FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label58 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'Text \"Texte pour Label58\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal24 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton13 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label60 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'Text \"Texte pour Label60\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'Width 180 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton14 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.274 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com")) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q14 (string-append Q14 ".google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label123 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'Text \"Texte pour Label123\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifbrico 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label61 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Text \"Texte pour Label61\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau2 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label62 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label63 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Text \"Texte pour Label63\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label64 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Text \"Texte pour Label64\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifbrico 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label65 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Height 35 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Text \"Texte pour Label65\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal25 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal25 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label66 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Text \"Texte pour Label66\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal25 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label67 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label68 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Text \"Texte pour Label68\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal26 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Boutonvalide1 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'BackgroundColor #xFF5F86C4 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'FontSize 16.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'Text \"Sauvegarder\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'TextColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label127 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Text \"Text for Label127\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Width 110 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label70 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Text \"Texte pour Label70\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal42 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal42 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifbrico 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label71 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Text \"Texte pour Label71\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal27 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Boutonvalide2 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'BackgroundColor #xFF5F86C4 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'FontSize 16.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'Text \"Sauvegarder\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'TextColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label128 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Text \"Text for Label128\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Width 110 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label73 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Text \"Texte pour Label73\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal43 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal43 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifbrico2 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label74 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Text \"Texte pour Label74\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_modifsorties 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label78 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'Text \"Texte pour Label78\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal29 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton15 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label80 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'Text \"Texte pour Label80\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'Width 180 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton16 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label124 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'Text \"Texte pour Label124\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifsortie 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'FontSize 18 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.275 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appi")) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q14 (string-append Q14 "nventor.components.runtime.Label Label81 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Text \"Texte pour Label81\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau3 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label82 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label83 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Text \"Texte pour Label83\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label84 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Text \"Texte pour Label84\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifsorties 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label85 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Text \"Texte pour Label85\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal30 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal30 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label86 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Text \"Texte pour Label86\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal30 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label87 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label88 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Text \"Texte pour Label88\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal31 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal31 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal31 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label89 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Text \"Texte pour Label89\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label90 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Text \"Texte pour Label90\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal45 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal45 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifsorties1 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label91 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Text \"Texte pour Label91\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal32 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal32 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal32 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label92 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Text \"Texte pour Label92\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label93 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Text \"Texte pour Label93\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal46 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal46 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifsorties2 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label94 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Text \"Texte pour Label94\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_modifevenements 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label98 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'Text \"Texte pour Label98\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal34 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton17 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label100 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'Text \"Texte pour Label100\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'Width 190 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton18 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label125 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'Text \"Texte pour Label125\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifeven 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label101 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Text \"Texte pour Label101\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau4 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label102 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label103 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Text \"Texte pour Label103\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label104 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.280 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Height -2 '")) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q14 (string-append Q14 "number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Text \"Texte pour Label104\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifevenements 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label105 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Text \"Texte pour Label105\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal35 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal35 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label106 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Text \"Texte pour Label106\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal35 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label107 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label108 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Text \"Texte pour Label108\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal36 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal36 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal36 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label109 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Text \"Texte pour Label109\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label110 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Text \"Texte pour Label110\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal48 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal48 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifevenements1 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label111 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Text \"Texte pour Label111\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal37 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal37 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal37 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label112 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Text \"Texte pour Label112\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label113 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Text \"Texte pour Label113\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal49 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal49 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifevenements2 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label114 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Text \"Texte pour Label114\" 'text) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TinyDB TinyDB1 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Web Web1 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.KIO4_Base64.KIO4_Base64 KIO4_Base641 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64 SimpleBase641 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Notifier Notifier1 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:15:30.287 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: )))")) 04-28 22:15:30.288 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (eval (read (open-input-string Q14))) 04-28 22:15:30.288 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q14 #!null) 04-28 22:15:30.288 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (init-runtime)))) 04-28 22:15:30.288 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "bZOO(MpNUguVXTR`,/i1" (begin (def (p$replaceChar $text) (call-yail-primitive string-replace-all (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $text) "|" "\n") '(text text text) "replace all"))))) 04-28 22:15:30.288 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "-x_dUBJ.ch=CIdWeaNuZ" (begin (def (p$replaceReturn $text) (call-yail-primitive string-replace-all (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $text) "\n" "|") '(text text text) "replace all"))))) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[c%S?e@[`+8@%NlLGRZL" (begin (define-event Bouton5 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "INFORMATIONENFANT1" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u+xhWe(4,PAk{?-x)drh" (begin (def g$scriptURL "*********************************************************************************************************************** 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe" (begin (define-event Bouton4 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "ACCUEIL" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A." (begin (def g$profil (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value"))))) 04-28 22:15:30.289 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*" (begin (def g$reponse "")))) 04-28 22:15:30.290 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK/vd" (begin (define-event ACTIVITES Initialize()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.290 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.290 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "4RSQ:Z$rPhf^@.3$T/jK" (begin (def (p$urlGET $url $reponse) (set-var! g$reponse (lexical-value $reponse))(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (lexical-value $url) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:15:30.291 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10" (begin (define-event Bouton3 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.291 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "bYwuv5~4{D1/Y^PGPuAa" (begin (define-event Bouton7 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "(auO*vaHM/]rB:LQGMz9" (begin (define-event Bouton2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW" (begin (define-event Bouton1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.292 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.293 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y" (begin (define-event Bouton9 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.293 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.297 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug" (begin (define-event Web1 GotText($url $responseCode $responseType $responseContent)(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.297 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 5) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 6) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 7) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 8) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 9) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 10) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text) )(if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yai 04-28 22:15:30.297 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.297 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico1=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.298 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.298 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico2=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.298 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z" (begin (define-event Bouton11 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.298 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input ",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md" (begin (define-event Bouton12 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #t 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie1=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy" (begin (define-event Bouton10 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.299 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.300 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k" (begin (define-event Bouton8 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.300 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.300 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "VTg++EX/]HlsBD_y!}M%" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.300 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie2=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.301 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X" (begin (define-event Bouton15 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.301 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.301 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.301 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene1=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "s3lk.f*dVzYbG;UZvnWy" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene2=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "2p8Pv2NYZgV?B|ZV.mH_" (begin (define-event Bouton17 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "1ew6]Zx@P+!AvH,$m%K8" (begin (define-event Bouton18 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.302 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "o2uPOBQL^6EK?-fH3YCM" (begin (def g$SheetName "Sheet4")))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Z/mLz,~G@1eK`k#B]YU^" (begin (define-event Bouton16 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "M{D@sm=j1/`+wua/4Z}S" (begin (def g$spreadSheetID "1I1Tff_GCNKuUWckdXAQmL9OIP-7_H0CoC51KWt8koFM")))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[hk~2P(NHzGGtu^!U1?0" (begin (define-event Bouton14 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "MaXwSdjq|=Hi#SFsLXh4" (begin (def g$mimetype "")))) 04-28 22:15:30.303 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "$6;+Ep[I#YU62Yjc;Tx#" (begin (def g$filename "")))) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Kgwn.J[_$D|6vg_*t[=!" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label70 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=1" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "()od;$np=Y@[e8tLx3pK" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label73 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=2" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "QgtT]p:Wl`)Hq}xm5.Q$" (begin (define-event Bouton13 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:15:30.304 25224 25505 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (call-Initialize-of-components 'ACTIVITES 'Arrangement_activites 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'Arrangement_vertical1 'Label1 'Image1 'Arrangement_vertical2 'Label2 'Label3 'Label4 'Arrangement_tableau1 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Label6 'Image2 'Label7 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'Bouton1 'Label8 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Label9 'Image3 'Label10 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'Bouton2 'Label11 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Image4 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'Bouton3 'Label5 'Label14 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'Bouton4 'Label16 'Bouton5 'Label57 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Label18 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'Bouton7 'Label20 'Label21 'Bouton8 'Label118 'Label126 'nombrico 'Label120 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'Image5 'Label23 'Arrangement_horizontal8 'Label24 'detailbrico 'Label26 'Label27 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'imagebrico1 'Label28 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'imagebrico2 'Label55 'Arrangement_sorties 'Label30 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'Bouton9 'Label32 'Label33 'Bouton10 'Label31 'Label121 'nomsortie 'Label34 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'Image7 'Label35 'Arrangement_horizontal14 'Label36 'detailsorties 'Label38 'Label39 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'imagesorties1 'Label40 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'imagesorties2 'Label54 'Arrangement_evenements 'Label42 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'Bouton11 'Label44 'Label45 'Bouton12 'Label43 'Label122 'nomeven 'Label46 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'Image11 'Label47 'Arrangement_horizontal20 'Label48 'detailevenements 'Label50 'Label51 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'imageevenements1 'Label52 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'imageevenements2 'Label56 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Label58 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Bouton13 'Label60 'Bouton14 'Label123 'nommodifbrico 'Label61 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Label62 'Label63 'Label64 'detailmodifbrico 'Label65 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'Label66 'Label67 'Label68 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'Boutonvalide1 'Label127 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Label70 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'imagemodifbrico 'Label71 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'Boutonvalide2 'Label128 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Label73 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'imagemodifbrico2 'Label74 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Label78 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Bouton15 'Label80 'Bouton16 'Label124 'nommodifsortie 'Label81 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Label82 'Label83 'Label84 'detailmodifsorties 'Label85 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'Label86 'Label87 'Label88 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Label89 'Label90 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'imagemodifsorties1 'Label91 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Label92 'Label93 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'imagemodifsorties2 'Label94 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Label98 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Bouton17 'Label100 'Bouton18 'Label125 'nommodifeven 'Label101 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Label102 'Label103 'Label104 'detailmodifevenements 'Label105 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'Label106 'Label107 'Label108 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Label109 'Label110 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'imagemodifevenements1 'Label111 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Label112 'Label113 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'imagemodifevenements2 'Label114 'TinyDB1 'Web1 'KIO4_Base641 'SimpleBase641 'Notifier1)))) 04-28 22:15:30.423 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.425 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:30.425 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:30.425 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A."}]} 04-28 22:15:30.427 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.429 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK\/vd"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.431 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.432 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"bYwuv5~4{D1\/Y^PGPuAa"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.434 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"(auO*vaHM\/]rB:LQGMz9"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.436 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.437 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.439 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.441 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.443 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.445 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.447 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.449 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.450 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.484 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.488 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"VTg++EX\/]HlsBD_y!}M%"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.491 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.494 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8"}]} 04-28 22:15:30.506 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"s3lk.f*dVzYbG;UZvnWy"}]} 04-28 22:15:31.554 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"2p8Pv2NYZgV?B|ZV.mH_"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.061 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"1ew6]Zx@P+!AvH,$m%K8"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.063 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"o2uPOBQL^6EK?-fH3YCM"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.064 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"Z\/mLz,~G@1eK`k#B]YU^"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.065 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"M{D@sm=j1\/`+wua\/4Z}S"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.067 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"[hk~2P(NHzGGtu^!U1?0"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.068 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"MaXwSdjq|=Hi#SFsLXh4"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.070 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"$6;+Ep[I#YU62Yjc;Tx#"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.071 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"Kgwn.J[_$D|6vg_*t[=!"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.072 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"()od;$np=Y@[e8tLx3pK"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.074 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"QgtT]p:Wl`)Hq}xm5.Q$"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.075 25224 25224 D Form : Form ACCUEIL clear called 04-28 22:15:32.077 25224 25224 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:15:32.077 25224 25224 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:15:32.079 25224 25224 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:15:32.079 25224 25224 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:15:32.083 25224 25224 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:15:32.083 25224 25224 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:15:32.084 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:32.084 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:32.084 25224 25224 D AppInventorCompatActivity: titleBar visible 04-28 22:15:32.085 25224 25224 D AppInventorCompatActivity: applyTheme DEVICE_DEFAULT 04-28 22:15:32.086 25224 25224 W System.err: Form.clear() About to do moby GC! 04-28 22:15:32.086 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.088 25224 25224 D ReplForm: formName is now ACTIVITES 04-28 22:15:32.088 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.092 25224 25224 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:15:32.093 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.093 25224 25224 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:15:32.094 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:32.094 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:32.095 25224 25224 D AppInventorCompatActivity: applyTheme CLASSIC 04-28 22:15:32.098 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.098 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.099 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.099 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.100 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.101 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.101 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.102 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.102 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.103 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.103 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.103 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.104 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.104 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.105 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.106 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.108 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.109 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.109 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.110 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.111 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.111 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.112 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.112 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.113 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.113 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.114 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.114 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.115 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.115 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.116 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.117 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.118 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.118 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.119 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.119 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.120 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.121 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.121 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.122 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.123 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.123 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.124 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.124 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.125 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.125 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.126 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.127 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.127 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.128 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.128 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.129 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.129 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.130 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.131 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.132 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.132 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.133 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.134 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.134 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.135 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.136 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.137 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.138 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.139 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.140 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.141 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.142 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.143 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.144 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.145 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.145 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.146 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.147 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.148 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.149 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.149 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.150 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.151 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.152 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.152 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.153 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.154 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.155 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.156 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.157 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.158 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.159 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.160 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.161 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.162 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.162 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.163 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.164 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.165 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.166 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.167 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.168 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.168 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.169 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.170 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.171 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.171 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.172 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.173 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.174 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.175 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.176 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.177 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.178 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.179 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.179 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.179 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.180 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.181 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.182 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.185 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.185 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.185 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@545c7ed 04-28 22:15:32.187 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.187 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.188 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.189 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.190 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.191 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.192 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.193 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.194 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.195 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.196 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.197 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.198 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.199 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.199 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.201 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.202 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.202 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.203 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.204 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.205 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.206 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.207 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.208 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.209 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.210 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.210 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.211 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.212 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.213 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.213 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.213 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.214 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.215 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.216 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.217 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.217 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.217 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@ee58e70 04-28 22:15:32.219 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.219 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.220 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.221 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.222 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.223 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.224 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.225 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.226 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.226 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.228 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.228 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.229 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.230 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.231 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.232 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.233 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.233 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.234 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.235 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.235 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.236 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.237 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.238 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.239 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.240 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.240 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.241 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.241 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.241 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.242 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.243 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.243 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.244 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.245 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.245 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@9c1d0f 04-28 22:15:32.246 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.246 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.247 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.248 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.248 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.249 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.249 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.250 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.251 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.251 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.252 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.253 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.253 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.254 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.255 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.255 25224 25224 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:15:32.256 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:32.257 25224 25224 D SimpleBase64: SimpleBase64 Created 04-28 22:15:32.258 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.260 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.262 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"bZOO(MpNUguVXTR`,\/i1"}]} 04-28 22:15:32.264 25224 25224 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"-x_dUBJ.ch=CIdWeaNuZ"}]} 04-28 22:15:33.001 25224 25224 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 274 lines. 04-28 22:15:33.001 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.002 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.012 25224 27712 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-28 22:15:33.014 25224 27712 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.018 25224 27712 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.018 25224 27712 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-28 22:15:33.018 25224 27712 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-28 22:15:33.023 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.024 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.025 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.027 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.029 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.031 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.033 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.033 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.043 25224 27713 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg 04-28 22:15:33.045 25224 27713 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.045 25224 27713 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:15:33.049 25224 27713 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:15:33.049 25224 27713 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.050 25224 27713 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 425 04-28 22:15:33.050 25224 27713 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 475 04-28 22:15:33.056 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.056 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.058 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.060 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.061 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.063 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.066 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.067 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.068 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.069 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.071 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.073 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.073 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.074 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.082 25224 27714 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.083 25224 27714 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.090 25224 27714 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.090 25224 27714 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.090 25224 27714 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.104 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.104 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.106 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.108 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.109 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.110 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.118 25224 27715 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.119 25224 27715 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.126 25224 27715 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.126 25224 27715 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.126 25224 27715 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.139 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.140 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.140 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.143 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.144 25224 25224 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@67e83a2 04-28 22:15:33.145 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.148 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.148 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.149 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.158 25224 27716 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:15:33.160 25224 27716 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.164 25224 27716 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.164 25224 27716 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.164 25224 27716 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.178 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.180 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.181 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.191 25224 27717 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-28 22:15:33.191 25224 27717 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.192 25224 27717 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.192 25224 27717 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-28 22:15:33.192 25224 27717 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-28 22:15:33.195 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.197 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.199 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.200 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.201 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.203 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.204 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.205 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.207 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.207 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.208 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.209 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.216 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@9d856c6 04-28 22:15:33.221 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@545c7ed 04-28 22:15:33.221 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.223 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.224 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.225 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.226 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.229 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.230 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.231 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.235 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.236 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.238 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.246 25224 27718 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:15:33.247 25224 27718 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.249 25224 27718 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.249 25224 27718 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.249 25224 27718 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.286 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.286 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.287 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.288 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.288 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.289 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.296 25224 27719 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.296 25224 27719 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.303 25224 27719 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.304 25224 27719 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.304 25224 27719 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.316 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.317 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.318 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.319 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.323 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.324 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.326 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.333 25224 27720 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:15:33.334 25224 27720 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.336 25224 27720 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.337 25224 27720 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.337 25224 27720 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.371 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.371 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.372 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.373 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.374 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.374 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.381 25224 27721 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.382 25224 27721 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.387 25224 27721 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.387 25224 27721 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.387 25224 27721 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.394 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.395 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.397 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.400 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.400 25224 25224 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@73a9849 04-28 22:15:33.402 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.404 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.405 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.406 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.414 25224 27722 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:15:33.415 25224 27722 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.418 25224 27722 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.419 25224 27722 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.419 25224 27722 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.432 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.435 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.436 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.446 25224 27723 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-28 22:15:33.447 25224 27723 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.448 25224 27723 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.448 25224 27723 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-28 22:15:33.448 25224 27723 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-28 22:15:33.450 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.452 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.455 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.456 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.458 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.460 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.461 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.462 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.464 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.464 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.465 25224 25224 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:15:33.467 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.475 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@6fc9abd 04-28 22:15:33.480 25224 25224 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@ee58e70 04-28 22:15:33.482 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.483 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.483 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.484 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.485 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.486 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.487 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.488 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.489 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.490 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.497 25224 27724 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:15:33.498 25224 27724 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.500 25224 27724 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.500 25224 27724 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.500 25224 27724 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.516 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.517 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.518 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.518 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.519 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.520 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.521 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.521 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.527 25224 27725 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.528 25224 27725 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.536 25224 27725 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.536 25224 27725 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.536 25224 27725 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.544 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.545 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.545 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.546 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.546 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.551 25224 27726 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:15:33.552 25224 27726 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.555 25224 27726 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.555 25224 27726 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.555 25224 27726 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:15:33.573 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.574 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.575 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.575 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.575 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.576 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.576 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.577 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.583 25224 27727 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:15:33.584 25224 27727 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.592 25224 27727 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.592 25224 27727 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.592 25224 27727 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.607 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.607 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.608 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.609 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.609 25224 25224 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@91554e5 04-28 22:15:33.610 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.611 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.611 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.611 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.618 25224 27728 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:15:33.619 25224 27728 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.624 25224 27728 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.624 25224 27728 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.624 25224 27728 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:15:33.638 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.639 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:33.640 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:33.646 25224 27729 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-28 22:15:33.648 25224 27729 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:33.649 25224 27729 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:15:33.649 25224 27729 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-28 22:15:33.649 25224 27729 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-28 22:15:33.651 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 98 lines. 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.000 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.001 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.021 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:34.021 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:34.021 25224 25224 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:15:34.021 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:15:34.022 25224 25224 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:15:34.024 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.024 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.025 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.025 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.026 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.026 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.026 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.026 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.027 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.027 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.027 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:15:34.027 25224 25224 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:15:34.028 25224 25224 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:15:34.028 25224 25224 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:15:34.028 25224 25224 D ReplForm: HandleReturnValues() Called, replResult = null 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.034 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:34.035 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:34.048 25224 25240 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=1955ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1752929, IntendedVsync=26540726016821, Vsync=26542626016859, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=26542630613889, AnimationStart=26542630617658, PerformTraversalsStart=26542630687427, DrawStart=26542648586273, FrameDeadline=26540746016821, FrameInterval=26542630493889, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=26542651975427, SyncStart=26542652269658, IssueDrawCommandsStart=26542666720735, SwapBuffers=26542676945889, FrameCompleted=26542681517273, DequeueBufferDuration=78154, QueueBufferDuration=840538, GpuCompleted=26542681517273, SwapBuffersCompleted=26542681350889, DisplayPresentTime=26526473094888, CommandSubmissionCompleted=26542676945889, 04-28 22:15:36.520 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.521 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.521 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.521 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.521 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.521 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.522 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.523 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:36.524 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:39.209 25224 27738 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:15:39.214 25224 27738 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:43.711 25224 27738 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:43.713 25224 27738 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:15:43.741 25224 27738 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c7890b000 length 2050276 04-28 22:15:43.747 25224 27738 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c7890b000 size 2052480 04-28 22:15:43.743 25224 25224 W Thread-357: type=1400 audit(0.0:33247): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:43.751 25224 27738 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:15:43.747 25224 25224 W Thread-357: type=1400 audit(0.0:33248): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:43.753 25224 27738 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:15:43.801 25224 27738 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:15:43.813 25224 27746 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:15:46.930 25224 27746 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:46.931 25224 27746 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:15:46.950 25224 27746 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c78998000 length 1475957 04-28 22:15:46.957 25224 27746 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c78998000 size 1478144 04-28 22:15:46.955 25224 25224 W Thread-358: type=1400 audit(0.0:33249): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:46.960 25224 27746 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:15:46.959 25224 25224 W Thread-358: type=1400 audit(0.0:33250): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:46.962 25224 27746 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x704, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:15:46.995 25224 27746 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:15:47.010 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 27752 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:47.286 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.303 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.309 25224 27753 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(129) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:47.821 25224 27753 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:47.822 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.840 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:47.841 25224 27756 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(172) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:48.469 25224 27756 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:48.470 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.487 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.489 25224 27757 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(196) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:48.820 25224 27757 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:48.821 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.849 4304 4304 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():73 initialize... 04-28 22:15:48.849 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onContentChanged():72 onContentChanged() 04-28 22:15:48.850 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onContentChanged():159 onContentChanged() 04-28 22:15:48.851 4304 4304 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():83 initialize...done 04-28 22:15:48.860 25224 27759 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:15:48.861 25224 27759 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(199) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:48.863 4304 28981 I AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession():139 com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier@68a5e85 is created 04-28 22:15:51.157 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:51.158 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:51.158 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:51.158 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:53.224 25224 27759 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:53.225 25224 27759 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:15:53.248 25224 27759 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c75f7e000 length 2050276 04-28 22:15:53.255 25224 25224 W Thread-363: type=1400 audit(0.0:33251): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:53.257 25224 27759 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c75f7e000 size 2052480 04-28 22:15:53.260 25224 27759 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:15:53.262 25224 27759 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:15:53.259 25224 25224 W Thread-363: type=1400 audit(0.0:33252): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:53.307 25224 27759 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:15:53.321 25224 27765 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:15:53.856 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-28 22:15:53.858 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-28 22:15:53.955 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():326 importRecords() : Canceled 04-28 22:15:53.959 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-28 22:15:53.960 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [0,0] 04-28 22:15:53.961 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onImportFinished():256 onImportFinished() : Result = 0 : Count = 0 04-28 22:15:56.089 25224 25452 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-28 22:15:56.422 25224 27765 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:15:56.422 25224 27765 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:15:56.433 25224 27765 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c7600b000 length 1475957 04-28 22:15:56.437 25224 27765 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c7600b000 size 1478144 04-28 22:15:56.435 25224 25224 W Thread-364: type=1400 audit(0.0:33253): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:56.439 25224 27765 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:15:56.435 25224 25224 W Thread-364: type=1400 audit(0.0:33254): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:15:56.441 25224 27765 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x704, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:15:56.480 25224 27765 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:15:56.490 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 27796 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:56.651 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:56.661 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:56.665 25224 27797 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:57.153 25224 27797 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:57.154 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.164 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.165 25224 27800 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(129) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 27800 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:57.549 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.559 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.560 25224 27801 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(172) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:15:57.645 25224 25452 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:15:57.926 25224 27801 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:15:57.928 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:15:57.946 25224 25224 I Choreographer: Skipped 1125 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.951 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.952 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:15:57.953 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:15:57.997 25224 25452 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=18786ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1753347, IntendedVsync=26547838131377, Vsync=26566588131752, InputEventId=834006399, HandleInputStart=26566593515813, AnimationStart=26566593528660, PerformTraversalsStart=26566593676967, DrawStart=26566601622275, FrameDeadline=26547858131377, FrameInterval=26566593238890, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=26566602690890, SyncStart=26566602819736, IssueDrawCommandsStart=26566607284967, SwapBuffers=26566620108352, FrameCompleted=26566624951198, DequeueBufferDuration=93000, QueueBufferDuration=1319308, GpuCompleted=26566624951198, SwapBuffersCompleted=26566624732429, DisplayPresentTime=26527000395503, CommandSubmissionCompleted=26566620108352, 04-28 22:15:58.023 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.041 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.076 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.125 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.190 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.281 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:58.281 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:58.281 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:15:58.337 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.371 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.404 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.438 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:58.486 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.245 25224 25452 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-28 22:15:59.855 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.870 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.886 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.936 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.970 25224 25247 I libPerfCtl: fbcNotifySbeRescue ret=-1 04-28 22:15:59.989 25224 25452 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.755 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.756 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:16:01.757 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:16:02.431 25224 25224 D ImeFocusController: onViewFocusChanged, view=android.widget.EditText{af076d2 VFED..CL. .F.P..ID 36,0-682,225}, mServedView=DecorView@8c87d6f[Screen1] 04-28 22:16:02.436 25224 25224 V ImeFocusController: checkFocus: view=DecorView@8c87d6f[Screen1] next=android.widget.EditText{af076d2 VFED..CL. .F.P..ID 36,0-682,225 aid=1073742106} immDelegate=delegate{945f65e displayId=0} force=false package=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:02.443 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-28 22:16:02.446 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-28 22:16:02.447 4304 4304 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-28 22:16:02.454 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:16:02.458 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:16:02.460 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:16:02.463 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:16:02.465 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:16:02.474 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-28 22:16:02.476 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:16:02.481 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: fr, ime_french 04-28 22:16:02.484 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInputView():2062 onStartInputView(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-28 22:16:02.486 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:16:02.486 4304 4304 W ModuleManager: ModuleManager.loadModule():471 Module ljt is not available 04-28 22:16:02.489 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.getOemKeyboardHeightRatio():210 systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000. 04-28 22:16:02.490 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onActivate():89 LatinIme.onActivate() : EditorInfo = EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}, IncognitoMode = false, DeviceLocked = false 04-28 22:16:02.492 4304 4304 I Delight5Facilitator: Delight5Facilitator.initializeForIme():746 initializeForIme() : Locale = [fr], layout = azerty 04-28 22:16:02.494 4304 4304 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onActivateIme():99 registering TalkbackStateListener 04-28 22:16:02.494 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.cancelShutdown():102 cancelShutdown() 04-28 22:16:02.495 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.syncLanguagePacks():114 syncLanguagePacks() 04-28 22:16:02.496 4304 4304 I LatinIme: LatinIme.updateEnableInlineSuggestionsOnDecoderSideFlags():1190 inline flag updated to:false 04-28 22:16:02.496 4304 2820 I SpeechFactory: SpeechRecognitionFactory.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback():200 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback() 04-28 22:16:02.496 4304 2820 I FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider: FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload():197 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload() for language tag fr-FR 04-28 22:16:02.503 4304 4304 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-28 22:16:02.504 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.activateKeyboard():572 activateKeyboard(): type=prime, status=0, imeDef=kpa{stringId=ime_french, language=fr, languageTag=fr, processedConditions={enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, label=0, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=true, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@a1e88bf, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=true, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@583eea9, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=true, supportsAccessPoints=true} 04-28 22:16:02.505 4304 4304 I KeyboardManager: KeyboardManager.requestKeyboard():234 Creating keyboard prime, i***************, cacheKey=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign 04-28 22:16:02.506 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.onKeyboardReady():236 onKeyboardReady(): type=prime(prime), kb=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard@182b1b2 04-28 22:16:02.506 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.doActivateKeyboard():603 doActivateKeyboard(): prime 04-28 22:16:02.510 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.512 4304 4304 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():587 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e059c, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, helpersCreated=[kec@a7a3eeb, kec@9fa9448, kec@8f42e1, null], context.getResources().getConfiguration(): {1.15 208mcc10mnc [fr_FR] ldltr sw384dp w384dp h779dp 300dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.50 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=2 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} 04-28 22:16:02.513 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.514 25224 25224 I AssistStructure: Flattened final assist data: 16740 bytes, containing 2 windows, 170 views 04-28 22:16:02.517 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.startInputIfInputViewStarted():3648 startInputIfInputViewStarted(): default prime 04-28 22:16:02.517 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():610 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true supportsSplitMode=true 04-28 22:16:02.518 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:02.518 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:02.518 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.518 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.519 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.519 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.519 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:02.520 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@70171ae from hinge 04-28 22:16:02.520 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:02.520 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:02.521 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:02.521 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.521 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.521 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():600 setInputView() : entry=jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-28 22:16:02.522 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:02.526 25224 25224 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:62880000000b,api:0,p:-1,c:25224) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-28 22:16:02.533 25224 25243 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#11](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=53x51 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=26571179310814(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=108336255074358 transform=0 04-28 22:16:02.534 25224 25243 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null! 04-28 22:16:02.587 4304 4304 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-28 22:16:02.588 4304 4304 I VoiceImeExtension: VoiceImeExtension.shouldStartVoiceInputAutomaticallyInCurrentInputBox():415 No private IME option set to start voice input. 04-28 22:16:02.590 25224 25224 W OnBackInvokedCallback: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 04-28 22:16:02.590 25224 25224 W OnBackInvokedCallback: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 04-28 22:16:02.590 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-28 22:16:02.608 4304 4304 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:10d00000002d,api:0,p:-1,c:4304) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-28 22:16:02.609 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.610 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:02.610 4304 4304 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notifyWithWindow():105 04-28 22:16:02.610 4304 4304 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notify():98 WindowMetricsNotification{bounds=Rect(0, 60 - 720, 1600), insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 79), densityDpi=300, displayWidth=720, displayHeight=1600, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}; DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600, scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21} 04-28 22:16:02.633 4304 4485 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[InputMethod]#45](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1540 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=26571279204044(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=18485539242167 transform=0 04-28 22:16:02.638 25224 25224 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-28 22:16:02.640 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=HEADER 04-28 22:16:02.641 4304 4304 I KeyboardViewController: KeyboardViewController.lambda$showSelfAndAncestors$6():653 current view doesn't has the priority com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.accesspoint.widget.AccessPointsBar{1903b35 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-536,83 #7f0b0018 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} to show itself, DEFAULT 04-28 22:16:02.641 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=BODY 04-28 22:16:02.642 4304 4304 I NewLanguagePromptExtension: NewLanguagePromptExtension$1.onKeyboardViewShown():110 Not show new language banner: no new languages. 04-28 22:16:02.642 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:02.643 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.setKeyboardLayout():497 setKeyboardLayout() 04-28 22:16:02.644 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-28 22:16:02.644 4304 4608 I PersonalDictionaryDataHandler: PersonalDictionaryDataHandler.beginProcess():114 LanguageTags = [fr] 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.653 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:02.654 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:02.658 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:02.658 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:02.679 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():345 importRecords() : Success : Count = 0 04-28 22:16:02.683 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-28 22:16:02.684 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.unloadLanguageModel():929 unloadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-28 22:16:02.701 4304 4608 I PersonalLanguageModelUpdater: PersonalLanguageModelUpdater$UpdateOperation.performInternal():165 run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts 04-28 22:16:02.702 4304 4608 I DynamicLanguageModelOperation: DynamicLanguageModelOperation.perform():43 perform() : 4 : dvr : Completed 04-28 22:16:02.702 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():717 loadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-28 22:16:02.703 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [2,0] 04-28 22:16:02.703 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onImportFinished():82 onImportFinished() : Result = 2 : Count = 0 04-28 22:16:02.704 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():758 Loaded dynamic LM 4.fr 04-28 22:16:02.704 4304 4304 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-28 22:16:04.475 25224 27828 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:16:04.481 25224 27828 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:04.633 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:04.634 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:04.697 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:04.697 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:04.816 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:04.816 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:04.946 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:04.946 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:08.388 25224 27828 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:16:08.390 25224 27828 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:16:08.411 25224 27828 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c78b14000 length 2050276 04-28 22:16:08.419 25224 27828 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c78b14000 size 2052480 04-28 22:16:08.415 25224 25224 W Thread-370: type=1400 audit(0.0:33270): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:08.423 25224 27828 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:16:08.426 25224 27828 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:16:08.423 25224 25224 W Thread-370: type=1400 audit(0.0:33271): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:08.482 25224 27828 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:16:08.499 25224 27836 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:16:11.644 25224 27836 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:16:11.646 25224 27836 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:16:11.658 25224 27836 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c786c4000 length 1475957 04-28 22:16:11.662 25224 27836 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c786c4000 size 1478144 04-28 22:16:11.659 25224 25224 W Thread-371: type=1400 audit(0.0:33272): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:11.664 25224 27836 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:16:11.663 25224 25224 W Thread-371: type=1400 audit(0.0:33273): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:11.666 25224 27836 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x704, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:16:11.722 25224 27836 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:16:11.740 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:11.985 25224 27842 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:11.986 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.002 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.007 25224 27843 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(152) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:12.477 25224 27843 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:12.478 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.495 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.496 25224 27846 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(169) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:12.947 25224 27846 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:12.948 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.966 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:12.967 25224 27847 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(199) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:13.505 25224 27847 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:13.506 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:13.526 25224 25224 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#11](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-28 22:16:13.526 25224 25224 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#11(BLAST Consumer)11](id:62880000000b,api:0,p:-1,c:25224) disconnect 04-28 22:16:13.560 25224 27848 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:16:13.561 25224 27848 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(128) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:15.950 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:16:15.950 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:16:15.950 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:16:15.950 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:16:15.950 25224 25237 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:16:17.830 25224 27848 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:16:17.830 25224 27848 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:16:17.844 25224 27848 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c78637000 length 2050276 04-28 22:16:17.849 25224 27848 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c78637000 size 2052480 04-28 22:16:17.847 25224 25224 W Thread-376: type=1400 audit(0.0:33274): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:17.852 25224 27848 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:16:17.854 25224 27848 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:16:17.851 25224 25224 W Thread-376: type=1400 audit(0.0:33275): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:17.912 25224 27848 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:16:17.923 25224 27856 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:16:20.559 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:20.559 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:20.642 25224 25232 I or.aicompanion3: Thread[5,tid=25232,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400006eca223f50,peer=0x12d40d40,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-28 22:16:20.642 25224 25232 I or.aicompanion3: 04-28 22:16:21.001 25224 27856 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:16:21.003 25224 27856 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:16:21.017 25224 27856 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c786c4000 length 1475957 04-28 22:16:21.021 25224 27856 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c786c4000 size 1478144 04-28 22:16:21.019 25224 25224 W Thread-377: type=1400 audit(0.0:33276): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:21.024 25224 27856 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:16:21.023 25224 25224 W Thread-377: type=1400 audit(0.0:33277): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:16:21.028 25224 27856 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x704, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:16:21.073 25224 27856 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:16:21.094 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:21.256 25224 27866 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:21.257 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:21.273 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:21.277 25224 27867 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(121) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:21.538 25224 25232 I or.aicompanion3: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:21.714 25224 27867 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:21.716 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:22.707 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:22.708 25224 27870 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:23.158 25224 27870 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:23.159 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:16:23.176 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:23.177 25224 27871 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(169) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:16:23.621 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: Thread[6,tid=4313,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400006eca22e630,peer=0x13380880,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-28 22:16:23.621 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:16:23.756 25224 27871 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:16:23.757 25224 25224 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:16:23.794 25224 25224 I Choreographer: Skipped 1175 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.798 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.799 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.43625 04-28 22:16:23.800 25224 25224 D Form : keyboard shown! 04-28 22:16:23.859 25224 25224 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:62880000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:25224) connect: controlledByApp=false 04-28 22:16:23.861 25224 25452 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=19381ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1755267, IntendedVsync=26573108812541, Vsync=26592436761191, InputEventId=834670881, HandleInputStart=26592441109661, AnimationStart=26592441114892, PerformTraversalsStart=26592441116738, DrawStart=26592474750892, FrameDeadline=26573128812541, FrameInterval=26592440948969, FrameStartTime=16449318, SyncQueued=26592478266584, SyncStart=26592479256738, IssueDrawCommandsStart=26592480280353, SwapBuffers=26592486727123, FrameCompleted=26592490951815, DequeueBufferDuration=129000, QueueBufferDuration=770154, GpuCompleted=26592490951815, SwapBuffersCompleted=26592490328661, DisplayPresentTime=26567095801275, CommandSubmissionCompleted=26592486727123, 04-28 22:16:23.870 25224 25243 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#12](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=53x51 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=26592515966584(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=108336255074362 transform=0 04-28 22:16:23.872 25224 25243 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null! 04-28 22:16:23.936 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=1000, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}}, true) 04-28 22:16:23.938 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:16:23.938 25224 25224 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-28 22:16:23.938 4304 4304 W SessionManager: SessionManager.beginSession():53 Try to begin an already begun session [INPUT_SESSION], end it first 04-28 22:16:23.939 4304 4304 W SessionManager: SessionManager.endSession():96 Child session [INPUT_VIEW_SESSION] is not ended while ending session [{IME_SESSION=1714335362490, INPUT_VIEW_SESSION=1714335362485, TRAINING_CACHE_SESSION=1714335362491, INPUT_SESSION=1714335362476}], ending it now. 04-28 22:16:23.939 4304 4304 W SessionManager: SessionManager.endSession():96 Child session [IME_SESSION] is not ended while ending session [{IME_SESSION=1714335362490, INPUT_VIEW_SESSION=1714335362485, TRAINING_CACHE_SESSION=1714335362491, INPUT_SESSION=1714335362476}], ending it now. 04-28 22:16:23.944 25224 25224 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 04-28 22:16:23.945 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: fr, ime_french 04-28 22:16:23.948 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInputView():2062 onStartInputView(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=1000, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}}, true) 04-28 22:16:23.950 4304 4304 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-28 22:16:23.950 4304 4304 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onDeactivateIme():115 unregistering TalkbackStateListener 04-28 22:16:23.951 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdown():124 shutdown() 04-28 22:16:23.955 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onDeactivate():204 LatinIme.onDeactivate() 04-28 22:16:23.955 4304 4304 W SessionManager: SessionManager.endSession():88 Try to end a not begun session [IME_SESSION]. 04-28 22:16:23.957 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:16:23.958 4304 4304 W ModuleManager: ModuleManager.loadModule():471 Module ljt is not available 04-28 22:16:23.964 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.getOemKeyboardHeightRatio():210 systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000. 04-28 22:16:23.964 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onActivate():89 LatinIme.onActivate() : EditorInfo = EditorInfo{packageName=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, inputType=20001, inputTypeString=Normal, enableLearning=true, autoCorrection=true, autoComplete=true, imeOptions=40000006, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=DONE, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=10, initialSelEnd=10, initialCapsMode=1000, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=non-empty, hintLocales=[]}, IncognitoMode = false, DeviceLocked = false 04-28 22:16:23.966 4304 4304 I Delight5Facilitator: Delight5Facilitator.initializeForIme():746 initializeForIme() : Locale = [fr], layout = azerty 04-28 22:16:23.967 4304 4304 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onActivateIme():99 registering TalkbackStateListener 04-28 22:16:23.968 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.cancelShutdown():102 cancelShutdown() 04-28 22:16:23.968 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.syncLanguagePacks():114 syncLanguagePacks() 04-28 22:16:23.968 4304 4304 I LatinIme: LatinIme.updateEnableInlineSuggestionsOnDecoderSideFlags():1190 inline flag updated to:false 04-28 22:16:23.968 4304 2820 I SpeechFactory: SpeechRecognitionFactory.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback():200 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownloadForFallback() 04-28 22:16:23.969 4304 2820 I FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider: FallbackOnDeviceRecognitionProvider.maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload():197 maybeScheduleAutoPackDownload() for language tag fr-FR 04-28 22:16:23.980 4304 4304 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-28 22:16:23.982 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.activateKeyboard():572 activateKeyboard(): type=prime, status=0, imeDef=kpa{stringId=ime_french, language=fr, languageTag=fr, processedConditions={enable_number_row=true, device=phone}, className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, label=0, keyEventInterpreter=null, inlineComposing=true, autoCapital=true, announceAutoSelectedCandidate=true, statusIcon=0, primeKeyboardType=SOFT, indicatorIcon=0, indicatorLabel=null, displayAppCompletions=true, extraValues=kos{}, processors=kqs@a1e88bf, unacceptableMetaKeys=4098, languageSpecificSettings=0, asciiCapable=true, alwaysShowSuggestions=false, useAsciiPasswordKeyboard=false, secondaryIme=null, keyboardGroupDef=kqa@583eea9, phenotypeFlagId=0, localizationLanguageTag=null, supportsInlineSuggestion=true, supportsAccessPoints=true} 04-28 22:16:23.982 4304 4304 I KeyboardManager: KeyboardManager.requestKeyboard():234 Creating keyboard prime, i***************, cacheKey=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign 04-28 22:16:23.983 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.onKeyboardReady():236 onKeyboardReady(): type=prime(prime), kb=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard@182b1b2 04-28 22:16:23.983 4304 4304 I KeyboardWrapper: KeyboardWrapper.doActivateKeyboard():603 doActivateKeyboard(): prime 04-28 22:16:23.987 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.988 4304 4304 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():587 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=kpv{processedConditions={enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false, enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false, enable_secondary_symbols=false, variant=azerty, language=fr-FR, expressions=normal, device=phone, show_secondary_digits=false, enable_preemptive_decode=true, rtl_layout=false}, globalConditions={global_theme_key=theme_border_stylesheet_noshadow_gsans_pillkey_silkpopup_light_phone_bottom4dp_navredesign, global_locale=fr_FR, global_density_dpi=300, global_orientation=1}, className=.latin.keyboard.LatinPrimeKeyboard, resourceIds=[#0x7f170676, #0x7f170826, #0x7f170852], initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=true, layoutId=#0x7f0e0225, type=BODY, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}, kqj{direction=null, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e01b6, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, touchable=false, defaultShow=false}, kqj{direction=LOCALE, id=#0x7f0b0150, isScalable=false, layoutId=#0x7f0e059c, type=HEADER, touchable=true, defaultShow=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=#0x7f0e06ac, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=17592186044419}, type=WIDGET, helpersCreated=[kec@a7a3eeb, kec@9fa9448, kec@8f42e1, null], context.getResources().getConfiguration(): {1.15 208mcc10mnc [fr_FR] ldltr sw384dp w384dp h779dp 300dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.50 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=2 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} 04-28 22:16:23.990 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.995 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.startInputIfInputViewStarted():3648 startInputIfInputViewStarted(): default prime 04-28 22:16:23.995 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():610 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true supportsSplitMode=true 04-28 22:16:23.996 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:23.996 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:23.996 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.996 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.997 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.997 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.997 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:23.998 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.updateKeyboardPinStateIfNecessary():999 Unpin khz@70171ae from hinge 04-28 22:16:23.998 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:23.998 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:23.999 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:23.999 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.999 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:23.999 4304 4304 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputViewKeyboardViewHolderProvider():600 setInputView() : entry=jys{languageTag=fr-FR, variant=azerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_dynamic_diacritic_key=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign_for_expression=true_enable_number_row=true_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_digits=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_enable_show_foldable_layout_on_small_tablet=false_expressions=normal_four_or_more_letter_rows=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=fr-FR_orientation=portrait_physical_keyboard=nokeys_rtl_layout=false_show_secondary_digits=false_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=azerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_french, imeDef.className=com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.libs.latin5.LatinIme, imeDef.languageTag=fr} 04-28 22:16:24.000 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundDrawableLevel():418 Set level to the background drawable: 10000 04-28 22:16:24.014 4304 4304 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-28 22:16:24.015 4304 4304 I VoiceImeExtension: VoiceImeExtension.shouldStartVoiceInputAutomaticallyInCurrentInputBox():415 No private IME option set to start voice input. 04-28 22:16:24.018 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:24.018 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:24.019 4304 4304 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notifyWithWindow():105 04-28 22:16:24.019 4304 4304 I WindowMetricsNotification: WindowMetricsNotification.notify():98 WindowMetricsNotification{bounds=Rect(0, 60 - 720, 1600), insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 79), densityDpi=300, displayWidth=720, displayHeight=1600, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}; DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600, scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21} 04-28 22:16:24.024 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=HEADER 04-28 22:16:24.025 4304 4304 I KeyboardViewController: KeyboardViewController.lambda$showSelfAndAncestors$6():653 current view doesn't has the priority com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.accesspoint.widget.AccessPointsBar{1903b35 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-536,83 #7f0b0018 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} to show itself, DEFAULT 04-28 22:16:24.026 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService$1.onKeyboardViewShown():478 onKeyboardViewShown: keyboardType=prime, keyboardViewType=BODY 04-28 22:16:24.026 4304 4304 I NewLanguagePromptExtension: NewLanguagePromptExtension$1.onKeyboardViewShown():110 Not show new language banner: no new languages. 04-28 22:16:24.027 4304 4304 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():103 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:3 04-28 22:16:24.028 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.setKeyboardLayout():497 setKeyboardLayout() 04-28 22:16:24.035 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:24.035 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:24.047 4304 4304 I KeyboardViewController: KeyboardViewController.lambda$showSelfAndAncestors$6():653 current view doesn't has the priority com.google.android.libraries.inputmethod.accesspoint.widget.AccessPointsBar{1903b35 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-536,83 #7f0b0018 app:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated} to show itself, DEFAULT 04-28 22:16:24.056 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:24.056 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:24.181 4304 4304 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-28 22:16:25.252 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-28 22:16:25.272 25224 25224 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#12](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-28 22:16:25.272 25224 25224 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[PopupWindow:eb129c4]#12(BLAST Consumer)12](id:62880000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:25224) disconnect 04-28 22:16:25.305 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:25.306 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:25.486 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:25.487 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:25.618 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:25.618 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:26.177 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:26.177 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:26.376 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:26.376 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:26.474 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:26.474 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:26.637 4304 4304 I KeyboardHeightUtil: KeyboardHeightUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():45 leave 182 height for app when ime window height:1461, header height:83 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1196 04-28 22:16:26.638 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():499 Set finalPaddingBottom = 3 while holderPaddingBottom = 3; navigationHeight = 79 04-28 22:16:26.783 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInputView():2353 04-28 22:16:26.784 4304 4304 W TooltipLifecycleManager: TooltipLifecycleManager.dismissTooltips():172 Tooltip with id spell_check_add_to_dictionary not found in tooltipManager. 04-28 22:16:26.784 4304 2847 W RemoteInputConnection: requestCursorUpdates() was failed with an exception=android.os.DeadObjectException 04-28 22:16:26.786 4304 4304 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():878 Skip consuming an event as keyboard status is 0 04-28 22:16:26.787 4304 4304 I VoiceInputHandler: VoiceInputHandler.onDeactivateIme():115 unregistering TalkbackStateListener 04-28 22:16:26.787 4304 4304 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdown():124 shutdown() 04-28 22:16:26.789 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: AbstractIme.onDeactivate():204 LatinIme.onDeactivate() 04-28 22:16:26.790 4304 4304 W AccessPointsManager: AccessPointsManager.removeAccessPoint():846 The holder controller #0x7f0b206c is not registered 04-28 22:16:26.824 4304 4485 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 29, oppidx_max 29, oppidx_min 0 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: AutoCloseableTracker.drainReferenceQueue():96 Cleanup AutoCloseable object that missing the close() call 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: ito 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at itl.(PG:3) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at its.(PG:1) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at itq.(PG:2) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier.(PG:6) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier.(PG:8) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at com.android.inputmethod.latin.spellcheck.AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession(PG:4) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at android.service.textservice.SpellCheckerService$SpellCheckerServiceBinder.getISpellCheckerSession(SpellCheckerService.java:361) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at com.android.internal.textservice.ISpellCheckerService$Stub.onTransact(ISpellCheckerService.java:113) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1351) 04-28 22:16:26.957 4304 4794 W AutoCloseableTracker: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1310) 04-28 22:16:27.060 4304 4304 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[InputMethod]#45](f:0,a:0) destructor() 04-28 22:16:27.060 4304 4304 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[InputMethod]#45(BLAST Consumer)45](id:10d00000002d,api:0,p:-1,c:4304) disconnect 04-28 22:16:27.088 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-28 22:16:27.092 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-28 22:16:27.093 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=com.android.launcher3, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-28 22:16:27.094 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:16:27.096 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-28 22:16:36.837 4304 4355 I ProtoXDBBufferWrapper: ProtoXDBBufferWrapper.flushToStorage():158 Flushed 12 data item(s) to storage. 04-28 22:19:01.440 28052 28052 E or.aicompanion3: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-28 22:19:01.456 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:01.457 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:01.458 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:01.459 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:01.461 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:01.639 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindow isCached is false and normal value is true 04-28 22:19:01.640 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.freeform isCached is false and normal value is true 04-28 22:19:01.655 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is false and normal value is true 04-28 22:19:01.672 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.nightmode isCached is false and normal value is true 04-28 22:19:01.674 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is false and normal value is true 04-28 22:19:01.676 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.685 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.687 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.765 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.773 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.775 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.778 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.785 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.788 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.790 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.791 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.793 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.794 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.796 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.800 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.802 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.803 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.805 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.806 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.806 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.807 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.808 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.809 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.810 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.811 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.814 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.815 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.817 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.817 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.822 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.829 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.829 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:01.959 28052 28052 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "libmagtsync.so" not found 04-28 22:19:01.966 28052 28072 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS 04-28 22:19:01.983 28052 28100 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-28 22:19:02.530 28111 28111 E com.whatsapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 04-28 22:19:02.540 28111 28111 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multilandscape isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:02.541 28111 28111 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitrecents isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:02.541 28111 28111 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.splitratio isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:02.542 28111 28111 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.multiwindowresidentbar isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:02.543 28111 28111 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.hovermode isCached is false and normal value is false 04-28 22:19:04.402 28052 28052 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-28 22:19:04.446 28052 28052 E SurfaceSyncer: Failed to find sync for id=0 04-28 22:19:05.149 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:07.718 28052 28461 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-28 22:19:07.718 28052 28461 E OpenSLESRecorder: Not implemented 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension$1.onFailure():143 failed to parse keyboard group def : 2132214040 -> 0_resource_name_obfuscated. 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.r(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.get(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at a.i(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at njf.x(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at poz.run(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at poi.execute(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.h(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.k(PG:12) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.cancel(PG:6) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.m(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at pnk.a(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.k(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.cancel(PG:6) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.e(PG:5) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.D(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.E(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at jkq.h(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at kbi.aK(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at dhg.c(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at kbi.onConfigurationChanged(PG:25) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.window.WindowTokenClient.onConfigurationChanged(WindowTokenClient.java:260) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.window.WindowTokenClient$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept(Unknown Source:16) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.doInvoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:295) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.invoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:204) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.OmniFunction.run(OmniFunction.java:97) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8547) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:582) 04-28 22:19:08.024 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: AbstractOpenableExtension$1.onFailure():143 failed to parse keyboard group def : 2132214041 -> 0_resource_name_obfuscated. 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.r(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.get(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at a.i(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at njf.x(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at poz.run(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at poi.execute(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.h(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.k(PG:12) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.cancel(PG:6) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.m(PG:2) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at pnk.a(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.k(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at png.cancel(PG:6) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.e(PG:5) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.D(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at ess.E(PG:1) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at jkq.h(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at kbi.aK(PG:4) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at dhg.c(PG:3) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at kbi.onConfigurationChanged(PG:25) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.window.WindowTokenClient.onConfigurationChanged(WindowTokenClient.java:260) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.window.WindowTokenClient$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept(Unknown Source:16) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.doInvoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:295) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.invoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:204) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.OmniFunction.run(OmniFunction.java:97) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8547) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:582) 04-28 22:19:08.025 4304 4304 E AbstractOpenableExtension: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061) 04-28 22:19:08.075 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:14.748 28052 28052 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.KIO4_Base64/com.KIO4_Base64.jar 04-28 22:19:14.754 28052 28052 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64/com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64.jar 04-28 22:19:14.756 28052 28052 E or.aicompanion3: Attempt to load writable dex file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64/uk.co.metricrat.imagebase64.jar 04-28 22:19:16.388 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.397 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.400 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.402 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.403 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.404 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.405 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.407 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.409 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.411 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.412 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.413 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.414 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.416 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.417 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.418 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.419 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.421 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.422 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.423 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.424 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.426 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.427 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.427 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.427 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.429 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.430 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.433 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.434 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.437 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.438 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.439 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.439 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.439 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.441 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.442 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.445 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.446 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.462 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.468 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.470 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.471 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.475 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.476 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.479 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.480 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.653 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.653 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.654 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:16.654 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:17.647 28052 28052 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-28 22:19:22.483 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.484 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.485 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.485 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.486 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.617 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.755 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.757 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.759 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.761 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.763 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.764 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.766 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.768 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.770 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.772 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.774 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.775 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.777 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.779 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.781 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.783 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.784 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.786 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.788 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.790 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.792 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.794 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.795 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.797 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.799 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.800 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.803 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.804 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.808 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.811 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.821 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.823 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.825 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.828 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.829 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.831 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.833 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.835 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.836 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.838 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.847 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.850 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.911 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:22.917 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.077 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.080 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.097 4304 4304 E DynamicLayoutHandler: DynamicLayoutHandler.readKeysFile():233 Error: Primary input is not in keyboard layout. 04-28 22:19:23.119 4304 4304 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed! 04-28 22:19:23.129 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.130 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.134 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.137 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.144 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.145 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.161 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.163 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.176 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.177 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.193 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.194 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.210 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.211 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.227 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.229 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.243 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.244 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.784 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.785 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.939 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.940 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.945 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.946 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.949 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:23.950 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:24.187 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:24.188 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:24.316 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:24.317 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:26.345 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:26.400 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:27.056 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:27.057 4304 4304 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:30.476 28052 28052 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-28 22:19:30.476 28052 28052 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 04-28 22:19:30.476 28052 28052 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 04-28 22:19:30.477 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.527 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.542 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.548 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.549 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.550 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.551 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.553 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.554 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.555 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.555 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.556 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.557 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.559 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.561 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.564 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.567 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.569 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.570 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.571 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.573 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.574 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.575 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.576 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.578 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.580 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.581 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.582 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.584 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.587 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.588 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.592 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.595 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.596 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.597 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.599 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.599 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.600 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.600 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.601 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.603 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.604 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.606 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.608 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.610 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.612 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.613 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.614 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.615 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.617 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:34.619 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.140 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.140 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.142 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.142 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.143 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.144 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.471 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.472 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.473 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.473 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.474 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.489 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.489 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.491 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.491 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.491 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.726 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.726 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.727 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.728 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.728 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.742 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.742 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.744 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.744 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.744 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.761 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.761 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.763 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.763 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.764 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.776 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.776 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.777 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.777 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.778 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.788 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.788 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.790 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.790 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.790 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.867 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.868 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.868 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:35.869 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:36.190 28052 28052 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-28 22:19:36.190 28052 28052 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-28 22:19:36.190 28052 28052 E Firebase: Auth Failed: Failed to validate MAC. 04-28 22:19:46.323 4304 4355 I VoiceInputManagerWrapper: VoiceInputManagerWrapper.shutdownVoiceInternal():140 shutdownVoiceInternal() 04-28 22:19:53.964 28052 28052 I Form : Open another screen with start value:ACTIVITES 04-28 22:19:53.964 28052 28052 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- creating JSON representation:moi 04-28 22:19:53.964 28052 28052 I Form : jsonEncodeForForm -- got JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:53.964 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"pushScreen","screen":"ACTIVITES","value":"moi"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.530 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[c%S?e@[`+8@%NlLGRZL" (begin (define-event Bouton5 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.530 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "INFORMATIONENFANT1" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:54.532 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u+xhWe(4,PAk{?-x)drh" (begin (def g$scriptURL "*********************************************************************************************************************** 04-28 22:19:54.533 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe" (begin (define-event Bouton4 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.533 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "ACCUEIL" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:54.533 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A." (begin (def g$profil (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:54.534 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*" (begin (def g$reponse "")))) 04-28 22:19:54.535 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK/vd" (begin (define-event ACTIVITES Initialize()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.535 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.535 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10" (begin (define-event Bouton3 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.535 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "bYwuv5~4{D1/Y^PGPuAa" (begin (define-event Bouton7 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "(auO*vaHM/]rB:LQGMz9" (begin (define-event Bouton2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW" (begin (define-event Bouton1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y" (begin (define-event Bouton9 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.536 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.543 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug" (begin (define-event Web1 GotText($url $responseCode $responseType $responseContent)(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.544 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 5) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 6) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 7) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 8) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 9) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 10) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text) )(if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yai 04-28 22:19:54.544 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.544 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico1=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.544 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.544 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico2=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.545 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z" (begin (define-event Bouton11 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.545 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input ",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md" (begin (define-event Bouton12 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #t 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie1=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy" (begin (define-event Bouton10 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.648 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k" (begin (define-event Bouton8 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "VTg++EX/]HlsBD_y!}M%" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie2=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X" (begin (define-event Bouton15 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.649 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene1=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "s3lk.f*dVzYbG;UZvnWy" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene2=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "2p8Pv2NYZgV?B|ZV.mH_" (begin (define-event Bouton17 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.650 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.651 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "1ew6]Zx@P+!AvH,$m%K8" (begin (define-event Bouton18 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.651 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:54.651 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "o2uPOBQL^6EK?-fH3YCM" (begin (def g$SheetName "Sheet4")))) 04-28 22:19:54.651 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Z/mLz,~G@1eK`k#B]YU^" (begin (define-event Bouton16 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.651 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:54.652 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "M{D@sm=j1/`+wua/4Z}S" (begin (def g$spreadSheetID "1I1Tff_GCNKuUWckdXAQmL9OIP-7_H0CoC51KWt8koFM")))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[hk~2P(NHzGGtu^!U1?0" (begin (define-event Bouton14 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "MaXwSdjq|=Hi#SFsLXh4" (begin (def g$mimetype "")))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "$6;+Ep[I#YU62Yjc;Tx#" (begin (def g$filename "")))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Kgwn.J[_$D|6vg_*t[=!" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label70 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=1" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "()od;$np=Y@[e8tLx3pK" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label73 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=2" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "QgtT]p:Wl`)Hq}xm5.Q$" (begin (define-event Bouton13 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:54.653 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:54.839 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"[c%S?e@[`+8@%NlLGRZL"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.841 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"u+xhWe(4,PAk{?-x)drh"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.843 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.844 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:54.844 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:54.845 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A."}]} 04-28 22:19:54.846 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.848 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK\/vd"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.850 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10"}]} 04-28 22:19:54.852 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"bYwuv5~4{D1\/Y^PGPuAa"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.140 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"(auO*vaHM\/]rB:LQGMz9"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.143 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.144 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.147 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.149 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.151 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.154 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.156 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.159 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.161 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.162 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.165 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"VTg++EX\/]HlsBD_y!}M%"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.167 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.169 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.172 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"s3lk.f*dVzYbG;UZvnWy"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.174 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"2p8Pv2NYZgV?B|ZV.mH_"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.176 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"1ew6]Zx@P+!AvH,$m%K8"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.178 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"o2uPOBQL^6EK?-fH3YCM"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.180 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"Z\/mLz,~G@1eK`k#B]YU^"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.182 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"M{D@sm=j1\/`+wua\/4Z}S"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.184 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"[hk~2P(NHzGGtu^!U1?0"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.186 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"MaXwSdjq|=Hi#SFsLXh4"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.188 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"$6;+Ep[I#YU62Yjc;Tx#"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.190 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"Kgwn.J[_$D|6vg_*t[=!"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.191 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"()od;$np=Y@[e8tLx3pK"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.193 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"QgtT]p:Wl`)Hq}xm5.Q$"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.254 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (clear-current-form)))) 04-28 22:19:55.254 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (try-catch (let ((attempt (delay (set-form-name "ACTIVITES")))) (force attempt)) (exception java.lang.Throwable 'notfound))))) 04-28 22:19:55.254 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (define Q17 "") 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 "(begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (rename-component \"Screen1\" \"ACTIVITES\") 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (do-after-form-creation (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'AccentColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'AppName \"MAMconnect\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'PrimaryColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'PrimaryColorDark #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'ScreenOrientation \"unspecified\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'Scrollable #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'ShowListsAsJson #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'Sizing \"Responsive\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'Theme \"Classic\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'Title \"ACTIVITES\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'ACTIVITES 'TitleVisible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_activites 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'Height 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'Image \"03e240db5d66e0a420d2382a214f5936-Copie.jpg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_vertical1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical1 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical1 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical1 'Width 115 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_vertical1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label1 'Height -1007 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label1 'Text \"Texte pour Label1\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label1 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_vertical1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image1 'Height 75 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image1 'Picture \"33498522_450436375392797_7762497395690045440_n-Copie.jpg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image1 'Width 80 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_vertical2 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical2 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical2 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_vertical2 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_vertical2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label2 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label2 'Height 75 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label2 'Text \"Texte pour Label2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label2 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label2 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_vertical2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label3 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'FontItalic #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'FontSize 38.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'Text \"Activit\\u00e9s\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label3 'TextColor #xFF009B00 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label4 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label4 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label4 'Text \"Texte pour Label4\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label4 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label4 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau1 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau1 'Rows 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau1 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal2 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Height 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Width 320 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label6 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label6 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label6 'Text \"Texte pour Label6\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label6 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label6 'Width 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image2 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image2 'Height 130 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image2 'Picture \"Artist.jpeg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image2 'Width 130 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label7 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label7 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label7 'Text \"Texte pour Label7\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label7 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label7 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal39 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'BackgroundColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'Width 140 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal39 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton1 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'FontSize 17.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton1 'Text \"Bricolages\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label8 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label8 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label8 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label8 'Text \"Texte pour Label8\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label8 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal3 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Height 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Width 320 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label9 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label9 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label9 'Text \"Texte pour Label9\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label9 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label9 'Width 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image3 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image3 'Height 130 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image3 'Picture \"Amistad.jpeg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image3 'Width 130 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label10 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label10 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label10 'Text \"Texte pour Label10\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label10 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label10 'Width 38 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal40 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'BackgroundColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'Width 108 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal40 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton2 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'FontSize 17.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton2 'Text \"Sorties\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label11 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label11 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label11 'Row 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label11 'Text \"Texte pour Label11\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label11 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal4 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Height 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Row 4 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Width 320 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image4 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image4 'Height 130 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image4 'Picture \"ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image4 'Width 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal41 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'BackgroundColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'Width 158 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.260 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal41 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton3 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'FontSize 17.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton3 'Text \"Ev\\u00e8nements\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau1 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label5 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'Text \"Texte pour Label5\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label5 'Width 28 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label14 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label14 'Height 50 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label14 'Text \"Texte pour Label14\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label14 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label14 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal5 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal5 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton4 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'BackgroundColor #xFF00C600 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'Shape 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton4 'Text \"Accueil\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal5 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label16 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label16 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label16 'Text \"Texte pour Label16\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label16 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label16 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal5 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton5 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'BackgroundColor #xFFFFFF00 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'Shape 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton5 'Text \"Enfants\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_activites com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label57 04-28 22:19:55.261 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'L")) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 "abel57 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label57 'Text \"Texte pour Label57\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label57 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label57 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_bricolages 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label18 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label18 'Text \"Texte pour Label18\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label18 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label18 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal6 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal6 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton7 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton7 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton7 'Image \"undo-md.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton7 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton7 'Width 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal6 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label20 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label20 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label20 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label20 'Text \" Bricolages\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal6 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label21 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label21 'Text \"Texte pour Label21\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label21 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label21 'Width 120 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal6 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton8 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton8 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton8 'Image \"image.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton8 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton8 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal6 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label118 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label118 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label118 'Text \"Texte pour Label118\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label118 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label118 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label126 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label126 'Text \"Texte pour Label126\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label126 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label126 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nombrico 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label120 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label120 'Text \"Texte pour Label120\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label120 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label120 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal7 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'Height 215 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'Width 215 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal7 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image5 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image5 'Height 200 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image5 'Picture \"Artist.jpeg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image5 'Width 200 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label23 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label23 'Height 35 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label23 'Text \"Texte pour Label23\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label23 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label23 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal8 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal8 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal8 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal8 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal8 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label24 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label24 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label24 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label24 'Text \"Texte pour Label24\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label24 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label24 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal8 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label detailbrico 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal8 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label26 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label26 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label26 'Text \"Texte pour Label26\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label26 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label26 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label27 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label27 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label27 'Text \"Texte pour Label27\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label27 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label27 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal9 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal9 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagebrico1 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.271 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label28 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label28 'Height 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label28 'Text \"Texte pour Label28\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label28 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label28 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal10 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal10 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagebrico2 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_bricolages com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label55 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label55 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label55 'Text \"Texte pour Label55\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label55 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label55 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_sorties 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label30 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label30 'Text \"Texte pour Label30\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label30 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label30 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal12 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal12 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton9 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton9 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton9 'Image \"undo-md.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton9 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton9 'Width 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal12 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label32 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label32 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label32 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label32 'Text \"Sorties\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal12 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label33 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label33 'Text \"Texte pour Label33\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label33 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label33 'Width 150 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal12 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton10 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton10 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton10 'Image \"image.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton10 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton10 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal12 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label31 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label31 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label31 'Text \"Texte pour Label31\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label31 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label31 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label121 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label121 'Text \"Texte pour Label121\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label121 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label121 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nomsortie 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label34 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label34 'Text \"Texte pour Label34\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label34 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label34 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal13 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'Height 225 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'Width 215 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal13 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image7 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image7 'Height 210 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image7 'Picture \"Amistad.jpeg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image7 'Width 200 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label35 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label35 'Height 35 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label35 'Text \"Texte pour Label35\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label35 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label35 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal14 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal14 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal14 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal14 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal14 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label36 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label36 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label36 'Text \"Texte pour Label36\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label36 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label36 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.272 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-compo")) 04-28 22:19:55.273 28052 28052 D Form : Form ACCUEIL clear called 04-28 22:19:55.275 28052 28052 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:19:55.275 28052 28052 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 "nent Arrangement_horizontal14 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label detailsorties 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal14 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label38 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label38 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label38 'Text \"Texte pour Label38\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label38 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label38 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label39 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label39 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label39 'Text \"Texte pour Label39\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label39 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label39 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal15 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal15 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagesorties1 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label40 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label40 'Height 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label40 'Text \"Texte pour Label40\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label40 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label40 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal16 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal16 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagesorties2 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_sorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label54 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label54 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label54 'Text \"Texte pour Label54\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label54 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label54 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_evenements 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label42 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label42 'Text \"Texte pour Label42\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label42 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label42 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal18 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal18 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton11 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton11 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton11 'Image \"undo-md.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton11 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton11 'Width 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal18 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label44 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label44 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label44 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label44 'Text \"Ev\\u00e8nements\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal18 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label45 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label45 'Text \"Texte pour Label45\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label45 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label45 'Width 110 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal18 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton12 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton12 'Height 55 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton12 'Image \"image.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton12 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton12 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal18 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label43 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label43 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label43 'Text \"Texte pour Label43\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label43 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label43 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label122 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label122 'Text \"Texte pour Label122\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label122 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label122 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nomeven 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label46 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label46 'Text \"Texte pour Label46\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label46 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label46 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal19 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'BackgroundColor #xFF95CEFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'Height 225 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal19 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image Image11 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image11 'Height 210 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image11 'Picture \"ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Image11 'Width 220 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label47 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label47 'Height 35 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label47 'Text \"Texte pour Label47\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label47 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label47 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal20 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal20 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal20 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal20 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal20 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label48 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label48 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label48 'Text \"Texte pour Label48\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label48 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label48 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal20 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label detailevenements 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'BackgroundColor #xFFD9E8FF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal20 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label50 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label50 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label50 'Text \"Texte pour Label50\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label50 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label50 'Width 10 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label51 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label51 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label51 'Text \"Texte pour Label51\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label51 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label51 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal21 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal21 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imageevenements1 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label52 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label52 'Height 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label52 'Text \"Texte pour Label52\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label52 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label52 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal22 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal22 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imageevenements2 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_evenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label56 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label56 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label56 'Text \"Texte pour Label56\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label56 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label56 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_modifbrico 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label58 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'Text \"Texte pour Label58\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label58 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal24 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton13 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton13 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label60 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'Text \"Texte pour Label60\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label60 'Width 180 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal24 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton14 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton14 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com")) 04-28 22:19:55.276 28052 28052 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:19:55.277 28052 28052 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:19:55.278 28052 28052 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:19:55.278 28052 28052 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:19:55.278 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:55.278 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:55.279 28052 28052 D AppInventorCompatActivity: titleBar visible 04-28 22:19:55.279 28052 28052 D AppInventorCompatActivity: applyTheme DEVICE_DEFAULT 04-28 22:19:55.281 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.clear() About to do moby GC! 04-28 22:19:55.281 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.283 28052 28052 D ReplForm: formName is now ACTIVITES 04-28 22:19:55.283 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 ".google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label123 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'Text \"Texte pour Label123\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label123 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifbrico 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label61 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Text \"Texte pour Label61\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label61 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau2 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label62 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label62 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label63 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'Text \"Texte pour Label63\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label63 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label64 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Text \"Texte pour Label64\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label64 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau2 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifbrico 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label65 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Height 35 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Text \"Texte pour Label65\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label65 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal25 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal25 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label66 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Text \"Texte pour Label66\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label66 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal25 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label67 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label67 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label68 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Text \"Texte pour Label68\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label68 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal26 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Boutonvalide1 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'BackgroundColor #xFF5F86C4 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'FontSize 16.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'Text \"Sauvegarder\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide1 'TextColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label127 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Text \"Text for Label127\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label127 'Width 110 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal26 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label70 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Text \"Texte pour Label70\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal42 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.286 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal42 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifbrico 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label71 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Height 40 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Text \"Texte pour Label71\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label71 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal27 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Boutonvalide2 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'BackgroundColor #xFF5F86C4 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'FontSize 16.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'Text \"Sauvegarder\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Boutonvalide2 'TextColor #xFFFFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label128 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Text \"Text for Label128\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label128 'Width 110 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal27 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label73 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Text \"Texte pour Label73\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal43 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal43 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifbrico2 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifbrico com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label74 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Text \"Texte pour Label74\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label74 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_modifsorties 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label78 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'Text \"Texte pour Label78\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label78 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal29 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton15 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton15 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label80 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'Text \"Texte pour Label80\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label80 'Width 180 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal29 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton16 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton16 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label124 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'Text \"Texte pour Label124\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label124 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifsortie 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'FontSize 18 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.287 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appi")) 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.294 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.295 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.295 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.295 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.295 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.295 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.296 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:55.296 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:55.296 28052 28052 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 "nventor.components.runtime.Label Label81 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Text \"Texte pour Label81\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label81 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau3 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label82 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label82 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label83 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'Text \"Texte pour Label83\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label83 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label84 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Text \"Texte pour Label84\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label84 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau3 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifsorties 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label85 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Text \"Texte pour Label85\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label85 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal30 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal30 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label86 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Text \"Texte pour Label86\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label86 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal30 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label87 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label87 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label88 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Text \"Texte pour Label88\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label88 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal31 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal31 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal31 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label89 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Text \"Texte pour Label89\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label89 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label90 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Text \"Texte pour Label90\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label90 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal45 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal45 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifsorties1 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label91 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Text \"Texte pour Label91\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label91 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal32 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal32 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal32 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label92 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Text \"Texte pour Label92\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label92 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label93 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Text \"Texte pour Label93\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label93 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal46 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal46 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifsorties2 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifsorties com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label94 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Text \"Texte pour Label94\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label94 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement Arrangement_modifevenements 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'BackgroundColor #xFBE7FBFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label98 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'Text \"Texte pour Label98\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label98 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal34 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'AlignHorizontal 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'AlignVertical 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'BackgroundColor #xFF7EB317 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Height 70 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton17 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Image \"close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton17 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.297 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label100 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'Text \"Texte pour Label100\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label100 'Width 190 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal34 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button Bouton18 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Image \"vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Bouton18 'Width 50 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label125 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'Text \"Texte pour Label125\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label125 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label nommodifeven 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'TextAlignment 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label101 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Text \"Texte pour Label101\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label101 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TableArrangement Arrangement_tableau4 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Columns 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Rows 3 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label102 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Row 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'Text \"D\\u00e9tail :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label102 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label103 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Row 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'Text \"Texte pour Label103\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label103 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label104 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Column 0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Height -2 '")) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:55.298 28052 28052 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 (string-append Q17 "number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Text \"Texte pour Label104\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label104 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_tableau4 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox detailmodifevenements 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Column 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Height 120 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Hint \"Texte\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'MultiLine #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Row 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Width 345 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label105 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Height 30 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Text \"Texte pour Label105\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label105 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal35 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal35 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label106 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Text \"Texte pour Label106\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label106 'Width 15 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal35 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label107 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontBold #t 'boolean) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontSize 20.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'Text \"Photos :\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'TextColor #xFFBA00BA 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label107 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label108 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Height 5 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Text \"Texte pour Label108\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label108 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal36 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal36 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal36 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label109 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Text \"Texte pour Label109\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label109 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label110 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Text \"Texte pour Label110\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label110 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal48 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal48 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifevenements1 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label111 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Text \"Texte pour Label111\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label111 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal37 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'AlignHorizontal 2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'BackgroundColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal37 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'FontSize 18.0 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'FontTypeface \"2\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Height 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Image \"Camera-icon.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Shape 1 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'S\\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Width 45 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal37 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label112 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Height -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Text \"Texte pour Label112\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label112 'Width 25 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label113 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Height 7 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Text \"Texte pour Label113\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label113 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement Arrangement_horizontal49 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'BackgroundColor #xF9C7EA9A 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_horizontal49 com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image imagemodifevenements2 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Height 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture \"3781609.png\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Width 300 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component Arrangement_modifevenements com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label Label114 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Height 20 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Text \"Texte pour Label114\" 'text) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'TextColor #x00FFFFFF 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Label114 'Width -2 'number) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TinyDB TinyDB1 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Web Web1 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.KIO4_Base64.KIO4_Base64 KIO4_Base641 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.ghostfox.SimpleBase64 SimpleBase641 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (add-component ACTIVITES com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Notifier Notifier1 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: ) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: )))")) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (eval (read (open-input-string Q17))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (set! Q17 #!null) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (init-runtime)))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "bZOO(MpNUguVXTR`,/i1" (begin (def (p$replaceChar $text) (call-yail-primitive string-replace-all (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $text) "|" "\n") '(text text text) "replace all"))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "-x_dUBJ.ch=CIdWeaNuZ" (begin (def (p$replaceReturn $text) (call-yail-primitive string-replace-all (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $text) "\n" "|") '(text text text) "replace all"))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[c%S?e@[`+8@%NlLGRZL" (begin (define-event Bouton5 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "INFORMATIONENFANT1" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u+xhWe(4,PAk{?-x)drh" (begin (def g$scriptURL "*********************************************************************************************************************** 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe" (begin (define-event Bouton4 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-yail-primitive open-another-screen-with-start-value (*list-for-runtime* "ACCUEIL" (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value")) '(text any) "open another screen with start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A." (begin (def g$profil (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value"))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*" (begin (def g$reponse "")))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK/vd" (begin (define-event ACTIVITES Initialize()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nomeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifsortie 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifeven 'Text (call-yail-primitive get-start-value (*list-for-runtime* ) '() "get start value") 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.302 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "4RSQ:Z$rPhf^@.3$T/jK" (begin (def (p$urlGET $url $reponse) (set-var! g$reponse (lexical-value $reponse))(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (lexical-value $url) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:55.303 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10" (begin (define-event Bouton3 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.303 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.303 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "bYwuv5~4{D1/Y^PGPuAa" (begin (define-event Bouton7 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.303 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "(auO*vaHM/]rB:LQGMz9" (begin (define-event Bouton2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW" (begin (define-event Bouton1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y" (begin (define-event Bouton9 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.304 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.312 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.118125 04-28 22:19:55.313 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:55.414 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug" (begin (define-event Web1 GotText($url $responseCode $responseType $responseContent)(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.414 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nombrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 5) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagebrico2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 6) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 7) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagesorties2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 8) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements1 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 9) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imageevenements2 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 10) '(list number) "select list item") ) '(text text ) "join") 'text) )(if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReportData") '(any any) "=") (begin (let ( ($Data (call-component-method 'Web1 'JsonTextDecode (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $responseContent)) '(text))) ) (set-and-coerce-property! 'nommodifbrico 'Text (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 1) '(list number) "select list item") 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifbrico 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 2) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifsorties 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 3) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'detailmodifevenements 'Text ((get-var p$replaceChar) (call-yail-primitive yail-list-get-item (*list-for-runtime* (lexical-value $Data) 4) '(list number) "select list item")) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "************************************************ (call-yai 04-28 22:19:55.414 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.414 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico1=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label70 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagebrico2=" (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Selection) 'text)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Label73 'Text (call-component-method 'SimpleBase641 'EncodeImage (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z" (begin (define-event Bouton11 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input ",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md" (begin (define-event Bouton12 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&evenemts=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailevenements 'Text))) '(text)) "&imageevene1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imageevene2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imageevenements2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #t 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie1=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy" (begin (define-event Bouton10 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.415 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nomsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&sorties=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailsorties 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagesortie1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagesortie2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagesorties2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k" (begin (define-event Bouton8 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "ReadReportData")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "ReadReportData&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nombrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&bricolages=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailbrico 'Text))) '(text)) "&imagebrico1=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico1 'Picture)) '(text)) "&imagebrico2=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagebrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "VTg++EX/]HlsBD_y!}M%" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imagesortie2=" (get-property 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifsorties2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X" (begin (define-event Bouton15 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene1=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements1 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "s3lk.f*dVzYbG;UZvnWy" (begin (define-event S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 AfterPicking()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (if (call-yail-primitive yail-equal? (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$reponse) "ReadReport") '(any any) "=") (begin ((get-var p$urlGET) (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "&imageevene2=" (get-property 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture) ) '(text text text text ) "join") "ReadReport")))(set-and-coerce-property! 'imagemodifevenements2 'Picture (get-property 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Selection) 'text))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "2p8Pv2NYZgV?B|ZV.mH_" (begin (define-event Bouton17 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "1ew6]Zx@P+!AvH,$m%K8" (begin (define-event Bouton18 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.416 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifeven 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "o2uPOBQL^6EK?-fH3YCM" (begin (def g$SheetName "Sheet4")))) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Z/mLz,~G@1eK`k#B]YU^" (begin (define-event Bouton16 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifsortie 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "M{D@sm=j1/`+wua/4Z}S" (begin (def g$spreadSheetID "1I1Tff_GCNKuUWckdXAQmL9OIP-7_H0CoC51KWt8koFM")))) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "[hk~2P(NHzGGtu^!U1?0" (begin (define-event Bouton14 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-var! g$reponse "Modifier1")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* (get-var g$scriptURL) "?func=" "Modifier1" "&ID=" (get-var g$spreadSheetID) "&SHT=" (get-var g$SheetName) "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&DATA=" (call-yail-primitive make-yail-list (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifbrico 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifsorties 'Text)) ((get-var p$replaceReturn) (get-property 'detailmodifevenements 'Text)) ) '(any any any any ) "make a list") ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join") 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'Get (*list-for-runtime*) '())(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(call-component-method 'ACTIVITES 'HideKeyboard (*list-for-runtime*) '()))))) 04-28 22:19:55.417 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "MaXwSdjq|=Hi#SFsLXh4" (begin (def g$mimetype "")))) 04-28 22:19:55.418 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "$6;+Ep[I#YU62Yjc;Tx#" (begin (def g$filename "")))) 04-28 22:19:55.418 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "Kgwn.J[_$D|6vg_*t[=!" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide1 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.418 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label70 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=1" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:19:55.418 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "()od;$np=Y@[e8tLx3pK" (begin (define-event Boutonvalide2 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.418 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (call-component-method 'Notifier1 'ShowProgressDialog (*list-for-runtime* "Veuillez patienter...." "") '(text text))(set-var! g$reponse "t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement")(set-and-coerce-property! 'Web1 'Url (get-var g$scriptURL) 'text)(call-component-method 'Web1 'PostText (*list-for-runtime* (call-yail-primitive string-append (*list-for-runtime* "filename=" (get-var g$filename) "&mimetype=" (get-var g$mimetype) "data:" "image/jpeg" "&folderid=" "1u-C2WP_O1asjVhzzKpEdabKixlFDiWxK" "&nom=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'nommodifbrico 'Text)) '(text)) "&data=" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'Label73 'Text)) '(text)) "&imgno=2" (call-component-method 'Web1 'UriEncode (*list-for-runtime* (get-property 'imagemodifbrico2 'Picture)) '(text)) ) '(text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ) "join")) '(text)))))) 04-28 22:19:55.419 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input "QgtT]p:Wl`)Hq}xm5.Q$" (begin (define-event Bouton13 Click()(set-this-form) 04-28 22:19:55.419 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: (set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_activites 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Visible #t 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_sorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_evenements 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Visible #f 'boolean)(set-and-coerce-property! 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Visible #f 'boolean))))) 04-28 22:19:55.419 28052 28462 D AppInvWebRTC: onMessage: received: (begin (require ) (process-repl-input -1 (begin (call-Initialize-of-components 'ACTIVITES 'Arrangement_activites 'Arrangement_horizontal1 'Arrangement_vertical1 'Label1 'Image1 'Arrangement_vertical2 'Label2 'Label3 'Label4 'Arrangement_tableau1 'Arrangement_horizontal2 'Label6 'Image2 'Label7 'Arrangement_horizontal39 'Bouton1 'Label8 'Arrangement_horizontal3 'Label9 'Image3 'Label10 'Arrangement_horizontal40 'Bouton2 'Label11 'Arrangement_horizontal4 'Image4 'Arrangement_horizontal41 'Bouton3 'Label5 'Label14 'Arrangement_horizontal5 'Bouton4 'Label16 'Bouton5 'Label57 'Arrangement_bricolages 'Label18 'Arrangement_horizontal6 'Bouton7 'Label20 'Label21 'Bouton8 'Label118 'Label126 'nombrico 'Label120 'Arrangement_horizontal7 'Image5 'Label23 'Arrangement_horizontal8 'Label24 'detailbrico 'Label26 'Label27 'Arrangement_horizontal9 'imagebrico1 'Label28 'Arrangement_horizontal10 'imagebrico2 'Label55 'Arrangement_sorties 'Label30 'Arrangement_horizontal12 'Bouton9 'Label32 'Label33 'Bouton10 'Label31 'Label121 'nomsortie 'Label34 'Arrangement_horizontal13 'Image7 'Label35 'Arrangement_horizontal14 'Label36 'detailsorties 'Label38 'Label39 'Arrangement_horizontal15 'imagesorties1 'Label40 'Arrangement_horizontal16 'imagesorties2 'Label54 'Arrangement_evenements 'Label42 'Arrangement_horizontal18 'Bouton11 'Label44 'Label45 'Bouton12 'Label43 'Label122 'nomeven 'Label46 'Arrangement_horizontal19 'Image11 'Label47 'Arrangement_horizontal20 'Label48 'detailevenements 'Label50 'Label51 'Arrangement_horizontal21 'imageevenements1 'Label52 'Arrangement_horizontal22 'imageevenements2 'Label56 'Arrangement_modifbrico 'Label58 'Arrangement_horizontal24 'Bouton13 'Label60 'Bouton14 'Label123 'nommodifbrico 'Label61 'Arrangement_tableau2 'Label62 'Label63 'Label64 'detailmodifbrico 'Label65 'Arrangement_horizontal25 'Label66 'Label67 'Label68 'Arrangement_horizontal26 'Boutonvalide1 'Label127 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image1 'Label70 'Arrangement_horizontal42 'imagemodifbrico 'Label71 'Arrangement_horizontal27 'Boutonvalide2 'Label128 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image2 'Label73 'Arrangement_horizontal43 'imagemodifbrico2 'Label74 'Arrangement_modifsorties 'Label78 'Arrangement_horizontal29 'Bouton15 'Label80 'Bouton16 'Label124 'nommodifsortie 'Label81 'Arrangement_tableau3 'Label82 'Label83 'Label84 'detailmodifsorties 'Label85 'Arrangement_horizontal30 'Label86 'Label87 'Label88 'Arrangement_horizontal31 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image4 'Label89 'Label90 'Arrangement_horizontal45 'imagemodifsorties1 'Label91 'Arrangement_horizontal32 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image5 'Label92 'Label93 'Arrangement_horizontal46 'imagemodifsorties2 'Label94 'Arrangement_modifevenements 'Label98 'Arrangement_horizontal34 'Bouton17 'Label100 'Bouton18 'Label125 'nommodifeven 'Label101 'Arrangement_tableau4 'Label102 'Label103 'Label104 'detailmodifevenements 'Label105 'Arrangement_horizontal35 'Label106 'Label107 'Label108 'Arrangement_horizontal36 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image7 'Label109 'Label110 'Arrangement_horizontal48 'imagemodifevenements1 'Label111 'Arrangement_horizontal37 'S\u00e9lectionneur_d_image8 'Label112 'Label113 'Arrangement_horizontal49 'imagemodifevenements2 'Label114 'TinyDB1 'Web1 'KIO4_Base641 'SimpleBase641 'Notifier1)))) 04-28 22:19:57.360 28052 28052 D Form : recomputeLayout called 04-28 22:19:57.361 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.springeffect isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.361 28052 28052 D Form : About to create a new ScaledFrameLayout 04-28 22:19:57.362 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:57.363 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:57.363 28052 28052 D AppInventorCompatActivity: applyTheme CLASSIC 04-28 22:19:57.367 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.368 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.368 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.369 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.370 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.371 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.372 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.372 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.373 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.374 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.374 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.374 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.375 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.376 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.376 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.377 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.380 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.381 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.381 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.382 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.384 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.384 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.385 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.386 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.387 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.388 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.389 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.390 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.390 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.391 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.392 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.392 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.393 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.394 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.395 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.396 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.397 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.397 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.398 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.399 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.400 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.400 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.401 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.402 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.403 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.404 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.405 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.406 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.406 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.407 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.408 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.408 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.409 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.410 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.411 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.412 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.412 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.413 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.414 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.415 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.416 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.416 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.417 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.418 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.419 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.420 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.420 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.421 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.422 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.423 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.424 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.425 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.425 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.426 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.427 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.428 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.428 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.430 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.430 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.431 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.432 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.432 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.433 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.434 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.436 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.437 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.438 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.439 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.439 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.440 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.441 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.442 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.442 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.443 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.444 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.445 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.445 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.446 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.447 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.448 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.448 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.449 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.449 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.450 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.451 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.452 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.453 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.454 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.455 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.455 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.456 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.456 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.456 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.457 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.458 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.458 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.461 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.461 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.462 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@76c29dc 04-28 22:19:57.463 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.464 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.464 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.465 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.466 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.467 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.468 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.469 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.470 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.471 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.471 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.473 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.473 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.474 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.475 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.476 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.477 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.477 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.479 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.479 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.480 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.481 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.481 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.482 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.483 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.484 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.485 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.486 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.487 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.487 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.487 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.487 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.488 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.489 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.489 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.490 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.490 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.491 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@8007c8 04-28 22:19:57.492 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.492 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.493 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.494 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.495 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.495 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.496 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.497 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.498 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.498 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.499 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.500 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.501 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.502 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.503 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.504 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.505 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.505 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.506 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.507 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.507 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.508 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.509 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.510 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.510 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.511 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.512 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.512 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.512 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.512 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.513 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.514 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.515 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.515 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.516 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.516 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 160 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@3e88847 04-28 22:19:57.517 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.518 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.518 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.519 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.520 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.520 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.521 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.522 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.523 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.524 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.524 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.525 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.526 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.527 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.527 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.528 28052 28052 D HVArrangement: Setting up frameContainer = FrameLayout() 04-28 22:19:57.529 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:57.533 28052 28052 D SimpleBase64: SimpleBase64 Created 04-28 22:19:57.534 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.536 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.538 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"bZOO(MpNUguVXTR`,\/i1"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.540 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"-x_dUBJ.ch=CIdWeaNuZ"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.542 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"[c%S?e@[`+8@%NlLGRZL"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.544 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"u+xhWe(4,PAk{?-x)drh"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.546 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"owNbIs{%_ReH*v3PlToe"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.547 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:57.547 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:57.548 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"zsHIObqx@zywT-qFa[A."}]} 04-28 22:19:57.550 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"4:*Dk,Aaup}2,*l:sgT*"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.551 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"%zm9t2y(=QUSew_oK\/vd"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.553 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"*nothing*","blockid":"4RSQ:Z$rPhf^@.3$T\/jK"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.554 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"id1krbF@uo$Wb7^kIN10"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.556 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"bYwuv5~4{D1\/Y^PGPuAa"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.559 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"(auO*vaHM\/]rB:LQGMz9"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.560 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"fm69D.Wz=#G^f._*(TCW"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.563 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eL3,mi{V6cifod~Jv1:y"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.565 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"u|sOve`lEX#]=#W*!*Ug"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.567 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"`7;SemQO.?J8S5isH*Dq"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.569 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"kidk_[fPenpx(RKN9IRh"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.571 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"*jFn`NZz%)wsF9mfd{|z"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.573 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":",o.CmwsRag;`r?g[~,Md"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.575 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"YGCzZX+7TRUMuIycO2ms"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.577 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"eymv+T7yC]ZqmST4{qhy"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.578 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"e::ZI@$mKNmd;#D2Mk[k"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.580 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"VTg++EX\/]HlsBD_y!}M%"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.582 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"g.:W,}]:lcNkIABjVL-X"}]} 04-28 22:19:57.584 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"#98fx1#b-XMYebp[azZ8"}]} 04-28 22:19:58.000 28052 28970 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 151 lines. 04-28 22:19:58.000 28052 28970 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.008 28052 28970 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.008 28052 28970 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.008 28052 28970 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.022 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.023 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.024 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.027 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.028 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.029 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.040 28052 28972 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.041 28052 28972 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.048 28052 28972 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.048 28052 28972 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.048 28052 28972 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.061 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.062 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.065 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.068 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.069 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@57eb4d2 04-28 22:19:58.071 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.074 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.075 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.076 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.086 28052 28973 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-28 22:19:58.087 28052 28973 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.089 28052 28973 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.089 28052 28973 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-28 22:19:58.089 28052 28973 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-28 22:19:58.094 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.097 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.098 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.107 28052 28974 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-28 22:19:58.109 28052 28974 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.112 28052 28974 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.112 28052 28974 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-28 22:19:58.112 28052 28974 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-28 22:19:58.116 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.117 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.120 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.122 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.126 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.128 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.130 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.131 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.132 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.140 28052 28975 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg 04-28 22:19:58.142 28052 28975 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Amistad.jpeg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.143 28052 28975 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:19:58.165 28052 28975 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:19:58.166 28052 28975 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.166 28052 28975 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 558 04-28 22:19:58.166 28052 28975 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 614 04-28 22:19:58.178 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.179 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.182 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.184 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.185 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.188 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.192 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.193 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.195 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.196 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.198 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.201 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.203 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.204 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.214 28052 28976 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.216 28052 28976 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.223 28052 28976 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.224 28052 28976 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.224 28052 28976 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.239 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.242 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.246 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.251 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.252 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.254 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.270 28052 28977 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.271 28052 28977 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.279 28052 28977 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.279 28052 28977 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.280 28052 28977 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.295 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.296 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.297 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.299 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.300 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@5ab61e7 04-28 22:19:58.302 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.304 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.305 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.306 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.314 28052 28978 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = undo-md.png 04-28 22:19:58.315 28052 28978 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = undo-md.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.317 28052 28978 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.317 28052 28978 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 297 04-28 22:19:58.318 28052 28978 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 252 04-28 22:19:58.322 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.325 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.326 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.334 28052 28979 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = image.png 04-28 22:19:58.336 28052 28979 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = image.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.339 28052 28979 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.339 28052 28979 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 138 04-28 22:19:58.339 28052 28979 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 400 04-28 22:19:58.344 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.345 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.347 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.349 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.352 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.355 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.357 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.358 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.367 28052 28980 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg 04-28 22:19:58.368 28052 28980 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = ec0f705041dd53f32cf4712b8cb7f104.jpg maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.368 28052 28980 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:19:58.374 28052 28980 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:19:58.374 28052 28980 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.374 28052 28980 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 425 04-28 22:19:58.374 28052 28980 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 475 04-28 22:19:58.382 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.384 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.385 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.388 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.389 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.391 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.394 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.395 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.397 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.398 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.400 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.403 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.403 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.404 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.412 28052 28982 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.413 28052 28982 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.424 28052 28982 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.424 28052 28982 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.424 28052 28982 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.441 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.443 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.445 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.449 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.449 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.451 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.460 28052 28983 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.462 28052 28983 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.468 28052 28983 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.468 28052 28983 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.468 28052 28983 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.480 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.482 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.485 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.489 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.489 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@9703148 04-28 22:19:58.491 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.494 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.495 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.496 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.504 28052 28984 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:19:58.505 28052 28984 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.510 28052 28984 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.510 28052 28984 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.510 28052 28984 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.527 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.529 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.531 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.539 28052 28985 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-28 22:19:58.540 28052 28985 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.542 28052 28985 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.542 28052 28985 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-28 22:19:58.542 28052 28985 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-28 22:19:58.544 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.547 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.550 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.551 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.554 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.556 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:58.557 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:58.558 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.560 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:58.561 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:58.562 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:58.563 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.578 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@2bbb38c 04-28 22:19:58.588 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@76c29dc 04-28 22:19:58.590 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.593 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.596 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.598 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.601 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.608 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.612 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.615 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.619 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.620 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.624 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.631 28052 28986 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:19:58.632 28052 28986 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.634 28052 28986 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.634 28052 28986 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:19:58.634 28052 28986 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:19:58.670 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.671 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.672 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.673 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.674 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.674 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.682 28052 28987 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.683 28052 28987 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.691 28052 28987 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.691 28052 28987 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.691 28052 28987 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.703 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.704 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.705 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.707 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.711 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.712 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.715 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.723 28052 28988 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:19:58.724 28052 28988 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.727 28052 28988 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.727 28052 28988 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:19:58.727 28052 28988 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:19:58.757 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.758 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.760 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.761 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.762 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.763 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.771 28052 28989 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:58.773 28052 28989 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.781 28052 28989 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:58.782 28052 28989 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.782 28052 28989 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:58.797 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.798 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.800 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.802 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.802 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@c92a254 04-28 22:19:58.804 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.806 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.806 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:58.807 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:58.814 28052 28990 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:19:58.816 28052 28990 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:58.820 28052 28990 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.000 28052 28994 W ratelimit: Single process limit 250/s drop 59 lines. 04-28 22:19:59.000 28052 28994 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.002 28052 28994 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.002 28052 28994 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.002 28052 28994 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.034 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.034 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.035 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.036 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.037 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.038 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.039 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.040 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.047 28052 28995 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:59.047 28052 28995 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.058 28052 28995 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.058 28052 28995 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.058 28052 28995 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.074 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.075 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.076 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.078 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.078 28052 28052 W System.err: Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 384 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement@94fee20 04-28 22:19:59.080 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.082 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.082 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.083 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.090 28052 28996 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png 04-28 22:19:59.092 28052 28996 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = close_delete_remove_cross_circle_icon_142938.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.096 28052 28996 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.096 28052 28996 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.096 28052 28996 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.111 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.113 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.114 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.121 28052 28997 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png 04-28 22:19:59.122 28052 28997 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = vecteezy_3d-gold-metal-check-mark-icon-check-list-button-choice-for_19938291_117.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.123 28052 28997 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.123 28052 28997 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 100 04-28 22:19:59.123 28052 28997 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 82 04-28 22:19:59.125 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.127 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.128 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.129 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.130 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.132 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:59.132 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:59.133 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.135 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:59.135 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:59.136 28052 28052 E VivoConfigStore: key:vivo.software.romstyle isCached is true and value is true 04-28 22:19:59.137 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.143 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 15 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label@eff58e4 04-28 22:19:59.147 28052 28052 W System.err: TableArrangment.setChildWidth: width = 345 component = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox@3e88847 04-28 22:19:59.147 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.149 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.150 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.151 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.152 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.154 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.155 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.156 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.157 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.158 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.166 28052 28998 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:19:59.167 28052 28998 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.171 28052 28998 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.171 28052 28998 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.171 28052 28998 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.199 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.199 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.200 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.201 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.202 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.203 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.204 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.205 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.212 28052 28999 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:59.214 28052 28999 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.222 28052 28999 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.222 28052 28999 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.222 28052 28999 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.237 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.238 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.239 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.241 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.242 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.251 28052 29000 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = Camera-icon.png 04-28 22:19:59.253 28052 29000 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = Camera-icon.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.257 28052 29000 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.257 28052 29000 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.257 28052 29000 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 256 04-28 22:19:59.273 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.274 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.275 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.275 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.276 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.277 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.277 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.279 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.286 28052 29001 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = 3781609.png 04-28 22:19:59.287 28052 29001 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 1 mediaPath = 3781609.png maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:19:59.295 28052 29001 D MediaUtil: form.deviceDensity() = 1.875 04-28 22:19:59.295 28052 29001 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.295 28052 29001 D MediaUtil: originalBitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() = 512 04-28 22:19:59.309 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.310 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.312 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Width = 384 04-28 22:19:59.313 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3.Screen1@4af59fd 04-28 22:19:59.316 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@d4560ac 04-28 22:19:59.320 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@b06c175 04-28 22:19:59.322 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@650350a 04-28 22:19:59.323 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@8bf427d 04-28 22:19:59.324 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@5678dc3 04-28 22:19:59.327 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@fd9366c 04-28 22:19:59.328 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@24af23b 04-28 22:19:59.334 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@ee3859 04-28 22:19:59.335 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@4485acc 04-28 22:19:59.342 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@2e10432 04-28 22:19:59.343 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@b9ad739 04-28 22:19:59.349 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@7afdfc7 04-28 22:19:59.350 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@2de8392 04-28 22:19:59.355 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@bd17b 04-28 22:19:59.355 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@c92e824 04-28 22:19:59.388 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@efddb98 04-28 22:19:59.388 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@d929345 04-28 22:19:59.417 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@cea9d43 04-28 22:19:59.417 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@e198c3e 04-28 22:19:59.420 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@fdd5d33 04-28 22:19:59.438 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@6dc6608 04-28 22:19:59.454 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@507047f 04-28 22:19:59.455 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button@e4a99aa 04-28 22:19:59.456 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@6b00b6f 04-28 22:19:59.472 28052 28052 I Form : calling Initialize method for Object com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.ImagePicker@25cc314 04-28 22:19:59.488 28052 28052 D ReplForm: returnRetvals: {"status":"OK","values":[{"status":"OK","type":"return","value":"","blockid":"-1"}]} 04-28 22:19:59.490 28052 28052 I Choreographer: Skipped 127 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.507 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.526 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:59.526 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:59.526 28052 28052 D Form : ReplayFormOrientation() 04-28 22:19:59.526 28052 28052 D Form : Form.Height = 786 04-28 22:19:59.528 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.528 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.529 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.530 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.530 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.530 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.531 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.531 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.531 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.531 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.532 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- decoding JSON representation:"moi" 04-28 22:19:59.532 28052 28052 I Form : decodeJSONStringForForm -- got decoded JSON:moi 04-28 22:19:59.532 28052 28052 D Form : Sizing(Responsive) 04-28 22:19:59.532 28052 28052 D Form : formWidth = 384 formHeight = 786 04-28 22:19:59.533 28052 28052 D ReplForm: HandleReturnValues() Called, replResult = null 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:19:59.538 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:19:59.556 28052 28067 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=2175ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=1773285, IntendedVsync=26806017191780, Vsync=26808133858489, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=26808136933366, AnimationStart=26808136937674, PerformTraversalsStart=**************, DrawStart=26808154388751, FrameDeadline=26806037191780, FrameInterval=26808136761905, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=26808157435212, SyncStart=26808157573982, IssueDrawCommandsStart=26808171856059, SwapBuffers=26808187403751, FrameCompleted=26808193033674, DequeueBufferDuration=148385, QueueBufferDuration=1536307, GpuCompleted=26808192094520, SwapBuffersCompleted=26808193033674, DisplayPresentTime=26774321674287, CommandSubmissionCompleted=26808187403751, 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : onGlobalLayout(): diffPercent = 0.086875 04-28 22:20:02.914 28052 28052 D Form : keyboard hidden! 04-28 22:20:06.138 28052 29009 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:20:06.185 28052 29009 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:06.811 28052 29009 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(188) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:07.463 28052 28067 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196864 04-28 22:20:08.968 28052 28067 V ActivityThread: updateVmProcessStateForGc sceneId =0 state=196608 04-28 22:20:10.855 28052 29009 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:20:10.857 28052 29009 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:20:10.863 28052 29009 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 04-28 22:20:10.876 28052 29009 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c9d7a4000 length 2050276 04-28 22:20:10.882 28052 29009 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c9d7a4000 size 2052480 04-28 22:20:10.879 28052 28052 W Thread-88: type=1400 audit(0.0:33311): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:10.886 28052 29009 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:20:10.883 28052 28052 W Thread-88: type=1400 audit(0.0:33312): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:10.889 28052 29009 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:20:10.943 28052 29009 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:20:10.955 28052 29022 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.064 28052 29022 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:20:14.066 28052 29022 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:20:14.080 28052 29022 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c9d831000 length 1475957 04-28 22:20:14.079 28052 28052 W Thread-89: type=1400 audit(0.0:33313): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:14.082 28052 29022 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c9d831000 size 1478144 04-28 22:20:14.084 28052 29022 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:20:14.083 28052 28052 W Thread-89: type=1400 audit(0.0:33314): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:14.087 28052 29022 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:512 512 512 296x704, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:20:14.131 28052 29022 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:20:14.147 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:20:14.411 28052 29030 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:20:14.412 28052 28052 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.428 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.432 28052 29031 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(192) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:20:14.792 28052 29031 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:20:14.793 28052 28052 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.809 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:14.810 28052 29034 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(195) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 29034 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:20:15.173 28052 28052 E Image : Unable to load ********************************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.193 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.195 28052 29035 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(198) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: IOException reading file. 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: java.io.FileNotFoundException: *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:255) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1072) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.openMedia(MediaUtil.java:326) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil.-$$Nest$smopenMedia(Unknown Source:0) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.util.MediaUtil$2.run(MediaUtil.java:511) 04-28 22:20:15.550 28052 29035 D MediaUtil: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 04-28 22:20:15.551 28052 28052 E Image : Unable to load *********************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.577 28052 29036 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:20:15.578 28052 29036 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(201) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 04-28 22:20:15.616 4304 4304 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():73 initialize... 04-28 22:20:15.616 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onContentChanged():72 onContentChanged() 04-28 22:20:15.616 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onContentChanged():159 onContentChanged() 04-28 22:20:15.617 4304 4304 W AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.initialize():83 initialize...done 04-28 22:20:15.620 4304 21908 I AndroidSpellCheckerService: AndroidSpellCheckerService.createSession():139 com.google.android.keyboard.client.delight5.LanguageIdentifier@b3a3132 is created 04-28 22:20:15.809 28052 28058 I or.aicompanion3: Thread[6,tid=28058,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400006eca23e080,peer=0x13004478,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-28 22:20:15.809 28052 28058 I or.aicompanion3: 04-28 22:20:16.330 28052 28058 I or.aicompanion3: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-28 22:20:17.462 28052 28064 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:20:17.462 28052 28064 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:20:17.462 28052 28064 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:20:17.463 28052 28064 W System : A resource failed to call end. 04-28 22:20:17.667 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: Thread[6,tid=4313,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xb400006eca22e630,peer=0x14140000,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 04-28 22:20:17.667 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: 04-28 22:20:19.554 28052 29036 D MediaUtil: getBitmapOptions: sampleSize = 4 mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** maxWidth = 384 maxHeight = 786 display width = 720 display height = 1475 04-28 22:20:19.555 28052 29036 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 04-28 22:20:19.563 28052 29036 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x6c938eb000 length 2050276 04-28 22:20:19.567 28052 29036 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x6c938eb000 size 2052480 04-28 22:20:19.563 28052 28052 W Thread-94: type=1400 audit(0.0:33315): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:19.568 28052 29036 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 04-28 22:20:19.563 28052 28052 W Thread-94: type=1400 audit(0.0:33316): avc: denied { search } for name="ppm" dev="proc" ino=4026531935 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c62,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_ppm:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 04-28 22:20:19.571 28052 29036 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:1024 1024 768 1016x464, alignment:256x16) 04-28 22:20:19.628 28052 29036 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 04-28 22:20:19.638 28052 29049 D MediaUtil: mediaPath = ******************************************************************************** 04-28 22:20:19.918 4304 4313 I putmethod.latin: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 04-28 22:20:20.626 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-28 22:20:20.627 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-28 22:20:20.692 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():326 importRecords() : Canceled 04-28 22:20:20.695 4304 4608 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-28 22:20:20.695 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [0,0] 04-28 22:20:20.696 4304 4304 I ContactsDataManager: ContactsDataManager.onImportFinished():256 onImportFinished() : Result = 0 : Count = 0 04-28 22:20:21.386 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3096 04-28 22:20:21.387 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 04-28 22:20:21.388 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1950 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=com.android.launcher3, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=-1, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false) 04-28 22:20:21.390 4304 4304 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2210 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 04-28 22:20:21.394 4304 4304 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():450 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password 04-28 22:20:21.395 4304 4304 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.registerKeySequence():147 Register key sequence jqe{labelResId=2132019810, callback=fms@3051afb, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[57, 57], actions=[1, 0]} 04-28 22:20:21.396 4304 4304 I HardKeyTracker: HardKeyTracker.registerKeySequence():147 Register key sequence jqe{labelResId=0, callback=fms@5ff8f56, lastModifier=0, keyCodes=[58, 58], actions=[1, 0]} 04-28 22:20:21.396 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.startImportContentTask():240 startImportContentTask() 04-28 22:20:21.397 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.doInBackground():255 doInBackground() 04-28 22:20:21.397 4304 4608 I PersonalDictionaryDataHandler: PersonalDictionaryDataHandler.beginProcess():114 LanguageTags = [fr] 04-28 22:20:21.410 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importRecords():345 importRecords() : Success : Count = 0 04-28 22:20:21.414 4304 4608 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager.importContentData():295 importContentData() : Ending import process 04-28 22:20:21.414 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.unloadLanguageModel():929 unloadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-28 22:20:21.432 4304 4608 I PersonalLanguageModelUpdater: PersonalLanguageModelUpdater$UpdateOperation.performInternal():165 run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts 04-28 22:20:21.432 4304 4608 I DynamicLanguageModelOperation: DynamicLanguageModelOperation.perform():43 perform() : 4 : dvr : Completed 04-28 22:20:21.433 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():717 loadLanguageModel() : 4, version [n/a] 04-28 22:20:21.433 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: AbstractContentDataManager$ImportContentTask.onPostExecute():266 onPostExecute() : Result = [2,0] 04-28 22:20:21.433 4304 4304 I ShortcutsDataManager: ShortcutsDataManager.onImportFinished():82 onImportFinished() : Result = 2 : Count = 0 04-28 22:20:21.434 4304 4538 I Delight5Decoder: Delight5DecoderWrapper.loadLanguageModel():758 Loaded dynamic LM 4.fr