fast is initialized. installed fast version is: 1.1.5 19.10.2024.23.55 fast build initialized. PROJECT_DIR: E:\test-test Got the JAVA_HOME by system property. JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8 Got FAST_HOME from environment variable. FAST_HOME: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Fast KOTLIN_HOME: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Fast\lib\kotlinc fast.yml is found at: E:\test-test\fast.yml AndroidManifest.xml is found at: E:\test-test\src\AndroidManifest.xml Package name is: cn.kevinkun.testtest Checking the availablity of .kt files. Checking the availablity of .java file. Getting provided libraries. Got 85 libraries. Got 85 provided libraries. Add a dummy jar to provided classpath for Linux Getting the libraries of deps folder. Got 0 libraries. Increasing components version. Compiling java classes. Found 1 sources. Error: no compiler is provided by getSystemJavaCompiler() no compiler is provided by getSystemJavaCompiler() no compiler is provided by getSystemJavaCompiler() no compiler is provided by getSystemJavaCompiler() at Source) at Source) at Source) Got FAST_HOME from environment variable.