: (14) os_unix.c:39583: (2) open(/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb) - 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: Failed to open database '/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb'. 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: Cannot open database '/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb' with flags 0x0: File /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb doesn't exist 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:276) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:219) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.openConnectionLocked(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:512) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.open(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:210) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.open(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:202) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openInner(SQLiteDatabase.java:1085) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.open(SQLiteDatabase.java:1065) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(SQLiteDatabase.java:956) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(SQLiteDatabase.java:903) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.common.androidx.workmanager.initializer.b.a(WorkManagerDatabase.java:22) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.app.c.a(AppManagerApplicationImpl.java:21) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.common.e.b.d.onCreate(OxpDelegatingApplication.java:83) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1266) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7325) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2372) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8547) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:582) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:238) 04-29 13:02:28.362 10750 10750 E SQLiteDatabase: ... 22 more 04-29 13:02:28.658 10750 10790 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect 04-29 13:02:28.709 10818 10818 E gle.android.tts: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:28.722 10818 10818 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.723 10818 10818 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.723 10818 10818 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.724 10818 10818 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:28.725 10818 10818 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:29.661 10750 10819 E SystemConfig: SystemConfig is being accessed by a process other than system_server. 04-29 13:02:29.931 10750 10819 E SystemConfig: SystemConfig is being accessed by a process other than system_server. 04-29 13:02:30.693 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:02:30.864 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:31.180 10750 10783 E SystemConfig: SystemConfig is being accessed by a process other than system_server. 04-29 13:02:31.182 10750 10783 E SystemConfig: SystemConfig is being accessed by a process other than system_server. 04-29 13:02:31.189 10750 10783 E SystemConfig: SystemConfig is being accessed by a process other than system_server. 04-29 13:02:31.269 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:31.652 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:32.042 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:41.543 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:02:41.714 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:42.091 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:42.477 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:42.857 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:46.478 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:02:46.649 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:47.034 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:47.549 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:02:47.944 9237 9237 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:02:49.075 10968 10968 E m.facebook.orca: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:49.094 10968 10968 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:49.095 10968 10968 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:49.097 10968 10968 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:49.097 10968 10968 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:49.098 10968 10968 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:49.301 10968 10996 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:49.301 10968 10996 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:49.301 10968 10996 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:49.306 10968 10996 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:02:49.308 10968 10996 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:49.507 10968 11047 E HiddenApis2: Failed to init DecodeJObjectFuncPtr 04-29 13:02:49.599 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: MessengerApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.602 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 27ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.602 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: MessengerLoggedInUserProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.602 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: FbContactsContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.602 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: MessengerPlatformProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.602 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: FileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.603 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 29ms: FamilyAppsUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 30ms: ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 30ms: ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 30ms: PlatformProviderBase instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 30ms: FamilyAppsUserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 30ms: SecureFileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 33ms: InitializationProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: DecryptedAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: TamAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: EverythingTogetherContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 52ms: GetFcmTokenRegistrarLollipopService instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 334ms: MqttServiceV2 instantiating… 04-29 13:02:49.604 10968 10968 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 389ms in the background starting with MessengerApplication 04-29 13:02:52.233 11273 11273 E zle.solver.free: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:52.260 11273 11273 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:52.262 11273 11273 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:52.264 11273 11273 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:52.269 11273 11273 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:52.271 11273 11273 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:52.837 11273 11273 E zle.solver.free: Attempt to load writable dex file: /data/user/0/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free/code_cache/1714388572837.dex 04-29 13:02:53.455 8920 9020 I Coap : cancel message 64541 from list, cur count 0 04-29 13:02:53.456 8920 9021 I Coap : The resource /dev/core/service/dev isn't found 04-29 13:02:53.536 11273 11273 I SafeDK : SafeDK Device ID: 08ee6ba4-7077-4fc9-8691-c0a10d147898 04-29 13:02:53.536 11273 11273 I SafeDK : SafeDK version: 4.5.13 04-29 13:02:53.585 11273 11273 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10213; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:02:53.605 11273 11489 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-8 for other apk /system/framework/com.android.media.remotedisplay.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms 04-29 13:02:53.605 11273 11489 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:02:53.612 11273 11489 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-9 for other apk /system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms 04-29 13:02:53.612 11273 11489 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:02:53.626 11273 11489 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-10 for other apk /data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms 04-29 13:02:53.669 11273 11496 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 04-29 13:02:53.670 11273 11496 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-11 for other apk . target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~WE5rOQ96-PI1Xnrff8N6IA==/com.google.android.gms-_1jlfquv27ZabUnn_nzbSg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms 04-29 13:02:53.689 11273 11497 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 3.2.0 04-29 13:02:53.694 11273 11496 W zle.solver.free: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=9 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*1376472098:base.apk!classes2.dex*1790935695:base.apk!classes3.dex*222054540:base.apk!classes4.dex*941002489:base.apk!classes5.dex*3181924851:base.apk!classes6.dex*1040969293:base.apk!classes7.dex*3849641326:base.apk!classes8.dex*1528633841:base.apk!classes9.dex*2252122896:base.apk!classes10.dex*3388203241:base.apk!classes11.dex*1599497729:base.apk!classes12.dex*1345510796]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*3114992560]#PCL[/system/framework/com.android.media.remotedisplay.jar*3886290639]#PCL[/system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar*3868789108]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*3114992560]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk*269408151:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes2.dex*2563716397:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes3.dex*3771147103:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes4.dex*3443761023:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes5.dex*813481618:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes6.dex*1164430372:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes7.dex*4170233252:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes8.dex*2871713637:/data/app/~~0FyMgmVMtsxfzbvHYESVWA==/easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free-rbu46Gtf7y2t1Pf_ygHy2w==/base.apk!classes9.dex*4202036166]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*3114992560]}) 04-29 13:02:53.698 11273 11497 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful. 04-29 13:02:53.764 11273 11505 E zle.solver.free: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:02:53.764 11273 11505 E zle.solver.free: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:02:53.765 11273 11505 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 88009 04-29 13:02:53.765 11273 11505 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 04-29 13:02:53.766 11273 11505 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 04-29 13:02:53.766 11273 11505 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app easy.sudoku.puzzle.solver.free 04-29 13:02:53.831 11273 11521 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(106) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:02:53.855 11273 11525 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10213; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:02:53.880 11273 11537 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(112) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:02:53.885 11273 11536 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(114) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:02:53.886 11273 11532 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(113) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:02:53.915 11550 11550 I facebook.katana: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:02:53.920 11550 11550 E facebook.katana: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:53.935 11550 11550 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:53.936 11550 11550 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:53.937 11550 11550 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:53.938 11550 11550 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:53.945 11550 11550 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:53.978 11550 11550 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10197; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:02:53.996 11550 11550 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_arservicesoptional.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_cgnativeplayer.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_cgwebrtc.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_heliumiab.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_i18n_fr_FR.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~Ba-DQxm--WyjgBOJbocTZg==/com.facebook.katana-mMtR7lE599EGcA0H7RMu8A==/split_ins 04-29 13:02:53.996 11550 11550 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:02:54.008 11273 11273 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library 04-29 13:02:54.009 11273 11273 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 6 samples from 6 histograms, 0 samples were dropped. 04-29 13:02:54.237 11614 11614 E or.aicompanion3: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:54.261 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:54.271 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:54.273 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:54.288 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:54.293 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:54.593 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 123ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 127ms: SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 126ms: FirstPartyUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 129ms: FbContactsContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 129ms: FileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: FirstPartyUserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: InstallReferrerProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: AppManagerSsoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: PlatformProviderBase instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: ContactsConnectionsProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: FeO2InAppContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: UserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 135ms: SecureFileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 153ms: InitializationProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 172ms: PhotosProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.594 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 172ms: AttributionIdProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.595 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 172ms: QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.595 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 172ms: TamAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.595 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: 171ms: CacheProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:02:54.595 11550 11550 E SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 226ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication 04-29 13:02:54.649 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:54.650 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:54.682 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:54.701 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:54.705 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:54.708 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.714 11550 11685 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:54.714 11550 11685 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:54.714 11550 11685 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:54.717 11550 11685 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:02:54.719 11550 11685 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:02:54.725 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.727 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.813 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.823 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.825 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.831 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.833 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.838 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.840 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.841 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.843 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.844 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.846 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.847 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.849 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.850 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.852 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.854 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.854 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.856 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.857 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.858 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.859 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.860 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.862 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.864 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.866 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.867 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.870 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.879 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:54.880 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:02:55.054 11614 11614 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:02:55.064 11614 11648 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:02:55.099 11614 11770 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:02:55.314 11550 11662 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:02:55.544 10968 11846 E msgr.BackgroundLocationManager: PERMISSION_DENIED 04-29 13:02:56.089 10968 11032 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:02:56.090 10968 11034 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:02:56.713 11909 11909 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:02:56.733 11909 11909 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:56.734 11909 11909 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:56.735 11909 11909 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:56.737 11909 11909 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:02:56.738 11909 11909 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:03:02.259 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 723 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Lt.call(:363) 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:03:02.260 10968 11857 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:03:02.739 11550 11766 E fb4a.ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider: Context is null, sync db failed to initialize 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: Failure decoding override info 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: X.67V: org.json.JSONException: No value for new_locale 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67U.(Unknown Source:114) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67Q.DaM(Unknown Source:51) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67D.call(Unknown Source:104) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1E6.run(Unknown Source:51) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1E9.run(Unknown Source:3) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1EA.run(Unknown Source:14) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: Caused by: org.json.JSONException: No value for new_locale 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at org.json.JSONObject.get(JSONObject.java:398) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at org.json.JSONObject.getString(JSONObject.java:559) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67U.(Unknown Source:10) 04-29 13:03:02.951 11550 11831 E fb4a.67Q: ... 9 more 04-29 13:03:02.961 11550 11822 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:03:02.963 11550 11822 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:03:02.964 11550 11822 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:03:02.966 11550 11826 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:03:02.967 11550 11826 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:03:02.967 11550 11830 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:03:09.131 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 726 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Un.call(:355) 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:03:09.133 11550 12046 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:03:19.282 11614 11614 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-29 13:03:19.313 11614 11614 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-29 13:03:20.077 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:23.870 11614 12371 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-29 13:03:23.870 11614 12371 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-29 13:03:24.129 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:29.895 11614 11614 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.KIO4_Base64/com.KIO4_Base64.jar 04-29 13:03:29.898 11614 11614 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64.jar 04-29 13:03:29.901 11614 11614 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64.jar 04-29 13:03:31.539 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.552 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.556 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.557 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.558 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.559 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.561 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.563 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.565 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.568 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.569 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.571 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.572 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.574 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.576 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.577 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.578 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.579 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.580 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.582 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.583 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.587 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.588 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.588 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.588 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.590 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.591 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.597 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.598 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.600 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.604 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.605 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.607 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.608 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.609 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.616 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.617 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.618 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.621 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.622 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.625 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.626 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.768 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.768 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.769 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:31.769 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:32.700 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:03:40.199 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.202 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.205 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.209 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.212 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.497 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.566 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.613 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.703 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.707 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.709 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.711 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.713 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.715 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.717 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.718 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.720 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.722 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.724 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.727 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.729 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.731 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.733 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.735 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.738 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.740 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.742 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.744 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.746 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.749 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.751 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.753 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.754 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.756 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.758 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.760 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.764 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.768 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.786 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.788 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.790 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.793 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.795 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.797 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.799 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.801 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.803 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.805 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.814 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:40.819 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.005 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.006 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.018 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.019 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.034 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.035 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.051 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.053 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.067 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.069 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.084 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.086 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.101 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.103 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.655 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.657 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.849 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.851 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.854 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.855 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.859 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:41.860 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:42.147 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:42.149 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:42.326 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:42.329 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:43.498 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:43.656 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:44.264 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:44.265 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:48.611 11614 11614 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:03:48.611 11614 11614 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:03:48.611 11614 11614 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 04-29 13:03:48.613 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.369 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.377 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.379 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.380 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.381 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.382 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.383 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.384 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.384 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.384 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.385 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.386 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.387 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.389 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.391 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.393 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.394 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.395 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.396 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.397 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.397 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.398 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.399 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.400 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.401 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.402 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.403 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.404 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.406 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.407 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.410 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.411 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.412 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.413 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.414 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.414 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.414 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.414 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.415 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.416 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.417 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.418 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.419 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.420 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.422 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.423 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.424 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.425 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.427 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:53.428 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.301 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.302 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.304 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.304 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.305 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.322 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.323 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.324 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.325 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.325 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.562 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.563 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.564 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.564 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.564 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.573 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.573 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.574 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.574 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.574 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.583 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.583 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.584 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.584 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.584 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.592 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.592 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.593 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.593 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.594 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.601 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.603 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.603 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.657 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.658 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.658 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.658 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:03:54.934 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:03:54.935 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:03:54.935 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:04:02.206 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.213 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.215 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.215 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.216 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.216 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.217 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.217 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.217 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.218 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.219 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.222 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.223 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.224 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.225 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.226 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.227 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.228 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.229 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.229 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.231 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.231 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.232 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.233 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.234 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.235 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.235 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.236 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.236 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.237 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.237 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.238 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.238 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.240 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.241 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.241 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.242 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.242 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.244 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.245 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.246 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.247 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.248 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.249 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.249 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.250 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.250 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.251 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.252 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:02.253 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.272 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.272 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.274 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.275 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.275 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.531 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.532 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.534 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.535 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.535 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.810 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.810 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.815 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.816 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:03.817 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:07.844 12642 12642 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:04:07.865 12642 12642 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:04:07.867 12642 12642 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:04:07.868 12642 12642 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:04:07.870 12642 12642 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:04:07.872 12642 12642 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:04:12.410 11614 12697 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:04:12.688 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:13.296 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:13.677 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:14.056 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:14.438 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:17.092 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:17.476 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:17.856 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:18.235 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:18.617 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:29.633 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:30.011 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:30.397 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:30.777 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:31.155 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:34.445 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:34.837 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:35.340 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:35.718 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:04:36.097 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:04:45.944 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.950 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.971 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.979 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.981 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.983 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.989 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.989 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:04:45.990 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:05:05.134 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** successfully uploaded to Google Drive 04-29 13:05:05.565 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** successfully uploaded to Google Drive 04-29 13:05:24.177 12990 12990 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:05:24.178 12990 12990 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:05:24.179 12990 12990 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:05:24.180 12990 12990 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:05:24.181 12990 12990 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:05:25.493 12990 13037 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:05:26.149 12990 13113 E aqem : Sync subscriptions not available 04-29 13:05:36.303 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:36.671 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:37.127 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:37.526 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:37.860 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:39.591 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:39.976 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:40.311 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:40.746 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:41.118 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:49.126 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:49.477 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:49.896 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:50.223 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:50.618 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:52.288 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:52.725 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:05:53.058 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:53.449 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:05:53.869 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:06:09.166 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.171 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.194 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.198 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.200 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.200 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.204 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.205 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:09.205 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:06:22.729 13470 13470 E aoapp.musically: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:06:22.750 13470 13470 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:22.751 13470 13470 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:22.753 13470 13470 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:22.755 13470 13470 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:22.757 13470 13470 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:24.008 13470 13470 E flipped : init succeeded. 04-29 13:06:24.012 13470 13490 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:24.012 13470 13490 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:24.013 13470 13491 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:24.013 13470 13491 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:24.648 13470 13500 E stune : disable hyper loop on MTK devices 04-29 13:06:25.147 13470 13605 E chromium: [0429/130625.147027:ERROR:variations_seed_loader.cc(37)] Seed missing signature. 04-29 13:06:25.183 13470 13502 E byteio : <0x0,MDLJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,62>-----compiled native library Mar 29 2024 04:07:32 (**********)----- 04-29 13:06:25.183 13470 13502 E byteio : <0x0,MDLJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,72> JNI_OnLoad (result=65540) 04-29 13:06:25.190 13470 13502 E byteio : <0x0,MDLTTQuicHeJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,54>-----compiled native library Mar 29 2024 04:07:32 (**********)----- 04-29 13:06:25.190 13470 13502 E byteio : <0x0,MDLTTQuicHeJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,66> JNI_OnLoad (result=65540) 04-29 13:06:25.458 13470 13657 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:25.463 13470 13657 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:25.478 13470 13659 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:25.480 13470 13659 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:25.537 13470 13509 E HeapGCOptimizer#native: s_heap_offset512, region_space_offset:840 04-29 13:06:25.573 13470 13509 E %s sym=%x, sym_size=%d: do_hook 04-29 13:06:25.587 13470 13616 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.vivo.awarecontext.awareeventprovider 04-29 13:06:25.720 13470 13498 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key from remote settings 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = tiktok_webview_hook,bundle = hook.js 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid channel 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.TVG.LJ(SourceFile:33554559) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.LUb.LIZ(SourceFile:381) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.LUb.run(SourceFile:0) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Y.AObjectS192S0100000_10.invoke$0(SourceFile:16777222) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Y.AObjectS192S0100000_10.invoke(Unknown Source:27) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at kotlin.jvm.internal.ApS214S0100000_10.invoke$126(SourceFile:16777222) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at kotlin.jvm.internal.ApS214S0100000_10.invoke(Unknown Source:912) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.ZRS.LIZ(SourceFile:50331896) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.LJf.LJ(SourceFile:83) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.LJf.run(SourceFile:0) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at X.LY0.run(SourceFile:2) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Y.ARunnableS35S0200000_10.run$57(SourceFile:16777229) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Y.ARunnableS35S0200000_10.run(Unknown Source:302) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at com.bytedance.bpea.transmit.delegate.BPEAThread.com_bytedance_bpea_transmit_delegate_BPEAThread__run$___twin___(SourceFile:9) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at com.bytedance.bpea.transmit.delegate.BPEAThread.com_bytedance_bpea_transmit_delegate_BPEAThread_com_ss_android_ugc_aweme_lancet_RunnableGuardLancet_run(SourceFile:16777216) 04-29 13:06:25.788 13470 13702 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at com.bytedance.bpea.transmit.delegate.BPEAThread.run(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:06:25.793 13470 13509 E JitDebugInfoOptimizer: dlsym failed 04-29 13:06:25.793 13470 13509 E JitDebugInfoOptimizer: find symbol failed,system version:33 04-29 13:06:25.873 13470 13682 E aoapp.musically: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:06:25.876 13470 13682 E aoapp.musically: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:06:28.512 13803 13803 E .musically:push: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:06:28.523 13803 13803 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:28.523 13803 13803 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:28.524 13803 13803 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:28.524 13803 13803 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:28.525 13803 13803 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:28.904 13803 13803 E flipped : init succeeded. 04-29 13:06:28.904 13803 13826 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:28.905 13803 13826 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:28.905 13803 13827 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:28.905 13803 13827 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:29.244 13803 13842 E HeapGCOptimizer#native: s_heap_offset512, region_space_offset:840 04-29 13:06:29.268 13803 13842 E %s sym=%x, sym_size=%d: do_hook 04-29 13:06:29.319 13803 13881 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:29.319 13803 13881 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:29.326 13803 13883 E flipped : Attach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:29.328 13803 13883 E flipped : Detach current thread 0 04-29 13:06:29.379 13803 13842 E JitDebugInfoOptimizer: dlsym failed 04-29 13:06:29.379 13803 13842 E JitDebugInfoOptimizer: find symbol failed,system version:33 04-29 13:06:29.408 13803 13893 E chromium: [0429/130629.408462:ERROR:variations_seed_loader.cc(37)] Seed missing signature. 04-29 13:06:31.292 13470 13625 E DrmHalHidl: uuid=[edef8ba979d64ace a3c827dcd51d21ed] No supported hal instance found 04-29 13:06:31.366 13470 13625 E DrmHalAidl: Failed to get vendor from drm plugin: -1010 04-29 13:06:31.366 13470 13625 E DrmHalAidl: Failed to get description from drm plugin: -1010 04-29 13:06:31.593 13470 13478 E gcblocker: gc block end, 7883962,1964 04-29 13:06:42.673 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** successfully uploaded to Google Drive 04-29 13:06:43.165 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ******************************************************************************** successfully uploaded to Google Drive 04-29 13:06:52.053 14003 14003 E facebook.katana: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:06:52.065 14003 14003 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:52.066 14003 14003 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:52.066 14003 14003 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:52.067 14003 14003 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:52.068 14003 14003 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:06:52.321 14003 14036 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:06:52.321 14003 14036 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:06:52.321 14003 14036 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:06:52.322 14003 14036 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:06:52.323 14003 14036 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:06:52.636 14003 14024 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:06:52.770 14003 14003 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:06:52.771 14003 14003 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 556ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication 04-29 13:06:59.697 14003 14065 E fb4a.ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider: Context is null, sync db failed to initialize 04-29 13:06:59.877 14003 14101 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:06:59.880 14003 14084 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:06:59.880 14003 14101 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:06:59.881 14003 14101 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:06:59.881 14003 14093 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:06:59.882 14003 14084 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:07:05.600 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:05.994 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:06.040 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 731 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Un.call(:355) 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:07:06.041 14003 14212 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:07:06.405 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:07.757 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:12.449 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:12.913 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:13.474 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:13.946 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:17.231 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:17.235 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:17.237 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:17.239 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:17.241 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.063 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.069 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.070 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.070 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.071 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.071 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.072 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.073 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.073 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.073 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.073 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.074 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.075 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.075 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.078 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.079 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.080 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.081 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.081 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.082 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.082 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.083 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.083 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.084 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.085 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.086 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.086 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.086 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.088 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.089 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.090 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.091 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.092 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.092 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.093 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.093 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.093 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.094 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.094 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.095 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.096 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.097 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.097 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.098 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.099 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.100 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.101 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.101 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.102 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:31.103 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.099 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.100 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.101 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.102 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.102 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.115 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.116 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.117 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.117 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.118 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.131 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.132 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.133 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.133 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.133 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.145 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.145 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.146 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.147 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.147 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.158 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.159 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.160 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.160 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.160 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.232 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.233 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.233 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.234 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:32.532 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:07:32.532 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:07:32.532 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:07:44.158 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.164 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.166 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.166 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.167 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.167 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.167 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.168 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.168 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.169 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.169 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.172 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.173 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.174 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.175 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.176 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.176 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.177 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.178 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.178 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.179 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.180 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.180 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.181 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.182 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.183 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.183 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.184 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.184 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.185 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.186 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.186 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.186 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.187 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.188 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.189 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.189 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.190 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.191 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.192 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.193 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.194 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.194 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.195 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.195 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.196 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.196 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.197 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.197 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:44.198 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.167 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.167 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.170 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.170 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.171 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.374 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.374 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.376 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.376 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.377 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.595 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.596 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.600 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.601 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:45.602 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:07:54.234 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:54.621 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:55.036 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:55.459 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:59.209 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:07:59.643 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:07:59.977 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:08:00.379 11614 11614 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:08:09.932 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.937 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.938 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.939 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.939 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.940 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.940 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.941 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.941 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.941 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.941 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.942 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.943 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.944 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.946 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.947 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.948 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.948 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.949 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.949 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.950 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.950 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.951 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.951 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.952 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.953 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.953 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.954 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.955 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.956 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.957 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.958 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.959 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.959 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.960 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.960 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.960 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.960 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.961 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.962 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.963 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.964 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.965 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.966 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.967 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.968 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.969 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.970 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.971 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:09.972 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.000 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.000 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.001 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.001 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.002 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.004 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.005 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.009 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.010 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.012 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.014 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.014 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.015 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.015 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.017 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.018 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.020 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.021 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.022 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.025 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.029 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.031 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.032 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.034 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.035 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.037 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.038 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.040 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.042 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.045 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.046 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.048 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.050 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.052 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.053 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.055 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.056 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.058 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.060 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.062 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.063 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.065 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.067 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.068 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.069 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.071 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.072 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.074 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.075 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:10.077 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:11.015 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:11.016 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:11.016 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:11.017 11614 11614 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:08:11.338 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:08:11.338 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:08:11.338 11614 11614 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:09:44.985 14726 14726 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:09:45.003 14726 14726 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:09:45.005 14726 14726 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:09:45.006 14726 14726 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:09:45.007 14726 14726 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:09:45.008 14726 14726 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:44.863 14823 14823 E facebook.katana: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:10:44.877 14823 14823 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:44.878 14823 14823 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:44.879 14823 14823 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:44.880 14823 14823 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:44.881 14823 14823 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:10:45.168 14823 14876 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:10:45.169 14823 14876 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:10:45.169 14823 14876 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:10:45.173 14823 14876 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:10:45.175 14823 14876 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:10:45.317 14823 14883 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:10:45.481 14823 14823 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:10:45.482 14823 14823 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 425ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication 04-29 13:10:55.365 14823 14910 E fb4a.ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider: Context is null, sync db failed to initialize 04-29 13:10:55.572 14823 14957 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:10:55.578 14823 14955 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:10:55.578 14823 14957 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:10:55.580 14823 14935 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:10:55.580 14823 14957 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:10:55.581 14823 14935 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:11:09.162 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 737 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Un.call(:355) 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:11:09.164 14823 15036 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:14:11.866 15442 15442 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:14:11.878 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:11.880 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:11.881 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:11.882 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:11.883 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:12.018 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:12.019 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:12.034 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:12.036 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:12.045 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.047 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.155 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:12.168 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.170 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.171 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.172 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.174 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.175 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.177 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.178 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.179 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.179 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.180 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.181 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.182 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.183 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.184 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.185 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.185 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.186 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.187 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.188 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.190 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.191 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.191 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.192 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.193 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.194 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.197 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.208 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.209 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.210 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.211 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.211 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.211 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.213 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.213 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.215 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.216 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.217 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.223 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.225 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.226 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.228 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.229 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.232 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.233 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.336 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.337 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.337 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.337 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.444 15442 15442 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:14:12.450 15442 15462 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:14:12.474 15442 15492 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:14:12.643 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.646 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.647 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.649 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:12.651 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:13.147 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:18.584 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:18.588 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:18.649 4218 4411 E native : E0000 00:00:1714389258.648305 4411 mutable-lm.cc:647] The parameters are set incorrectly. 04-29 13:14:18.741 4218 4411 E native : E0000 00:00:1714389258.741480 4411 mutable-lm.cc:647] The parameters are set incorrectly. 04-29 13:14:18.828 4218 4411 E native : E0000 00:00:1714389258.828601 4411 mutable-lm.cc:647] The parameters are set incorrectly. 04-29 13:14:18.997 4218 4411 E native : E0000 00:00:1714389258.997236 4411 mutable-lm.cc:647] The parameters are set incorrectly. 04-29 13:14:18.998 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:19.001 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:19.110 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:19.113 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:20.679 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:20.680 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:25.998 15442 15442 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:14:25.998 15442 15442 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:14:25.998 15442 15442 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 04-29 13:14:25.998 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.044 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.046 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.048 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.073 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.079 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.081 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.082 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.083 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.084 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.085 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.086 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.086 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.086 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.086 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.087 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.089 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.090 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.092 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.093 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.094 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.094 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.095 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.095 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.096 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.096 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.097 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.098 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.098 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.099 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.099 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.100 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.101 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.102 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.103 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.104 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.105 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.105 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.106 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.106 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.106 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.106 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.107 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.108 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.108 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.109 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.110 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.111 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.111 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.112 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:26.113 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:27.100 15442 15442 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:14:32.051 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.052 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.053 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.070 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.073 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.074 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.074 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.075 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.075 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.076 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.076 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.076 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.077 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.078 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.080 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.081 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.082 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.082 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.083 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.083 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.085 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.085 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.086 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.087 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.087 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.087 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.088 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.089 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.090 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.090 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.090 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.091 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.091 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.092 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.092 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.093 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.093 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.094 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.095 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.095 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.095 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.096 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.097 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.098 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.099 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.099 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.100 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.100 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.101 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:32.101 15442 15442 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:42.183 15442 15668 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:14:44.440 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:14:44.844 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:14:45.337 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:14:45.716 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:14:49.670 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:14:50.101 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:14:50.482 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:14:50.867 15442 15442 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:14:54.621 15750 15750 I nes.MAMconnect2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:14:54.628 15750 15750 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:14:54.640 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:54.641 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:54.642 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:54.644 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:54.645 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:14:54.665 15750 15750 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:14:54.678 15750 15750 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:14:54.678 15750 15750 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:14:54.686 15750 15750 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:14:54.697 15750 15750 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:14:54.697 15750 15750 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2: false 04-29 13:14:54.698 15750 15750 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:14:54.702 15750 15750 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:14:54.703 15750 15750 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:14:54.703 15750 15750 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 04-29 13:14:54.703 15750 15750 I MultiDex: install: doIt = true 04-29 13:14:54.704 15750 15750 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 04-29 13:14:54.732 15750 15750 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Setting classic mode from YAIL: true 04-29 13:14:54.739 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:54.739 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:54.748 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:54.750 15750 15750 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:14:54.751 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:54.752 15750 15750 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{533f3 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 D Form : Form ACCUEIL got onCreate 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 I Form : activeForm is now ACCUEIL 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = false formName = ACCUEIL 04-29 13:14:54.753 15750 15750 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714389294753 04-29 13:14:54.754 15750 15750 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:14:54.754 15750 15750 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:14:54.755 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.757 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.829 15750 15750 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:14:54.830 15750 15750 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:14:54.833 15750 15750 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:14:54.835 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:14:54.837 15750 15775 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:14:54.838 15750 15750 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:14:54.841 15750 15750 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:14:54.841 15750 15750 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:14:54.844 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.845 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.846 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.847 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.849 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.849 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.850 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.851 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.851 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.852 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.853 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.853 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.853 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.854 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.854 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.855 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.855 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.856 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.859 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.860 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.860 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.861 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.862 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.863 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.864 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.864 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.865 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.866 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.866 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.866 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.867 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.868 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.868 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.869 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.870 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.870 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.871 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.871 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.872 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.872 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.872 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.873 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.874 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.874 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.875 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.875 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.876 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.876 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.877 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.877 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.877 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.878 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.878 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.879 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.880 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.880 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.881 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.882 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.882 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.883 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.884 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.885 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.886 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.886 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.887 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.887 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.888 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.889 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.889 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.890 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.890 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.891 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.891 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.892 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.893 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.893 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.894 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.895 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.895 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.896 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.897 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.897 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.898 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.898 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.899 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.899 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.900 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.901 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.901 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.902 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.902 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.903 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.904 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.904 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.905 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.905 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.906 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.906 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.907 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.907 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.908 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.909 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.909 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.910 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.910 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.911 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.912 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.912 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.913 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.914 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.915 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.916 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.916 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.917 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.917 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.918 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.919 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.919 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.923 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.930 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.930 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@f913c8c 04-29 13:14:54.931 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.932 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.932 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.933 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.933 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.933 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.934 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.935 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.935 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.936 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.936 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@6c53653 04-29 13:14:54.936 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.937 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.938 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.939 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.940 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.941 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.941 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.942 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.943 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.943 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.944 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.945 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.945 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.946 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.946 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.947 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.947 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.948 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.948 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.949 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.950 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.950 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.951 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.951 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.952 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.952 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.953 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.953 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.954 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.954 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.955 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.955 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.956 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.956 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.957 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.957 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.958 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.958 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.959 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.959 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.960 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.960 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.961 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.961 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.962 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.962 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.963 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.964 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.964 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.000 15750 15750 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 52 lines. 04-29 13:14:55.000 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.001 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.001 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.001 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.002 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.003 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.965 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.966 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.966 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.967 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.967 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.968 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.969 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.969 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.970 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.971 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.971 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.972 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.972 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:54.973 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:54.973 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.004 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.005 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.006 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.006 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@5247212 04-29 13:14:55.007 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.008 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.009 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.009 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.010 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.011 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.012 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.013 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.013 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.014 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.015 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.016 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.016 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.017 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.017 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.018 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.019 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.019 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.019 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@41e65d3 04-29 13:14:55.020 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.021 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.023 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.023 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.023 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.024 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.025 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.026 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.026 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.026 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@3f7c91a 04-29 13:14:55.028 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.029 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.029 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.030 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.031 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.032 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.032 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.033 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.034 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.034 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.035 15750 15750 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:14:55.036 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.041 15750 15750 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:14:55.041 15750 15750 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:14:55.043 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.044 15750 15750 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@64e8aba 04-29 13:14:55.044 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.052 15750 15778 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:14:55.054 15750 15778 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:14:55.058 15750 15778 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:14:55.058 15750 15778 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 507 04-29 13:14:55.058 15750 15778 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 259 04-29 13:14:55.063 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.064 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.065 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.066 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.067 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.073 15750 15779 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:14:55.075 15750 15779 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 2 mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:14:55.083 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.085 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.085 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.087 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.088 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.091 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.091 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.093 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.096 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.096 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.097 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.099 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.099 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.100 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.100 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.100 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.101 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.101 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.101 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.102 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.102 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.102 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.103 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.103 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.103 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.104 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.104 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.105 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.107 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 28 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@f08cc55 04-29 13:14:55.110 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@3bf166a 04-29 13:14:55.111 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.112 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.112 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.118 15750 15780 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = RM-EasterTot-012_molly.jpg 04-29 13:14:55.118 15750 15780 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = RM-EasterTot-012_molly.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:14:55.120 15750 15780 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:14:55.120 15750 15780 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 300 04-29 13:14:55.120 15750 15780 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 317 04-29 13:14:55.123 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.124 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.126 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.129 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.132 15750 15750 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@d9ad109 04-29 13:14:55.133 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.134 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:14:55.134 15750 15750 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:14:55.142 15750 15781 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = personnage-dessin-anime-jolie-fille-bloc-notes-couleur_1308-125024.jpg 04-29 13:14:55.143 15750 15781 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = personnage-dessin-anime-jolie-fille-bloc-notes-couleur_1308-125024.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:14:55.143 15750 15781 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:14:55.152 15750 15781 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:14:55.152 15750 15781 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:14:55.152 15750 15781 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 740 04-29 13:14:55.152 15750 15781 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 678 04-29 13:14:55.252 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.253 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.253 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.253 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.253 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.254 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.502 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.503 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.504 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.504 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.505 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.515 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.515 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.516 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.517 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.517 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.661 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.661 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.662 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.662 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.663 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.671 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.672 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.673 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.673 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.673 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.682 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.682 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.683 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.683 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.684 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.692 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.692 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.693 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.694 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.694 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.708 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.709 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.709 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.710 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.710 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.756 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.756 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.757 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.757 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:14:55.888 15750 15750 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:14:55.899 15750 15770 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:14:55.917 15750 15831 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:14:56.735 15750 15750 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:15:11.556 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.559 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.560 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.577 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.581 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.582 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.583 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.583 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.584 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.584 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.584 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.585 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.585 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.586 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.588 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.589 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.590 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.591 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.592 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.592 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.594 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.594 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.594 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.595 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.596 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.596 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.597 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.597 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.598 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.599 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.599 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.600 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.600 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.601 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.601 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.601 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.602 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.603 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.604 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.604 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.605 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.606 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.607 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.607 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.608 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.609 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.609 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.610 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.610 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:11.611 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.084 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.084 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.085 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.085 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.086 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.211 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.212 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.213 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.213 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.213 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.330 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.330 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.331 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.331 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:12.331 15750 15750 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:20.313 15750 15974 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:15:22.599 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:22.956 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:23.334 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:23.718 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:28.282 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:28.659 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:29.087 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:29.435 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:39.675 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:40.058 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:40.439 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:40.820 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:44.247 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:44.617 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:44.999 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:15:45.381 15750 15750 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:15:49.153 16119 16119 I nes.MAMconnect2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:15:49.161 16119 16119 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:15:49.175 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:49.176 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:49.178 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:49.179 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:49.180 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:49.201 16119 16119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:15:49.216 16119 16119 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:15:49.216 16119 16119 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:15:49.224 16119 16119 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:15:49.236 16119 16119 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:15:49.236 16119 16119 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2: false 04-29 13:15:49.237 16119 16119 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:15:49.239 16119 16119 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:15:49.240 16119 16119 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:15:49.241 16119 16119 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 04-29 13:15:49.241 16119 16119 I MultiDex: install: doIt = true 04-29 13:15:49.241 16119 16119 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 04-29 13:15:49.269 16119 16119 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Setting classic mode from YAIL: true 04-29 13:15:49.276 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:49.277 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:49.288 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:49.289 16119 16119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:15:49.291 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:49.292 16119 16119 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{533f3 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:15:49.292 16119 16119 D Form : Form ACCUEIL got onCreate 04-29 13:15:49.292 16119 16119 I Form : activeForm is now ACCUEIL 04-29 13:15:49.292 16119 16119 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:15:49.293 16119 16119 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:15:49.293 16119 16119 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = false formName = ACCUEIL 04-29 13:15:49.293 16119 16119 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714389349293 04-29 13:15:49.294 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:15:49.294 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:15:49.294 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:15:49.294 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:15:49.295 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:15:49.295 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:15:49.295 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:15:49.295 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:15:49.295 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.297 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.373 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:15:49.374 16119 16119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:15:49.378 16119 16119 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:15:49.380 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:49.380 16119 16145 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:15:49.382 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:15:49.385 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:15:49.385 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:15:49.388 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.389 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.390 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.391 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.392 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.393 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.394 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.394 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.395 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.395 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.396 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.397 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.397 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.397 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.398 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.398 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.399 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.400 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.403 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.404 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.405 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.406 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.407 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.407 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.408 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.409 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.409 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.410 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.410 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.411 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.412 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.412 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.413 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.414 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.414 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.414 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.415 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.416 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.417 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.417 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.417 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.418 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.419 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.419 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.420 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.421 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.421 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.421 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.422 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.422 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.422 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.423 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.424 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.425 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.426 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.426 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.427 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.427 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.428 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.429 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.430 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.430 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.431 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.432 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.432 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.433 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.434 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.434 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.435 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.436 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.436 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.437 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.437 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.438 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.438 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.439 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.439 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.440 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.441 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.442 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.442 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.443 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.444 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.445 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.445 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.446 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.447 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.447 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.447 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.448 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.449 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.450 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.451 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.451 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.452 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.452 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.453 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.454 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.454 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.455 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.455 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.456 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.456 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.457 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.457 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.458 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.459 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.460 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.461 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.461 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.462 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.464 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.464 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.464 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.465 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.466 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.502 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.503 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.504 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.505 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.505 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.468 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.506 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.506 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.469 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.507 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.472 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.507 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.508 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.508 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.509 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.510 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.510 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.511 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.478 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.511 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.478 16119 16119 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@f913c8c 04-29 13:15:49.479 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.480 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.481 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.481 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.481 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.482 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.483 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.483 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.513 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.514 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.484 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.514 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.485 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.515 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.485 16119 16119 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@6c53653 04-29 13:15:49.515 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.486 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.516 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.487 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.517 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.487 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.517 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.518 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.518 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.519 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.520 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.520 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.521 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.488 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.489 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.490 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.491 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.491 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.492 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.493 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.493 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.522 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.523 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.523 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.524 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.494 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.495 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.495 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.496 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.496 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.497 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.497 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.498 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.498 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.499 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.499 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:15:49.500 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.501 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:49.501 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.008 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.008 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.009 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.010 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.010 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.157 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.157 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.158 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.158 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.158 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.166 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.167 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.168 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.168 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.168 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.176 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.177 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.177 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.178 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.178 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.186 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.186 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.187 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.187 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.188 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.196 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.196 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.197 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.198 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.198 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.245 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.245 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.245 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.246 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:50.332 16119 16119 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:15:50.340 16119 16140 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:15:50.360 16119 16200 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:15:51.079 16119 16119 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:15:57.552 16230 16230 E or.aicompanion3: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:15:57.573 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:57.574 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:57.576 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:57.577 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:57.578 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:15:57.727 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:57.728 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:57.743 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:57.757 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:57.761 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:15:57.763 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.769 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.771 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.853 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.864 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.866 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.869 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.878 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.881 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.882 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.884 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.886 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.888 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.890 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.892 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.894 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.895 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.897 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.898 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.898 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.900 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.901 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.902 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.903 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.906 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.908 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.909 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.911 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.912 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.914 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.921 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:57.921 16230 16230 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:15:58.058 16230 16230 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:15:58.064 16230 16251 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:15:58.084 16230 16279 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:16:08.631 16429 16429 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:16:08.647 16429 16429 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:08.649 16429 16429 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:08.650 16429 16429 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:08.652 16429 16429 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:08.653 16429 16429 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.712 16545 16545 E .android.chrome: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:16:25.729 16545 16545 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.730 16545 16545 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.731 16545 16545 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.731 16545 16545 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.732 16545 16545 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:25.965 16545 16545 E cr_BkgrdTaskJS: Tried finishing non-current BackgroundTask. 04-29 13:16:56.146 16616 16616 E .tenda.security: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:16:56.148 16613 16613 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.152 16613 16613 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.153 16613 16613 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.155 16613 16613 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.158 16613 16613 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.170 16616 16616 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.172 16616 16616 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.174 16616 16616 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.175 16616 16616 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.177 16616 16616 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:56.712 16616 16616 E MLInitializerProvider: MLInitializerProvider Done 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: │ main, com.tenda.security.SecurityApplication.onCreate(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: ├┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: │ oncreate_application 04-29 13:16:56.749 16616 16616 E SourceFile: └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 04-29 13:16:56.908 16616 16616 E LanguageManager: set oa language error:java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.Resources android.content.Context.getResources()' on a null object reference 04-29 13:16:56.908 16616 16616 E LanguageManager: same language, ignore 04-29 13:16:56.966 16616 16616 E SGApmMonitor: 1 : false, 2 : false 04-29 13:16:57.169 16616 16703 E DownStreamHelper: ending connect ongoing, update config and do nothing then 04-29 13:16:57.173 16616 16616 E TLogHelper: printToTLog reflect e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.taobao.tao.log.TLog 04-29 13:16:57.174 16616 16616 E LK-mc-MobileTripleValueManager: getTripleValue(), context is empty 04-29 13:16:57.365 16616 16616 E BoneServiceRegistry: BoneAccountSDK/BoneUserAccount has been registered, if need to replace it, please call BoneServiceFactoryRegistry.unregister(serviceName) first 04-29 13:16:57.366 16616 16616 E AWSS-DeviceCenterGlue: start init devicecenter sdk. 04-29 13:16:57.376 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.alibaba.ailabs.tg.mtop.MtopCommonHelper 04-29 13:16:57.376 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.taobao.api.TaobaoClient 04-29 13:16:57.376 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.alibaba.ailabs.tg.mtop.MtopCommonHelper 04-29 13:16:57.377 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mtopsdk.mtop.domain.MtopRequest 04-29 13:16:57.377 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.aliyun.alink.linksdk.logextra.upload.Log2Cloud 04-29 13:16:57.377 16616 16616 E AWSS-ReflectUtils: hasClss=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ut.mini.UTAnalytics 04-29 13:16:57.395 16824 16824 E .apps.magazines: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:16:57.410 16616 16616 E MicroMsg.SDK.WXApiImplV10: register app failed for wechat app signature check failed 04-29 13:16:57.428 16824 16824 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:57.432 16824 16824 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:57.436 16824 16824 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:57.439 16824 16824 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:57.442 16824 16824 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:16:57.505 16616 16821 E jni_log : getObjectString fileIdName:productKey,error 04-29 13:16:57.506 16616 16821 E jni_log : getObjectString fileIdName:deviceName,error 04-29 13:16:57.523 16616 16875 E Push-NAccs.InAppConn_null: BaseConnection config null!! 04-29 13:16:57.524 16616 16875 E Push-NAccs.ACCSManager: old interface!!, please AccsManager.setAppkey() first! 04-29 13:16:57.568 16616 16875 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:16:57.569 16616 16875 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[] 04-29 13:16:57.590 16616 16875 E awcn.Inet64Util: startIpStackDetect ip stack:1 detectType:udp_connect 04-29 13:16:57.592 16616 16914 E awcn.SessionCenter: |[seq:[default]] onNetworkStatusChanged. networkStatus:WIFI 04-29 13:16:57.613 16616 16875 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@74a1a26] 04-29 13:16:57.613 16616 16875 E awcn.Http3ConnDetector: registerListener http3Enable:false 04-29 13:16:57.614 16616 16875 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@74a1a26, anet.channel.detect.e@de8e667] 04-29 13:16:57.614 16616 16875 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[anet.channel.SessionCenter$a@74a1a26, anet.channel.detect.e@de8e667, anet.channel.e.c@e2a8cbd] 04-29 13:16:57.617 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: initAwcn java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! 04-29 13:16:57.617 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: initAwcn java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:54) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:54) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:4) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.sendRequest(SourceFile:17) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.sendRequest(SourceFile:17) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.sendRequest(SourceFile:26) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.sendRequest(SourceFile:26) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at org.android.agoo.control.NotifManager.reportNotifyMessage(SourceFile:5) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at org.android.agoo.control.NotifManager.reportNotifyMessage(SourceFile:5) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at org.android.agoo.control.g.run(SourceFile:11) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at org.android.agoo.control.g.run(SourceFile:11) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:307) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:307) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:16:57.618 16616 16875 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:57.907 16613 16758 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:16:58.034 16613 16960 E aqem : Sync subscriptions not available 04-29 13:16:58.052 16613 16961 E aqem : Sync subscriptions not available 04-29 13:16:58.526 16616 16616 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:16:58.526 16616 16616 E anet.NetworkSdkSetting: NetworkSdkSetting init 04-29 13:16:58.526 16616 16616 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:16:58.768 16616 16616 E anet.CookieManager: CookieManager setup. cost:242 04-29 13:16:58.768 16616 16616 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:16:58.774 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo] CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:16:58.774 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_NetworkSdk: [awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo] CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security TargetProcess:com.tenda.security EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.774 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: initAwcn java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! 04-29 13:16:58.774 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: initAwcn java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.774 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:54) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:54) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.j.a(SourceFile:4) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.a(SourceFile:22) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.a(SourceFile:22) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.a(SourceFile:18) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.a(SourceFile:18) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.bindApp(SourceFile:15) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.internal.ACCSManagerImpl.bindApp(SourceFile:15) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.agoo.TaobaoRegister.register(SourceFile:20) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.agoo.TaobaoRegister.register(SourceFile:20) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.aliyun.iot.push.impl.IoTOverseasPushManager$1.run(SourceFile:7) 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.aliyun.iot.push.impl.IoTOverseasPushManager$1.run(SourceFile:7) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: 04-29 13:16:58.775 16616 17138 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: sendMessage java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: sendMessage java.lang.RuntimeException: tag not exist! EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at anet.channel.SessionCenter.getInstance(SourceFile:3) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.m.run(SourceFile:9) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at com.taobao.accs.net.m.run(SourceFile:9) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:307) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:307) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: 04-29 13:16:58.777 16616 16919 E Push-EMASNAccs_InAppConn_default: EXCEPTION: unknown 04-29 13:17:00.534 16824 17267 E .apps.magazines: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:17:00.535 16824 17267 E .apps.magazines: No package ID 79 found for ID 0x790b0007. 04-29 13:17:01.905 16616 16706 E .tenda.security: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 04-29 13:17:01.962 16616 16730 E SGApmMonitor: enable1: null, enable2: null 04-29 13:17:03.564 17549 17549 E facebook.katana: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:17:03.578 17549 17549 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:03.579 17549 17549 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:03.581 17549 17549 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:03.583 17549 17549 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:03.585 17549 17549 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:03.873 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.873 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 16ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 16ms: FirstPartyUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: FbContactsContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: FileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: FirstPartyUserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: InstallReferrerProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: AppManagerSsoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: PlatformProviderBase instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.874 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: ContactsConnectionsProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 17ms: FeO2InAppContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 16ms: UserValuesProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 16ms: SecureFileProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 20ms: InitializationProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 22ms: PhotosProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 22ms: AttributionIdProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: TamAttachmentProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: CacheProvider instantiating… 04-29 13:17:03.875 17549 17549 E SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 41ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication 04-29 13:17:03.920 17549 17614 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:17:03.920 17549 17614 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:17:03.920 17549 17614 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:17:03.927 17549 17614 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:17:03.930 17549 17614 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:17:04.095 17549 17612 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:17:08.846 17826 17826 E ecurity:channel: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:17:08.861 17826 17826 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:08.862 17826 17826 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:08.864 17826 17826 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:08.865 17826 17826 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:08.866 17826 17826 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: │ main, com.tenda.security.SecurityApplication.onCreate(SourceFile:4) 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: ├┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: │ oncreate_application 04-29 13:17:09.076 17826 17826 E SourceFile: └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 04-29 13:17:09.172 17826 17826 E LanguageManager: set oa language error:java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.Resources android.content.Context.getResources()' on a null object reference 04-29 13:17:09.172 17826 17826 E LanguageManager: same language, ignore 04-29 13:17:09.199 17826 17826 E MicroMsg.SDK.WXApiImplV10: register app failed for wechat app signature check failed 04-29 13:17:10.375 17826 17826 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security:channel TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:17:10.376 17826 17826 E awcn.StrategyCenter: registerListener listener:[] 04-29 13:17:10.392 17826 17826 E awcn.Inet64Util: startIpStackDetect ip stack:1 detectType:udp_connect 04-29 13:17:10.393 17826 17914 E awcn.SessionCenter: |[seq:[default]] onNetworkStatusChanged. networkStatus:WIFI 04-29 13:17:10.399 17826 17826 E anet.NetworkSdkSetting: NetworkSdkSetting init 04-29 13:17:10.399 17826 17826 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security:channel TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:17:10.491 17826 17826 E anet.CookieManager: CookieManager setup. cost:92 04-29 13:17:10.491 17826 17826 E awcn.GlobalAppRuntimeInfo: CurrentProcess:com.tenda.security:channel TargetProcess:com.tenda.security 04-29 13:17:10.516 17826 17863 E TLogHelper: printToTLog reflect e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.taobao.tao.log.TLog 04-29 13:17:10.516 17826 17863 E Push-NAccs.ElectionServiceImpl: getConnection channel disabled! configTag:default 04-29 13:17:10.516 17826 17863 E Push-NAccs.ElectionServiceImpl: handleStartCommand start action, no connection configTag:default 04-29 13:17:10.898 17549 17642 E fb4a.ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider: Context is null, sync db failed to initialize 04-29 13:17:11.165 17549 17658 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:17:11.167 17549 17699 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] SYSTEM_PREFETCH modules: [s_cgwebrtc_horizon(*),cgwebrtc(*),instantgamesads(*),instantgames,cgnativeplayer(*)] 04-29 13:17:11.168 17549 17658 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:17:11.169 17549 17658 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:17:11.169 17549 17705 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 1 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [papaya,papayatorch,longtail,i18n_fr_FR,s_arservicesoptional_slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch,heliumiab,nrib,slam,s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper,arservicesoptional,papayaanalyticstorch,pytorch,rtcdeps,s_papayatorch_torchedlooper] 04-29 13:17:11.170 17549 17686 E fb4a.ActionQueryTaskListener: 2 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [] 04-29 13:17:17.297 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 743 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Un.call(:355) 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:17:17.298 17549 17943 E fb4a.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:17:21.533 17826 17863 E Push-NAccs.ElectionServiceImpl: getConnection channel disabled! configTag:default 04-29 13:17:21.533 17826 17863 E Push-NAccs.ElectionServiceImpl: handleStartCommand start action, no connection configTag:default 04-29 13:17:31.270 18092 18092 E book.appmanager: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:17:31.289 18092 18092 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:31.290 18092 18092 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:31.292 18092 18092 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:31.293 18092 18092 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:31.294 18092 18092 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:17:31.545 18092 18092 E SQLiteLog: (14) cannot open file at line 39583 of [bcd014c473] 04-29 13:17:31.545 18092 18092 E SQLiteLog: (14) os_unix.c:39583: (2) open(/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb) - 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: Failed to open database '/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb'. 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: Cannot open database '/data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb' with flags 0x0: File /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/databases/androidx.work.workdb doesn't exist 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:276) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:219) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.openConnectionLocked(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:512) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.open(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:210) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.open(SQLiteConnectionPool.java:202) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openInner(SQLiteDatabase.java:1085) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.open(SQLiteDatabase.java:1065) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(SQLiteDatabase.java:956) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(SQLiteDatabase.java:903) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.common.androidx.workmanager.initializer.b.a(WorkManagerDatabase.java:22) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.app.c.a(AppManagerApplicationImpl.java:21) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.facebook.oxygen.common.e.b.d.onCreate(OxpDelegatingApplication.java:83) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1266) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7325) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2372) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8547) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:582) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.open(SQLiteConnection.java:238) 04-29 13:17:31.548 18092 18092 E SQLiteDatabase: ... 22 more 04-29 13:17:31.846 18092 18126 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: Failure decoding override info 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: X.67V: org.json.JSONException: No value for new_locale 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67U.(Unknown Source:114) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67Q.DaM(Unknown Source:51) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67D.call(Unknown Source:104) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1E6.run(Unknown Source:51) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1E9.run(Unknown Source:3) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.1EA.run(Unknown Source:14) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: Caused by: org.json.JSONException: No value for new_locale 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at org.json.JSONObject.get(JSONObject.java:398) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at org.json.JSONObject.getString(JSONObject.java:559) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: at X.67U.(Unknown Source:10) 04-29 13:18:08.781 17549 17686 E fb4a.67Q: ... 9 more 04-29 13:18:50.581 16119 16119 I Form : Form ACCUEIL got onResume 04-29 13:18:50.599 16119 16119 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3ef700000001,api:0,p:-1,c:16119) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-29 13:18:50.600 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:18:50.601 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:18:50.611 16119 16140 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1600 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=8524338838815(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=69230577844228 transform=0 04-29 13:18:50.674 16119 16119 V ImeFocusController: onWindowFocus: DecorView@3ff45db[ACCUEIL] softInputMode=STATE_HIDDEN|ADJUST_RESIZE|IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION 04-29 13:18:50.674 16119 16119 V ImeFocusController: Restarting due to isRestartOnNextWindowFocus as true 04-29 13:18:50.674 16119 16119 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=DecorView@3ff45db[ACCUEIL], mServedView=DecorView@3ff45db[ACCUEIL] 04-29 13:18:50.675 16119 16119 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=DecorView@3ff45db[ACCUEIL] next=DecorView@3ff45db[ACCUEIL] immDelegate=delegate{e8053ec displayId=0} force=true package=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:18:50.679 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:18:50.681 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:18:50.681 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:18:50.683 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:18:50.686 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:18:50.991 17549 17549 W fb4a.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:18:51.004 19076 19076 I m.facebook.orca: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:18:51.009 19076 19076 E m.facebook.orca: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:18:51.023 19076 19076 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:18:51.050 19076 19076 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:18:51.051 19076 19076 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:18:51.053 19076 19076 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:18:51.055 19076 19076 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:18:51.075 19076 19076 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10225; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:18:51.089 19076 19076 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_fb4a_stories_editor.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_i18n_fr_FR.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_1013255594.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_2090101895.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_416359002.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_compphoto_fb 04-29 13:18:51.089 19076 19076 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:18:51.167 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_fb4a_stories_editor.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.167 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_fb4a_stories_editor.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.170 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.172 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_i18n_fr_FR.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.172 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_i18n_fr_FR.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.174 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.176 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_1013255594.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.176 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_1013255594.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.178 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.179 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_2090101895.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.179 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_2090101895.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.181 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.184 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_416359002.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.184 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_416359002.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.186 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.188 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.188 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.189 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.191 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.191 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.193 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.194 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.194 19076 19076 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller.dm': No such file or directory 04-29 13:18:51.194 19076 19076 W m.facebook.orca: Entry not found 04-29 13:18:51.200 19076 19076 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/base.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_fb4a_stories_editor.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_i18n_fr_FR.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_1013255594.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_2090101895.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_416359002.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase.apk:/data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/split_s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcont 04-29 13:18:51.227 19076 19076 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'com.facebook.orca' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:18:51.228 19076 19076 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.facebook.orca: false 04-29 13:18:51.228 19076 19076 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:18:51.233 19076 19076 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource (name removed) debugBuild: false 04-29 13:18:51.238 19076 19076 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource (name removed) debugBuild: false 04-29 13:18:51.271 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Application 04-29 13:18:51.300 19076 19076 W InitStatus: Providers blocked (256376509) 04-29 13:18:51.301 19076 19076 W InitStatus: Services blocked (74661042) 04-29 13:18:51.301 19076 19076 W InitStatus: BroadcastReceivers blocked (87770115) 04-29 13:18:51.326 19076 19076 W CrashLoopRemedyLog: unable to delete remedy log, instaCrash: false 04-29 13:18:51.327 19076 19076 W CrashLoopRemedyLog: unable to delete remedy log, instaCrash: true 04-29 13:18:51.330 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.335 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.335 19076 19095 W InitStatus: Blocking Provider (256376509) 04-29 13:18:51.337 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.337 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.337 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.339 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.339 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.341 19076 19094 W OnProcessInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 42:FixArtDebugging 04-29 13:18:51.343 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSharedLibraries [*] 04-29 13:18:51.344 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess [*] 04-29 13:18:51.344 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitQuickOrder 04-29 13:18:51.345 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitQuickOrder in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.347 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.347 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.348 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.348 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.348 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.353 19076 19097 W MessengerLacrimaConfig: MessengerLacrimaConfig.earlyInit 04-29 13:18:51.357 19076 19098 W SoLoader: Initializing SoLoader: 2 04-29 13:18:51.358 19076 19098 W SoLoader: Recording new base apk path: /data/app/~~k05xCZ-1qPJvUgXCYX24Sw==/com.facebook.orca-u2gG1FGDbAgXFuPOGD5E3w==/base.apk 04-29 13:18:51.358 19076 19098 W SoLoader: Previously recorded 0 base apk paths. 04-29 13:18:51.358 19076 19097 W MessengerLacrimaConfig: Using Lacrima AddOn Config 04-29 13:18:51.358 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.369 19076 19098 W SoLoader: SoLoader initialized: 2 04-29 13:18:51.373 19076 19076 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.perf.scroll_opt.heavy_app" 04-29 13:18:51.377 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.377 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.377 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.377 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.377 19076 19076 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating ContentProvider 04-29 13:18:51.380 19076 19098 W FbSoLoader: Initialized FBSoLoader 04-29 13:18:51.381 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSharedLibraries in 38ms 04-29 13:18:51.383 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitFRay 04-29 13:18:51.383 19076 19097 W lacrima : LacrimaConfigBuilder.setUserIdActorId not called, using 0 04-29 13:18:51.383 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitFRay in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.383 19076 19097 W lacrima : LacrimaConfigBuilder.setUserIdActingAccountId not called, using 0 04-29 13:18:51.384 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitClassFailureStapler 04-29 13:18:51.384 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitClassFailureStapler in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.384 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running GeneratePerfStats [*] 04-29 13:18:51.386 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished GeneratePerfStats in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.395 19076 19076 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:18:51.397 19076 19076 W InitStatus: Blocking Service (74661042) 04-29 13:18:51.406 19076 19105 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:18:51.409 19076 19097 W lacrima : Start JavaAppDeathCrashDetector... X.0Xk 04-29 13:18:51.401 19076 19076 W AppInit1: type=1400 audit(0.0:24248): avc: denied { read } for name="zoneinfo" dev="proc" ino=4026531860 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_zoneinfo:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.413 19076 19097 W lacrima : Sending pending reports 04-29 13:18:51.414 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess in 70ms 04-29 13:18:51.416 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadLibDexLoad [*] 04-29 13:18:51.418 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReplaceDalvikBuffer 04-29 13:18:51.418 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReplaceDalvikBuffer in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.424 19076 19107 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:18:51.424 19076 19107 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:18:51.424 19076 19107 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:18:51.424 19076 19107 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:4a8400000000,api:0,p:-1,c:19076) connect: controlledByApp=true 04-29 13:18:51.435 19076 19107 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:18:51.436 19076 19107 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 04-29 13:18:51.441 19076 19076 W AppInit7: type=1400 audit(0.0:24249): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libbreakpad.so" dev="dm-41" ino=349036 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.449 19076 19076 W AppInit7: type=1400 audit(0.0:24250): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libdexload.so" dev="dm-41" ino=270894 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.459 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadLibDexLoad in 44ms 04-29 13:18:51.460 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadLibColdStart [*] 04-29 13:18:51.460 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitDeadResourceDetection 04-29 13:18:51.460 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SetupFbGlog [*] 04-29 13:18:51.460 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitDeadResourceDetection in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SetupFbGlog in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DisableRuntimeVerification [*] 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MaybeTraceColdStart [*] 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLacrimaEarlyNative 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitClassTracing 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19100 W MessengerLacrimaConfig: MessengerLacrimaConfig.earlyNativeInit 04-29 13:18:51.463 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitClassTracing in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.463 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DisableRuntimeVerification in 2ms 04-29 13:18:51.464 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadDexes [*] 04-29 13:18:51.461 19076 19076 W AppInit7: type=1400 audit(0.0:24251): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libcoldstart.so" dev="dm-41" ino=600913 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.469 19076 19114 W DexLibLoader: disabling background optimization 04-29 13:18:51.476 19076 19114 W DexLibLoader: Build id used for apk identification 04-29 13:18:51.493 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MaybeTraceColdStart in 30ms 04-29 13:18:51.513 19076 19114 W dalvik-internals: sigaction64 succeeded 04-29 13:18:51.515 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadLibColdStart in 56ms 04-29 13:18:51.515 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitJit 04-29 13:18:51.516 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitJit in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.516 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitTerminateHandler 04-29 13:18:51.517 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Found all symbols 04-29 13:18:51.517 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Suspending threads. 04-29 13:18:51.519 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Resuming threads. 04-29 13:18:51.519 19076 19114 V dalvik-internals: hooked signal using trap () 04-29 13:18:51.519 19076 19114 V dalvik-internals: hooked sigaction using trap () 04-29 13:18:51.519 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Found all symbols 04-29 13:18:51.519 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Suspending threads. 04-29 13:18:51.520 19076 19114 V dalvik-internals: Hooking function _ZN3art11annotations16GetLineNumFromPCEPKNS_7DexFileEPNS_9ArtMethodEj 04-29 13:18:51.521 19076 19114 V dalvik-internals: hooked _ZN3art11annotations16GetLineNumFromPCEPKNS_7DexFileEPNS_9ArtMethodEj using jump () 04-29 13:18:51.521 19076 19114 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Resuming threads. 04-29 13:18:51.529 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitTerminateHandler in 13ms 04-29 13:18:51.529 19076 19114 W DexLibLoader: Dexstore is using MultiDexClassLoaderJava 04-29 13:18:51.533 19076 19114 W DexLibLoader: Comparing new 1714291615456 to old 1714199042784 04-29 13:18:51.529 19076 19076 W AppInit4: type=1400 audit(0.0:24252): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libelflookuphelper.so" dev="dm-41" ino=352034 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadDexes in 71ms 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running IsolatedLongtailAppInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished IsolatedLongtailAppInit in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadVoltronModules [*] 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FreeApkZipToReduceMemoryUsage 04-29 13:18:51.535 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FreeApkZipToReduceMemoryUsage in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.536 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.537 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadVoltronModules in 2ms 04-29 13:18:51.533 19076 19076 W AppInit4: type=1400 audit(0.0:24253): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libreliabilitymerged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=490595 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:51.538 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running CreateApplicationImpl [*] 04-29 13:18:51.538 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RunOnApplicationInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.538 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitUltralight [*] 04-29 13:18:51.543 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitUltralight in 5ms 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running GatekeeperStoreInitializer [*] 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigAdminIdInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbSharedPreferenceInitializer [*] 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigSessionlessInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.545 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitExecutors [*] 04-29 13:18:51.547 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished CreateApplicationImpl in 9ms 04-29 13:18:51.547 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAppModuleFallbackLoader [*] 04-29 13:18:51.547 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 3:AnalyticsLoggerInit 04-29 13:18:51.547 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 28:EagerInitImagePipeline 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 29:EagerInitTigonLiger 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 34:Fb4aUIQREnvironment 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 35:FbMCPPluginInitializer 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 64:InitAuthentication 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 157:PreloadWordmark 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 203:ZeroABTestStaticBootstrap 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RunOnApplicationInit in 10ms 04-29 13:18:51.548 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer [*] 04-29 13:18:51.564 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer in 17ms 04-29 13:18:51.564 19076 19113 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbSharedPreferenceInitializerAsync 04-29 13:18:51.591 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAppModuleFallbackLoader in 44ms 04-29 13:18:51.591 19076 19101 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running EarliestPossibleColdStartClassPreloadStarterOrca 04-29 13:18:51.594 19076 19100 W lacrima : The minidump file is empty! 04-29 13:18:51.597 19076 19100 W lacrima : Start AnrAppDeathDetector... X.01t 04-29 13:18:51.597 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitLacrimaEarlyNative in 136ms 04-29 13:18:51.597 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessengerMCPPluginInitializer 04-29 13:18:51.605 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished GatekeeperStoreInitializer in 60ms 04-29 13:18:51.605 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AddProcessNameToErrorReport 04-29 13:18:51.607 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AddProcessNameToErrorReport in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.607 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieActivityManagerHook 04-29 13:18:51.611 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbSharedPreferenceInitializer in 65ms 04-29 13:18:51.611 19076 19102 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessengerHighPriInitializer 04-29 13:18:51.618 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigSessionlessInit in 72ms 04-29 13:18:51.618 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch [*] 04-29 13:18:51.618 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.618 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieLimitNativeStackSize 04-29 13:18:51.621 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieLimitNativeStackSize in 2ms 04-29 13:18:51.621 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieNoSync 04-29 13:18:51.621 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieNoSync in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.621 19076 19097 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLacrimaLaterInit 04-29 13:18:51.622 19076 19097 W MessengerLacrimaConfig: MessengerLacrimaConfig.laterInit 04-29 13:18:51.629 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieActivityManagerHook in 22ms 04-29 13:18:51.629 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAppChoreographer 04-29 13:18:51.635 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MessengerMCPPluginInitializer in 37ms 04-29 13:18:51.635 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ForegroundServiceTracker 04-29 13:18:51.637 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigAdminIdInit in 92ms 04-29 13:18:51.637 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild 04-29 13:18:51.641 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigInit in 96ms 04-29 13:18:51.642 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running E2EForceMobileConfigFetch [*] 04-29 13:18:51.642 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished E2EForceMobileConfigFetch in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.642 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FdidInitSync [*] 04-29 13:18:51.642 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAppChoreographer in 13ms 04-29 13:18:51.643 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigStableSpecifierInit 04-29 13:18:51.644 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild in 7ms 04-29 13:18:51.645 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DownloadedFbResources 04-29 13:18:51.645 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitExecutors in 100ms 04-29 13:18:51.645 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigStableSpecifierInit in 3ms 04-29 13:18:51.645 19076 19128 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StartupQPLInit [*] 04-29 13:18:51.645 19076 19128 W QuickPerformanceLoggerModule: Providing QPL... begin 04-29 13:18:51.646 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StringResourcesDelegate [*] 04-29 13:18:51.652 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DownloadedFbResources in 8ms 04-29 13:18:51.653 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LithoConfiguration [*] 04-29 13:18:51.658 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FdidInitSync in 16ms 04-29 13:18:51.659 19076 19098 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessengerMsysBootstrap 04-29 13:18:51.660 19076 19099 W FrscLanguagePackLoader: Loading FRSC strings for locale (fr) 04-29 13:18:51.661 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StringResourcesDelegate in 15ms 04-29 13:18:51.661 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ErrorReporterSecondaryInit 04-29 13:18:51.662 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LithoConfiguration in 7ms 04-29 13:18:51.664 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ForegroundServiceTracker in 30ms 04-29 13:18:51.664 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForEventBusRegister 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForEventBusRegister in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ErrorReporterSecondaryInit in 3ms 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAndroidX 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAndroidX in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19100 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitFury 04-29 13:18:51.665 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitGrimsey 04-29 13:18:51.666 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitGrimsey in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.669 19076 19114 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLogging 04-29 13:18:51.670 19076 19099 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister in 5ms 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMemoryDumpHandler 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19146 W msgr.FrscLanguagePackLoader: FRSC English strings buffer size - (limit : 458200, capacity : 458200) 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitFury in 9ms 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitLogging in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMemoryDumpHandler in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitPreWarmRsysEngine 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMessengerLoggers 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSystrace 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitPreWarmRsysEngine in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.675 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LanguageSwitcherCommonExInit 04-29 13:18:51.677 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMessengerLoggers in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.677 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LazyCustomErrorDataInitializer 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSystrace in 2ms 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LocationRequestDetector 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LanguageSwitcherCommonExInit in 2ms 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LocationRequestDetector in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19099 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessengerBindToFirebaseProcess 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19114 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LogController 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LazyCustomErrorDataInitializer in 1ms 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessengerInstacrashLoopBugReport 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MessengerInstacrashLoopBugReport in 0ms 04-29 13:18:51.678 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MprotectCode 04-29 13:18:51.679 19076 19100 W msgr.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MprotectCode in 0ms 04-29 13:18:52.001 19076 19207 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 145 lines. 04-29 13:18:52.001 19076 19207 W soft_error.cpp: [QuicConfigSanitizer] : keyUpdatePacketCountInterval out of bounds 04-29 13:18:52.031 19076 19138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 10225; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:18:52.034 19076 19179 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONLESS factory used for 2 param 04-29 13:18:52.046 19076 19211 D omnistore_android_logger: AlarmManager::mainLoop calling alarm callbacks. There are total 0 scheduled tasks, and about to trigger 0 tasks (first task is N/A), then sleep for 43199999 ms 04-29 13:18:52.073 19076 19144 I omnistore_android_logger: Client sending unsubscribe request for collection: messenger_contacts_android_v2:826554152_amHgCGt09ox6Q 04-29 13:18:52.076 19076 19144 I omnistore_android_logger: Client sending unsubscribe request for collection: messenger_montage_non_user:826554152_amHgCGt09ox6Q 04-29 13:18:52.077 19076 19144 I omnistore_android_logger: Client sending unsubscribe request for collection: messenger_montage_v2:826554152_amHgCGt09ox6Q 04-29 13:18:52.079 19076 19144 D omnistore_android_logger: DebouncingRateLimiter attempting event SyncProtocol::onConnectionEstablished 04-29 13:18:52.079 19076 19144 D omnistore_android_logger: Event not rate limited: SyncProtocol::onConnectionEstablished 04-29 13:18:52.079 19076 19144 D omnistore_android_logger: SyncProtocol calling onConnectionEstablished callbacks 04-29 13:18:52.079 19076 19144 D omnistore_android_logger: Removing all queue based subscriptions from rewire state 04-29 13:18:52.081 19076 19144 D omnistore_android_logger: SendQueue::onConnectionEstablished: sending 0 transaction(s) 04-29 13:18:52.081 19076 19212 D omnistore_android_logger: SubscriptionManager::onConnectionEstablished is called back 04-29 13:18:52.085 19076 19212 I omnistore_android_logger: SubscriptionManager skipping connect message. 04-29 13:18:52.159 19076 19179 W msgr.msys: Proxies already configured: null 04-29 13:18:52.405 19076 19214 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONLESS factory used for 2 param 04-29 13:18:52.617 19076 19076 W MainContext: type=1400 audit(0.0:24282): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libmessengerqpfilterdispatcherjni-merged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=571433 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:52.733 19076 19076 W CombinedTP4: type=1400 audit(0.0:24283): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libimagepipeline.so" dev="dm-41" ino=599713 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:52.809 19076 19179 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736082332.00, execute:736082236.00 device current:736082332.81 04-29 13:18:52.809 19076 19179 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH WA]WPTTimerImplScheduleSet(103)=>WPTTimerImplInMemory/negative_timer_delay current:736082332.00, execute:736081515.00 device current:736082332.81 04-29 13:18:53.762 19076 19162 W msgr.MultiSignalANRDetectorLacrima: Pausing error state checks 04-29 13:18:53.992 16119 16119 I Form : Open another screen with start value:ACTIVITES 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : startNewForm:ACTIVITES 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : StartNewForm about to JSON encode:moi 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- creating JSON representation:moi 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- got JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : StartNewForm got JSON encoding:"moi" 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : about to start new formACTIVITES 04-29 13:18:53.993 16119 16119 I Form : startNewForm starting activity:Intent { cmp=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACTIVITES (has extras) } 04-29 13:18:54.032 16119 16119 I Form : Form ACCUEIL got onPause 04-29 13:18:54.067 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.068 16119 16119 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{aba76f V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:18:54.068 16119 16119 D Form : Form ACTIVITES got onCreate 04-29 13:18:54.068 16119 16119 I Form : activeForm is now ACTIVITES 04-29 13:18:54.068 16119 16119 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:18:54.068 16119 16119 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:18:54.069 16119 16119 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = true formName = ACTIVITES 04-29 13:18:54.069 16119 16119 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714389534069 04-29 13:18:54.069 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:54.070 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:54.071 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.072 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.089 16119 16119 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:18:54.091 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.092 16119 16119 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:18:54.093 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:54.093 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:54.095 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.095 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.096 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.096 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.097 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.098 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.099 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.100 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.101 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.101 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.101 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.101 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.102 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.103 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.104 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.104 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.108 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.109 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.109 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.110 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.111 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.111 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.112 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.113 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.113 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.113 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.114 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.115 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.115 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.115 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.116 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.116 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.117 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.118 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.118 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.119 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.119 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.120 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.121 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.121 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.122 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.123 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.123 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.124 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.124 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.125 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.126 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.126 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.127 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.127 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.128 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.129 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.129 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.130 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.130 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.131 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.132 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.132 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.133 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.133 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.134 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.135 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.135 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.136 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.136 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.137 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.137 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.138 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.138 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.139 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.139 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.140 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.140 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.141 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.141 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.142 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.142 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.143 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.143 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.144 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.145 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.145 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.146 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.147 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.147 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.148 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.149 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.149 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.150 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.151 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.152 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.152 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.153 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.154 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.154 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.155 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.155 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.156 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.157 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.157 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.158 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.158 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.159 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.159 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.160 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.161 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.161 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.162 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.162 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.163 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.164 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.164 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.164 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.165 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.165 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.166 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.169 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.171 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.171 16119 16119 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@4f3ca39 04-29 13:18:54.172 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.173 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.173 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.174 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.174 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.175 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.175 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.176 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.176 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.177 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.177 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.178 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.179 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.179 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.180 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.181 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.182 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.182 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.183 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.184 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.184 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.185 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.185 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.186 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.187 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.187 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.188 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.188 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.189 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.190 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.190 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.190 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.191 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.191 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.192 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.192 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.193 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.193 16119 16119 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@1fc59ea 04-29 13:18:54.194 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.194 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.195 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.195 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.196 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.196 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.197 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.197 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.198 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.198 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.199 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.199 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.200 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.201 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.201 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.202 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.202 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.203 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.204 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.204 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.205 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.205 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.206 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.206 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.207 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.207 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.208 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.208 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.209 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.209 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.209 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.210 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.210 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.211 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.211 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.212 16119 16119 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@daa8d31 04-29 13:18:54.212 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.213 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.214 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.214 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.215 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.215 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.216 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.217 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.217 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.218 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.219 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.219 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.220 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.220 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.221 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.221 16119 16119 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:18:54.222 16119 16119 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:18:54.225 16119 16119 D SimpleBase64: SimpleBase64 Created 04-29 13:18:54.226 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:54.226 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:54.228 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:18:54.228 16119 16119 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@5eb1567 04-29 13:18:54.228 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:18:54.234 16119 19240 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:18:54.237 16119 19240 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:18:54.239 16119 19240 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:18:54.239 16119 19240 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 507 04-29 13:18:55.003 16119 16119 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 560 lines. 04-29 13:18:55.003 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@c81ab30 04-29 13:18:55.003 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@a662d2e 04-29 13:18:55.014 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@85ab406 04-29 13:18:55.014 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@92788f4 04-29 13:18:55.015 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@534028d 04-29 13:18:55.025 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@bb626bc 04-29 13:18:55.036 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@b77a8fd 04-29 13:18:55.036 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@db29843 04-29 13:18:55.037 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@4ee07f0 04-29 13:18:55.047 16119 16119 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@8965aab 04-29 13:18:55.064 16119 16119 I Form : Form ACTIVITES got onResume 04-29 13:18:55.090 16119 16119 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3ef700000002,api:0,p:-1,c:16119) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-29 13:18:55.094 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:18:55.094 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:18:55.137 16119 16140 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ACTIVITES]#2](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1600 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=8528864657354(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=69230577844235 transform=0 04-29 13:18:55.138 16119 16140 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null! 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:18:55.140 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:18:55.142 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:55.142 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:55.142 16119 16119 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:18:55.142 16119 16119 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:18:55.142 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.145 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.146 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.146 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.146 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.146 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.147 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.147 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.147 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.147 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.148 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:18:55.148 16119 16119 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:18:55.148 16119 16119 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:18:55.148 16119 16119 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:18:55.152 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:18:55.152 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:18:55.153 1636 1681 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACTIVITES: +1s156ms 04-29 13:18:55.229 16119 16119 V ImeFocusController: onWindowFocus: DecorView@3ca02ae[ACTIVITES] softInputMode=STATE_HIDDEN|ADJUST_RESIZE|IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION 04-29 13:18:55.229 16119 16119 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=DecorView@3ca02ae[ACTIVITES], mServedView=null 04-29 13:18:55.229 16119 16119 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=null next=DecorView@3ca02ae[ACTIVITES] immDelegate=delegate{e8053ec displayId=0} force=false package= 04-29 13:18:55.235 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:18:55.237 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:18:55.238 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:18:55.240 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:18:55.242 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:18:55.451 17549 17549 W fb4a.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:18:55.576 16119 16119 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-29 13:18:55.576 16119 16119 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:3ef700000001,api:0,p:-1,c:16119) disconnect 04-29 13:18:55.579 16119 16119 I Form : Form ACCUEIL got onStop 04-29 13:18:56.546 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:18:56.546 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:18:56.604 19076 19076 W msgr.InitStatus: Not blocking Service (74661042) 04-29 13:18:56.674 19076 19160 W msgr.MessengerLacrimaConfig: FbErrorReportingConfig.postStartupInit 04-29 13:18:56.697 19076 19076 W CombinedTP5: type=1400 audit(0.0:24284): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libmsysohai-jni-merged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=498736 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:56.709 19076 19076 W CombinedTP5: type=1400 audit(0.0:24285): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libmsysdgwmerged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=245276 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:56.748 16119 19291 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(90) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:18:56.838 17549 17573 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : java.io.IOException: Failed to rename file 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at X.8vt.close(Unknown Source:65) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.io.FileOutputStream.finalize(FileOutputStream.java:508) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:339) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.processReference(Daemons.java:324) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:300) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:145) 04-29 13:18:56.839 17549 17573 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:18:56.954 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.browser.lite.BrowserLiteIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.955 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.browser.lite.BrowserLiteInMainProcessIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.955 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.contacts.service.ContactLocaleChangeService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.955 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.messaging.livelocation.bindings.MessengerLiveLocationBooterService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.955 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.956 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.registration.RegistrarHelperService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.957 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.appcomponentmanager.AppComponentManagerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.957 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.common.dextricks.DexOptimization$Service is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.957 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.common.dextricks.DexOptimizationJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.957 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceJobIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.googleplay.GooglePlayInstallRefererService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.messaging.universallinks.receiver.InstallReferrerFetchJobIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.orca.notify.MessagesNotificationService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.oxygen.preloads.sdk.firstparty.managedappcache.IsManagedAppCacheJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.mqtt.service.MqttPushHelperService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.papaya.fb.messenger.MessengerPapayaExecutionJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.messaging.prefs.notifications.NotificationPrefsSyncService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.reportaproblem.base.bugreport.BugReportUploadService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.adm.ADMService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.adm.ADMBroadcastReceiverJobBase is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.958 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.adm.ADMJobIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.959 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.negativefeedback.PushNegativeFeedbackFbJobIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.959 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.analytics2.logger.service.LollipopUploadSafeService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.959 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.959 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.fbpushdata.common.FbPushDataHandlerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.959 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.delayedworker.DelayedWorkerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.960 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.push.fcm.FcmRegistrarFbJobIntentService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.960 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.voltron.download.scheduledinstaller.OxygenScheduledInstallerJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.960 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.960 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:56.960 19076 19159 W msgr.ServiceInfoParser: X.3AK: Service com.facebook.videolite.api.jobscheduler.UploadJobSchedulerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 04-29 13:18:57.021 19076 19159 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 04-29 13:18:57.023 19076 19144 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 04-29 13:18:57.028 19076 19159 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 04-29 13:18:57.029 19076 19144 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 04-29 13:18:57.057 19076 19076 W CombinedTP7: type=1400 audit(0.0:24286): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libnative_memdump.so" dev="dm-41" ino=360084 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.078 19076 19306 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 04-29 13:18:57.092 19076 19155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10225; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:18:57.104 19076 19076 W msgr.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:18:57.111 19076 19308 E msgr.BackgroundLocationManager: PERMISSION_DENIED 04-29 13:18:57.151 19076 19155 W msgr.lacrima: Cannot find registered detector 04-29 13:18:57.193 19076 19076 W msgr.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:18:57.285 19076 19076 W CombinedTP7: type=1400 audit(0.0:24287): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libmodelsmerged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=599664 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.302 19076 19306 W ModelLoader.cpp: Require to load PyTorch voltron module 04-29 13:18:57.309 19076 19306 W ModelLoader.cpp: Require to load PyTorch voltron module 04-29 13:18:57.314 19076 19306 W ModelLoader.cpp: Require to load PyTorch voltron module 04-29 13:18:57.321 19076 19084 I m.facebook.orca: Compiler allocated 4697KB to compile void X.28R.run() 04-29 13:18:57.333 19076 19076 W CombinedTP6: type=1400 audit(0.0:24288): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libsecurityhooks-jni.so" dev="dm-41" ino=316117 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.345 19076 19209 W msgr.SyncInitializer: Start regular sync initialization 04-29 13:18:57.353 19076 19076 W CombinedTP6: type=1400 audit(0.0:24289): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libreliablemediamonitor.so" dev="dm-41" ino=488752 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.370 19076 19076 W msgr.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:18:57.370 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.370 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.370 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.370 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.377 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.380 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: Invalid param type used for: L332:237 04-29 13:18:57.384 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: Invalid param type used for: L332:482 04-29 13:18:57.384 19076 19155 W msgr.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONBASED factory used for 4 param 04-29 13:18:57.385 19076 19076 W CombinedTP3: type=1400 audit(0.0:24290): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libmediacodechooks_jni.so" dev="dm-41" ino=600964 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.405 19076 19313 W MediaCodec-JNI: pid:19076,client name:com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.419 19076 19144 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:18:57.422 19076 19319 E msgr.ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete [true,false,] FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD modules: [fb4a_stories_editor,effects,s_416359002,s_compphoto_fb4a_stories_editor,longtail,s_1013255594,i18n_fr_FR,s_2090101895,s_fb4a_stories_editor_fb4a_stories_homebase,s_fb4a_stories_editor_supmediastreamcontroller] 04-29 13:18:57.430 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 04-29 13:18:57.430 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 04-29 13:18:57.431 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 04-29 13:18:57.431 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 04-29 13:18:57.431 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 04-29 13:18:57.431 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 04-29 13:18:57.432 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ra 04-29 13:18:57.432 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ra 04-29 13:18:57.432 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 04-29 13:18:57.432 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 04-29 13:18:57.432 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape 04-29 13:18:57.433 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 04-29 13:18:57.433 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape 04-29 13:18:57.433 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 04-29 13:18:57.433 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/adpcm 04-29 13:18:57.433 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-adpcm 04-29 13:18:57.434 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/pcm 04-29 13:18:57.434 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/pcm 04-29 13:18:57.434 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dsd 04-29 13:18:57.434 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dsd 04-29 13:18:57.435 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rv 04-29 13:18:57.436 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rv 04-29 13:18:57.436 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 04-29 13:18:57.436 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv2 04-29 13:18:57.437 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 04-29 13:18:57.437 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv2 04-29 13:18:57.437 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx3 04-29 13:18:57.437 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx3 04-29 13:18:57.438 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/flv1 04-29 13:18:57.438 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-flv 04-29 13:18:57.438 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/flv1 04-29 13:18:57.439 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-flv 04-29 13:18:57.439 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mjpeg 04-29 13:18:57.439 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-motion-jpeg 04-29 13:18:57.440 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mjpeg 04-29 13:18:57.440 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-motion-jpeg 04-29 13:18:57.441 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima 04-29 13:18:57.441 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima 04-29 13:18:57.441 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms 04-29 13:18:57.441 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms 04-29 13:18:57.441 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 04-29 13:18:57.442 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 04-29 13:18:57.442 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape 04-29 13:18:57.443 19076 19313 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape 04-29 13:18:57.452 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 04-29 13:18:57.453 19076 19313 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 04-29 13:18:57.463 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName: name c2.mtk.avc.decoder 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19313 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: mIsVivoLogEnable = 0 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] init: CCodec 0xb400007c00bb5510, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19313 W MediaCodec: (0xb400007c80be3a70)process Name is:com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.467 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 1 04-29 13:18:57.468 19076 19326 D CCodec : allocate(c2.mtk.avc.decoder) 04-29 13:18:57.470 19076 19326 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" "vivocodec" 04-29 13:18:57.473 19076 19326 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 04-29 13:18:57.486 19076 19326 I CCodec : Created component [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] 04-29 13:18:57.486 19076 19326 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007c40b7b4f0] setComponent: mName c2.mtk.avc.decoder#738, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007c40b7b958 04-29 13:18:57.486 19076 19326 I CCodecBufferChannel: is C2 video Decoder,enable buffermanager timeOut. 04-29 13:18:57.486 19076 19326 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.mtk.avc.decoder#738] enable=0 04-29 13:18:57.487 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/avc 04-29 13:18:57.494 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 04-29 13:18:57.495 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 04-29 13:18:57.495 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.496 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.496 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.496 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.497 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.500 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 04-29 13:18:57.504 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.504 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.crop (0xd2001801) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.504 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.504 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.505 19076 19326 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 17 values (BAD_INDEX) 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20495 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20481 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/avc" 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 12 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 239 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 319 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.x = 0 04-29 13:18:57.506 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-s 04-29 13:18:57.507 19076 19326 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 04-29 13:18:57.507 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 2 04-29 13:18:57.509 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: mInitName[c2.mtk.avc.decoder], mMediacodec[0xb400007c80be3a70], mCodec[0xb400007c00bb5510], mBufferChannel[0xb400007c40b7b4f0] 04-29 13:18:57.509 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: createbyComponent:pid:-1 19076 tid=19313 04-29 13:18:57.511 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] release 04-29 13:18:57.512 19076 19325 I MediaCodec: ++kWhatRelease mState :2 04-29 13:18:57.512 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 10 04-29 13:18:57.514 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] kWhatReleaseCompleted 04-29 13:18:57.514 19076 19326 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 04-29 13:18:57.514 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 0 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0xb400007c40b79b30 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: mIsVivoLogEnable = 0 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] init: CCodec 0xb400007c00bb5510, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007c40b79b30 04-29 13:18:57.517 19076 19313 W MediaCodec: (0xb400007c80be3a70)process Name is:com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.518 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 1 04-29 13:18:57.518 19076 19326 D CCodec : allocate(c2.mtk.avc.decoder) 04-29 13:18:57.521 19076 19326 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 04-29 13:18:57.530 19076 19326 I CCodec : Created component [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] 04-29 13:18:57.530 19076 19326 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007c40b79b30] setComponent: mName c2.mtk.avc.decoder#267, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007c40b79f98 04-29 13:18:57.530 19076 19326 I CCodecBufferChannel: is C2 video Decoder,enable buffermanager timeOut. 04-29 13:18:57.530 19076 19326 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.mtk.avc.decoder#267] enable=0 04-29 13:18:57.531 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/avc 04-29 13:18:57.537 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 04-29 13:18:57.538 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 04-29 13:18:57.539 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.539 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.539 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.539 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.540 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.542 19076 19326 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 04-29 13:18:57.546 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.546 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.crop (0xd2001801) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.546 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.546 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already supported 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 17 values (BAD_INDEX) 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20495 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20481 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/avc" 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 12 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 239 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 319 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.x = 0 04-29 13:18:57.548 19076 19326 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-s 04-29 13:18:57.549 19076 19326 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 04-29 13:18:57.549 19076 19325 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be3a70] setState: 2 04-29 13:18:57.550 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: mInitName[c2.mtk.avc.decoder], mMediacodec[0xb400007c80be3a70], mCodec[0xb400007c00bb5510], mBufferChannel[0xb400007c40b79b30] 04-29 13:18:57.552 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName: name c2.android.aac.decoder 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19313 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: mIsVivoLogEnable = 0 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] init: CCodec 0xb400007c00bb8990, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19313 W MediaCodec: (0xb400007c80be5a90)process Name is:com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.554 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 1 04-29 13:18:57.555 19076 19348 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.aac.decoder) 04-29 13:18:57.557 19076 19348 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 04-29 13:18:57.564 19076 19348 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.aac.decoder] 04-29 13:18:57.564 19076 19348 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007c40b7b4f0] setComponent: mName c2.android.aac.decoder#327, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007c40b7b958 04-29 13:18:57.564 19076 19348 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.android.aac.decoder#327] enable=0 04-29 13:18:57.565 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm 04-29 13:18:57.569 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 04-29 13:18:57.570 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 04-29 13:18:57.570 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.571 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.571 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.571 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.572 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 20 values (BAD_INDEX) 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.aac-packaging.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.album-mode.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.attenuation-factor.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.boost-factor.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.compression-mode.value = 3 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.effect-type.value = 3 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.encoded-level.value = 0.25 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.reference-level.value = -16 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 8192 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/mp4a-latm" 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 2 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float output.drc.output-loudness.value = 0.25 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-mask.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-channel-count.value = 8 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 04-29 13:18:57.577 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: } 04-29 13:18:57.578 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 2 04-29 13:18:57.578 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: mInitName[c2.android.aac.decoder], mMediacodec[0xb400007c80be5a90], mCodec[0xb400007c00bb8990], mBufferChannel[0xb400007c40b7b4f0] 04-29 13:18:57.578 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: createbyComponent:pid:-1 19076 tid=19313 04-29 13:18:57.578 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] [c2.android.aac.decoder] release 04-29 13:18:57.579 19076 19348 I MediaCodec: ++kWhatRelease mState :2 04-29 13:18:57.579 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 10 04-29 13:18:57.580 19076 19348 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 04-29 13:18:57.580 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] [c2.android.aac.decoder] kWhatReleaseCompleted 04-29 13:18:57.580 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 0 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0xb400007c40b7eee0 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: mIsVivoLogEnable = 0 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0xb400007c40b7b4f0 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] init: CCodec 0xb400007c00bb8990, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007c40b7eee0 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19313 W MediaCodec: (0xb400007c80be5a90)process Name is:com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 1 04-29 13:18:57.583 19076 19348 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.aac.decoder) 04-29 13:18:57.586 19076 19348 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 04-29 13:18:57.590 19076 19348 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.aac.decoder] 04-29 13:18:57.590 19076 19348 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007c40b7eee0] setComponent: mName c2.android.aac.decoder#268, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007c40b7f348 04-29 13:18:57.590 19076 19348 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.android.aac.decoder#268] enable=0 04-29 13:18:57.590 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm 04-29 13:18:57.595 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 04-29 13:18:57.596 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 04-29 13:18:57.597 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.597 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.598 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.598 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.599 19076 19348 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 20 values (BAD_INDEX) 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.aac-packaging.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.album-mode.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.attenuation-factor.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.boost-factor.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.compression-mode.value = 3 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coding.drc.effect-type.value = 3 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.encoded-level.value = 0.25 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.drc.reference-level.value = -16 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 8192 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/mp4a-latm" 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 2 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::float output.drc.output-loudness.value = 0.25 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-mask.value = 0 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-channel-count.value = 8 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 04-29 13:18:57.605 19076 19348 D CCodecConfig: } 04-29 13:18:57.606 19076 19348 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007c80be5a90] setState: 2 04-29 13:18:57.606 19076 19313 D MediaCodec: mInitName[c2.android.aac.decoder], mMediacodec[0xb400007c80be5a90], mCodec[0xb400007c00bb8990], mBufferChannel[0xb400007c40b7eee0] 04-29 13:19:00.182 16119 19291 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(146) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:00.779 19076 19327 D CCodecBufferChannel: elapsed: mInputMetEos 0, hasPendingOutputsInClient 1, n 0 04-29 13:19:00.779 19076 19327 D PipelineWatcher: [0xb400007c40b79f98] elapsed: mFramesInPipeline 0, n 0 04-29 13:19:00.779 19076 19327 D CCodecBufferChannel: elapsed: mInputMetEos 0, hasPendingOutputsInClient 1, n 0 04-29 13:19:00.780 19076 19327 D PipelineWatcher: [0xb400007c40b7f348] elapsed: mFramesInPipeline 0, n 0 04-29 13:19:00.948 16119 19358 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:00.992 16119 19358 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(154) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:01.711 16119 19358 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(157) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:01.873 19076 19086 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: X.05X 04-29 13:19:01.878 19076 19087 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-19076-0](id:4a8400000000,api:0,p:-1,c:19076) disconnect 04-29 13:19:01.878 19076 19087 W System : A resource failed to call close. 04-29 13:19:01.878 19076 19087 W System : A resource failed to call close. 04-29 13:19:01.879 19076 19087 W msgr.3vd: AsyncDrawable with id: 2132475934 (******************************************************* wasn't hidden before it was GC'd. Please call setVisible(false, ___ ) in View.onDetachedFromWindow() 04-29 13:19:01.879 19076 19087 W msgr.3vd: AsyncDrawable with id: 2132475935 (******************************************************* wasn't hidden before it was GC'd. Please call setVisible(false, ___ ) in View.onDetachedFromWindow() 04-29 13:19:01.880 19076 19087 W msgr.3vd: AsyncDrawable with id: 2132475933 (******************************************************* wasn't hidden before it was GC'd. Please call setVisible(false, ___ ) in View.onDetachedFromWindow() 04-29 13:19:01.880 19076 19087 W msgr.3vd: AsyncDrawable with id: 2132475936 (******************************************************* wasn't hidden before it was GC'd. Please call setVisible(false, ___ ) in View.onDetachedFromWindow() 04-29 13:19:03.130 16119 19358 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:03.130 16119 19358 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:03.135 16119 19358 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:19:03.138 16119 19358 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b18da2000 length 1044413 04-29 13:19:03.140 16119 19358 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b18da2000 size 1046656 04-29 13:19:03.137 16119 16119 W Thread-62: type=1400 audit(0.0:24291): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:03.145 16119 19358 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:03.147 16119 19358 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:03.141 16119 16119 W Thread-62: type=1400 audit(0.0:24292): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:03.186 16119 19358 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:03.200 16119 19369 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:03.597 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 762 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got RemoteException 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at X.0Lt.call(:363) 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 04-29 13:19:03.598 19076 19310 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:05.038 16119 19369 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:05.039 16119 19369 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:05.058 16119 19369 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b189b2000 length 2050276 04-29 13:19:05.065 16119 19369 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b189b2000 size 2052480 04-29 13:19:05.061 16119 16119 W Thread-63: type=1400 audit(0.0:24293): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:05.068 16119 19369 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:05.065 16119 16119 W Thread-63: type=1400 audit(0.0:24294): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:05.070 16119 19369 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:05.131 16119 19369 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:05.148 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 19377 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:05.402 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.418 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.423 16119 19378 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:05.773 16119 19378 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:05.774 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.791 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:05.792 16119 19381 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(163) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:06.153 16119 19381 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:06.154 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.171 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.173 16119 19382 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(178) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:06.313 19076 19076 W Analytics-Micro: type=1400 audit(0.0:24295): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.facebook.orca/lib-compressed/libchipsetmerged.so" dev="dm-41" ino=601545 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c225,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.facebook.orca 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:06.534 16119 19382 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:06.535 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.571 16119 19387 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:06.572 16119 19387 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(181) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:06.575 4218 4218 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():73 initialize... 04-29 13:19:06.584 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onContentChanged():72 onContentChanged() 04-29 13:19:06.586 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onContentChanged():159 onContentChanged() 04-29 13:19:06.592 4218 4218 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():83 initialize...done 04-29 13:19:06.602 4218 6103 I AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession():139 com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier@f621ce4 is created 04-29 13:19:08.132 16119 19387 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:08.133 16119 19387 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:08.139 16119 19387 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b186bb000 length 1044413 04-29 13:19:08.141 16119 19387 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b186bb000 size 1046656 04-29 13:19:08.137 16119 16119 W Thread-68: type=1400 audit(0.0:24296): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:08.144 16119 19387 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:08.141 16119 16119 W Thread-68: type=1400 audit(0.0:24297): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:08.146 16119 19387 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:08.172 16119 19387 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:08.186 16119 19394 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:09.392 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:09.393 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:09.393 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:09.393 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:09.973 16119 19394 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:09.974 16119 19394 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:09.995 16119 19394 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b18417000 length 2050276 04-29 13:19:09.997 16119 16119 W Thread-69: type=1400 audit(0.0:24298): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:10.001 16119 19394 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b18417000 size 2052480 04-29 13:19:10.001 16119 16119 W Thread-69: type=1400 audit(0.0:24299): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:10.004 16119 19394 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:10.006 16119 19394 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:10.055 16119 19394 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:10.069 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:10.370 16119 19401 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:10.371 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.387 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.391 16119 19411 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(154) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:10.715 16119 19411 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:10.716 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.733 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:10.734 16119 19414 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:11.094 16119 19414 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:11.095 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:11.114 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:11.115 16119 19415 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(163) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 19415 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:11.522 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:11.523 16119 16119 I Choreographer: Skipped 635 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-29 13:19:11.525 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:19:11.525 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:19:11.578 16119 19285 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=10637ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1411202, IntendedVsync=8534652264455, Vsync=8545235598000, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=8545251454816, AnimationStart=8545251461662, PerformTraversalsStart=8545251464047, DrawStart=8545258050816, FrameDeadline=8534672264455, FrameInterval=8545251217662, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=8545261572355, SyncStart=8545261858201, IssueDrawCommandsStart=8545266277585, SwapBuffers=8545281921355, FrameCompleted=8545289624047, DequeueBufferDuration=122153, QueueBufferDuration=1900077, GpuCompleted=8545289624047, SwapBuffersCompleted=8545287492124, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=8545281921355, 04-29 13:19:11.597 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-29 13:19:11.604 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-29 13:19:11.695 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():326 importRecords() : Canceled 04-29 13:19:11.699 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-29 13:19:11.703 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [0,0] 04-29 13:19:11.703 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onImportFinished():256 onImportFinished() : Result = 0 : Count = 0 04-29 13:19:14.265 16119 19285 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:19:14.315 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:14.316 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:14.316 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:14.316 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:14.733 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:14.761 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:14.761 16119 19285 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:19:17.803 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:19:17.804 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:19:20.401 16119 19425 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:20.406 16119 19425 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:21.770 16119 16135 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:19:22.012 16119 19425 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:22.013 16119 19425 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:22.018 16119 19425 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b16e26000 length 1044413 04-29 13:19:22.018 16119 19425 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b16e26000 size 1046656 04-29 13:19:22.013 16119 16119 W Thread-75: type=1400 audit(0.0:24300): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:22.020 16119 19425 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:22.017 16119 16119 W Thread-75: type=1400 audit(0.0:24301): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:22.021 16119 19425 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:22.042 16119 19425 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:22.051 16119 19436 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:23.404 16119 16135 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:19:24.040 16119 19436 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:24.041 16119 19436 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:24.062 16119 19436 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7a9050c000 length 2050276 04-29 13:19:24.068 16119 19436 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7a9050c000 size 2052480 04-29 13:19:24.065 16119 16119 W Thread-76: type=1400 audit(0.0:24302): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:24.071 16119 19436 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:24.074 16119 19436 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:24.069 16119 16119 W Thread-76: type=1400 audit(0.0:24303): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:24.143 16119 19436 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:24.160 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 19447 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:24.396 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.407 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.411 16119 19448 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(155) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:24.773 16119 19448 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:24.774 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.790 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:24.791 16119 19451 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(161) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 19451 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:25.157 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.174 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.175 16119 19452 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(176) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:25.244 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:25.244 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:25.244 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:25.456 17549 17549 W fb4a.AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Service 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:25.532 16119 19452 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:25.533 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.562 16119 19458 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:25.564 16119 19458 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(181) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:26.775 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:26.930 16119 19458 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:26.930 16119 19458 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:26.934 16119 19458 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b16e26000 length 1044413 04-29 13:19:26.935 16119 19458 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b16e26000 size 1046656 04-29 13:19:26.929 16119 16119 W Thread-81: type=1400 audit(0.0:24304): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:26.936 16119 19458 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:26.933 16119 16119 W Thread-81: type=1400 audit(0.0:24305): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:26.938 16119 19458 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:26.966 16119 19458 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:26.980 16119 19464 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:19:28.722 16119 19464 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:28.723 16119 19464 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:19:28.737 16119 19464 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7a9050c000 length 2050276 04-29 13:19:28.743 16119 19464 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7a9050c000 size 2052480 04-29 13:19:28.741 16119 16119 W Thread-82: type=1400 audit(0.0:24306): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:28.746 16119 19464 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:19:28.741 16119 16119 W Thread-82: type=1400 audit(0.0:24307): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:28.748 16119 19464 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:19:28.817 16119 19464 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:19:28.834 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 19470 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:28.995 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.004 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.009 16119 19471 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 19471 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:29.332 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.345 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.347 16119 19475 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(155) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:29.715 16119 19475 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:29.716 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.733 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:29.734 16119 19476 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(161) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:19:29.819 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:29.819 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:29.819 16119 16131 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:19:30.092 16119 19476 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:19:30.093 16119 16119 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:19:30.104 16119 16119 I Choreographer: Skipped 582 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-29 13:19:30.106 16119 16119 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:19:30.106 16119 16119 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:19:30.126 16119 16119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 163400105; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:19:30.143 16119 19474 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=9736ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1412152, IntendedVsync=8554120259873, Vsync=8563828478489, InputEventId=65132213, HandleInputStart=8563832244740, AnimationStart=8563832249048, PerformTraversalsStart=8563832336740, DrawStart=8563836848125, FrameDeadline=8554140259873, FrameInterval=8563832131817, FrameStartTime=16680788, SyncQueued=8563839171125, SyncStart=8563839279510, IssueDrawCommandsStart=8563839933663, SwapBuffers=8563849718279, FrameCompleted=8563856664740, DequeueBufferDuration=63693, QueueBufferDuration=715076, GpuCompleted=8563856664740, SwapBuffersCompleted=8563851628971, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=8563849718279, 04-29 13:19:30.268 16119 16126 I nes.MAMconnect2: Thread[5,tid=16126,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400007ca0b49b20,peer=0x12f01228,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-29 13:19:30.269 16119 16126 I nes.MAMconnect2: 04-29 13:19:30.446 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:30.463 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:30.885 16119 16126 I nes.MAMconnect2: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-29 13:19:31.822 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.842 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.875 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.892 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.924 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.942 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.959 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:31.992 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.075 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.092 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.142 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.174 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.193 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.342 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.393 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.425 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.442 16119 16145 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:19:32.761 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: Thread[6,tid=4230,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400007ca0b54200,peer=0x138c08d8,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-29 13:19:32.762 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: 04-29 13:19:34.566 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-29 13:19:35.940 16119 16119 I Form : Form ACTIVITES got onPause 04-29 13:19:36.155 19519 19519 I nes.MAMconnect2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:19:36.161 19519 19519 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:19:36.174 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:19:36.175 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:19:36.177 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:19:36.178 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:19:36.179 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:19:36.215 19519 19519 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:19:36.226 19519 19519 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:36.226 19519 19519 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:19:36.239 19519 19519 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:19:36.252 19519 19519 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:19:36.252 19519 19519 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2: false 04-29 13:19:36.252 19519 19519 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:19:36.255 19519 19519 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:19:36.256 19519 19519 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:19:36.257 19519 19519 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 04-29 13:19:36.257 19519 19519 I MultiDex: install: doIt = true 04-29 13:19:36.257 19519 19519 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 04-29 13:19:36.291 19519 19519 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Setting classic mode from YAIL: true 04-29 13:19:36.298 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:19:36.299 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:19:36.313 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:19:36.314 19519 19519 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:19:36.316 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:19:36.317 19519 19519 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{533f3 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 D Form : Form ACCUEIL got onCreate 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 I Form : activeForm is now ACCUEIL 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = false formName = ACCUEIL 04-29 13:19:36.318 19519 19519 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714389576318 04-29 13:19:36.319 19519 19519 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:19:36.319 19519 19519 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:19:36.320 19519 19519 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:19:36.322 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.323 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.401 19519 19519 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:19:36.402 19519 19519 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:19:36.405 19519 19519 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:19:36.407 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:19:36.409 19519 19540 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:19:36.410 19519 19519 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:19:36.412 19519 19519 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:19:36.413 19519 19519 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:19:36.416 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.417 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.418 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.419 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.420 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.421 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.422 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.423 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.423 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.424 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.425 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.426 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.426 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.426 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.427 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.427 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.428 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.429 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.433 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.434 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.435 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.436 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.437 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.438 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.438 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.439 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.440 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.441 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.441 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.442 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.443 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.444 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.445 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.445 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.446 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.447 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.447 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.448 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.449 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.449 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.450 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.451 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.452 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.452 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.453 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.454 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.455 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.455 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.455 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.455 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.456 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.457 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.457 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.458 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.459 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.459 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.460 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.461 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.461 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.462 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.463 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.464 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.465 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.466 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.466 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.467 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.468 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.469 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.469 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.470 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.471 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.471 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.472 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.473 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.473 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.474 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.475 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.475 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.476 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.476 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.477 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.478 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.478 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.479 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.479 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.480 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.480 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.481 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.481 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.482 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.483 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.483 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.484 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.485 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.485 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.486 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.486 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.487 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.487 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.488 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.489 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.489 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.490 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.490 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.491 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.492 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.492 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.493 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.494 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.495 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.496 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.497 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.498 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.498 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.499 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.499 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.501 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.501 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.505 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.510 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.510 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@f913c8c 04-29 13:19:36.512 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.513 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.513 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.513 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.513 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.514 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.515 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.516 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.517 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.517 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.517 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@6c53653 04-29 13:19:36.518 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.519 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.520 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.521 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.522 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.523 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.524 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.525 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.526 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.527 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.528 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.529 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.530 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.530 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.531 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.532 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.532 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.533 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.534 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.535 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.535 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.536 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.537 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.538 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.538 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.539 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.540 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.540 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.541 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.542 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.543 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.544 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.544 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.545 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.546 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.547 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.548 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.548 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.549 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.550 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.551 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.551 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.552 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.553 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.553 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.554 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.555 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.555 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.556 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.557 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.557 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.558 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.559 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.559 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.560 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.561 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.562 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.563 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.564 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.565 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.565 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.566 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:36.567 19519 19519 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:19:36.567 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.000 19519 19519 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 279 lines. 04-29 13:19:37.000 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.001 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.008 19519 19560 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:19:37.008 19519 19560 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.010 19519 19560 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.011 19519 19560 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:19:37.011 19519 19560 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:19:37.014 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.016 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.017 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.018 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.019 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.020 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.021 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.021 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.028 19519 19561 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = programme-du-jour.png 04-29 13:19:37.029 19519 19561 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = programme-du-jour.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.032 19519 19561 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.032 19519 19561 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 400 04-29 13:19:37.032 19519 19561 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 134 04-29 13:19:37.036 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.036 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.038 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.039 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.039 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.040 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.041 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.043 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.044 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.045 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.046 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.046 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.047 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.049 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.049 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.050 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.052 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.053 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.054 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.054 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.056 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.057 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.057 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.058 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.059 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.060 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.062 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.063 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.064 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.064 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.065 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.066 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.066 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.067 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.069 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.070 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.071 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.072 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.072 19519 19519 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@87e2efb 04-29 13:19:37.073 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.074 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.074 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.075 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.081 19519 19563 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-29 13:19:37.082 19519 19563 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.084 19519 19563 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.084 19519 19563 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:19:37.084 19519 19563 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:19:37.093 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.094 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.095 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.101 19519 19564 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-29 13:19:37.102 19519 19564 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.103 19519 19564 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.103 19519 19564 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-29 13:19:37.103 19519 19564 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-29 13:19:37.106 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.108 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.112 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.113 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.116 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.118 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.119 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.121 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.122 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.123 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.124 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.130 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@a15c5a9 04-29 13:19:37.145 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@f913c8c 04-29 13:19:37.146 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.149 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.151 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.152 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.154 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.155 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.156 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.157 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.158 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@e4694b6 04-29 13:19:37.163 19519 19519 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@6c53653 04-29 13:19:37.164 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.164 19519 19519 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@fb79b90 04-29 13:19:37.165 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.166 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.167 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.167 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.172 19519 19565 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-29 13:19:37.173 19519 19565 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.174 19519 19565 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.174 19519 19565 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-29 13:19:37.174 19519 19565 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-29 13:19:37.177 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.179 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.180 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.186 19519 19566 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:19:37.186 19519 19566 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.188 19519 19566 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.188 19519 19566 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:19:37.188 19519 19566 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:19:37.192 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.193 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.195 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.197 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.198 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.199 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.199 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.208 19519 19567 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = horloge.jpg 04-29 13:19:37.209 19519 19567 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = horloge.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.211 19519 19567 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.211 19519 19567 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 473 04-29 13:19:37.211 19519 19567 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 298 04-29 13:19:37.215 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.216 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.217 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.218 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.218 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.218 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.219 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.221 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.222 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.222 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.223 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.223 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.224 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.225 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.225 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.226 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.227 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.228 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.228 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.229 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.230 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.230 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.231 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.231 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.232 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.233 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.234 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.235 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.235 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.236 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.237 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.237 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.238 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.238 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.240 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.240 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.241 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.242 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.243 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.243 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.244 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.244 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.245 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.246 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.247 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.248 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.249 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.249 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.250 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.251 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.251 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.252 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.253 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.253 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.254 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.254 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.255 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.256 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.256 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.256 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.257 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.259 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.260 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.260 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.261 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.261 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.262 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.263 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.263 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.264 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.265 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.266 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.267 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.267 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.268 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.268 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.269 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.269 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.270 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.271 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.272 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.273 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.274 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.274 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.275 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.276 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.276 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.277 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.278 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.279 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.279 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.280 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.281 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.281 19519 19519 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@542ee13 04-29 13:19:37.282 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.283 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.284 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.284 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.290 19519 19568 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-29 13:19:37.290 19519 19568 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.292 19519 19568 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.292 19519 19568 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:19:37.292 19519 19568 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:19:37.300 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.302 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.302 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.318 19519 19569 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-29 13:19:37.319 19519 19569 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:19:37.320 19519 19569 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:19:37.320 19519 19569 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-29 13:19:37.320 19519 19569 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-29 13:19:37.323 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.325 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.327 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.328 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:19:37.330 19519 19519 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:19:37.330 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.331 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.332 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.332 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:19:37.480 19519 19519 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.perf.scroll_opt.heavy_app" 04-29 13:19:37.668 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:19:37.669 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:19:37.670 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:19:37.670 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:19:37.671 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:19:37.671 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:19:37.673 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-29 13:19:37.673 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-29 13:19:37.674 4218 4488 I PersonalDictionaryDataHandler: PersonalDictionaryDataHandler.beginProcess():114 LanguageTags = [fr] 04-29 13:19:37.695 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():345 importRecords() : Success : Count = 0 04-29 13:19:37.701 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-29 13:19:37.703 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.unloadLanguageModel():929 unloadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-29 13:19:37.734 4218 4488 I PersonalLanguageModelUpdater: PersonalLanguageModelUpdater$UpdateOperation.performInternal():165 run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts 04-29 13:19:37.734 4218 4488 I DynamicLanguageModelOperation: DynamicLanguageModelOperation.perform():43 perform() : 4 : dvr : Completed 04-29 13:19:37.735 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():717 loadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-29 13:19:37.736 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [2,0] 04-29 13:19:37.738 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onImportFinished():82 onImportFinished() : Result = 2 : Count = 0 04-29 13:19:37.738 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():758 Loaded dynamic LM 4.fr 04-29 13:19:38.453 19519 19519 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 224 lines. 04-29 13:19:38.453 19519 19519 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:20:03.906 19519 19527 I nes.MAMconnect2: Background concurrent copying GC freed 217725(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 109(4164KB) LOS objects, 58% free, 4375KB/10MB, paused 296us,53us total 186.494ms 04-29 13:20:36.794 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:20:36.829 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:20:36.894 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:22:23.797 19519 19519 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:22:23.959 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:27:31.988 20242 20242 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:27:31.999 20242 20242 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:27:32.000 20242 20242 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:27:32.001 20242 20242 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:27:32.001 20242 20242 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:27:32.002 20242 20242 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.661 20402 20402 I nes.MAMconnect2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:29:03.666 20402 20402 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:29:03.680 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.681 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.682 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.683 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.685 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:03.698 20402 20418 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =1 state=196864 04-29 13:29:03.707 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:03.717 20402 20402 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:03.718 20402 20402 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:29:03.728 20402 20402 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:03.740 20402 20402 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:29:03.741 20402 20402 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2: false 04-29 13:29:03.741 20402 20402 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:29:03.744 20402 20402 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:29:03.744 20402 20402 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:29:03.745 20402 20402 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 04-29 13:29:03.745 20402 20402 I MultiDex: install: doIt = true 04-29 13:29:03.745 20402 20402 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 04-29 13:29:03.773 20402 20402 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Setting classic mode from YAIL: true 04-29 13:29:03.780 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:03.781 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:03.793 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:03.794 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:03.796 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{533f3 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D Form : Form Screen1 got onCreate 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 I Form : activeForm is now Screen1 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D Form : MULTI: _initialized = false formName = Screen1 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D Form : MultiDex already installed. 04-29 13:29:03.798 20402 20402 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714390143798 04-29 13:29:03.799 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:03.800 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:03.800 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:03.801 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:03.801 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:03.801 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:03.801 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:03.801 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:03.802 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.804 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.876 20402 20428 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Auras.jpg 04-29 13:29:03.877 20402 20428 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 2 mediaPath = Auras.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:03.903 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:03.904 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:03.907 20402 20402 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:29:03.908 20402 20429 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:29:03.909 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:03.911 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:03.914 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:03.914 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:03.918 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.919 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.921 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.922 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.923 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.924 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.925 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.926 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.927 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.928 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.928 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.929 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.930 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.931 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.933 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.934 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.936 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.937 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.938 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.939 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.940 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.940 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.941 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.942 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.943 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.944 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.945 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.946 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.946 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.946 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.947 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.948 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.954 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.960 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.960 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:03.961 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.962 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.963 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.963 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.963 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.964 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.965 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.965 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:03.968 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.969 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.970 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.971 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.972 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.975 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.976 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.977 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.978 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.978 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.980 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.982 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.983 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.984 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:03.985 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.986 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:03.992 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.001 20402 20431 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:29:04.002 20402 20431 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:04.004 20402 20431 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:04.004 20402 20431 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 507 04-29 13:29:04.004 20402 20431 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 259 04-29 13:29:04.008 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.008 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@391ed6b 04-29 13:29:04.009 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.010 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.011 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.013 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.018 20402 20432 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:29:04.019 20402 20432 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 2 mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:04.025 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.026 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.027 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.028 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.029 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.033 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.035 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@a2b00e0 04-29 13:29:04.038 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.038 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@bd3cf99 04-29 13:29:04.038 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.040 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.040 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@bc6325e 04-29 13:29:04.042 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.044 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.045 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.047 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.048 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.049 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.050 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.053 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.054 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.056 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.056 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.058 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.059 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.059 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.061 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.063 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.064 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.066 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.066 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.068 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.069 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.070 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.071 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.072 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.072 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@d9ad109 04-29 13:29:04.073 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.075 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.076 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.076 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@3cd3d2f 04-29 13:29:04.077 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.077 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.077 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement@f9674c5 04-29 13:29:04.079 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 35 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@1ee1a 04-29 13:29:04.082 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 85 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@97a7d4b 04-29 13:29:04.085 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.085 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.085 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.086 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.087 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.088 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.088 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.088 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.089 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.090 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.090 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement@a8e39ed 04-29 13:29:04.092 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.092 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.092 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.095 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -2 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@6a29588 04-29 13:29:04.097 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 35 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@bf94b21 04-29 13:29:04.097 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.099 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.099 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@a8f3b46 04-29 13:29:04.100 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.100 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@12fc107 04-29 13:29:04.102 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.102 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.106 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.107 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.107 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@4ece3cc 04-29 13:29:04.109 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.111 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.111 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@9263d2a 04-29 13:29:04.113 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.113 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.116 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.118 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.118 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@17a3e91 04-29 13:29:04.119 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.119 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@54301f6 04-29 13:29:04.120 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.121 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.124 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.125 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.125 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@9f332cd 04-29 13:29:04.129 20402 20402 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@975c9ff 04-29 13:29:04.129 20402 20402 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@dea70b8 04-29 13:29:04.130 20402 20402 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@531e064 04-29 13:29:04.130 20402 20402 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.FirebaseDB@d56d7fc 04-29 13:29:04.130 20402 20402 I Firebase: Initalize called! 04-29 13:29:04.138 20402 20402 I Form : Form Screen1 got onResume 04-29 13:29:04.142 20402 20402 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.perf.scroll_opt.heavy_app" 04-29 13:29:04.183 20402 20402 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:4fb200000000,api:0,p:-1,c:20402) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-29 13:29:04.185 20402 20402 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-29 13:29:04.189 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:04.189 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:04.196 20402 20423 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:29:04.196 20402 20423 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-29 13:29:04.200 20402 20423 D skia : GrGLMakeAssembledInterface verStr OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r26p0-01eac0.455662e55e7c7fb95a4b1db7e7af49a8 04-29 13:29:04.201 20402 20423 D skia : GrGLMakeAssembledGLESInterface verStr OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r26p0-01eac0.455662e55e7c7fb95a4b1db7e7af49a8 04-29 13:29:04.201 20402 20423 D skia : extensions init verString=OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r26p0-01eac0.455662e55e7c7fb95a4b1db7e7af49a8 04-29 13:29:04.202 20402 20435 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(89) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:04.214 20402 20452 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:29:04.228 20402 20423 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument 04-29 13:29:04.254 20402 20423 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[Screen1]#0](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1600 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=8973831930842(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=87625922772995 transform=0 04-29 13:29:04.256 20402 20423 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null! 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.259 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@d7ce658 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:04.260 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@8d62870 04-29 13:29:04.264 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:04.264 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:04.264 20402 20402 I Firebase: onAuthStateChanged: data = null 04-29 13:29:04.279 1636 1681 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.Screen1: +691ms 04-29 13:29:04.287 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:04.287 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:04.298 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 163400105; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:04.300 20402 20402 I AssistStructure: Flattened final assist data: 5044 bytes, containing 1 windows, 43 views 04-29 13:29:04.305 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: onWindowFocus: DecorView@d1f4642[Screen1] softInputMode=STATE_HIDDEN|ADJUST_RESIZE|IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION 04-29 13:29:04.305 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: Restarting due to isRestartOnNextWindowFocus as true 04-29 13:29:04.305 20402 20402 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=DecorView@d1f4642[Screen1], mServedView=null 04-29 13:29:04.305 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=null next=DecorView@d1f4642[Screen1] immDelegate=delegate{b7c2d3e displayId=0} force=true package= 04-29 13:29:04.319 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:04.320 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:04.321 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:29:04.326 20402 20420 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =1 state=196608 04-29 13:29:04.330 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.332 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.333 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.335 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.338 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:04.338 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:04.338 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:04.346 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:04.346 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:04.347 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:29:05.021 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:05.971 20402 20527 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:29:06.425 20402 20527 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:29:06.768 20402 20402 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. .F.p.... 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824}, mServedView=DecorView@d1f4642[Screen1] 04-29 13:29:06.768 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=DecorView@d1f4642[Screen1] next=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. .F.P..ID 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824} immDelegate=delegate{b7c2d3e displayId=0} force=false package=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:06.773 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:06.775 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:06.775 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=1, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=8000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:06.776 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:06.778 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: fr, ime_french 04-29 13:29:06.787 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onCreateInputView():1847 onCreateInputView() 04-29 13:29:06.796 4218 4218 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:06.804 4218 4218 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:06.807 4218 4218 V RenderScript: User-backed allocation failed stride requirement, falling back to separate allocation 04-29 13:29:06.808 4218 4218 V RenderScript: User-backed allocation failed stride requirement, falling back to separate allocation 04-29 13:29:06.813 4218 4218 I PropertyBackgroundImage: PropertyBackgroundImage.apply():34 Setting a background drawable. drawable:android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable@a94ab7e, tag:.keyboard-background, visibility:8 04-29 13:29:06.814 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():610 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true supportsSplitMode=true 04-29 13:29:06.816 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setKeyboardMode():914 setKeyboardMode() newKeyboardMode=1, updatePreferences=true, reactivateKeyboard=true 04-29 13:29:06.816 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeSwitcher: KeyboardModeSwitcher.setCurrentKeyboardMode():62 Keyboard mode switched: 3 -> 1 04-29 13:29:06.816 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setKeyboardMode():926 Switch from 3 to 1 keyboard mode, updatePreferences=true 04-29 13:29:06.820 4218 4218 I StyledKeyboardThemeBuilder: StyledKeyboardThemeBuilder.build():129 Pref: [files:downloaded_theme_b0b3646f88a12997d0619bcc86ac6ca3], themeName: [files:downloaded_theme_b0b3646f88a12997d0619bcc86ac6ca3], darkMode: [false], cacheKey: [zip_com.google.gboard.20181009.gradient_light.light_2] 04-29 13:29:06.821 4218 4218 I KeyboardThemeProvider: KeyboardThemeProvider.applyKeyboardTheme():27 Apply keyboard theme: theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign_350_zip_com.google.gboard.20181009.gradient_light.light_2_port 04-29 13:29:06.823 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.823 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.824 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundFrameVisibility():297 Set background frame visibility. old:8, new:8 04-29 13:29:06.824 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:06.824 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:06.824 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.825 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.825 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:06.825 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@5b23b92 from hinge 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.resetLanguages():2583 resetLanguages(): languages=null, conditionName=keyboard_mode 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I ImeDefCache: ImeDefCache.clearCacheForLanguages():350 clearCacheForLanguages(): [] 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I AdditionalImeDefCache: AdditionalImeDefCache.clearAdditionalImeDefsTask():439 clearAdditionalImeDefsTask(): [] 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I AdditionalImeDefCache: AdditionalImeDefCache.clearAdditionalImeDefsForCondition():387 clearAdditionalImeDefsForCondition() clear additional ImeDefs: [] 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.resetLanguages():2596 Clear cache for languages: null, changed=false 04-29 13:29:06.826 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.startLoadingInputMethodEntrySettings():697 Start loading input method entry settings: [LanguageTagVariantTuple{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty}] 04-29 13:29:06.828 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.updateInputMethodEntrySettingsLoadingTask():784 update loading task with resetImplicitlyEnabledEntries is false 04-29 13:29:06.828 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager$4.onSuccess():803 Success load entries: [LanguageTagVariantTuple{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty}], resetImplicitlyEnabledEntries=false, initialized=true 04-29 13:29:06.829 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.changeCurrentInputMethodEntry():2791 Set current input method entry: source=UNSPECIFIED, entryChanged=false, jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-29 13:29:06.829 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.loadAdditionalImeDefsForCurrentEntry():2809 loadAdditionalImeDefsForCurrentEntry(): jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-29 13:29:06.830 4218 4289 I SP : Registering emoticon_content_description.2022081613, url: ***************************************************************************************************** constraints: W:*:*:*, flags: bg, requested: 2022081613, current: 2022081613 04-29 13:29:06.830 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager$6.onSuccess():2822 Success load additional ImeDefs, entryChanged=false, additionalImeDefsChanged=false, [kpa{stringId=password, language=und-Latn-x-password, languageTag=und-Latn-x-password, processedConditions={variant=azerty, enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.password.PasswordIme, label=2132018759, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@d333630, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=ime_qwerty, language=zz, languageTag=zz, processedConditions={enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=0, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=true, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@270e2a9, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=true}, kpa{stringId=number, language=und-Latn-x-number, languageTag=und-Latn-x-number, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018708, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@60e6620, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=number_password, language=und-Latn-x-number-password, languageTag=und-Latn-x-number-password, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018709, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@3ff6bd9, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=phone_number, language=und-Latn-x-phone-number, languageTag=und-Latn-x-phone-number, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018793, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@973399e, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=date_time, language=und-Latn-x-date-time, languageTag=und-Latn-x-date-time, processedCond 04-29 13:29:06.830 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: itions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132017508, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@fd1dc7f, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=dummy_hard, language=en, languageTag=en, processedConditions={device=unknown}, className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinDummyIme, label=0, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=HARD_QWERTY, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@6c3c44c, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=password_floating_hard_qwerty, language=und-Latn-x-password, languageTag=und-Latn-x-password, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018794, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=2131231624, primeKeyboardType=HARD_QWERTY, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@5f1ec95, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=phone_number_floating_hard_qwerty, language=und-Latn-x-phone-number, languageTag=und-Latn-x-phone-number, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018794, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=2131231815, primeKeyboardType=HARD_QWERTY, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@e5551aa, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=number_floating_hard_qwerty, language=und-Latn-x-number, languageTag=und-Latn-x-number, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018794, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=false, statusIcon=2131231815, primeKeyboardType=HARD_QWERTY, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@cb1c19b, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}, kpa{stringId=date_time_floating_hard_qwerty, language=und-Latn-x-date-time, languageTag=und-Latn-x-date-time, processedConditions={}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.DummyIme, label=2132018794, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=false, announceAutoSelectedCa 04-29 13:29:06.830 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: ndidate=false, statusIcon=2131231815, primeKeyboardType=HARD_QWERTY, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@98ed938, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false}] 04-29 13:29:06.830 4218 4218 I InputMethodEntryManager: InputMethodEntryManager.onSuccessLoadingAdditionalImeDefs():2869 Additional ImeDefs have been loaded, maybe notify entry change: false 04-29 13:29:06.831 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onCurrentInputMethodEntryChanged():3575 onCurrentInputMethodEntryChanged(): imeDefsChanged=false, initializedEntryChanged=false, keyboardContextChanged=false 04-29 13:29:06.831 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onCurrentInputMethodEntryChanged():3595 Skip the entry change as the input method entry is consider as not changed. 04-29 13:29:06.833 4218 4218 I StyledKeyboardThemeBuilder: StyledKeyboardThemeBuilder.build():129 Pref: [files:downloaded_theme_b0b3646f88a12997d0619bcc86ac6ca3], themeName: [files:downloaded_theme_b0b3646f88a12997d0619bcc86ac6ca3], darkMode: [false], cacheKey: [zip_com.google.gboard.20181009.gradient_light.light_2] 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I KeyboardThemeProvider: KeyboardThemeProvider.applyKeyboardTheme():27 Apply keyboard theme: theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign_350_zip_com.google.gboard.20181009.gradient_light.light_2_port 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I InputBundle: InputBundle.activateKeyboard():506 not able to activate keyboard since ime is not active, imeStatus: 0 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.maybeDestroyExistingKeyboardGroupManager():535 Destroy existing keyboard group manager in fsm 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.createKeyboardGroupManagerListenableFuture():120 Create keyboard group manager listenable future in fsm 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.maybeDestroyExistingKeyboardGroupManager():535 Destroy existing keyboard group manager in egb 04-29 13:29:06.834 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.createKeyboardGroupManagerListenableFuture():120 Create keyboard group manager listenable future in egb 04-29 13:29:06.835 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.maybeDestroyExistingKeyboardGroupManager():535 Destroy existing keyboard group manager in fuo 04-29 13:29:06.835 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension.createKeyboardGroupManagerListenableFuture():120 Create keyboard group manager listenable future in fuo 04-29 13:29:06.835 4218 20213 I KeyboardGroupDefParser: KeyboardGroupDefParser.parseKeyboardGroupDef():83 parseKeyboardGroupDef() 2132214034 -> 0_resource_name_obfuscated : WaitTime = 0 ms : RunTime = 1 ms 04-29 13:29:06.835 4218 20213 I KeyboardGroupDefParser: KeyboardGroupDefParser.parseKeyboardGroupDef():83 parseKeyboardGroupDef() 2132214040 -> 0_resource_name_obfuscated : WaitTime = 1 ms : RunTime = 0 ms 04-29 13:29:06.836 4218 20213 I KeyboardGroupDefParser: KeyboardGroupDefParser.parseKeyboardGroupDef():83 parseKeyboardGroupDef() 2132214041 -> 0_resource_name_obfuscated : WaitTime = 0 ms : RunTime = 0 ms 04-29 13:29:06.836 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@5b23b92 from hinge 04-29 13:29:06.836 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():600 setInputView() : entry=jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=floating_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-29 13:29:06.836 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@5b23b92 from hinge 04-29 13:29:06.837 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInputView():2062 onStartInputView(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=1, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=8000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:06.838 4218 4288 W LatinCommonMetricsProcessor: LatinCommonMetricsProcessor.processInputMethodEntryChanged():2302 The new entry is equal to the old entry 04-29 13:29:06.839 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:06.840 4218 4218 W ModuleManager: ModuleManager.loadModule():471 Module ljt is not available 04-29 13:29:06.843 4218 4289 I SP : Syncing emoticon_content_description (2022081613) with slices: [7a635888cb828dfa2fc744b7b9b50f04, 5a6773e78c139f5b7ea3bd5d11fc1f63], metadata: false 04-29 13:29:06.846 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.getOemKeyboardHeightRatio():210 systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000. 04-29 13:29:06.850 4218 4218 I LatinIme: LatinIme.():388 Language = fr 04-29 13:29:06.857 4218 4218 I Delight5Facilitator: Delight5Facilitator.initializeForIme():746 initializeForIme() : Locale = [fr], layout = azerty 04-29 13:29:06.860 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onActivate():89 LatinIme.onActivate() : EditorInfo = EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=1, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=8000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}, IncognitoMode = false, DeviceLocked = false 04-29 13:29:06.868 4218 4218 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onActivateIme():99 registering TalkbackStateListener 04-29 13:29:06.870 4218 4218 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.cancelShutdown():102 cancelShutdown() 04-29 13:29:06.870 4218 4218 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.syncLanguagePacks():114 syncLanguagePacks() 04-29 13:29:06.873 4218 4288 I NetworkInfoNotification: NetworkInfoNotification$Listener.onReceive():107 onNetworkAvailable: networkState = NON_METERED, isAirplaneModeOn = false 04-29 13:29:06.875 4218 4218 I LatinIme: LatinIme.updateEnableInlineSuggestionsOnDecoderSideFlags():1190 inline flag updated to:false 04-29 13:29:06.875 4218 21495 I SpeechFactory: SpeechRecognitionFactory.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback():200 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback() 04-29 13:29:06.875 4218 21495 I FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider: FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload():197 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload() for language tag fr-FR 04-29 13:29:06.900 4218 4218 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-29 13:29:06.905 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.activateKeyboard():572 activateKeyboard(): type=prime, status=0, imeDef=kpa{stringId=ime_french, language=fr, languageTag=fr, processedConditions={enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, label=0, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=true, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=true, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@1af3a9c, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=true, supportsAccessPoints=true} 04-29 13:29:06.905 4218 4218 I KeyboardManager: KeyboardManager.requestKeyboard():234 Creating keyboard prime, i***************, cacheKey=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign 04-29 13:29:06.907 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.startInputIfInputViewStarted():3648 startInputIfInputViewStarted(): default null 04-29 13:29:06.912 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():610 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true supportsSplitMode=true 04-29 13:29:06.913 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:06.913 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.914 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.915 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.915 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.916 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:06.917 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@5b23b92 from hinge 04-29 13:29:06.919 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:06.919 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:06.920 4218 4289 I SP : Sync for emoticon_content_description succeeded in 83 ms: no changes 04-29 13:29:06.921 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.921 4218 4289 I SP : GC for 'emoticon_content_description' (10) with ttl of 0 ms took 0 ms (0/0/0) 04-29 13:29:06.923 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.924 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():600 setInputView() : entry=jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-29 13:29:06.924 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:06.947 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.addAccessPoint():818 The holder controller #0x7f0b205b is not registered 04-29 13:29:06.967 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:29:06.969 4218 4218 I VoiceImeExtension: VoiceImeExtension.shouldStartVoiceInputAutomaticallyInCurrentInputBox():415 No private IME option set to start voice input. 04-29 13:29:06.976 20402 20402 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 04-29 13:29:06.976 20402 20402 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 04-29 13:29:06.989 4218 4218 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:107a00000012,api:0,p:-1,c:4218) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-29 13:29:06.994 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:06.995 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notifyWithWindow():105 04-29 13:29:06.996 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notify():98 WindowMetricsNotification{bounds=Rect(0, 60 - 720, 1600), insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 79), densityDpi=300, displayWidth=720, displayHeight=1600, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}; DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600, scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21} 04-29 13:29:06.998 4218 4218 I DictionarySuperpacksManager: DictionarySuperpacksManager$1.onEnabledInputMethodEntriesChanged():64 onEnabledInputMethodEntriesChanged 04-29 13:29:07.000 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension$3.onSuccess():549 KeyboardGroupManager destroyed in fsm. 04-29 13:29:07.000 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension$3.onSuccess():549 KeyboardGroupManager destroyed in egb. 04-29 13:29:07.000 4218 4218 I AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension$3.onSuccess():549 KeyboardGroupManager destroyed in fuo. 04-29 13:29:07.000 4218 4289 I SP : Registering content_cache.2024032915, url: ****************************************************************************************************** constraints: W:*:*:*, flags: bg, requested: 2024032915, current: 2024032915 04-29 13:29:07.015 4218 4289 I Environment: Environment.isPackageInstalled():234 com.bitstrips.imoji is not installed 04-29 13:29:07.015 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.017 4218 4289 I SP : Syncing content_cache (2024032915) with slices: [74ed8b2e38ec1bc8af70aa63d8ec49de], metadata: true 04-29 13:29:07.017 4218 4218 I KeyboardManager: KeyboardManager.onKeyboardCreated():453 New keyboard for type prime is created, close the previous one 04-29 13:29:07.017 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.onKeyboardReady():236 onKeyboardReady(): type=null(prime), kb=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard@ac5acd1 04-29 13:29:07.018 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.doActivateKeyboard():603 doActivateKeyboard(): prime 04-29 13:29:07.040 4218 4289 I SP : Sync for content_cache succeeded in 34 ms: no changes 04-29 13:29:07.041 4218 4289 I SP : GC for 'content_cache' (10) with ttl of 0 ms took 1 ms (0/1/0) 04-29 13:29:07.107 4218 4218 I KeyboardViewHelper: KeyboardViewHelper.getView():167 Get view with height ratio:1.000000 04-29 13:29:07.109 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.112 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.114 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.115 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.116 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.117 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.118 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.119 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.120 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.122 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.123 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.124 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.125 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.126 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.127 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.128 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.129 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.130 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.131 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.132 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.134 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.135 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.136 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.137 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.138 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.140 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.141 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.143 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.146 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.148 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.162 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.164 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.166 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.167 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.169 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.171 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.172 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.174 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.176 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.177 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.184 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.187 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.189 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:07.189 4218 4218 I SoftKeyboardView: SoftKeyboardView.setMaxHeight():889 Set max keyboard height:1196. 04-29 13:29:07.193 4218 4218 W KeyboardDef: KeyboardDef.getKeyboardViewDef():775 KeyboardViewDef is not found: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e059c, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, id=2131427664 04-29 13:29:07.193 4218 4218 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():587 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e059c, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, helpersCreated=[kec@54f44bc, kec@f19bc45, kec@7b05f9a, null], context.getResources().getConfiguration(): {1.15 208mcc10mnc [fr_FR] ldltr sw384dp w384dp h779dp 300dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.55 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=2 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} 04-29 13:29:07.197 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:07.235 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:07.235 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundFrameVisibility():297 Set background frame visibility. old:8, new:0 04-29 13:29:07.235 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:07.235 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notifyWithWindow():105 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notify():98 WindowMetricsNotification{bounds=Rect(0, 60 - 720, 1600), insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 79), densityDpi=300, displayWidth=720, displayHeight=1600, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}; DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600, scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21} 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.widgets.SoftKeyView{5dcb603 VFE...C.. ......ID 4,0-83,83 #7f0b039b app:id/key_pos_header_access_points_menu} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.widgets.CopyImageSourceView{7c09980 V.ED..... ......ID 4,0-698,83 #7f0b0132 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{4c68bb9 V.E...... ......ID 83,0-619,83 #7f0b0284 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{1320bfe V.E...... ......ID 619,0-619,83 #7f0b0283 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.widgets.SoftKeyView{66aaf5f VFE...C.. ......ID 619,0-698,83 #7f0b03a4 app:id/key_pos_header_power_key} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.widgets.ShrinkableFrameView{f55cdac V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0b047a app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.keyboard.impl.KeyboardViewHolder{b3b2a75 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-720,473 #7f0b047d app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{a9eea0a V.E...... ......ID 0,83-720,556} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.236 4218 4218 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{eb4e27b V.E...... ......ID 0,473-720,473 #7f0b047f app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} during layout: running second layout pass 04-29 13:29:07.238 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:07.238 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:07.240 4218 4218 I ScaleBitmapDrawable: ScaleBitmapDrawable.draw():213 drawable:#9499cd6, drawingMatrix:[2.4080267, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 2.4080267, -669.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0] 04-29 13:29:07.240 4218 4218 I ScaleBitmapDrawable: ScaleBitmapDrawable.draw():213 drawable:#5a52b57, drawingMatrix:[1.2020034, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.2020034, -667.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0] 04-29 13:29:07.291 4218 4313 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[InputMethod]#18](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1540 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=8976869327688(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=18116172054603 transform=0 04-29 13:29:07.298 20402 20402 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-29 13:29:07.299 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.300 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.303 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=HEADER 04-29 13:29:07.304 4218 4218 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-29 13:29:07.305 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=BODY 04-29 13:29:07.305 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-29 13:29:07.305 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-29 13:29:07.305 4218 4218 I NewLanguagePromptExtension: NewLanguagePromptExtension$1.onKeyboardViewShown():110 Not show new language banner: no new languages. 04-29 13:29:07.306 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:07.309 4218 4218 E DynamicLayoutHandler: DynamicLayoutHandler.readKeysFile():233 Error: Primary input is not in keyboard layout. 04-29 13:29:07.310 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.setKeyboardLayout():497 setKeyboardLayout() 04-29 13:29:07.312 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:07.313 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.saveKeyboardBottomGap():242 windowHeight: 1461 windowHeightInInches: 4.870000 04-29 13:29:07.313 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: keyboardHolderHeight: 559 navigationHeight: 79 04-29 13:29:07.313 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom(): 3 04-29 13:29:07.313 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: keyboardBottomGap: 82 bodyViewHolderBottomPadding: 3 04-29 13:29:07.313 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: decorViewStableInsetBottom: 79 updated: false 04-29 13:29:07.319 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.321 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.323 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.setKeyboardLayout():497 setKeyboardLayout() 04-29 13:29:07.333 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.334 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.337 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.338 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.342 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.343 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.346 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.347 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.350 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.351 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.353 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.354 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.358 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.359 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.361 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:07.362 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.793 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.794 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.802 4218 4411 W native : W0000 00:00:1714390149.801893 4411 user_feature_cache_jni.cc:137] Timeout happens, usually it indicates a task run too long, consider to run it asynchronously: GetSerializedDataTask 04-29 13:29:09.913 4218 4218 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():73 initialize... 04-29 13:29:09.914 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onContentChanged():72 onContentChanged() 04-29 13:29:09.914 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onContentChanged():159 onContentChanged() 04-29 13:29:09.914 4218 4218 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():83 initialize...done 04-29 13:29:09.918 4218 8077 I AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession():139 com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier@5656fc5 is created 04-29 13:29:09.958 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.960 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.963 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.964 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.967 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.968 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:09.977 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:09.978 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:10.183 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:10.186 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:10.197 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:10.197 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:10.333 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:10.336 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:10.345 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:10.345 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:10.825 20402 20417 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:29:11.086 20402 20527 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:29:11.513 20402 20402 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. ........ 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824}, mServedView=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. ........ 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824} 04-29 13:29:11.514 20402 20402 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=android.widget.EditText{580699 VFED..CL. .F.p.... 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741825}, mServedView=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. ......ID 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824} 04-29 13:29:11.515 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=android.widget.EditText{81eb177 VFED..CL. ......ID 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741824} next=android.widget.EditText{580699 VFED..CL. .F.P..ID 73,0-648,90 aid=1073741825} immDelegate=delegate{b7c2d3e displayId=0} force=false package=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:11.525 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInputView():2353 04-29 13:29:11.530 20402 20402 W RemoteInputConnectionImpl: requestCursorAnchorInfo on inactive InputConnection 04-29 13:29:11.532 4218 4218 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-29 13:29:11.535 4218 4218 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-29 13:29:11.535 4218 4218 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onDeactivateIme():115 unregistering TalkbackStateListener 04-29 13:29:11.535 4218 4218 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdown():124 shutdown() 04-29 13:29:11.538 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onDeactivate():204 LatinIme.onDeactivate() 04-29 13:29:11.540 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:29:11.541 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:11.542 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:11.543 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=81, inputTypeString=Password, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=4000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:11.543 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:11.546 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:29:11.546 4218 4218 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.unregisterKeySequence():191 Unregister key sequence jqe{labelResId=2132019810, callback=fms@ee124a, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[57, 57], actions=[1, 0]} 04-29 13:29:11.547 4218 4218 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.unregisterKeySequence():191 Unregister key sequence jqe{labelResId=0, callback=fms@2e76e31, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[58, 58], actions=[1, 0]} 04-29 13:29:11.547 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInputView():2062 onStartInputView(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=81, inputTypeString=Password, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=4000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:11.548 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:11.548 4218 4218 W ModuleManager: ModuleManager.loadModule():471 Module ljt is not available 04-29 13:29:11.560 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.getOemKeyboardHeightRatio():210 systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000. 04-29 13:29:11.561 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onActivate():89 PasswordIme.onActivate() : EditorInfo = EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=81, inputTypeString=Password, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=4000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=0, initialSelEnd=0, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=empty, hintLocales=[]}, IncognitoMode = false, DeviceLocked = false 04-29 13:29:11.561 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.activateKeyboard():572 activateKeyboard(): type=prime, status=0, imeDef=kpa{stringId=password, language=und-Latn-x-password, languageTag=und-Latn-x-password, processedConditions={variant=azerty, enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.ime.password.PasswordIme, label=2132018759, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=false, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@4b0bedd, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=false, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@d333630, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=false, supportsAccessPoints=false} 04-29 13:29:11.561 4218 4218 I KeyboardManager: KeyboardManager.requestKeyboard():234 Creating keyboard prime, i*************, cacheKey=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign 04-29 13:29:11.563 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.startInputIfInputViewStarted():3648 startInputIfInputViewStarted(): default null 04-29 13:29:11.563 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():610 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true supportsSplitMode=true 04-29 13:29:11.563 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:11.563 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:11.564 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.564 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.564 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.564 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.565 4218 4218 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-29 13:29:11.565 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@5b23b92 from hinge 04-29 13:29:11.565 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:11.566 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:11.566 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:11.566 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.566 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.566 4218 4218 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():600 setInputView() : entry=jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-29 13:29:11.567 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-29 13:29:11.574 4218 4218 I NewLanguagePromptExtension: NewLanguagePromptExtension.onActivate():187 Not activated NewLanguagePromptExtension: not a normal text input box. 04-29 13:29:11.575 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.addAccessPoint():818 The holder controller #0x7f0b205b is not registered 04-29 13:29:11.593 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:29:11.595 4218 4218 I CurrentMicStatusHolder: CurrentMicStatusHolder.onStartInputView():81 Current Mic status = {MicIconHidden-PasswordOrNumberOrDateInputType,} 04-29 13:29:11.601 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.601 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:11.601 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notifyWithWindow():105 04-29 13:29:11.602 4218 4218 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notify():98 WindowMetricsNotification{bounds=Rect(0, 60 - 720, 1600), insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 79), densityDpi=300, displayWidth=720, displayHeight=1600, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}; DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600, scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21} 04-29 13:29:11.605 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-29 13:29:11.605 20402 20402 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 04-29 13:29:11.605 20402 20402 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 04-29 13:29:11.605 20402 20402 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-29 13:29:11.605 20402 20402 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-29 13:29:11.610 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.onKeyboardReady():236 onKeyboardReady(): type=null(prime), kb=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.latin.keyboard.LatinPasswordKeyboard@31139a3 04-29 13:29:11.612 4218 4218 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.doActivateKeyboard():603 doActivateKeyboard(): prime 04-29 13:29:11.627 4218 4218 I KeyboardViewHelper: KeyboardViewHelper.getView():167 Get view with height ratio:1.000000 04-29 13:29:11.630 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.632 4218 4218 W KeyboardDef: KeyboardDef.getKeyboardViewDef():775 KeyboardViewDef is not found: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, show_suggestions=true, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPasswordKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852, #0x7f170722], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e05ab, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=false}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, id=2131427664 04-29 13:29:11.633 4218 4218 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():587 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, show_suggestions=true, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPasswordKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852, #0x7f170722], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e05ab, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=false}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, helpersCreated=[kec@1b210f6, kec@e405cf7, kec@bc50764, null], context.getResources().getConfiguration(): {1.15 208mcc10mnc [fr_FR] ldltr sw384dp w384dp h779dp 300dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.55 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=2 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} 04-29 13:29:11.635 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.645 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-29 13:29:11.646 4218 4488 I PersonalDictionaryDataHandler: PersonalDictionaryDataHandler.beginProcess():114 LanguageTags = [fr] 04-29 13:29:11.655 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.655 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:11.657 4218 4218 I ScaleBitmapDrawable: ScaleBitmapDrawable.draw():213 drawable:#9499cd6, drawingMatrix:[2.4080267, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 2.4080267, -752.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0] 04-29 13:29:11.657 4218 4218 I ScaleBitmapDrawable: ScaleBitmapDrawable.draw():213 drawable:#5a52b57, drawingMatrix:[1.2020034, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.2020034, -750.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0] 04-29 13:29:11.661 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=BODY 04-29 13:29:11.661 4218 4218 I NewLanguagePromptExtension: NewLanguagePromptExtension$1.onKeyboardViewShown():89 Not show new language banner: not prime keyboard, or the extension not activated. 04-29 13:29:11.668 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():345 importRecords() : Success : Count = 0 04-29 13:29:11.670 4218 4218 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-29 13:29:11.670 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-29 13:29:11.672 4218 4488 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-29 13:29:11.672 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.384375 04-29 13:29:11.673 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-29 13:29:11.674 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.unloadLanguageModel():929 unloadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-29 13:29:11.688 4218 4488 I PersonalLanguageModelUpdater: PersonalLanguageModelUpdater$UpdateOperation.performInternal():165 run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts 04-29 13:29:11.688 4218 4488 I DynamicLanguageModelOperation: DynamicLanguageModelOperation.perform():43 perform() : 4 : dvr : Completed 04-29 13:29:11.689 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():717 loadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-29 13:29:11.690 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [2,0] 04-29 13:29:11.690 4218 4218 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onImportFinished():82 onImportFinished() : Result = 2 : Count = 0 04-29 13:29:11.691 4218 4411 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():758 Loaded dynamic LM 4.fr 04-29 13:29:13.562 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:13.565 4218 4218 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:14.172 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInputView():2353 04-29 13:29:14.180 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:14.184 4218 4218 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-29 13:29:14.185 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onDeactivate():204 PasswordIme.onDeactivate() 04-29 13:29:14.187 4218 4218 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-29 13:29:14.190 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:14.190 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:14.210 20402 20545 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(5) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:14.225 4218 4313 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 29, oppidx_max 29, oppidx_min 0 04-29 13:29:14.428 4218 4218 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[InputMethod]#18](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-29 13:29:14.428 4218 4218 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[InputMethod]#18(BLAST Consumer)18](id:107a00000012,api:0,p:-1,c:4218) disconnect 04-29 13:29:14.915 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-29 13:29:14.916 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-29 13:29:15.011 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():326 importRecords() : Canceled 04-29 13:29:15.015 4218 4488 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-29 13:29:15.015 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [0,0] 04-29 13:29:15.016 4218 4218 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onImportFinished():256 onImportFinished() : Result = 0 : Count = 0 04-29 13:29:16.422 20402 20545 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(82) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:17.092 20402 20402 I Form : Open another screen with start value:ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : startNewForm:ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : StartNewForm about to JSON encode:moi 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- creating JSON representation:moi 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- got JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : StartNewForm got JSON encoding:"moi" 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : about to start new formACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:17.093 20402 20402 I Form : startNewForm starting activity:Intent { cmp=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACCUEIL (has extras) } 04-29 13:29:17.128 20402 20402 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:17.129 20402 20402 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:29:17.129 20402 20402 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-29 13:29:17.129 20402 20402 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 04-29 13:29:17.129 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.132 20402 20402 I Form : Form Screen1 got onPause 04-29 13:29:17.168 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{bbd1339 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 D Form : Form ACCUEIL got onCreate 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 I Form : activeForm is now ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = true formName = ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:17.170 20402 20402 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714390157170 04-29 13:29:17.171 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:17.171 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:17.171 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:17.172 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.174 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.202 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:17.203 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.204 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:17.206 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:17.206 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:17.208 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.208 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.209 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.210 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.210 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.211 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.212 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.212 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.213 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.213 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.214 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.214 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.214 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.215 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.215 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.216 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.216 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.217 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.219 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.220 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.221 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.222 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.222 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.223 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.224 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.224 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.225 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.225 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.226 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.226 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.227 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.228 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.228 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.229 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.229 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.230 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.231 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.231 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.232 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.232 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.232 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.233 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.234 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.234 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.235 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.235 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.236 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.236 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.237 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.237 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.238 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.238 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.239 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.240 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.240 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.241 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.241 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.242 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.242 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.243 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.244 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.244 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.245 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.246 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.246 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.247 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.248 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.249 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.250 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.251 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.252 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.252 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.253 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.254 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.255 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.255 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.256 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.257 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.258 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.258 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.259 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.260 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.260 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.261 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.261 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.262 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.262 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.263 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.263 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.264 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.265 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.265 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.266 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.266 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.267 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.268 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.269 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.269 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.270 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.271 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.272 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.273 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.273 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.274 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.275 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.275 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.276 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.277 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.279 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.280 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.281 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.282 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.282 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.283 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.283 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.284 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.285 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.286 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.290 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.292 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.292 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@3350798 04-29 13:29:17.293 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.294 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.295 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.295 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.295 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.296 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.297 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.297 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.298 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.298 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.298 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@ec931b0 04-29 13:29:17.299 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.300 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.300 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.303 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.304 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.304 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.305 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.306 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.306 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.307 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.307 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.308 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.308 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.309 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.310 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.311 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.311 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.312 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.312 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.313 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.313 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.314 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.314 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.315 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.315 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.316 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.316 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.317 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.317 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.318 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.319 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.319 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.320 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.320 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.321 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.321 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.322 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.322 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.323 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.323 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.324 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.324 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.325 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.325 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.326 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.326 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.327 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.327 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.328 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.328 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.329 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.330 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.331 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.331 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.332 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.332 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.333 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.333 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.334 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.334 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.335 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.335 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.336 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.336 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.337 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:17.337 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.338 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.339 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.339 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.340 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.340 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.341 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.341 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.342 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:17.342 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:18.002 20402 20581 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 663 lines. 04-29 13:29:18.002 20402 20581 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(137) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:18.027 20402 20423 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1600 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=8987606170535(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=87625922772999 transform=0 04-29 13:29:18.028 20402 20423 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null! 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.032 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:18.033 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:18.034 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@aabee3a 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -1080 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 W System.err: %%TableArrangement.setChildWidth(): width = -1080 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.PasswordTextBox@247d81d 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:18.035 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:29:18.036 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:18.036 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:29:18.036 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:18.037 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:29:18.037 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:18.037 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-29 13:29:18.038 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:18.038 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:18.039 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:18.039 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:18.048 1636 1681 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACCUEIL: +950ms 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.129 20402 20402 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-29 13:29:18.133 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: onWindowFocus: DecorView@2e6e508[ACCUEIL] softInputMode=STATE_HIDDEN|ADJUST_RESIZE|IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION 04-29 13:29:18.133 20402 20402 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=DecorView@2e6e508[ACCUEIL], mServedView=null 04-29 13:29:18.133 20402 20402 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=null next=DecorView@2e6e508[ACCUEIL] immDelegate=delegate{b7c2d3e displayId=0} force=false package= 04-29 13:29:18.139 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:18.143 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:18.143 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:18.144 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:18.146 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:29:18.148 4218 4218 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.registerKeySequence():147 Register key sequence jqe{labelResId=2132019810, callback=fms@59dc471, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[57, 57], actions=[1, 0]} 04-29 13:29:18.148 4218 4218 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.registerKeySequence():147 Register key sequence jqe{labelResId=0, callback=fms@70007c4, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[58, 58], actions=[1, 0]} 04-29 13:29:18.491 20402 20402 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[Screen1]#0](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-29 13:29:18.491 20402 20402 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[Screen1]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:4fb200000000,api:0,p:-1,c:20402) disconnect 04-29 13:29:18.495 20402 20402 I Form : Form Screen1 got onStop 04-29 13:29:23.761 20402 20402 I Form : Open another screen with start value:ACTIVITES 04-29 13:29:23.761 20402 20402 I Form : startNewForm:ACTIVITES 04-29 13:29:23.761 20402 20402 I Form : StartNewForm about to JSON encode:moi 04-29 13:29:23.761 20402 20402 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- creating JSON representation:moi 04-29 13:29:23.761 20402 20402 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- got JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:23.762 20402 20402 I Form : StartNewForm got JSON encoding:"moi" 04-29 13:29:23.762 20402 20402 I Form : about to start new formACTIVITES 04-29 13:29:23.762 20402 20402 I Form : startNewForm starting activity:Intent { cmp=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACTIVITES (has extras) } 04-29 13:29:23.784 20402 20402 I Form : Form ACCUEIL got onPause 04-29 13:29:23.818 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{e73b214 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 D Form : Form ACTIVITES got onCreate 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 I Form : activeForm is now ACTIVITES 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:29:23.820 20402 20402 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = true formName = ACTIVITES 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714390163821 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:23.821 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:23.822 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.824 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.840 20402 20402 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:23.841 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.841 20402 20402 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:23.842 20402 20402 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:23.842 20402 20402 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:23.844 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.844 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.845 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.845 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.846 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.847 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.847 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.848 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.848 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.848 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.849 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.849 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.849 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.850 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.851 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.851 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.854 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.854 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.855 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.856 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.856 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.857 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.858 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.858 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.859 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.859 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.860 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.860 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.861 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.861 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.862 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.862 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.863 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.863 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.864 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.864 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.865 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.865 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.866 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.867 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.867 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.868 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.868 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.869 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.869 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.870 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.871 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.871 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.872 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.872 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.872 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.873 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.874 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.874 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.875 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.875 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.876 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.876 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.877 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.877 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.878 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.878 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.879 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.879 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.879 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.880 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.880 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.880 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.881 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.882 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.883 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.884 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.885 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.885 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.886 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.887 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.888 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.889 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.890 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.891 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.892 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.892 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.893 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.894 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.896 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.897 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.898 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.899 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.899 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.900 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.900 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.901 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.902 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.902 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.903 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.904 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.904 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.905 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.906 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.907 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.907 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.908 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.908 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.909 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.910 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.910 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.911 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.912 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.912 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.913 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.913 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.914 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.914 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.914 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.915 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.915 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.917 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.919 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.919 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@61a1e71 04-29 13:29:23.920 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.920 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.921 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.922 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.922 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.922 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.923 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.924 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.924 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.925 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.926 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.926 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.927 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.927 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.928 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.929 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.930 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.930 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.931 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.931 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.932 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.932 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.933 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.933 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.934 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.935 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.935 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.936 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.936 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.937 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.937 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.937 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.938 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.938 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.939 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.939 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.940 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.940 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@e19b742 04-29 13:29:23.941 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.941 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.942 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.942 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.943 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.943 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.944 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.944 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.945 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.946 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.946 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.947 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.947 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.948 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.948 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.949 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.949 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.950 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.950 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.951 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.951 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.952 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.953 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.953 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.954 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.954 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.955 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.955 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.956 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.956 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.956 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.957 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.958 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.958 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.959 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.959 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@3422869 04-29 13:29:23.960 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.960 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.961 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.961 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.962 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.962 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.963 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.964 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.964 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.965 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.965 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.966 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.966 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.967 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.967 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.968 20402 20402 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:23.968 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:23.970 20402 20402 D SimpleBase64: SimpleBase64 Created 04-29 13:29:23.971 20402 20402 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-29 13:29:24.000 20402 20402 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 18 lines. 04-29 13:29:24.000 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.001 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.002 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.002 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.004 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.005 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.005 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.006 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.006 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.007 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.007 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.007 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.007 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.007 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.008 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.008 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.008 20402 20402 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:24.009 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.010 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@38f2d2d 04-29 13:29:24.010 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.011 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.011 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.016 20402 20612 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Artist.jpeg 04-29 13:29:24.017 20402 20612 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Artist.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.017 20402 20612 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.029 20402 20612 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.029 20402 20612 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.029 20402 20612 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 736 04-29 13:29:24.029 20402 20612 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 721 04-29 13:29:24.037 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.037 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.038 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.039 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.039 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.043 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@883da61 04-29 13:29:24.043 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.044 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.044 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.049 20402 20613 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg 04-29 13:29:24.050 20402 20613 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.050 20402 20613 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.058 20402 20613 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.058 20402 20613 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.059 20402 20613 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 558 04-29 13:29:24.059 20402 20613 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 614 04-29 13:29:24.064 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.064 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.065 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.066 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.067 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.070 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@a2319e0 04-29 13:29:24.070 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.075 20402 20614 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg 04-29 13:29:24.076 20402 20614 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.076 20402 20614 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.079 20402 20614 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.079 20402 20614 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.079 20402 20614 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 425 04-29 13:29:24.079 20402 20614 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 475 04-29 13:29:24.083 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.085 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.085 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.089 20402 20402 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 28 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@7cff40c 04-29 13:29:24.090 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.090 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.091 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.093 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.093 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.094 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.095 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.096 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.097 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.098 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.098 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@c590b37 04-29 13:29:24.098 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.099 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.099 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.100 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.104 20402 20615 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-29 13:29:24.105 20402 20615 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.106 20402 20615 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.106 20402 20615 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-29 13:29:24.106 20402 20615 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-29 13:29:24.109 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.111 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.111 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.116 20402 20616 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:29:24.116 20402 20616 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.118 20402 20616 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.118 20402 20616 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:29:24.118 20402 20616 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:29:24.121 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.122 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.122 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.123 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.124 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.125 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.125 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.126 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.126 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.131 20402 20617 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Artist.jpeg 04-29 13:29:24.132 20402 20617 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Artist.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.132 20402 20617 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.144 20402 20617 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.144 20402 20617 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.144 20402 20617 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 736 04-29 13:29:24.144 20402 20617 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 721 04-29 13:29:24.151 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.152 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.153 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.153 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.154 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.155 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.156 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.156 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.157 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.157 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.158 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.159 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.159 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.159 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.165 20402 20618 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-29 13:29:24.165 20402 20618 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.170 20402 20618 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.170 20402 20618 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.170 20402 20618 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.177 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.178 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.178 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.179 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.180 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.180 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.185 20402 20619 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-29 13:29:24.185 20402 20619 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.190 20402 20619 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.190 20402 20619 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.190 20402 20619 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.197 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.197 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.198 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.199 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.199 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@12e686c 04-29 13:29:24.199 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.200 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.200 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.201 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.206 20402 20620 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-29 13:29:24.206 20402 20620 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.208 20402 20620 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.208 20402 20620 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-29 13:29:24.208 20402 20620 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-29 13:29:24.211 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.212 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.212 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.216 4218 4288 I ProtoXDBBufferWrapper: ProtoXDBBufferWrapper.flushToStorage():158 Flushed 6 data item(s) to storage. 04-29 13:29:24.218 20402 20621 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:29:24.218 20402 20621 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.220 20402 20621 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.220 20402 20621 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:29:24.220 20402 20621 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:29:24.223 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.223 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.224 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.224 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.225 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.226 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.227 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.227 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.227 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.232 20402 20622 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg 04-29 13:29:24.233 20402 20622 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.233 20402 20622 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.241 20402 20622 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.241 20402 20622 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.242 20402 20622 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 558 04-29 13:29:24.242 20402 20622 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 614 04-29 13:29:24.247 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.248 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.249 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.250 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.250 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.251 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.252 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.252 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.253 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.253 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.254 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.254 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.255 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.255 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.260 20402 20623 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-29 13:29:24.261 20402 20623 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.266 20402 20623 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.266 20402 20623 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.266 20402 20623 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.273 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.274 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.274 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.275 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.275 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.276 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.280 20402 20624 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-29 13:29:24.281 20402 20624 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.286 20402 20624 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.286 20402 20624 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.286 20402 20624 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:29:24.293 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.293 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.294 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.295 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.295 20402 20402 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@2ebcd5d 04-29 13:29:24.296 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.297 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.297 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.298 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.302 20402 20625 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-29 13:29:24.303 20402 20625 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.304 20402 20625 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.304 20402 20625 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-29 13:29:24.304 20402 20625 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-29 13:29:24.307 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.309 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.309 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.315 20402 20626 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:29:24.316 20402 20626 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.318 20402 20626 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.318 20402 20626 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:29:24.318 20402 20626 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:29:24.320 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.320 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.321 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.322 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.323 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.323 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.324 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.325 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.329 20402 20627 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg 04-29 13:29:24.330 20402 20627 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:24.330 20402 20627 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:24.333 20402 20627 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:24.333 20402 20627 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:24.333 20402 20627 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 425 04-29 13:29:24.333 20402 20627 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 475 04-29 13:29:24.337 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.337 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.338 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.338 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.339 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.339 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.340 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:24.341 20402 20402 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:24.901 1636 1681 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2/.ACTIVITES: +1s136ms 04-29 13:29:24.989 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:24.991 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:24.992 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:24.994 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:24.995 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:29:25.344 20402 20402 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 369 lines. 04-29 13:29:25.345 20402 20402 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-29 13:29:25.345 20402 20402 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[ACCUEIL]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:4fb200000001,api:0,p:-1,c:20402) disconnect 04-29 13:29:25.349 20402 20402 I Form : Form ACCUEIL got onStop 04-29 13:29:31.545 4218 4288 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdownVoiceInternal():140 shutdownVoiceInternal() 04-29 13:29:32.460 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:32.460 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:34.971 20402 20776 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:29:35.017 20402 20776 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(115) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:35.495 20402 20776 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(161) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:36.995 20402 20776 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:36.995 20402 20776 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:36.998 20402 20776 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-29 13:29:37.000 20402 20776 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7b194d6000 length 1044413 04-29 13:29:37.001 20402 20776 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7b194d6000 size 1046656 04-29 13:29:36.998 20402 20402 W Thread-66: type=1400 audit(0.0:24481): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:37.003 20402 20776 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:29:37.004 20402 20776 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:29:36.998 20402 20402 W Thread-66: type=1400 audit(0.0:24482): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:37.029 20402 20776 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:37.041 20402 20786 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:29:37.549 20402 20418 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:29:37.822 20402 20418 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:29:38.825 20402 20786 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:38.826 20402 20786 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:38.842 20402 20786 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7a95d19000 length 2050276 04-29 13:29:38.848 20402 20786 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7a95d19000 size 2052480 04-29 13:29:38.846 20402 20402 W Thread-67: type=1400 audit(0.0:24483): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:38.850 20402 20786 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:29:38.853 20402 20786 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:29:38.846 20402 20402 W Thread-67: type=1400 audit(0.0:24484): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:38.908 20402 20786 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:38.925 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:39.174 20402 20796 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:39.175 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.187 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.191 20402 20797 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(174) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20797 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:39.594 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.611 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.612 20402 20800 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(177) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:39.982 20402 20800 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:39.983 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.991 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:39.992 20402 20821 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(180) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:40.361 20402 20821 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:40.362 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:40.375 4218 21057 I AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession():139 com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier@7d7dc30 is created 04-29 13:29:40.389 20402 20859 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:29:40.391 20402 20859 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(183) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:41.845 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:41.845 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:41.845 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:41.845 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:42.112 20402 20859 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:42.113 20402 20859 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:42.119 20402 20859 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7aada6b000 length 1044413 04-29 13:29:42.120 20402 20859 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7aada6b000 size 1046656 04-29 13:29:42.118 20402 20402 W Thread-72: type=1400 audit(0.0:24485): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:42.123 20402 20859 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:29:42.125 20402 20859 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x512, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:29:42.122 20402 20402 W Thread-72: type=1400 audit(0.0:24486): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:42.160 20402 20859 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:42.174 20402 20865 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-29 13:29:43.840 20402 20865 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:43.841 20402 20865 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:43.855 20402 20865 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x7a95ef2000 length 2050276 04-29 13:29:43.860 20402 20865 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x7a95ef2000 size 2052480 04-29 13:29:43.858 20402 20402 W Thread-73: type=1400 audit(0.0:24487): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:43.862 20402 20865 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-29 13:29:43.858 20402 20402 W Thread-73: type=1400 audit(0.0:24488): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c137,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:43.864 20402 20865 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-29 13:29:43.928 20402 20865 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:43.941 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:44.117 20402 20876 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:44.118 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.129 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.134 20402 20878 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(115) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20878 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:44.736 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.753 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:44.754 20402 20881 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(174) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:45.102 20402 20881 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:45.103 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-29 13:29:45.119 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:45.120 20402 20882 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(177) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20882 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-29 13:29:45.480 20402 20402 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-29 13:29:45.492 20402 20402 I Choreographer: Skipped 632 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-29 13:29:45.494 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:45.494 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:45.524 20402 20418 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=10560ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1436017, IntendedVsync=9004536477176, Vsync=9015069810720, InputEventId=931897485, HandleInputStart=9015071918844, AnimationStart=9015071922460, PerformTraversalsStart=9015072072613, DrawStart=9015075205844, FrameDeadline=9004556477176, FrameInterval=9015071750229, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=9015076921921, SyncStart=9015077089921, IssueDrawCommandsStart=9015078683075, SwapBuffers=9015091217921, FrameCompleted=9015097147383, DequeueBufferDuration=65231, QueueBufferDuration=917538, GpuCompleted=9015097147383, SwapBuffersCompleted=9015093083998, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=9015091217921, 04-29 13:29:45.689 20402 20410 I nes.MAMconnect2: Thread[6,tid=20410,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400007ca0b4ee90,peer=0x13800210,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-29 13:29:45.689 20402 20410 I nes.MAMconnect2: 04-29 13:29:46.008 20402 20410 I nes.MAMconnect2: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-29 13:29:46.610 20402 20420 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:29:46.668 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:46.668 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:46.668 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:46.668 20402 20415 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-29 13:29:47.038 20402 20429 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:29:47.057 20402 20429 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-29 13:29:47.061 20402 20420 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:29:47.392 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: Thread[6,tid=4230,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400007ca0b54200,peer=0x138c08d8,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-29 13:29:47.392 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: 04-29 13:29:47.473 20402 20420 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-29 13:29:47.663 20402 20420 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-29 13:29:48.196 20402 20402 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-29 13:29:48.196 20402 20402 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-29 13:29:49.088 4218 4230 I putmethod.latin: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-29 13:29:50.471 20976 20976 I nes.MAMconnect2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 04-29 13:29:50.478 20976 20976 E nes.MAMconnect2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-29 13:29:50.493 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:50.494 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:50.495 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:50.498 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:50.499 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-29 13:29:50.519 20976 20976 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:50.852 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.853 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@f913c8c 04-29 13:29:50.854 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.855 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.855 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.855 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.855 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.856 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.856 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.857 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.858 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.859 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.859 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@6c53653 04-29 13:29:50.860 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.860 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.861 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.862 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.863 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.864 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.866 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.867 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.867 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.869 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.531 20976 20976 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:50.532 20976 20976 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so 04-29 13:29:50.540 20976 20976 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~hIKyktgK3vkkaTSmJV0f4Q==/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2-7TO1-ra0nRafT64rDNe1wQ==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2 04-29 13:29:50.557 20976 20976 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2' set to: 'default' 04-29 13:29:50.557 20976 20976 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2: false 04-29 13:29:50.558 20976 20976 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 04-29 13:29:50.566 20976 20976 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:29:50.567 20976 20976 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 04-29 13:29:50.568 20976 20976 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 04-29 13:29:50.568 20976 20976 I MultiDex: install: doIt = true 04-29 13:29:50.568 20976 20976 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 04-29 13:29:50.609 20976 20976 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Setting classic mode from YAIL: true 04-29 13:29:50.618 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:50.619 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:50.630 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:50.632 20976 20976 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:50.634 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 D AppInventorCompatActivity: Already have a title bar (classic mode): android.widget.TextView{533f3 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 D Form : Form ACCUEIL got onCreate 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 I Form : activeForm is now ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 D Form : deviceDensity = 1.875 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 I Form : compatScalingFactor = 1.2 04-29 13:29:50.636 20976 20976 D Form : NO MULTI: _initialized = false formName = ACCUEIL 04-29 13:29:50.637 20976 20976 D Form : onCreateFinish called 1714390190636 04-29 13:29:50.637 20976 20976 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:50.638 20976 20976 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:50.638 20976 20976 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:50.638 20976 20976 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:50.638 20976 20976 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:50.638 20976 20976 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:50.639 20976 20976 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:50.639 20976 20976 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:50.639 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.641 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.721 20976 20976 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-29 13:29:50.722 20976 20976 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10137; state: ENABLED 04-29 13:29:50.726 20976 20976 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled 04-29 13:29:50.727 20976 21001 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 04-29 13:29:50.727 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-29 13:29:50.730 20976 20976 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-29 13:29:50.733 20976 20976 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-29 13:29:50.733 20976 20976 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-29 13:29:50.737 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.738 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.738 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.739 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.741 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.742 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.743 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.744 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.745 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.746 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.747 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.747 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.748 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.748 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.749 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.750 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.750 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.752 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.755 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.756 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.757 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.758 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.759 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.760 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.761 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.762 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.762 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.763 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.764 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.765 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.766 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.767 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.768 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.769 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.770 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.771 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.772 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.772 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.773 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.774 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.774 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.775 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.776 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.777 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.778 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.779 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.780 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.780 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.780 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.781 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.781 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.782 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.783 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.784 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.785 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.786 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.786 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.787 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.788 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.789 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.789 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.790 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.791 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.792 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.793 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.794 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.794 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.795 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.796 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.797 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.798 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.798 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.799 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.800 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.801 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.802 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.803 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.804 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.805 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.806 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.807 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.807 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.808 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.809 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.810 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.811 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.811 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.812 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.813 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.813 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.816 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.818 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.819 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.821 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.822 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.823 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.824 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.825 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.826 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.827 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.828 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.829 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.830 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.831 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.832 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.833 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.834 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.835 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.836 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.837 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.838 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.839 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.839 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.840 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.840 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.841 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.842 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.843 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.846 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.869 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.874 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.874 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.875 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.876 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.877 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.878 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.879 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.880 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.880 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.881 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.882 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.883 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.884 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.884 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.885 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.886 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.887 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.887 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.889 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.890 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.890 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.891 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.892 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.892 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.893 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.894 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.895 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.895 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.896 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.897 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.898 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.899 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.899 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.900 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.901 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.902 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.902 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.903 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.904 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.905 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.906 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.906 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.907 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.909 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.910 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.911 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.911 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.912 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.913 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.913 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.914 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:50.915 20976 20976 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-29 13:29:50.916 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.001 20976 20976 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 113 lines. 04-29 13:29:51.001 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.003 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.003 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.004 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.006 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.012 20976 21015 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.013 20976 21015 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 2 mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.019 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.021 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.021 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.023 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.024 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.027 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.028 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.030 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.033 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.034 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.035 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.036 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.037 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.037 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.038 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.038 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.038 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.039 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.039 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.039 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.039 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.040 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.040 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.040 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.040 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.041 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.041 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.042 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.045 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 28 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@f08cc55 04-29 13:29:51.048 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@3bf166a 04-29 13:29:51.049 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.050 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.051 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.058 20976 21016 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = RM-EasterTot-012_molly.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.058 20976 21016 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = RM-EasterTot-012_molly.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.060 20976 21016 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.060 20976 21016 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 300 04-29 13:29:51.060 20976 21016 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 317 04-29 13:29:51.062 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.063 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.065 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.071 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.074 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@d9ad109 04-29 13:29:51.075 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.076 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.077 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.083 20976 21017 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = personnage-dessin-anime-jolie-fille-bloc-notes-couleur_1308-125024.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.084 20976 21017 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = personnage-dessin-anime-jolie-fille-bloc-notes-couleur_1308-125024.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.084 20976 21017 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:51.090 20976 21017 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:51.090 20976 21017 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.090 20976 21017 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 740 04-29 13:29:51.090 20976 21017 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 678 04-29 13:29:51.098 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.099 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.102 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.104 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.118 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@571a327 04-29 13:29:51.119 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.120 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.121 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.126 20976 21018 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = th.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.127 20976 21018 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = th.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.129 20976 21018 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.129 20976 21018 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 474 04-29 13:29:51.129 20976 21018 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 350 04-29 13:29:51.133 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.134 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.135 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.138 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.141 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.142 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.144 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.145 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.146 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.150 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.152 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.152 20976 20976 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@a4211ca 04-29 13:29:51.152 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.159 20976 21019 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.160 20976 21019 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.162 20976 21019 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.162 20976 21019 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 507 04-29 13:29:51.162 20976 21019 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 259 04-29 13:29:51.165 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.167 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.167 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.168 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.169 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.174 20976 21020 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.175 20976 21020 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 2 mediaPath = 33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.181 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.183 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.184 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.185 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.187 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.189 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.191 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.192 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.192 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.192 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.193 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.193 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.193 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.194 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.196 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 28 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@8d62870 04-29 13:29:51.199 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@a2187e9 04-29 13:29:51.199 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.200 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.201 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.207 20976 21021 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = petitefillequilit.jpeg 04-29 13:29:51.208 20976 21021 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = petitefillequilit.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.208 20976 21021 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:51.217 20976 21021 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:51.217 20976 21021 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.217 20976 21021 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 640 04-29 13:29:51.217 20976 21021 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 640 04-29 13:29:51.225 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.227 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.228 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.229 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.236 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 320 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement@6a29588 04-29 13:29:51.236 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.238 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.238 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.246 20976 21022 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = planning.jpg 04-29 13:29:51.248 20976 21022 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = planning.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.249 20976 21022 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-29 13:29:51.258 20976 21022 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-29 13:29:51.259 20976 21022 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.259 20976 21022 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 564 04-29 13:29:51.259 20976 21022 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 564 04-29 13:29:51.265 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.266 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.268 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.269 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.275 20976 20976 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = -2 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@ff3c5d2 04-29 13:29:51.275 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.278 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.281 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.282 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.283 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.286 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.287 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.289 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.291 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.293 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.295 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.295 20976 20976 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@467071b 04-29 13:29:51.296 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.297 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.298 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.298 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.305 20976 21025 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-29 13:29:51.305 20976 21025 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.307 20976 21025 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.307 20976 21025 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-29 13:29:51.307 20976 21025 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-29 13:29:51.310 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.312 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.312 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.320 20976 21029 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-29 13:29:51.321 20976 21029 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.323 20976 21029 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.323 20976 21029 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-29 13:29:51.323 20976 21029 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-29 13:29:51.326 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.326 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.328 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.328 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.330 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.331 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.332 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.332 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.340 20976 21032 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = programme-du-jour.png 04-29 13:29:51.341 20976 21032 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = programme-du-jour.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.344 20976 21032 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.344 20976 21032 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 400 04-29 13:29:51.344 20976 21032 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 134 04-29 13:29:51.347 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.349 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.351 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.353 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.353 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.354 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.355 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.357 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.358 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.359 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.360 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.360 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.361 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.362 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.363 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.365 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.367 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.367 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.368 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.369 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.370 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.371 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.371 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.372 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.373 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.377 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.379 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.379 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.380 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.380 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.381 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.382 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.382 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.383 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.385 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.385 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.386 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.387 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.387 20976 20976 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@87e2efb 04-29 13:29:51.388 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.390 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.390 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.390 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.399 20976 21036 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-29 13:29:51.400 20976 21036 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.402 20976 21036 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.402 20976 21036 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-29 13:29:51.402 20976 21036 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-29 13:29:51.411 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.413 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.414 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.420 20976 21037 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-29 13:29:51.420 20976 21037 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-29 13:29:51.421 20976 21037 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-29 13:29:51.421 20976 21037 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-29 13:29:51.421 20976 21037 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-29 13:29:51.422 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.423 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.424 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.425 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-29 13:29:51.426 20976 20976 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-29 13:29:51.427 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.427 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.428 20976 20976 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-29 13:29:51.806 20976 20976 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.perf.scroll_opt.heavy_app" 04-29 13:29:51.990 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-29 13:29:51.992 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-29 13:29:51.993 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=appinventor.ai_fazio_agnes.MAMconnect2, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-29 13:29:51.994 4218 4218 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-29 13:29:51.994 4218 4218 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-29 13:29:52.002 20976 21048 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 393 lines. 04-29 13:29:52.736 20976 20976 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC.