-- -- File generated with SQLiteStudio v3.2.1 on Thu Oct 29 15:39:28 2020 -- -- Text encoding used: System -- PRAGMA foreign_keys = off; BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Table: android_metadata CREATE TABLE "android_metadata" ("locale" TEXT DEFAULT 'en_US'); INSERT INTO android_metadata (locale) VALUES ('en_US'); -- Table: CS_PRACTICES CREATE TABLE CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM INTEGER, CS_PRACTICE TEXT); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (1, 'Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (2, 'Collaborating about Computing'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (3, 'Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (5, 'Creating Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (6, 'Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (7, 'Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO CS_PRACTICES (CSP_NUM, CS_PRACTICE) VALUES (4, 'Developing and Using Abstractions'); -- Table: ESSENTIAL_SKILLS CREATE TABLE ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM INTEGER, ESSENTIAL_SKILL INTEGER, GLE_NUM INTEGER, PGS_NUM INTEGER, CONSTRAINT PK_ESS_SKILL PRIMARY KEY (ESS_SKILL_NUM), FOREIGN KEY (GLE_NUM) REFERENCES GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY (PGS_NUM) REFERENCES PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (1, 'Examine ways computers could make human activities easier and more efficient. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis)', 1, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (2, 'Evaluate attempts to create a working algorithm. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 1, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (3, 'Identify how algorithms can be used to solve social problems. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 1, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (4, 'Compare and contrast solvable and unsolvable computational problems. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)', 1, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (5, 'Create an algorithm to solve a client''s needs. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 2, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (6, 'Use pseudocode to represent an algorithm. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 2, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (7, 'Collaboratively develop an algorithm that could solve a social communication problem. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 2, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (8, 'Present an algorithmic solution using multiple methods. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Leadership)', 2, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (9, 'Use client feedback to develop an initial algorithm. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 3, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (10, 'Develop a plan for using client feedback to improve an algorithm. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 3, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (11, 'Produce a progress report detailing algorithm development. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 3, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (12, 'Demonstrate debugging an algorithm. (Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)', 3, 1); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (13, 'Break down problems into smaller problems identifying patterns in each level. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 4, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (14, 'Propose a logical sequence to fix the problem. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Leadership; Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)', 4, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (15, 'Design a game with efficient use of code. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 5, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (16, 'Develop a work plan and match essential activities with goals. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 5, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (17, 'Sort data using keywords and look for patterns to represent the essential nature of the data. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 5, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (18, 'Describe a model of a cat that has all the essential features of a cat without using the word cat to see if another student can guess the description. Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 5, 2); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (19, 'Propose an app that utilizes a database. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 6, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (20, 'Compare and contrast text or visual data coding schemes for student lockers. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 6, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (21, 'Examine data types in Thorn Spotlight software that helps fight human trafficking. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 6, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (22, 'Contribute to a group outcome regarding data storage for a project. (Professional Skills: Leadership)', 6, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (23, 'Analyze Snapchat and Instagram for popular program patterns. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 7, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (24, 'Represent personal grades in Tableau and SQL. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 7, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (25, 'Evaluate crime rates in Colorado from a variety of data sources. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 7, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (26, 'Provide suggestions for reducing crime based on the data evaluation and give a formal presentation or report. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Leadership; Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)', 7, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (27, 'Use organization and visualization tools and techniques to identify patterns in data. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 8, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (28, 'Pose questions that can be explored with a given data set. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction)', 8, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (29, 'Discuss how the intended audience for output might influence how to represent data. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)', 8, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (30, 'Create appropriate visual representations to identify patterns and relationships in data. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 8, 3); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (31, 'Using note cards, demonstrate how a message can be sent and received using UDP, and then using TCP. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 9, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (32, 'Draw the star and bus topologies and explain the difference between the two. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 9, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (33, 'Use hexadecimal numbering to determine the color of paint on a wall in a picture on a website. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 9, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (34, 'Evaluate your computer for possible sources of failure. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 10, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (35, 'Develop a poster describing personal safety when working with computers. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 10, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (36, 'Brainstorm ways to improve the performance of an older computer using hardware upgrades. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 10, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (37, 'Research professional certifications and identify one that could be completed over the summer. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 10, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (38, 'Compare and contrast Linux, Macintosh, and Microsoft operating systems through a cost-benefit analysis. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 11, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (39, 'Compare and contrast user interfaces based on user beliefs and expectations. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 11, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (40, 'Discuss the pros and cons for society of open source versus proprietary commercial software. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 11, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (41, 'Write a business plan for promoting open source or commercial software. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 11, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (42, 'Using Raspberry Pis, create a network system that will display a software, hardware and network-integrated system. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 12, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (43, 'Create a video demonstrating 10 basic network security habits. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 12, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (44, 'Present and suggest the minimum network every household and business should have. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 12, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (45, 'Create a website that teaches other students how to practice helpful security habits for a computer system when using the internet. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 12, 4); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (46, 'Interview a computer science project manager to devise an approach to interviewing prospective clients utilizing the diverse efforts of each student in class. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 13, 5); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (47, 'Create a Gantt chart or other schedule for computing project completion. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience; Initiative/Self-Direction)', 13, 5); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (48, 'Evaluate group progress on a computing project and provide constructive criticism. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 13, 5); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (49, 'Evaluate any piece of software that you think might be ending its software development life cycle (SDLC) and suggest changes. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 13, 5); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (50, 'Analyze the possible sources of a hypothetical system crash. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 14, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (51, 'Evaluate your personal data backup sources. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 14, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (52, 'Denote data privacy measures citizens in Colorado can adopt. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 14, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (53, 'Explain how to prevent your devices from being hacked and offer advice about how to restore data if they have been hacked. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 14, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (54, 'Explain the importance of penetration testing, and for what purpose a company would employ a "pen tester." (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 15, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (55, 'Explain "hardening" of software and data. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 15, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (56, 'Describe how hackers use social engineering to gain access to a company''s network. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Character; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 15, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (57, 'Explain what a "SQL injection" is. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Career Awareness)', 15, 6); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (58, 'Apply the design process needed to change a computational artifact over several versions. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis)', 16, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (59, 'Choose from tools and resources to implement the design process. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)', 16, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (60, 'Use pseudocode and flowcharts to communicate design options with a client. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 16, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (61, 'Use design resource to effectively manage tasks and be productive. (Professional Skills: Task/Time Management; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 16, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (62, 'Create original code that meets specified design requirements. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis)', 17, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (63, 'Fix code that is not operational. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 17, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (64, 'Collaborate with others through pair programming, commenting code, etc. (no specific language). (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)', 17, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (65, 'Work on a team (product manager, scrum master, analyst, developer, etc.) to improve a computational artifact. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation; Inquiry/Analysis; Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 18, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (66, 'Suggest an app for your town/city government that would make your town/neighborhood a nicer place to live. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork; Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness)', 18, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (67, 'Use positive constructive feedback to help improve a peer''s program. (Professional Skills: Task/Time Management; Use Information and Communications Technologies)', 18, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (68, 'Provide examples of computational artifacts that exemplify client-based and nonclient-based design. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 19, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (69, 'Ask a friend to give you feedback on your communication skills. Be sure to identify specific ways to improve your communication for your friend. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction; Personal Responsibility; Adaptability/Flexibility)', 19, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (70, 'Document technical information about the software you have produced. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness; Character)', 19, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (71, 'Produce a computational artifact in accordance with a client''s timeline. (Professional Skills: Task/Time Management; Career Awareness; Use Information and Communication Technologies; Leadership)', 19, 7); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (72, 'Incorporate security protocols when developing a computational artifact. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 20, 8); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (73, 'Suggest ways that social media such as Instagram could be made ADA compliant. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness; Adaptability/Flexibility; Initiative/Self-Direction; Personal Responsibility; Perseverance/Resilience)', 20, 8); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (74, 'Consider how personal data is vulnerable in both storage and transmission. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration; Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness; Civic Engagement; Character)', 20, 8); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (75, 'Learn about the steps required for protecting intellectual property rights of your computational artifact. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving; Inquiry/Analysis; Informed Risk Taking)', 21, 8); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (76, 'Analyze licensing agreements from a software vendor. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork; Communication; Global/Cultural Awareness; Civic Engagement; Character)', 21, 8); INSERT INTO ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM, ESSENTIAL_SKILL, GLE_NUM, PGS_NUM) VALUES (77, 'Evaluate the benefits of open source and proprietary software to the developer. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness; Information Literacy; Use Information and Communications Technologies; Self-Advocacy)', 21, 8); -- Table: EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES CREATE TABLE EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM INTEGER, EVI_OUTCOME TEXT, GLE_NUM INTEGER, CONSTRAINT PK_OUTCOME PRIMARY KEY (OUT_NUM), FOREIGN KEY (GLE_NUM) REFERENCES GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (1, 'Identify and create different types of algorithms (sort, search, etc.).', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (2, 'Predict the outcome of different types of algorithms.', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (3, 'Create or adapt algorithms to solve problems for multiple purposes (e.g., personal interests, client needs).', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (4, 'Use an algorithm that involves mathematical operations and functions to solve problems.', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (5, 'Use an iterative approach to utilizing and/or developing an algorithm.', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (6, 'Recognize problems that cannot be solved computationally.', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (7, 'Identify and describe algorithms that exist within their personal lives.', 1); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (8, 'Identify and compare different algorithms that can be used to solve the same problem.', 2); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (9, 'Illustrate the flow of execution of an iterative algorithm (e.g., recursion).', 2); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (10, 'Explain the value of heuristic algorithms to model ways to solve problems.', 2); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (11, 'Adapt algorithms used in one problem to solve a related or different problem.', 2); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (12, 'Use multiple methods to represent an algorithm (e.g., diagram, programming language, unplugged).', 2); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (13, 'Describe pros and cons of the performance of algorithms for the same task.', 3); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (14, 'Use an iterative approach to developing an algorithm.', 3); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (15, 'Test and troubleshoot so that algorithms produce reasonable results.', 3); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (16, 'Demonstrate how the process of decomposition is iterative and used to solve problems.', 4); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (17, 'Formulate possible solutions based on the decomposition of a problem.', 4); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (18, 'Describe how abstraction is central to computational thinking.', 5); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (19, 'Identify and prioritize the most relevant parts of a problem while filtering out extraneous details.', 5); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (20, 'Demonstrate different ways to represent key problem components.', 5); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (21, 'Identify different types of data that are exchanged and produced by computers (e.g., protocols).', 6); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (22, 'Represent data using multiple encoding schemes (e.g., RGB, Hex, HSB, ASCII, Unicode).', 6); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (23, 'Evaluate the trade-offs for how data elements are organized and where data are stored (e.g., PNG/GIF, structured/unstructured).', 6); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (24, 'Compare and contrast various data structures/techniques for storing and processing data (e.g., arrays, lists, tables).', 6); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (25, 'Analyze computer programs to identify patterns within the program.', 7); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (26, 'Provide multiple versions of data visualization in order to deepen problem analysis.', 7); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (27, 'Interpret and analyze data to make informed decisions.', 7); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (28, 'Analyze computer output in different forms (e.g., plain text, CSV, graphs, images).', 8); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (29, 'Design visualizations using the appropriate tool(s) with the end user in mind.', 8); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (30, 'Provide multiple versions of data visualization in order to deepen problem analysis.', 8); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (31, 'Describe key protocols and underlying processes of internet-based services, (e.g., https) and discuss impact of technology change on communication protocols.', 9); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (32, 'Illustrate and describe the basic components and various network types and topologies (e.g., personal, local, metropolitan and wide).', 9); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (33, 'Explain the difference between decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary number formats and how they are used in computing environments.', 9); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (34, 'Explain the difference between memory and disk storage, internal and external storage, Random Access Memory (RAM), flash, cloud.', 10); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (35, 'List and explain the common working parts of a computing device.', 10); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (36, 'Explain how to maintain safety when working on PCs (e.g., electromagnetic precautions).', 10); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (37, 'Describe how computing devices are engineered for fault tolerance and reliability, and identify potential sources of weakness (e.g., redundant power supplies, RAID, SAN/NAS connections).', 10); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (38, 'Identify and differentiate between different kinds of software (e.g., operating systems vs. applications) and their purposes.', 11); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (39, 'Explain what an operating system is, and why it is important for a computer or computing device (e.g., Linux, Windows, iOS).', 11); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (40, 'Describe how software interacts with hardware to complete tasks.', 11); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (41, 'Explain the integration of hardware, software and network communications components to create a networked system.', 12); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (42, 'Summarize security approaches using a systems approach perspective.', 12); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (43, 'Identify client’s problems/needs.', 13); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (44, 'Articulate design requirements back to client.', 13); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (45, 'Illustrate options for considerations and develop conceptual model.', 13); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (46, 'Perform system analysis based on client considerations.', 13); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (47, 'Identify different ways that systems might lose data or functionality.', 14); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (48, 'Describe elements of an effective backup system.', 14); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (49, 'Compare backup systems for computer users or a network.', 14); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (50, 'List the various backup methodologies (e.g., full, differential) and why one would pick one over the other, or use all.', 14); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (51, 'Explain the ways an organization would continue to operate in light of a systems failure.', 14); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (52, 'Identify examples of threats to systems and data.', 15); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (53, 'Describe the process by which intruders gain entry into a production system (e.g., reconnaissance).', 15); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (54, 'Describe and compare methods to test/validate how well systems and data are protected.', 15); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (55, 'Investigate different career pathways relating to systems security.', 15); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (56, 'Analyze and apply a design methodology to identify constraints and requirements of an identified problem.', 16); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (57, 'Utilize tools and resources such as pseudocode, flowcharts, wireframes, etc., as part of the design process.', 16); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (58, 'Determine and use graphical or text-based languages.', 16); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (59, 'Understand and apply core programming concepts.', 16); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (60, 'Write code per selected design.', 17); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (61, 'Create code comments to communicate to other developers and ensure documentation of code.', 17); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (62, 'Use various troubleshooting and debugging techniques to improve code.', 17); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (63, 'Create appropriate variables to store and retrieve data.', 17); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (64, 'Integrate collaborative strategies to improve programming outputs.', 18); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (65, 'Identify and analyze a variety of collaborative tools (e.g., commenting, development repositories) in order to determine the appropriateness for intended use.', 18); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (66, 'Identify strategies such as peer reviews to test and refine artifacts in development.', 18); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (67, 'Determine when to use standard software tools like APIs, libraries, version control repositories, etc.', 18); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (68, 'Understand and apply principles of client-based design.', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (69, 'Guide/advise clients on strategies and solutions best suited for their problem (i.e., type of platform).', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (70, 'Construct effective methods for gathering feedback from client.', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (71, 'Respond to feedback from clients to improve computing solutions.', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (72, 'Create and share product support documentation for potential users.', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (73, 'Articulate lessons learned as a result of the design and creation process.', 19); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (74, 'Investigate and understand privacy, security and protection laws.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (75, 'Articulate the importance of securing personal data information on encrypted storage systems.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (76, 'Identify and analyze current events to ensure the safety, security and well-being of all potential clients and end users.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (77, 'Identify influential computing innovations, and identify the beneficial and harmful effects they have had, or could have, on society, economy and culture.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (78, 'Discuss and explain how diversity of design and issues of accessibility impact a wide-range of users.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (79, 'Demonstrate ways to improve the accessibility of computational technologies and artifacts.', 20); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (80, 'Describe how software licensing influences program development.', 21); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (81, 'Investigate and develop solutions that discourage online software piracy.', 21); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (82, 'Explore and integrate security measures such as encryption, authentication and verification strategies to secure developed computer programs.', 21); INSERT INTO EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM, EVI_OUTCOME, GLE_NUM) VALUES (83, 'Research and abide by intellectual property laws and patents.', 21); -- Table: GLE_ELAB CREATE TABLE GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM INTEGER, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_GLE_ELAB PRIMARY KEY (GLE_ELAB_NUM)); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (1, 'Central to computational thinking are the processes of generalization and decomposition, with an eye toward the technology that will be used to solve the problem. This planning and abstraction process should also include students decomposing complex problems into manageable sub-problems that could potentially be solved with programs or procedures that already exist. As students develop algorithms, they should identify procedures and/or functions that are used multiple times within a program to repeat groups of instructions (CSTA 3A-AP-17 & 2-AP-14).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (2, 'Students should use pseudocode, diagrams and/or flowcharts to organize and sequence an algorithm that addresses a problem. Representing algorithms in alternative forms supports the planning phase of the design process and helps students see various ways to structure an algorithm (CSTA 2-AP-10).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (3, 'Testing and refinement is the deliberate and iterative process of improving a computational artifact. This process includes debugging (identifying and fixing errors) and comparing actual outcomes to intended outcomes. Students should respond to the changing needs and expectations of end users and improve the performance, reliability, usability and accessibility of artifacts. For example, students could incorporate feedback from a variety of end users to help guide the size and placement of menus and buttons in a user interface (CSTA 3A-AP-21).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (4, 'At this level, students should decompose complex problems into manageable sub-problems that could potentially be solved with programs or procedures that already exist. For example, students could create an app to solve a community problem by connecting to an online database through an application programming interface (API) (CSTA 3A-AP-17).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (5, 'Abstraction is a necessary part of modeling, problem solving and computational thinking; it requires the identification of key aspects of a given context to formulate and solve a problem of interest. Students might select an embedded device such as a car stereo, identify the types of data (radio station presets, volume level) and procedures (increase volume, store/recall saved station, mute) it includes, and explain how the implementation details are hidden from the user (CSTA 3A-CS-01).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (6, 'People make choices about how data elements are organized and where data is stored (e.g., convert hexadecimal color codes to decimal percentages, ASCII/Unicode representation, and logic gates (CSTA 3A-DA-09)). These choices affect cost, speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy and integrity. Students should evaluate whether a chosen solution is most appropriate for a particular problem. Students might consider the cost, speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy and integrity tradeoffs between storing photo data on a mobile device versus in the cloud (CSTA 3A-DA-10).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (7, 'One of the most powerful features of computational thinking is using technological tools to make sense of natural and social phenomena. Coding and analytic techniques can be used to identify and visualize patterns in complex data. For example, students could be asked to identify trends in a data set representing social media interactions, movie reviews or shopping patterns (CSTA 3B-DA-05).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (8, 'People transform, generalize, simplify and present large data sets in different ways to influence how other people interpret and understand the underlying information. Examples include visualization, aggregation, rearrangement and application of mathematical operations. People use software tools or programming to create powerful, interactive data visualizations and perform a range of mathematical operations to transform and analyze data. Students should model phenomena as systems, with rules governing the interactions within the system and evaluate these models against real-world observations. For example, flocking behaviors, queueing or life cycles (CSTA 3A-DA-11).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (9, 'Computing is at its most powerful when devices are connected via a network. Networks are comprised of various hardware and software components that have specific functions within the network. For example, individual devices are assigned an address that uniquely identifies it on the network; routers function by comparing IP addresses to determine the pathways packets should take to reach their destination; and switches function by comparing MAC addresses to determine which computers or network segments will receive frames (CSTA, 3A-NI-04). Each device is assigned an address that uniquely identifies it on the network. Routers function by comparing IP addresses to determine the pathways packets should take to reach their destination. Switches function by comparing MAC addresses to determine which computers or network segments will receive frames. Students could use online network simulators to experiment with these factors (CSTA 3A-NI-04).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (10, 'At its most basic level, a computer is composed of physical hardware and electrical impulses. A computing system is composed of components such as the central processor (executes commands), memory (for temporary storage of data), hard disk (stores data), mainboard (provides communication between components and peripherals), network interface (communicates with other devices) and power supply (CSTA 3A-CS-02).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (11, 'System software manages a computing device’s resources (CSTA 3A-CS-02). Students should recognize that there is a variety of software user interfaces and that different software exists for different purposes (e.g., operating system vs. application).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (12, 'By itself, a computer is just a dumb piece of hardware. It is not until an operating system is loaded on to it that the computer becomes useful. The OS handles the operation of the hardware in conjunction with the software applications a user has loaded. System software manages a computing device’s resources so that software can interact with hardware (CSTA 3A-CS-02). Systems thinking utilizes concepts and tools that helps people to understand the makeup of large systems, like computer networks, to meet user needs/requirements, and to make sure computer systems are secure.'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (13, 'Software engineers plan and develop programs for broad audiences using a software life cycle process (CSTA 3B-AP-17). Similarly, systems architects use, plan and develop networks to meet specific client needs.'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (14, 'The timely and reliable access to data and information services by authorized users, referred to as availability, is ensured through adequate bandwidth, backups and other measures (CSTA 3A-NI-06). Students should understand that an "interruption of service" can come about through disasters, hacking and other deliberate exploitations, power issues and other identifiable problems (e.g., hurricanes). The process of identifying interruptions in services is an important skill for those wanting to work in Information Technology (IT). Backing up a system means that you denote a process in which your computer copies certain data to another safe spot (e.g., another drive, the cloud). Backups are also used in Information Technology (IT) shops in various companies, governmental agencies and educational institutions.'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (15, 'Security measures may include physical security tokens, two-factor authentication and biometric verification. Potential security problems, such as denial-of-service attacks, ransomware, viruses, worms, spyware and phishing, exemplify why sensitive data should be securely stored and transmitted. Students should systematically evaluate the feasibility of using computational tools to solve given problems or sub-problems, such as long, complex passwords (CSTA 3A-NI-06. See also CSTA 3B-NI-04 and 3B-AP-18). There are numerous, high-paying jobs in the area of system security. For students interested in pursuing such a career, they should understand that there is a high degree of technical understanding required to be successful.'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (16, 'Computer programming requires selection of a design methodology (e.g., engineering, software, human-centered) to identify user needs and requirements. Methodologies provide tools for making important design decisions and help programmers manage the iterative process of software design (CSTA 3A-AP-13).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (17, 'Software design is a universal approach that can be used irrespective of programming tools (such as a specific language). Effective design utilizes practices such as commenting to record rationale for specific design decisions (CSTA 3A-AP-21).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (18, 'Collaborative strategies such as peer programming and feedback protocols have students optimally revise computational artifacts (e.g., graphical interfaces, program performance, errors) and help foster an inclusive computing culture which produces artifacts that meet the needs of a broad audience (CSTA 3A-AP-22).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (19, 'By allowing students the opportunity to develop programs at the request of a client or identified real-world situation, students are able to have a more authentic learning experience. Students will pursue learning opportunities that are very similar in nature to experiences they will have in a future computer science career. It is important that students follow protocols and frameworks that they would see in the modern workplace to identify problems, develop a programming solution and bring their artifact to life for review by outside clients (CSTA 3A-AP-19 & 3A-IC-27).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (20, 'As students engage in computer programming, it is important for them to be highly aware of the many aspects of cyber and information security. Students need to be aware not only of security loopholes that open their programs up to hacking but also to accidental programming errors or choices that can lead to other security issues as well. Students should do their best to be proactive in their programming but be aware they will need to update code and patch as needed when security vulnerabilities arise. Students should understand the importance of keeping their devices and programs up to date through additional updates and patches but that those as well can lead to other problems. Students want to ensure security is included in their feedback cycle for developed solutions (CSTA 3A-NI-06).'); INSERT INTO GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM, GLE_ELAB_STATEMENT) VALUES (21, 'After finishing a computer program, students should consider how they would potentially distribute their product. Whether they determine to sell it at a price on an app store or distribute it for free, a license of some sort is required and a process for which consumers can access the program. Alternatively, students need to be mindful that pirating occurs and should think about ways they can secure their programs to not be unlawfully distributed such as licensing codes, attachment to connected services, methods of software distribution, etc. Students need to be aware of laws and patents that govern/protect intellectual property (CSTA 3A-AP-20 & 3A-IC-28).'); -- Table: GRADE_LVL_EX CREATE TABLE GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM INTEGER, GRADE_LVL_EXP TEXT, STANDARD_NUM INTEGER, PGS_NUM INTEGER, GLE_ELAB_NUM INTEGER, cs_practices TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_GLE PRIMARY KEY (GLE_NUM), FOREIGN KEY (GLE_ELAB_NUM) REFERENCES GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY (STANDARD_NUM) REFERENCES STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY (PGS_NUM) REFERENCES PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (1, '1. Computational thinking is used to create algorithmic solutions to real-world problems.', 1, 1, 1, '1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture 2. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 3. Creating Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (2, '2. Algorithms can be represented and used in different ways (e.g., languages, diagrams, pseudocode). ', 1, 1, 2, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (3, '3. Algorithm development and use is an ongoing process that involves adapting, critiquing and troubleshooting programs and/or processes.', 1, 1, 3, '1. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 2. Creating Computational Artifacts 3. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (4, '4. Large, complex problems can be broken down into smaller, more manageable components.', 1, 2, 4, '1. Communicating about Computing 2. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (5, '5. Abstraction is used to reduce complexity of larger problems by focusing on main ideas.', 1, 2, 5, '1. Developing and Using Abstractions 2. Communicating about Computing 3. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (6, '6. Data can be represented in different ways for storage and exchange.', 1, 3, 6, '1. Communicating about Computing 2. Creating Computational Artifacts 3. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (7, '7. Many problems appropriate for solving with a computer are organized around patterns.', 1, 3, 7, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (8, '8. Data from a computer program can be visually presented to better understand and articulate solutions to a problem.', 1, 3, 8, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computation Problems 2. Creating Computational Artifacts 3. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (9, '1. Communication between computers (and over the internet) can be configured in many different ways and consist of several hardware and software components.', 2, 4, 9, '1. Developing and Using Abstractions'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (10, '2. Computer hardware, the lowest level of a computer system, consists of many different parts, each providing a specialized function.', 2, 4, 10, '1. Developing and Using Abstractions'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (11, '3. Computer software is written for specific purposes.', 2, 4, 11, '1. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (12, '4. Systems thinking is a way of holistically examining the various components and use cases that go into a given design.', 2, 4, 12, '1. Developing and Using Abstractions. 2. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 3. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (13, '5. Client considerations drive system design.', 2, 5, 13, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Communicating about Computing 3. Creating Computational Artifacts 4. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (14, '6. Robust computing systems require multiple methods of recovery.', 2, 6, 14, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Communicating about Computing 3. Collaborating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (15, '7. Robust computing systems require data protection.', 2, 6, 15, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Communicating about Computing 3. Collaborating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (16, '1. The creation of a computer program requires a design process.', 3, 7, 16, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Developing and Using Abstractions 3. Creating Computational Artifacts 4. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (17, '2. The process of programming involves solving computational problems.', 3, 7, 17, '1. Developing and Using Abstractions 2. Creating Computational Artifacts 3. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 4. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (18, '3. Collaborative tools, methods and strategies can be used to design, develop and update computational artifacts.', 3, 7, 18, '1. Creating Computational Artifacts 2. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture 3. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 4. Collaborating around Computing 5. Communicating around Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (19, '4. Client-based design requirements and feedback are essential to a quality computational product or service.', 3, 7, 19, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Develop and Using Abstractions 3. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 4. Communicating about Computing 5. Collaborating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (20, '5. Computing solutions can have impacts (personal, ethical, social, economic and cultural) based on their use.', 3, 8, 20, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 3. Communicating about Computing'); INSERT INTO GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM, GRADE_LVL_EXP, STANDARD_NUM, PGS_NUM, GLE_ELAB_NUM, cs_practices) VALUES (21, '6. Security and software licensing can present constraints and restrictions in computational design and development.', 3, 8, 21, '1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 2. Testing and Refining a Computational Artifact 3. Communicating about Computing'); -- Table: PREPARED_GRAD_STATE CREATE TABLE PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM INTEGER, PGS_STATE TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_PGS PRIMARY KEY (PGS_NUM)); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (1, 'Develop, utilize and evaluate algorithms to model and solve problems.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (2, 'Systematically analyze a problem using decomposition and abstraction to formulate a solution.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (3, 'Represent and analyze data in order to generate new knowledge and capability.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (4, 'Use systems thinking to describe networks and common software and hardware components.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (5, 'Develop systems solutions from a set of specifications to complete a design process.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (6, 'Recognize and analyze security concepts.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (7, 'Design and create programs, individually and collaboratively, for a variety of disciplines.'); INSERT INTO PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM, PGS_STATE) VALUES (8, 'Create computational artifacts that consider security from tampering, malicious or otherwise.'); -- Table: STANDARDS CREATE TABLE STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM INTEGER, STANDARD_NAME TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_STANDARDS PRIMARY KEY (STANDARD_NUM)); INSERT INTO STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM, STANDARD_NAME) VALUES (1, 'Computational Thinking'); INSERT INTO STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM, STANDARD_NAME) VALUES (2, 'Computing Systems and Networks'); INSERT INTO STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM, STANDARD_NAME) VALUES (3, 'Computer Programming'); -- Index: IFK_ESS_SKILL-GLE CREATE INDEX "IFK_ESS_SKILL-GLE" ON ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (GLE_NUM); -- Index: IFK_ESS_SKILL-PGS CREATE INDEX "IFK_ESS_SKILL-PGS" ON ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (PGS_NUM); -- Index: IFK_GLE-GLE_ELAB CREATE INDEX "IFK_GLE-GLE_ELAB" ON GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_ELAB_NUM); -- Index: IFK_GLE-PGS CREATE INDEX "IFK_GLE-PGS" ON GRADE_LVL_EX (PGS_NUM); -- Index: IFK_GLE-STANDARD_NUM CREATE INDEX "IFK_GLE-STANDARD_NUM" ON GRADE_LVL_EX (STANDARD_NUM); -- Index: IFK_OUT-GLE CREATE INDEX "IFK_OUT-GLE" ON EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (GLE_NUM); -- Index: IPK_ESS_SKILL CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_ESS_SKILL ON ESSENTIAL_SKILLS (ESS_SKILL_NUM); -- Index: IPK_GLE CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_GLE ON GRADE_LVL_EX (GLE_NUM); -- Index: IPK_GLE_ELAB CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_GLE_ELAB ON GLE_ELAB (GLE_ELAB_NUM); -- Index: IPK_OUT CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_OUT ON EVIDENCE_OUTCOMES (OUT_NUM); -- Index: IPK_PGS CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_PGS ON PREPARED_GRAD_STATE (PGS_NUM); -- Index: IPK_STANDARD CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IPK_STANDARD ON STANDARDS (STANDARD_NUM); COMMIT TRANSACTION; PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;