--------- beginning of main 03-02 00:05:35.453 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:05:35.457 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:05:37.857 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3727 19329)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:37.857 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3727 19329 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:37.925 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:37.931 3229 8199 E OplusInputManagerService_jni: updateInvalidRegion start!!! 03-02 00:05:37.931 3229 8199 E InputDispatcherExtImpl: rectF left: 0.000000, top: 2244.000000, right: 144.000000, bottom: 2376.000000 offset_left: 0.000000, offset_top: 0.000000, offset_right: 0.000000, offset_bottom: 0.000000 03-02 00:05:37.931 3229 8199 E InputDispatcherExtImpl: rectF left: 936.000000, top: 2244.000000, right: 1080.000000, bottom: 2376.000000 offset_left: 0.000000, offset_top: 0.000000, offset_right: 0.000000, offset_bottom: 0.000000 --------- beginning of system 03-02 00:05:37.932 3229 5776 E OplusAppQuickStart_AppQuickStartController: notifyStartActivity intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject/.Screen1 bnds=[235,1596][441,1878] (has extras) } 03-02 00:05:37.937 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: methodInvoke SupressionGC failed1 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: dalvik.system.VMRuntime.SupressionGC [int, int] 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:2950) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(Class.java:2929) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.util.ReflectionUtils.methodInvoke(ReflectionUtils.java:32) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at com.oplus.transition.OplusTransitionReflectionHelper.callGcSupression(OplusTransitionReflectionHelper.java:109) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.ShellTaskOrganizer.addStartingWindow(ShellTaskOrganizer.java:549) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at android.window.TaskOrganizer$1.addStartingWindow(TaskOrganizer.java:298) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at android.window.ITaskOrganizer$Stub.onTransact(ITaskOrganizer.java:184) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1523) 03-02 00:05:37.942 5147 6155 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1457) 03-02 00:05:37.952 3229 4680 E BLASTBufferQueue: [bbq-adapter#357](f:0,a:0) rejecting buffer:active_size=0x0, requested_size=0x0 buffer{size=1x1 transform=0} 03-02 00:05:37.960 5147 5304 E OplusBracketLog: [OplusViewMirrorManager] updateHostViewRootIfNeeded, not support android.view.ViewRootImpl@d63abea 03-02 00:05:37.980 2225 2225 E qspmHal : setAppInfoH atPid = 23864, gpuFname:appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject, gpuFver:11 03-02 00:05:37.991 23864 23864 E mpleItooProject: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000 03-02 00:05:37.993 23864 23864 E mpleItooProject: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-02 00:05:37.999 2173 7796 E ANDR-PERF-LM: MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 03-02 00:05:38.012 6400 6460 E oiface : sched_setaffinity failed 03-02 00:05:38.013 6400 6458 E oiface : directSetTask: get cpuset path failed 03-02 00:05:38.015 3229 3857 E OplusThermalStats: Error getting package info: appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject 03-02 00:05:38.022 9276 27410 E metis_v2_FactManager: There is no subModel: com.oplus.linker 03-02 00:05:38.034 23864 23881 E SchedAssist: sysOpen failed with error=Permission denied 03-02 00:05:38.034 23864 23881 E SchedAssist: open sharedFd failed with error=Permission denied 03-02 00:05:38.034 23864 23881 E SchedAssist: open sharedFd failed with error=Permission denied 03-02 00:05:38.034 23864 23881 E SchedAssist: open sharedFd failed with error=Permission denied 03-02 00:05:38.034 23864 23881 E SchedAssist: open sharedFd failed with error=Permission denied 03-02 00:05:38.045 23864 23864 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: sInstance is null, start a new sInstance 03-02 00:05:38.076 3229 8191 E ScrollOptim [OplusPerfService]: isScrollOptimEnable: mSoptBean = ScrollOptimBean, mOptEnable=true, mCommonOnly=false, mPreAnimStrategy=1, mPreAnimBlacklist=[com.kyk.world], mPreAnimWhitelist=[], mInsertNum=1, mFrameInsertList={com.alibaba.intl.android.apps.poseidon={com.alibaba.intl.android.apps.poseidon.app.activity.ActivityMainMaterial=3}, com.ril.ajio={com.ril.ajio.home.AjioHomeActivity=3}, com.eterno={com.newshunt.appview.common.ui.activity.HomeActivity=3}, com.spotify.music={com.spotify.music.MainActivity=3}, com.taobao.idlefish={}, com.makemytrip={com.mmt.travel.app.hubble.HubbleReactActivity=3}, com.lazada.android={com.lazada.android.pdp.module.detail.LazDetailActivity=3}, com.kyk.world={}}, mSCEnableList={com.ss.android.ugc.aweme=[com.ss.android.ugc.aweme.splash.SplashActivity], com.sankuai.meituan=[com.meituan.android.pt.homepage.activity.MainActivity], com.dragon.read=[com.dragon.read.pages.main.MainFragmentActivity], com.xunmeng.pinduoduo=[com.xunmeng.pinduoduo.activity.NewPageActivity], com.tencent.qqmusic=[com.tencent.qqmusic.activity.AppStarterActivity], com.tencent.mobileqq=[com.qzone.feed.ui.activity.QZoneFriendFeedActivity], com.tencent.qqlive=[com.tencent.qqlive.ona.activity.SplashHomeActivity], com.ct.client=[com.ct.client.activity.MainActivity]} 03-02 00:05:38.076 3229 8191 E ScrollOptim [OplusPerfService]: isScrollOptimEnable: pkgName = appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject, output = Bundle[{pre_anim_enable=true, frame_insert_list=null, frame_insert_default_num=1, scroll_changed_enable_list=null}] 03-02 00:05:38.092 23864 23864 E OplusBracketLog: [OplusViewMirrorManager] updateHostViewRootIfNeeded, not support android.view.ViewRootImpl@587cb0b 03-02 00:05:38.109 2225 2225 E qspmHal : GPU profile file NOT found !! 03-02 00:05:38.151 2173 7796 E ANDR-PERF-LM: MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 03-02 00:05:38.155 2173 2275 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: AddAndApply() 167: Failed to apply optimization [10, 8] 03-02 00:05:38.159 3229 3857 E OplusThermalStats: Error getting package info: com.google.android.permissioncontroller 03-02 00:05:38.177 9276 27410 E metis_v2_FactManager: There is no subModel: com.oplus.linker 03-02 00:05:38.183 20580 20580 E OplusBracketLog: [OplusViewMirrorManager] updateHostViewRootIfNeeded, not support android.view.ViewRootImpl@ac06718 03-02 00:05:38.197 20580 18178 E Adreno-AppProfiles: QSPM AIDL service doesn't exist 03-02 00:05:38.204 3229 3816 E OplusAppQuickStart_AppQuickStartController: not start from launcher transition:TransitionRecord{2c78ff8 id=1398 track=0 type=OPEN flags=0x0 state=1} 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: methodInvoke DesupressionGC failed1 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: dalvik.system.VMRuntime.DesupressionGC [int] 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:2950) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(Class.java:2929) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.util.ReflectionUtils.methodInvoke(ReflectionUtils.java:32) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.oplus.transition.OplusTransitionReflectionHelper.callGcDesupression(OplusTransitionReflectionHelper.java:120) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.onFinish(Transitions.java:1587) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.lambda$playTransition$3(Transitions.java:1321) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.$r8$lambda$96XCaSAhJXxB3nlVJy1TNPeH46k(Transitions.java:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions$$ExternalSyntheticLambda8.onTransitionFinished(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler.lambda$startAnimation$2(DefaultTransitionHandler.java:396) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler.$r8$lambda$dQGDCIj8oXu4Q3gE3IU3-TQE6Pc(DefaultTransitionHandler.java:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler.startAnimation(DefaultTransitionHandler.java:768) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.dispatchTransition(Transitions.java:1335) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.playTransition(Transitions.java:1320) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.processReadyQueue(Transitions.java:1166) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.dispatchReady(Transitions.java:1106) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions.onTransitionReady(Transitions.java:935) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions$TransitionPlayerImpl.lambda$onTransitionReady$0(Transitions.java:2007) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions$TransitionPlayerImpl.$r8$lambda$E1Ms2CLuO14YRHZa6uUNycRrU-A(Transitions.java:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at com.android.wm.shell.transition.Transitions$TransitionPlayerImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:282) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:387) 03-02 00:05:38.212 5147 5265 E ReflectionUtils: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:85) 03-02 00:05:38.213 3229 3816 E OplusAppQuickStart_AppQuickStartController: scheduleHideStartingSurface addAfterPrepareSurface for:ActivityRecord{60300fe u0 com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity 03-02 00:05:38.222 23864 23864 E Form : Received permission response which we cannot match. 03-02 00:05:38.229 3229 3857 E OplusThermalStats: Error getting package info: appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject 03-02 00:05:38.245 9276 27410 E metis_v2_FactManager: There is no subModel: com.oplus.linker 03-02 00:05:38.619 5520 5520 E OsenseResClient: osenseClrSceneAction: handle is illegal 03-02 00:05:38.627 3229 5776 E TransitionController: Uncommitted visibility change: ActivityRecord{60300fe u0 com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity t3928 f}} 03-02 00:05:38.682 3229 3229 E OplusGestureAnimationManagerPolicy: mScreenHeight:2376 mScreenWidth:1080 mRotation:0 03-02 00:05:38.687 6400 6460 E oiface : sched_setaffinity failed 03-02 00:05:38.799 2162 2371 E SDM : DRMConnector::Perform: Connector 69: Setting Qsync min fps 12615868 03-02 00:05:38.968 2173 7777 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data 03-02 00:05:38.971 2173 7778 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data 03-02 00:05:38.971 2173 7778 E ANDR-PERF-LM: AdaptiveLaunch: writeToDataBase() 64: Meter aborted or could not get meter data for this run 03-02 00:05:39.296 2162 2371 E SDM : DRMConnector::Perform: Connector 69: Setting Qsync min fps 12615868 03-02 00:05:39.938 3229 8190 E OplusInputManagerService_jni: updateInvalidRegion start!!! 03-02 00:05:39.938 3229 8190 E InputDispatcherExtImpl: rectF left: 0.000000, top: 2244.000000, right: 144.000000, bottom: 2376.000000 offset_left: 0.000000, offset_top: 0.000000, offset_right: 0.000000, offset_bottom: 0.000000 03-02 00:05:39.938 3229 8190 E InputDispatcherExtImpl: rectF left: 936.000000, top: 2244.000000, right: 1080.000000, bottom: 2376.000000 offset_left: 0.000000, offset_top: 0.000000, offset_right: 0.000000, offset_bottom: 0.000000 03-02 00:05:40.573 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:05:40.576 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:05:41.196 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3462 4088)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:41.197 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3462 4088 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:41.300 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:41.317 3229 4568 E JobScheduler.Background: Couldn't determine stopped state for unknown package: com.oplus.onet 03-02 00:05:41.336 2225 2225 E qspmHal : setAppInfoH atPid = 23923, gpuFname:appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject, gpuFver:11 03-02 00:05:41.352 23923 23923 E roject:doraemon: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000 03-02 00:05:41.356 23923 23923 E roject:doraemon: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-02 00:05:41.457 3229 8191 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:41.509 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:41.584 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:42.064 2981 23946 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:disable-nuplayer-try-ffmpeg pid:5147 cost 1107us return 0 03-02 00:05:42.125 3204 4496 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:42.165 2981 23952 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:42.176 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:42.227 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:42.244 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.250 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetGraphAlias:3938 Error[19]: Unable to find graph key vector. No matching key value pairs were found 03-02 00:05:42.250 2111 8201 E gsl : gsl_get_graph_alias:2268 acdb get graph alias failed 19, len 255 03-02 00:05:42.260 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.260 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.260 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.260 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.264 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.264 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.264 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.264 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:42.268 2111 8201 E AGM: graph: configure_buffer_params: 308 Unsupported buffer mode : 0, Default to Blocking 03-02 00:05:42.324 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1695us return 0 03-02 00:05:42.333 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 23952;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:42.493 3229 8191 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:42.528 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:42.594 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:43.144 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:43.175 2343 5153 E ListServiceUtils: getPackageNameByPid pid:5147 procName:com.android.systemui cost 1240us return 0 03-02 00:05:43.196 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4945 03-02 00:05:43.202 2981 23966 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:43.211 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:43.263 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:43.293 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 676 not boost. 03-02 00:05:43.368 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 23966;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:43.529 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:43.576 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:43.634 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:44.188 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:44.222 2981 23982 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:44.230 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:44.232 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:44.252 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4953 03-02 00:05:44.340 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 23982;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:44.350 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 677 not boost. 03-02 00:05:44.569 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:44.605 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:44.681 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:45.195 3204 4496 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:45.240 2343 21092 E ListServiceUtils: getPackageNameByUid uid:10222 procName:com.android.systemui cost 1369us return 0 03-02 00:05:45.252 2981 23995 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:45.262 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:05:45.308 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4961 03-02 00:05:45.311 2343 21092 E ListServiceUtils: getListValueByUid module:audio-boost-apps uid:10222 cost 1877us return 0 03-02 00:05:45.316 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:05:45.351 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1503us return 0 03-02 00:05:45.368 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 678 not boost. 03-02 00:05:45.421 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 23995;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:45.610 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:45.652 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:45.695 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:05:45.695 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:05:45.706 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3245 7906)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:45.706 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3245 7906 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:45.722 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:45.787 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:45.817 3229 3857 E OplusThermalStats: Error getting package info: com.android.launcher 03-02 00:05:45.835 8301 8301 E InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{613feb3 mUid=10426 mPid=23864 mSelfReportedDisplayId=0} (client)' ~ Publisher closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 03-02 00:05:45.843 2425 2425 E TransactionCallbackInvoker: sendCallbacks: !listener->isBinderAlive() 03-02 00:05:45.847 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:45.849 3229 3816 E IPCThreadState: Binder transaction failure. id: 23787767, BR_*: 29189, error: -22 (Invalid argument) 03-02 00:05:45.856 2225 2225 E qspmHal : setAppInfoH atPid = 23864, gpuFname:appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject, gpuFver:10 03-02 00:05:45.863 3229 3816 E OplusAppQuickStart_AppQuickStartController: not start from launcher transition:TransitionRecord{a8cb7c8 id=1399 track=0 type=CLOSE flags=0x0 state=1} 03-02 00:05:45.887 5520 5520 E KeyGuardDismissedService[u0]: handleMessage unlock, launcher dismissState!=STATE_LOCK, do nothing, return! 03-02 00:05:45.899 3229 3229 E OplusGestureAnimationManagerPolicy: mScreenHeight:2376 mScreenWidth:1080 mRotation:0 03-02 00:05:45.902 6400 6460 E oiface : sched_setaffinity failed 03-02 00:05:45.906 20832 22615 E WeatherS_WeatherCommonServiceProxy: getLocationCityInfo 03-02 00:05:45.908 20832 22615 E WeatherS_WeatherCommonServiceProxy: getTimeZoneOfAttendCity 03-02 00:05:45.909 20832 22615 E WeatherS_WeatherCommonServiceProxy: getOneAttentCityWeatherInfoList 03-02 00:05:45.912 20832 22615 E WeatherS_WeatherCommonServiceProxy: getLocationCityDataAndUpdateWeatherInfoIfNeeded needUpdateWeatherInfo = false, isCallFromWeatherApp = false 03-02 00:05:45.951 2162 2371 E SDM : DRMConnector::Perform: Connector 69: Setting Qsync min fps 12616184 03-02 00:05:46.202 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:46.228 2981 24020 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:46.237 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:05:46.240 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:05:46.285 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4969 03-02 00:05:46.310 9276 27410 E metis_v2_FactManager: There is no subModel: com.oplus.linker 03-02 00:05:46.342 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24020;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:46.385 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 679 not boost. 03-02 00:05:46.456 2162 2371 E SDM : DRMConnector::Perform: Connector 69: Setting Qsync min fps 12616184 03-02 00:05:46.628 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:46.659 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:46.691 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:46.722 5520 5520 E IJankManager: latencySceneEnd unknown scene 2 mScene:-1 03-02 00:05:46.722 5520 5520 E OsenseResClient: osenseClrSceneAction: handle is illegal 03-02 00:05:46.761 2425 2425 E BpTransactionCompletedListener: Failed to transact (-32) 03-02 00:05:46.846 2173 7778 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data 03-02 00:05:46.846 2173 7777 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data 03-02 00:05:46.846 2173 7778 E ANDR-PERF-LM: AdaptiveLaunch: writeToDataBase() 64: Meter aborted or could not get meter data for this run 03-02 00:05:47.241 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:47.287 2981 24035 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:47.297 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:47.344 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4977 03-02 00:05:47.348 2343 28208 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:audio-boost-uclamp-apps uid:10222 cost 1034us return 0 03-02 00:05:47.349 2343 28208 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:28208 sucess 03-02 00:05:47.353 2981 24035 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:audio-derivation-blacklist uid:10222 cost 1096us return 0 03-02 00:05:47.406 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 680 not boost. 03-02 00:05:47.456 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24035;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:47.659 3229 8191 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:47.696 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:47.726 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:47.880 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:18 center_down:1 (4183 689)(3 0 6 0) 03-02 00:05:47.880 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][592]: first touch point id 0 [4183 689 0 0 3 0 6](ignore) 03-02 00:05:47.960 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4183 689 3 0 2 0) 03-02 00:05:47.960 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4183 689 3 0 2 0) 03-02 00:05:47.968 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4183 689 3 0 2 0) 03-02 00:05:47.968 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_area_judged_V2][2647]: large_area_judged_V2: id(0) judge middle top exit. 03-02 00:05:48.019 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:48.036 6228 6250 E ScreenCapture: Failed to generate screen capture. Error code: -12 03-02 00:05:48.036 6228 6250 E Blur_ScreenCapture: [captureScreenInternal] exceeds fail times limit=1 03-02 00:05:48.051 3229 5008 E OplusUIFirst_WS: unknown window type: -1 03-02 00:05:48.052 3229 5083 E FBProcessManager: unknown window type: -1 03-02 00:05:48.052 3229 5008 E UAH-Framework: invalid window type -1, return 03-02 00:05:48.079 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 18, 1, 1, 1. 03-02 00:05:48.107 6228 6250 E ScreenCapture: Failed to generate screen capture. Error code: -22 03-02 00:05:48.233 3204 18603 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:48.252 2981 24064 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:48.259 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:05:48.261 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:05:48.320 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4985 03-02 00:05:48.363 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24064;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:48.419 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 681 not boost. 03-02 00:05:48.434 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 4993 03-02 00:05:48.454 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 682 not boost. 03-02 00:05:48.676 3229 5358 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:48.723 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:48.762 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:49.275 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:49.300 2343 15618 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:short-sound-frame-change uid:10222 cost 1670us return 1 03-02 00:05:49.312 2981 24079 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:49.318 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:05:49.371 2111 4051 E PAL: Device: clearStreamDevAttrCustomKey: 1085: empty device attr for device 3 03-02 00:05:49.380 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:05:49.398 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:49.445 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1220us return 0 03-02 00:05:49.484 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24079;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:49.696 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:49.722 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:49.756 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:50.294 3204 4496 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:50.329 2981 24091 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:50.340 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:50.343 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:50.365 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5001 03-02 00:05:50.445 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24091;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:50.461 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 683 not boost. 03-02 00:05:50.718 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:50.751 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:50.783 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:50.804 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:05:50.807 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:05:51.333 3204 18166 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:51.366 2981 24105 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:51.380 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:51.385 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:51.393 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5009 03-02 00:05:51.418 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1124us return 0 03-02 00:05:51.489 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24105;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:51.492 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 684 not boost. 03-02 00:05:51.745 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:51.773 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:51.802 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:51.976 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3188 15414)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:51.976 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3188 15414 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:52.048 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:52.071 2225 2225 E qspmHal : setAppInfoH atPid = 24125, gpuFname:appinventor.ai_Salvy1977.SimpleItooProject, gpuFver:11 03-02 00:05:52.078 24125 24125 E mpleItooProject: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000 03-02 00:05:52.080 24125 24125 E mpleItooProject: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: Service xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService has leaked IntentReceiver xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService$EndActionReceiver@2e75580 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Service xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService has leaked IntentReceiver xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService$EndActionReceiver@2e75580 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:2030) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1701) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1881) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1840) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1827) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:773) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService.onStartCommand(ItooService.java:117) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleServiceArgs(ActivityThread.java:5521) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleServiceArgs(Unknown Source:0) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2719) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:282) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:387) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9500) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:600) 03-02 00:05:52.120 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1005) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: Service xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService has leaked IntentReceiver xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.BackgroundProcedureReceiver$1@c2c49ac that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Service xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService has leaked IntentReceiver xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.BackgroundProcedureReceiver$1@c2c49ac that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:2030) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1701) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1881) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1840) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1827) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:773) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.BackgroundProcedureReceiver.(BackgroundProcedureReceiver.java:58) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.ItooCreator.(ItooCreator.java:107) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.Framework.(Framework.java:58) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoox.Framework.get(Framework.java:17) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at xyz.kumaraswamy.itoo.ItooService.onStartCommand(ItooService.java:125) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleServiceArgs(ActivityThread.java:5521) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleServiceArgs(Unknown Source:0) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2719) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:282) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:387) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9500) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:600) 03-02 00:05:52.122 23923 23923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1005) 03-02 00:05:52.126 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:52.141 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:52.334 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:52.358 2981 24143 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:52.368 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:52.371 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:52.421 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5017 03-02 00:05:52.472 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24143;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:52.517 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 685 not boost. 03-02 00:05:52.522 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5025 03-02 00:05:52.538 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 686 not boost. 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.605 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.754 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:52.768 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:52.798 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:52.837 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:53.242 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.243 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:53.354 3204 4499 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:53.386 2981 24162 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:53.394 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:53.461 2111 3995 E PAL: Device: clearStreamDevAttrCustomKey: 1085: empty device attr for device 3 03-02 00:05:53.470 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:53.483 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:05:53.574 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24162;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:53.790 3229 5358 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:53.817 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:53.847 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:53.916 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:54.388 3204 4499 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:54.421 2981 24176 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:54.430 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:54.433 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:54.458 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5033 03-02 00:05:54.536 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24176;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:54.557 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 687 not boost. 03-02 00:05:54.614 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3009 15408)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:54.614 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3009 15408 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:54.708 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:54.742 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:54.819 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:54.834 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5041 03-02 00:05:54.844 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:54.852 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 688 not boost. 03-02 00:05:54.908 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:54.917 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.313 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.313 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.314 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.314 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.314 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.314 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.314 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.363 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:55.395 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:55.425 2981 24196 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:55.438 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:05:55.480 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:05:55.584 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24196;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:55.854 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:55.891 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:55.926 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:55.937 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:05:55.941 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:05:56.483 3204 4499 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:56.524 2981 24209 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:56.531 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:56.535 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:05:56.547 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5049 03-02 00:05:56.639 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24209;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:56.641 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3245 15611)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:56.642 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3245 15611 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:56.648 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 689 not boost. 03-02 00:05:56.728 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:56.742 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:05:56.754 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:56.852 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5057 03-02 00:05:56.866 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 690 not boost. 03-02 00:05:56.880 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:56.924 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:56.988 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:56.998 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.376 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.393 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.394 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:05:57.403 26070 26100 E fbks : (REDACTED) Trace %s timed out after %d ms. Complete trace: %s 03-02 00:05:57.403 26070 26100 E fbks : fbmc: 03-02 00:05:57.403 26070 26100 E fbks : at tk_trace.AmbientBroadcastReceiverServiceClientImpl#onReceive(Started After:0) 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26101 E fbks : (REDACTED) Trace %s timed out after %d ms. Complete trace: %s 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26101 E fbks : fbmc: 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26101 E fbks : at tk_trace.AmbientBroadcastReceiverServiceClientImpl#onReceive(Started After:0) 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26102 E fbks : (REDACTED) Trace %s timed out after %d ms. Complete trace: %s 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26102 E fbks : fbmc: 03-02 00:05:57.404 26070 26102 E fbks : at tk_trace.AmbientBroadcastReceiverServiceClientImpl#onReceive(Started After:0) 03-02 00:05:57.456 3204 18134 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:57.485 2981 24236 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:57.494 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:05:57.540 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:05:57.643 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24236;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:57.902 3229 5358 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:57.928 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:57.957 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:58.485 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:58.521 2981 24251 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:58.530 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:58.532 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:58.533 2990 3026 E AtlasEventDisptch: dispatchEvent: EventTest took 1492us to handleEvent:atlas_event_audio_track_create 03-02 00:05:58.560 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5065 03-02 00:05:58.635 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24251;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:58.659 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 691 not boost. 03-02 00:05:58.773 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3981 25686)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:05:58.774 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3981 25686 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:05:58.916 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:58.942 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:05:58.944 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:59.313 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:05:59.338 5520 5520 E KeyGuardDismissedService[u0]: handleMessage unlock, launcher dismissState!=STATE_LOCK, do nothing, return! 03-02 00:05:59.494 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:05:59.525 2981 24271 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:05:59.539 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:59.541 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:05:59.572 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5073 03-02 00:05:59.643 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24271;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:05:59.665 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 692 not boost. 03-02 00:05:59.943 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:05:59.971 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:00.002 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:00.564 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:00.591 2981 24287 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:00.597 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:00.600 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:00.615 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5081 03-02 00:06:00.631 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1383us return 0 03-02 00:06:00.703 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24287;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:00.713 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 693 not boost. 03-02 00:06:00.826 18810 19185 E QcomSubSystemLpmParser: exception:/proc/subsys_sleepmon/slpi_compact: open failed: ENOMEM (Out of memory) 03-02 00:06:00.980 3229 8181 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:01.016 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:01.046 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:01.058 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:06:01.059 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:06:01.597 3204 18131 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:01.632 2981 24300 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:01.647 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:01.651 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:01.659 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5089 03-02 00:06:01.690 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 1185us return 0 03-02 00:06:01.755 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24300;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:01.757 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 694 not boost. 03-02 00:06:02.012 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:02.041 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:02.074 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:02.337 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:06:02.463 6391 6423 E horae : 0: back:27314,frame:26945,front:27465, 0, +(715), 1 ,27500,30114,28946,29569,28180, target_temp:27465, algo:0 03-02 00:06:02.632 3204 18134 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:02.675 2981 24316 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:02.690 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:02.744 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5097 03-02 00:06:02.750 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:02.792 2343 4003 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByPid module:audiodetect-list pid:5147 cost 3070us return 0 03-02 00:06:02.792 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 695 not boost. 03-02 00:06:02.855 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24316;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:03.048 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:03.079 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:03.113 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:03.657 3204 18134 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:03.693 2343 21092 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:video-stutter-check-list uid:10222 cost 1339us return 0 03-02 00:06:03.705 2981 24330 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:03.718 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:06:03.759 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5105 03-02 00:06:03.764 2343 21093 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21093 sucess 03-02 00:06:03.824 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 696 not boost. 03-02 00:06:03.868 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24330;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:04.085 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:04.113 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:04.145 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:04.411 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:18 center_down:1 (4212 1065)(1 0 1 0) 03-02 00:06:04.412 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4212 1065 1 0 1 0) 03-02 00:06:04.412 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4212 1065 1 0 1 0) 03-02 00:06:04.412 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][592]: first touch point id 0 [4212 1065 0 0 1 0 1](ignore) 03-02 00:06:04.416 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_exit_matched_v4][1776]: large_exit_matched_v4: exit matched(0) (4212 1065 2 0 1 0) 03-02 00:06:04.416 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][large_area_judged_V2][2647]: large_area_judged_V2: id(0) judge middle top exit. 03-02 00:06:04.447 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][587]:Touchpanel id 0 :Down[4212 1065 0 0 3 0 2]K0 A0 D0 03-02 00:06:04.598 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:06:04.612 6228 6250 E ScreenCapture: Failed to generate screen capture. Error code: -12 03-02 00:06:04.612 6228 6250 E Blur_ScreenCapture: [captureScreenInternal] exceeds fail times limit=1 03-02 00:06:04.624 3229 5008 E OplusUIFirst_WS: unknown window type: -1 03-02 00:06:04.625 3229 5083 E FBProcessManager: unknown window type: -1 03-02 00:06:04.625 3229 5008 E UAH-Framework: invalid window type -1, return 03-02 00:06:04.676 3204 18134 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:04.694 6228 6250 E ScreenCapture: Failed to generate screen capture. Error code: -22 03-02 00:06:04.712 2981 24353 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:04.721 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:04.724 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:04.728 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 18, 1, 1, 1. 03-02 00:06:04.763 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5113 03-02 00:06:04.825 2290 32278 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24353;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:04.862 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 697 not boost. 03-02 00:06:04.876 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5121 03-02 00:06:04.887 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 698 not boost. 03-02 00:06:05.105 3229 5985 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:05.133 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:05.166 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:05.506 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (2957 15739)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:06:05.506 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [2957 15739 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:06:05.610 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:06:05.620 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:06:05.636 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:05.665 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:05.806 2111 11788 E PAL: Device: clearStreamDevAttrCustomKey: 1085: empty device attr for device 3 03-02 00:06:06.100 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.100 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.100 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.100 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.100 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.101 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.101 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.129 3229 5358 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:06.154 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:06.173 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:06:06.176 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:06:06.192 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:06.257 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.588 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.589 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:06.701 3204 3549 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:06.729 2981 24392 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:06.738 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:06:06.778 2343 21092 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:21092 sucess 03-02 00:06:06.796 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.802 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetGraphAlias:3938 Error[19]: Unable to find graph key vector. No matching key value pairs were found 03-02 00:06:06.802 2111 8201 E gsl : gsl_get_graph_alias:2268 acdb get graph alias failed 19, len 255 03-02 00:06:06.811 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.811 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.811 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.811 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.812 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.813 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.813 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.813 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:06.814 2111 8201 E AGM: graph: configure_buffer_params: 308 Unsupported buffer mode : 0, Default to Blocking 03-02 00:06:06.881 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24392;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:09.754 2343 4003 E AudioFlingerExtImpl: updateAudioDetectState pid : 5147, get null buffer 03-02 00:06:09.858 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5137 03-02 00:06:09.946 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 699 not boost. 03-02 00:06:10.801 2111 3995 E PAL: Device: clearStreamDevAttrCustomKey: 1085: empty device attr for device 3 03-02 00:06:11.301 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:06:11.305 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:06:11.885 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (2900 15705)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:06:11.885 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [2900 15705 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:06:11.956 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:06:11.973 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1! 03-02 00:06:11.982 3229 8191 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:11.991 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:12.023 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.030 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = true for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.547 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:12.582 2981 24439 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:12.590 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:06:12.611 5147 5147 E StackScroll: Heads up view appearing mWasCancelled = false for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 03-02 00:06:12.629 2343 5153 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:5153 sucess 03-02 00:06:12.647 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.651 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetGraphAlias:3938 Error[19]: Unable to find graph key vector. No matching key value pairs were found 03-02 00:06:12.651 2111 8201 E gsl : gsl_get_graph_alias:2268 acdb get graph alias failed 19, len 255 03-02 00:06:12.660 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.660 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.660 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.660 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.663 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.663 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.663 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.663 2111 8201 E ACDB : AcdbCmdGetProcSubgraphCalDataPersist:8250 Error[19]: No calibration found 03-02 00:06:12.664 2111 8201 E AGM: graph: configure_buffer_params: 308 Unsupported buffer mode : 0, Default to Blocking 03-02 00:06:12.731 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24439;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:13.005 3229 5358 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:13.029 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:13.059 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:13.594 3204 4499 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:13.622 2981 24460 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:13.630 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:13.633 2343 15618 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:15618 sucess 03-02 00:06:13.678 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5145 03-02 00:06:13.736 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24460;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:13.776 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 700 not boost. 03-02 00:06:14.032 3229 5054 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:14.055 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:14.087 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:14.297 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2907]: id:0 pos:1 center_down:1 (3876 25486)(0 0 0 0) 03-02 00:06:14.297 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [touchEvent][ts_report_touch_data][577]: first touch point id 0 [3876 25486 0 0 0 0 0] 03-02 00:06:14.408 3493 3493 E OplusTouchDaemon: [prevent][curved_large_handle_V2][2991]: up id(0) status: 1, 1, 1, 0. 03-02 00:06:14.603 3204 5282 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:14.631 2981 24478 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:14.637 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:14.638 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:14.691 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5153 03-02 00:06:14.740 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24478;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:14.790 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 701 not boost. 03-02 00:06:14.800 5520 5520 E KeyGuardDismissedService[u0]: handleMessage unlock, launcher dismissState!=STATE_LOCK, do nothing, return! 03-02 00:06:15.065 3229 8190 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:15.090 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:15.122 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:15.330 2135 5023 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:95, pedometer_minute: report_ts=3832,counter=4584.000000 move_status =[SNS_CMC_STATIONARY] time_gap = 0 run_counter=0.000000 walk_counter=2290.000000 03-02 00:06:15.677 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:15.713 2981 24492 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:15.729 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:15.771 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5161 03-02 00:06:15.776 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:15.779 2990 3026 E AtlasEventDisptch: dispatchEvent: EventTest took 523us to handleEvent:atlas_event_audio_track_create 03-02 00:06:15.831 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 702 not boost. 03-02 00:06:15.883 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24492;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:16.095 3229 5985 E OplusNotificationCenter: getForegroundApplication exception 03-02 00:06:16.120 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:16.149 5147 5147 E LockScreenNotificationDispatcherImp: updateNotificationListOnKg size:0 03-02 00:06:16.423 8231 8231 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcStateByWirelessCharge: feature WIRELESS_CHARGING = true; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false; mNfcWorkMode: 0; isOverSeaRegion() = true 03-02 00:06:16.425 8469 9521 E Battery : ChargeProtectionUtils: mCanlendarTmp.isEmpty()! 03-02 00:06:16.700 3204 19215 E Codec2-ComponentInterface: We have a failed config 03-02 00:06:16.725 2343 14927 E ListServiceUtils: getPackageNameByPid pid:5147 procName:com.android.systemui cost 1809us return 0 03-02 00:06:16.744 2981 24507 E AudioTrackExtImpl: get fade type, but return null, uid 10222 03-02 00:06:16.754 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: start AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:16.758 2343 14927 E AudioBoost: stop AudioUclampBoost pid:2343 tid:14927 sucess 03-02 00:06:16.763 2343 3088 E AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl: checkSessionHasActiveClient mSessionLatestHandleList has no port for session = 5169 03-02 00:06:16.861 2290 2309 E PerformanceService: [WAKER_IDENTIFY] pid message 24507;0;0 is writen to proc 03-02 00:06:16.861 2343 3068 E AudioBoost: id 703 not boost. 03-02 00:06:17.798 1993 7317 E TetherController: property_get sys.radio.data.modem_share_flag return 0, 1!