10-15 15:57:03.665 25747 25747 E Form : Form Screen1 ErrorOccurred, errorNumber = 1103, componentType = Web, functionName = PostText, messages = Unable to complete the given request with the text "filename=img_2023/10/15_15:57:02.jpg&mimetype=data:image/jpeg&folderid=1SdMLhHCswBDbI0g-QcK-XaJnm-Lhh16p&data=%2F9j%2F4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD%2F4gIoSUNDX1BST0ZJTEUAAQEAAAIYAAAAAAIQAABtbnRyUkdC%0AIFhZWiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABhY3NwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAA9tYAAQAA%0AAADTLQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlk%0AZXNjAAAA8AAAAHRyWFlaAAABZAAAABRnWFlaAAABeAAAABRiWFlaAAABjAAAABRyVFJDAAABoAAA%0AAChnVFJDAAABoAAAAChiVFJDAAABoAAAACh3dHB0AAAByAAAABRjcHJ0AAAB3AAAADxtbHVjAAAA%0AAAAAAAEAAAAMZW5VUwAAAFgAAAAcAHMAUgBHAEIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA%0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFhZWiAA%0AAAAAAABvogAAOPUAAAOQWFlaIAAAAAAAAGKZAAC3hQAAGNpYWVogAAAAAAAAJKAAAA%2BEAAC2z3Bh%0AcmEAAAAAAAQAAAACZmYAAPKnAAANWQAAE9AAAApbAAAAAAAAAABYWVogAAAAAAAA9tYAAQAAAADT%0ALW1sdWMAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAxlblVTAAAAIAAAABwARwBvAG8AZwBsAGUAIABJAG4AYwAuACAAMgAw%0AADEANv%2FbAEMAAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB%0AAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAf%2FbAEMBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB%0AAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAf%2FAABEIDKgWgAMBIgACEQEDEQH%2FxAAbAAADAQEB%0AAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMBBAUGCv%2FEAFcQAAADBQUFBwQBBAEDAgEAGwECEQADEiExEyJBUWFxgZGh%0A8CMyM7HB0eEEQkPxUxRSYmNzJHKDgpOSoqOzNLLC8gVEw9LT4uMVVGSE8yU1dJSkxNS0%2F8QAFAEB%0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP%2FEABQRAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD%2F2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA%2FAPwDPhML%0Aw9%2BOq7Ng%2FvktrE4OIoBiXoZ4pXMQZO6U5Dkv4T9euAtR29PCEZ7hHlKTTAETJGCIRIBT3HeO%2FfXV%0AmgOYpxIfsQmAvBT31mGFZsr58LwZXC%2Fx7wpJONE3NOM8EM4dg%2FqnvWbB1PPpzunRHneXQRAJpoOj%0ARvvDkIY8ZVkOGuq%2BfFqleRGgOd4Ry7kiT38hlwxCURSvoyrY2stiqnDlsYGMUlsUhI4JAKjP1lRV%0AoDWifFj%2Bmc9y1HtAx26T8w2SuGE76OA4PZb12ctWmBjrEQ%2BOPSyw6UOwXDmGzIf%2FAKhbNFlrKaDs%0ARFxxi8Id2rkhHgLnjOfNMm5gjjud%2FT0XdzwaxfqPqSvIxETHzOC%2B1VwYFExyl%2FpzFSa6rOaU9cZi%0Ajdf1BfpSO3MFoD6y63oI824hMZ49jMa%2Bd5NcxEJy4a8Wa8Z6BCK8%2FE72UBONNWDoF5E5J9MDmF8t%0AZqMx0l0Dc0MLyE8Z9HdR62Nd59L9SU1%2F8YVWlcJYggzabsCFOQ5zriK9cduqsETJF2eWm%2FTrNuoX%0AB3Ls53pBj1HZ0oNGcZjk%2FlXmI75iI7mZ59Q%2BfH747QHrPfWlAR2WI5CHG6GWm7d56vZ%2F9QBO8QXu%0ACVXqWNKix3YyCMZ%2Bh47VSuTKQ5iviHJfPhaBtDEcg%2FbAwlOUxwIUL70XQbZCnW1kMIlLAcl%2F190y%0Axyqzv%2FqHzwwR3NOXQAEmCxSfHMJyzXPhnnjvkwQv9ydfjhzw0a5TEKEB785V%2FYVxYKU748cFMHfx%0ArsxBlg7WyUYF9FXjivswMYzmHuX%2BW8P0qNrt5CWzORU02CE2wzmEx4DkPPf1PXBWchV75LvivDz5%0AT140YImsYrlpAk1oqcdrAEtDGKQjw5xEZYouPAOgnM0Ed1YN647%2FAI1bt%2Bn%2BosXb7uEPs5AE9iaZ%0A0DnUpXgRrJXb3cKY4inLjV47%2BkIJDEO8OQaggaSEUDqTSEpktj%2Ffjv8AiTBXL0SmOFwlRFd8k6kw%0AN%2F0y3I%2F%2FACJ6Y05tK%2BAxXynzQZ6BQUzXmrP%2FAE5rO1iJDkuuSdbGBMS4QxxOQMcvUNuTBZ48IZyW%0AJf6hcqKIhsonDjAIymjIuvVMsWe5EdCXHnhS4Ls14ZIWCO%2BDw58dB8%2FQJTYCI620YR7PWnzKjK8M%0AL04nQaTprRqwuTPIO0ReC6LLhoyi7O7A9fEF1vnl1PaDB1vfp3Tv6Uj52eMREetOq4czspDTJXGM%0AfbdSU%2BEzGPDCHcAKSln1gzGIcHZXpe4ohvDBAy5blYOgn0%2FbRnJ2K%2B0sUFVpi3MaC0PAkCbv1Wkm%0A6Xb58V2%2BIcjw5HleeO6gKs25naF79NZgCp8sCGLBIe%2F5dB1lZ8BAEkBhm6C05U2qnSNa2%2BmCGB3G%0Aenae%2BA9ajxmMJjHP56oHkrA99MY03%2FtN25n8O%2BH5AGTwOt1Ws8%2BqJaEO6JAjpB219BoOLc8L14Q7%0A2CIioI67qpjyRgZTu3yEP1rrqGNG05ULeKP9Ra8cZ4T1%2BAm5Me0AQs4v9oSFfNnMZ9bRn79BHqYq%0AO1gs8dkL9KR4Q7wrzwnrsdR3KGmCtzuwIYxrU8C1w4J7DLa2PXtognRf8E5qwQwEKF2PqmPLEJsC%0AQxCeCdE2KHthLc3TaWaEJ%2FF2q6BsnUBk0YjlN%2FyZV29bZM5S2hTrcOA8dOp5CwBSkMWI54MkWSoN%0AaCsmUBPZH%2B0FwkoYh7b2EvkJHGT%2FAFyHHrZqxFCc4F7UmNaeaBwYHMHcOeAS2YIAZjolV0lwaaFM%0AphPcomO8A6VNjAX0Oc%2BzTTZgPCbDwpBHsSPIF%2FJ8CHHcosCCXAT8fkWtEe4QrwRJj1jTBkAhAELa%0A1LPEF9Okwq1jGcj9PdIh%2FwBrqm8A9Q5kQf7j5BNOFdM5I1ju5ksrSN5guG7rgyGKe6ZIa%2B0tZLtY%0AtDmMv3rXDltl5sHUBnJfozunhP8AqQeiIZ4Sl1ublF2eGMxISKOlefujdVic308finyQbYNUUR21%0AGWdYWxywkOQBT7DhhhUJZZyYEKaE0f2b9iInHOW6zx6R68JA70d4Z4bZpsGTRiiN%2FhTjkGee%2FMGs%0AWC2eCS5SytOOPvrLAJFE7l4aURyUxoNQGuIeTAvYi3ygPaKuIdUYMYimjBT%2BW%2FraFWdwT8zwFdO1%0AyVcvJgCvoDKd2i9KPVB1bIRhO%2BKWQPcd8gTrIJsjwwvDRriI5S4aZCwV4JQOSMYB0qAZfvYwAFED%0AEOctwQx0qqpnyZzASE4QD4oznJfb3yZY4iQHO8jHCob1FaeuYizvDWlkQnfouY8KcqsDPozCSM4h%0ApPqQYcsouyHM 10-15 15:57:03.682 25747 30256 I .ProvaTirocini: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 392(42KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(44MB) LOS objects, 5% free, 68MB/72MB, paused 14.675ms total 88.559ms 10-15 15:57:03.689 25747 25747 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10278; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:03.691 25747 25747 E Toast : getXOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 10-15 15:57:03.691 25747 25747 E Toast : getYOffset() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the result may not reflect actual values. 10-15 15:57:03.693 25747 25747 E Toast : setGravity() shouldn't be called on text toasts, the values won't be used 10-15 15:57:03.722 4587 4706 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:03.725 25747 25747 D Toast : show: caller = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Notifier.toastNow:535 10-15 15:57:03.725 25747 25747 I Toast : show: focusDisplayId = 0, isFocusInDesktop = false mCustomDisplayId=-1 isDexDualMode=false 10-15 15:57:03.725 25747 25747 I Toast : show: isActivityContext = true 10-15 15:57:03.729 4587 5127 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false, isKnoxId=false 10-15 15:57:03.729 4587 5127 D EdgeLightingManager: showForToast : packageName = appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:03.730 4587 5127 D EdgeLightingClientManager: isAvailableEdgeLighting: condition=1 mCondition=3 mIsConnected=false0 10-15 15:57:03.733 4587 5127 D SEP_UNION_CoverManager_CoverManagerAllowLists: isAllowedToUse : cover manager allow lists does not include this App : appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:03.733 4587 5127 W SEP_UNION_CoverManager_CoverManagerServiceImpl: getCoverStateInternal : caller is invalid 10-15 15:57:03.734 4587 5127 E CoverManager: getCoverState : coverState is null 10-15 15:57:03.735 4587 5127 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager: isAcceptableApplication: pkg=appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio , range=512 , includeAllApp=false , userId=0 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0 10-15 15:57:03.735 4587 5127 D EdgeLightingManager: showForToast : return false by isAcceptableApplication. 10-15 15:57:03.749 4587 5127 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1162 com.android.server.notification.sec.DisplayToast.sendIntentForToastDumpLog:156 com.android.server.notification.sec.DisplayToast.outFile:106 com.android.server.notification.sec.DisplayToast.out:62 com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$12.enqueueToastForDex:3520 10-15 15:57:03.752 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11495 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927}#0 10-15 15:57:03.763 4587 5127 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '73bb472', fd=461 10-15 15:57:03.763 4587 5127 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '73bb472', fd=496 10-15 15:57:03.764 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11496 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 73bb472 Toast#0 10-15 15:57:03.766 4587 5127 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '73bb472', fd=496 10-15 15:57:03.766 25747 25747 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '73bb472', fd=78 10-15 15:57:03.767 25747 25747 I ViewRootImpl@596ecc4[Toast]: setView = android.widget.TextView@feb7ad TM=true 10-15 15:57:03.944 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461594835297802 10-15 15:57:04.446 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583221 101577524 w 1532358 30949464 d 141436 124372000 f 339338 562255 iot 1828360 1535207 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461595.335 10-15 15:57:04.967 5497 30622 I SecHAL : device_sleep: NFC can be going to sleep 10-15 15:57:05.083 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:05.086 4587 5127 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:57:05.086 26787 30336 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:05.086 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:57:05.372 30544 30563 I oid.setupwizar: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:05.423 30544 30563 I oid.setupwizar: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 50.605ms 10-15 15:57:05.444 30544 30556 I oid.setupwizar: WaitForGcToComplete blocked RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 20.961ms 10-15 15:57:07.270 4587 4624 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927})/@0xd7c5d6c 10-15 15:57:07.271 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11497 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:07.272 4587 4624 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=3 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f - animation-leash)/@0xff2df35 10-15 15:57:07.714 4587 4733 D InputReader: Btn_touch(7): value=1 when=461598.603963 10-15 15:57:07.714 4587 4733 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=3, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.6029 ] when=461598.603963 10-15 15:57:07.714 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (4945): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '27b8747', t=1 10-15 15:57:07.715 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (25747): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '9eec97f', t=1 10-15 15:57:07.715 26747 26747 W RecentsAnimationDeviceState: isInSwipeUpTouchRegion = false 10-15 15:57:07.715 26747 26747 W TouchInteractionService: onInputEvent, inputConsumer = com.android.quickstep.-$$Lambda$InputConsumer$pgTpBxbssXPLgozwhOXQifnNImE@40bba8a 10-15 15:57:07.715 4587 4732 D PowerManagerService: UserActivityStateListenerState: 1 10-15 15:57:07.788 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927})/@0xd7c5d6c, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f 10-15 15:57:07.789 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368444864] 10-15 15:57:07.789 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368444864] 10-15 15:57:07.794 4245 5540 I Layer : id=11497 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f - animation-leash#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:07.795 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11497 Removed Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f - animation-leash#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:07.805 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11497[1] Destroyed Surface(name=73bb472 Toast)/@0x356a61f - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:08.038 4587 4732 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 20 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 461598928 10-15 15:57:08.085 4587 4733 D InputReader: Btn_touch(7): value=0 when=461598.975779 10-15 15:57:08.085 4587 4733 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=3, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=461598.975779 10-15 15:57:08.085 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (25747): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '9eec97f', t=1 10-15 15:57:08.086 26747 26747 W TouchInteractionService: reset 10-15 15:57:08.086 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), begin 10-15 15:57:08.087 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), successful: true 10-15 15:57:08.087 4587 4587 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0 10-15 15:57:08.087 4587 4587 D PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:08.087 4587 4587 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - GESTURE_DETECTED/4587@27, type = -999 10-15 15:57:08.088 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), begin 10-15 15:57:08.088 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10646832 [4587 / 27] HINT : GESTURE_DETECTED list : [TIMEOUT / 165] 10-15 15:57:08.088 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), successful: true 10-15 15:57:08.088 4587 4587 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0 10-15 15:57:08.088 4587 4587 D PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:08.088 4587 4587 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - GESTURE_DETECTED/4587@27, type = -999 10-15 15:57:08.089 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMinFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 10646832 Value : 936000 10-15 15:57:08.090 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10646832 [4587 / 27] HINT : GESTURE_DETECTED list : [TIMEOUT / 165] 10-15 15:57:08.090 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMinFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 10646832 Value : 936000 10-15 15:57:08.255 4192 30625 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMinFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 10646832 10-15 15:57:08.256 4192 30625 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10646832 10-15 15:57:08.336 4587 4733 D InputReader: Btn_touch(7): value=1 when=461599.226851 10-15 15:57:08.336 4587 4733 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=3, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.6030 ] when=461599.226851 10-15 15:57:08.337 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (4945): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '27b8747', t=1 10-15 15:57:08.337 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (25747): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '9eec97f', t=1 10-15 15:57:08.337 26747 26747 W RecentsAnimationDeviceState: isInSwipeUpTouchRegion = false 10-15 15:57:08.338 26747 26747 W TouchInteractionService: onInputEvent, inputConsumer = com.android.quickstep.-$$Lambda$InputConsumer$pgTpBxbssXPLgozwhOXQifnNImE@40bba8a 10-15 15:57:08.442 4587 4733 D InputReader: Btn_touch(7): value=0 when=461599.333039 10-15 15:57:08.443 4587 4733 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=3, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=461599.333039 10-15 15:57:08.443 4587 4732 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (25747): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '9eec97f', t=1 10-15 15:57:08.444 26747 26747 W TouchInteractionService: reset 10-15 15:57:08.449 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), begin 10-15 15:57:08.450 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), successful: true 10-15 15:57:08.451 4587 4587 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0 10-15 15:57:08.451 4587 4587 D PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:08.451 4587 4587 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - GESTURE_DETECTED/4587@27, type = -999 10-15 15:57:08.451 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), begin 10-15 15:57:08.451 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10646832 [4587 / 27] HINT : GESTURE_DETECTED list : [TIMEOUT / 1865] 10-15 15:57:08.453 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMinFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 10646832 Value : 936000 10-15 15:57:08.453 4587 4587 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), successful: true 10-15 15:57:08.453 4587 4587 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0 10-15 15:57:08.453 4587 4587 D PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:08.453 4587 4587 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - GESTURE_DETECTED/4587@27, type = -999 10-15 15:57:08.455 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10646832 [4587 / 27] HINT : GESTURE_DETECTED list : [TIMEOUT / 1865] 10-15 15:57:08.455 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMinFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 10646832 Value : 936000 10-15 15:57:08.458 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583223 101577532 w 1532388 30953072 d 141436 124372000 f 339338 562255 iot 1828380 1535229 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461599.348 10-15 15:57:08.944 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461599835266914 10-15 15:57:10.112 4587 4627 E Watchdog: !@Sync: 15373 heap: 66 / 73 [2023-10-15 15:57:10.112] sdogWay: softdog FD: 676 10-15 15:57:10.321 4192 30626 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMinFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 10646832 10-15 15:57:10.322 4192 30626 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10646832 10-15 15:57:10.465 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583223 101577532 w 1532389 30953144 d 141437 124372052 f 339339 562257 iot 1828388 1535237 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461601.354 10-15 15:57:11.171 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:11.171 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:11.172 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:11.448 4587 4650 D PowerManagerService: UserActivityStateListenerState: 0 10-15 15:57:13.945 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461604835991295 10-15 15:57:14.091 4587 4654 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = FULL, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 100, .batteryVoltage = 4233, .batteryTemperature = 274, .batteryCurrent = -191, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 4000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3746000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 10-15 15:57:14.091 4587 4654 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-166, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:0x10000, current_event:0x0, current_now:-191 10-15 15:57:14.095 4587 4725 D MotionRecognitionService: onReceive : ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED, Plugged: 2 10-15 15:57:14.096 4587 4725 I MotionRecognitionService: [TA] In/out: true, curr state: 1 10-15 15:57:14.096 4587 4587 D PhoneWindowManagerExt: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level=100, status=5 10-15 15:57:14.098 4587 4587 D SemWifiApBroadcastReceiver: Received : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.099 4587 4587 D AdaptiveBrightnessLongtermModelBuilder: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.101 4924 4924 D SemBigDataInfoController: Intent : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.102 4924 4924 D SemBigDataInfoController: Intent : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.102 4945 4945 I PowerUI : BATTERY_HEALTH_CHECK extraHealth=2 mBatteryMiscEvent=65536 10-15 15:57:14.102 4945 4945 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 priorBatteryStatus = 5 mBatteryStatus = 5 10-15 15:57:14.102 4945 4945 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 5 10-15 15:57:14.102 4945 4945 I PowerUI : mBatteryMiscEvent = 65536 10-15 15:57:14.103 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.104 4945 4945 I AODBatteryManager: updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:14.104 4945 4945 I AODBatteryManager: getChargeEstimateTime: not charging 10-15 15:57:14.104 4945 4945 I AODBatteryManager: saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=FULL, mBatteryPlugType=USB, mBatteryPlugged=true, mRemainingChargeTime=0, mBatteryChargingType=0, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=USB, mBatterySwellingMode=NONE] 10-15 15:57:14.140 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 10-15 15:57:14.481 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583231 101577588 w 1532406 30953236 d 141438 124372056 f 339340 562259 iot 1828392 1535240 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461605.369 10-15 15:57:14.823 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : -99 > surface_temperature_0 10-15 15:57:14.826 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : writeSysfs:: path() : /sys/class/audio/amp/surface_temperature_0 exist() : false canWrite() : false 10-15 15:57:14.826 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : -99 > surface_temperature_1 10-15 15:57:14.828 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : writeSysfs:: path() : /sys/class/audio/amp/surface_temperature_1 exist() : false canWrite() : false 10-15 15:57:14.828 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : SIOP:: AP:226(363,90) BAT:274(274,0) USB:0(0,0) CHG:289(289,0) WIFI:310(310,0) 10-15 15:57:15.635 27116 27116 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.checkin.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:17.398 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:17.402 4587 5127 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:57:17.402 27116 30337 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:17.402 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:57:17.722 4587 4732 D InputDispatcher: 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server) is not responding. Waited 10007ms for MotionEvent 10-15 15:57:17.728 4587 4732 I WindowManager: Input event dispatching timed out sending to appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1. Reason: 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server) is not responding. Waited 10007ms for MotionEvent 10-15 15:57:17.882 4587 4732 D WindowManager: notifyANR took 154ms 10-15 15:57:17.882 4587 4732 W InputDispatcher: Canceling events for 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server) because it is unresponsive 10-15 15:57:17.905 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: dumpStackTraces pids={4587=true, 4924=true, 4945=true, 5130=true, 5180=true, 5318=true, 5339=true, 5351=true, 5364=true, 5395=true, 5750=true, 6872=true, 7031=true, 7062=true, 7085=true, 26729=true, 26747=true, 26787=true, 26850=true, 27039=true, 27116=true, 27143=true, 27358=true, 27670=true, 27696=true, 27765=true, 27790=true, 28080=true, 28385=true, 28406=true, 28449=true, 28491=true, 28520=true, 28650=true, 29444=true, 29850=true, 30122=true, 30184=true, 30241=true, 30301=true, 30347=true, 30381=true, 30522=true, 30544=true} nativepids=[3955, 4157, 4158, 4159, 4160, 4236, 4245, 4301, 4302, 4314, 4319, 4324, 4325, 4330, 4344, 5750] 10-15 15:57:18.270 4587 4587 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@8db927 10-15 15:57:18.378 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Skipping next CPU consuming process, not a java proc: 25747 10-15 15:57:18.378 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Skipping next CPU consuming process, not a java proc: 30631 10-15 15:57:18.388 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: dumpStackTraces force pid=27358 10-15 15:57:18.392 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Dumping to /data/anr/anr_2023-10-15-15-57-18-390 10-15 15:57:18.392 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for pid 25747 10-15 15:57:18.395 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 25747 10-15 15:57:18.403 25747 30253 I .ProvaTirocini: Thread[4,tid=30253,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0x7d17611800,peer=0x13b41c70,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 10-15 15:57:18.403 25747 30253 I .ProvaTirocini: 10-15 15:57:18.403 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 25747 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.492 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583341 101579508 w 1532406 30953236 d 141438 124372056 f 339340 562259 iot 1828440 1535273 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461609.382 10-15 15:57:18.763 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 25747 10-15 15:57:18.763 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 25747 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.764 25747 30253 I .ProvaTirocini: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 10-15 15:57:18.765 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 25747 10-15 15:57:18.768 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 3955 10-15 15:57:18.769 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 3955 10-15 15:57:18.770 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 3955 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.772 3955 3955 I libc : Requested dump for tid 3955 (Binder:3955_2) 10-15 15:57:18.816 30635 30635 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.817 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 3955 10-15 15:57:18.817 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 3955 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.818 30635 30635 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 3955 (target tid = 3955) 10-15 15:57:18.845 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 3955 10-15 15:57:18.848 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4157 10-15 15:57:18.852 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4157 10-15 15:57:18.854 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4157 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.856 4157 4157 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4157 (Binder:4157_2) 10-15 15:57:18.902 30640 30640 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.902 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4157 10-15 15:57:18.902 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4157 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.903 30640 30640 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4157 (target tid = 4157) 10-15 15:57:18.937 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4157 10-15 15:57:18.939 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4158 10-15 15:57:18.943 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4158 10-15 15:57:18.945 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4158 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.945 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461609836162561 10-15 15:57:18.947 4158 4158 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4158 (Binder:4158_4) 10-15 15:57:18.990 30645 30645 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.990 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4158 10-15 15:57:18.990 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4158 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:18.990 30645 30645 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4158 (target tid = 4158) 10-15 15:57:19.034 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4158 10-15 15:57:19.042 5351 5592 I ImsSecChannelCallback: receive 10-15 15:57:19.042 5351 5592 I IpcDispatcher<0>: [Rx]: (M)IPC_IIL_CMD (S)IPC_IIL_SSAC_INFO (T)EVENT l:13 10-15 15:57:19.042 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4159 10-15 15:57:19.042 5351 5351 I SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 10-15 15:57:19.044 5351 5351 I SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 10-15 15:57:19.044 5351 5351 I SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 10-15 15:57:19.045 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4159 10-15 15:57:19.047 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4159 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.048 4159 4159 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4159 (main) 10-15 15:57:19.056 5351 5592 I ImsSecChannelCallback: receive 10-15 15:57:19.056 5351 5592 I IpcDispatcher<0>: [Rx]: (M)IPC_IIL_CMD (S)IPC_IIL_SSAC_INFO (T)EVENT l:13 10-15 15:57:19.058 5351 5351 I SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 10-15 15:57:19.058 5351 5351 I SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 10-15 15:57:19.058 5351 5351 I SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 10-15 15:57:19.104 30650 30650 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.105 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4159 10-15 15:57:19.105 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4159 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.105 4159 30549 I Zygote : Process 30649 exited cleanly (0) 10-15 15:57:19.105 30650 30650 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4159 (target tid = 4159) 10-15 15:57:19.114 4159 4159 F libc : failed to wait for crash_dump helper: No child processes 10-15 15:57:19.120 4924 4924 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 10-15 15:57:19.123 4924 4924 V PhoneGlobals: handleServiceStateChanged 10-15 15:57:19.124 4924 4924 D NotificationMgr: updateNetworkSelection, Use Samsung codes instead of AOSP codes 10-15 15:57:19.124 4924 4924 V PhoneGlobals: subId=-1,mDefaultDataSubId=-1,ss roaming=false 10-15 15:57:19.124 4924 4924 V PhoneGlobals: updateDataRoamingStatus 10-15 15:57:19.124 4924 4924 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 10-15 15:57:19.126 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 10-15 15:57:19.128 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onServiceStateChanged voiceState=1 dataState=1 10-15 15:57:19.129 4945 5119 D CscParser: OMC path : /product/omc/ITV/conf/customer.xml 10-15 15:57:19.129 4945 5119 I CscParser: getCustomerPath : omc customer file can read 10-15 15:57:19.129 4945 5119 E CscParser: update(): xml file exist 10-15 15:57:19.130 4945 4945 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=Unknown, PsOnly=false, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, NrBearerStatus=0, 5gStatus=0, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=5***6 mCid=1***5 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=222 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=I TIM mAlphaShort=TIM mAdditionalPlmns={}} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=22201}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=5***6 mCid=1***5 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=222 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=I TIM mAlphaShort=TIM mAdditionalPlmns={}} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=22201}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=-1 slotId=0 10-15 15:57:19.132 28385 28385 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:19.133 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=-1, slotId=0, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=Unknown, PsOnly=false, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, NrBearerStatus=0, 5gStatus=0, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=5***6 mCid=1***5 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=222 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=I TIM mAlphaShort=TIM mAdditionalPlmns={}} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=22201}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=5***6 mCid=1***5 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=222 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=I TIM mAlphaShort=TIM mAdditionalPlmns={}} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=22201}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 10-15 15:57:19.133 4945 4945 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 10-15 15:57:19.140 28406 28406 I [IPSA-E] ServiceStateChangedReceiver: onReceive 10-15 15:57:19.144 4945 5119 D NetworkController: sendPanelCarrierLabel() carrierText:Solo chiamate di emergenza, slotId:0, mNumberOfActiveSim:0, airplane:false, activeSimCount:0, mCarrierTextBySimSlot[0]:Solo chiamate di emergenza 10-15 15:57:19.144 4945 5119 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: updateCarrierTextInfo 10-15 15:57:19.144 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:19.144 4945 4945 D KeyguardBottomAreaShortcutView: mIndicationArea margin start : 158, end : 158, bottom : 145 10-15 15:57:19.144 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:19.145 4945 4945 D CarrierTextController: onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true 10-15 15:57:19.145 4945 4945 D CarrierTextController: updateCarrierText(): 0 10-15 15:57:19.146 28406 28406 I [IPSA-E] EmergencySharedPref: getEmergencyAlertEnabled: true 10-15 15:57:19.148 4945 4945 D CarrierTextController: plmn Of NetworkController Impl : Solo chiamate di emergenza 10-15 15:57:19.148 4945 4945 D CarrierTextController: setText : Nessuna SIM | Solo chiamate di emergenza 10-15 15:57:19.149 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetPagesController: onRefreshCarrierInfo() 10-15 15:57:19.149 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetClockRoamManager: isNetworkRoamingState id=-1 10-15 15:57:19.149 28406 28595 I [IPSA-C] IpsUtilityFunction: getMcc : 0 10-15 15:57:19.150 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetClockRoamManager: isNetworkRoamingState false 10-15 15:57:19.150 28406 28595 I [IPSA-E] EmergencyService: isCountryChanged : currentMcc=0, return 10-15 15:57:19.150 28406 28595 I [IPSA-E] EmergencyService: isCountryChangeTimeRemained: lastCountryChangeTime=0, activeDuration=10800000, now=1697378239150result=false 10-15 15:57:19.151 28406 28595 I [IPSA-E] EmergencyService: countryCheck - done 10-15 15:57:19.153 4924 5235 I LocationAccessPolicy: checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10061, callingPid: 4945, result: DENIED_SOFT 10-15 15:57:19.153 4924 5235 I LocationAccessPolicy: checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10061, callingPid: 4945, result: DENIED_SOFT 10-15 15:57:19.154 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetClockRoamManager: onRefreshCarrierInfo(pre, now): false, false 10-15 15:57:19.260 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4159 10-15 15:57:19.269 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4160 10-15 15:57:19.271 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4160 10-15 15:57:19.273 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4160 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.274 4160 4160 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4160 (main) 10-15 15:57:19.340 30655 30655 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.341 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4160 10-15 15:57:19.341 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4160 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.341 30655 30655 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 4160 (target tid = 4160) 10-15 15:57:19.342 4160 28930 I Zygote : Process 30654 exited cleanly (0) 10-15 15:57:19.344 4160 4160 F libc : failed to wait for crash_dump helper: No child processes 10-15 15:57:19.536 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4160 10-15 15:57:19.540 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4236 10-15 15:57:19.546 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4236 10-15 15:57:19.548 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4236 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.551 4236 4236 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4236 (audioserver) 10-15 15:57:19.588 30660 30660 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.589 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4236 10-15 15:57:19.589 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4236 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.589 30660 30660 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4236 (target tid = 4236) 10-15 15:57:19.636 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4236 10-15 15:57:19.641 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4245 10-15 15:57:19.648 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4245 10-15 15:57:19.650 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4245 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.652 4245 4245 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4245 (surfaceflinger) 10-15 15:57:19.770 30665 30665 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.771 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4245 10-15 15:57:19.771 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4245 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.772 30665 30665 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4245 (target tid = 4245) 10-15 15:57:19.825 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4245 10-15 15:57:19.839 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4301 10-15 15:57:19.840 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4301 10-15 15:57:19.841 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4301 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.844 4301 4301 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4301 (cameraserver) 10-15 15:57:19.877 30670 30670 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.878 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4301 10-15 15:57:19.878 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4301 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.878 30670 30670 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 4301 (target tid = 4301) 10-15 15:57:19.905 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4301 10-15 15:57:19.909 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4302 10-15 15:57:19.912 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4302 10-15 15:57:19.914 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4302 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.918 4302 4302 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4302 (drmserver) 10-15 15:57:19.952 30675 30675 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.952 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4302 10-15 15:57:19.952 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4302 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.953 30675 30675 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 4302 (target tid = 4302) 10-15 15:57:19.975 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4302 10-15 15:57:19.978 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4314 10-15 15:57:19.981 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4314 10-15 15:57:19.983 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4314 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:19.985 4314 4314 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4314 (Binder:4314_2) 10-15 15:57:20.019 30681 30681 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.020 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4314 10-15 15:57:20.020 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4314 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.021 30681 30681 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4314 (target tid = 4314) 10-15 15:57:20.051 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4314 10-15 15:57:20.053 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4319 10-15 15:57:20.055 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4319 10-15 15:57:20.057 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4319 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.060 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4319 10-15 15:57:20.060 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4319 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.368 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4319 10-15 15:57:20.372 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4324 10-15 15:57:20.373 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4324 10-15 15:57:20.374 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4324 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.375 4324 4324 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4324 (mediametrics) 10-15 15:57:20.398 30686 30686 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.398 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4324 10-15 15:57:20.398 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4324 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.399 30686 30686 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 4324 (target tid = 4324) 10-15 15:57:20.415 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4324 10-15 15:57:20.420 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4325 10-15 15:57:20.424 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4325 10-15 15:57:20.427 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4325 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.430 4325 4325 I libc : Requested dump for tid 4325 (mediaserver) 10-15 15:57:20.464 30691 30691 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.465 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4325 10-15 15:57:20.465 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4325 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.465 30691 30691 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 4325 (target tid = 4325) 10-15 15:57:20.499 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4325 10-15 15:57:20.503 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3583739 101592344 w 1532438 30953960 d 141438 124372056 f 339353 562285 iot 1828608 1535398 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461611.392 10-15 15:57:20.505 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4330 10-15 15:57:20.509 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4330 10-15 15:57:20.512 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4330 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.518 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4330 10-15 15:57:20.518 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4330 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.800 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:20.801 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:20.801 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:20.924 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4330 10-15 15:57:20.927 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 4344 10-15 15:57:20.929 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4344 10-15 15:57:20.930 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4344 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:20.932 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4344 10-15 15:57:20.932 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4344 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:21.282 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4344 10-15 15:57:21.288 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for native pid 5750 10-15 15:57:21.295 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 5750 10-15 15:57:21.296 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 5750 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:21.298 5750 5750 I libc : Requested dump for tid 5750 (droid.bluetooth) 10-15 15:57:21.358 30696 30696 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:21.359 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 5750 10-15 15:57:21.359 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 5750 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace 10-15 15:57:21.359 30696 30696 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 5750 (target tid = 5750) 10-15 15:57:21.564 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 5750 10-15 15:57:21.571 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for extra pid 4587 10-15 15:57:21.623 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 4587 10-15 15:57:21.626 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 4587 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:21.627 4587 4597 I system_server: Thread[2,tid=4597,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0x7d17600000,peer=0x12c80530,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 10-15 15:57:21.627 4587 4597 I system_server: 10-15 15:57:22.131 4587 5107 I HidlSensorManager: hidl_ssvc_poll: spurious wake up, back to work 10-15 15:57:22.511 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584206 101599732 w 1532445 30954200 d 141438 124372056 f 339357 562293 iot 1828748 1535518 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461613.399 10-15 15:57:22.665 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 4587 10-15 15:57:22.665 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 4587 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:22.666 4587 4597 I system_server: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 10-15 15:57:22.716 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 4587 10-15 15:57:22.728 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Collecting stacks for extra pid 27358 10-15 15:57:22.732 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 27358 10-15 15:57:22.733 4137 4137 I tombstoned: registered intercept for pid 27358 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:22.735 27358 27371 I d.process.acor: Thread[5,tid=27371,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0x7d0f25cc00,peer=0x12e001e0,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3 10-15 15:57:22.735 27358 27371 I d.process.acor: 10-15 15:57:22.762 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD 10-15 15:57:22.762 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: available memory: 1066948, free memory target: 645120, quit chimera 10-15 15:57:22.877 4137 4137 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 27358 10-15 15:57:22.877 4137 4137 I tombstoned: found intercept fd 512 for pid 27358 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace 10-15 15:57:22.878 27358 27371 I d.process.acor: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned 10-15 15:57:22.879 4587 30630 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 27358 10-15 15:57:22.883 4587 30630 I ActivityManager: Done dumping 10-15 15:57:22.884 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:22.886 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.mcfserver' (30184), uid 1000, oom_adj 955, state 19 to free 57792kB 10-15 15:57:22.886 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 57792kB at oom_adj 850 10-15 15:57:22.945 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30184 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:22.946 4587 7026 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.mcfserver (pid 30184) has died: cch+55 CEM (11,888) 10-15 15:57:22.946 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 30184 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:22.962 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:22.967 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.fast' (30347), uid 10082, oom_adj 945, state 19 to free 66024kB 10-15 15:57:22.967 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 66024kB at oom_adj 850 10-15 15:57:22.984 28406 28406 I [IPSA-C] IpsApplication: onTrimMemory : level=80 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 7026 D ActivityManager: Callback Function is canceled because of app Stuck. e=android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 7026 W System.err: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: ANR in appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio (appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1) 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: PID: 25747 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server) is not responding. Waited 10007ms for MotionEvent) 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: Parent: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: Load: 17.92 / 17.5 / 16.81 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: ------ Current CPU Core Info ------ 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: - offline : 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: - online : 0-7 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: - AP Temp = 387 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: scaling_cur_freq 1638000 1638000 1638000 1638000 2314000 2314000 2314000 2314000 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: scaling_governor schedutil schedutil schedutil schedutil schedutil schedutil schedutil schedutil 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: scaling_max_freq 1742000 1742000 1742000 1742000 2314000 2314000 2314000 2314000 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 4315ms to -5002ms ago (2023-10-15 15:57:13.566 to 2023-10-15 15:57:22.883): 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 101% 25747/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio: 98% user + 3.6% kernel / faults: 101840 minor 97 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 24% 4587/system_server: 9.2% user + 15% kernel / faults: 10734 minor 1631 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4330/media.codec: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 8779 minor 108 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4344/media.swcodec: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5417 minor 123 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4319/media.extractor: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5541 minor 105 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 3% 1179/kswapd0: 0% user + 3% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 2.2% 2033/sugov:0: 0% user + 2.2% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 2.1% 20692/adbd: 0.8% user + 1.2% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 1.6% 27358/android.process.acore: 0.8% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 4422 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 1.1% 4945/com.android.systemui: 0.8% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 1171 minor 4 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 1.1% 21802/kworker/u16:5: 0% user + 1.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 1.1% 26702/kworker/u16:3: 0% user + 1.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.9% 2943/ueventd: 0.6% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 288 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.9% 3930/logd: 0.2% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 14 minor 1 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.8% 4245/surfaceflinger: 0.3% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 69 minor 8 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.7% 2035/sugov:4: 0% user + 0.7% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.7% 4182/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service: 0.6% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 676 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.7% 7085/com.sec.android.sdhms: 0.3% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 128 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.6% 4924/com.android.phone: 0.4% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 646 minor 4 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.5% 26686/kworker/u16:0: 0% user + 0.5% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.5% 30445/logcat: 0.2% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 3 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.4% 8/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.4% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4137/tombstoned: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 33 minor 46 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.3% 1/init: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 11 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.3% 4157/statsd: 0.1% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 175 minor 38 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.3% 4158/netd: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 59 minor 22 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.3% 5750/com.android.bluetooth: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 118 minor 52 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 34/ksoftirqd/3: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 3931/lmkd: 0% user + 0.2% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4067/iod: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4159/zygote64: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 52 minor 1 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4160/zygote: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 46 minor 3 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4178/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 3 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4236/audioserver: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 89 minor 38 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4301/cameraserver: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 55 minor 18 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 4337/rild: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 96 minor 1 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 5351/com.sec.imsservice: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 158 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 27143/com.samsung.android.honeyboard: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 21 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 28650/com.google.android.youtube: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 100 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 7/ksoftirqd/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 9/rcu_sched: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1563/irq/270-sec-nfc: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 2426/decon_hiber: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 3955/vold: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 47 minor 26 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 3997/jbd2/sda32-8: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4107/vendor.samsung.hardware.security.proca@2.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4302/drmserver: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 180 minor 17 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4314/installd: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 31 minor 8 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4324/media.metrics: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 82 minor 91 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 4325/mediaserver: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 71 minor 30 major 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 5044/ip6tables-restore: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 5339/com.android.nfc: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 73 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 5746/freecessmonitor: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 19434/kworker/4:1H: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 26481/kworker/4:0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 26668/kworker/u18:0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0% 26683/kworker/u18:4: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 28406/com.samsung.android.ipsgeofence: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 221 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 28606/kworker/1:2H: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 28639/kworker/2:0H: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 28645/kworker/1:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 28669/kworker/0:0H: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 29274/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 29391/kworker/2:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 30301/com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare: 0.1% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: +0% 30631/kworker/u18:1: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: +0% 30699/kworker/u18:2: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 23% TOTAL: 16% user + 6.2% kernel + 0.2% iowait + 0.5% softirq 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 23ms to 466ms later (2023-10-15 15:57:17.905 to 2023-10-15 15:57:18.347): 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 100% 25747/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio: 100% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 100% 25747/.ProvaTirocinio: 100% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 47% 4587/system_server: 27% user + 19% kernel / faults: 442 minor 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 44% 30630/AnrConsumer: 11% user + 33% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 2.7% 9865/CFMS Handler Th: 2.7% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: +0% 30631/kworker/u18:1: 0% user + 0% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.987 4587 30630 E ActivityManager: 20% TOTAL: 14% user + 5.9% kernel 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy.scheduleTrimMemory(IApplicationThread.java:2196) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.updateLowMemStateLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:21364) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateAndTrimProcessLocked(OomAdjuster.java:1109) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLockedInner(OomAdjuster.java:658) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLocked(OomAdjuster.java:416) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.updateOomAdjLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:21544) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:4881) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied(ActivityManagerService.java:1937) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied(IBinder.java:311) 10-15 15:57:22.988 4587 7026 W System.err: at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(BinderProxy.java:719) 10-15 15:57:22.991 28491 28491 W DeviceManager_FLP: onTrimMemory : 5 10-15 15:57:22.992 28491 28491 I GpsSessionManager_FLP: arrangeInvalidSessions 10-15 15:57:22.995 27790 27790 I AiAi : onTrimMemory() with level 5 10-15 15:57:22.996 7031 7031 W DMASA[U]: [AppLogData]onTrimMemory(5):1697378242995 10-15 15:57:22.996 7031 7031 W DMASA[C]: [DiagMonAgentApplication]onTrimMemory (5) 10-15 15:57:22.997 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory = 5 10-15 15:57:22.997 4945 4945 D StatusBar: onTrimMemory = 5 10-15 15:57:22.997 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory : 5 10-15 15:57:23.004 4587 7024 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.fast (pid 30347) has died: cch+45 CEM (27,848) 10-15 15:57:23.015 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10082 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:23.020 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30347 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:23.020 4587 30630 W ActivityManager: anr : appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio,10278 10-15 15:57:23.023 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10082 pid 30347 in 17ms 10-15 15:57:23.030 4587 30630 D ActivityManager: Completed ANR of appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio in 5149ms, latency 0ms 10-15 15:57:23.034 4587 4622 D Debug : low && ship && 3rd party app crash, so skip dump 10-15 15:57:23.039 4587 4622 I Dialog : mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false 10-15 15:57:23.066 4587 30700 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_anr isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 10-15 15:57:23.073 4587 4622 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=false 10-15 15:57:23.073 4587 4622 I DecorView: updateCaptionType >> DecorView@1d3562[ProvaTirocinio], isFloating=true, isApplication=false, hasWindowDecorCaption=false, hasWindowControllerCallback=false 10-15 15:57:23.073 4587 4622 D DecorView: setCaptionType = 0, this = DecorView@1d3562[ProvaTirocinio] 10-15 15:57:23.095 7085 7085 I SDHMS:PowerAnomaly:GATHERERAPPERROR: update AppError : uid=10278, pkg=appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, errorType=anr 10-15 15:57:23.102 4587 4622 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 10-15 15:57:23.124 4587 4622 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 10-15 15:57:23.125 4587 4601 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 373245(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 88(2912KB) LOS objects, 20% free, 58MB/73MB, paused 1.861ms total 173.440ms 10-15 15:57:23.127 7085 7085 I SDHMS:PowerAnomaly:ANALYZERAPPERROR: analyze app error : uid=10278, pkg=appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, appErrorCount=2 10-15 15:57:23.134 4587 4630 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-15 15:57:23.134 4587 4630 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-15 15:57:23.138 4587 4603 W System : A resource failed to call release. 10-15 15:57:23.138 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124870400] 10-15 15:57:23.138 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124870400] 10-15 15:57:23.140 4587 4603 W System : A resource failed to call release. 10-15 15:57:23.140 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535022049088] 10-15 15:57:23.140 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535022049088] 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 W System : A resource failed to call release. 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265116640] 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265116640] 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 W System : A resource failed to call release. 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265116544] 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265116544] 10-15 15:57:23.141 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11471 Removed Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 (69) 10-15 15:57:23.141 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11470 Removed Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 (69) 10-15 15:57:23.141 4587 4603 W System : A resource failed to call release. 10-15 15:57:23.142 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535022050144] 10-15 15:57:23.142 4587 4603 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535022050144] 10-15 15:57:23.142 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11455 Removed Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash#0 (69) 10-15 15:57:23.151 4587 4622 D RestrictionPolicy: isGoogleCrashReportAllowed : ret=true userId =0 10-15 15:57:23.155 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11471[1] Destroyed Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.155 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11455[1] Destroyed Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.155 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11470[1] Destroyed Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:23.157 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11498 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4}#0 10-15 15:57:23.158 4587 4622 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'ae42a72', fd=496 10-15 15:57:23.158 4587 4622 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'ae42a72', fd=539 10-15 15:57:23.160 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11499 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:23.164 4587 4622 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{9eec97f u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1} to Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio} displayId=0 Callers=com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.updateFocusedWindowLocked:567 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.updateFocusedWindowLocked:6316 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.addWindow:1965 com.android.server.wm.Session.addToDisplayAsUser:182 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash)/@0xd41cd85 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{64efcc3 android.os.BinderProxy@487597d})/@0xb96f9a6, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265115680] 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265115680] 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{64efcc3 android.os.BinderProxy@487597d})/@0xb96f9a6 10-15 15:57:23.165 4587 30702 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 1 10-15 15:57:23.166 26729 26729 I TrayStateController: systemUiVisibilityChanged : 0 0 10-15 15:57:23.169 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11500 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=5 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash)/@0xd1e1340 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash)/@0x1a5640b 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{b13286 android.os.BinderProxy@d556ac8})/@0xe26923d, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265115968] 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265115968] 10-15 15:57:23.170 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{b13286 android.os.BinderProxy@d556ac8})/@0xe26923d 10-15 15:57:23.172 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11501 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:23.173 4587 4622 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash)/@0x32be279 10-15 15:57:23.173 4587 4622 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 10-15 15:57:23.175 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: setView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@1d3562 TM=true 10-15 15:57:23.175 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 121ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=com.android.server.am.-$$Lambda$ProcessRecord$ErrorDialogController$pOUTBc6k6s3-ZuZYLsjopLU9JWw@b467bbe m=0 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=11493 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=26 removeFromCurrentState 27b8747 NavigationBar0#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=33 removeFromCurrentState NavigationBar0$_4945#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=26 addToCurrentState 27b8747 NavigationBar0#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=33 addToCurrentState NavigationBar0$_4945#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.177 4245 4268 I Layer : id=11492 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 (70) 10-15 15:57:23.192 4587 4622 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio}: viewVisibility=0 req=1078x552 10-15 15:57:23.195 4587 4622 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio} 10-15 15:57:23.195 4587 4622 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:23.196 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11502 createSurf (1090x564),1 flag=4, Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:23.197 4587 4622 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 name=Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:23.199 4587 4622 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=ae42a72, pid=4587: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=SYSTEM_ALERT fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x10302f6 surfaceInsets=Rect(6, 6 - 6, 6) 10-15 15:57:23.199 4587 4622 V WindowManager: fl=1820002 10-15 15:57:23.199 4587 4622 V WindowManager: pfl=2000110 10-15 15:57:23.199 4587 4622 V WindowManager: fitTypes=STATUS_BARS NAVIGATION_BARS CAPTION_BAR 10-15 15:57:23.199 4587 4622 V WindowManager: fitIgnoreVis dimAmount=0.65 dimDuration=150 naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:23.201 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: Relayout returned: old=(0,83,1080,2301) new=(1,1749,1079,2301) req=(1078,552)0 dur=10 res=0x7 s={true 534934265856} ch=true fn=-1 10-15 15:57:23.203 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: [DP] dp(1) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:10957 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3845 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 10-15 15:57:23.203 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: [DP] pd() Asnyc report 10-15 15:57:23.204 4587 7005 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155723 now=543219292 - CU:10095/CP:26787/OP:PendingIntent{cc1833b: PendingIntentRecord{f030a58 com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:23.204 4587 7005 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543219292 10-15 15:57:23.206 4587 7005 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155747, set=543243307, now=543219294 10-15 15:57:23.207 4587 7024 I InputDispatcher: Focus left window (25747): 9eec97f in display 0 0 10-15 15:57:23.240 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:23.240 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1090 564) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:23.241 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:23.244 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:23.244 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1090 564) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:23.245 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:23.247 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:23.247 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1090 564) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:23.248 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:23.258 4587 7024 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155723 now=543219345 - CU:10095/CP:27116/OP:PendingIntent{cbb1817: PendingIntentRecord{5ca7404 com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:23.258 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543219346 10-15 15:57:23.258 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155747, set=543243307, now=543219346 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: [DP] pdf(0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$performDraw$1$ViewRootImpl:4668 android.view.-$$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$DJd0VUYJgsebcnSohO6h8zc_ONI.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: [DP] rdf() 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537264244800] 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537264244800] 10-15 15:57:23.282 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537264244128] 10-15 15:57:23.283 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537264244128] 10-15 15:57:23.285 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4})/@0xd3c057a 10-15 15:57:23.287 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11503 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.287 4587 4625 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash)/@0x295b12b 10-15 15:57:23.291 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11504 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=20004, Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:23.293 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988, leashParent=Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94 10-15 15:57:23.294 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11505 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.294 4587 4625 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash)/@0x30b9f21 10-15 15:57:23.304 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.udc.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:23.304 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.udc.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:23.307 4587 7024 I InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (4587): ae42a72 in display 0 0 10-15 15:57:23.309 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8af00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTir[...]uca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 5.0 0.0 1085.0 528.0 | 0 1812 1080 2340 | Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8b180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 455 1080 797 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_26729#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017080 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 388.0 39.0 | 692 2301 1080 2340 | SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015140 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.328 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8af00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTir[...]uca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 5.0 0.0 1085.0 538.0 | 0 1802 1080 2340 | Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8b180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 455 1080 797 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_26729#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017080 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 388.0 39.0 | 692 2301 1080 2340 | SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015140 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:23.343 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:23.525 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:23.525 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:23.527 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:23.528 4587 7024 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 10-15 15:57:23.544 4587 4630 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-15 15:57:23.544 4587 4630 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-15 15:57:23.576 4315 4315 I keystore: del USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10095 0 10-15 15:57:23.576 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.581 4315 4315 I keystore: del USRCERT_Stats_Key_EC 10095 0 10-15 15:57:23.581 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.584 4315 4315 I keystore: del CACERT_Stats_Key_EC 10095 0 10-15 15:57:23.585 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_CACERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.587 4315 4315 I keystore: del USRCSR_Stats_Key_EC 10095 0 10-15 15:57:23.590 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4})/@0xd3c057a, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 10-15 15:57:23.590 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124868288] 10-15 15:57:23.590 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124868288] 10-15 15:57:23.590 4104 4104 W keymaster_tee: [WRN]start nwd_generate_key 10-15 15:57:23.593 4104 4104 W keymaster_tee: [WRN]ret OK PARAMS: A3 P2 D4 NAR1 S256 2023.10.15,15:57:23.590 10-15 15:57:23.593 4315 30711 I keystore: !@ writeBlobs blob user_0/10095_USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.594 4245 5540 I Layer : id=11503 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 (74) 10-15 15:57:23.597 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11503 Removed Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 (74) 10-15 15:57:23.606 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11503[1] Destroyed Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.609 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 10-15 15:57:23.609 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263293536] 10-15 15:57:23.609 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263293536] 10-15 15:57:23.613 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11505 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 (73) 10-15 15:57:23.615 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11505 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 (73) 10-15 15:57:23.623 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11505[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:23.623 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.629 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.639 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRPKEY_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.645 4104 4104 W keymaster_tee: [WRN]start nwd_attest_key 10-15 15:57:23.665 4104 4104 E keymaster_tee: [ERR]Unexpected title ignore.. title: TEE 10-15 15:57:23.666 4104 4104 W keymaster_tee: [WRN]nwd_attest_key GAK ret 0 10-15 15:57:23.672 26787 30706 D CertificatePolicyCache: Creating new instance of CertificatePolicyCache myUid: 10095 callingUid: 10095 10-15 15:57:23.672 26787 30706 D CertificatePolicyCache: readVariables type: null userId: 0 10-15 15:57:23.676 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ writeBlobs blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.682 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ writeBlobs blob user_0/10095_CACERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.688 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.692 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_CACERT_Stats_Key_EC 10-15 15:57:23.945 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461614836373634 10-15 15:57:24.516 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584826 101607296 w 1532558 30956256 d 141448 124372124 f 339385 562345 iot 1828952 1535697 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461615.406 10-15 15:57:28.169 4587 30702 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 101 10-15 15:57:28.302 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:28.303 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:28.304 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:28.946 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461619837019015 10-15 15:57:29.809 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD 10-15 15:57:29.810 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: available memory: 822868, free memory target: 645120, quit chimera 10-15 15:57:30.534 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584826 101607296 w 1532574 30956552 d 141449 124372128 f 339386 562347 iot 1828960 1535705 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461621.424 10-15 15:57:30.570 30544 30544 I SetupWizard: [avx] Pausing wifi scanner. 10-15 15:57:30.598 4587 7005 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :26787 / OP:PendingIntent{2453039: PendingIntentRecord{f030a58 com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:30.602 4587 7005 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543226690 10-15 15:57:30.603 4587 7005 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155747, set=543243307, now=543226690 10-15 15:57:30.623 4587 7024 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :27116 / OP:PendingIntent{13d167e: PendingIntentRecord{5ca7404 com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:30.627 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543226714 10-15 15:57:30.627 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155747, set=543243307, now=543226715 10-15 15:57:32.540 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584829 101607336 w 1532574 30956552 d 141449 124372128 f 339386 562347 iot 1828960 1535706 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461623.429 10-15 15:57:33.947 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461624837551435 10-15 15:57:34.963 4587 4788 D UsbStatsMonitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-15 15:57:35.846 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:35.846 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:35.847 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:36.551 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584851 101607620 w 1532595 30956708 d 141449 124372128 f 339387 562349 iot 1828980 1535720 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461627.441 10-15 15:57:37.716 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:37.717 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:37.719 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:38.423 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.udc.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:38.559 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3584873 101607872 w 1532595 30956708 d 141449 124372128 f 339387 562349 iot 1828988 1535724 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461629.448 10-15 15:57:38.716 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:38.717 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:38.718 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:38.950 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461629840608393 10-15 15:57:39.517 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD 10-15 15:57:39.519 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: memAvailable: 134156, memFreeTarget: 645120, releaseTarget:510964, protectedLruCount: 11 10-15 15:57:39.632 4587 4832 I LocationManagerService: getGPSUsingApps() called 10-15 15:57:39.633 4587 4832 I NSLocationMonitor: getGPSUsingApps() called 10-15 15:57:39.681 28491 28508 I NSMonitorService_FLP: getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013}/ FREEZE={} 10-15 15:57:39.719 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.app.spage(0) 10-15 15:57:39.723 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.gsf(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.klmsagent(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:LatestProtectedPackageFilter: LatestProtectedPackageFilter, appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog|0 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.providers.contacts(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.ext.services(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : android(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:SystemFilter: filter : android(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.sec.location.nsflp2(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.android.providers.media(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.as(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.MtpApplication(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:SystemFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.MtpApplication(0) 10-15 15:57:39.724 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.beaconmanager(0) 10-15 15:57:39.726 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.honeyboard(0) 10-15 15:57:39.726 4587 4832 D MARs:DefaultAppFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.honeyboard(0)(IME) 10-15 15:57:39.727 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice(0) 10-15 15:57:39.737 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY 10-15 15:57:39.756 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : com.google.android.gm, freed: 85144, 10243[29444]:G1(0x80001) score=64,9(17 10/10 85144), pids: 29444 / stats: 19 / adjs: 850 10-15 15:57:39.765 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 29444:com.google.android.gm/u0a243 (adj 850): 85144k from cached 10-15 15:57:39.778 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{cd8fc8 29444:com.google.android.gm/u0a243} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.786 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : com.google.android.youtube, freed: 84258, 10213[28650]:G1(0x80001) score=62,3(15 10/10 84258), pids: 28650 / stats: 19 / adjs: 850 10-15 15:57:39.787 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 28650:com.google.android.youtube/u0a213 (adj 850): 84258k from cached 10-15 15:57:39.791 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{a1ee96a 28650:com.google.android.youtube/u0a213} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.795 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog, freed: 6262, 10277[30241]:G1(0x1) score=22,3(12 10/10 6262), pids: 30241 / stats: 19 / adjs: 935 10-15 15:57:39.796 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 30241:appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog/u0a277 (adj 935): Chimera #0 10-15 15:57:39.798 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{597863b 30241:appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog/u0a277} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.804 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : in.snapcore.screen_alive, freed: 8011, 10266[27670]:G2(0x20001) score=37,5(25 10/10 8011), pids: 27670 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 10-15 15:57:39.807 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10243 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.807 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10213 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.807 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10277 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.808 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 27670:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266 (adj 200): Chimera #0 10-15 15:57:39.817 4587 4832 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService in 1000ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:39.818 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{2a82e98 27670:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.823 4301 21347 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10266 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.826 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare, freed: 9711, 5005[30301]:G2(0x20002) score=22,8(11 10/10 9711), pids: 30301 / stats: 19 / adjs: 935 10-15 15:57:39.827 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 30301:com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare/5005 (adj 935): Chimera #0 10-15 15:57:39.827 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{660bd79 30301:com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare/5005} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.831 4301 21347 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=5005 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.832 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : com.samsung.klmsagent, freed: 6014, 10093[30522]:G2(0x20000) score=18,8(9 10/10 6014), pids: 30522 / stats: 10 / adjs: 500 10-15 15:57:39.833 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 30522:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93 (adj 500): Chimera #0 10-15 15:57:39.833 4587 4832 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.klmsagent/.service.ProtectService in 1000ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:39.833 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{e107220 30522:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.834 4301 21347 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10093 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:39.836 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Killed on trigger0 : com.google.android.gsf, freed: 8323, 10095[26850]:G2(0x20000) score=12,1(2 10/10 8323), pids: 26850 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700 10-15 15:57:39.836 4587 4832 I ActivityManager: Killing 26850:com.google.process.gservices/u0a95 (adj 700): Chimera #0 10-15 15:57:39.837 4587 4832 D ActivityManager: proc ProcessRecord{9ca73e8 26850:com.google.process.gservices/u0a95} already removed. so we skip next process. 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 7 apps, freed 207723 KB 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: CA, pids: 28385 30122 27116 30381 30544 28406 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: PE, pids: 28449 5318 5351 27143 5130 4587 28491 7085 27790 4945 5395 5364 5750 7062 7031 6872 5339 5180 4924 27358 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: VI, pids: 27765 26729 29850 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: UI, pids: 27696 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: AD, pids: 28520 28080 27039 10-15 15:57:39.838 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Processing time(ms) 321 10-15 15:57:39.853 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false, isKnoxId=false 10-15 15:57:39.853 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:39.860 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27670 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.864 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager:NotificationGroup: remove : sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=in.snapcore.screen_alive user=UserHandle{0} id=1 tag=null key=0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266: Notification(channel=in.snapcore.screen_alive.custom_on_channel shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 actions=2 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) 10-15 15:57:39.865 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : isInteractive is true 10-15 15:57:39.871 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:39.895 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30522 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.896 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30301 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.897 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 26850 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.898 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30241 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.903 4587 7016 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2570, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10243 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10243 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gm] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d2e1c2c) 10-15 15:57:39.903 4587 5439 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2572, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10243 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10243 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gm] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f3f96f5) 10-15 15:57:39.904 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 29444 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.905 4587 6997 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2571, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10243 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10243 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gm] ], android.os.BinderProxy@4901c8a) 10-15 15:57:39.906 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2570, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10243 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10243 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gm] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.910 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10243 pid 29444 in 140ms 10-15 15:57:39.916 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2571, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10243 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10243 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gm] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.935 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: removeFaceWidgetMusicNotification() key : 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:39.947 4587 7016 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2558, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6ca62fb) 10-15 15:57:39.947 4587 7022 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2559, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ], android.os.BinderProxy@776cf18) 10-15 15:57:39.948 4587 7022 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2556, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ], android.os.BinderProxy@95b7756) 10-15 15:57:39.948 4587 7016 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2555, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ], android.os.BinderProxy@cd233d7) 10-15 15:57:39.949 4587 7000 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2557, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ], android.os.BinderProxy@53fad71) 10-15 15:57:39.950 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2558, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.951 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28650 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:39.955 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2559, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.961 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2555, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.961 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10213 pid 28650 in 46ms 10-15 15:57:39.963 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10277 pid 30241 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:39.963 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10266 pid 27670 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:39.964 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 5005 pid 30301 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:39.965 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10093 pid 30522 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:39.965 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2557, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10213 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10213 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:39.966 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10095 pid 26850 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:40.137 4587 4627 E Watchdog: !@Sync: 15374 heap: 61 / 73 [2023-10-15 15:57:40.137] sdogWay: softdog FD: 680 10-15 15:57:40.564 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3586448 101647744 w 1532611 30956776 d 141449 124372128 f 339387 562349 iot 1829344 1536070 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461631.454 10-15 15:57:40.838 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10266 packageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:40.861 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10266; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:40.865 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10266; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:40.870 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10093 packageName=com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:40.885 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:40.910 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30718 10-15 15:57:40.923 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:40.925 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 92ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:40.926 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 94ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:40.927 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30718:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266 for service {in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeNotificationService} 10-15 15:57:40.927 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 95ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:40.929 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 96ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:40.929 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 62ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 10-15 15:57:40.930 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:40.952 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30724 10-15 15:57:40.957 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 91ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:40.958 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 91ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:40.958 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 92ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:40.958 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30724:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93 for service {com.samsung.klmsagent/com.samsung.klmsagent.service.ProtectService} 10-15 15:57:40.958 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 92ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:40.960 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 93ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:40.993 30718 30718 E re.screen_aliv: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:40.996 30724 30724 E msung.klmsagen: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:41.061 30718 30718 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:41.062 30724 30724 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:41.064 30724 30724 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:41.064 30718 30718 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:41.076 4587 5439 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:41.109 4587 5439 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{95c4c4 30718:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:41.157 4587 5439 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 85ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 10-15 15:57:41.158 4587 7011 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:41.162 4587 7011 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{550afad 30724:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:41.182 30724 30724 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:41.182 30718 30718 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:41.191 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:41.192 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:41.196 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:41.196 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:41.426 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:41.529 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:41.533 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.google.android.setupwizard' (30544), uid 10247, oom_adj 925, state 19 to free 27684kB 10-15 15:57:41.534 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 27684kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:41.554 4587 7021 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2576, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Uid: 10247 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10247 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.setupwizard] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6e85c) 10-15 15:57:41.556 4587 7026 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.setupwizard (pid 30544) has died: cch+25 CEM (15,83) 10-15 15:57:41.583 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30544 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:41.590 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10247 pid 30544 in 33ms 10-15 15:57:41.603 28491 28491 W DeviceManager_FLP: onTrimMemory : 10 10-15 15:57:41.605 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10247 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:41.605 7031 7031 W DMASA[U]: [AppLogData]onTrimMemory(10):1697378261600 10-15 15:57:41.608 28491 28491 I GpsSessionManager_FLP: arrangeInvalidSessions 10-15 15:57:41.614 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory = 10 10-15 15:57:41.615 4945 4945 D StatusBar: onTrimMemory = 10 10-15 15:57:41.617 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory : 10 10-15 15:57:41.618 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: Starting getMemoryInfo in MemoryInfoReporter thread. 10-15 15:57:41.618 27790 27790 I AiAi : onTrimMemory() with level 10 10-15 15:57:41.682 4587 4587 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 10-15 15:57:41.687 4587 4587 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 280ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$PostNotificationRunnable@e482e48 m=0 10-15 15:57:41.687 30718 30718 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 491ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:41.687 30724 30724 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 491ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:41.687 30718 30718 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 505ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:41.687 30724 30724 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 505ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:41.695 30718 30718 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 512ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:41.695 30718 30718 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 512ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:41.695 30718 30718 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 513ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:41.696 30724 30724 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 514ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:41.696 30724 30724 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 514ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:41.697 30724 30724 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 514ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:41.697 4587 4587 W Looper : Slow delivery took 232ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners$2@685d4e1 m=0 10-15 15:57:41.706 26747 26747 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onNotificationPosted : in.snapcore.screen_alive number : 0 10-15 15:57:41.708 26747 26857 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : in.snapcore.screen_alive missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:41.709 4587 4587 W Looper : Drained 10-15 15:57:41.749 7031 7031 I id.diagmonagen: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 3173(204KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 72% free, 2326KB/8470KB, paused 303us total 133.738ms 10-15 15:57:41.750 7031 7031 W id.diagmonagen: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 206 to 100 10-15 15:57:41.754 7031 7031 W DMASA[C]: [DiagMonAgentApplication]onTrimMemory (10) 10-15 15:57:41.773 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:41.773 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:41.778 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions' (30122), uid 10123, oom_adj 945, state 19 to free 22568kB 10-15 15:57:41.778 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 22568kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:41.799 4587 5304 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions (pid 30122) has died: cch+45 CEM (13,71) 10-15 15:57:41.808 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10123 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:41.809 30718 30718 W re.screen_aliv: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:41.809 30718 30718 W re.screen_aliv: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:41.818 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30122 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:41.819 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10123 pid 30122 in 18ms 10-15 15:57:41.842 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:41.849 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:41.865 30718 30718 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive appContext.mBasePackageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:41.865 30718 30718 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:41.871 30718 30718 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:41.896 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:41.909 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver' (28385), uid 10245, oom_adj 935, state 19 to free 23892kB 10-15 15:57:41.909 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 23892kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:41.945 30718 30718 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:41.979 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28385 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:41.979 4587 5304 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (pid 28385) has died: cch+35 CEM (11,70) 10-15 15:57:41.986 27790 27790 I AiAi : onTrimMemory() with level 15 10-15 15:57:41.991 7031 7031 W DMASA[U]: [AppLogData]onTrimMemory(15):1697378261987 10-15 15:57:41.992 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10245 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:41.995 28491 28491 W DeviceManager_FLP: onTrimMemory : 15 10-15 15:57:41.998 28491 28491 I GpsSessionManager_FLP: arrangeInvalidSessions 10-15 15:57:42.003 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory = 15 10-15 15:57:42.003 4945 4945 D StatusBar: onTrimMemory = 15 10-15 15:57:42.003 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: onTrimMemory : 15 10-15 15:57:42.003 4945 4945 D SystemUIService: Already in calculating memory info. So skip this. 10-15 15:57:42.005 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10245 pid 28385 in 25ms 10-15 15:57:42.013 7031 7031 I id.diagmonagen: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 221(49KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 72% free, 2324KB/8468KB, paused 261us total 22.590ms 10-15 15:57:42.016 7031 7031 W DMASA[C]: [DiagMonAgentApplication]onTrimMemory (15) 10-15 15:57:42.082 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = screen_off_timeout 10-15 15:57:42.083 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:42.083 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:42.084 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:42.084 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10266 10-15 15:57:42.095 4587 5304 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:42.097 4587 5304 D SecContentProvider: called from in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:42.112 4587 5304 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:42.117 4587 5304 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:42.149 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:42.150 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:42.159 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.ipsgeofence' (28406), uid 5022, oom_adj 925, state 19 to free 24824kB 10-15 15:57:42.159 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 24824kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:42.226 4945 4945 E ExpandableNotifRow: onNotificationUpdated() NSSL is null.. 10-15 15:57:42.247 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28406 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:42.251 4587 6995 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.ipsgeofence (pid 28406) has died: cch+25 CEM (11,63) 10-15 15:57:42.261 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 5022 pid 28406 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:42.265 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=5022 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:42.277 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: updateFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey() return : mFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey is empty 10-15 15:57:42.431 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeQuickSetting} 10-15 15:57:42.456 4945 4945 D TileServices: Couldn't find tile for ComponentInfo{in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeQuickSetting} 10-15 15:57:42.481 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:42.496 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.dqagent' (30381), uid 1000, oom_adj 915, state 19 to free 23372kB 10-15 15:57:42.497 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 23372kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:42.503 4587 6995 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService 10-15 15:57:42.551 4587 6995 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.dqagent (pid 30381) has died: cch+15 CEM (11,48) 10-15 15:57:42.552 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 30381 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:42.554 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:42.557 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:42.558 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:42.558 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30381 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:42.565 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.google.android.gms' (27116), uid 10095, oom_adj 905, state 19 to free 38644kB 10-15 15:57:42.565 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 38644kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:42.568 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3593832 101794696 w 1532611 30956776 d 141449 124372128 f 339387 562349 iot 1830332 1537026 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 5 0 461633.458 10-15 15:57:42.573 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:42.573 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:42.619 4587 7017 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.gms (pid 27116) has died: cch+5 CEM (26,51) 10-15 15:57:42.621 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:42.622 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:42.624 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:42.627 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27116 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:42.631 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10095 pid 27116 in 11ms 10-15 15:57:42.634 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.libs.gmscorelogger.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:42.636 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:42.640 4587 6995 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService 10-15 15:57:42.641 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:42.642 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:42.642 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:42.642 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:42.644 26787 26787 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.icing.LIGHTWEIGHT_INDEX_SERVICE dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:42.901 26747 26747 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onNotificationPosted : in.snapcore.screen_alive number : 0 10-15 15:57:42.906 26747 26747 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onNotificationPosted : in.snapcore.screen_alive number : 0 10-15 15:57:42.910 26747 26857 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : in.snapcore.screen_alive missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:42.910 26747 26857 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : in.snapcore.screen_alive missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:42.918 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:42.925 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:43.090 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.094 3931 3931 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: No such process 10-15 15:57:43.096 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'android.process.acore' (27358), uid 10066, oom_adj 850, state 99 to free 34688kB 10-15 15:57:43.096 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 34688kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.144 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27358 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.147 4587 7011 D CountryDetector: No listener is left 10-15 15:57:43.149 4587 7004 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore (pid 27358) has died: picked CEM (11,42) 10-15 15:57:43.156 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10066 pid 27358 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:43.166 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.177 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'android.process.media' (28449), uid 10074, oom_adj 850, state 99 to free 23932kB 10-15 15:57:43.177 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 23932kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.182 4945 4945 D swipe : !isFreemformEnabled 10-15 15:57:43.192 30718 30744 I re.screen_aliv: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 111827(8704KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 92% free, 1888KB/25MB, paused 37.885ms total 239.354ms 10-15 15:57:43.211 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10066 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:43.212 4587 4706 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.media (pid 28449) has died: picked SVC (11,44) 10-15 15:57:43.235 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28449 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.235 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10074 pid 28449 in 22ms 10-15 15:57:43.253 4587 4706 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.mtp/.MtpService in 3836272ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:43.261 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10074 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:43.421 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:43.430 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:43.492 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:43.493 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.510 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'android:drmService' (29850), uid 1000, oom_adj 800, state 10 to free 22228kB 10-15 15:57:43.511 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 22228kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.511 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.526 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.klmsagent' (30724), uid 10093, oom_adj 500, state 10 to free 28384kB 10-15 15:57:43.527 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 28384kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.551 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 29850 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.555 4325 4325 I ResourceManagerService: ResourceManagerService::Client::DeathNotifier::binderDied called 10-15 15:57:43.560 4587 4706 I ActivityManager: Process android:drmService (pid 29850) has died: svcb SVC (12,30) 10-15 15:57:43.561 4325 4325 E mediaserver: unlinkToDeath: removed reference to death recipient but unlink failed. 10-15 15:57:43.561 4325 4325 I ResourceManagerService: Client(0xf1280f70) destructor - (PID : 29850) 10-15 15:57:43.561 4325 4325 E IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(2): Not supported 10-15 15:57:43.566 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30724 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.569 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 29850 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:43.569 4587 4706 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service android/com.android.server.DrmEventService in 0ms for persistent 10-15 15:57:43.576 4587 7004 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.klmsagent (pid 30724) has died: svc SVC (12,32) 10-15 15:57:43.578 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10093 pid 30724 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:43.579 4587 7004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.klmsagent/.service.ProtectService in 1000ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:43.613 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.638 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.honeyboard' (27143), uid 10179, oom_adj 200, state 7 to free 33968kB 10-15 15:57:43.638 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 33968kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.639 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.647 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice' (26729), uid 10072, oom_adj 200, state 8 to free 31644kB 10-15 15:57:43.647 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 31644kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.670 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.672 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'in.snapcore.screen_alive' (30718), uid 10266, oom_adj 200, state 4 to free 29804kB 10-15 15:57:43.672 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 29804kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.707 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=1000 packageName=android 10-15 15:57:43.719 4587 4630 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so far, now at startProcess: building args 10-15 15:57:43.724 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:43.727 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 120ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 10-15 15:57:43.727 4587 4630 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 130ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 10-15 15:57:43.728 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 153ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=31 10-15 15:57:43.731 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30718 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.733 4587 7004 I ActivityManager: Process in.snapcore.screen_alive (pid 30718) has died: prcp FGS (29,30) 10-15 15:57:43.735 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10266 pid 30718 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:43.739 4587 7004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService in 1000ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:43.748 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27143 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.750 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10093 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:43.753 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 26729 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.756 4587 7022 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2542, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI|ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 10179 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10179 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.honeyboard] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a4001bf) 10-15 15:57:43.759 4587 7024 V SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: binderDied : binder = android.os.BinderProxy@683208c 10-15 15:57:43.759 4587 4732 W InputDispatcher: channel '190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9, fd=546 10-15 15:57:43.760 4587 4732 E InputDispatcher: channel '190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 10-15 15:57:43.762 4587 5274 V CocktailBarManagerServiceImpl: binderDied : binder = android.os.BinderProxy@207b3d5 10-15 15:57:43.762 4587 7022 V CocktailBarStatePolicyController: binderDied : binder = android.os.BinderProxy@1d0a7ea 10-15 15:57:43.763 4587 5292 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{43b6815 u0 InputMethod} 10-15 15:57:43.765 4587 7000 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.badge.NotificationListener} 10-15 15:57:43.776 4945 4945 E ExpandableNotifRow: onNotificationUpdated() NSSL is null.. 10-15 15:57:43.781 4587 5292 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '43b6815 InputMethod (server)' 10-15 15:57:43.784 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '43b6815', fd=643 10-15 15:57:43.786 4587 30762 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 2 10-15 15:57:43.800 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.804 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.beaconmanager' (27696), uid 5006, oom_adj 200, state 8 to free 22116kB 10-15 15:57:43.804 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 22116kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.812 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: updateFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey() return : mFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey is empty 10-15 15:57:43.815 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: updateFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey() return : mFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey is empty 10-15 15:57:43.816 4587 5292 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124718496] 10-15 15:57:43.816 4587 5292 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124718496] 10-15 15:57:43.827 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30763 10-15 15:57:43.832 4587 5274 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1162 com.android.server.cocktailbar.CocktailBarManagerServiceImpl$CocktailHostInfo.binderDied:2865 android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied:311 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:719 10-15 15:57:43.836 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 229ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:43.837 4587 5292 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=false, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash)/@0x4b2fe0a 10-15 15:57:43.842 5750 5798 D LeAppInfo: removeLeacReportedServerApp, appName: android.uid.bcmgr 10-15 15:57:43.844 4587 5292 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535022045536] 10-15 15:57:43.844 4587 5292 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535022045536] 10-15 15:57:43.862 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27696 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.882 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:43.886 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.MtpApplication' (27765), uid 1000, oom_adj 200, state 8 to free 22116kB 10-15 15:57:43.887 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 22116kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:43.938 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27765 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:43.949 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461634839915697 10-15 15:57:43.981 5750 5907 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x0, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 10-15 15:57:43.984 5750 5907 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x0, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 10-15 15:57:43.986 5750 5884 D BtGatt.ContextMap: remove() - id: 4 10-15 15:57:43.988 5750 5884 E BtGatt.ContextMap: remove() - removed: 4 10-15 15:57:44.027 4245 4617 I Layer : id=11452 removeFromCurrentState 43b6815 InputMethod#0 (72) 10-15 15:57:44.028 4245 4617 I Layer : id=11488 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash#1 (72) 10-15 15:57:44.081 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11452 Removed 43b6815 InputMethod#0 (72) 10-15 15:57:44.089 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11452[1] Destroyed 43b6815 InputMethod#0 10-15 15:57:44.094 4587 7023 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner Binder:4587_A (5292) at void com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied()(WindowState.java:3443) waiters=1 in void com.android.server.wm.Session.binderDied() for 322ms 10-15 15:57:44.108 4587 4625 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner Binder:4587_A (5292) at void com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied()(WindowState.java:3443) waiters=3 in void com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.lambda$new$1$WindowAnimator(long) for 263ms 10-15 15:57:44.127 4587 6997 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{190cd6a u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} 10-15 15:57:44.128 4587 6997 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService (server)' 10-15 15:57:44.129 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '190cd6a', fd=546 10-15 15:57:44.135 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265119136] 10-15 15:57:44.136 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265119136] 10-15 15:57:44.154 5750 5893 W BtGatt.GattService: checkToReportData before boot completed 10-15 15:57:44.154 5750 5893 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 4, reportDelayMillis=0 10-15 15:57:44.168 4587 6997 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_26729)/@0x5d653d2 called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:1794 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:765 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2696 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2861 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.access$300:300 com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied:3438 android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied:311 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:719 10-15 15:57:44.169 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021988544] 10-15 15:57:44.169 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021988544] 10-15 15:57:44.170 4245 4617 I Layer : id=11494 removeFromCurrentState com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_26729#0 (71) 10-15 15:57:44.172 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368437856] 10-15 15:57:44.172 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368437856] 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8af00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTir[...]uca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 5.0 0.0 1085.0 564.0 | 0 1743 1080 2307 | Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017080 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 388.0 39.0 | 692 2301 1080 2340 | SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015140 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: #0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.184 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:44.192 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11494 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_26729#0 (71) 10-15 15:57:44.200 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:44.201 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:44.202 4245 4617 I Layer : id=11442 removeFromCurrentState 190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (71) 10-15 15:57:44.202 4245 4617 I Layer : id=11441 removeFromCurrentState WindowToken{4c2ff55 android.os.BinderProxy@b1a795e}#0 (71) 10-15 15:57:44.213 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.sec.android.app.launcher' (26747), uid 10149, oom_adj 100, state 2 to free 124204kB 10-15 15:57:44.214 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 124204kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:44.214 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11494[1] Destroyed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_26729#0 10-15 15:57:44.219 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11442 Removed 190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:44.219 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11441 Removed WindowToken{4c2ff55 android.os.BinderProxy@b1a795e}#0 (70) 10-15 15:57:44.223 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11441[1] Destroyed WindowToken{4c2ff55 android.os.BinderProxy@b1a795e}#0 10-15 15:57:44.223 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11442[1] Destroyed 190cd6a com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 10-15 15:57:44.246 30763 30763 E android:drmSer: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: Failed to notify SystemGestureExclusionListener 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at android.view.ISystemGestureExclusionListener$Stub$Proxy.onSystemGestureExclusionChanged(ISystemGestureExclusionListener.java:168) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateSystemGestureExclusion(DisplayContent.java:5998) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.lambda$performSurfacePlacementNoTrace$9(RootWindowContainer.java:1215) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.-$$Lambda$RootWindowContainer$7XcqfZjQLAbjpIyed3iDnVtZro4.accept(Unknown Source:2) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.forAllDisplays(RootWindowContainer.java:1637) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacementNoTrace(RootWindowContainer.java:1213) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement(RootWindowContainer.java:959) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:182) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:131) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:120) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.postWindowRemoveCleanupLocked(WindowManagerService.java:2267) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately(WindowState.java:2713) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible(WindowState.java:2861) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.access$300(WindowState.java:300) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied(WindowState.java:3438) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied(IBinder.java:311) 10-15 15:57:44.269 4587 6997 E WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(BinderProxy.java:719) 10-15 15:57:44.311 30763 30763 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.311 30763 30763 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.344 4587 4587 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner Binder:4587_16 (7004) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied()(ActivityManagerService.java:1938) waiters=0 in int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.getMemoryTrimLevel() for 583ms 10-15 15:57:44.352 4587 4732 W InputDispatcher: channel '554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9, fd=447 10-15 15:57:44.352 4587 4732 E InputDispatcher: channel '554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 10-15 15:57:44.355 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 26747 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:44.360 4587 7001 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{7f09cd2 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 10-15 15:57:44.362 4587 5009 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.notification.NotificationListener} 10-15 15:57:44.363 4587 7001 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '7f09cd2 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity (server)' 10-15 15:57:44.363 4587 7001 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '7f09cd2', fd=547 10-15 15:57:44.363 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021978368] 10-15 15:57:44.363 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021978368] 10-15 15:57:44.364 4587 7001 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '30c674b', fd=582 10-15 15:57:44.364 4587 7021 D AutofillSession: handling death of Token{1487869 ActivityRecord{e9c5cb4 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity t5}} when saving=false 10-15 15:57:44.369 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11450 removeFromCurrentState 30c674b com.samsung.android.app.spage#0 (68) 10-15 15:57:44.370 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021086272] 10-15 15:57:44.370 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021086272] 10-15 15:57:44.372 27039 27068 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: activity binder died. remove callback, stop self 10-15 15:57:44.373 4587 7001 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{7f09cd2 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 10-15 15:57:44.374 4587 7001 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:44.376 4587 7016 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner Binder:4587_16 (7004) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied()(ActivityManagerService.java:1938) waiters=1 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied() for 621ms 10-15 15:57:44.377 4587 4587 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 637ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=5 10-15 15:57:44.378 4587 7016 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.honeyboard (pid 27143) has died: prcp IMPB(81,50) 10-15 15:57:44.379 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10179 pid 27143 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:44.384 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11450 Removed 30c674b com.samsung.android.app.spage#0 (68) 10-15 15:57:44.386 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11444 removeFromCurrentState 7f09cd2 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (68) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: Session failed to close due to remote exception 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(IInputMethodSession.java:464) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.finishSessionLocked(InputMethodManagerService.java:3231) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.clearClientSessionLocked(InputMethodManagerService.java:3222) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.removeClient(InputMethodManagerService.java:2757) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$ClientDeathRecipient.binderDied(InputMethodManagerService.java:727) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied(IBinder.java:311) 10-15 15:57:44.387 4587 5449 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(BinderProxy.java:719) 10-15 15:57:44.388 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11444 Removed 7f09cd2 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (68) 10-15 15:57:44.388 4587 5449 D SamsungIMMSHWKeyboard: isConnectedDexOnPC false 10-15 15:57:44.389 4587 7004 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{554b32e u0 SGestureOverlayWindow} 10-15 15:57:44.389 4587 7004 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow (server)' 10-15 15:57:44.389 4587 7004 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '554b32e', fd=447 10-15 15:57:44.390 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265114720] 10-15 15:57:44.390 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11450[1] Destroyed 30c674b com.samsung.android.app.spage#0 10-15 15:57:44.390 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265114720] 10-15 15:57:44.390 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11444[1] Destroyed 7f09cd2 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 10-15 15:57:44.391 4587 7004 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747)/@0xed707 called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:1794 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:765 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2696 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2861 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.access$300:300 com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied:3438 android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied:311 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:719 10-15 15:57:44.391 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021986528] 10-15 15:57:44.391 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021986528] 10-15 15:57:44.391 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11467 removeFromCurrentState SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.393 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265113856] 10-15 15:57:44.393 4587 7004 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265113856] 10-15 15:57:44.394 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11467 Removed SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.395 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11439 removeFromCurrentState 554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.395 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11438 removeFromCurrentState WindowToken{79b91a9 android.os.BinderProxy@caf4130}#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.396 4587 6998 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'recents_animation_input_consumer (server)' 10-15 15:57:44.396 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11439 Removed 554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.396 4587 6998 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'recents', fd=451 10-15 15:57:44.396 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11438 Removed WindowToken{79b91a9 android.os.BinderProxy@caf4130}#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.397 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537265117600] 10-15 15:57:44.397 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537265117600] 10-15 15:57:44.400 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11440 removeFromCurrentState Input Consumer recents_animation_input_consumer#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.400 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11440 Removed Input Consumer recents_animation_input_consumer#0 (66) 10-15 15:57:44.401 4587 7016 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.honeyboard/.service.HoneyBoardService in 10338ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.404 4587 5449 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 10-15 15:57:44.406 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11438[1] Destroyed WindowToken{79b91a9 android.os.BinderProxy@caf4130}#0 10-15 15:57:44.406 4587 5449 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=634 10-15 15:57:44.406 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11439[1] Destroyed 554b32e SGestureOverlayWindow#0 10-15 15:57:44.407 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11440[1] Destroyed Input Consumer recents_animation_input_consumer#0 10-15 15:57:44.408 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11467[1] Destroyed SGestureOverlayWindow$_26747#0 10-15 15:57:44.408 4587 4587 V InputMethodManagerService: Service disconnected: ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.honeyboard/com.samsung.android.honeyboard.service.HoneyBoardService} mCurIntent=Intent { act=android.view.InputMethod cmp=com.samsung.android.honeyboard/.service.HoneyBoardService (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:44.411 4587 4612 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice (pid 26729) has died: prcp TRNB(80,51) 10-15 15:57:44.411 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10072 pid 26729 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8af00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTir[...]uca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 5.0 0.0 1085.0 564.0 | 0 1743 1080 2307 | Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015140 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_49 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 45#0 10-15 15:57:44.412 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:44.414 4587 4612 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/.CocktailBarService in 20325ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.425 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 695ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=53 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: Session failed to close due to remote exception 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(IInputMethodSession.java:464) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.finishSessionLocked(InputMethodManagerService.java:3231) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.clearClientSessionLocked(InputMethodManagerService.java:3222) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.clearCurMethodLocked(InputMethodManagerService.java:3249) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService.onServiceDisconnected(InputMethodManagerService.java:3282) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(LoadedApk.java:2103) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:2118) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:1030) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:773) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1108) 10-15 15:57:44.428 4587 4587 D SamsungIMMSHWKeyboard: isConnectedDexOnPC false 10-15 15:57:44.429 4587 4587 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 10-15 15:57:44.429 4587 4587 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=576 10-15 15:57:44.432 4587 7024 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.beaconmanager (pid 27696) has died: prcp TRNB(79,52) 10-15 15:57:44.433 4587 7024 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.beaconmanager/.BeaconService in 30305ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.435 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 5006 pid 27696 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:44.436 4587 4587 V InputMethodManagerService: Hide switching menu 10-15 15:57:44.436 4587 4587 D SamsungIMMSHWKeyboard: isConnectedDexOnPC false 10-15 15:57:44.437 4587 4587 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 10-15 15:57:44.437 4587 4587 W Looper : Slow delivery took 623ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection@9de3c45 m=0 10-15 15:57:44.448 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false, isKnoxId=false 10-15 15:57:44.448 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:44.452 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager:NotificationGroup: remove : sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=in.snapcore.screen_alive user=UserHandle{0} id=1 tag=null key=0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266: Notification(channel=in.snapcore.screen_alive.custom_on_channel shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 actions=2 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) 10-15 15:57:44.455 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : isInteractive is true 10-15 15:57:44.458 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:44.463 4587 4587 V NotificationListeners: 0 notification listener connection lost: ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.notification.NotificationListener} 10-15 15:57:44.469 4587 4624 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 27143 10-15 15:57:44.480 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 874ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:44.482 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 876ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:44.483 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30763:android:drmService/1000 for service {android/com.android.server.DrmEventService} 10-15 15:57:44.484 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 877ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:44.484 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 878ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:44.490 4587 7022 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.MtpApplication (pid 27765) has died: prcp TRNB(65,57) 10-15 15:57:44.491 4587 7022 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.MtpApplication/.MtpService in 40247ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.492 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 27765 in 1ms 10-15 15:57:44.497 4587 4706 I ActivityManager: Process com.sec.android.app.launcher (pid 26747) has died: vis BFGS(64,57) 10-15 15:57:44.497 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10149 pid 26747 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:44.499 4587 4587 W Looper : Drained 10-15 15:57:44.513 27039 27039 I PageOverlayService: onUnbind() 10-15 15:57:44.515 4587 4706 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.quickstep.TouchInteractionService in 50223ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.516 4587 4706 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.notification.NotificationListener in 60223ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.526 4587 7023 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for android 10-15 15:57:44.533 4587 7023 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{e59abde 30763:android:drmService/1000} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:44.565 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow delivery took 688ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=31 10-15 15:57:44.565 4587 4624 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 26729 10-15 15:57:44.565 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 140ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=31 10-15 15:57:44.566 4587 4624 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 26747 10-15 15:57:44.574 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3601558 101969440 w 1532615 30956840 d 141449 124372128 f 339387 562349 iot 1831452 1538130 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 1 0 461635.464 10-15 15:57:44.577 27039 27039 I PageOverlayService: onDestroy() 10-15 15:57:44.580 30763 30763 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=android:drmService 10-15 15:57:44.580 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_STR_CURRENT_LAYOUT [Module] NavigationBarInflaterView KEYS_DEFAULT=left[.25W],back[.5WC];home;recent[.5WC],right[.25W] 10-15 15:57:44.583 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]STABLE_LAYOUT_PACK_GET_DEFAULT_LAYOUT 10-15 15:57:44.584 27039 27039 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: tryToDestroy() : true 10-15 15:57:44.586 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_SIDE_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_MODE)=false 10-15 15:57:44.586 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_MODE)=true 10-15 15:57:44.589 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(STR_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_LAYOUT)=ime_switcher,hint_left;hint_center;hint_right,extra_back 10-15 15:57:44.591 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10072 packageName=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:44.594 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10072; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.596 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10072; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.607 27039 27039 I ViewRootImpl@e9d3cb8[]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 10-15 15:57:44.619 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10093 packageName=com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:44.620 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.621 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30785 10-15 15:57:44.628 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10266 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.631 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10179 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.631 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10072 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.631 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=5006 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.632 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10149 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.635 4587 6995 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window session=Session{d34872f 27039:u0a10228} callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked:6164 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2188 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:199 10-15 15:57:44.638 4587 4587 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10123 packageName=com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions 10-15 15:57:44.639 4587 4587 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.643 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:44.643 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:44.643 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30785:com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/u0a72 for broadcast {com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarReceiver} 10-15 15:57:44.643 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:44.646 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:44.646 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.648 27039 27039 I PageOverlayCoordinator: onUiStopped 10-15 15:57:44.650 27039 27039 I PageOverlayRootLayout: onUiStopped 10-15 15:57:44.650 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_BOOL_THEME_DEFAULT [Module] NavBarIconResourceMapper KEYS_DEFAULT=false 10-15 15:57:44.650 27039 27039 I PageOverlayCoordinator: onUiDestroyed 10-15 15:57:44.650 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]CONFIG_PACK_GET_THEME_DEFULAT 10-15 15:57:44.651 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_USE_THEME_DEFAULT)=false 10-15 15:57:44.652 4945 4945 D Navbar.NavBarIconResourceMapper: updateConditions isThemeDefault : false, isRTL : false, ThemeType : TYPE_DEFAULT 10-15 15:57:44.663 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30791 10-15 15:57:44.667 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30791:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93 for service {com.samsung.klmsagent/com.samsung.klmsagent.service.ProtectService} 10-15 15:57:44.668 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:44.669 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:44.677 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_BOOL_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE_STATE [Module] SamsungNavigationBarView KEYS_DEFAULT=true 10-15 15:57:44.677 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]CONFIG_PACK_GET_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE 10-15 15:57:44.677 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE)=true 10-15 15:57:44.683 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30797 10-15 15:57:44.685 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] ON_SET_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY [Module] SamsungNavigationBarView KEYS_RECENT_ENABLED=true KEYS_BACK_ENABLED=true KEYS_HOME_ENABLED=true 10-15 15:57:44.685 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]GESTURE_PACK_SET_HINT_VISIBILITY 10-15 15:57:44.686 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30797:com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions/u0a123 for service {com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions/com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions.services.ContentCaptureService} 10-15 15:57:44.687 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY_STATE) 10-15 15:57:44.687 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_GESTURE_HINT)=true 10-15 15:57:44.687 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_SPAY_SHOWING)=false 10-15 15:57:44.688 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY) 10-15 15:57:44.696 27039 27039 I MainViewModel: onDestroy() 10-15 15:57:44.702 30791 30791 E msung.klmsagen: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.710 4587 7005 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10149 packageName=com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:44.710 4587 7005 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10149; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.712 4587 4622 W Looper : Drained 10-15 15:57:44.712 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10149; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:44.726 27039 27039 I Carnival-MainModel(): terminate() 10-15 15:57:44.726 30797 30797 E martsuggestion: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.729 27039 27039 I Carnival-MainView(): onUiDestroyed() 10-15 15:57:44.731 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30825 10-15 15:57:44.735 30791 30791 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.736 30791 30791 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.736 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149 for service {com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.quickstep.TouchInteractionService} 10-15 15:57:44.739 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:44.746 4587 4630 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10266 packageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:44.747 4587 4630 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10266; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:44.748 4587 7005 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:44.750 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10266; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:44.754 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.app.spage' (27039), uid 10228, oom_adj 905, state 19 to free 29888kB 10-15 15:57:44.754 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 29888kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:44.756 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: - Memory Information - 10-15 15:57:44.760 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:44.760 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:44.767 30797 30797 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.768 30797 30797 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.771 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.google.android.gms.persistent' (26787), uid 10095, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 61020kB 10-15 15:57:44.771 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 61020kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:44.775 4587 7005 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{dab57c1 30791:com.samsung.klmsagent/u0a93} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:44.782 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD 10-15 15:57:44.791 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: memAvailable: 109920, memFreeTarget: 645120, releaseTarget:535200, protectedLruCount: 11 10-15 15:57:44.791 4587 5449 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.app.spage (pid 27039) has died: cch+5 CEM (13,93) 10-15 15:57:44.798 4587 4706 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2539, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ], android.os.BinderProxy@57a634a) 10-15 15:57:44.803 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2539, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:44.808 30791 30791 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.klmsagent 10-15 15:57:44.813 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: removeFaceWidgetMusicNotification() key : 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:44.822 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30835 10-15 15:57:44.823 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27039 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:44.827 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10228 pid 27039 in 35ms 10-15 15:57:44.840 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 95ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:44.844 30785 30785 E ktailbarservic: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.857 30785 30785 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.857 30785 30785 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.859 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 26787 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:44.859 4587 5061 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2574, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ], android.os.BinderProxy@49902bb) 10-15 15:57:44.865 4587 5292 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2548, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ], android.os.BinderProxy@b9d53d8) 10-15 15:57:44.876 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2548, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:44.877 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : -99 > surface_temperature_0 10-15 15:57:44.877 4587 5439 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2549, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ], android.os.BinderProxy@298b331) 10-15 15:57:44.878 4587 6935 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2540, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a836a16) 10-15 15:57:44.878 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.java-heap : 24752 10-15 15:57:44.878 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.native-heap : 22428 10-15 15:57:44.879 4587 5304 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2541, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ], android.os.BinderProxy@74b0f97) 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.code : 5632 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.stack : 920 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.graphics : 0 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.private-other : 3440 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.system : 93490 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.total-pss : 150662 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: summary.total-swap : 129992 10-15 15:57:44.879 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: - View count - 10-15 15:57:44.882 4587 5449 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app idle: u0a266 -13h18m23s979ms in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService 10-15 15:57:44.883 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2541, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] (release request) 10-15 15:57:44.884 30825 30825 E id.app.launche: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.885 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions 10-15 15:57:44.888 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{ed7ef54 30797:com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions/u0a123} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:44.888 4301 21347 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10228 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.900 30835 30835 E re.screen_aliv: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:44.906 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : writeSysfs:: path() : /sys/class/audio/amp/surface_temperature_0 exist() : false canWrite() : false 10-15 15:57:44.906 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : -99 > surface_temperature_1 10-15 15:57:44.908 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : writeSysfs:: path() : /sys/class/audio/amp/surface_temperature_1 exist() : false canWrite() : false 10-15 15:57:44.908 7085 7637 I SDHMS:F : SIOP:: AP:240(419,90) BAT:277(277,0) USB:0(0,0) CHG:304(304,0) WIFI:337(337,0) 10-15 15:57:44.911 30825 30825 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.911 30825 30825 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.912 30835 30835 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:44.912 30835 30835 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:44.914 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: Changes in 10123 19 to 5, 0 to 7 Caller=com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLocked:402 com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLocked:449 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.updateOomAdjLocked:21554 com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.realStartServiceLocked:3379 com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.attachApplicationLocked:4109 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplicationLocked:6658 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication:6736 10-15 15:57:44.914 4587 5056 I AppOps : updateUidProcState uid: 10123 procState: 5 capability:7 10-15 15:57:44.914 4587 5056 I AppOps : commitUidPendingStateLocked() :: UID - 10123, 700 > 500, 0 > 7 10-15 15:57:44.916 4587 4624 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 27039 10-15 15:57:44.916 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 171ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:44.916 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 172ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:44.916 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30835:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266 for service {in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeNotificationService} 10-15 15:57:44.916 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 172ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:44.917 30797 30797 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions 10-15 15:57:44.918 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 173ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:44.922 4587 5127 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.gms.persistent (pid 26787) has died: vis BFGS(19,110) 10-15 15:57:44.928 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService in 69811ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.928 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.deviceconnection.service.DeviceConnectionWatcherService in 79810ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.929 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService in 89810ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.930 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.nearby.sharing.ReceiveSurfaceService in 99809ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.930 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService in 109809ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.931 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent in 119808ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.931 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.nearby.exposurenotification.service.ExposureMatchingService in 129808ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.932 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.location.persistent.LocationPersistentService in 139807ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.932 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.thunderbird.EmergencyPersistentService in 149806ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.933 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.tapandpay.hce.service.TpHceService in 159806ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.934 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.HardwareArProviderService in 169804ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.936 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService in 179803ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.937 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService in 189802ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.938 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.location.geocode.GeocodeService in 199801ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.938 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10095 pid 26787 in 12ms 10-15 15:57:44.939 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.fido.authenticator.service.AuthenticatorService in 209799ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.940 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.common.stats.GmsCoreStatsService in 219799ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.940 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService in 229798ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.941 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.clearcut.debug.ClearcutDebugDumpService in 239797ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.942 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.stats.eastworld.EastworldService in 249797ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.942 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService in 259796ms for connection 10-15 15:57:44.943 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService in 269796ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.943 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerService in 279795ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.944 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService in 289795ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.944 4587 5127 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.personalsafety.service.PersonalSafetyService in 299794ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:44.967 4587 5449 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:44.973 4587 5449 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{31870a8 30785:com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/u0a72} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:44.982 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 201ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=53 10-15 15:57:44.983 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:44.984 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10095 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:44.985 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{7f1d4ec 30835:in.snapcore.screen_alive/u0a266} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:44.987 30785 30785 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:45.004 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.005 3931 3931 I lmkd : skip proc : 30835 in heaviest 10-15 15:57:45.008 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.sec.location.nsflp2' (28491), uid 5013, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 27252kB 10-15 15:57:45.008 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 27252kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.014 4587 4706 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.016 4587 4706 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{cac713e 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:45.016 30835 30835 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:45.021 30825 30825 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.023 4587 4621 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 131ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.location.-$$Lambda$AppForegroundHelper$7asxY_maANt1D_AUTchqbCjktH0@68a511c m=0 10-15 15:57:45.028 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.028 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.029 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.029 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.030 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.031 4587 4832 I LocationManagerService: getGPSUsingApps() called 10-15 15:57:45.032 4587 4832 I NSLocationMonitor: getGPSUsingApps() called 10-15 15:57:45.032 4587 4844 E NSLocationMonitor: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.034 4587 4706 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2554, [ Transports: BLUETOOTH Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 5013 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 5013 RequestorPackageName: com.sec.location.nsflp2] ], android.os.BinderProxy@50c10ab) 10-15 15:57:45.034 4587 7004 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2553, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 5013 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 5013 RequestorPackageName: com.sec.location.nsflp2] ], android.os.BinderProxy@2796308) 10-15 15:57:45.035 4587 4629 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10095 packageName=com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:45.035 4587 5056 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=2552, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 5013 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 5013 RequestorPackageName: com.sec.location.nsflp2] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a0bcaa1) 10-15 15:57:45.040 4587 4629 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:45.044 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:45.047 4587 6981 I ActivityManager: Process com.sec.location.nsflp2 (pid 28491) has died: vis BFGS(10,105) 10-15 15:57:45.050 4587 6981 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sec.location.nsflp2/.nsmonitor.NSMonitorService in 309689ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.063 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28491 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:45.065 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 5013 pid 28491 in 16ms 10-15 15:57:45.066 4587 4832 E NSLocationMonitor: failed to getGPSUsingApps due to android.os.DeadObjectException, return null 10-15 15:57:45.074 4587 4587 D NSLocationMonitor: MonitorService has unexpectedly disconnected, ComponentInfo{com.sec.location.nsflp2/com.sec.location.nsflp2.nsmonitor.NSMonitorService} 10-15 15:57:45.074 4587 4587 I LocationManagerService: Got NSLocationMonitor is disconnected, so reset all values 10-15 15:57:45.085 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=5013 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:45.085 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30881 10-15 15:57:45.086 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:45.086 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:45.088 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:45.088 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:45.089 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:45.089 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30881:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a95 for service {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService} 10-15 15:57:45.089 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:45.090 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:45.095 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:45.095 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:45.099 4587 4621 W GnssLocationProvider: sendExtraCommand from uid 1000 ignored. 10-15 15:57:45.099 4587 4587 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{android/android.app.ContextImpl} 10-15 15:57:45.101 4587 4621 W GnssLocationProvider_ex: motion_power_saving_mode, flag=false 10-15 15:57:45.107 4587 4587 W NSLocationMonitor: Unregister SubscriptionChangedListener 10-15 15:57:45.108 4587 4587 W NSLocationMonitor: Already unregistered DeviceActivityDetector 10-15 15:57:45.108 4587 4587 W NSLocationMonitor: setFeatureDeviceActivity, false 10-15 15:57:45.111 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.klmsagent(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : android(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:SystemFilter: filter : android(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.gms(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.ext.services(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.sec.location.nsflp2(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui(0) 10-15 15:57:45.115 4587 4832 D MARs:NoAppIconFilter: filter : com.google.android.as(0) 10-15 15:57:45.122 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: NORMAL 10-15 15:57:45.134 4587 4832 W Process : Unable to open /proc/26787/status 10-15 15:57:45.134 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped by Thread Group Leader condition: com.google.android.gms pid: 26787 10-15 15:57:45.137 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB 10-15 15:57:45.137 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY 10-15 15:57:45.137 4587 4832 W Process : Unable to open /proc/26787/status 10-15 15:57:45.137 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped by Thread Group Leader condition: com.google.android.gms pid: 26787 10-15 15:57:45.138 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB 10-15 15:57:45.138 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: PE, pids: 5318 5351 5130 4587 28491 7085 27790 4945 5395 5364 5750 7062 7031 6872 5339 5180 4924 10-15 15:57:45.138 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Skipped reason: AD, pids: 30791 28520 30763 30797 28080 10-15 15:57:45.138 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: Processing time(ms) 356 10-15 15:57:45.144 4945 30819 D SystemUIService: View=2203 10-15 15:57:45.160 30881 30881 E .gms.persisten: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:45.176 4587 6981 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:45.185 4587 6981 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:45.188 30881 30881 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:45.188 30881 30881 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:45.192 4587 6981 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:45.202 4587 6981 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{31a32fa 30881:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a95} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:45.203 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onTrustChanged hasNoKey:false prevTrust:false enabled:false, prevFlags=0x0, flags=0x0 10-15 15:57:45.220 30881 30881 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:45.250 30825 30825 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 220ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.250 30797 30797 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 323ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.250 30835 30835 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 225ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.250 30763 30763 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 662ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.251 30825 30825 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 230ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.251 30835 30835 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 234ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.251 30797 30797 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 333ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.251 30763 30763 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 671ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.251 30791 30791 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 436ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.252 30791 30791 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 446ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.252 30825 30825 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 231ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.252 30825 30825 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 231ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.252 30825 30825 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 231ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.253 30835 30835 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 236ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.253 30835 30835 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 236ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.253 30835 30835 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 236ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.253 30797 30797 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 335ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.254 30791 30791 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 449ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.255 30785 30785 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 254ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After mResourcesManager 10-15 15:57:45.255 30763 30763 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 675ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.255 30785 30785 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 268ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.255 30763 30763 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 676ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.255 30763 30763 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 676ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.256 30797 30797 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 337ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.256 30797 30797 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 338ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.256 30785 30785 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 269ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After initStrictMode 10-15 15:57:45.256 30791 30791 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 449ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.257 30785 30785 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 269ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: Before HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.257 30785 30785 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 269ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.257 30791 30791 W ActivityThread: Slow operation: 451ms so far, now at handleBindApplication: After HardwareRenderer 10-15 15:57:45.279 30881 30881 I .gms.persisten: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:45.310 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.315 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.google.android.ext.services' (28520), uid 10255, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 26892kB 10-15 15:57:45.315 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 26892kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.329 30881 30881 I .gms.persisten: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:45.339 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:45.346 4587 6981 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.ext.services (pid 28520) has died: vis BFGS(13,73) 10-15 15:57:45.350 4587 6981 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.ext.services/com.android.textclassifier.DefaultTextClassifierService in 49388ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.351 4587 6981 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl in 59388ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.352 4587 6981 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant in 69387ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.360 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:45.361 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.365 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.google.android.as' (27790), uid 10073, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 25200kB 10-15 15:57:45.366 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 25200kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.377 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28520 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:45.377 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10255 pid 28520 in 28ms 10-15 15:57:45.377 30835 30835 W re.screen_aliv: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.379 30835 30835 W re.screen_aliv: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.384 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10255 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:45.385 4587 7021 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.as (pid 27790) has died: vis BFGS(13,75) 10-15 15:57:45.388 4587 7021 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.app.AiAiPredictionService in 79351ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.389 4587 7021 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.captions.SystemCaptionsManagerService in 89350ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.402 4587 4587 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 10-15 15:57:45.403 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10073 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:45.404 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 27790 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:45.406 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10073 pid 27790 in 19ms 10-15 15:57:45.410 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false, isKnoxId=false 10-15 15:57:45.410 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:45.413 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager:NotificationGroup: remove : sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=in.snapcore.screen_alive user=UserHandle{0} id=1 tag=null key=0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266: Notification(channel=in.snapcore.screen_alive.custom_on_channel shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 actions=2 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) 10-15 15:57:45.414 4587 4587 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : isInteractive is true 10-15 15:57:45.414 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:45.416 4587 5056 D NotificationAssistants: Removing active service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 10-15 15:57:45.416 4587 5056 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 10-15 15:57:45.422 4587 4587 I TextClassificationManagerService: onServiceDisconnected called with ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/com.android.textclassifier.DefaultTextClassifierService} 10-15 15:57:45.424 4587 4587 V NotificationAssistants: 0 notification assistant connection lost: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 10-15 15:57:45.431 30763 30763 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=android appContext.mBasePackageName=android appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:45.432 30763 30763 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: Optimistic bind failed. 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: [Optimistic Bind] Didn't bind to resolver in time! 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at com.android.server.pm.InstantAppResolverConnection.waitForBindLocked(InstantAppResolverConnection.java:160) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at com.android.server.pm.InstantAppResolverConnection.bind(InstantAppResolverConnection.java:225) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at com.android.server.pm.InstantAppResolverConnection.lambda$optimisticBind$0$InstantAppResolverConnection(InstantAppResolverConnection.java:255) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at com.android.server.pm.-$$Lambda$InstantAppResolverConnection$D-JKXi4qrYjnPQMOwj8UtfZenps.run(Unknown Source:2) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:45.447 4587 4629 E PackageManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 10-15 15:57:45.449 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.449 30835 30835 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive appContext.mBasePackageName=in.snapcore.screen_alive appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:45.449 30835 30835 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:45.449 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.449 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.449 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.450 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.450 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:45.454 4587 4587 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: remote service died: RemoteInlineSuggestionRenderService[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 105239434 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:45.460 4587 4587 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: remote service died: RemoteInlineSuggestionRenderService[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 129579820 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:45.460 4587 4587 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: remote service died: RemoteInlineSuggestionRenderService[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 166578677 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:45.460 4587 4587 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: remote service died: RemoteInlineSuggestionRenderService[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 52088520 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:45.460 4587 4587 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: remote service died: RemoteInlineSuggestionRenderService[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 212427487 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:45.468 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:45.468 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.471 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui' (28080), uid 1001, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 23800kB 10-15 15:57:45.471 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 23800kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.472 30763 30763 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:45.472 30763 30763 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:45.472 30835 30835 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:45.495 4587 6997 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui (pid 28080) has died: vis IMPF(11,70) 10-15 15:57:45.496 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui/.netsettings.ui.simcardmanager.service.SimCardManagerProcessService in 99243ms for connection 10-15 15:57:45.507 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 28080 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:45.508 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1001 pid 28080 in 12ms 10-15 15:57:45.509 30825 30825 I ThemeChangeObserver: registerThemeChangeObserver 10-15 15:57:45.538 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: unable to notify listener (posted): ManagedServiceInfo[component=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant},userid=0,isSystem=false,targetSdkVersion=30,connection=,service=android.service.notification.INotificationListener$Stub$Proxy@b84c009] 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.service.notification.INotificationListener$Stub$Proxy.onNotificationPosted(INotificationListener.java:580) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners.notifyPosted(NotificationManagerService.java:11343) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners.access$13500(NotificationManagerService.java:10912) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners$2.run(NotificationManagerService.java:11124) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:1030) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:773) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:45.539 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1108) 10-15 15:57:45.571 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:45.575 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:45.576 4587 5274 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: unable to notify listener (removed): ManagedServiceInfo[component=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant},userid=0,isSystem=false,targetSdkVersion=30,connection=,service=android.service.notification.INotificationListener$Stub$Proxy@b84c009] 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: android.os.DeadObjectException 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.service.notification.INotificationListener$Stub$Proxy.onNotificationRemoved(INotificationListener.java:629) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners.notifyRemoved(NotificationManagerService.java:11357) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners.access$13400(NotificationManagerService.java:10912) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners$3.run(NotificationManagerService.java:11171) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:1030) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:773) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:45.579 4587 4587 E NotificationListeners: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1108) 10-15 15:57:45.591 30785 30785 I CocktailBarApplication: initManager 10-15 15:57:45.594 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_navigationbar, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.596 4587 5274 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:45.604 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=navigationbar_key_order, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.605 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=display_cutout_hide_notch, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.606 4587 7021 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:45.607 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=car_mode_blocking_system_key, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.608 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=font_size, mIntValue=3, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.611 30835 30835 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:45.623 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=display_night_theme, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.624 30825 30825 I OpenThemeResourceLoader: OpenThemeLoader::setTheme() (1) currentTheme : com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.625 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=game_double_swipe_enable, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.628 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=game_home_hidden_games, mIntValue=2, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.628 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions cmp = androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService newState = 1 callingPackage = 10123/com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions 10-15 15:57:45.629 30825 30825 I OpenThemeResourceLoader: OpenThemeLoader::setTheme() (2) currentTheme : com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.629 30825 30825 I OpenThemeResourceLoader: OpenThemeLoader::setTheme() (3) currentTheme : com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.629 30825 30825 I OpenThemeResourceLoader: OpenThemeLoader::setTheme() (4) currentTheme : com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.629 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=policy_control, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.638 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_font, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.650 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=access_control_enabled, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.720 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=sehome_portrait_mode_only, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.733 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=bottom_gesture_inset_scale, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=1.0 10-15 15:57:45.735 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=missing_phone_lock, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.736 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=discover_status_setting, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.738 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=notification_badging, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.739 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_statusbar, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.740 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=show_button_background, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.742 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=galaxy_app_store_india_shortcut_support, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.743 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=app_lock_enabled, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.745 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=badge_app_icon_type, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.746 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=navigation_bar_gesture_hint, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.750 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=navigation_gestures_vibrate, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.752 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=easy_mode_switch, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.753 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=navigation_bar_block_gestures_with_spen, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.753 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Fail to get proper resId from com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.753 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Can't load drawable with resId from com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:45.755 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=reduce_animations, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.756 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=game_show_floating_icon, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.762 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=zen_mode, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.764 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=double_tap_to_sleep, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.765 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=snap_window_mode_enabled, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.766 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Invalid resId : 0 10-15 15:57:45.767 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=haptic_feedback_enabled, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.768 30825 30906 I SettingsHelper: mKey=navigation_bar_gesture_while_hidden, mIntValue=1, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:45.768 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = screen_off_timeout 10-15 15:57:45.768 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:45.768 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:45.768 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:45.768 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10266 10-15 15:57:45.769 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Invalid resId : 0 10-15 15:57:45.770 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Invalid resId : 0 10-15 15:57:45.771 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Invalid resId : 0 10-15 15:57:45.771 30825 30825 W OpenThemeResource: Invalid resId : 0 10-15 15:57:45.779 4587 7021 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:45.795 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.799 4587 7021 D SecContentProvider: called from in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:45.799 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.klmsagent' (30791), uid 10093, oom_adj 500, state 10 to free 36400kB 10-15 15:57:45.800 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 36400kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.802 30797 30797 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions 10-15 15:57:45.806 4945 4945 D SimCardManagerServiceProvider$ServiceBindHelper: disconnected 10-15 15:57:45.810 4945 4945 D SimCardManagerServiceProvider$ServiceBindHelper: serviceStatus : 2 -> 0 10-15 15:57:45.822 4587 7021 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:45.829 4587 7021 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:45.829 4587 5274 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.klmsagent (pid 30791) has died: svc SVC (11,58) 10-15 15:57:45.830 4587 5274 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.klmsagent/.service.ProtectService in 108908ms for start-requested 10-15 15:57:45.845 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10093 pid 30791 in 6ms 10-15 15:57:45.850 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30791 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:45.867 4587 7021 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:45.902 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10093 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:45.931 30825 30825 I WhiteBgColorNotifier: setUpCallbacks darkFont : false darkStatusBar : false grayStatusBar : false darkNavigationBar : false 10-15 15:57:45.967 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:45.969 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions' (30797), uid 10123, oom_adj 100, state 5 to free 36848kB 10-15 15:57:45.969 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 36848kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:45.977 30785 30785 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0 10-15 15:57:45.996 4587 6997 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions (pid 30797) has died: vis BFGS(11,47) 10-15 15:57:45.999 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions/.services.ContentCaptureService in 118741ms for connection 10-15 15:57:46.010 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 30797 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:46.012 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10123 pid 30797 in 11ms 10-15 15:57:46.017 4587 4587 W ContentCapturePerUserService: remote service died: RemoteContentCaptureService[ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions/com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions.services.ContentCaptureService} 251753182 (unbound)] 10-15 15:57:46.018 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10123 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:46.056 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:46.089 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:46.120 3931 3931 I lmkd : cached 0, sandbox(not0) 0 10-15 15:57:46.121 3931 3931 I lmkd : skip proc : 30881 in heaviest 10-15 15:57:46.123 3931 3931 W lmkd : Failed to get t_pid for '0' of pid(25747) 10-15 15:57:46.126 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaim 'appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio' (25747), uid 10278, oom_adj 0, state 2 to free 2424216kB 10-15 15:57:46.126 3931 3931 I lmkd : Reclaimed 2424216kB at oom_adj 0 10-15 15:57:46.140 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_height 10-15 15:57:46.140 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:46.140 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.140 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:46.140 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:46.152 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.158 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:46.173 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:46.179 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:46.183 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_width 10-15 15:57:46.183 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:46.183 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.183 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:46.183 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:46.184 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.185 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:46.185 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:46.186 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:46.194 30785 30785 I CocktailContextUtils: Device SW - 411, Cover SW - 360, SW - 360 10-15 15:57:46.195 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_height 10-15 15:57:46.195 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:46.195 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.195 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:46.195 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:46.196 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.197 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:46.198 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:46.198 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:46.205 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_width 10-15 15:57:46.205 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:46.205 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.205 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:46.205 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:46.206 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.206 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:46.206 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:46.206 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:46.207 30785 30785 I CocktailContextUtils: Device SW - 411, Cover SW - 360, SW - 360 10-15 15:57:46.214 30785 30785 I AbstractStubReflection: Load reflections 10-15 15:57:46.229 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: removeFaceWidgetMusicNotification() key : 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:46.253 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeQuickSetting} 10-15 15:57:46.256 4945 4945 D TileServices: Couldn't find tile for ComponentInfo{in.snapcore.screen_alive/in.snapcore.screen_alive.view.FreeQuickSetting} 10-15 15:57:46.314 30763 30763 W DrmManagerClient: For Internal use: Native Support not required 10-15 15:57:46.315 30763 30763 E DrmManagerClient: saveDevID : Checking 10-15 15:57:46.315 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service in.snapcore.screen_alive/.view.FreeNotificationService 10-15 15:57:46.328 4587 7021 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:46.341 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:46.343 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:46.346 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:46.359 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:46.360 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:46.367 4587 4630 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = in.snapcore.screen_alive,userId = 0 10-15 15:57:46.367 4587 4630 D PersonaManagerAdapter: ContainerOnlyMode - EOS 10-15 15:57:46.376 4587 4621 V LocationManagerService: location appop changed for com.google.android.ext.services 10-15 15:57:46.382 30763 30914 I DrmEventService: action event :START_RESOURCE_HELPER 10-15 15:57:46.384 30763 30914 I DrmMediaResourceHelper: createMediaResourceHelper 10-15 15:57:46.386 4945 4945 E ExpandableNotifRow: onNotificationUpdated() NSSL is null.. 10-15 15:57:46.391 4587 4587 I NotificationService: RuneStone mIsRuneStoneSupported = true, mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:46.410 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: updateFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey() return : mFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey is empty 10-15 15:57:46.410 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNI_OnLoad 10-15 15:57:46.413 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNI_OnLoad out 10-15 15:57:46.414 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper constructor 10-15 15:57:46.415 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: create ResourceManagerObserverClient 10-15 15:57:46.415 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper getMediaResourceHelper_l 10-15 15:57:46.420 4587 4587 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 10-15 15:57:46.431 4325 4325 I ResourceManagerService: Client(0xf127e630) constructor - (PID : 30763) 10-15 15:57:46.435 30763 30914 I SemMediaResourceHelper: SemMediaResourceHelper() resourceType : 2, ownResourceEventExcluded : false, myPid : 30763 10-15 15:57:46.435 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: enableObserver enable : 1 10-15 15:57:46.436 30763 30914 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: enableObserver enable : 1 10-15 15:57:46.444 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:46.448 4945 4945 D InterruptionStateProvider: no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|in.snapcore.screen_alive|1|null|10266 10-15 15:57:46.509 30825 30825 I PostPositionProvider: onCreated. 10-15 15:57:46.519 4945 4945 E ExpandableNotifRow: onNotificationUpdated() NSSL is null.. 10-15 15:57:46.524 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetNotificationManager: updateFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey() return : mFaceWidgetMusicNotificationKey is empty 10-15 15:57:46.570 30825 30825 I PostPositionProvider: sPositionerList[com.android.homescreen.model.postposition.HomePostPositioner@ebfac63, com.android.homescreen.model.postposition.AppsPostPositioner@5b4c060] 10-15 15:57:46.573 30825 30825 I PostPositionOperator: checkAndEnableProvider() - false 10-15 15:57:46.574 30881 30881 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.google.android.gms appContext.mBasePackageName=com.google.android.gms appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:46.577 30881 30881 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-15 15:57:46.579 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3615954 102345592 w 1532616 30956920 d 141452 124372152 f 339388 562351 iot 1832888 1539596 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 1 0 461637.469 10-15 15:57:46.598 30881 30881 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-15 15:57:46.605 30825 30825 I DIAGMON_SDK[605054]: DiagMonAgent type: 2 10-15 15:57:46.605 30825 30825 I DIAGMON_SDK[605054][exitmqobp9] : generated SR object 10-15 15:57:46.610 30825 30825 W TouchInteractionService: onCreate 10-15 15:57:46.618 30825 30825 W SysUINavigationMode: initializeMode, mMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:46.620 4587 4732 W InputDispatcher: channel '9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0xd, fd=644 10-15 15:57:46.621 4587 4732 E InputDispatcher: channel '9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 10-15 15:57:46.622 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 25747 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:46.624 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11492 Removed Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 (62) 10-15 15:57:46.624 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11493 Removed Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 (62) 10-15 15:57:46.624 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11488 Removed Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash#1 (62) 10-15 15:57:46.626 4587 5009 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{73bb472 u0 Toast} 10-15 15:57:46.627 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11493[1] Destroyed Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:46.627 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: Process appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio (pid 25747) has died: fg TOP (2273,160) 10-15 15:57:46.628 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11492[1] Destroyed Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:46.628 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11488[1] Destroyed Surface(name=43b6815 InputMethod)/@0x420691b - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:46.629 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10278 pid 25747 in 0ms 10-15 15:57:46.637 4587 5009 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '73bb472 Toast (server)' 10-15 15:57:46.637 4587 5009 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '73bb472', fd=461 10-15 15:57:46.643 4587 5009 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021081568] 10-15 15:57:46.643 4587 5009 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021081568] 10-15 15:57:46.657 4587 5009 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021081472] 10-15 15:57:46.658 4587 5009 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021081472] 10-15 15:57:46.663 4245 5539 E BufferQueueProducer: [Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0](id:1095000006e2,api:0,p:-1,c:4245) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 10-15 15:57:46.664 4587 10808 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x7c8c912010 disconnect failed 10-15 15:57:46.664 4587 4622 D ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow: reset blurmask 10-15 15:57:46.664 4587 4622 I ViewRootImpl@465edd4[ProvaTirocinio]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 10-15 15:57:46.664 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263294112] 10-15 15:57:46.664 4587 4622 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263294112] 10-15 15:57:46.784 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11496 removeFromCurrentState 73bb472 Toast#0 (59) 10-15 15:57:46.784 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11495 removeFromCurrentState WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927}#0 (59) 10-15 15:57:46.802 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11496 Removed 73bb472 Toast#0 (59) 10-15 15:57:46.802 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11495 Removed WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927}#0 (59) 10-15 15:57:46.803 4587 4613 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{9eec97f u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1} 10-15 15:57:46.803 30785 30785 I CocktailBarPanelInfoManager: panel not empty : com.samsung.android.app.appsedge.edgepanel.AppsEdgePanelProvider 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 4613 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1 (server)' 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 4613 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '9eec97f', fd=644 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = restore_panel_list 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:46.804 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:46.805 4587 5009 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:46.808 4587 5009 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:46.809 4587 5009 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:46.810 4587 5009 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:46.811 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11496[1] Destroyed 73bb472 Toast#0 10-15 15:57:46.811 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11495[1] Destroyed WindowToken{5ebe7d4 android.os.Binder@8db927}#0 10-15 15:57:46.825 30785 30785 I HistoryProvider: it is first db, go on normal process 10-15 15:57:46.835 4587 4613 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537264245760] 10-15 15:57:46.835 4587 4613 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537264245760] 10-15 15:57:46.837 4587 4613 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{9eec97f u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1} 10-15 15:57:46.837 4587 4613 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:46.856 4587 4613 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747)/@0x6619fff called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:1794 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:765 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2696 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2861 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.access$300:300 com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied:3438 android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied:311 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:719 10-15 15:57:46.856 4587 4613 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124869440] 10-15 15:57:46.856 4587 4613 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124869440] 10-15 15:57:46.857 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11484 removeFromCurrentState appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:46.861 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11484 Removed appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:46.863 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11483 removeFromCurrentState 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:46.866 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11484[1] Destroyed appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1$_25747#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 5.0 0.0 1085.0 564.0 | 0 1743 1080 2307 | Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:46.871 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:46.872 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11483 Removed 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1#0 (56) 10-15 15:57:46.877 4587 4622 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ae42a72', fd=496 10-15 15:57:46.878 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11483[1] Destroyed 9eec97f appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio.Screen1#0 10-15 15:57:46.879 30825 30825 W SGestureDeviceStateImpl: SGestureDeviceStateImpl 10-15 15:57:46.879 4587 4613 I InputDispatcher: Focus left window (4587): ae42a72 in display 0 0 10-15 15:57:46.879 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsEnabled, mask = 1 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 2 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 4 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 8 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 16 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 32 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsDisabled, mask = 64 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsEnabled, mask = 128 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureSettingsChangeHelper: onSettingsEnabled, mask = 256 10-15 15:57:46.880 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: SGestureOverlayWindow 10-15 15:57:46.888 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4})/@0xd3c057a 10-15 15:57:46.891 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11506 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:46.891 4587 4622 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash)/@0xd474d1a 10-15 15:57:46.900 30785 30785 I CapsuleProvider_1.0.16: onCreate 10-15 15:57:46.929 4587 4622 V WindowManager: removeIfPossible 2, Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio}: mAnimatingExit=true caller=com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2719 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2190 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:199 android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow:5715 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doDie:9337 10-15 15:57:46.939 4587 4622 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{ae42a72 u0 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio EXITING} to null displayId=0 Callers=com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.updateFocusedWindowLocked:567 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.updateFocusedWindowLocked:6316 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.setupWindowForRemoveOnExit:2884 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2853 10-15 15:57:46.942 4587 4622 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 10-15 15:57:46.959 4587 4622 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988, leashParent=Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94 10-15 15:57:46.960 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11507 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:46.961 4587 4622 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=1 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash)/@0x8f05a28 10-15 15:57:46.965 4587 4622 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ae42a72', fd=539 10-15 15:57:46.966 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 332ms android.ui h=android.os.Handler c=android.app.-$$Lambda$oslF4K8Uk6v-6nTRoaEpCmfAptE@cbec341 m=0 10-15 15:57:46.966 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow delivery took 322ms android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@c5d7e9f m=0 10-15 15:57:46.979 4587 5056 W ActivityTaskManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{c71b08a u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 t211}: app died, no saved state 10-15 15:57:47.007 4587 5056 I ActivityTaskManager: Removing activity ActivityRecord{c71b08a u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 t211 f}}(appDied) from stack callers=com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack$RemoveHistoryRecordsForApp.processActivity:565 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack$RemoveHistoryRecordsForApp.process:480 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack.handleAppDied:3395 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.handleAppDied:3676 com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$LocalService.handleAppDied:8304 10-15 15:57:47.020 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124721952] 10-15 15:57:47.020 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124721952] 10-15 15:57:47.021 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11482 Removed 21afaf5 ActivityRecordInputSink appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.021 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535022045152] 10-15 15:57:47.021 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535022045152] 10-15 15:57:47.030 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021986720] 10-15 15:57:47.030 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021986720] 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.033 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:47.044 4587 5056 D InputDispatcher: Focused application released (0) 10-15 15:57:47.055 4587 5056 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.057 4587 5056 V MARsPolicyManager: Current Home Package com.sec.android.app.launcher Resumed 10-15 15:57:47.059 4587 5056 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - AMS_APP_HOME/4587@30, type = -999 10-15 15:57:47.062 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10660683 [4587 / 30] HINT : AMS_APP_HOME list : 10-15 15:57:47.065 4587 5056 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() HOME 10-15 15:57:47.067 7085 7085 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - com.sec.android.sdhms/7085@9, type = -999 10-15 15:57:47.071 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMinFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 10660683 Value : 2314000 10-15 15:57:47.071 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 25165974 [7085 / 9] HINT : APP_START list : 10-15 15:57:47.072 4192 4216 E HYPER-HAL: [HandlerSysfs.cpp]doResourceHandling(): Couldn't Open Sysfs - /sys/kernel/mm/vmscan/am_app_launch 10-15 15:57:47.072 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]updateResource(): [CPUMaxFreq] UpdateResource Request ID : 25165974 Value : 2314000 10-15 15:57:47.082 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Prepare app transition: transit=TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET alwaysKeepCurrent=false displayId=0 Callers=com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.prepareAppTransition:5809 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.prepareAppTransition:5803 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityInnerLocked:2267 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked:1873 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities:2754 10-15 15:57:47.090 4587 5056 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR (5), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED 10-15 15:57:47.090 4587 5056 D WindowManager: rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{e9c5cb4 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity t5} 10-15 15:57:47.091 4587 5056 V WindowOrientationListener: getProposedRotation: -1 10-15 15:57:47.096 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR (5) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0), caller=com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.updateOrientation:394 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1698 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1626 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.ensureVisibilityAndConfig:2166 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.realStartActivityLocked:932 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivity:1247 10-15 15:57:47.100 4587 5056 D TspStateManager: updateCustomValue customSetting= 10-15 15:57:47.101 4587 5056 D TspStateManager: updateCustomValue customSetting= 10-15 15:57:47.104 4587 5056 D PkgDataHelper: notifyAppCreate(), pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, sendRet: true 10-15 15:57:47.105 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: onLooperPrepared(), msg: MSG_APP_CREATE, pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:47.106 4587 5056 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): e9c5cb4 10-15 15:57:47.110 4587 5056 D GameManagerService: TaskStackListener.onTaskFocusChanged(), taskId=5, focused=true 10-15 15:57:47.113 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: onLooperPrepared(), msg: MSG_TASK_FOCUSED, focusedComponent: ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 10-15 15:57:47.113 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleTaskFocused(). 10-15 15:57:47.113 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: sendFocusOutConditionally() - mPrevNotiPackage: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 10-15 15:57:47.113 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleTaskFocused(), pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity, userID:0 10-15 15:57:47.113 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleResume(). 10-15 15:57:47.115 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: sendFocusOutConditionally() - mPrevNotiPackage: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 10-15 15:57:47.115 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleResume(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, isTunableApp: null 10-15 15:57:47.115 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: notifyFocusInOut(). of pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 10-15 15:57:47.115 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: notifyFocusInOut(). do nothing. mKillNotiCount: 1 10-15 15:57:47.115 4587 4737 D GameManagerService:NetworkLimit: callRelease 10-15 15:57:47.116 4587 4737 D GM:SystemHelper: callReleaseBlock needReleaseBlock:false 10-15 15:57:47.118 4587 5056 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.119 4587 5056 V MARsPolicyManager: Current Home Package com.sec.android.app.launcher Resumed 10-15 15:57:47.122 4587 5056 W WindowManager: Execute app transition: mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN, displayId: 0 Callers=com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.executeAppTransitionForAllDisplay:2621 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.reportResumedActivityLocked:2274 com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.completeResumeLocked:5720 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStack.minimalResumeActivityLocked:1225 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.realStartActivityLocked:1160 10-15 15:57:47.125 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11474 removeFromCurrentState ActivityRecord{c71b08a u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 t211}#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.125 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11482 removeFromCurrentState 21afaf5 ActivityRecordInputSink appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.125 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11473 removeFromCurrentState Task=211#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.129 4587 5056 V ActivityManager: Changed top to 10149,ProcessRecord{cac713e 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149} 10-15 15:57:47.131 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11474 Removed ActivityRecord{c71b08a u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 t211}#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.132 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11473 Removed Task=211#0 (57) 10-15 15:57:47.135 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: resetSwipeRegions, mSwipeTouchRegions[0] = RectF(0.0, 2256.0, 1080.0, 2340.0) rotation: 0 10-15 15:57:47.136 30825 30825 W RecentsAnimationDeviceState: onNavigationModeChanged, oldMode = THREE_BUTTONS, newMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.137 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: Changes in 10149 5 to 2, 0 to 7 Caller=com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLockedInner:672 com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLocked:416 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.updateOomAdjLocked:21544 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked:4881 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1937 android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied:311 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:719 10-15 15:57:47.137 4587 5056 I AppOps : updateUidProcState uid: 10149 procState: 2 capability:7 10-15 15:57:47.137 4587 5056 I AppOps : commitUidPendingStateLocked() :: UID - 10149, 500 > 200, 0 > 7 10-15 15:57:47.138 30825 30825 W SGestureDeviceStateImpl: initGestureRegion, ROTATION_0, isBottomFixed = false 10-15 15:57:47.138 30825 30825 I RecentsAnimationDeviceState: onUpdateSGestureRegion, isBottomFixed = false 10-15 15:57:47.138 30825 30825 W RecentsAnimationDeviceState: updateGestureTouchRegions, mMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.138 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: createOrAddTouchRegion, real size changed - old = Point(0, 0), new = Point(1080, 2340), mCurrentDisplayRotation = 0 10-15 15:57:47.138 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: resetSwipeRegions, mSwipeTouchRegions[0] = RectF(0.0, 2256.0, 1080.0, 2340.0) rotation: 0 10-15 15:57:47.140 4587 4624 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 25747 10-15 15:57:47.141 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 174ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=32 10-15 15:57:47.145 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11473[1] Destroyed Task=211#0 10-15 15:57:47.145 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11474[1] Destroyed ActivityRecord{c71b08a u0 appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1 t211}#0 10-15 15:57:47.145 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11482[1] Destroyed 21afaf5 ActivityRecordInputSink appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio/.Screen1#0 10-15 15:57:47.146 4301 4301 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10278 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:47.155 4587 6998 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10095 packageName=com.google.android.gsf 10-15 15:57:47.158 4587 6998 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:47.159 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:47.160 4587 6998 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{31a32fa 30881:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a95} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{f1d30ca u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} 10-15 15:57:47.174 4587 4622 D SSRM:LoadDetectMonitor: PID = 30825, UID = 10149 10-15 15:57:47.176 4587 4832 W PkgPredictorService: background app without no launcher icon com.sec.android.app.launcher for.uid: 10149 userId: 0 10-15 15:57:47.177 4587 4622 D SehCodecSolutionService: Update top [com.sec.android.app.launcher] 10-15 15:57:47.182 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30930 10-15 15:57:47.189 4587 4624 I GameSDK@LifeCycle: noteResumeComponent(): package name : com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:47.193 4587 4587 I CocktailBarManagerServiceContainer: handleMessage: entry what = 5 10-15 15:57:47.194 4587 4587 I CocktailBarManagerServiceImpl: changeVisibleEdgeService : no active host 10-15 15:57:47.213 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4})/@0xd3c057a, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 10-15 15:57:47.214 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263291712] 10-15 15:57:47.214 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263291712] 10-15 15:57:47.220 4587 4624 D GameManagerService: noteResumeComponent(), received resumed-component: com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:47.220 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: onLooperPrepared(), msg: MSG_APP_RESUME, resumeComponent: ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} 10-15 15:57:47.220 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleResume(). 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: sendFocusOutConditionally() - mPrevNotiPackage: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: handleResume(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, isTunableApp: null 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: notifyFocusInOut(). of pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GameManagerService: notifyFocusInOut(). do nothing. mKillNotiCount: 1 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GameManagerService:NetworkLimit: callRelease 10-15 15:57:47.221 4587 4737 D GM:SystemHelper: callReleaseBlock needReleaseBlock:false 10-15 15:57:47.222 4587 4716 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 10-15 15:57:47.225 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:47.226 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 72ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:47.226 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30930:com.google.process.gservices/u0a95 for content provider {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider} 10-15 15:57:47.226 30930 30930 E ocess.gservice: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:47.226 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:47.227 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:47.229 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11506 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.230 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11506 Removed Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.234 4587 4716 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 L=628589c:DetectMovementSPListener alarm=Alarm{a620717 type 3 when 543243307 android} 10-15 15:57:47.235 4587 5137 D SLocation: SPManager - SP is not support Q OS upgrade model! 10-15 15:57:47.238 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0x3458f96 called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:1794 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:765 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurfaceUnchecked:3949 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacementNoTrace:1112 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement:959 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:182 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:131 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:120 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537264244032] 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537264244032] 10-15 15:57:47.239 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11502 removeFromCurrentState Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.239 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11502 Removed Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368445056] 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368445056] 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263291424] 10-15 15:57:47.239 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263291424] 10-15 15:57:47.240 30930 30930 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:47.241 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11499 removeFromCurrentState ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.241 30930 30930 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:47.241 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11498 removeFromCurrentState WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4}#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.241 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11499 Removed ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.241 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11498 Removed WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4}#0 (54) 10-15 15:57:47.242 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543243329 10-15 15:57:47.243 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543243330 10-15 15:57:47.244 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11508 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, WindowToken{8e2d4ed android.os.BinderProxy@cb03704}#0 10-15 15:57:47.245 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11498[1] Destroyed WindowToken{3d50b7d android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@465edd4}#0 10-15 15:57:47.245 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11506[1] Destroyed Surface(name=ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio)/@0xf56cda5 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:47.245 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11499[1] Destroyed ae42a72 Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:47.245 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11502[1] Destroyed Application Not Responding: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio#0 10-15 15:57:47.247 4587 7022 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '1c30f22', fd=447 10-15 15:57:47.247 4587 7022 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '1c30f22', fd=451 10-15 15:57:47.248 30785 30785 I DIAGMON_SDK[605038]: DiagMonAgent type: 2 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6017300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.249 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:47.253 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11509 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 1c30f22 SGestureOverlayWindow#0 10-15 15:57:47.254 4587 7022 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '1c30f22', fd=451 10-15 15:57:47.254 30785 30785 I DIAGMON_SDK[605038][qp4ifrmvkd] : generated SR object 10-15 15:57:47.256 4587 5292 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.google.android.gsf 10-15 15:57:47.262 4587 5292 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{ef566be 30930:com.google.process.gservices/u0a95} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:47.264 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 10-15 15:57:47.264 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263294112] 10-15 15:57:47.264 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263294112] 10-15 15:57:47.266 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124870784] 10-15 15:57:47.266 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124870784] 10-15 15:57:47.267 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: setView = android.view.View@487eec0 TM=true 10-15 15:57:47.267 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: addOverlayWindow 10-15 15:57:47.267 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: createOrAddTouchRegion, real size changed - old = Point(1080, 2340), new = Point(1080, 2340), mCurrentDisplayRotation = 0 10-15 15:57:47.268 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: resetSwipeRegions, mSwipeTouchRegions[0] = RectF(0.0, 2256.0, 1080.0, 2340.0) rotation: 0 10-15 15:57:47.270 30930 30930 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.google.process.gservices 10-15 15:57:47.275 4587 5137 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact (T:3/F:9/AC:false) 20231015T155847 now=543243363 - CU:1000/CP:4587/L:628589c:DetectMovementSPListener 10-15 15:57:47.275 4587 5137 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543243363 10-15 15:57:47.277 4587 5137 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543243364 10-15 15:57:47.279 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11504 removeFromCurrentState Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 (52) 10-15 15:57:47.279 4245 4269 I Layer : id=11507 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 (52) 10-15 15:57:47.279 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11504 Removed Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 (52) 10-15 15:57:47.280 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11507 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 (52) 10-15 15:57:47.292 30825 30825 W TouchInteractionService: onNavigationModeChanged, mode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.292 30825 30825 W TouchInteractionService: initInputMonitor return, mMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.292 30825 30825 W TouchInteractionService: onUserUnlocked 10-15 15:57:47.295 30785 30785 I CocktailBarReceiver: onReceive: com.samsung.android.cocktailbar.intent.action.EDGE_APP_START 10-15 15:57:47.295 30785 30785 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0 10-15 15:57:47.295 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11507[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root)/@0x7f9b988 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:47.295 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11504[1] Destroyed Dim Layer for - DisplayArea.Root#0 10-15 15:57:47.298 30785 30785 I CocktailProviderManager: CocktailProviderManager 10-15 15:57:47.298 30785 30785 I CocktailBarReceiver: start service ACTION_EDGE_APP_START 10-15 15:57:47.299 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.300 30930 30930 I ocess.gservice: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:47.314 4587 4954 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher 10-15 15:57:47.318 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: onCreate 10-15 15:57:47.318 4587 4954 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 10-15 15:57:47.318 30785 30785 I SemUiSupportService: onCreate() : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService@9c4581d 10-15 15:57:47.320 30785 30785 I SemUiSupportService: loaded theme = 2131755382 10-15 15:57:47.320 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: createLayoutParams 10-15 15:57:47.322 30785 30785 W System.err: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams No field java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: SEM_TYPE_COCKTAIL_BAR 10-15 15:57:47.323 30785 30785 W System.err: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams No field java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: SEM_TYPE_COCKTAIL_BAR_BACKGROUND 10-15 15:57:47.323 30785 30785 W System.err: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams No field java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: SEM_TYPE_AOD 10-15 15:57:47.323 30785 30785 W System.err: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams No field java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: SEM_TYPE_EDGE_OVERLAY 10-15 15:57:47.324 4587 7022 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10105 packageName=com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe 10-15 15:57:47.325 4587 7022 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:47.326 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:47.326 30825 30825 W TaskLockImpl: mDedicatedRamZoneEnabled : false 10-15 15:57:47.329 4587 4622 W Looper : Drained 10-15 15:57:47.329 3931 3931 I lmkd : 1(delay),0(swap), 0(freelimit) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill! 10-15 15:57:47.330 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'recents', fd=451 10-15 15:57:47.330 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'recents', fd=461 10-15 15:57:47.331 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11510 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Input Consumer recents_animation_input_consumer#0 10-15 15:57:47.331 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'recents', fd=461 10-15 15:57:47.332 30825 30825 I TouchInteractionService: onSystemUiFlagsChanged, userUnlocked 10-15 15:57:47.333 30785 30785 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_height 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:47.334 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:47.335 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_panel_width 10-15 15:57:47.335 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:47.336 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:47.338 30785 30785 I CocktailContextUtils: Device SW - 411, Cover SW - 360, SW - 360 10-15 15:57:47.339 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30956 10-15 15:57:47.340 30785 30785 I CocktailBarSettingsManagerUtils: Handler size scale 14.838709 26.749378 16.972704 14.838709 26.749378 16.972704 10-15 15:57:47.341 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = edge_handle_size_percent 10-15 15:57:47.341 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:47.341 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.342 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:47.342 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10072 10-15 15:57:47.342 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:47.342 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:47.342 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:47.343 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:47.343 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30956:com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe/u0a105 for broadcast {com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe/com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe.PeopleStripeReceiver} 10-15 15:57:47.351 30930 30930 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.google.android.gsf appContext.mBasePackageName=com.google.android.gsf appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:47.351 30930 30930 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:47.354 30825 30874 W TouchInteractionService: onInitialize, proxy = com.android.systemui.shared.recents.ISystemUiProxy$Stub$Proxy@4b57784 10-15 15:57:47.355 30930 30930 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:47.356 4587 4587 V NotificationListeners: 0 notification listener service connected: ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.notification.NotificationListener} 10-15 15:57:47.359 30785 30785 W System.err: com.samsung.android.widget.SemLockPatternUtils No method java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.samsung.android.widget.SemLockPatternUtils.isCarrierLockPlusEnabled [int] 10-15 15:57:47.359 30785 30785 I com.samsung.android.widget.SemLockPatternUtils: Cannot invoke there's no method reflection : isCarrierLockPlusEnabled 10-15 15:57:47.365 4587 5292 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.365 30930 30930 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true 10-15 15:57:47.370 4587 6997 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.378 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] ON_UPDATE_SYSTEMUI_STATE_FLAG [Module] OverviewProxyService 10-15 15:57:47.379 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]GESTURE_PACK_UPDATE_SYSTEMUI_STATE_FLAG 10-15 15:57:47.380 30956 30956 E ce.peoplestrip: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:47.383 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: initSettingValue : area : 1 , size: 16.972704 , pos: 19.657677 trans: 70 10-15 15:57:47.383 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_GESTURAL_MODE)=true 10-15 15:57:47.387 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_HARD_KEY_INTENT_POLICY)=false 10-15 15:57:47.388 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_HARD_KEY_INTENT_POLICY_STATE_FLAG) 10-15 15:57:47.390 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_GAME_MODE)=false 10-15 15:57:47.390 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_NAVBAR_GAMETOOLS_STATE_FLAG) 10-15 15:57:47.391 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]VIS_PACK_UPDATE_SYSTEMUI_STATE_FLAG 10-15 15:57:47.391 30956 30956 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:47.391 30956 30956 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:47.391 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_DEBUG: Launcher.onCreate() 10-15 15:57:47.391 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_EBS_D: Launcher.onCreate() 10-15 15:57:47.394 4587 6997 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe 10-15 15:57:47.396 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(INT_NAVBAR_VISIBILITY)=0 10-15 15:57:47.397 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_NAVBAR_GONE_STATE_FLAG) 10-15 15:57:47.397 4587 6997 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{fcb607a 30956:com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe/u0a105} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:47.398 30825 30874 I TouchInteractionService: onSystemUiStateChanged, stateFlags : 0 10-15 15:57:47.399 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_STR_CURRENT_LAYOUT [Module] NavigationBarInflaterView KEYS_DEFAULT=left[.25W],back[.5WC];home;recent[.5WC],right[.25W] 10-15 15:57:47.400 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]STABLE_LAYOUT_PACK_GET_DEFAULT_LAYOUT 10-15 15:57:47.400 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_SIDE_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_MODE)=false 10-15 15:57:47.401 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_MODE)=true 10-15 15:57:47.403 30956 30956 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe 10-15 15:57:47.403 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: registerDateChangedReceiver 10-15 15:57:47.404 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(STR_BOTTOM_GESTURAL_LAYOUT)=ime_switcher,hint_left;hint_center;hint_right,extra_back 10-15 15:57:47.408 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: updateLiveIcon type:1 10-15 15:57:47.416 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_BOOL_THEME_DEFAULT [Module] NavBarIconResourceMapper KEYS_DEFAULT=false 10-15 15:57:47.416 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]CONFIG_PACK_GET_THEME_DEFULAT 10-15 15:57:47.417 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_USE_THEME_DEFAULT)=false 10-15 15:57:47.417 4945 4945 D Navbar.NavBarIconResourceMapper: updateConditions isThemeDefault : false, isRTL : false, ThemeType : TYPE_DEFAULT 10-15 15:57:47.420 4587 4954 V MdnieScenarioControlService: mAclOffEnabled : false mAclPreviewState : false mAclCompensationState : false 10-15 15:57:47.427 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] GET_BOOL_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE_STATE [Module] SamsungNavigationBarView KEYS_DEFAULT=true 10-15 15:57:47.427 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]CONFIG_PACK_GET_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE 10-15 15:57:47.427 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_NAVBAR_CAN_MOVE)=true 10-15 15:57:47.429 30825 30825 I IDP : new DisplayType : 0, minWidthDps: 387.0, minHeightDps: 774.0, dpi: 420 10-15 15:57:47.429 30825 30825 I IDP : grid option name:4_by_5, display option name:Phone_560 10-15 15:57:47.429 30785 30785 I SEP_UNION_SemUnionManager: setDumpEnabled : /data/log/sepunion/CocktailBarService.log 10-15 15:57:47.429 30930 30930 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:47.432 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: handleEvent [EventType] ON_SET_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY [Module] SamsungNavigationBarView KEYS_RECENT_ENABLED=true KEYS_BACK_ENABLED=true KEYS_HOME_ENABLED=true 10-15 15:57:47.432 30825 30825 W IDP : [Home] cols : 4, rows : 5, widget resize : true, [Apps] cols : 4, rows : 5, [Hotseat] count : 5 10-15 15:57:47.432 4587 5292 D SEP_UNION_SemUnionMainServiceImpl: setDumpEnabled = CocktailBarService 10-15 15:57:47.432 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: --[Band]GESTURE_PACK_SET_HINT_VISIBILITY 10-15 15:57:47.433 4587 5292 D SEP_UNION_SemUnionMainServiceImpl: setDumpEnabled Already Exist 10-15 15:57:47.433 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY_STATE) 10-15 15:57:47.433 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_GESTURE_HINT)=true 10-15 15:57:47.433 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----getValue(BOOL_SPAY_SHOWING)=false 10-15 15:57:47.434 4945 4945 V Navbar.Store: ----apply(UPDATE_GESTURE_HINT_VISIBILITY) 10-15 15:57:47.439 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: availableWidthPx: 2218, availableHeightPx: 1080, widthPx: 2340, heightPx: 1080, isLandscape: true, isMultiWindowMode: false 10-15 15:57:47.439 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: onCreate : setServiceForeGround true 10-15 15:57:47.439 30825 30825 I Launcher.Utilities: getInitialDisplaySize : 1080, 2340, smallest : 1080 10-15 15:57:47.439 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.444 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 117, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 24, isLandscape: true, invIconSizeRatio home: 5.3 10-15 15:57:47.444 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 5.3 10-15 15:57:47.447 30825 30825 I RecentsInfoChanger: updateInfo type 0 isPluginEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.455 30825 30825 I RecentsInfoChanger: updateInfo type 0 isPluginEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.458 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: availableWidthPx: 1080, availableHeightPx: 2301, widthPx: 1080, heightPx: 2340, isLandscape: false, isMultiWindowMode: false 10-15 15:57:47.458 30825 30825 I Launcher.Utilities: getInitialDisplaySize : 1080, 2340, smallest : 1080 10-15 15:57:47.459 30785 30785 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=false 10-15 15:57:47.459 30785 30785 I DecorView: updateCaptionType >> DecorView@e811154[], isFloating=false, isApplication=true, hasWindowDecorCaption=false, hasWindowControllerCallback=false 10-15 15:57:47.462 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:47.462 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.462 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.464 30825 30825 I RecentsInfoChanger: updateInfo type 0 isPluginEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.480 30825 30825 I BaseIconCache: IconCache dpi : 640 10-15 15:57:47.491 30785 30785 I BlurredCaptureStorage: updateBlurBackground: false false 10-15 15:57:47.491 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 2 --> 2 10-15 15:57:47.493 30785 30785 I Utils : getResumeComponentName : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} 10-15 15:57:47.493 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.493 30785 30785 E CocktailBarContainerView: updateContainerVisibility: 10-15 15:57:47.499 30785 30785 I CheckForUpdates: setSettingBadgeCount badge: 0 10-15 15:57:47.507 4587 5292 D NotificationListeners: Trim appInfo.metaData = Bundle[{com.samsung.android.sdk.bixby2.companionApp=true, SamsungBasicInteraction=SEP10, SPDE.env.version=3.4.1/L29.1.16/0.9.23, com.samsung.android.multidisplay.keep_process_alive=true, SPDE.build.signature=bf94e59b53d0e452e5904e441adf705ae4886cab/79983058/release/CocktailBarService-707000-7.1.32, android.max_aspect=2.1, com.samsung.android.multidisplay.primarydisplay=default, com.samsung.android.sdk.bixby2.version=1.0.16, com.samsung.android.bixby.pathRuleAppName=EdgeScreen}] 10-15 15:57:47.511 4587 5292 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10128 packageName=com.android.settings.intelligence 10-15 15:57:47.512 4587 5292 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10128; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:47.513 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10128; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:47.513 4587 5292 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{31870a8 30785:com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/u0a72} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{d7ebdf5 u0 com.android.settings.intelligence/com.samsung.android.settings.intelligence.search.provider.SettingSearchProvider} 10-15 15:57:47.522 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 30995 10-15 15:57:47.527 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30995:com.android.settings.intelligence/u0a128 for content provider {com.android.settings.intelligence/com.samsung.android.settings.intelligence.search.provider.SettingSearchProvider} 10-15 15:57:47.534 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeReceiver: onReceive action = com.samsung.android.cocktailbar.intent.action.EDGE_APP_START 10-15 15:57:47.534 30825 30825 W IDP : updateEasyModeValue : false 10-15 15:57:47.534 30825 30825 I HomeModeImp: updateEasyModeValue : false 10-15 15:57:47.537 4587 6998 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.538 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeReceiver: isEdgeEnabled =true 10-15 15:57:47.539 4587 6997 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.540 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeReceiver: isPeopleStripeEnabled =true 10-15 15:57:47.544 30956 30956 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0,ownerId=0 10-15 15:57:47.553 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeService: onCreate 10-15 15:57:47.554 30956 30956 I SemUiSupportService: onCreate() : com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe.PeopleStripeService@b784a39 10-15 15:57:47.556 30956 30956 I SemUiSupportService: loaded theme = 2131689840 10-15 15:57:47.559 30995 30995 E gs.intelligenc: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:47.561 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeService: Initview 10-15 15:57:47.564 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: cancelDateChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:47.564 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10149 pid :30825 / OP:PendingIntent{27d7619: PendingIntentRecord{9bd16de com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:47.565 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: setDateChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:47.569 4587 6998 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10063 packageName=com.sec.android.provider.badge 10-15 15:57:47.570 4587 6998 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:47.570 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:47.573 30956 30956 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=false 10-15 15:57:47.573 30956 30956 I DecorView: updateCaptionType >> DecorView@7677e2c[], isFloating=false, isApplication=true, hasWindowDecorCaption=false, hasWindowControllerCallback=false 10-15 15:57:47.574 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20231016T000000 now=543243661 - CU:10149/CP:30825/OP:PendingIntent{e65ad5: PendingIntentRecord{9bd16de com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:47.574 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543243661 10-15 15:57:47.575 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543243662 10-15 15:57:47.575 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: updateLiveIcon type:0 10-15 15:57:47.575 30995 30995 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:47.575 30995 30995 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:47.576 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: cancelMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:47.576 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10149 pid :30825 / OP:PendingIntent{77fc2ea: PendingIntentRecord{9c579db com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:47.577 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: setMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:47.578 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T155800 now=543243666 - CU:10149/CP:30825/OP:PendingIntent{e97cc78: PendingIntentRecord{9c579db com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:47.578 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543243666 10-15 15:57:47.578 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543243666 10-15 15:57:47.579 4587 6998 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.android.settings.intelligence 10-15 15:57:47.582 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31016 10-15 15:57:47.583 4587 6998 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{3e57f2c 30995:com.android.settings.intelligence/u0a128} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:47.590 30995 30995 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.android.settings.intelligence 10-15 15:57:47.591 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31016:com.sec.android.provider.badge/u0a63 for broadcast {com.sec.android.provider.badge/com.sec.android.provider.badge.BadgeCountReceiver} 10-15 15:57:47.595 4587 6998 D WALLPAPER_SVC:WallpaperManagerService: getWallpaperColors: which = 1 , userId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.600 30825 30825 E ResourceLoader: Not Supported! 10-15 15:57:47.601 30825 30825 I Launcher: appState is already existed. Updating idp! 10-15 15:57:47.602 30956 30956 I AbstractProxyReflection: Create proxy instance for interface : android.view.ViewTreeObserver$OnComputeInternalInsetsListener 10-15 15:57:47.605 30825 30825 I IDP : new DisplayType : 0, minWidthDps: 387.0, minHeightDps: 774.0, dpi: 420 10-15 15:57:47.605 30825 30825 I IDP : grid option name:4_by_5, display option name:Phone_560 10-15 15:57:47.606 30825 30825 W IDP : [Home] cols : 4, rows : 5, widget resize : true, [Apps] cols : 4, rows : 5, [Hotseat] count : 5 10-15 15:57:47.610 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: availableWidthPx: 2218, availableHeightPx: 1080, widthPx: 2340, heightPx: 1080, isLandscape: true, isMultiWindowMode: false 10-15 15:57:47.610 30825 30825 I Launcher.Utilities: getInitialDisplaySize : 1080, 2340, smallest : 1080 10-15 15:57:47.614 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 117, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 24, isLandscape: true, invIconSizeRatio home: 5.3 10-15 15:57:47.614 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 5.3 10-15 15:57:47.617 30825 30825 I RecentsInfoChanger: updateInfo type 0 isPluginEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.618 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: availableWidthPx: 1080, availableHeightPx: 2301, widthPx: 1080, heightPx: 2340, isLandscape: false, isMultiWindowMode: false 10-15 15:57:47.618 30825 30825 I Launcher.Utilities: getInitialDisplaySize : 1080, 2340, smallest : 1080 10-15 15:57:47.621 31016 31016 E .provider.badg: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:47.622 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:47.623 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.623 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.626 30825 30825 I RecentsInfoChanger: updateInfo type 0 isPluginEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.632 31016 31016 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:47.632 30881 30881 I Safeboot: Checking safeboot... 10-15 15:57:47.632 31016 31016 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:47.634 4587 7022 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.sec.android.provider.badge 10-15 15:57:47.637 4587 7022 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{6a8038c 31016:com.sec.android.provider.badge/u0a63} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:47.642 30995 30995 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.android.settings.intelligence appContext.mBasePackageName=com.android.settings.intelligence appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:47.642 30995 30995 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:47.642 31016 31016 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.sec.android.provider.badge 10-15 15:57:47.643 30825 30825 I OpenMarketCustomizationOperator: OpenMarketCustomizationOperator - setup : com.android.launcher3.model.omc.OpenOMC@819afac 10-15 15:57:47.644 4587 6998 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{fcb607a 30956:com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe/u0a105} (pid=30956, uid=10105) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 10-15 15:57:47.646 30995 30995 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:47.653 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.PLUGIN_FOLDER_LAYOUT 10-15 15:57:47.655 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: registerPluginAppsCallback 10-15 15:57:47.658 4587 4613 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{fcb607a 30956:com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe/u0a105} (pid=30956, uid=10105) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 10-15 15:57:47.659 4587 6997 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.663 30956 30956 I PeopleStripeService: onDestroy 10-15 15:57:47.664 30956 30956 I Feature : panel UI people,task,circle,panel,-edgefeeds,debug,search,phonecolor 10-15 15:57:47.668 30995 30995 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Using schema version: 123 10-15 15:57:47.670 30995 30995 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Index is fine 10-15 15:57:47.671 30956 30956 W System.err: com.samsung.android.tsp.SemTspStateManager No method java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.samsung.android.tsp.SemTspStateManager.setDeadzoneHole [class android.content.Context, class android.os.Bundle] 10-15 15:57:47.671 30956 30956 I com.samsung.android.tsp.SemTspStateManager: Cannot invoke there's no method reflection : setDeadzoneHole 10-15 15:57:47.671 30995 30995 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:47.672 30956 30956 I SemUiSupportService: onDestroy() : com.samsung.android.service.peoplestripe.PeopleStripeService@b784a39 10-15 15:57:47.673 30995 31022 I SettingSearchProvider: call() method : requestIndexing, calling package : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice 10-15 15:57:47.674 30995 31022 I SettingSearchProvider: type : nonIndexableKeys, authority : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.search 10-15 15:57:47.675 30995 30995 D SamsungAnalytics605015: [Validation] dma pkg:700901000 10-15 15:57:47.681 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.682 30825 30825 W Launcher.Workspace: initWorkspace default page 0 10-15 15:57:47.682 30995 30995 D SamsungAnalytics605015: newThread on Executor 10-15 15:57:47.684 30995 30995 D SamsungAnalytics605015: [Tracker] Tracker start:6.05.015 , senderType : 3 10-15 15:57:47.686 30995 31050 D SamsungAnalytics605015: user do not agree setting 10-15 15:57:47.692 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: onStartCommand: intent=null,flags=0,starId=12 10-15 15:57:47.692 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.693 30825 30825 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=true 10-15 15:57:47.693 30825 30825 I DecorView: updateCaptionType >> DecorView@f7caa6b[], isFloating=false, isApplication=true, hasWindowDecorCaption=false, hasWindowControllerCallback=true 10-15 15:57:47.693 30785 30785 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0 10-15 15:57:47.693 30785 30785 I SemUiSupportService: onStartCommand() 10-15 15:57:47.706 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11511 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, WindowToken{8215c3e android.os.BinderProxy@e1bf4f9}#0 10-15 15:57:47.707 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '6435a9f', fd=543 10-15 15:57:47.707 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '6435a9f', fd=546 10-15 15:57:47.708 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11512 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 6435a9f com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 10-15 15:57:47.709 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '6435a9f', fd=546 10-15 15:57:47.710 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.710 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.710 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.711 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.714 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: setView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@e811154 TM=true 10-15 15:57:47.714 30785 30785 I SEP_UNION_SemUnionManager: setDumpEnabled : /data/log/sepunion/CocktailBarService.log 10-15 15:57:47.714 4587 5292 D SEP_UNION_SemUnionMainServiceImpl: setDumpEnabled = CocktailBarService 10-15 15:57:47.714 4587 5292 D SEP_UNION_SemUnionMainServiceImpl: setDumpEnabled Already Exist 10-15 15:57:47.715 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: onStartCommand : setServiceForeGround true 10-15 15:57:47.715 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.717 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: onStartCommand : Creating window... 10-15 15:57:47.718 30785 30785 E CocktailBarPanelVisibilityManager: updateActivePanelView: invalid null panel 10-15 15:57:47.725 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: onCreate 10-15 15:57:47.725 4587 30762 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 2 10-15 15:57:47.726 30785 30785 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updateInitPolicyState 10-15 15:57:47.726 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.726 30785 30785 E CocktailBarContainerView: updateContainerVisibility: 10-15 15:57:47.726 30785 30785 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updateCocktailDisplayPolicy: 1 ---> 1 10-15 15:57:47.726 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.727 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.727 30785 30785 E CocktailBarContainerView: updateContainerVisibility: 10-15 15:57:47.728 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: DatabaseHelper 10-15 15:57:47.730 30785 30785 I CocktailBarTriggerContainerView: setContainerGravityState: 1 --> 1 10-15 15:57:47.731 30785 30785 I BlurredCaptureStorage: updateBlurBackground: false false 10-15 15:57:47.731 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.731 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.731 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.732 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.733 31016 31016 I BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=com.sec.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:47.733 30785 30785 I Utils : getResumeComponentName : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} 10-15 15:57:47.733 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.733 30785 30785 E CocktailBarContainerView: updateContainerVisibility: 10-15 15:57:47.733 31016 31016 I BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings, className: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.checkUpdate, count: 0 10-15 15:57:47.735 30785 30785 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.737 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.737 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.737 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.737 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.738 4587 5292 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.739 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 10-15 15:57:47.739 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 10-15 15:57:47.739 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : -isDisabled already 2 10-15 15:57:47.740 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.740 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.740 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.740 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.743 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.743 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.743 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.743 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.745 30785 30785 I CocktailUtils: Edge First Use Help enabled 10-15 15:57:47.745 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: startListening loadEdgePanel : false 10-15 15:57:47.745 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.747 4587 7022 I CocktailBarManagerServiceContainer: startListening() 0 10-15 15:57:47.747 4587 7022 D CocktailBarManagerServiceImpl: startListening: true0 init=false 10-15 15:57:47.750 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: startListening category : 0 10-15 15:57:47.750 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.751 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateEdgeSetting: edge enable setting= panel : true 10-15 15:57:47.752 30785 30785 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.752 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 10-15 15:57:47.752 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 10-15 15:57:47.756 30785 30785 I TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=455 halfHandleSize=171 getTriggerPosition=19.657677 10-15 15:57:47.756 30785 30785 I BlurredCaptureStorage: updateBlurBackground: false false 10-15 15:57:47.757 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 10-15 15:57:47.758 30785 30785 I CocktailBarService: onStartCommand: intent=Intent { cmp=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/.CocktailBarService },flags=0,starId=13 10-15 15:57:47.758 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.759 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: onOpen 10-15 15:57:47.760 30785 30785 I Utils : isOwnerUser current = 0 10-15 15:57:47.760 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: onStartCommand : window create flag already checked, confirm after 10 sec 10-15 15:57:47.760 30785 30785 I CocktailUtils: Edge First Use Help enabled 10-15 15:57:47.760 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: startListening loadEdgePanel : false 10-15 15:57:47.760 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.762 4587 5292 I CocktailBarManagerServiceContainer: startListening() 0 10-15 15:57:47.763 4587 5292 D CocktailBarManagerServiceImpl: startListening: true0 init=false 10-15 15:57:47.763 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: startListening category : 0 10-15 15:57:47.763 30785 30785 I CocktailProvider: call method=updateCocktailHistory 10-15 15:57:47.764 30881 30881 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:47.765 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateEdgeSetting: edge enable setting= panel : true 10-15 15:57:47.766 30785 30785 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.766 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 10-15 15:57:47.766 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 10-15 15:57:47.766 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 10-15 15:57:47.766 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:47.767 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 10-15 15:57:47.767 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 10-15 15:57:47.767 30785 30785 I Edge.badge: NotificationListener onListenerConnected mIsRegister=true 10-15 15:57:47.769 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 10-15 15:57:47.769 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 10-15 15:57:47.769 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 10-15 15:57:47.770 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 10-15 15:57:47.770 31016 31016 I BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 10-15 15:57:47.770 30785 30785 I Edge.badge: onNotificationFullRefresh mIsRegister=true,forceNotify=false 10-15 15:57:47.773 4192 30927 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMinFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 10660683 10-15 15:57:47.774 4192 30927 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10660683 10-15 15:57:47.780 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{6435a9f u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x342 10-15 15:57:47.783 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{6435a9f u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} 10-15 15:57:47.783 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:47.784 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11513 createSurf (67x342),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_30785#0 10-15 15:57:47.785 4587 6997 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService$_30785 10-15 15:57:47.789 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=6435a9f, pid=30785: mAttrs={(0,193)(67x342) gr=TOP RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2226 fmt=TRANSLUCENT 10-15 15:57:47.789 4587 6997 V WindowManager: fl=81800548 10-15 15:57:47.789 4587 6997 V WindowManager: pfl=2000010 10-15 15:57:47.789 4587 6997 V WindowManager: vsysui=600 10-15 15:57:47.789 4587 6997 V WindowManager: bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:47.790 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:47.790 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:47.792 30785 30785 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x1c7766f / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:47.792 30881 30881 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature providerinstaller.dynamite 10-15 15:57:47.794 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(1013,193,1080,535) req=(67,342)0 dur=13 res=0x7 s={true 537125867520} ch=true fn=-1 10-15 15:57:47.796 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: [DP] dp(1) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:10957 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3845 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 10-15 15:57:47.796 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: [DP] pd() Asnyc report 10-15 15:57:47.796 30881 30881 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite:1 and remote module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite:0 10-15 15:57:47.796 30881 30881 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite 10-15 15:57:47.801 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsTabsDelegate: onRemoveWorkspacePagedView return, already removed 10-15 15:57:47.801 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:47.801 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.801 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.803 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.804 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.804 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.804 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.816 30881 30881 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 302 native methods... 10-15 15:57:47.819 30825 30825 I RecentsOrientedState: setRecentsRotation 0 10-15 15:57:47.819 30825 30825 I RecentsOrientedState: current RecentsOrientedState: [this=RecentsOrientedState@418b379 mOrientationHandler=PortraitPagedViewHandler@dc978be mDisplayRotation=0 mTouchRotation=0 mRecentsActivityRotation=0 isRecentsActivityRotationAllowed=false mSystemRotation=false mFlags=291] 10-15 15:57:47.830 30825 30825 I DvfsUtil: createHGMinLimit 10-15 15:57:47.833 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:47.833 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(67 342) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:47.834 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:47.835 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:47.835 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(67 342) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:47.835 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:47.836 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:47.836 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(67 342) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:47.836 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:47.849 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:47.849 30785 31054 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:47.850 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:47.850 30785 31054 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:47.860 30785 31054 I gralloc : Arm Module v1.0 10-15 15:57:47.862 30881 30881 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 10-15 15:57:47.866 30825 30825 I RestrictionsManagerHelper: Restrictions: Bundle[{}] 10-15 15:57:47.868 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: [DP] pdf(0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$performDraw$1$ViewRootImpl:4668 android.view.-$$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$DJd0VUYJgsebcnSohO6h8zc_ONI.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 10-15 15:57:47.868 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: [DP] rdf() 10-15 15:57:47.870 4587 6997 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{6435a9f u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 10-15 15:57:47.871 30785 30785 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updateCocktailDisplayPolicy: 1 ---> 1 10-15 15:57:47.871 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.871 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: updateDescriptionLayout invalid panelview 10-15 15:57:47.871 30785 30785 E CocktailBarContainerView: updateContainerVisibility: 10-15 15:57:47.872 30785 30785 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 10-15 15:57:47.873 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 10-15 15:57:47.873 30785 30785 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 10-15 15:57:47.873 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 10-15 15:57:47.873 30785 30785 I TrayStateTrigger: requestShowTriggerView 10-15 15:57:47.873 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : already 0 10-15 15:57:47.874 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x4d vis=1 bgType= showTimeout=-1 activate=true 10-15 15:57:47.874 30785 30785 I CocktailBarUiController: setActivate:true 10-15 15:57:47.874 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: systemUiVisibilityChanged : 0 0 10-15 15:57:47.874 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=14511996@LastEvent=null,Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 342) 10-15 15:57:47.877 30825 30825 I SuggestedItemsProvider: Runestone is disabled 10-15 15:57:47.884 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{6435a9f u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x342 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 193 1080 535 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_30785#0 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015c80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:47.885 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:47.888 30825 30825 I SuggestedItemsProvider: Initialized time=Tue Oct 03 00:56:16 GMT+02:00 2023 10-15 15:57:47.890 30825 30825 W SuggestedAppsViewImpl: setGridSize 4x1 10-15 15:57:47.890 30825 30825 W SuggestedAppsViewImpl: setSuggestedAppsEnabled is enabled 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=6435a9f, pid=30785: mAttrs={(0,455)(67x342) gr=TOP RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=nothing} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2226 fmt=TRANSPARENT 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: fl=81800548 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: pfl=2000050 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: vsysui=600 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE dimAmount=0.0 dimDuration=0 naviIconColor=0 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 V WindowManager: sfl=200000} 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:47.893 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:47.894 30785 30785 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124718784] 10-15 15:57:47.894 30785 30785 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124718784] 10-15 15:57:47.895 30785 30785 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x1c7766f / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:47.896 30785 30785 I ViewRootImpl@3ae37ee[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=(1013,193,1080,535) new=(1013,455,1080,797) req=(67,342)0 dur=14 res=0x1 s={true 537125867520} ch=false fn=2 10-15 15:57:47.903 30881 31079 I GmsApplication: Registering the BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport receiver. 10-15 15:57:47.910 4587 4776 D DeviceStorageMonitorService: check() STORAGE TOTAL > 64G 10-15 15:57:47.916 4587 4776 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 10-15 15:57:47.919 30825 30825 W SysUINavigationMode: initializeMode, mMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.919 30825 30825 W SysUINavigationMode: updateMode, oldMode = S_GESTURE, newMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:47.922 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:47.925 30825 30825 W AppTransitionAnimatorImpl: BasicAnimationType=Fast, duration=250 10-15 15:57:47.927 3955 3955 E vold : getUsedF2fsFileNode -> Cannot Get Used FileNode Number (errno=25 Inappropriate ioctl for device) 10-15 15:57:47.929 4587 4776 D DeviceStorageMonitorService: Cannot get USED FILE NODE NUMBER!!! 10-15 15:57:47.929 4587 4776 D DeviceStorageMonitorService: Available File Node Number is [-1] 10-15 15:57:47.930 4587 4776 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 10-15 15:57:47.933 30825 30825 I CapturedBlur: registerWallpaperChangedReceiver 10-15 15:57:47.935 30825 30825 I StateManager: onStateTransitionStart mState = AllApps 10-15 15:57:47.935 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setLayout(), l: 38, r: 38, b: 105, spacing: 39 10-15 15:57:47.936 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:47.936 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.936 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:47.937 30881 31079 I GmsReceiverSupport: Registered Receiver for 15+1 IntentFilters 10-15 15:57:47.938 30825 30825 I LauncherRecentsView: onStateTransitionStart AllApps 10-15 15:57:47.938 30825 30825 I RecentsView: setOverviewStateEnabled false 10-15 15:57:47.939 30825 30825 W AppsTransitionController: locate app failed, bundle: null 10-15 15:57:47.939 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: progress = 0.0, mBlurProgress = 0.0, forced = false, mForced = false 10-15 15:57:47.939 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: mSetTime = 0, currentTimeMs = 1697378267939 10-15 15:57:47.940 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: blurAmount = 0.0, mBgBlurAmount = 0.125, show = false, mPreBlur = 0.0, mDuration = 0 10-15 15:57:47.942 30825 30825 W RecentsUIController: update suggestedApps visibility -> isVisible ? false 10-15 15:57:47.961 30825 30825 I PageEditPanel: updatePageEditPanelLayout : 3 10-15 15:57:47.962 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.964 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.965 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.966 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.972 30825 30825 I LauncherRecentsView: onStateTransitionComplete AllApps 10-15 15:57:47.972 30881 31079 I Watchcat: Started 10-15 15:57:47.973 30825 30825 I StateManager: goToStateAnimated mStateChanged is false 10-15 15:57:47.973 30825 30909 E PageBoostLogger: Not prepared page in updatePage 10-15 15:57:47.975 30785 30785 I TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 10-15 15:57:47.979 30825 30825 I StateManager: goToState no animation to AllApps 10-15 15:57:47.979 30825 30825 W AppsTransitionController: locate app failed, bundle: null 10-15 15:57:47.979 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: progress = 0.0, mBlurProgress = 0.0, forced = false, mForced = false 10-15 15:57:47.979 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: mSetTime = 1697378267939, currentTimeMs = 1697378267979 10-15 15:57:47.979 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: blurAmount = 0.0, mBgBlurAmount = 0.125, show = false, mPreBlur = 0.0, mDuration = 0 10-15 15:57:47.981 30825 30825 I StateManager: reapplyState mStateChanged is false 10-15 15:57:47.981 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: addCallbacks: callback id = 230476565 10-15 15:57:47.982 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: StartLoader : visibleScreenType = 0 10-15 15:57:47.983 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: clearDeferredLoadingFlag 10-15 15:57:47.983 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: LauncherModel : StartLoader> post loader 10-15 15:57:47.984 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: startLoaderForResults: 10-15 15:57:47.984 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: startLoaderForResults init LoaderTask 10-15 15:57:47.984 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: clearDeferredLoadingFlag 10-15 15:57:47.988 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.988 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.988 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.988 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:47.990 30825 30825 W Launcher.Hotseat: updateHotseatIconSize hotseatCellCount = 4 hotseatIconSizePx = 172 hotseatCellHeightPx = 172 hotseatBarSizePx = 254 10-15 15:57:47.993 30881 31079 I GMS_MM_Logger: (REDACTED) Start time: %s 10-15 15:57:47.994 30825 30825 I PageEditPanel: updatePageEditPanelLayout : 3 10-15 15:57:47.994 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.995 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.995 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.995 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : Primes not initialized, returning default (no-op) Primes instance which will ignore all calls. Please call Primes.initialize(...) before using any Primes API. 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : dfpc: FULL 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at a.I(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):9) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at csli.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):32) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at com.google.android.gms.common.app.GmsApplication.onCreate(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):493) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1192) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7593) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:301) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2177) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8653) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:47.995 30881 30881 W csli : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1130) 10-15 15:57:47.996 30881 31079 I GMS_MM_Logger: Started. 10-15 15:57:47.999 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.999 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:47.999 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:47.999 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:48.000 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:48.000 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:48.000 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:48.003 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.003 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.003 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:48.003 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:48.004 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setLayout(), l: 38, r: 38, b: 105, spacing: 39 10-15 15:57:48.008 30825 31085 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_font, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:48.008 30825 30825 I RotationHelper: mLastActivityFlags : 5 10-15 15:57:48.008 30825 31085 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_statusbar, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:48.008 30825 31085 I SettingsHelper: mKey=need_dark_navigationbar, mIntValue=0, mStringValue=null, mFloatValue=0.0 10-15 15:57:48.008 30825 31085 I Launcher: darkFont : false darkStatusBar : false grayStatusBar : false darkNavigationBar : false 10-15 15:57:48.009 30825 31085 I WhiteBgColorNotifier: changeWhiteBgSystemUIColor type = 4 supportWhiteBg : false forced : false 10-15 15:57:48.009 30825 31085 I WhiteBgColorNotifier: changeWhiteBgSystemUIColor type = 5 supportWhiteBg : false forced : false 10-15 15:57:48.015 30825 30825 I MinusOnePageUtils: setMinusOnePageActiveState, active: true, enable: true 10-15 15:57:48.023 4587 7022 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.WINDOW_OVERLAY dat=app://com.sec.android.app.launcher:10149?v=10&cv=19 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox } U=0: not found 10-15 15:57:48.028 30825 30825 I ScreenOffTimeoutImp: registerObserver 10-15 15:57:48.031 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_EXTENSION_FEATURE 10-15 15:57:48.031 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_FOLDER_TITLE_SUGGESTION 10-15 15:57:48.032 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_APPS_PAGE_LOOPING 10-15 15:57:48.032 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_FOLDER_FLEXIBLE_GRID 10-15 15:57:48.032 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_HOME_BLUR_SETTING 10-15 15:57:48.033 30825 30825 W ExpandableHomeGridUpdaterImpl: init, col: 4, row: 5, widget resize: true 10-15 15:57:48.033 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_EXPANDABLE_HOME_GRID 10-15 15:57:48.034 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_EXPANDABLE_HOTSEAT 10-15 15:57:48.034 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_EXPANDABLE_APPS_GRID 10-15 15:57:48.036 30825 30825 I BackupLayoutForHomeStar: init 10-15 15:57:48.037 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.PLUGIN_BACKUP_LAYOUT 10-15 15:57:48.038 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_GESTURE_VI_TUNNER 10-15 15:57:48.039 30825 30825 I IconSettingConsumerPlugin: init 10-15 15:57:48.039 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_ICON_SETTING 10-15 15:57:48.039 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.HOMESCREEN_PLUGIN_APP_TANSITION_VI_TUNNER 10-15 15:57:48.039 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.PLUGIN_TASK_LAYOUT_CHANGER 10-15 15:57:48.039 30825 30825 I PluginManagerImpl: addPluginListener : com.sec.android.app.launcher.action.PLUGIN_GESTURE_SENSITIVITY 10-15 15:57:48.043 30825 30825 I CapturedBlur: registerWallpaperChangedReceiver 10-15 15:57:48.044 4587 4613 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@a172b98 already registered for pid 30825, callerPackage is com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:48.087 30881 31088 I ctii : (REDACTED) Unable to retrieve flag snapshot for %s, using defaults. 10-15 15:57:48.098 30881 30881 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:7 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:7 10-15 15:57:48.098 30881 30881 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates 10-15 15:57:48.102 4587 7022 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.WINDOW_OVERLAY dat=app://com.sec.android.app.launcher:10149?v=10&cv=19 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox } U=0: not found 10-15 15:57:48.107 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_DEBUG: Launcher.onResume() 10-15 15:57:48.107 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_EBS_D: Launcher.onResume() 10-15 15:57:48.108 30825 30825 W PageOverlayMover: isMoving : false 10-15 15:57:48.109 30825 30909 E PageBoostLogger: Not prepared page in updatePage 10-15 15:57:48.111 30825 30916 I SPayUpdater: updateSpayHandler, show = false, defaultPage = false 10-15 15:57:48.112 30825 31090 I Launcher: DisplayMetrics from Resources : DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2218, scaledDensity=2.8875, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326} 10-15 15:57:48.112 30825 31090 I Launcher: realMetrics from Wm : DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2340, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326} 10-15 15:57:48.113 30825 31090 I Launcher: DeviceProfile, isLand : false, isMultiWin :false, availableWidthPx : 1080, availableHeightPx : 2301 10-15 15:57:48.114 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '2bb84f3', fd=546 10-15 15:57:48.115 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '2bb84f3', fd=547 10-15 15:57:48.116 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11514 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 2bb84f3 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 10-15 15:57:48.117 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{2bb84f3 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 10-15 15:57:48.117 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:48.117 4587 6997 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '2bb84f3', fd=547 10-15 15:57:48.119 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: setView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@f7caa6b TM=true 10-15 15:57:48.128 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: onViewAttachedToWindow 10-15 15:57:48.128 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: setVisibilityGestureOverlayWindow, visibility = 0 10-15 15:57:48.128 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow}: viewVisibility=0 req=388x39 10-15 15:57:48.132 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow} 10-15 15:57:48.132 4587 6997 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:48.136 4245 4269 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11515 createSurf (388x39),1 flag=4, SGestureOverlayWindow$_30825#0 10-15 15:57:48.137 4587 6997 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=1 name=SGestureOverlayWindow$_30825 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=1c30f22, pid=30825: mAttrs={(0,0)(388x39) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} ty=NAVBAR_GESTURE_INTERCEPT_OVERLAY fmt=TRANSLUCENT 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 V WindowManager: fl=1000108 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 V WindowManager: pfl=12000000 naviIconColor=0 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 V WindowManager: sfl=20000} 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:48.141 4587 6997 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021076960] 10-15 15:57:48.143 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x46428de / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:48.145 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(692,2301,1080,2340) req=(388,39)0 dur=15 res=0x7 s={true 535559278592} ch=true fn=-1 10-15 15:57:48.180 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=android.intent.action.RESOLVE_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:48.180 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.RESOLVE_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:48.190 4587 9865 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), begin 10-15 15:57:48.191 4587 9865 D SemGameManager: getGMSBinder(), successful: true 10-15 15:57:48.192 4587 9865 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0 10-15 15:57:48.192 4587 9865 D PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:48.324 30881 30881 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: contexthub 10-15 15:57:48.398 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] dp(1) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:10957 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3845 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 10-15 15:57:48.398 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] pd() Asnyc report 10-15 15:57:48.402 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.402 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(388 39) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.403 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.403 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.404 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(388 39) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.404 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.405 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.405 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(388 39) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.405 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.407 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:48.408 30825 30929 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:48.409 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:48.409 30825 30929 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:48.417 30825 30929 I gralloc : Arm Module v1.0 10-15 15:57:48.431 4587 4613 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10228 packageName=com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.431 4587 4613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10228; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:48.432 30825 30825 W PageOverlayMover: bindOverlayService 10-15 15:57:48.432 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10228; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:48.432 4587 6997 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231016T075748 now=543244520 - CU:10095/CP:30881/L:69055f8:FusionEngineLogAggregator:Log 10-15 15:57:48.433 4587 6997 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543244520 10-15 15:57:48.433 4587 6997 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543244520 10-15 15:57:48.437 30825 30825 I Launcher: setWallpaperOffsets 10-15 15:57:48.448 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31104 10-15 15:57:48.451 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31104:com.samsung.android.app.spage/u0a228 for service {com.samsung.android.app.spage/com.samsung.android.app.spage.service.overlay.PageOverlayService} 10-15 15:57:48.462 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.463 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.463 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:48.463 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:48.464 30825 30825 I CapturePreview: sendMessageForCapture 10-15 15:57:48.464 30825 30825 W Launcher.Hotseat: updateHotseatIconSize hotseatCellCount = 4 hotseatIconSizePx = 172 hotseatCellHeightPx = 172 hotseatBarSizePx = 254 10-15 15:57:48.469 30825 30825 I PageEditPanel: updatePageEditPanelLayout : 3 10-15 15:57:48.469 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:48.470 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:48.470 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:48.471 30825 30825 I PageEditButton : updateButton 10-15 15:57:48.475 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.475 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.475 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:48.475 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:48.476 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: getDrawablePaddingSizeRatio : 0.5 10-15 15:57:48.476 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: mFixedLargeSize: 2214, iconSizePx: 172, iconTextSizePx: 37, fontScale: 1.1, fontSize : 3, iconDrawablePaddingPx: 11, isLandscape: false, invIconSizeRatio home: 7.8 10-15 15:57:48.476 30825 30825 W HsDeviceProfile: invIconSizeRatio apps: 7.8 10-15 15:57:48.479 30881 30881 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: contexthub 10-15 15:57:48.479 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.479 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:48.479 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:48.480 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:48.480 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setLayout(), l: 38, r: 38, b: 105, spacing: 39 10-15 15:57:48.481 31104 31104 E droid.app.spag: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:48.484 30825 30825 W AppsTransitionController: locate app failed, bundle: null 10-15 15:57:48.484 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: progress = 0.0, mBlurProgress = 0.0, forced = false, mForced = false 10-15 15:57:48.484 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: mSetTime = 1697378267979, currentTimeMs = 1697378268484 10-15 15:57:48.484 30825 30825 I BlurOperator: blurAmount = 0.0, mBgBlurAmount = 0.125, show = false, mPreBlur = 0.0, mDuration = 0 10-15 15:57:48.487 30825 30825 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - LAUNCHER_TOUCH/30825@2, type = -999 10-15 15:57:48.487 30825 30825 I CapturedBlur: capture start width = 0, height = 0 10-15 15:57:48.489 4192 4216 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 475167380 [30825 / 2] HINT : LAUNCHER_TOUCH list : 10-15 15:57:48.491 31104 31104 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:48.491 31104 31104 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:48.496 4587 4613 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.496 4587 5292 D WindowManager: takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: display=0, target=2013, containsTarget=true, crop=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), w=0, h=0, rot=0, useIdentityTransform=false, caller=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.takeScreenshotToTargetWindow:9824 android.view.IWindowManager$Stub.onTransact:3232 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.onTransact:1544 10-15 15:57:48.497 4587 5292 D WindowManager: takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: screenshot all layers including secure layers 10-15 15:57:48.500 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.500 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1080 2340) usage_pc(0x366 0x306) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.501 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.501 4587 4613 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{28c395b 31104:com.samsung.android.app.spage/u0a228} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:48.505 4587 4613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 136274596; UID 10149; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:48.509 31104 31104 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.510 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.settings.EAlertSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.524 31104 31104 I droid.app.spag: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:48.525 4587 4613 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10095 packageName=com.google.android.gsf 10-15 15:57:48.527 4587 4613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:48.528 4587 4613 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{31a32fa 30881:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a95} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{a6ee21f u0 com.google.android.gsf/.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider} 10-15 15:57:48.528 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:48.530 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.service.EAlertSettingInjectorService newState = 1 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.533 31104 31104 I droid.app.spag: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:48.538 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.ealert.ux.EAlertSafetyInfoActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.543 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.settings.EAlertGoogleSettingDebugActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.550 30881 31089 I SystemMemoryMap: [flp] starting initialization [CONTEXT service_id=6 ] 10-15 15:57:48.551 4587 6997 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.settings.ArwEAlertSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.552 4945 5119 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.location.HIGH_POWER_REQUEST_CHANGE 10-15 15:57:48.556 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31126 10-15 15:57:48.558 4587 6998 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.google.android.gms cmp = com.google.android.location.service.ArwEAlertSettingInjectorService newState = 2 callingPackage = 10095/com.google.android.gms.persistent 10-15 15:57:48.559 30881 31089 I SystemMemoryMap: (REDACTED) [flp] recovering %d entries 10-15 15:57:48.560 30881 31089 I SystemMemoryMap: [flp] initialization complete [CONTEXT service_id=6 ] 10-15 15:57:48.568 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:48.569 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:48.569 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:48.569 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31126:com.google.process.gapps/u0a95 for content provider {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider} 10-15 15:57:48.569 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:48.570 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:48.572 30881 30881 W ChimeraUtils: Module com.google.android.gms.nearby missing resource null(0) 10-15 15:57:48.576 30881 30881 W ChimeraUtils: Module com.google.android.gms.nearby missing resource null(0) 10-15 15:57:48.578 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:48.582 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3623493 102594828 w 1532642 30957960 d 141467 124372216 f 339403 562381 iot 1834360 1540965 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 11 0 461639.471 10-15 15:57:48.604 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:48.604 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:48.606 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:48.612 31126 31126 E e.process.gapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:48.620 30825 30825 I CapturedBlur: takeScreenShot bitmap width = 1080, height = 2340 10-15 15:57:48.620 30825 30825 I CapturedBlur: capture end 10-15 15:57:48.620 30825 30825 I StateManager: reapplyState mStateChanged is false 10-15 15:57:48.621 31126 31126 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:48.621 31126 31126 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:48.623 4587 5292 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.google.android.gsf 10-15 15:57:48.625 4587 5292 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{6df5079 31126:com.google.process.gapps/u0a95} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:48.631 31126 31126 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.google.process.gapps 10-15 15:57:48.642 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{2bb84f3 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2340 10-15 15:57:48.645 31126 31126 I e.process.gapp: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:48.647 4587 6998 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked - win: Window{2bb84f3 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 10-15 15:57:48.647 4587 6998 D WindowManager: isScreenshotDisabledLocked: userId = 0, disabled =false 10-15 15:57:48.648 30881 31089 I AlarmManager: set [name: SystemMemoryCache type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 315903244735 windowMillis: -1 intervalMillis: 0] 10-15 15:57:48.648 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11516 createSurf (1080x2340),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity$_30825#0 10-15 15:57:48.653 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543244740 10-15 15:57:48.654 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543244742 10-15 15:57:48.655 4587 6998 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=9 name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity$_30825 10-15 15:57:48.657 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155748 now=543244745 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{70ab815: PendingIntentRecord{e15ec1e com.google.android.gms/geofencer_provider startService}} 10-15 15:57:48.658 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543244746 10-15 15:57:48.659 4587 7022 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543244746 10-15 15:57:48.660 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{2bb84f3 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} displayId=0 Callers=com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.updateFocusedWindowLocked:567 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.updateFocusedWindowLocked:6316 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2718 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:219 10-15 15:57:48.662 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash)/@0xd1e1340 10-15 15:57:48.662 4587 30762 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 1 10-15 15:57:48.662 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{64efcc3 android.os.BinderProxy@487597d})/@0xb96f9a6, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 10-15 15:57:48.663 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263294016] 10-15 15:57:48.663 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263294016] 10-15 15:57:48.663 31126 31126 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.google.android.gsf appContext.mBasePackageName=com.google.android.gsf appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:48.663 31126 31126 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:48.663 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{64efcc3 android.os.BinderProxy@487597d})/@0xb96f9a6 10-15 15:57:48.663 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: systemUiVisibilityChanged : 0 0 10-15 15:57:48.663 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11517 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:48.664 4587 6998 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash)/@0x308bab8 10-15 15:57:48.665 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash)/@0x32be279 10-15 15:57:48.665 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{b13286 android.os.BinderProxy@d556ac8})/@0xe26923d, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 10-15 15:57:48.665 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263295456] 10-15 15:57:48.665 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263295456] 10-15 15:57:48.665 4587 6998 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{b13286 android.os.BinderProxy@d556ac8})/@0xe26923d 10-15 15:57:48.666 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11518 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24000, Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:48.666 31104 31104 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 10-15 15:57:48.666 4587 6998 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=1 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash)/@0xb335bf6 10-15 15:57:48.667 31126 31126 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:48.667 4587 6998 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=2bb84f3, pid=30825: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302f2 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: fl=81910100 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: pfl=16020000 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: vsysui=1700 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 V WindowManager: fitSides= naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368446016] 10-15 15:57:48.670 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368446016] 10-15 15:57:48.671 4587 7022 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0xe15ec1e Key{startService pkg=com.google.android.gms/geofencer_provider intent=cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=2 from uid 10095 10-15 15:57:48.672 4587 5292 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:48.672 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x74675b6 / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:48.673 30881 30881 I NearbySharing: ReceiveSurfaceService created [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:48.673 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,0,1080,2340) req=(1080,2340)0 dur=31 res=0x7 s={true 535559286784} ch=true fn=-1 10-15 15:57:48.674 30881 30881 I NearbySharing: ReceiveSurfaceService started [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:48.684 4245 5540 I Layer : id=11500 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=79aa21f StatusBar)/@0x3298701 - animation-leash#0 (59) 10-15 15:57:48.685 4245 5540 I Layer : id=11501 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=27b8747 NavigationBar0)/@0xe025794 - animation-leash#1 (59) 10-15 15:57:48.685 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.686 4177 4209 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1080 2340) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.686 31104 31104 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-15 15:57:48.688 4177 4209 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.689 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.689 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1080 2340) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.693 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.694 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:48.694 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(1080 2340) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:48.694 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: [DP] dp(1) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:10957 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3845 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 10-15 15:57:48.695 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: [DP] pd() Asnyc report 10-15 15:57:48.696 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:48.702 4587 5056 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:48.715 31104 31159 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.716 4587 30762 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 1 10-15 15:57:48.717 30785 30785 I TrayStateController: systemUiVisibilityChanged : 2 0 10-15 15:57:48.721 30881 31089 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-15 15:57:48.722 30881 31088 E LoadedApk: Exception : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Looper.isPerfLogEnable()' on a null object reference 10-15 15:57:48.723 4587 6998 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:48.723 4587 7022 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.android.app.spage cmp = androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService newState = 1 callingPackage = 10228/com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.726 31126 31126 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client 10-15 15:57:48.729 30881 31089 E NanoAppLogging: Failed to begin contexthub communication 10-15 15:57:48.732 31104 31104 I Carnival-SPageApplication(): onCreate APP_VERSION_CODE 550100100 10-15 15:57:48.732 30881 30899 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Caller is not authorized to access Uri: content://com.google.android.gms.phenotype/com.google.android.gms.gmscompliance [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] 10-15 15:57:48.732 31104 31104 I Carnival-SPageApplication(): setMainViewFactory 10-15 15:57:48.747 31126 31126 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:48.769 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: [DP] pdf(0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$performDraw$1$ViewRootImpl:4668 android.view.-$$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$DJd0VUYJgsebcnSohO6h8zc_ONI.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 10-15 15:57:48.769 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: [DP] rdf() 10-15 15:57:48.770 4587 4613 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{2bb84f3 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 10-15 15:57:48.771 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] pdf(0) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$performDraw$1$ViewRootImpl:4668 android.view.-$$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$DJd0VUYJgsebcnSohO6h8zc_ONI.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 10-15 15:57:48.771 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] rdf() 10-15 15:57:48.778 31104 31150 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:20 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:93 10-15 15:57:48.778 31104 31150 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite, version >= 93 10-15 15:57:48.779 31104 31104 I Carnival-CommonExecutor(): numOfThreads 7 10-15 15:57:48.779 31104 31104 I Carnival-CommonExecutor(): startup() java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@442e1e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] 10-15 15:57:48.780 31104 31104 I Carnival-SPageApplication(): Analytics.init 10-15 15:57:48.781 31104 31104 I Carnival-LeaveServiceManager(): init 10-15 15:57:48.782 4587 4625 V WindowManager: Updating vis of wallpaper Window{f583a5e u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}: true from: 10-15 15:57:48.782 4587 4625 V WindowManager: com.android.server.wm.WallpaperWindowToken.updateWallpaperWindows:169 10-15 15:57:48.782 4587 4625 V WindowManager: com.android.server.wm.WallpaperController.updateWallpaperTokens:684 10-15 15:57:48.782 4587 4625 V WindowManager: com.android.server.wm.WallpaperController.adjustWallpaperWindows:723 10-15 15:57:48.782 4587 4625 V WindowManager: com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.applySurfaceChangesTransaction:4846 10-15 15:57:48.782 4945 8535 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 10-15 15:57:48.783 4945 4945 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true forceReport=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=2340 myHeight=2340 fixedSize=true x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=2340 mHeight=2340 mIsSleepMode=false 10-15 15:57:48.785 4945 4945 D WallpaperService: mDeviceHeight : 2340, mDeviceWidth : 1080,mDeviceRotation : 0 10-15 15:57:48.790 31104 31104 I Carnival-DexModeMonitorUtil(): No DeX for this device. ignore 10-15 15:57:48.795 31104 31104 I Carnival-SamsungAccountManager(): init 10-15 15:57:48.795 31104 31104 I Carnival-SamsungAccountObserverQos(): onInit 10-15 15:57:48.795 31104 31150 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 10-15 15:57:48.797 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7, leashParent=Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94 10-15 15:57:48.798 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11519 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:48.799 4587 4625 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 - animation-leash)/@0xd237b24 10-15 15:57:48.799 31104 31104 I Carnival-SamsungAccountManager(): addSamsungAccountListener 10-15 15:57:48.800 31104 31104 I Carnival-SpageFeature(): PRD, IT, ITV 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6018480 | 0002 | RGBA_1010102 | 630.0 0.0 1710.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7437a39880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 455 1080 797 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_30785#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015c80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.804 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:48.807 4587 4625 D PkgPredictorService: pkg:com.sec.android.app.launcher activity:com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity thisTime:-1 10-15 15:57:48.808 31104 31169 I Carnival-SamsungAccountManager(): There is no samsung account 10-15 15:57:48.808 31104 31104 I Carnival-AppDataHandleManager(): addAppDataHandleListener 10-15 15:57:48.808 31104 31169 I Carnival-SPageApplication(): Load done samsung account data 10-15 15:57:48.813 31104 31169 I Carnival-AppDataHandleManager(): handleAppData before:false current:false 10-15 15:57:48.813 31104 31169 I Carnival-AppDataHandleManager(): handleData: no need to handle data 10-15 15:57:48.813 31104 31169 I Carnival-AppDataHandleManager(): saveSignInState before:falsecurrent:false 10-15 15:57:48.813 31104 31169 I Carnival-ContextExt(): setSignInState false 10-15 15:57:48.818 4587 5056 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10228/31104 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2577, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] 10-15 15:57:48.818 31104 31104 I Carnival-NetworkErrorManager(): addNetworkStateListener 10-15 15:57:48.819 4587 5292 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 10-15 15:57:48.819 31104 31169 I Carnival-SmpManager(): initialize SMP --- 10-15 15:57:48.819 31104 31169 I SmpLog : [SMP] init. D:false S:true, P:FCM_ONLY_MODE 10-15 15:57:48.819 4587 7022 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f583a5e u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}: viewVisibility=0 req=2340x2340 10-15 15:57:48.820 30825 30825 W SystemUiProxy: setProxy, proxy = com.android.systemui.shared.recents.ISystemUiProxy$Stub$Proxy@4b57784 10-15 15:57:48.820 30825 30825 W TouchInteractionService: initInputMonitor 10-15 15:57:48.822 31104 31104 I PageOverlayService: onCreate() 10-15 15:57:48.823 31104 31169 I Carnival-SmpManager(): initialize success usefulInfoAgree:false 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=f583a5e, pid=4945: mAttrs={(0,0)(2340x2340) gr=TOP START CENTER layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=WALLPAPER fmt=RGBX_8888 wanim=0x1030315 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 V WindowManager: fl=14318 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 V WindowManager: pfl=4 naviIconColor=0 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 V WindowManager: sfl=8} 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263291712] 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 7022 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263291712] 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:48.823 4587 4613 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'swipe-u', fd=576 10-15 15:57:48.824 4587 4613 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'swipe-u', fd=579 10-15 15:57:48.824 4587 4613 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'swipe-u', fd=579 10-15 15:57:48.825 4945 31204 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'swipe-u', fd=204 10-15 15:57:48.825 31104 31169 I SmpLog : [SMP] opt-out success. optin_time : 1696287117365 10-15 15:57:48.826 31104 31169 I Carnival-SmpManager(): SMP opt-out success 10-15 15:57:48.827 31104 31177 I SmpLog : [SMP] Test mode: false, v:3.2.5, com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.827 31104 31177 I SmpLog : [SMP] ptype:fcm, token:...X9 (163), D:false, U:false, S:false, M:null, P:FCM_ONLY_MODE 10-15 15:57:48.827 4587 4764 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2577, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:48.828 31104 31169 I Carnival-ConfigRepository(): supported tab list [TVPLUS, POD, NEWS, GAME] 10-15 15:57:48.828 31104 31169 I Carnival-ConfigRepository(): supported tab list [TVPLUS, POD, NEWS, GAME] 10-15 15:57:48.828 4587 4764 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2577, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:48.829 31104 31169 I Carnival-ConfigRepository(): supported tab list [TVPLUS, POD, NEWS, GAME] 10-15 15:57:48.829 31104 31104 I Carnival-CommonExecutor(): WorkerThreadFactory - newThread 10-15 15:57:48.829 31104 31169 I Carnival-ConfigRepository(): supported tab list [TVPLUS, POD, NEWS, GAME] 10-15 15:57:48.829 4924 4924 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2577, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:48.830 4587 4843 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2577, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10228 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10228 RequestorPackageName: com.samsung.android.app.spage] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:48.834 4587 4613 I InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (30825): 2bb84f3 in display 0 0 10-15 15:57:48.836 4945 4945 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0xde9d04c / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.updateSurface:1185 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.reportVisibility:1512 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.doVisibilityChanged:1489 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$IWallpaperEngineWrapper.executeMessage:1870 com.android.internal.os.HandlerCaller$MyHandler.handleMessage:44 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 android.os.Looper.loop:246 android.app.ActivityThread.main:8653 10-15 15:57:48.837 4945 4945 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[533904643328] 10-15 15:57:48.837 4945 4945 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[533904643328] 10-15 15:57:48.837 4945 4945 D WallpaperService: updateSurface redrawNeeded=false didSurface=false 10-15 15:57:48.837 4945 4945 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6018480 | 0002 | RGBA_1010102 | 630.0 0.0 1710.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7437a39880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 455 1080 797 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_30785#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a3c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 388.0 39.0 | 692 2301 1080 2340 | SGestureOverlayWindow$_30825#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015c80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.838 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:48.840 4945 5244 I ImageWallpaper: onVisibilityChanged true , 0 10-15 15:57:48.853 31104 31104 I PageOverlayCoordinator: onUiCreated 10-15 15:57:48.853 31104 31104 I PageOverlayCoordinator: createView 10-15 15:57:48.854 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.854 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.859 4945 5244 I ImageWallpaperRenderer: updateWallpaperOffset 0 10-15 15:57:48.859 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainView(): init 10-15 15:57:48.859 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainView(): initAsync 10-15 15:57:48.859 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainView(): initUi 10-15 15:57:48.863 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:48.869 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainView(): splash inflated rootView=android.widget.RelativeLayout{aa82f28 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04a3 app:id/page_view_group} 10-15 15:57:48.872 4587 4613 D WALLPAPER_SVC:WallpaperManagerService: getWallpaperSafeLocked, userId = 0, which = 1, caller = com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService.semGetWallpaperType:5544 10-15 15:57:48.872 4587 4613 D WallpaperManagerService: which : 1, return type : 0 (called by userId= 0) 10-15 15:57:48.873 4945 5244 I ImageWallpaperRenderer: updateWallpaperOffset lastCropOffset 0 wp Type , 0 , rotation == 0 10-15 15:57:48.876 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.876 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.877 4945 5244 I ImageWallpaperRenderer: Wallpaper do not change Display offset 0 10-15 15:57:48.878 31104 31104 I PageOverlayService: onBind() 10-15 15:57:48.878 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.878 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.879 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.879 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.882 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainView(): onUiCreated() 10-15 15:57:48.882 31104 31104 I MainViewModel: onCreate() 10-15 15:57:48.882 31104 31104 I Carnival-MainModel(): initialize() 10-15 15:57:48.885 30825 30825 W SGestureDeviceStateImpl: initGestureRegion, ROTATION_0, isBottomFixed = false 10-15 15:57:48.885 30825 30825 I RecentsAnimationDeviceState: onUpdateSGestureRegion, isBottomFixed = false 10-15 15:57:48.885 30825 30825 W RecentsAnimationDeviceState: updateGestureTouchRegions, mMode = S_GESTURE 10-15 15:57:48.885 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: createOrAddTouchRegion, real size changed - old = Point(1080, 2340), new = Point(1080, 2340), mCurrentDisplayRotation = 0 10-15 15:57:48.886 30825 30825 W OrientationTouchTransformer: resetSwipeRegions, mSwipeTouchRegions[0] = RectF(0.0, 2256.0, 1080.0, 2340.0) rotation: 0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4587 4613 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10228 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6018480 | 0002 | RGBA_1010102 | 630.0 0.0 1710.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 269.0 553.0 811.0 1726.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]activities.LauncherActivity$_30825#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016a40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 83.0 | 0 0 1080 83 | StatusBar$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7437a39880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 342.0 | 1013 455 1080 797 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]rservice.CocktailBarService$_30785#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x7394c8a3c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 388.0 39.0 | 692 2301 1080 2340 | SGestureOverlayWindow$_30825#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015c80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 126.0 | 0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6015b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 0 1080 151 | ScreenDe 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: corOverlay$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0x73b6016cc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 151.0 | 0 2189 1080 2340 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_4945#0 10-15 15:57:48.886 4245 4245 D SurfaceFlinger: 10-15 15:57:48.886 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: createOverlayWindow, updateOverlayWindow by mOverlayWindow != null 10-15 15:57:48.889 30825 30825 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onListenerConnected : com.android.homescreen.badge.BadgeCountUpdaterImpl$3@1a1c2b7 10-15 15:57:48.889 30825 30825 I BadgeCountUpdaterImpl: onServiceConnected 10-15 15:57:48.889 30825 30825 I BadgeCountUpdaterImpl: refreshOnFirstLoad 10-15 15:57:48.889 30825 30825 I BadgeCountUpdaterImpl: registerObserver 10-15 15:57:48.891 30825 30825 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onNotificationFullRefresh 10-15 15:57:48.891 30825 30825 W SGestureOverlayWindow: setVisibilityGestureOverlayWindow, visibility = 0 10-15 15:57:48.891 30825 30825 I TouchInteractionService: onSystemUiFlagsChanged, userUnlocked 10-15 15:57:48.892 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: onReceive intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:48.892 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 122, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.892 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.893 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: receive ACTION_STK_TITLE_IS_LOADED or ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED 10-15 15:57:48.894 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 122, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.894 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: updateStkTitle - intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:48.894 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.894 30825 30825 I Launcher.Model: stkTitleFromSIM : stkTitleFromSIM2 : fixedStkTitle : isFixedStkMenu : false 10-15 15:57:48.896 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10228) : 7 10-15 15:57:48.896 30825 30916 I SPayUpdater: updateSpayHandler, show = false, defaultPage = false 10-15 15:57:48.897 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.898 30825 30916 I SPayUpdater: updateSpayHandler, show = false, defaultPage = false 10-15 15:57:48.898 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.899 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: mStopped = false 10-15 15:57:48.899 30825 30916 I SPayUpdater: updateSpayHandler, show = false, defaultPage = false 10-15 15:57:48.901 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: !@Boot_DEBUG: Launcher.LoaderTask.run() start 10-15 15:57:48.902 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: !@Boot_EBS_D: Launcher.LoaderTask.run() start 10-15 15:57:48.902 30881 30881 I Thunderbird: starting outgoing sms listener [CONTEXT service_id=226 ] 10-15 15:57:48.903 30825 30917 I Launcher.Model: clearDeferredLoadingFlag 10-15 15:57:48.903 30825 30917 I Launcher.Model: clearDeferredLoadingFlag 10-15 15:57:48.907 30825 30917 E Launcher.Utilities: mainline_train_primary is not installed 10-15 15:57:48.909 30825 30917 W InstallSessionHelper: addSessionInfoToCache() icon is null - getDefaultIcon 10-15 15:57:48.909 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:48.917 30825 30825 W UnsafeUtil: platform method missing - proto runtime falling back to safer methods: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory [class java.lang.Object, long, class java.lang.Object, long, long] 10-15 15:57:48.927 30825 30917 W InstallSessionHelper: addSessionInfoToCache() put in SessionInfoMap, packageName : mainline_train_primary, SessionId : 2062666638, add PAI info to Cache, title : null, icon : android.graphics.Bitmap@aeedd45 10-15 15:57:48.928 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: init! 10-15 15:57:48.930 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : load_default_favorites 10-15 15:57:48.933 30825 30825 W Launcher.NotificationListener: setNotificationsChangedListener connected : true 10-15 15:57:48.933 30825 30825 I BadgeCountUpdaterImpl: onNotificationsChangedConnected 10-15 15:57:48.933 30825 30825 I Launcher.NotificationListener: registerObserver this is not notificationService!! 10-15 15:57:48.933 30825 30825 I Launcher.NotificationListener: onNotificationFullRefresh 10-15 15:57:48.933 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: registerDateChangedReceiver 10-15 15:57:48.933 4587 5292 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@d4b8eab already registered for pid 30825, callerPackage is com.sec.android.app.launcher 10-15 15:57:48.935 30881 30881 I TapAndPay: getInstance: new instance created [CONTEXT service_id=79 ] 10-15 15:57:48.936 4587 4587 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245024 10-15 15:57:48.936 4587 4587 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245024 10-15 15:57:48.937 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: cancelDateChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:48.937 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10149 pid :30825 / OP:PendingIntent{1e60908: PendingIntentRecord{9e278a1 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:48.938 4587 4587 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245025 10-15 15:57:48.938 4587 4587 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543245025 10-15 15:57:48.938 31104 31186 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 80097 10-15 15:57:48.939 31104 31186 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-15 15:57:48.939 31104 31186 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-15 15:57:48.939 31104 31186 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.samsung.android.app.spage 10-15 15:57:48.939 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: setDateChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:48.945 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20231016T000000 now=543245032 - CU:10149/CP:30825/OP:PendingIntent{3b49ac6: PendingIntentRecord{9e278a1 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:48.945 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245033 10-15 15:57:48.945 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245033 10-15 15:57:48.947 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: changeHomeModeIfNecessary() 10-15 15:57:48.947 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: cancelMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:48.947 4587 7022 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10149 pid :30825 / OP:PendingIntent{6326a87: PendingIntentRecord{b56adb4 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:48.948 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461639838829847 10-15 15:57:48.949 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: setMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:57:48.950 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T155800 now=543245038 - CU:10149/CP:30825/OP:PendingIntent{a0cfddd: PendingIntentRecord{b56adb4 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:48.950 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245038 10-15 15:57:48.950 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245038 10-15 15:57:48.951 30825 30825 I Choreographer: Skipped 48 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 10-15 15:57:48.952 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow}: viewVisibility=0 req=388x39 10-15 15:57:48.957 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.957 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.958 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.958 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=1c30f22, pid=30825: mAttrs={(0,0)(388x39) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} ty=NAVBAR_GESTURE_INTERCEPT_OVERLAY fmt=TRANSLUCENT 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 V WindowManager: fl=108 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 V WindowManager: pfl=12000000 naviIconColor=0 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 V WindowManager: sfl=20000} 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368447264] 10-15 15:57:48.959 4587 6998 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368447264] 10-15 15:57:48.960 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535558052480] 10-15 15:57:48.960 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535558052480] 10-15 15:57:48.960 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x46428de / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:48.975 4587 7022 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10095 packageName=com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:48.976 4587 7022 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:48.977 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:48.983 30881 30881 I Fido : [CableAuthenticatorChimeraService] Registering broadcast receiver. 10-15 15:57:48.991 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31190 10-15 15:57:48.994 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31190:com.google.android.gms/u0a95 for service {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.measurement.service.MeasurementBrokerService} 10-15 15:57:48.996 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.996 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.997 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.997 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:48.997 31104 31186 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 10-15 15:57:49.018 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.018 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.020 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.020 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.024 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.024 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.026 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.026 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.028 31190 31190 E gle.android.gm: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:49.029 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: Accessing hidden method Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;->isNetworkTypeMobile(I)Z (greylist-max-p, reflection, denied) 10-15 15:57:49.032 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.032 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.036 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.036 31104 31184 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:49.036 30825 30917 I AutoInstalls: loadAutoInstallApp, mPackageName or mResources is null - android.autoinstalls.config.samsung / null 10-15 15:57:49.037 30825 30917 I ParserBase: init - fileName : default_workspace rootTag : favorites gridInfoTag : homeGridInfo 10-15 15:57:49.037 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: Relayout returned: old=(692,2301,1080,2340) new=(692,2301,1080,2340) req=(388,39)0 dur=9 res=0x1 s={true 535559278592} ch=false fn=2 10-15 15:57:49.039 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=(692,2301,1080,2340) ci=(0,0,0,39) vi=(0,0,0,39) or=1 10-15 15:57:49.039 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] dp(1) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:10957 android.view.ViewRootImpl.access$1200:256 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage:6101 10-15 15:57:49.041 30825 30916 I SPayUpdater: updateSpayHandler, show = false, defaultPage = false 10-15 15:57:49.042 31190 31190 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:49.042 31190 31190 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:49.046 4587 6998 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:49.047 30825 30825 W PageOverlayMover: onServiceConnected windowToken : android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@5ed9019 10-15 15:57:49.049 31104 31122 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: init() 10-15 15:57:49.051 31104 31104 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: init() MSG_INIT 10-15 15:57:49.052 4587 6998 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{3f4237f 31190:com.google.android.gms/u0a95} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:49.052 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@5ed9019[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1 10-15 15:57:49.052 31104 31122 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: [FROM HOME] onConfigurationChanged : {1.1 ?mcc?mnc [it_IT] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h844dp 420dpi nrml long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 83 - 1080, 2301) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.151 bts=0 ff=0 bf=0 themeSeq=0} 10-15 15:57:49.055 31190 31190 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:49.057 30825 30825 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 10-15 15:57:49.060 4587 7022 D InputMethodManagerService: mSecureKeypadEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:49.061 31104 31122 I Carnival-CommonExecutor(): WorkerThreadFactory - newThread 10-15 15:57:49.064 4587 7022 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 10-15 15:57:49.064 4587 7022 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 10-15 15:57:49.069 31190 31190 I gle.android.gm: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:49.069 4587 7022 D InputMethodManagerService: mDesktopModeManager null! 10-15 15:57:49.069 4587 7022 V InputMethodManagerService: getDisplayIdOfInputMethodWindowToBeAdded : 0 10-15 15:57:49.073 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11520 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 6a2ea6f com.samsung.android.app.spage#0 10-15 15:57:49.074 31190 31190 I gle.android.gm: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:49.075 4587 7001 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '6a2ea6f', fd=582 10-15 15:57:49.076 4587 7001 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '6a2ea6f', fd=640 10-15 15:57:49.077 30881 30881 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:49.078 30881 30881 D ConnectivityManager: ConnectivityManager() mContext=co.g.App@db33609 getOpPackageName()=com.google.android.gms getBasePackageName()=com.google.android.gms getPackageName()=com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:49.078 4587 7001 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '6a2ea6f', fd=640 10-15 15:57:49.082 4587 7022 V InputMethodManagerService: Removing window token: android.os.Binder@f7ce9be for display: 0 10-15 15:57:49.083 31104 31104 I ViewRootImpl@dd38ae7[]: setView = com.samsung.android.app.spage.service.overlay.view.g@a620132 TM=true 10-15 15:57:49.085 4587 7022 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535368440064] 10-15 15:57:49.085 4587 7022 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535368440064] 10-15 15:57:49.086 31104 31104 I PageOverlayServiceImpl: onConfigurationChanged PageView x : -1080 10-15 15:57:49.086 31104 31104 I PageOverlayCoordinator: onUiConfigurationChanged pending 10-15 15:57:49.086 31104 31104 I PageOverlayRootLayout: onUiConfigurationChanged pending 10-15 15:57:49.087 4587 7022 D SamsungIMMSHWKeyboard: isConnectedDexOnPC false 10-15 15:57:49.088 4587 7022 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 10-15 15:57:49.089 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{6a2ea6f u0 com.samsung.android.app.spage}: viewVisibility=8 req=0x2218 10-15 15:57:49.091 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11451 removeFromCurrentState WindowToken{e5b9a1f android.os.Binder@f7ce9be}#0 (61) 10-15 15:57:49.092 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.092 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.092 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11451 Removed WindowToken{e5b9a1f android.os.Binder@f7ce9be}#0 (61) 10-15 15:57:49.093 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.093 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.093 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.093 31190 31190 W gle.android.gm: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:49.095 4587 6998 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=6a2ea6f, pid=31104: mAttrs={(0,0)(0xfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_PANEL fmt=RGBA_8888 10-15 15:57:49.095 4587 6998 V WindowManager: fl=1000018 10-15 15:57:49.095 4587 6998 V WindowManager: pfl=2000040 10-15 15:57:49.095 4587 6998 V WindowManager: fitTypes=STATUS_BARS NAVIGATION_BARS CAPTION_BAR IME naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:49.096 31104 31104 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x8aafe7e / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1814 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:49.096 31104 31104 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0xdccefdf / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:49.097 4587 7022 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10179 packageName=com.samsung.android.honeyboard 10-15 15:57:49.097 31104 31104 I ViewRootImpl@dd38ae7[]: Relayout returned: old=(0,83,1080,2301) new=(540,83,540,2301) req=(0,2218)8 dur=8 res=0x1 s={false 0} ch=false fn=-1 10-15 15:57:49.097 4587 7022 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10179; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:49.099 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10179; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:49.099 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11451[1] Destroyed WindowToken{e5b9a1f android.os.Binder@f7ce9be}#0 10-15 15:57:49.102 30825 30917 I AutoInstalls: loadAutoInstallApp, mPackageName or mResources is null - android.autoinstalls.config.samsung / null 10-15 15:57:49.102 30825 30917 I ParserBase: init - fileName : default_application_order rootTag : appOrder gridInfoTag : appsGridInfo 10-15 15:57:49.102 4245 4617 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11521 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867}#0 10-15 15:57:49.105 30825 30917 I AutoInstalls: loadAutoInstallApp, mPackageName or mResources is null - android.autoinstalls.config.samsung / null 10-15 15:57:49.105 30825 30917 I ParserBase: init - fileName : default_workspace rootTag : favorites gridInfoTag : homeGridInfo 10-15 15:57:49.108 31190 31190 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.google.android.gms appContext.mBasePackageName=com.google.android.gms appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:49.109 31190 31190 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-15 15:57:49.110 30881 30881 D ConnectivityManager: sendRequestForNetwork CallingUid : 10095, CallingPid : 30881 10-15 15:57:49.111 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:49.115 31190 31190 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-15 15:57:49.117 30881 30881 D ConnectivityManager_URSP: blocklisted - false 10-15 15:57:49.125 4587 7022 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/30881 NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2579, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] 10-15 15:57:49.126 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:49.127 4587 4764 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2579, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:49.128 4587 4843 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2579, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:49.129 4587 4764 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2579, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:49.129 4924 4924 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2579, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10095 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:49.132 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31220 10-15 15:57:49.136 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow}: viewVisibility=0 req=388x39 10-15 15:57:49.139 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=1c30f22, pid=30825: mAttrs={(0,0)(388x39) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} ty=NAVBAR_GESTURE_INTERCEPT_OVERLAY fmt=TRANSLUCENT 10-15 15:57:49.139 4587 5056 V WindowManager: fl=108 10-15 15:57:49.139 4587 5056 V WindowManager: pfl=12000000 naviIconColor=0 10-15 15:57:49.139 4587 5056 V WindowManager: sfl=20000} 10-15 15:57:49.139 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535021989600] 10-15 15:57:49.140 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535021989600] 10-15 15:57:49.141 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[535132471584] 10-15 15:57:49.141 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[535132471584] 10-15 15:57:49.142 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x46428de / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:49.142 30825 30917 I AutoInstalls: loadAutoInstallApp, mPackageName or mResources is null - android.autoinstalls.config.samsung / null 10-15 15:57:49.142 30825 30917 I ParserBase: init - fileName : default_application_order rootTag : appOrder gridInfoTag : appsGridInfo 10-15 15:57:49.143 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: Relayout returned: old=(692,2301,1080,2340) new=(692,2301,1080,2340) req=(388,39)0 dur=7 res=0x1 s={true 535559278592} ch=false fn=2 10-15 15:57:49.144 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] pd() Asnyc report 10-15 15:57:49.145 4245 4617 E BufferQueueProducer: [SGestureOverlayWindow$_30825#0](id:1095000006e4,api:0,p:-1,c:4245) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 10-15 15:57:49.145 30825 30929 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x7cb1d21010 disconnect failed 10-15 15:57:49.146 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:49.146 30825 30917 I Launcher.Utilities: isSalesCodeChanged() salesCode : ITV, previousSalesCode : ITV 10-15 15:57:49.147 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:49.147 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31220:com.samsung.android.honeyboard/u0a179 for service {com.samsung.android.honeyboard/com.samsung.android.honeyboard.service.HoneyBoardService} 10-15 15:57:49.147 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:49.147 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:49.149 30825 30917 I Launcher.Utilities: isSalesCodeChanged() - false, same salesCode 10-15 15:57:49.150 30825 30917 E TrueSingleSkuOperator: isTSSSupported() - false 10-15 15:57:49.150 30825 30917 E TrueSingleSkuOperator: isTSSActivated() - false 10-15 15:57:49.150 30825 30917 I TrueSingleSKUSharedPref: TrueSingleSkuOperator / writeActivatedId : 10-15 15:57:49.150 30825 30917 I TrueSingleSkuOperator: resetDBForTSS - skip TSS! 10-15 15:57:49.150 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.150 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(388 39) usage_pc(0x40000000000b00 0x40000000000b00) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.151 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I PostPositionOperator: xml don't exist : new omc path 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I PostPositionOperator: isSalesCodeChanged() - false 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I PostPositionOperator: ppPref : com.android.launcher3.postposition.PostPositionSharedPref@8da304a /systemOmcPath : /product/omc/ITV/etc /ppPref.getOMCPath() : /product/omc/ITV/etc 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I PostPositionOperator: isReloadNeeded() - false 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: EMPTY_DATABASE_CREATED : false 10-15 15:57:49.151 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: MaxItemId : 29, MaxScreenId : 1 10-15 15:57:49.155 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] pdf(0) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$performDraw$1$ViewRootImpl:4668 android.view.-$$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$DJd0VUYJgsebcnSohO6h8zc_ONI.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 10-15 15:57:49.155 30825 30825 I ViewRootImpl@a60b9f2[SGestureOverlayWindow]: [DP] rdf() 10-15 15:57:49.155 4587 7022 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{1c30f22 u0 SGestureOverlayWindow} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN 10-15 15:57:49.155 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: favorites_homeApps is empty! 10-15 15:57:49.167 31220 31220 E roid.honeyboar: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:49.171 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: Main screens : 0, 1 10-15 15:57:49.171 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: Front screens : 10-15 15:57:49.172 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: start : screenType = 0 10-15 15:57:49.172 30825 30917 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : delete_empty_folders 10-15 15:57:49.173 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: step 1.2> loading default workspace 10-15 15:57:49.180 31220 31220 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:49.180 31220 31220 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:49.183 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.honeyboard 10-15 15:57:49.186 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{fd8f426 31220:com.samsung.android.honeyboard/u0a179} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:49.190 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_HOME_IDLE 10-15 15:57:49.190 4587 4832 I ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler: available memory: 2314668, free memory target: 645120, quit chimera 10-15 15:57:49.193 31220 31220 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.honeyboard 10-15 15:57:49.211 31220 31220 I roid.honeyboar: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:49.230 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.allocator@4.0::IAllocator/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:49.231 30825 30917 W Gralloc4: allocator 3.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:49.232 3933 3933 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.allocator@3.0::IAllocator/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-15 15:57:49.232 30825 30917 W Gralloc3: allocator 3.x is not supported 10-15 15:57:49.239 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.240 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.240 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.261 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.261 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.262 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.277 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.277 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.277 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.286 30881 30881 I Fido : [AuthenticatorChimeraService] Unregistered the broadcast receiver [CONTEXT service_id=287 ] 10-15 15:57:49.290 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.290 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.290 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.292 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=10 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=0 user=UserHandle{0} title=Chrome hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=320) rank : 0 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.298 31190 31190 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:49.300 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.300 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.301 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.302 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=11 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ConversationListActivityGmail} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=1 user=UserHandle{0} title=Gmail hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=320) rank : 1 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.303 4587 4625 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=DisplayArea.Root)/@0xc20ba94, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 10-15 15:57:49.304 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263291424] 10-15 15:57:49.304 4587 4625 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263291424] 10-15 15:57:49.309 31190 31190 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature providerinstaller.dynamite 10-15 15:57:49.311 31190 31190 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite:1 and remote module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite:0 10-15 15:57:49.311 31190 31190 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller.dynamite 10-15 15:57:49.311 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.312 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.312 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.314 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=12 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=2 user=UserHandle{0} title=Maps hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=320) rank : 2 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.317 31190 31190 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 302 native methods... 10-15 15:57:49.322 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.322 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.322 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.324 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=13 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.youtube.app.honeycomb.Shell$HomeActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=3 user=UserHandle{0} title=YouTube hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=320) rank : 3 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.333 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.333 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.334 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.336 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=14 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.app.NewMainProxyActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=4 user=UserHandle{0} title=Drive hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=384) rank : 4 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.337 4587 4625 D ActivityTaskManager: finishFixedRotationTransform, r=ActivityRecord{e9c5cb4 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity t5}, caller=com.android.server.wm.WindowToken.finishFixedRotationTransform:664 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent$FixedRotationTransitionListener.onAppTransitionFinishedLocked:7025 com.android.server.wm.AppTransition.notifyAppTransitionFinishedLocked:552 com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.onAnimationFinished:7177 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.doAnimationFinished:2626 10-15 15:57:49.338 31190 31190 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 10-15 15:57:49.339 30881 30881 I AlarmManager: set [name: SystemMemoryCache type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 315903245427 windowMillis: -1 intervalMillis: 0] 10-15 15:57:49.341 4245 5539 I Layer : id=11519 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 - animation-leash#0 (61) 10-15 15:57:49.342 4245 5539 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11519 Removed Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 - animation-leash#0 (61) 10-15 15:57:49.345 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.345 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.345 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.347 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=15 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.music/com.google.android.music.tombstone.LauncherActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=5 user=UserHandle{0} title=Play Musica hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=384) rank : 5 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.348 30825 30825 W Launcher: onEnterAnimationComplete 10-15 15:57:49.350 4245 4245 I Layer : id=11519[1] Destroyed Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xd9b1ee7 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:49.357 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.357 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.357 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.359 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=16 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.videos/com.google.android.videos.GoogleTvEntryPoint} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=6 user=UserHandle{0} title=Google TV hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=384) rank : 6 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.363 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245450 10-15 15:57:49.364 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543245451 10-15 15:57:49.370 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.370 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.370 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.372 4587 5056 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155749 now=543245459 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{c001e2f: PendingIntentRecord{55543d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base startService}} 10-15 15:57:49.372 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=17 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.tachyon/com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=7 user=UserHandle{0} title=Meet hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=320) rank : 7 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.372 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245460 10-15 15:57:49.373 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245460 10-15 15:57:49.377 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0x55543d Key{startService pkg=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base intent=cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=0 from uid 10095 10-15 15:57:49.379 30881 30881 I AlarmManager: set [name: SystemMemoryCache type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 315903245466 windowMillis: -1 intervalMillis: 0] 10-15 15:57:49.379 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.379 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.379 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.380 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245468 10-15 15:57:49.381 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543245468 10-15 15:57:49.381 30825 30917 I FolderInfo: Add - WorkspaceItemInfo(id=18 type=APP container=8 targetComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity} screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=8 user=UserHandle{0} title=Foto hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=false runtimeStatusFlags=384) rank : 8 animate : false 10-15 15:57:49.385 4587 5056 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155749 now=543245473 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{2be0028: PendingIntentRecord{25520bf com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base startService}} 10-15 15:57:49.386 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245473 10-15 15:57:49.386 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543245473 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31256 I Watchcat: Started 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : Primes not initialized, returning default (no-op) Primes instance which will ignore all calls. Please call Primes.initialize(...) before using any Primes API. 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : dfpc: FULL 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at a.I(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):9) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at csli.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):32) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at com.google.android.gms.common.app.GmsApplication.onCreate(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):493) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1192) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7593) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:301) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2177) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8653) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:49.387 31190 31190 W csli : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1130) 10-15 15:57:49.389 4587 7001 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0x25520bf Key{startService pkg=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base intent=cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=3 from uid 10095 10-15 15:57:49.390 31190 31256 I GMS_MM_Logger: (REDACTED) Start time: %s 10-15 15:57:49.390 30881 30881 I AlarmManager: set [name: SystemMemoryCache type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 315903245477 windowMillis: -1 intervalMillis: 0] 10-15 15:57:49.390 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.390 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.391 31190 31256 I GMS_MM_Logger: Started. 10-15 15:57:49.391 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.391 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245479 10-15 15:57:49.391 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245479 10-15 15:57:49.393 4587 5056 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155749 now=543245480 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{5e27141: PendingIntentRecord{7ff3b6 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base startService}} 10-15 15:57:49.393 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245481 10-15 15:57:49.394 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543245481 10-15 15:57:49.397 4587 6998 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0x7ff3b6 Key{startService pkg=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.location_base intent=cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=4 from uid 10095 10-15 15:57:49.402 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.402 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.403 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.414 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.414 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.414 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.414 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:49.414 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:49.418 30825 30917 I HomeOutsidePageItems: getOutSidePosition : bottomRight = 8, bottomLeft = 3, topRight = 8, topLeft = 3 10-15 15:57:49.421 30825 30917 I HomeLoader: step 1.3> bind default workspace 10-15 15:57:49.421 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceScreen : screenId = 0, isFirstPageBind = true, synchronousBindPage = 0 10-15 15:57:49.422 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.422 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceItems 10-15 15:57:49.422 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceItems: execute icon vi 10-15 15:57:49.422 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.422 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: prepareFirstBind: callback id = 230476565 10-15 15:57:49.423 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.423 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceScreen: create DeferredExecutor: id = 143853334 10-15 15:57:49.423 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.423 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.423 30825 30825 I Launcher: collectWorkspaceScreens, size : 0 10-15 15:57:49.428 4587 6998 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: startListening callbacks : com.android.internal.appwidget.IAppWidgetHost$Stub$Proxy@6b85bc3 10-15 15:57:49.429 30825 30825 I DragController: endDrag 10-15 15:57:49.430 30825 30825 I Launcher.Hotseat: setGridSize : 5 10-15 15:57:49.431 30825 30825 W Launcher.Hotseat: updateHotseatIconSize hotseatCellCount = 4 hotseatIconSizePx = 172 hotseatCellHeightPx = 172 hotseatBarSizePx = 254 10-15 15:57:49.432 30825 30825 I Launcher: setHotseatCount, hotseatItemCount = 3 10-15 15:57:49.432 30825 30825 I Launcher.Hotseat: setGridSize : 3 10-15 15:57:49.432 30825 30825 W Launcher.Hotseat: updateHotseatIconSize hotseatCellCount = 5 hotseatIconSizePx = 146 hotseatCellHeightPx = 146 hotseatBarSizePx = 254 10-15 15:57:49.432 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: prepareFirstBind: collect from BgDataModel 10-15 15:57:49.451 30881 30881 W ctxmgr : [ContextManagerPersistentService]Received null intent [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 10-15 15:57:49.455 31220 31220 I HBD : d floating fold feature : 0 10-15 15:57:49.462 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyboardApplication onCreate 10-15 15:57:49.466 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceItems[1st]: executeCallbacksTask,callback id = 230476565 10-15 15:57:49.467 4587 7001 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:49.469 31220 31220 I HBD : a Initialize UpgradeChecker [mig:true,pda:false,appV:false,appT:false] status =2 10-15 15:57:49.469 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyboardApplication processDataMigrateFromPreviousPkg 10-15 15:57:49.470 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyboardApplication Data Migration already done 10-15 15:57:49.477 31190 31214 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:7 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:7 10-15 15:57:49.477 31190 31214 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates 10-15 15:57:49.485 30881 31102 I NetworkScheduler: Using standalone scheduling engine [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-15 15:57:49.490 4192 31123 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 475167380 10-15 15:57:49.491 31190 31214 W GoogleCertificates: GoogleCertificates has been initialized already 10-15 15:57:49.492 30881 30881 I PersonalSafety: Init [CONTEXT service_id=310 ] 10-15 15:57:49.493 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: init - FolderInfo(id=8 type=FOLDER container=desktop targetComponent=null screen=0 cell(3,4) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=0 user=UserHandle{0} title=Google hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=true runtimeStatusFlags=0; labelState=SUGGESTED) 10-15 15:57:49.493 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{bf961c6 VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:49.500 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.500 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.509 4587 7022 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=5010 packageName=com.samsung.android.rubin.app 10-15 15:57:49.511 4587 7022 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 5010; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:49.511 4587 7022 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{cac713e 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{f910383 u0 com.samsung.android.rubin.app/.provider.RubinStateProvider} 10-15 15:57:49.515 4587 7001 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:49.523 31220 31220 W Settings: Setting bold_text has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning global URI. 10-15 15:57:49.524 31220 31220 W Settings: Setting bold_text has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 10-15 15:57:49.526 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.526 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.528 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31271 10-15 15:57:49.535 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31271:com.samsung.android.rubin.app/5010 for content provider {com.samsung.android.rubin.app/com.samsung.android.rubin.app.provider.RubinStateProvider} 10-15 15:57:49.538 30881 31091 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-15 15:57:49.541 30881 31091 I PersonalSafety: (REDACTED) Create settings: %b %b %b %b 10-15 15:57:49.543 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:49.543 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:49.543 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:49.544 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:49.546 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{bf961c6 VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:49.546 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.folder.FolderContainerView{2ddda68 GFE...C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0138 app:id/folder_container} 10-15 15:57:49.546 30881 30898 W GoogleCertificates: GoogleCertificates has been initialized already 10-15 15:57:49.550 31220 31220 I HBD : i Vibration Feedback On : 0 10-15 15:57:49.552 31220 31220 I HBD : i GestureMode : 1 10-15 15:57:49.553 4587 7001 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:49.553 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.553 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:49.554 31220 31220 I HBD : i Universal SwitchOn : 10-15 15:57:49.554 31220 31220 I HBD : i Voice Assistant On : 10-15 15:57:49.555 31220 31220 I HBD : i TalkBackR apidKeyInput On : 0 10-15 15:57:49.555 31220 31220 I HBD : i isEnabledNightMode : true 10-15 15:57:49.555 31220 31220 I HBD : i default night mode value : true 10-15 15:57:49.558 31220 31220 I HBD : i OneHand AnyScreen Running : 0 10-15 15:57:49.558 31220 31220 I HBD : i defaultInputMethod : com.samsung.android.honeyboard/.service.HoneyBoardService 10-15 15:57:49.559 31220 31220 I HBD : i NavBar Gesture Back On Keyboard changed : 0 10-15 15:57:49.559 31271 31271 E droid.rubin.ap: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:49.564 31220 31220 I HBD : i isEnabledNightMode : true 10-15 15:57:49.564 31220 31220 I HBD : i default night mode value : true 10-15 15:57:49.564 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawBackground : 8 10-15 15:57:49.565 31220 31220 I HBD : f Initialize SettingsValues 10-15 15:57:49.566 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = null 10-15 15:57:49.566 31220 31220 I HBD : c load CscSettingLoader 10-15 15:57:49.570 30881 30881 W .gms.persisten: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/UserManager;->isHeadlessSystemUserMode()Z (blacklist, linking, denied) 10-15 15:57:49.571 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=null, bg=192-192, dr=258-258, forDefault=true, density=0 10-15 15:57:49.572 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: scale down, pkg=null, dr=216-216, bg=216-216 10-15 15:57:49.573 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=null, size=216, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=0, scale=1.0, isCrop=true] 10-15 15:57:49.578 31271 31271 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:49.578 31271 31271 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:49.580 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: default container[CROP], pkg=null, bg=216-216, dr=216-216 10-15 15:57:49.581 4587 7001 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.rubin.app 10-15 15:57:49.584 4587 7001 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{46cd23d 31271:com.samsung.android.rubin.app/5010} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:49.589 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Google display : 0 count : 0 10-15 15:57:49.589 30825 31295 I FolderIconView: drawChildIcons : 8, 9 10-15 15:57:49.592 30825 30825 W Launcher.Hotseat: updateHotseatIconSize hotseatCellCount = 3 hotseatIconSizePx = 172 hotseatCellHeightPx = 172 hotseatBarSizePx = 254 10-15 15:57:49.598 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindAppWidgets: [remained] executeCallbacksTask,callback id = 230476565 10-15 15:57:49.601 31271 31271 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.rubin.app 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d document's name = [ #document ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d rootNode name = [ CustomerData ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d Node getTagNode(Node parent, String tagName) tagName =[ Settings ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ GeneralInfo ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.607 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Settings ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d Node getTagNode(Node parent, String tagName) tagName =[ Main ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Main ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d Node getTagNode(Node parent, String tagName) tagName =[ Phone ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Security ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Network ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Sound ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ #text ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d [ Phone ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : d mNode's name = [ Phone ] 10-15 15:57:49.608 31220 31220 I HBD : a defaultCustomerValues key = T9Enabling value = enable 10-15 15:57:49.612 30825 30825 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 10-15 15:57:49.617 31220 31220 I HBD : d updateToPrefs 10-15 15:57:49.620 31220 31220 I HBD : f Main Display 10-15 15:57:49.620 31220 31220 I HBD : f initOpenThemeStatus HomeThemeApplyStarted = false , HomeThemeLastUsed = false 10-15 15:57:49.620 31220 31220 I HBD : a UPSM : false 10-15 15:57:49.628 31190 31291 I FA-SVC : App measurement initialized, version: 233717 10-15 15:57:49.629 30825 30825 W LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateAppWidget, widgetId : 2, mReinflateOnConfigChange : false 10-15 15:57:49.633 30825 30825 W LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateDarkModeOption() => old: 32, current: 32, widgetId: 2 10-15 15:57:49.637 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_DEBUG: Launcher - FinishFirstBind 10-15 15:57:49.637 30825 30825 I Launcher: !@Boot_EBS_D: Launcher - FinishFirstBind 10-15 15:57:49.641 30825 30825 W NavigableAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1002/ 353 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 2) c628457 0,0-0,0 10-15 15:57:49.646 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:49.659 31220 31220 I HBD : a BoardConfig 10-15 15:57:49.660 31220 31220 I HBD : a init 10-15 15:57:49.662 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 1 10-15 15:57:49.684 30825 30825 W NavigableAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1002/ 353 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 2) c628457 0,718-1002,1071 10-15 15:57:49.691 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:49.704 30881 31086 I AlarmManager: set [name: SystemMemoryCache type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 315903245792 windowMillis: -1 intervalMillis: 0] 10-15 15:57:49.709 4587 4612 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245796 10-15 15:57:49.709 4587 4612 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245797 10-15 15:57:49.715 4587 4612 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155749 now=543245802 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{a9b24c5: PendingIntentRecord{336e9f4 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.contextmanager startService}} 10-15 15:57:49.715 4587 4612 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160430, set=543646433, now=543245803 10-15 15:57:49.716 4587 4612 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155759, set=543256087, now=543245803 10-15 15:57:49.720 4587 5009 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0x336e9f4 Key{startService pkg=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.contextmanager intent=cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=0 from uid 10095 10-15 15:57:49.727 4587 7024 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact (T:2/F:1/AC:false) 20231015T155759 now=543245815 - CU:10095/CP:30881/L:e665efb:CMAlarm 10-15 15:57:49.728 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155759, set=543255808, now=543245816 10-15 15:57:49.743 30825 31299 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:49.745 30825 31299 I ApplicationPackageManager: we don't have com.sec.android.app.clockpackage package name. load it 10-15 15:57:49.757 4587 5009 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T195749 now=543245844 - CU:10095/CP:30881/L:ce6f502:CMAlarm 10-15 15:57:49.757 4587 5009 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155759, set=543255808, now=543245844 10-15 15:57:49.758 4587 7024 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :31190 / OP:PendingIntent{e891e13: PendingIntentRecord{d3dc850 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.measurement broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:49.759 30825 31299 W id.app.launche: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.test.base.jar*2798937298]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*876722329]} | PCL[];PCL[]) 10-15 15:57:49.762 4587 7024 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231016T155749 now=543245849 - CU:10095/CP:30881/L:1dd886f:CMAlarm 10-15 15:57:49.762 4587 7024 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155759, set=543255808, now=543245849 10-15 15:57:49.767 4587 7024 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:49.786 30825 31299 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon was called in ClockPackage 10-15 15:57:49.791 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :31190 / OP:PendingIntent{5eacd48: PendingIntentRecord{d3dc850 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.measurement broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:49.791 30825 31299 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon res = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:49.794 30825 31299 I LiveIconUtil: stdIconSize : 126 , targetIconSize : 152 10-15 15:57:49.795 30825 31299 I LiveIconUtil: mIconDpi : 640 , mTargetIconDpi : 420 10-15 15:57:49.800 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:49.800 31220 31220 I HBD : a currentState : 0 10-15 15:57:49.803 30881 30881 I Wear_Controller: Wearable module requires a companion app to be installed. 10-15 15:57:49.803 30881 30881 I WearableService: onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device. 10-15 15:57:49.817 31271 31271 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-15 15:57:49.819 31220 31220 I HBD : h load selected json info : {"version":"1.0","currentLanguageOrder":0,"selected":[{"activeOptionList":["auto_replace","auto_spacing"],"engName":"Italian","id":2162688,"inputType":"qwerty","isUsed":true}]} 10-15 15:57:49.819 31220 31220 I HBD : a load BaseLanguageRepo 10-15 15:57:49.828 30881 31248 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-15 15:57:49.833 30825 31299 I AppIconSolution: load= live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, from overlay = false 10-15 15:57:49.837 30881 31248 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-15 15:57:49.837 30825 31299 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:49.837 30825 31299 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:49.853 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:49.853 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:49.854 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:49.858 30825 31299 I HomeOutsidePageItems: getOutSidePosition : bottomRight = 2, bottomLeft = 1, topRight = 2, topLeft = 1 10-15 15:57:49.859 30825 31299 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceScreen : screenId = 1, isFirstPageBind = false, synchronousBindPage = 0 10-15 15:57:49.859 30825 31299 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceItems 10-15 15:57:49.859 30825 31299 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:49.859 30825 31299 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : get_opposite_deep_shortcuts 10-15 15:57:49.859 30881 31248 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: wifirtt 10-15 15:57:49.860 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindWorkspaceItems[remained]: executeCallbacksTask,callback id = 230476565, screen = 1 10-15 15:57:49.864 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 21 10-15 15:57:49.864 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 21 10-15 15:57:49.864 30881 30881 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 148180766; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:49.871 30825 30917 I RotationHelper: mLastActivityFlags : 14 10-15 15:57:49.872 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: updateFlags : elapsed time = 2 10-15 15:57:49.874 4587 5056 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED (14), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED 10-15 15:57:49.874 4587 5056 D WindowManager: rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{e9c5cb4 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity t5} 10-15 15:57:49.874 4587 5056 V WindowOrientationListener: getProposedRotation: -1 10-15 15:57:49.881 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED (14) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0), caller=com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.updateOrientation:394 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1698 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1626 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1563 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1164 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1164 10-15 15:57:49.882 4587 5056 D TspStateManager: updateCustomValue customSetting= 10-15 15:57:49.917 30825 31299 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : delete_empty_folders 10-15 15:57:49.918 30825 31299 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : remove_ghost_widgets 10-15 15:57:49.923 30825 31299 I HomeLoaderRemainedRunnable: Performance : Finish Remained screens! 10-15 15:57:49.935 31271 31294 I AccessController: isEnabledPackage - com.sec.android.app.launcher is enalbed false 10-15 15:57:49.936 31271 31306 I FA : Collection disabled with firebase_analytics_collection_deactivated=1 10-15 15:57:49.937 31271 31306 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 13001 10-15 15:57:49.937 31271 31306 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-15 15:57:49.937 31271 31306 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-15 15:57:49.937 31271 31306 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.samsung.android.rubin.app 10-15 15:57:49.938 30825 30825 I RemoteCloseAnimationListener: RemoteAnimation isRunning : false 10-15 15:57:49.956 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.START_SERVICE dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiServiceNoInstantApps } 10-15 15:57:49.956 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.START_SERVICE dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiServiceNoInstantApps } 10-15 15:57:49.958 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:57:49.959 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:57:49.959 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:57:49.987 31271 31271 I Rubin : [2] SamsungAdsUtils.isMasSettingSupported(SamsungAdsUtils.java:93) : Mas setting is not installed. 10-15 15:57:49.990 31271 31271 I Rubin : [2] AppUpgradeAgent.processAppUpgrade(AppUpgradeAgent.java:26) : current version = 1 upgrade version = 1 10-15 15:57:49.994 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: Performance : AppsLoader > Taken time to start thread: 34ms 10-15 15:57:49.994 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: step 2.1 > start loadAllApps 10-15 15:57:49.996 31271 31271 I Rubin : [2] SamsungAdsUtils.getMasSetting(SamsungAdsUtils.java:50) : check Mas setting. 10-15 15:57:49.997 31271 31271 I Rubin : [2] SamsungAdsUtils.isMasSettingSupported(SamsungAdsUtils.java:93) : Mas setting is not installed. 10-15 15:57:49.997 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: createFolderInfo! : 30 10-15 15:57:49.997 31271 31271 I Rubin : [2] SamsungAdsUtils.getMasSetting(SamsungAdsUtils.java:54) : featureValue = false 10-15 15:57:50.000 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=31 type=APP hidden=0 container=30 screen=0 rank=0 user=UserHandle{0} title=Telefono componentName=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.dialer/com.samsung.android.dialer.DialtactsActivity} screenType=0) rank : 0 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.006 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 3.1: loading deep shortcuts 10-15 15:57:50.007 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=32 type=APP hidden=0 container=30 screen=0 rank=1 user=UserHandle{0} title=Messaggi componentName=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.messaging/com.android.mms.ui.ConversationComposer} screenType=0) rank : 1 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.009 31271 31294 I AccessController: isEnabledPackage - com.sec.android.app.launcher is enalbed false 10-15 15:57:50.010 4587 6998 D NotificationService: RuneStone State change mIsRuneStoneEnabled = false 10-15 15:57:50.013 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 3.2: bind deep shortcuts 10-15 15:57:50.014 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:50.015 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.015 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 3 completed, wait for idle 10-15 15:57:50.015 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.016 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.017 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 4.1: loading widgets 10-15 15:57:50.020 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=33 type=APP hidden=0 container=30 screen=0 rank=2 user=UserHandle{0} title=Archivio componentName=ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.myfiles/com.sec.android.app.myfiles.external.ui.MainActivity} screenType=0) rank : 2 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.020 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: createFolderInfo! : 35 10-15 15:57:50.022 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=37 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=1 user=UserHandle{0} title=Chrome componentName=ComponentInfo{com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} screenType=0) rank : 0 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.024 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=38 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=2 user=UserHandle{0} title=Gmail componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ConversationListActivityGmail} screenType=0) rank : 1 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.028 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=39 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=3 user=UserHandle{0} title=Maps componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity} screenType=0) rank : 2 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.031 30881 30881 I NearbySharing: NearbySharingService onCreate [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.031 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=40 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=3 user=UserHandle{0} title=YouTube componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.youtube.app.honeycomb.Shell$HomeActivity} screenType=0) rank : 3 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.032 30881 31087 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.033 31220 31220 I HBD : h load selected json info : {"version":"1.0","currentLanguageOrder":0,"selected":[{"activeOptionList":["auto_replace","auto_spacing"],"engName":"Italian","id":2162688,"inputType":"qwerty","isUsed":true}]} 10-15 15:57:50.034 31220 31220 I HBD : h load selected json info : {"version":"1.0","currentLanguageOrder":0,"selected":[{"activeOptionList":["auto_replace","auto_spacing"],"engName":"Italian","id":2162688,"inputType":"qwerty","isUsed":true}]} 10-15 15:57:50.035 30881 31088 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.035 31220 31220 I HBD : h load selected json info : {"version":"1.0","currentLanguageOrder":0,"selected":[{"activeOptionList":["auto_replace","auto_spacing"],"engName":"Italian","id":2162688,"inputType":"qwerty","isUsed":true}]} 10-15 15:57:50.038 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=41 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=4 user=UserHandle{0} title=Drive componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.app.NewMainProxyActivity} screenType=0) rank : 4 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.039 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=42 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=5 user=UserHandle{0} title=Google TV componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.videos/com.google.android.videos.GoogleTvEntryPoint} screenType=0) rank : 5 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.041 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=43 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=7 user=UserHandle{0} title=Meet componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.tachyon/com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity} screenType=0) rank : 6 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : a mState, -1 IC, null 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : java.lang.Exception 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.ac.a.j(SourceFile:57) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.ac.a.getCursorCapsMode(SourceFile:152) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.be.a.F(SourceFile:280) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.be.a.o(SourceFile:315) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.be.a.H(SourceFile:472) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.be.a.m(SourceFile:626) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.be.a.a(SourceFile:661) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a$n$1.a(SourceFile:35) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a$n$1.invoke(SourceFile:23) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.h$a.a(SourceFile:43) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a.a(SourceFile:23) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a.a(SourceFile:23) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a$n.a(SourceFile:33) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a$n.invoke(SourceFile:23) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a$g.afterChange(SourceFile:34) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at kotlin.properties.ObservableProperty.setValue(SourceFile:41) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.a.a(Unknown Source:12) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.j.b.a.a(SourceFile:80) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.languagepack.language.k.w(SourceFile:381) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.languagepack.language.k.v(SourceFile:376) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.languagepack.language.k.e(SourceFile:179) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.languagepack.language.k.p(SourceFile:74) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.languagepack.language.k.(SourceFile:67) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.al.a$a$8.a(SourceFile:94) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.al.a$a$8.invoke(Unknown Source:4) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.a.b(SourceFile:54) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.e.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.b.a.a(SourceFile:70) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:165) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:128) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.a.a(SourceFile:107) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.b(SourceFile:63) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.b(SourceFile:60) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.b(Unknown Source:2) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.core.b.m.a.(SourceFile:126) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.core.b.m.b.(SourceFile:10) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.core.b.m.d.(SourceFile:7) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.core.b.a.(SourceFile:66) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.di.EngineKoinKt$b$36.a(SourceFile:99) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.di.EngineKoinKt$b$36.invoke(Unknown Source:4) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.a.b(SourceFile:54) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.e.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.b.a.a(SourceFile:70) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:165) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:128) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.a.a(SourceFile:107) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.b(SourceFile:63) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.b(SourceFile:60) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.e.a.a(Unknown Source:2) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.f.d.a(SourceFile:21) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.f.e.q(SourceFile:95) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.f.e.p(SourceFile:65) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.f.e.(SourceFile:60) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.di.EngineKoinKt$b$45.a(SourceFile:56) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.predictionengine.di.EngineKoinKt$b$45.invoke(Unknown Source:4) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.a.b(SourceFile:54) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.d.e.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.b.a.a(SourceFile:70) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:165) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:128) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at org.koin.b.a.a(SourceFile:107) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.al.b.b(SourceFile:42) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.al.b.b(SourceFile:39) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.al.b.b(Unknown Source:2) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.textboard.broadcast.ShutDownReceiver.(SourceFile:15) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.textboard.broadcast.a.(SourceFile:20) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.app.HoneyBoardApplication.d(SourceFile:170) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.app.HoneyBoardApplication.b(SourceFile:141) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.app.HoneyBoardApplication.onCreate(SourceFile:113) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1192) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7593) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:301) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2177) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8653) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:50.042 31220 31220 W HBD : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1130) 10-15 15:57:50.043 31220 31220 I HwrLanguageManager: Initialize HwrLanguageManager 10-15 15:57:50.044 30825 31323 I FolderInfo: Add - AppInfo(id=44 type=APP hidden=0 container=35 screen=0 rank=7 user=UserHandle{0} title=Foto componentName=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.apps.photos.home.HomeActivity} screenType=0) rank : 7 animate : false 10-15 15:57:50.044 31220 31220 I HwrLanguageManager: APK Version = 10-15 15:57:50.053 30881 30881 I NearbySharing: NearbySharingService created [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.055 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.055 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.055 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.056 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: registerReceiver: mIsRegisterReceiver = false 10-15 15:57:50.057 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.bluetooth.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.057 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.bluetooth.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.061 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: registerReceiver: receivers are registered, mIsRegisterReceiver = true 10-15 15:57:50.061 31220 31220 I HwrLanguagePackManager: Sdk language manager is created! 10-15 15:57:50.068 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.onbody.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.068 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.onbody.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.069 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.069 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.069 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.071 31220 31220 I HBD : a PredictionStatus init 10-15 15:57:50.072 31220 31220 I HBD : c getEnginePathList : [/prism/sipdb/SwiftKey/, /product/sipdb/SwiftKey/, /odm/sipdb/SwiftKey/, /odm/omc/sipdb/SwiftKey/, /system/omc/sipdb/SwiftKey/, /system/T9DB/SwiftKey/, /prism/sipdb/, /product/sipdb/, /odm/sipdb/, /odm/omc/sipdb/, /system/omc/sipdb/, /system/T9DB/] 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: Unable to read activity state file [CONTEXT service_id=6 ] 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/files/geofencer_ad_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:492) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cwmq.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):74) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cxca.d(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):34) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cxbp.t(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):156) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cxda.c(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):88) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cxda.c(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):29) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at cxdb.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):27) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at ahji.c(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):50) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at ahji.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):76) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at ahoo.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):8) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:166) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:254) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:166) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at android.app.ActivityThread$AndroidOs.open(ActivityThread.java:8514) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:478) 10-15 15:57:50.075 30881 31087 W GmsActivityDetector: ... 13 more 10-15 15:57:50.079 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.079 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.079 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.079 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.084 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.085 30881 31124 I BluetoothAdapter: STATE_BLE_ON 10-15 15:57:50.087 4587 7001 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.087 4587 7001 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.088 4587 7001 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.088 4587 7001 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.090 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.090 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.091 30881 31124 I BluetoothAdapter: appoCount is = 0 G/S = 1/1 10-15 15:57:50.091 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.091 4587 5009 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:50.094 30881 31124 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothLeAdvertiser() ble not available 10-15 15:57:50.094 30881 31124 I BluetoothAdapter: STATE_BLE_ON 10-15 15:57:50.095 30825 31323 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.samsung.android.calendar 10-15 15:57:50.096 30825 31323 I ApplicationPackageManager: we don't have com.samsung.android.calendar package name. load it 10-15 15:57:50.098 30881 31124 I BluetoothAdapter: appoCount is = 0 G/S = 1/1 10-15 15:57:50.098 30881 31124 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothLeScanner() ble not available 10-15 15:57:50.100 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.105 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.place.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.105 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustlet.place.service.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.106 30881 30881 I Trustlet_Place: (REDACTED) [PlaceTrustletChimeraService] Trusted Places isSupported: %s 10-15 15:57:50.107 30825 31323 W id.app.launche: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=3, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.test.base.jar*2798937298]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*876722329]#PCL[/system/framework/com.samsung.android.spensdk.framework-v1.jar*2224386652]} | PCL[];PCL[]) 10-15 15:57:50.121 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.scheduler.ACTION_PROXY_SCHEDULE dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.121 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.scheduler.ACTION_PROXY_SCHEDULE dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.122 4587 7001 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10111 packageName=com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:50.122 4587 7001 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:50.123 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:50.127 30881 31269 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name: GCM_CONN_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 543254285] 10-15 15:57:50.134 4587 7001 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20231015T155758 now=543246221 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{5c70454: PendingIntentRecord{22d202f com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.gcm broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.134 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246221 10-15 15:57:50.142 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31341 10-15 15:57:50.145 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31341:com.android.vending/u0a111 for broadcast {com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.setup.LauncherConfigurationReceiver} 10-15 15:57:50.153 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService} 10-15 15:57:50.153 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Broadcasting NearbySharing state change. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.155 4587 5009 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20331012T155750 now=543246242 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{75ade3e: PendingIntentRecord{35bb49f com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:50.155 4587 5009 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246243 10-15 15:57:50.158 30881 30881 W ctxmgr : [ContextManagerPersistentService]Unable to start system_memory_cache. [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 10-15 15:57:50.158 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: Binding service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService (has extras) } UserHandle{0} 10-15 15:57:50.166 31190 31291 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:50.166 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onStartListening 10-15 15:57:50.167 31190 31291 D ConnectivityManager: ConnectivityManager() mContext=co.g.App@4ccf83c getOpPackageName()=com.google.android.gms getBasePackageName()=com.google.android.gms getPackageName()=com.google.android.gms 10-15 15:57:50.170 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :31190 / OP:PendingIntent{ba4826d: PendingIntentRecord{d3dc850 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.measurement broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.172 31220 31220 I HBD : c getEnginePathList : [/prism/sipdb/Omron/ja_om/, /product/sipdb/Omron/ja_om/, /odm/sipdb/Omron/ja_om/, /odm/omc/sipdb/Omron/ja_om/, /system/omc/sipdb/Omron/ja_om/, /system/T9DB/Omron/ja_om/, /prism/sipdb/ja_om/, /product/sipdb/ja_om/, /odm/sipdb/ja_om/, /odm/omc/sipdb/ja_om/, /system/omc/sipdb/ja_om/, /system/T9DB/ja_om/] 10-15 15:57:50.173 31220 31220 I HBD : e Downloaded DB path have no DB files 10-15 15:57:50.179 31220 31220 I HBD : c getEnginePathList : [/prism/sipdb/Xt9/, /product/sipdb/Xt9/, /odm/sipdb/Xt9/, /odm/omc/sipdb/Xt9/, /system/omc/sipdb/Xt9/, /system/T9DB/Xt9/, /prism/sipdb/, /product/sipdb/, /odm/sipdb/, /odm/omc/sipdb/, /system/omc/sipdb/, /system/T9DB/] 10-15 15:57:50.181 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.181 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.181 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.182 31220 31220 I HBD : h update() update language lists 10-15 15:57:50.182 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.182 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.182 31220 31220 E HBD : q It's not ldb file 10-15 15:57:50.195 31220 31220 I HBD : e updateCurrentEngine, 65537 , SWIFTKEY 10-15 15:57:50.203 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_input_methods 10-15 15:57:50.203 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10179 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:50.204 30825 31323 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] LiveIcon - stdIconSize : 126 , targetIconSize : 152 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.honeyboard:10179 10-15 15:57:50.204 30825 31323 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] LiveIcon - sIconDpi : 0 , targetIconDpi : 420 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:50.204 4587 5056 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:50.205 30881 31248 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-15 15:57:50.205 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = default_input_method 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10179 10-15 15:57:50.206 31220 31220 I HBD : HwrDownloadManager [HWRDownload] initialize HwrDownloadManager 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:50.206 4587 6998 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.honeyboard:10179 10-15 15:57:50.207 4587 6998 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:50.207 4587 6998 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:50.207 31341 31341 E android.vendin: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:50.209 31220 31326 I HBD : m updated Sub Types 10-15 15:57:50.221 30825 31323 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] getLiveIcon - Date: 15 10-15 15:57:50.227 30825 31323 I AppIconSolution: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 10-15 15:57:50.228 30825 31323 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar 10-15 15:57:50.228 30825 31323 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.calendar, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:50.230 31341 31341 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:50.231 31341 31341 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:50.236 31220 31362 I HBD : a InputMethodSubtype is set as local:it 10-15 15:57:50.237 4587 5009 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:50.241 4587 5009 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{da977a7 31341:com.android.vending/u0a111} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:50.245 31220 31220 I DIAGMON_SDK[605038]: DiagMonAgent type: 2 10-15 15:57:50.247 31220 31220 I DIAGMON_SDK[605038][4K0-399-5752101] : generated SR object 10-15 15:57:50.251 31341 31341 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:50.255 30881 30881 I TrustAgent: (REDACTED) registerTrustlet: %s 10-15 15:57:50.256 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.257 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.257 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.259 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustagent.BridgeApi.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.259 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.trustagent.BridgeApi.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.264 31220 31220 I HBD : a InitSizeData: NORMAL PORT - BASE(749.0, 1080.0) 10-15 15:57:50.264 31220 31220 I HBD : H(750px, 1.0000006%), B_H(750px, 1.0000006%), W(1080px), B_W(1080px, 1.0%), Bias(0.5), Hwr(333.0007px) 10-15 15:57:50.265 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService onCreate 10-15 15:57:50.265 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService HoneyBoardService.onCreate(). protected matched status 10-15 15:57:50.265 31220 31220 I HBD : g onCreate 10-15 15:57:50.265 31220 31220 I HBD : e registerCallback 10-15 15:57:50.267 31220 31220 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.samsung.android.honeyboard 10-15 15:57:50.267 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.268 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.268 30881 31374 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.268 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.269 30881 30881 I TrustAgent: (REDACTED) registerTrustlet: %s 10-15 15:57:50.269 7031 7179 I DMASA[D][4K0-399-5752101] : [DiagmonProvider]Received msg based on provider : true / anr_logging 10-15 15:57:50.275 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:50.276 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.276 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.276 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.279 30881 30881 I Trustlet_Place: (REDACTED) [PlaceTrustletChimeraService] Trusted Places isSupported: %s 10-15 15:57:50.280 7031 7179 I DMASA[D]: [DiagmonProvider]Signature Check Success 10-15 15:57:50.282 31220 31220 W InputMethodService: isPackageExists failed: unknown package com.sec.android.desktopmode.uiservice 10-15 15:57:50.282 30881 30881 I Trustlet_Place: (REDACTED) [PlaceTrustletChimeraService] Trusted Places isSupported: %s 10-15 15:57:50.283 7031 7179 I DMASA[D]: [DiagMonUtil][] Failed : provider unknown error 10-15 15:57:50.283 31341 31341 I android.vendin: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:50.283 30881 30881 I TrustAgent: (REDACTED) registerTrustlet: %s 10-15 15:57:50.284 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Eligible for default opt-in. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.285 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.nearby.connection.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.285 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.nearby.connection.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:50.285 31220 31375 I DIAGMON_SDK[605038][4K0-399-5752101] : Results : Failed, Cause : provider unknown error 10-15 15:57:50.286 4587 5009 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / OP:PendingIntent{dfc0f03: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.287 4587 5009 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246374 10-15 15:57:50.291 4587 5292 V InputMethodManagerService: getCurTokenDisplayId : mCurTokenDisplayId0 10-15 15:57:50.291 31220 31220 E HBD : HoneyBoardService onAppPrivateCommand DISPLAY_ID failed, component is not initialized 10-15 15:57:50.291 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService isDefaultDisplay: true 10-15 15:57:50.291 31220 31220 I HBD : DeX c The ID of display is not changed: 0 10-15 15:57:50.292 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.292 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.292 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.292 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Started a force sync. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.295 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService [onDisplayIdChanged] action: DISPLAY_ID data: 0 10-15 15:57:50.295 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: NearbySharing was default opted in [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.296 4587 5292 V InputMethodManagerService: getCurTokenDisplayId : mCurTokenDisplayId0 10-15 15:57:50.298 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.298 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.298 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.301 4587 5292 V InputMethodManagerService: getCurrentFocusDisplayID : mFocusedDisplayId0 10-15 15:57:50.302 4587 5292 V InputMethodManagerService: getCurTokenDisplayId : mCurTokenDisplayId0 10-15 15:57:50.302 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.presencemanager.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.304 31220 31220 I Dialog : mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = true, isMetaDataInActivity = false 10-15 15:57:50.306 31220 31220 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=false 10-15 15:57:50.306 31220 31220 I DecorView: updateCaptionType >> DecorView@34c2f65[InputMethod], isFloating=true, isApplication=false, hasWindowDecorCaption=false, hasWindowControllerCallback=false 10-15 15:57:50.308 31190 31190 I NearbySharing: SharingTileService created. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.308 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.308 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.309 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.309 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.presencemanager.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.310 31190 31190 D TileService: onBind : mService = android.service.quicksettings.IQSService$Stub$Proxy@5e515d4, mTileToken = android.os.BinderProxy@529137d 10-15 15:57:50.317 31190 31190 D TileService: onBind : mTile = android.service.quicksettings.Tile@68c63be 10-15 15:57:50.317 4587 5009 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T160036 now=543246405 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{3a6985f: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.317 4587 5009 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246405 10-15 15:57:50.318 31220 31220 I HBD : a undoMinimize requested, minimized = false 10-15 15:57:50.320 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] begin 10-15 15:57:50.320 4177 27300 D gralloc : buffer_descriptor: wh(180 180) usage_pc(0x100 0x100) hal_format(0x1) layer_count(1) sizes(0 0 0) strde(0) byte_stride(0) alloc_wh(0 0) internal_format(0x0) alloc_format(0x0) fd_count(1) plane_count(0) 10-15 15:57:50.320 4177 27300 D gralloc : [mali_gralloc_allocate] allocation successful 10-15 15:57:50.322 31190 31301 I NearbySharing: Create pesudo logger. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.331 4587 7001 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / OP:PendingIntent{f553457: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.325 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onServiceConnected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService} 10-15 15:57:50.331 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246419 10-15 15:57:50.332 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.presencemanager.service.INTERNAL_IDENTITY dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.332 4945 31204 D TileServices: onStartSuccessful android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.332 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.presencemanager.service.INTERNAL_IDENTITY dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.332 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: Handling pending onStartListening 10-15 15:57:50.332 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onStartListening 10-15 15:57:50.341 30825 31323 I LauncherProvider: [CALL] : delete_empty_apps_folders 10-15 15:57:50.342 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Scheduled SharingSyncChimeraService periodic task, period: %s hrs 10-15 15:57:50.343 30825 31323 I RepositionAppsOperator: isMessageAppChangeCompletedSharedPref() result : true 10-15 15:57:50.343 30825 31323 I RepositionAppsOperator: changeMessagePosition() skip 10-15 15:57:50.343 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start) : needToNormalize = true 10-15 15:57:50.343 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start) > needToBind = false 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 30, 2, -102, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Samsung, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 31, 0, 30, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Telefono, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 32, 0, 30, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Messaggi, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 33, 0, 30, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Archivio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 35, 2, -102, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 37, 0, 35, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Chrome, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 38, 0, 35, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Gmail, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 39, 0, 35, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Maps, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 40, 0, 35, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, YouTube, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 41, 0, 35, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Drive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 42, 0, 35, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google TV, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 43, 0, 35, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Meet, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 44, 0, 35, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Foto, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 49, 0, -102, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 50, 0, -102, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galaxy Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.344 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 51, 0, -102, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Facebook, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.346 4587 5056 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T160036 now=543246434 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{821196b: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:50.347 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246434 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 52, 0, -102, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Camera, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 53, 0, -102, 0, 6, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galleria, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 54, 0, -102, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Orologio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 55, 0, -102, 0, 8, UserHandle{0}, 0, Rubrica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 56, 0, -102, 0, 9, UserHandle{0}, 0, Impostazioni, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 57, 0, -102, 0, 10, UserHandle{0}, 0, Calendario, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 59, 0, -102, 0, 11, UserHandle{0}, 0, Bixby, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 60, 0, -102, 0, 12, UserHandle{0}, 0, Game Launcher, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 62, 0, -102, 0, 13, UserHandle{0}, 0, Spazio AR, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 65, 0, -102, 0, 14, UserHandle{0}, 0, Suggerimenti, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 66, 0, -102, 0, 15, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Musica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 70, 0, -102, 1, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Screen Alive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 71, 0, -102, 1, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, MIT AI2 Companion, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 79, 0, -102, 1, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, WatchDog, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.347 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(start)> 0, 80, 0, -102, 1, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, ProvaTirocinio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.348 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems : [matched = true] col = 4, raw : 5 10-15 15:57:50.348 30881 31378 W ctxmgr : [FencePendingIntentCache]Sending CONTEXT_MANAGER_RESTARTED broadcast to com.google.android.apps.wellbeing [CONTEXT service_id=47 ] 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 30, 2, -102, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Samsung, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 35, 2, -102, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 49, 0, -102, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 50, 0, -102, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galaxy Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 51, 0, -102, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Facebook, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 52, 0, -102, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Camera, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 53, 0, -102, 0, 6, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galleria, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 54, 0, -102, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Orologio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 55, 0, -102, 0, 8, UserHandle{0}, 0, Rubrica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 56, 0, -102, 0, 9, UserHandle{0}, 0, Impostazioni, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 57, 0, -102, 0, 10, UserHandle{0}, 0, Calendario, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 59, 0, -102, 0, 11, UserHandle{0}, 0, Bixby, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 60, 0, -102, 0, 12, UserHandle{0}, 0, Game Launcher, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 62, 0, -102, 0, 13, UserHandle{0}, 0, Spazio AR, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 65, 0, -102, 0, 14, UserHandle{0}, 0, Suggerimenti, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 66, 0, -102, 0, 15, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Musica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 70, 0, -102, 1, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Screen Alive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 71, 0, -102, 1, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, MIT AI2 Companion, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 79, 0, -102, 1, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, WatchDog, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.349 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 80, 0, -102, 1, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, ProvaTirocinio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.357 4587 5056 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / L:e665efb 10-15 15:57:50.362 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Broadcasting NearbySharing state change. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.364 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Power Save is already %s, skipping invalidate 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: Failed to unlink death recipient on android.app.IAlarmListener$Stub$Proxy@1043ce0 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Death link does not exist (NAME_NOT_FOUND) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.unlinkToDeath(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at com.android.server.AlarmManagerService.removeLocked(AlarmManagerService.java:3494) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at com.android.server.AlarmManagerService$4.remove(AlarmManagerService.java:2526) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at android.app.IAlarmManager$Stub.onTransact(IAlarmManager.java:221) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1190) 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 D AlarmManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1159) 10-15 15:57:50.368 31220 31220 I HBD : e usedOpenTheme = false , IsRequiredDarkTypeTheme = true , night mode : true , mIsEnabledHighContrast = false 10-15 15:57:50.368 31220 31220 I HBD : a theme : Dark mode and no theme park 10-15 15:57:50.368 31220 31220 I HBD : f required dark type theme, isCoverDisplayTheme : false 10-15 15:57:50.368 4587 5056 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543246456 10-15 15:57:50.368 31220 31220 I HBD : f update KeyboardTheme themeIndex : 0x 12000000 theme : Scuro 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 30, 2, -102, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Samsung, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 31, 0, 30, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Telefono, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 32, 0, 30, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Messaggi, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 33, 0, 30, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Archivio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 35, 2, -102, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 37, 0, 35, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Chrome, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 38, 0, 35, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Gmail, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 39, 0, 35, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Maps, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 40, 0, 35, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, YouTube, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 41, 0, 35, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Drive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 42, 0, 35, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google TV, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 43, 0, 35, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Meet, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 44, 0, 35, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Foto, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 49, 0, -102, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 50, 0, -102, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galaxy Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 51, 0, -102, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Facebook, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.369 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 52, 0, -102, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Camera, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 53, 0, -102, 0, 6, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galleria, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 54, 0, -102, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Orologio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 55, 0, -102, 0, 8, UserHandle{0}, 0, Rubrica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 56, 0, -102, 0, 9, UserHandle{0}, 0, Impostazioni, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 57, 0, -102, 0, 10, UserHandle{0}, 0, Calendario, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 59, 0, -102, 0, 11, UserHandle{0}, 0, Bixby, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 60, 0, -102, 0, 12, UserHandle{0}, 0, Game Launcher, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 62, 0, -102, 0, 13, UserHandle{0}, 0, Spazio AR, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 65, 0, -102, 0, 14, UserHandle{0}, 0, Suggerimenti, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 66, 0, -102, 0, 15, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Musica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 70, 0, -102, 1, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Screen Alive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 71, 0, -102, 1, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, MIT AI2 Companion, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 79, 0, -102, 1, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, WatchDog, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 31220 31220 I HBD : a set Theme convertedIndex : 4 10-15 15:57:50.370 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: updateItems(end) : updateItem> 0, 80, 0, -102, 1, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, ProvaTirocinio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:50.370 31220 31220 I HBD : a themeStyleSet :4 10-15 15:57:50.370 31220 31220 I HBD : a onThemeChanged: currTheme = 2, nextTheme = 4 10-15 15:57:50.371 31220 31220 I HBD : b color = [r : 10 ][g : 10 ][b : 10 ][alpha : 255 ] rgb = -16119286 10-15 15:57:50.372 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateBackgroundColor: keyboardBgColor = 0xff0a0a0a, isDarkTheme = true 10-15 15:57:50.372 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.373 30825 31323 I SubUserItemPositionerImpl: check blockCreateShortcutKey : block_create_shortcut_0, blockCreate : false 10-15 15:57:50.374 30825 31323 I SubUserItemPositionerImpl: isAvailableCreateSubUserItemPositioner() is false, !myUserHandle().equals(user) : false, !(DualAppUtils.supportDualApp(context) && DualAppUtils.isDualAppId(user)true 10-15 15:57:50.375 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.cache.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.375 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.cache.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:50.375 30825 31323 I AppsModelWriter: addItems: items is empty! 10-15 15:57:50.375 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: step 2.2> bind all apps 10-15 15:57:50.375 30825 31323 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: bindAllApps: apps.size() = 20 10-15 15:57:50.376 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.376 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.376 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Screen is %s 10-15 15:57:50.376 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: step 2.3> PostPosition: add all items 10-15 15:57:50.376 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: step 2: Complete! 10-15 15:57:50.376 30825 30825 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeAllAppsCallbacksTask: execute! cb = 230476565 10-15 15:57:50.376 30825 31323 I AppsLoader: Performance : AppsLoader > 383ms 10-15 15:57:50.376 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.377 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:50.377 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:50.377 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:50.378 31220 31220 I HBD : a clear 10-15 15:57:50.378 31220 31220 I HBD : a loadSymbolEmoticon fromPref : [@, -, ?, !, ~, ^] 10-15 15:57:50.379 31220 31220 I HBD : a loadSymbolEmoticon finish : [@, -, ?, !, ~, ^] 10-15 15:57:50.382 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsContainerView: bindAllApps() => normal: 20, work: 0, hasWorkApps: false 10-15 15:57:50.383 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 30, rank: 0, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Samsung, isFolder: true, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.384 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Location is %s 10-15 15:57:50.387 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: init - FolderInfo(id=30 type=FOLDER container=all_apps targetComponent=null screen=0 cell(0,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=0 user=UserHandle{0} title=Samsung hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=true runtimeStatusFlags=0; labelState=SUGGESTED) 10-15 15:57:50.388 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{e1d1b0e VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:50.390 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping scanning because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.390 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Failed to stop scanning because we're not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.394 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop advertising FastInitiation. Not advertising. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.394 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping Fast Init advertisement because Bluetooth is off. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.394 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.395 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.395 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.397 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.397 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation scanning because location is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.400 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.400 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.408 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Bluetooth is %s 10-15 15:57:50.408 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping scanning because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.409 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Failed to stop scanning because we're not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.410 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService} 10-15 15:57:50.410 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop advertising FastInitiation. Not advertising. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.411 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping Fast Init advertisement because Bluetooth is off. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.411 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.412 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.412 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.412 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.413 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation scanning because location is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.413 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:50.413 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:50.413 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:50.413 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.414 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.414 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:50.415 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{e1d1b0e VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:50.415 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.folder.FolderContainerView{6857de6 GFE...C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0138 app:id/folder_container} 10-15 15:57:50.416 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping scanning because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.416 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Failed to stop scanning because we're not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.417 4945 4945 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.417 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onStartListening 10-15 15:57:50.418 30881 31092 W WearableService: onGetService: Wear is not available on this device. 10-15 15:57:50.419 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop advertising FastInitiation. Not advertising. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.419 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping Fast Init advertisement because Bluetooth is off. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.419 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.422 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.422 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.424 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.424 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawBackground : 30 10-15 15:57:50.424 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation scanning because location is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.424 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = null 10-15 15:57:50.425 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.426 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.426 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=null, bg=192-192, dr=258-258, forDefault=true, density=0 10-15 15:57:50.427 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService} 10-15 15:57:50.427 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.427 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: scale down, pkg=null, dr=216-216, bg=216-216 10-15 15:57:50.428 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onStartListening 10-15 15:57:50.429 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=null, size=216, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=0, scale=1.0, isCrop=true] 10-15 15:57:50.430 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:50.431 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.432 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.433 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.433 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.433 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: default container[CROP], pkg=null, bg=216-216, dr=216-216 10-15 15:57:50.435 30881 31092 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) A new client has bound to the NearbySharingService ClientBridge for calling package %s 10-15 15:57:50.441 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Samsung display : 1 count : 0 10-15 15:57:50.441 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPageDelegate: createPage() null 10-15 15:57:50.442 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsViewCellLayout: setPadding() : 0, 193, 0, 0 10-15 15:57:50.444 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 35, rank: 1, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Google, isFolder: true, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.445 31341 31341 W android.vendin: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:50.446 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: init - FolderInfo(id=35 type=FOLDER container=all_apps targetComponent=null screen=0 cell(1,0) span(1,1) minSpan(1,1) rank=1 user=UserHandle{0} title=Google hidden=0 screenType=0 lowResIcon=true runtimeStatusFlags=0; labelState=SUGGESTED) 10-15 15:57:50.446 31341 31341 W android.vendin: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:50.446 31341 31341 W android.vendin: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:50.446 31341 31341 W android.vendin: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:50.446 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{7d9b258 VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:50.452 30881 30905 I .gms.persisten: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:50.453 30825 31396 I FolderIconView: drawChildIcons : 30, 3 10-15 15:57:50.455 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader 10-15 15:57:50.458 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:50.460 30881 31185 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) A new client has bound to the NearbySharingService ClientBridge for calling package %s 10-15 15:57:50.463 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:50.463 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: Landscape : false Tablet : false SmallTablet : false 10-15 15:57:50.463 30825 30825 I SettingsHelper: policy Control Value : null 10-15 15:57:50.464 30825 30825 I AppsLayoutInfo: pageIndicatorBottom : 66 10-15 15:57:50.464 4587 5009 E system_server: Invalid class loader spec: =UnsupportedClassLoaderContext= 10-15 15:57:50.464 4587 5009 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context? 10-15 15:57:50.464 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.icon.FolderIconView{7d9b258 VFED..C.X ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a016a app:id/home_icon} 10-15 15:57:50.465 30825 30825 I FolderInfo: Add listener - com.android.homescreen.folder.FolderContainerView{807470 GFE...C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0138 app:id/folder_container} 10-15 15:57:50.465 30825 30825 W FolderContainerView: bindContents - rank is not correct. - Chrome, rank :1, container : 35 10-15 15:57:50.465 30825 30825 W FolderContainerView: bindContents - rank is not correct. - Gmail, rank :2, container : 35 10-15 15:57:50.465 30825 30825 W FolderContainerView: bindContents - rank is not correct. - Maps, rank :3, container : 35 10-15 15:57:50.465 30825 30825 W FolderContainerView: bindContents - rank is not correct. - Meet, rank :7, container : 35 10-15 15:57:50.470 31341 31341 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.android.vending appContext.mBasePackageName=com.android.vending appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:50.470 31341 31341 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:50.474 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.477 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.478 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawBackground : 35 10-15 15:57:50.478 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.478 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = null 10-15 15:57:50.479 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.480 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=null, bg=192-192, dr=258-258, forDefault=true, density=0 10-15 15:57:50.481 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: scale down, pkg=null, dr=216-216, bg=216-216 10-15 15:57:50.481 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.482 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=null, size=216, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=0, scale=1.0, isCrop=true] 10-15 15:57:50.485 31341 31341 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:50.485 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.485 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: default container[CROP], pkg=null, bg=216-216, dr=216-216 10-15 15:57:50.486 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.486 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.491 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.491 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Google display : 1 count : 0 10-15 15:57:50.492 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.493 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 49, rank: 2, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Play Store, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.493 30825 31398 I FolderIconView: drawChildIcons : 35, 8 10-15 15:57:50.494 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.494 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 50, rank: 3, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Galaxy Store, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.494 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.495 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 51, rank: 4, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Facebook, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.497 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 52, rank: 5, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Camera, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.498 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 53, rank: 6, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Galleria, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.500 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 54, rank: 7, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Orologio, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.501 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 54 10-15 15:57:50.501 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 54 10-15 15:57:50.501 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 55, rank: 8, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Rubrica, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.502 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:50.503 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 56, rank: 9, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Impostazioni, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.503 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: wearable APIs unsupported - location for paired wearables unsupported on this device [CONTEXT service_id=6 ] 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: afwc: None of the queried APIs are available. Wearable.API: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at afxo.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):38) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at afzy.o(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):37) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at afzy.g(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):29) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at afzy.onConnectionFailed(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):2) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at agtc.hM(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):3) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at agsg.b(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):7) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at agrx.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):85) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at agsa.handleMessage(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):287) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at bcuz.lv(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):1) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at bcuz.dispatchMessage(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):143) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:50.504 30881 30881 I WearableLocationShim: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 10-15 15:57:50.505 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 57, rank: 10, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Calendario, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.506 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 57 10-15 15:57:50.506 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:50.507 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 57 10-15 15:57:50.507 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 59, rank: 11, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Bixby, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.507 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:50.508 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 60, rank: 12, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Game Launcher, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.510 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 62, rank: 13, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Spazio AR, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.512 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 65, rank: 14, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Suggerimenti, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.514 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 66, rank: 15, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Play Musica, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.516 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 70, rank: 0, screenId: 1, cellX: 0, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Screen Alive, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.517 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPageDelegate: createPage() null 10-15 15:57:50.518 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsViewCellLayout: setPadding() : 0, 193, 0, 0 10-15 15:57:50.520 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 71, rank: 1, screenId: 1, cellX: 1, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: MIT AI2 Companion, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.522 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 79, rank: 2, screenId: 1, cellX: 2, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: WatchDog, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.524 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: setApps => id: 80, rank: 3, screenId: 1, cellX: 3, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: ProvaTirocinio, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:50.525 31220 31220 I HBD : c getVoiceTrigger - SamsungVoiceTrigger 10-15 15:57:50.529 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsTabsDelegate: onRemoveWorkspacePagedView return, already removed 10-15 15:57:50.530 30825 30825 I PostPositionOperator: addAllItems() - Invalid state! 10-15 15:57:50.535 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:50.535 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:50.538 30881 31092 I NearbyConnections: Client 192274748 requested setting downloads directory to null. 10-15 15:57:50.540 31341 31341 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:50.540 30881 31092 I NearbyConnections: Client 192274748 with package name 0p:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing and sdk version 233717000 has connected, downloads dir is set to null. 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : a getPackageInfo 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.samsung.android.clipboarduiservice 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:278) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:250) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.pm.a.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.pm.a.a(SourceFile:56) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.base.pm.a.a(SourceFile:55) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.bee.ClipBoardHandler.(SourceFile:66) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.c.b$a$1.a(SourceFile:9) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.c.b$a$1.invoke(Unknown Source:4) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.d.a.b(SourceFile:54) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.d.e.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.b.a.a(SourceFile:70) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:165) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:128) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.bee.a$a.invoke(SourceFile:327) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at kotlin.SynchronizedLazyImpl.getValue(SourceFile:74) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.bee.a.A(Unknown Source:7) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.stickyhoney.bee.a.I_(SourceFile:44) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.b.b$b.a(SourceFile:142) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.b.b$b.invoke(SourceFile:35) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.b.b.a(SourceFile:134) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.b.b.a(SourceFile:141) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.b.b.(SourceFile:74) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.l.a$a$3.a(SourceFile:66) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.l.a$a$3.invoke(Unknown Source:4) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.d.a.b(SourceFile:54) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.d.e.a(SourceFile:40) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.b.a.a(SourceFile:70) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:165) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at org.koin.b.j.a.a(SourceFile:128) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.e.b.h_(SourceFile:322) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.common.f.a.h_(SourceFile:16) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.samsung.android.honeyboard.service.HoneyBoardService.onCreate(SourceFile:224) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(ActivityThread.java:4661) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1700(ActivityThread.java:301) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2196) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:246) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8653) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:602) 10-15 15:57:50.540 31220 31220 E HBD : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1130) 10-15 15:57:50.545 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection to FACS API from package '%s'... 10-15 15:57:50.547 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Not allowed to auto turn on device settings. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.547 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 4.2: Binding widgets 10-15 15:57:50.547 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) A ReceiveSurface(%s) has been registered 10-15 15:57:50.547 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.548 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.548 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.549 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.549 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation scanning because location is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.550 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.550 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.554 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:50.554 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 4.3: Update icon cache 10-15 15:57:50.554 30825 30917 I Launcher.Model: loadComplete 10-15 15:57:50.556 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Broadcasting NearbySharing state change. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.557 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 2 10-15 15:57:50.563 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Not allowed to auto turn on device settings. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:50.565 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 3 10-15 15:57:50.567 4587 6998 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 1 selection = getApplicationInstallUninstallListAsUser 10-15 15:57:50.573 4587 6998 D SecContentProvider2: getApplicationInstallUninstallListAsUser 10-15 15:57:50.577 4587 6998 D ApplicationPolicy: getApplicationInstallUninstallListAsUser : userId - 0 key = UninstallationBlacklist 10-15 15:57:50.578 4587 6998 D ApplicationPolicy: getApplicationInstallUninstallList : uid - 1000 10-15 15:57:50.578 4587 6998 D ApplicationPolicy: getApplicationInstallUninstallList : uid - 10094 10-15 15:57:50.578 4587 6998 D SecContentProvider2: getApplicationInstallUninstallList null 10-15 15:57:50.578 30825 30917 W DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: getEnterprisePolicyBlockUninstallList() : Cursor is null! 10-15 15:57:50.580 31104 31117 I droid.app.spag: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 138635(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 32(768KB) LOS objects, 68% free, 10MB/34MB, paused 1.083ms total 104.654ms 10-15 15:57:50.580 4587 4612 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 1 selection = getApplicationInstallUninstallListAsUser 10-15 15:57:50.580 4587 4612 D SecContentProvider2: getApplicationInstallUninstallListAsUser selectionArgs is null 10-15 15:57:50.580 30825 30917 W DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: getEnterprisePolicyBlockUninstallAllowlist() : Cursor is null! 10-15 15:57:50.581 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 4 10-15 15:57:50.585 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3629336 102829716 w 1532880 30961236 d 141490 124372532 f 339493 562512 iot 1835700 1542247 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461641.474 10-15 15:57:50.595 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 5 10-15 15:57:50.601 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: DisableCandidateAppCache.addNonDisableAppToListFromXML: com.sprint.zone, com.coremobility.app.vnotes, com.sequent.controlpanel, com.sprint.voicemail, com.sprint.w.installer, com.verizon.viewdini, com.asurion.android.verizon.vms, com.sec.android.app.dmb, com.sec.knox.modeswitcher, com.sec.knox.bridge, com.welgate.DualmodeSetting, com.sec.android.app.simcardmanagement, com.sec.att.devicehealthshortcut, com.android.stk, com.android.stk2, com.bst.sync, com.kt.wificm, com.google.android.gms, com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile, com.samsung.android.themestore, 10-15 15:57:50.606 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: initGameLauncherManager 10-15 15:57:50.615 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: bindAppsVisibilityQuery start 10-15 15:57:50.618 30825 30864 I id.app.launche: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 122202(9016KB) AllocSpace objects, 28(1028KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7021KB/13MB, paused 230us total 121.643ms 10-15 15:57:50.629 4587 6998 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10088 packageName=com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:50.629 4587 6998 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10088; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:50.630 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10088; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:50.630 4587 6998 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{cac713e 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{9955746 u0 com.samsung.android.game.gamehome/.provider.GameLauncherProvider} 10-15 15:57:50.631 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] kdb.i(84): Process created at version: 37.9.18-29 [0] [PR] 571399392 10-15 15:57:50.660 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: API connection successful! 10-15 15:57:50.660 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31403 10-15 15:57:50.667 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31403:com.samsung.android.game.gamehome/u0a88 for content provider {com.samsung.android.game.gamehome/com.samsung.android.game.gamehome.provider.GameLauncherProvider} 10-15 15:57:50.672 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.bootcount.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:50.672 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.bootcount.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:50.695 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: step 5: Finish icon cache update 10-15 15:57:50.700 31220 31220 I HBD : a init plugin clerk 10-15 15:57:50.700 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 6 10-15 15:57:50.700 30825 30917 I Launcher.Model: unlockRotation! 10-15 15:57:50.701 30825 30917 I RotationHelper: mLastActivityFlags : 5 10-15 15:57:50.701 30825 30917 I Launcher.Model: LoaderTransaction : close 10-15 15:57:50.701 30825 30917 I LoaderTask: hsRune is finished! 10-15 15:57:50.701 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:50.707 31220 31220 I HBD : a New slots have been added [0~3] 10-15 15:57:50.718 31403 31403 E d.game.gamehom: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:50.720 31220 31220 E HBD : SogouWrapper not Sogou model!!! don't init engine 10-15 15:57:50.727 31220 31220 I HBD : ak EBD ssu s 0 10-15 15:57:50.731 31220 31220 I HBD : b HWKeyProcessor init 10-15 15:57:50.733 31403 31403 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:50.733 31403 31403 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:50.740 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 7 10-15 15:57:50.751 31220 31220 I HBD : i bee(com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker) is stub bee(true) 10-15 15:57:50.751 31220 31220 I HBD : i bee(com.samsung.android.icecone.gif) is stub bee(true) 10-15 15:57:50.752 31220 31220 I HBD : i bee(com.samsung.android.clipboarduiservice.plugin_clipboard) is stub bee(true) 10-15 15:57:50.752 4587 4612 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR (5), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED 10-15 15:57:50.754 4587 4612 D WindowManager: rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{e9c5cb4 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity t5} 10-15 15:57:50.755 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 8 10-15 15:57:50.755 4587 4612 V WindowOrientationListener: getProposedRotation: -1 10-15 15:57:50.756 4587 4612 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR (5) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0), caller=com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.updateOrientation:394 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1698 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1626 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1563 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1164 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1164 10-15 15:57:50.761 4587 4612 D TspStateManager: updateCustomValue customSetting= 10-15 15:57:50.766 4587 6997 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:50.780 31220 31220 I HBD : b registerProcessor: count = 1 10-15 15:57:50.846 31220 31220 I HBD : EmojiCore Trying to load libEmojiCore.so 10-15 15:57:50.858 4587 4613 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:50.865 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 121ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: before bindApplication 10-15 15:57:50.867 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 123ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: immediately before bindApplication 10-15 15:57:50.868 4587 6997 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{1165721 31403:com.samsung.android.game.gamehome/u0a88} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:50.870 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 126ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: immediately after bindApplication 10-15 15:57:50.870 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 126ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after updateLruProcessLocked 10-15 15:57:50.872 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 128ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 10-15 15:57:50.881 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 136ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after updateOomAdjLocked 10-15 15:57:50.882 31403 31403 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:50.884 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:50.884 30825 30917 I BadgeCountUpdaterImpl: reload badge without refresh 10-15 15:57:50.926 31341 31419 I Finsky : [29228] ahzv.bD(289): Finished reading experiment flags from file [0tGUNCGIkbk4o6-fQ335kUYSKwVj4lusnHT-A5Dsy08] numFlags=1339. 10-15 15:57:50.939 31341 31419 I Finsky : [29228] ahzv.bD(289): Finished reading experiment flags from file [Se-xCc4LzNyh3UrKMIU2sUf-PUKz4oQEbpKZDMuaFno] numFlags=1774. 10-15 15:57:51.019 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 133ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after updateOomAdj 10-15 15:57:51.019 4587 6997 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 133ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: done! 10-15 15:57:51.029 31220 31220 I HBD : DeX c isLastModeDeXDesktopDisplay: false 10-15 15:57:51.029 31220 31220 I HBD : DeX c isNotNeedToBackUpAndRestore 10-15 15:57:51.033 4587 4601 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 257509(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(7952KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 53MB/73MB, paused 521us total 385.123ms 10-15 15:57:51.038 4587 4587 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 144ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=6 10-15 15:57:51.039 4587 4622 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 158ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=53 10-15 15:57:51.040 4587 4621 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 144ms android.fg h=com.android.server.AppStateTracker$MyHandler c=null m=0 10-15 15:57:51.049 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:51.049 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:51.049 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:51.056 31016 31044 I BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 10-15 15:57:51.063 4192 4192 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]getResourceManager(): Resouce not supported on this device - resourceID : 0x10002003 10-15 15:57:51.063 4192 4192 E HYPER-HAL: [HyPerManager.cpp]getSupportedFrequency(): mRscManager is NULL 10-15 15:57:51.066 30881 31092 I NearbyConnections: Client 192274748 requested setting downloads directory to Nearby Share. 10-15 15:57:51.066 4192 4192 E HYPER-HAL: [HyPer.cpp]getSupportedFrequency(): AIDL getTable is NULL 10-15 15:57:51.067 30825 30917 I BadgeCache: reloadBadge size : 0 10-15 15:57:51.071 31220 31220 I HBD : a currentConnectionState : false 10-15 15:57:51.071 31220 31220 W Settings: Setting bold_text has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning global URI. 10-15 15:57:51.073 4192 30928 E HYPER-HAL: [HandlerSysfs.cpp]doResourceHandling(): Couldn't Open Sysfs - /sys/kernel/mm/vmscan/am_app_launch 10-15 15:57:51.074 4192 30928 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMaxFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 25165974 10-15 15:57:51.074 4192 30928 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 25165974 10-15 15:57:51.086 31220 31220 I HBD : b honeyboardTouchLayer already has parent 10-15 15:57:51.086 31220 31220 I HBD : a expandLayer already has parent 10-15 15:57:51.086 31220 31220 I HBD : a onBind 10-15 15:57:51.088 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.089 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.089 31341 31426 E Finsky : Getting early startup flag value without initialization: PhoneskyPhenotype__enable_flag_update_entry_point 10-15 15:57:51.091 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.104 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : in.snapcore.screen_alive missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.105 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : true 10-15 15:57:51.105 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.105 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.105 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.aura.oobe.samsung.gl missingTitleAndText : true isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.106 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.internal.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsInternalApiService } 10-15 15:57:51.106 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.internal.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsInternalApiService } 10-15 15:57:51.106 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.apps.docs missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.106 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: Full refresh isConnected : true active size : 4 10-15 15:57:51.107 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: onNotificationFullRefresh prev dotInfoSize : 0 10-15 15:57:51.112 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : in.snapcore.screen_alive count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.112 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : com.google.android.apps.docs count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.112 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : com.google.android.gm count : 2 10-15 15:57:51.113 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Google display : 0 count : 3 10-15 15:57:51.116 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Gmail display : 2 count : 2 10-15 15:57:51.116 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Drive display : 2 count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.118 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Samsung display : 1 count : 0 10-15 15:57:51.118 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Gmail display : 6 count : 2 10-15 15:57:51.119 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Drive display : 6 count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : in.snapcore.screen_alive missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : true 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.gm missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.aura.oobe.samsung.gl missingTitleAndText : true isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: notificationIsValidForUI : com.google.android.apps.docs missingTitleAndText : false isGroupHeader : false 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30917 I Launcher.NotificationListener: Full refresh isConnected : true active size : 4 10-15 15:57:51.120 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Google display : 1 count : 3 10-15 15:57:51.121 31220 31220 I HBD : a initBeeHiveLayoutIfNeeds execute 10-15 15:57:51.121 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Screen Alive display : 1 count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.123 30825 30917 I Launcher.BaseIconFactory: mIconBitmapSize = 180, fillResIconDpi: 640 10-15 15:57:51.124 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:51.126 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService setInputView 10-15 15:57:51.133 31190 31309 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Receiving API connection to internal FACS API... 10-15 15:57:51.133 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:51.133 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: onNotificationFullRefresh prev dotInfoSize : 3 10-15 15:57:51.134 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : in.snapcore.screen_alive count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.134 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : com.google.android.apps.docs count : 1 10-15 15:57:51.134 30825 30825 I PopupDataProvider: refresh badge package : com.google.android.gm count : 2 10-15 15:57:51.139 30825 30917 I ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.sec.android.app.clockpackage class. reuse it 10-15 15:57:51.139 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon was called in ClockPackage 10-15 15:57:51.139 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService [PF_OP][onCreate] 873931153 ns 10-15 15:57:51.140 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_input_methods 10-15 15:57:51.140 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:51.140 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:51.140 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:51.140 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10179 10-15 15:57:51.141 4587 7001 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:51.141 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon res = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:51.142 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: stdIconSize : 126 , targetIconSize : 152 10-15 15:57:51.142 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: mIconDpi : 640 , mTargetIconDpi : 420 10-15 15:57:51.142 4587 4587 W InputMethodManagerService: onServiceConnected 10-15 15:57:51.142 4587 7001 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.honeyboard:10179 10-15 15:57:51.143 4587 7001 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:51.143 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:51.144 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = default_input_method 10-15 15:57:51.144 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:51.144 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:51.144 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:51.144 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10179 10-15 15:57:51.145 4587 7001 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:51.145 4587 7001 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.honeyboard:10179 10-15 15:57:51.145 4587 7001 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:51.145 4587 7001 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:51.146 31220 31326 I HBD : m updated Sub Types 10-15 15:57:51.149 31220 31443 I HBD : a InputMethodSubtype is set as local:it 10-15 15:57:51.161 4587 4587 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{b4bc398 uid=10149 pid=30825 displayId=0} 10-15 15:57:51.161 4587 4587 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'ClientS', fd=627 10-15 15:57:51.161 4587 4587 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'ClientS', fd=634 10-15 15:57:51.164 4587 4587 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=634 10-15 15:57:51.168 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: load= live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, from overlay = false 10-15 15:57:51.172 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:57:51.173 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.177 30825 30917 I MultiThreadLoaderResults: executeCallbacksTask! 10-15 15:57:51.183 30825 30825 I CapturePreview: sendMessageForCapture 10-15 15:57:51.185 31220 31220 I HBD : a setSoundStatus false 10-15 15:57:51.190 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.samsung.android.calendar 10-15 15:57:51.191 30825 30917 I ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 10-15 15:57:51.192 30825 30917 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] LiveIcon - stdIconSize : 126 , targetIconSize : 152 10-15 15:57:51.192 30825 30917 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] LiveIcon - sIconDpi : 640 , targetIconDpi : 420 10-15 15:57:51.196 31220 31220 I HBD : a setInternalRingerMode false 10-15 15:57:51.199 30825 30917 I LiveIconLoader: [Calendar] getLiveIcon - Date: 15 10-15 15:57:51.201 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 10-15 15:57:51.201 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar 10-15 15:57:51.201 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.calendar, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.208 30825 30917 I AppTimerUpdater: updateIconsAndTitle(start) italiano 10-15 15:57:51.208 31190 31309 I FacsCacheGmsModule: API connection successful! 10-15 15:57:51.210 4587 7001 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=1000 packageName=com.samsung.android.forest 10-15 15:57:51.210 4587 7001 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.211 4587 7001 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{cac713e 30825:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a149} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{58342c8 u0 com.samsung.android.forest/.common.database.provider.DwbContentProvider} 10-15 15:57:51.222 30825 30825 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-15 15:57:51.229 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31458 10-15 15:57:51.234 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31458:com.samsung.android.forest/1000 for content provider {com.samsung.android.forest/com.samsung.android.forest.common.database.provider.DwbContentProvider} 10-15 15:57:51.243 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:51.254 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.264 4319 31535 I MediaExtractorFactory: CreateForSoundExtractor - Created an extractor 'SECOggExtractor' with confidence 0.51 10-15 15:57:51.271 31458 31458 E .android.fores: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:51.271 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender sync force = %s 10-15 15:57:51.272 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: Running certificates syncing task. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.272 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.273 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.273 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.274 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.283 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) %s to upload device contacts. 10-15 15:57:51.283 31458 31458 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:51.283 4319 4319 I MediaExtractorFactory: CreateForSoundExtractor - Created an extractor 'SECOggExtractor' with confidence 0.51 10-15 15:57:51.283 31458 31458 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:51.287 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates uploading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.287 4587 5056 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.forest 10-15 15:57:51.289 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.292 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{ab39cba 31458:com.samsung.android.forest/1000} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:51.300 31458 31458 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.forest 10-15 15:57:51.300 4587 4613 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10066 packageName=com.samsung.android.providers.contacts 10-15 15:57:51.301 4587 4613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10066; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.302 4587 5009 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.302 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10066; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:51.307 4587 4613 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{31a32fa 30881:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a95} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{22a0d0c u0 com.samsung.android.providers.contacts/com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2} 10-15 15:57:51.322 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31481 10-15 15:57:51.325 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.constellation.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:51.325 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.constellation.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:51.326 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31481:android.process.acore/u0a66 for content provider {com.samsung.android.providers.contacts/com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2} 10-15 15:57:51.326 31220 31220 I IceCone : b Koin started 10-15 15:57:51.329 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.330 31403 31403 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 10-15 15:57:51.330 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.330 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.331 31341 31426 I Finsky : [29230] ahzv.bD(289): Finished reading experiment flags from file [WMQeixblEbdliLSyNdTD8iwEZqv0L3RNsLckGd-Wly0] numFlags=1785. 10-15 15:57:51.334 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.345 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_3UYW9rvCgUMkuIUUMaQzjvhs4R+]ly8TVlqqNjDTfeeQ 10-15 15:57:51.349 31220 31220 I [Koin] : [init] declare Android Context 10-15 15:57:51.361 31481 31481 E d.process.acor: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:51.370 31403 31490 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:17 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:0 10-15 15:57:51.370 31403 31490 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite 10-15 15:57:51.382 31481 31481 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:51.382 31481 31481 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:51.387 4587 5292 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.providers.contacts 10-15 15:57:51.387 31403 31403 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Crashlytics 17.2.1 10-15 15:57:51.389 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_8uPcAMKCDHNJ0JSQF+]iaOJyMgDPzgR70X6yqeMN5cIY 10-15 15:57:51.391 31220 31329 W HBD : b [SKE_SDK] [WARN] Property "contact-model-weights" is not visible and may not be modified 10-15 15:57:51.391 31220 31329 W HBD : 10-15 15:57:51.394 31220 31329 I HBD : a [SKE_LM] createOrLoadDynamicUserModel 10-15 15:57:51.395 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] kas.ao(748): Profiling: Starting up (1) 10-15 15:57:51.396 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'android.content.Context' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'android.content.Context'] 10-15 15:57:51.397 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_UiUcJW9XsmyKX+]I15dK0BqMkWezt6_w5MrczQ6+]g34U 10-15 15:57:51.398 4587 5292 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{65d0912 31481:android.process.acore/u0a66} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:51.407 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_KwbKW9b9g45FzgkDv08Ml+]9qwIhifxJRtvGEruVJBjs 10-15 15:57:51.411 31341 31419 I Finsky : [29228] kas.P(10): pcsi: PROCESS_START 10-15 15:57:51.415 31481 31481 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=android.process.acore 10-15 15:57:51.419 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_HFWmyRaOo5U2AwXADZZDKnXp8JL4HadYcIGFEonbF74 10-15 15:57:51.427 4587 5292 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.428 31458 31458 I DWBDwbUriMatcher: all 13 persistence tables built. 10-15 15:57:51.428 31458 31458 I DWBDwbContentProvider: onCreate 10-15 15:57:51.435 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_rJ05lksl+]Xay0CAafzMsxW+]YRdmjc5UjE4hhfeBkCuQ 10-15 15:57:51.438 4587 5009 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 124107808; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:51.444 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_wr1IYUU3nLo_ikiPPEB9nfkw_bXWfArPuXhWDhQdWhU 10-15 15:57:51.446 4587 5009 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 124107808; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.448 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.449 4924 5234 I TelephonyProvider: D/TelephonyProvider: Using old permission behavior for telephony provider compat 10-15 15:57:51.450 31220 31329 I HBD : a [SKE_LM] writeDynamicModel 10-15 15:57:51.457 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.auth.account.workaccount.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:51.457 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.auth.account.workaccount.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } 10-15 15:57:51.458 31341 31413 I Finsky : [29226] mcc.g(38): Subscription detail: N/A 10-15 15:57:51.458 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_2dXd_yQJgVgrcgkckY16b2P3QaH3Gg0ZOwXpYqJLq2I 10-15 15:57:51.462 31403 31403 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-15 15:57:51.473 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.a.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.a.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.474 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.a.c' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.a.c'] 10-15 15:57:51.474 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.d.b' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.d.b'] 10-15 15:57:51.474 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.common.i.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.common.i.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.475 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.b.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.b.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.475 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.model.c.b.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.model.c.b.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.475 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.d.h.b' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.d.h.b'] 10-15 15:57:51.476 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.d.d.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.d.d.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.476 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.model.common.f' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.sticker.model.common.f'] 10-15 15:57:51.476 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.c.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.c.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.477 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.viewmodel.recent.b' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.viewmodel.recent.b'] 10-15 15:57:51.477 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.view.content.c' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.gif.view.content.c'] 10-15 15:57:51.477 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.spotify.d.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.spotify.d.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.478 31458 31458 I DWBPackageUtils: app icon state false 10-15 15:57:51.478 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.model.data.d' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.model.data.d'] 10-15 15:57:51.478 31458 31458 E DWBShortcutHelper: App icon disabled, so return addDynamicShortcuts 10-15 15:57:51.478 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.model.a.a' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.model.a.a'] 10-15 15:57:51.478 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.b' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.youtube.b'] 10-15 15:57:51.479 31220 31220 I [Koin] : bind type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.service.IceConeCallbackHandler' ~ [type:Single,primary_type:'com.samsung.android.icecone.service.IceConeCallbackHandler'] 10-15 15:57:51.479 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.checkin.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:51.479 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.checkin.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: Failed to retrieve verified phone numbers with error code 5006. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: afwb: 5006: 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at agru.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):15) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at agbt.b(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):11) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at ahrm.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):3) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at ahtx.eY(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):69) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at lnw.onTransact(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):74) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1195) 10-15 15:57:51.480 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1159) 10-15 15:57:51.480 31220 31220 I [Koin] : total 18 registered definitions 10-15 15:57:51.480 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_FsI6Xs7VWgdrB1SNrpyPVR3K7oaFEck2B2j9lVtjTV4 10-15 15:57:51.480 31220 31220 I [Koin] : load modules in 6.407385 ms 10-15 15:57:51.486 31190 31384 I Checkin : [CheckinApiChimeraService] onGetService 10-15 15:57:51.492 4587 5056 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.496 31481 31481 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.samsung.android.providers.contacts appContext.mBasePackageName=com.samsung.android.providers.contacts appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:51.496 31481 31481 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:51.497 30881 31086 I NearbySharing: ConstellationClient sync done. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.500 31481 31481 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:51.501 31220 31220 I Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 10-15 15:57:51.502 31220 31220 I HBD : a container vis= false 10-15 15:57:51.507 4587 5009 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.android.forest cmp = androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.samsung.android.forest 10-15 15:57:51.508 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:51.510 31458 31458 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.samsung.android.forest 10-15 15:57:51.516 4587 5292 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:57:51.516 30881 31529 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:51.517 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:57:51.518 31458 31458 I DWBSettingsSearchProvid: version : 300000034, lang : it_IT 10-15 15:57:51.527 31403 31403 I GameLauncher: GameLauncherProvider : onCreate 10-15 15:57:51.527 31458 31458 I DWBDigitalWellbeingAppl: onCreate called 10-15 15:57:51.531 4587 7001 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.android.vending.AssetBrowserActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.542 4587 7022 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.543 31403 31403 I GameLauncher: GameLauncherProvider : StartKoin 10-15 15:57:51.545 30825 30917 I AppTimerUpdater: updateIconsAndTitle(processing) finish workspace, start apps 10-15 15:57:51.546 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsContainerView: bindAppsUpdates() => add: 0, update: 0, remove: 0 10-15 15:57:51.555 4587 5056 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.prewarmservice.PrewarmService newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.560 4587 5056 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.activities.DebugActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.562 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:51.562 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:51.562 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.docs, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : Failed getDiscoveredShareTargets while waiting for the result. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Waited 1000 milliseconds (plus 703192 nanoseconds delay) for djmx@496e34f[status=PENDING] 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at djjf.get(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):70) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at bibo.h(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):3) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at bqbz.q(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):19) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at bovc.call(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):166) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingChimeraService.M(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):9) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at bowf.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):22) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at bian.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):15) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at ahji.c(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):50) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at ahji.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):97) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at ahoo.run(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):8) 10-15 15:57:51.568 30881 31124 W Nearby : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923) 10-15 15:57:51.572 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:51.573 4587 5056 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.575 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) A SendSurface(%s) has been registered 10-15 15:57:51.575 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping scanning because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.576 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Failed to stop scanning because we're not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.577 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop advertising FastInitiation. Not advertising. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.578 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping Fast Init advertisement because Bluetooth is off. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.578 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because Bluetooth is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.579 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.579 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.581 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.581 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation scanning because location is disabled. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.582 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.582 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.584 4587 7001 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10111 10-15 15:57:51.585 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10111) : 7 10-15 15:57:51.588 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: Broadcasting NearbySharing state change. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.592 31481 31481 I ContactsProvider_EventLog: EventLog enabled : false 10-15 15:57:51.593 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_SENDER_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.596 4945 4945 D TileServices: requestListening ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingTileService} 10-15 15:57:51.597 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates downloading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.597 4945 4945 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:51.597 4945 4945 D TileLifecycleManager: onStartListening 10-15 15:57:51.599 30881 31383 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.599 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.601 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:51.601 31341 31521 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.603 31341 31521 D ConnectivityManager: ConnectivityManager() mContext=com.google.android.finsky.application.classic.ClassicApplication@d8e3986 getOpPackageName()=com.android.vending getBasePackageName()=com.android.vending getPackageName()=com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.603 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:51.606 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:51.606 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:51.606 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:51.607 31341 31413 I Finsky : [29226] wdd.(69): wdf - Registering in memory receiver for android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED 10-15 15:57:51.609 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '44b17d2', fd=640 10-15 15:57:51.609 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: '44b17d2', fd=643 10-15 15:57:51.616 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11522 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 44b17d2 InputMethod#0 10-15 15:57:51.617 4587 5056 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:51.617 4587 5292 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867})/@0x7243759 10-15 15:57:51.618 4245 5540 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11523 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:51.619 4587 5292 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash)/@0x35453ff 10-15 15:57:51.620 30825 30917 I InstallPairAppsReceiver: Pair apps key is null 10-15 15:57:51.624 4587 5292 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '44b17d2', fd=643 10-15 15:57:51.628 31220 31220 I ViewRootImpl@8e8af64[InputMethod]: setView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@34c2f65 TM=true 10-15 15:57:51.631 31220 31220 I HwrLanguagePackManager: update start 10-15 15:57:51.631 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: update() : download the latest resource list from server! 10-15 15:57:51.639 4587 7022 D InputMethodManagerService: checkDisplayOfStartInputAndUpdateKeyboard display Id 0last 0 10-15 15:57:51.639 4587 7022 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: 'ClientS', fd=643 10-15 15:57:51.639 4587 7022 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=643 10-15 15:57:51.642 31403 31403 I GameLauncher: GameLauncherApplication : onCreate 10-15 15:57:51.648 30881 31439 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_CONTACTS_AND_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.648 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:51.649 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.youtube 10-15 15:57:51.649 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.youtube 10-15 15:57:51.649 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender sync force = %s 10-15 15:57:51.649 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.650 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.youtube, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.651 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:51.653 30881 31383 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.653 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:51.654 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:51.658 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender sync force = %s 10-15 15:57:51.659 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: Force running contacts and certificates syncing task. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.662 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.662 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.663 4945 31204 D TileServices: updateQsTile android.os.Binder@4ee06cf 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: Failed to retrieve verified phone numbers with error code 5006. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: afwb: 5006: 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at agru.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):15) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at agbt.b(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):11) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at ahrm.a(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):3) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at ahtx.eY(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):69) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at lnw.onTransact(:com.google.android.gms@233717037@23.37.17 (150400-570218080):74) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1195) 10-15 15:57:51.664 30881 30881 W NearbySharing: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1159) 10-15 15:57:51.665 30881 31124 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.667 4945 31204 D TileLifecycleManager: onStopListening 10-15 15:57:51.667 30881 31124 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.668 4945 31204 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:51.668 4945 31204 D Tile.CustomTile: updateState : Label = Condivisione nelle vicinanze, State = 1, Icon = Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.google.android.gms id=0x7f080933) 10-15 15:57:51.672 31220 31220 I HWRRMLauncher: > launchUpdateByIntent : language = 1000 10-15 15:57:51.672 31220 31220 I HWRRMLauncher: > launchUpdateByIntent : send BR with command permission 10-15 15:57:51.675 31220 31220 I HWRRMLauncher: > launchUpdateByIntent : send BR with default permission 10-15 15:57:51.678 31481 31551 D ActivityThread: Loading provider call_log_shadow: com.android.providers.contacts.ShadowCallLogProvider 10-15 15:57:51.678 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Get ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:51.681 4587 7022 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10229 packageName=com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting 10-15 15:57:51.682 4587 7022 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10229; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.683 30881 31091 I NearbySharing: ConstellationClient sync done. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.683 4587 7022 W ActivityManager: wait for provider publish: waiters=1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{fd8f426 31220:com.samsung.android.honeyboard/u0a179} cpr=ContentProviderRecord{b70ccd u0 com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/.resourcemanager.HWRResProvider} 10-15 15:57:51.683 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10229; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.705 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.photos 10-15 15:57:51.705 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.photos 10-15 15:57:51.707 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.photos, useThemeIcon: false, height: 216, width: 216, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.710 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: 'listSenderCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.710 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_3UYW9rvCgUMkuIUUMaQzjvhs4R+]ly8TVlqqNjDTfeeQ 10-15 15:57:51.710 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.711 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31560 10-15 15:57:51.719 4587 5056 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.systemupdateactivity.SystemUpdateActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.720 30881 31383 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.722 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.724 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:51.724 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:51.724 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:51.726 4587 6997 I Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl: getDefaultDialerPackage - callingPid : 31481 / processName : sts 10-15 15:57:51.726 4587 5056 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.systemcomponentupdateui.common.SystemComponentUpdateActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.731 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:51.731 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:51.732 30881 31439 W NearbySharing: 'listPublicCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.732 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31560:com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/u0a229 for content provider {com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting.resourcemanager.HWRResProvider} 10-15 15:57:51.732 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:51.732 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:51.733 30881 31383 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.733 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: Running certificates syncing task. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.733 31341 31557 I Finsky : [29249] rzm.run(335): SysCUA: Set {com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.systemcomponentupdateui.common.SystemComponentUpdateActivity} enabled state to 1 10-15 15:57:51.733 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.734 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.735 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.735 4587 7001 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.systemupdateactivity.SettingsSecurityEntryPoint newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.739 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.739 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] lzj.run(144): SysUA: Set SystemUpdateActivity enabled state to 1 10-15 15:57:51.739 30881 31088 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.740 31560 31560 E sdk.handwritin: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:51.741 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) %s to upload device contacts. 10-15 15:57:51.742 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_8uPcAMKCDHNJ0JSQF+]iaOJyMgDPzgR70X6yqeMN5cIY 10-15 15:57:51.744 4587 5292 D CountryDetector: The first listener is added 10-15 15:57:51.749 31481 31481 D ActivityThread: Loading provider contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 10-15 15:57:51.753 31403 31403 W DIAGMON_SDK[605034]: UncaughtExceptionLogging can't be enabled because Configuration is null 10-15 15:57:51.754 31341 31505 W android.vendin: Verification of java.lang.Object llf.b() took 150.178ms (18338.13 bytecodes/s) (52624B approximate peak alloc) 10-15 15:57:51.754 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_UiUcJW9XsmyKX+]I15dK0BqMkWezt6_w5MrczQ6+]g34U 10-15 15:57:51.756 31341 31418 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 10-15 15:57:51.758 4587 5292 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.hibernation.impl.UnhibernateActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.758 31341 31418 I Finsky : [29227] vjh.j(33): SettingNotFoundException, fall through to G.downloadBytesOverMobileMaximum 10-15 15:57:51.758 31341 31418 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 10-15 15:57:51.760 31341 31418 I Finsky : [29227] vjh.i(31): SettingNotFoundException, fall through to G.downloadBytesOverMobileRecommended 10-15 15:57:51.760 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.761 31341 31557 I Finsky : [29249] oe.run(110): Set UnhibernateActivity enabled state to 1 10-15 15:57:51.761 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates uploading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.761 31341 31418 I Finsky : [29227] amxf.d(7): registerListener 10-15 15:57:51.764 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.764 31341 31418 I Finsky : [29227] amxf.d(7): registerListener 10-15 15:57:51.765 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_KwbKW9b9g45FzgkDv08Ml+]9qwIhifxJRtvGEruVJBjs 10-15 15:57:51.767 31341 31418 I Finsky : [29227] tbf.s(77): Enqueuing libraries load for 962979479 10-15 15:57:51.767 31560 31560 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:51.767 31560 31560 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:51.770 4587 5292 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting 10-15 15:57:51.771 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_HFWmyRaOo5U2AwXADZZDKnXp8JL4HadYcIGFEonbF74 10-15 15:57:51.773 4587 6997 I Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl: getDefaultDialerPackage - callingPid : 31481 / processName : sts 10-15 15:57:51.774 4587 5292 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{394e264 31560:com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/u0a229} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:51.777 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] tbf.t(14): Starting libraries load for 962979479 10-15 15:57:51.780 31560 31560 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting 10-15 15:57:51.782 31481 31481 W SQLiteLog: (28) walIndexRecover: rc 0, nPage 319, mxFrame 10, /data/user/0/com.samsung.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db-wal 10-15 15:57:51.784 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.784 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:51.785 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.vending, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.786 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_SENDER_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.788 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates downloading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.788 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.790 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_rJ05lksl+]Xay0CAafzMsxW+]YRdmjc5UjE4hhfeBkCuQ 10-15 15:57:51.792 31341 31550 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 10-15 15:57:51.792 31341 31550 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 10-15 15:57:51.793 31341 31550 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 10-15 15:57:51.795 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_wr1IYUU3nLo_ikiPPEB9nfkw_bXWfArPuXhWDhQdWhU 10-15 15:57:51.801 30881 31088 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.805 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_2dXd_yQJgVgrcgkckY16b2P3QaH3Gg0ZOwXpYqJLq2I 10-15 15:57:51.805 31341 31419 I Finsky : [29228] agzf.(104): VerifyApps: Setup app restrictions monitor 10-15 15:57:51.810 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_FsI6Xs7VWgdrB1SNrpyPVR3K7oaFEck2B2j9lVtjTV4 10-15 15:57:51.813 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: 'listSenderCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.814 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.sec.android.widgetapp.webmanual 10-15 15:57:51.814 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.sec.android.widgetapp.webmanual 10-15 15:57:51.814 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.widgetapp.webmanual, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.815 30881 31088 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.818 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.819 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.820 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.821 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates uploading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.822 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.825 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:51.826 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:51.826 30881 31124 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:51.828 30881 31124 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:51.834 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: bindAppsVisibilityQuery completed 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: null does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.dialer does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.messaging does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.sec.android.app.myfiles does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: null does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.android.chrome does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.gm does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.apps.maps does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.youtube does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.apps.docs does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.835 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.videos does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.apps.tachyon does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.apps.photos does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.android.vending does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.facebook.katana does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.sec.android.app.camera does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.sec.android.gallery3d does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.sec.android.app.clockpackage does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.app.contacts does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.android.settings does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.calendar does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.bixby.agent does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.game.gamehome does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.arzone does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.samsung.android.app.tips does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: com.google.android.music does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: in.snapcore.screen_alive does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio does not contain game list 10-15 15:57:51.836 30825 30917 I GameLauncherManagerImp: Hidden app size : 0 unHidden app size : 0 updateApp size : 0 10-15 15:57:51.837 30825 30917 I ModelWriter: changeItemsVisibility++ : hiddenFlag = 4 10-15 15:57:51.839 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: changeItemsVisibility(start) : hiddenFlag = 4 10-15 15:57:51.840 4587 4587 D SEP_UNION_SemDeviceInfoManagerService: UnionContentObserver onChange: content://com.sec.android.app.launcher.settings/hiddenApps 10-15 15:57:51.840 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems : [matched = true] col = 4, raw : 5 10-15 15:57:51.841 4587 4587 D SEP_UNION_SemDeviceInfoManagerService: Uri matches exactly. Reporting chagnes... 10-15 15:57:51.841 31341 31419 I Finsky : [29228] ahfg.a(32): VerifyApps: Device wide unknown source restriction updated 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 30, 2, -102, 0, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Samsung, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 35, 2, -102, 0, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, Google, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 49, 0, -102, 0, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 50, 0, -102, 0, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galaxy Store, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 51, 0, -102, 0, 4, UserHandle{0}, 0, Facebook, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 52, 0, -102, 0, 5, UserHandle{0}, 0, Camera, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 53, 0, -102, 0, 6, UserHandle{0}, 0, Galleria, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 54, 0, -102, 0, 7, UserHandle{0}, 0, Orologio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 55, 0, -102, 0, 8, UserHandle{0}, 0, Rubrica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 56, 0, -102, 0, 9, UserHandle{0}, 0, Impostazioni, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 57, 0, -102, 0, 10, UserHandle{0}, 0, Calendario, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 59, 0, -102, 0, 11, UserHandle{0}, 0, Bixby, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 60, 0, -102, 0, 12, UserHandle{0}, 0, Game Launcher, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_SENDER_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 62, 0, -102, 0, 13, UserHandle{0}, 0, Spazio AR, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 65, 0, -102, 0, 14, UserHandle{0}, 0, Suggerimenti, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 66, 0, -102, 0, 15, UserHandle{0}, 0, Play Musica, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 70, 0, -102, 1, 0, UserHandle{0}, 0, Screen Alive, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 71, 0, -102, 1, 1, UserHandle{0}, 0, MIT AI2 Companion, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 79, 0, -102, 1, 2, UserHandle{0}, 0, WatchDog, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.841 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: normalizeVisibleItems(visibleItems)> 0, 80, 0, -102, 1, 3, UserHandle{0}, 0, ProvaTirocinio, -1, -1 10-15 15:57:51.842 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: updateItemsInDataBase : Invalid updateItems 10-15 15:57:51.842 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: updateItemsInDataBase : Invalid updateItems 10-15 15:57:51.842 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: updateItemsInDataBase : Invalid updateItems 10-15 15:57:51.842 30825 30917 I AppsModelWriter: bindAppsItems : Visible items are empty!! 10-15 15:57:51.845 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Running sender certificates downloading task with force = %s. 10-15 15:57:51.845 4587 4587 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10083 packageName=com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder 10-15 15:57:51.846 4587 4587 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.847 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.847 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:51.848 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) %s trying to attach account for self share. 10-15 15:57:51.848 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: Current account added in device update request for self share [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.849 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.851 4587 4587 D ActivityManager: Received SERVICE intent 0xf874307 Key{startService pkg=com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder intent=act=hide_apps cmp=com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder/.acceleration.AppCoreService flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=0 from uid 1000 10-15 15:57:51.851 4587 4587 D SEP_UNION_SemDeviceInfoManagerService: reportUriChanged() uri = content://com.sec.android.app.launcher.settings/hiddenApps, tag = 10-15 15:57:51.854 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_3UYW9rvCgUMkuIUUMaQzjvhs4R+]ly8TVlqqNjDTfeeQ 10-15 15:57:51.856 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_8uPcAMKCDHNJ0JSQF+]iaOJyMgDPzgR70X6yqeMN5cIY 10-15 15:57:51.859 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_UiUcJW9XsmyKX+]I15dK0BqMkWezt6_w5MrczQ6+]g34U 10-15 15:57:51.859 30881 31125 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_CONTACTS_AND_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.859 30881 31125 W NearbySharing: Force sync contact book failed. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.860 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.863 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.866 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_KwbKW9b9g45FzgkDv08Ml+]9qwIhifxJRtvGEruVJBjs 10-15 15:57:51.872 30881 31279 W NearbySharing: 'listSenderCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.873 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31591 10-15 15:57:51.873 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_HFWmyRaOo5U2AwXADZZDKnXp8JL4HadYcIGFEonbF74 10-15 15:57:51.874 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.android.settings 10-15 15:57:51.874 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.android.settings 10-15 15:57:51.874 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.settings, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.877 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_rJ05lksl+]Xay0CAafzMsxW+]YRdmjc5UjE4hhfeBkCuQ 10-15 15:57:51.877 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.878 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.879 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.882 30881 31279 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Saved sender certificates to file %s. 10-15 15:57:51.899 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 10-15 15:57:51.900 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 10-15 15:57:51.900 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 10-15 15:57:51.900 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31591:com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:appservice/u0a83 for service {com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder/com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder.acceleration.AppCoreService} 10-15 15:57:51.900 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 10-15 15:57:51.901 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_wr1IYUU3nLo_ikiPPEB9nfkw_bXWfArPuXhWDhQdWhU 10-15 15:57:51.901 31591 31591 E nder:appservic: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:51.902 4587 4631 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 10-15 15:57:51.911 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_2dXd_yQJgVgrcgkckY16b2P3QaH3Gg0ZOwXpYqJLq2I 10-15 15:57:51.912 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.sec.android.app.magnifier 10-15 15:57:51.912 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.sec.android.app.magnifier 10-15 15:57:51.912 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.magnifier, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.915 31591 31591 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:51.915 31591 31591 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:51.918 4315 4315 I keystore: !@ reading blob user_0/10095_USRCERT_nearby_sharing_paired_key_alias_FsI6Xs7VWgdrB1SNrpyPVR3K7oaFEck2B2j9lVtjTV4 10-15 15:57:51.919 4587 6998 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder 10-15 15:57:51.920 4587 6998 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{ff2ec73 31591:com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:appservice/u0a83} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:51.923 31341 31433 I Finsky : [29231] sbu.(46): Item store provider started. 10-15 15:57:51.925 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.928 31591 31591 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:appservice 10-15 15:57:51.934 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps, block option : true 10-15 15:57:51.946 4587 7001 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10111/31341 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2581, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] 10-15 15:57:51.947 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:51.949 4587 4764 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2581, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:51.949 4587 4764 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2581, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:51.950 4587 4843 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2581, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:51.950 31481 31481 I EmergencyDataModel: context isDeviceProtectedStorage : false 10-15 15:57:51.951 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.videos 10-15 15:57:51.951 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.videos 10-15 15:57:51.952 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.videos, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:51.952 31481 31481 I EmergencyDataModel: storageContext isDeviceProtectedStorage : true, isUserUnlocked : true, getStorageEncryptionStatus : 5 10-15 15:57:51.953 4924 4924 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2581, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:51.962 30881 31439 W NearbySharing: UPLOAD_CONTACTS_AND_CERTIFICATES failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:51.963 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:51.965 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:51.965 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:51.965 31341 31420 W linker : Warning: "/data/app/~~gBDwodWdusxMqGcaSJl8eQ==/com.android.vending-xoII9v30meMCvN2sC8ddfg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring) 10-15 15:57:51.971 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::onCreate] 10-15 15:57:51.971 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] start to register BR, already registered ? false 10-15 15:57:51.974 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] HWRUpdateReceiver is registered! 10-15 15:57:51.977 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] HWRCancelReceiver is registered! 10-15 15:57:51.980 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] HWRDeleteReceiver is registered! 10-15 15:57:51.982 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] HWRDownloadSizeReceiver is registered! 10-15 15:57:51.982 31560 31560 I HWRResProvider: [registerReceiver] complete to register BR 10-15 15:57:51.982 31560 31560 I HWRResConfig: [setPreloadRootDirectoryPath] checking preload path : /prism/HWRDB/ 10-15 15:57:51.983 31560 31560 I HWRResConfig: [setPreloadRootDirectoryPath] checking preload path : /product/HWRDB/ 10-15 15:57:51.983 31560 31560 I HWRResConfig: [setPreloadRootDirectoryPath] mPreloadRootDirPath is set with /product/HWRDB/ 10-15 15:57:51.984 31560 31560 I HWRResConfig: [setDownloadRootDirectoryPath] userId = 0 10-15 15:57:51.985 31560 31560 I HWRResConfig: [setDownloadRootDirectoryPath] mDownloadRootDirPath is set with /data/user/0/com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/HWRDB/ 10-15 15:57:51.995 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:51.995 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:51.995 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.contacts, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.002 31481 31481 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:52.004 4587 6998 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:52.007 30881 31439 W NearbySharing: 'listPublicCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.007 30881 31439 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:52.014 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:52.022 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.gmscompliance.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:52.022 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.gmscompliance.service.START dat=chimera-action: cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } 10-15 15:57:52.027 30881 31439 W NearbySharing: 'listPublicCertificates' failed for parent: users/me/devices/4NLTPX3STC with error: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.031 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:52.039 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.facebook.katana 10-15 15:57:52.039 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.facebook.katana 10-15 15:57:52.039 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.facebook.katana, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.052 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: [HWRDBHelper::updateAllDatabase] start 10-15 15:57:52.052 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [HWRResListManager] Start to refresh DB list! 10-15 15:57:52.052 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [searchData] start 10-15 15:57:52.058 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: There is no downloaded resources list. 10-15 15:57:52.058 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [setAvailableResources] start 10-15 15:57:52.063 31341 31420 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 114.0.5735.84, arch: aarch64 10-15 15:57:52.066 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.066 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.066 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.contacts, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.068 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.safetynet.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.068 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.safetynet.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.080 31458 31458 I DWBTrimMemDispatcher: onTrimMemory(15) 10-15 15:57:52.081 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: Set available list from default preload path : /product/HWRDB/viresources.txt 10-15 15:57:52.081 4587 6997 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:52.081 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [setPreloadedResources] start 10-15 15:57:52.086 4587 6998 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:52.095 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:52.095 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:52.095 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 216, width: 216, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.097 31403 31515 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 31049 10-15 15:57:52.098 31403 31515 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-15 15:57:52.098 31403 31515 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-15 15:57:52.098 31403 31515 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:52.108 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [setDownloadedResources] start 10-15 15:57:52.108 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [setDownloadedResources] dirList is null or 0 10-15 15:57:52.108 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [checkBinaryOfInstalledList] start 10-15 15:57:52.109 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [setDownloadingLanguages] start 10-15 15:57:52.109 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.109 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.113 31560 31560 I HWRResListManager: [searchData] finish 10-15 15:57:52.129 4587 5056 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10111 10-15 15:57:52.139 4587 5056 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1196 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:23956 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiverWithFeature:18660 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:2614 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3628 10-15 15:57:52.142 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 340, 6.4.0, true, eab9408c9a3caa273435d36e9f43a85c, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.143 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 93, 6.4.0, true, 322285d9111fce86540e484820dc3707, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.144 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 207, 6.4.0, true, dcfd5b95908208bbfc57bad2b799485a, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.145 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 219, 6.4.0, true, 4f80d6a36c2e0a82684a2c41e53b1cda, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.146 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 310, 6.4.0, true, 22410bd6e5b9b28e84a22af838961a5d, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.147 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 330, 6.4.0, true, 5828c3e6db36b6ca8694ca7f097f3073, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.147 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 303, 6.4.0, true, dbd58a944ff0aa3f39c793c15ad937bc, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.148 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 90, 6.4.0, true, 5e792cdecf3a3bc775ba9cf944fac545, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.149 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 224, 6.4.0, true, 6b244066c143c116717961e3ee2c6003, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.150 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 94, 6.4.0, true, fc15b8efe21fc9ac9005106848027791, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.150 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 323, 6.4.0, true, f98db72a4f8694259e97e28527872751, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.151 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 104, 6.4.0, true, c92decd7a14a62b88b884b0a46c4ea6b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.152 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 102, 6.4.0, true, 4d498e9958733454863830ab78142416, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.153 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.sec.android.app.myfiles 10-15 15:57:52.153 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.sec.android.app.myfiles 10-15 15:57:52.153 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 98, 6.4.0, true, 0c600632f1c7a6da710dc19942298f70, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.153 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.myfiles, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.154 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 214, 6.4.0, true, ee720554954d82f531725bb862fb1d23, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.154 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 311, 6.4.0, true, 6426a5f100d1942085e0f174af23c3a7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.155 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 206, 6.4.0, true, 687f776403094a576a73fdb76bfc50af, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.156 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 15, 6.4.0, true, d5471dfec0a00df339e8add9bc173923, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.162 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 99, 6.4.0, true, c204fa6059b251e1956dbd6545109403, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.163 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 204, 6.4.0, true, e66d90ef70ebaaff9dfbf3b3e1d3329e, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.164 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 227, 6.4.0, true, 85d8b52bb8ca484083f8d08309f74ef7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.165 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 360, 6.4.0, true, 2b1f4088c68e5e3788de6c01e1cfb36b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.166 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 200, 6.4.0, true, 6883623498dc7a2476fafa7780574e3f, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.166 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 100, 6.4.0, true, 1d48e62c3cd32605243e541c46b6fa3f, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.167 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 97, 6.4.0, true, 6e44c1a856bc3d6f27563b93325fb818, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.168 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 228, 6.4.0, true, ba6058358ce38cc6efdfaa7119e1337a, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.168 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 216, 6.4.0, true, 0b5dda5ac07bb83b7324a9386a8e59d3, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.173 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 91, 6.4.0, true, 0f40bfe90d37cb540dd7c1cccdaffb88, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.174 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 202, 6.4.0, true, 0c5c37400ef70b933b84806dc68c4da3, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.175 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 1, 6.4.0, true, a08fe8a1a41879d4896f7a1fdcd5aadc, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.176 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 10, 6.4.0, true, 1c26b9c2340bd3f15cf369baae625dee, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.176 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 343, 6.4.0, true, 7c63f5f43abf0dbfc874e5b2176b8f9d, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.178 4587 6998 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:52.179 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 103, 6.4.0, true, 82261f19b8c9f978bd64fab657190758, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.180 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 324, 6.4.0, true, e90486937710b64ff45426428831d3f7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.181 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 108, 6.4.0, true, 4939df1fe21186a9bde69505932dd4ed, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.182 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 110, 6.4.0, true, 7b5027e5f98555396d3173094cbe00ee, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.182 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 13, 6.4.0, true, 50d7868353fb806f804d3a5d5b49c33d, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.183 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 16, 6.4.0, true, 3a7345f539e849c5302f7462c5c439ef, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.184 31403 31515 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 10-15 15:57:52.184 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 95, 6.4.0, true, 9c97e8876a83962265de94e1e8122b28, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.185 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 322, 6.4.0, true, f076048b679d6cbf54e60ede4d489d99, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.186 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 212, 6.4.0, true, 82c2cfcebaf70048152150cfea686f79, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.187 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 301, 6.4.0, true, 09bb6c9561fef35bdeec014bbbaa9c81, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.188 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 88, 6.4.0, true, 49b04b1cd664d7982df3a8df3affe53a, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.189 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 89, 6.4.0, true, bca202dec25b543d17f5b68810f9e3e0, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.190 31591 31591 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 31591 SIG: 9 10-15 15:57:52.202 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 350, 6.4.0, true, c5df37fa4d2479c0a353b8252253b937, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.214 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 211, 6.4.0, true, 28e1d5270e43aa049b094f8d7414bd0d, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.220 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 342, 6.4.0, true, 150b66978f11c781b544f3fcd57cfe45, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.221 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 209, 6.4.0, true, 8f0d1d8cb3e0068cc11862b02e0e882b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.222 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 11, 6.4.0, true, 64958b52ffc9e77cf344cfd3fb98effe, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.223 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 113, 6.4.0, true, cb5040451980c3eb920c9493faf767a1, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.224 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 83, 6.4.0, true, 40eb34ce2b070059ac9080a7c3983374, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.225 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 12, 6.4.0, true, 9c3bc0c5b2f1642279d68cd6325f8b33, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.227 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 87, 6.4.0, true, 1fb48f7ea9d154ca83c4f101f64de7ad, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.228 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 223, 6.4.0, true, 7509e8818bafc1e57e1ed11c0c983121, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.228 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.gm 10-15 15:57:52.228 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.gm 10-15 15:57:52.228 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.gm, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.229 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 220, 6.4.0, true, 8a5d756ff03b54e61f66824fd37bb2c3, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.230 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 341, 6.4.0, true, 6666258806a5dd01fb58d7b1517d9d38, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.231 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 84, 6.4.0, true, 5a6b03a224e2af61212f85ec2d3e823b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.232 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 85, 6.4.0, true, 59cdcef5f1ad2f8d2b6985acbc0d0531, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.240 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 222, 6.4.0, true, 557e06798648534f3ef0e335a9a50967, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.246 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 221, 6.4.0, true, 2e82bed12e604f81f464c8fd87b28d33, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.247 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 213, 6.4.0, true, 56e23867b4872e635049f2c81e1e16cc, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.248 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 312, 6.4.0, true, a3ae14efdf3f010a3c0b70f03341e33d, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.250 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 231, 6.4.0, true, ba96729deb7c5fab22e446e5b59bb499, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.251 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 320, 6.4.0, true, 23164341d7a1aac35f2bb12cb114a5c7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.252 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 226, 6.4.0, true, 27f5b27ce63db5fd7c663790f072910b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.258 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] jlw.h(311): This process start was not selected for Play memory metrics collection. 10-15 15:57:52.259 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(9): Handling launcher configuration broadcast Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.FIRST_SCREEN_ACTIVE_INSTALLS flg=0x10 pkg=com.android.vending cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.setup.LauncherConfigurationReceiver (has extras) } 10-15 15:57:52.269 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 92, 6.4.0, true, b5ad8c55d1980a477b13a8b90d1925a7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.270 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 107, 6.4.0, true, eada79871cda8d1af7c004701e5a78e7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.272 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 321, 6.4.0, true, 335241dd22c90a023172e9a93b40f38b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.273 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 201, 6.4.0, true, 7754e74769a3f246db3c010cd9781806, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.274 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 106, 6.4.0, true, d9ab2ac92a375ba6b0be2a31534a0c76, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.276 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 215, 6.4.0, true, 8c359572dc7a27001f36d4dc76d01ded, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.277 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, -1, 6.4.0, true, 25d3c2f16fb91743a9ae65cc64a53e10, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.278 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 105, 6.4.0, true, 723a5667f5400a135c1909dc837cabc2, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.279 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 203, 6.4.0, true, c226befa9edfe174c49439b12dd90f56, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.281 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 300, 6.4.0, true, a4aaadb29fa06d48e33777384d2cbffd, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.282 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 210, 6.4.0, true, d07900a8191b17d5e0f897ce5aaf2e82, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.283 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 302, 6.4.0, true, d678fbdcff665e7a17d2885d2bf06a19, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.291 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 111, 6.4.0, true, be0bc5d011529324ac2fb20cf9e29635, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.293 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 218, 6.4.0, true, 4cd5091c4d15614994ad9226401090c7, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.294 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 208, 6.4.0, true, 41c1bb119d99c723e98b1de7b31a346e, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.295 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 225, 6.4.0, true, faf636009e62f2cdc25ed3727997a86b, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.297 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 109, 6.4.0, true, b721af3c566b26790df75b3587f59aaf, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.298 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.android.chrome 10-15 15:57:52.298 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.android.chrome 10-15 15:57:52.298 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.chrome, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.304 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 112, 6.4.0, true, 2d8811e1dadc6eee4a1701f5daef8c72, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.307 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 101, 6.4.0, true, 4f39513571e4e049a7b804ee79f1d5ae, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.308 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(161): Received launcher configuration broadcast items: 10-15 15:57:52.315 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 96, 6.4.0, true, dabb30368dab819d2539efc924646f58, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.317 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 0, 6.4.0, true, 5373b2c456bca2f41e8ef2d94cbbd26e, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.318 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: category: 201, 14, 6.4.0, true, 199b5b10aa8c183a577f79928a6130ed, , type: 100, from: 0 10-15 15:57:52.326 31560 31560 I HWRDBHelper: [HWRDBHelper::updateAllDatabase] finish 10-15 15:57:52.327 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.327 30881 30881 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.usagereporting.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:57:52.329 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Close ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.330 31481 31510 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.google.android.exchange" 10-15 15:57:52.330 31481 31510 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.google.exchange" 10-15 15:57:52.330 31481 31510 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.google.android.gm.exchange" 10-15 15:57:52.330 31481 31510 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.google" 10-15 15:57:52.331 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Get ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.334 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(170): hotseat: [] 10-15 15:57:52.337 30881 31441 W Nearby : Failed to open content://com.android.contacts/data because the Cursor was empty [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 10-15 15:57:52.337 30881 31441 W NearbySharing: Unable to get cursor for the third party contact content uri. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.340 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(179): widgets: [] 10-15 15:57:52.341 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::query] uri = content://com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting.resourcemanager/langs 10-15 15:57:52.341 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] category = 201 10-15 15:57:52.344 4587 5292 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :31190 / OP:PendingIntent{3b87b77: PendingIntentRecord{d3dc850 com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.measurement broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:52.344 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: Unable to load sim contacts. No sim available. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.347 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(188): shortcuts: [] 10-15 15:57:52.348 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] LauncherConfigurationReceiver.c(197): folder shortcuts: [] 10-15 15:57:52.357 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: The contact book was modified but all emails and phone numbers are unchanged. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.357 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Contact book update: %s. 10-15 15:57:52.361 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] cursor is returned!, cursor count = 87 10-15 15:57:52.364 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateAvailableLanguageList] Start 10-15 15:57:52.365 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateAvailableLanguageList] Available List, size = 87 10-15 15:57:52.365 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:52.365 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = de_AT 10-15 15:57:52.365 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ro_RO 10-15 15:57:52.366 30881 31125 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = af_ZA 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = tl_PH 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = es_US 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = pt_BR 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = hg_IN 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = th_TH 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = bn_BD 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = cs_CZ 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_LU 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ca_ES 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = hu_HU 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = nb_NO 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = gl_ES 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = es_MX 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = sk_SK 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = es_ES 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = nl_NL 10-15 15:57:52.366 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = is_IS 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = te_IN 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = nl_BE 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = sq_AL 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = sv_SE 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = da_DK 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ta_IN 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = sr_RS 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ar 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = hr_HR 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ko_KR 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = en_US 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = de_LU 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = lt_LT 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_MC 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = kk_KZ 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = el_GR 10-15 15:57:52.367 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = it_IT 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ru_RU 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = pl_PL 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_BE 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = be_BY 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = en_AU 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = tr_TR 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = hi_IN 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = id_ID 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = mr_IN 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = de_LI 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = mn_MN 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_FR 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = he_IL 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ja_JP 10-15 15:57:52.368 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = de_DE 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ms_MY 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = tg_TJ 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ky_KG 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = de_CH 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = zh_HK 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = zh_TW 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = tk_TM 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = uz_UZ 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = eu_ES 10-15 15:57:52.369 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = es_CO 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = as_IN 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_CA 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = pa_IN 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fa_IR 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = bg_BG 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fr_CH 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = hy_AM 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = vi_VN 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = mk_MK 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = cy_GB 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = az_AZ 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = fi_FI 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = en_GB 10-15 15:57:52.370 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = et_EE 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = en_CA 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ka_GE 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = bs_BA 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = lv_LV 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ne_NP 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = uk_UA 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ur_PK 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = ga_IE 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = sl_SI 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = zh_CN 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePack: HWRLanguagePack: construct : language = pt_PT 10-15 15:57:52.371 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateAvailableLanguageList] Completed! 10-15 15:57:52.375 30881 31125 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:52.376 31341 31571 I android.vendin: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked for 16.713ms 10-15 15:57:52.379 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: Device Contacts is enabled: updating all contacts reachability. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.379 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:52.379 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 10-15 15:57:52.379 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 10-15 15:57:52.380 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.383 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 15 10-15 15:57:52.384 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Close ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.385 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Get ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.388 30881 31441 W NearbySharing: 'checkContactsReachability' failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.388 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Check contacts reachability: %s. 10-15 15:57:52.391 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::query] uri = content://com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting.resourcemanager/updates 10-15 15:57:52.391 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] category = 202 10-15 15:57:52.392 30881 31529 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:52.394 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:52.395 31341 31376 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onSubscriptionsChangedListener callback received. 10-15 15:57:52.395 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] cursor is returned!, cursor count = 0 10-15 15:57:52.395 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:52.395 30881 31383 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:52.396 30881 31124 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:52.398 30881 31383 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:52.400 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateInstalledLanguageList] Start 10-15 15:57:52.400 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateInstalledLanguageList] Installed List, size = 0 10-15 15:57:52.400 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateInstalledLanguageList] Completed! 10-15 15:57:52.401 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Cannot upload contacts: visibility is %s. 10-15 15:57:52.406 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Close ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.407 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Get ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.409 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::query] uri = content://com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting.resourcemanager/downloading 10-15 15:57:52.409 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] category = 203 10-15 15:57:52.412 31560 31582 I HWRResProvider: [HWRResProvider::getLanguageListCursor] cursor is returned!, cursor count = 0 10-15 15:57:52.413 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateDownloadingLanguageList] Start 10-15 15:57:52.414 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateDownloadingLanguageList] Downloading List, size = 0 10-15 15:57:52.414 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateDownloadingLanguageList] Completed! 10-15 15:57:52.415 31220 31220 I HWRRMHelper: Close ContentProviderClient 10-15 15:57:52.416 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateLanguageManagerSync] availableListUpdated, installedListUpdated, downloadingListUpdated : true, true, true 10-15 15:57:52.416 31220 31220 I HWRLanguagePackManager: [updateLanguageManager] All language list updated. 10-15 15:57:52.417 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 340 10-15 15:57:52.417 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 93 10-15 15:57:52.417 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 207 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 219 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 310 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 330 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 303 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 90 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 224 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 94 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 323 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 104 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 102 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 98 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 214 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 311 10-15 15:57:52.418 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 206 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 15 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 99 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 204 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 227 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 360 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 200 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 100 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 97 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 228 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 216 10-15 15:57:52.419 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 91 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 202 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 1 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 10 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 343 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 103 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 324 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 108 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 110 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 13 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 16 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 95 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 322 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 212 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 301 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 88 10-15 15:57:52.420 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 89 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 350 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 211 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 342 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 209 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 11 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 113 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 83 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 12 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 87 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 223 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 220 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 341 10-15 15:57:52.421 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 84 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 85 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 222 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 221 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 213 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 312 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = -1 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 320 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 226 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 92 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 107 10-15 15:57:52.422 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 321 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 201 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 106 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 215 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = -1 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 105 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 203 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 300 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 210 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 302 10-15 15:57:52.423 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:52.423 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for in.snapcore.screen_alive 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 111 10-15 15:57:52.423 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 218 10-15 15:57:52.424 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: in.snapcore.screen_alive, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 208 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 225 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 109 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 112 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 101 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 96 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 0 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HWRLanguageManager: Downloadable Language list = 14 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HwrLanguagePackManager: update result = 0 10-15 15:57:52.424 31220 31220 I HwrLanguagePackManager: update success 10-15 15:57:52.430 31220 31220 I HBD : HwrDownloadManager [HWRDownload] updateHwrLanguageManager is completed 10-15 15:57:52.450 30881 31441 W Nearby : Failed to open content://com.android.contacts/data because the Cursor was empty [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 10-15 15:57:52.450 30881 31441 W NearbySharing: Unable to get cursor for the third party contact content uri. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.452 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: Unable to load sim contacts. No sim available. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.462 31220 31220 I Choreographer: Skipped 50 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 10-15 15:57:52.469 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: The contact book was modified but all emails and phone numbers are unchanged. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.469 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Contact book update: %s. 10-15 15:57:52.473 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:52.474 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:52.475 30881 31383 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:52.481 30881 31383 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:52.488 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.tachyon 10-15 15:57:52.488 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.tachyon 10-15 15:57:52.491 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.tachyon, useThemeIcon: false, height: 216, width: 216, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.491 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: Device Contacts is enabled: updating all contacts reachability. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.491 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Incremented the RateLimitThrottler(%s) count to %d. 10-15 15:57:52.503 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] qqa.y(24): Installer: Attempting to start installer 10-15 15:57:52.522 30881 31441 W NearbySharing: 'checkContactsReachability' failed: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.522 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Check contacts reachability: %s. 10-15 15:57:52.523 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] amxf.d(7): registerListener 10-15 15:57:52.528 30881 31125 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Successfully logged %s 10-15 15:57:52.528 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Received 'getActivityControlsSettings' request from package '%s', instance id '%s', version '%d'... 10-15 15:57:52.529 30881 31092 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'getActivityControlsSettings' dispatched! 10-15 15:57:52.537 30881 31125 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Executing operation '%s'... 10-15 15:57:52.542 30881 31125 I FacsCacheGmsModule: (REDACTED) Operation '%s' successful! 10-15 15:57:52.542 31220 31220 I HBD : a setPortHeightToSetting value:750 10-15 15:57:52.542 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.music 10-15 15:57:52.542 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.music 10-15 15:57:52.542 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = com.sec.android.inputmethod.height 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10179 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.honeyboard:10179 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D RestrictionPolicy: isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true 10-15 15:57:52.543 4587 6997 D SettingsProvider: ret = 1 10-15 15:57:52.543 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.music, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.550 31458 31458 I DWBTrimMemDispatcher: onTrimMemory(80) 10-15 15:57:52.570 4587 6998 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:appservice (pid 31591) has died: fg SVC (1302,756) 10-15 15:57:52.577 4301 6589 I CameraService: UidPolicy: No processes running for a uid=10083 disabled=0 10-15 15:57:52.578 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: (REDACTED) Cannot upload contacts: visibility is %s. 10-15 15:57:52.580 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] aatt.(263): Initializing pausers from value store. 10-15 15:57:52.581 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] aatt.(320): setup::RES: Callers (Pausers) in PauseUpdatesCallersValueStore: [] 10-15 15:57:52.583 4159 4159 I Zygote : Process 31591 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 10-15 15:57:52.588 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3633374 102964556 w 1533145 30966568 d 141530 124373136 f 339607 562687 iot 1836748 1543242 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 2 2 461643.478 10-15 15:57:52.590 4587 4633 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10083 pid 31591 in 19ms 10-15 15:57:52.603 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: ContactBookUpdater has started listening for device contacts consent. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.608 30881 31441 I NearbySharing: ContactBookUpdater has started listening for contact book changed events. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ] 10-15 15:57:52.619 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] mcb.onSubscriptionsChanged(6): onSubscriptionsChanged 10-15 15:57:52.627 30995 31037 I gs.intelligenc: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:52.630 30881 30893 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC freed 318403(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 45(1156KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9165KB/17MB, paused 851us total 166.666ms 10-15 15:57:52.650 30881 30895 W inertial-anchor: NdkSensorDataProvider is not started before calling Stop(). 10-15 15:57:52.650 30881 30895 W inertial-anchor: NdkSensorDataProvider is not started before calling Stop(). 10-15 15:57:52.657 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.657 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.657 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.contacts, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.665 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 80 10-15 15:57:52.672 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] nmp.accept(78): Flushing in-memory image cache 10-15 15:57:52.675 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.675 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.app.contacts 10-15 15:57:52.675 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.contacts, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.693 30881 31267 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10095; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:52.695 4587 7001 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{44b17d2 u0 InputMethod}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x209 10-15 15:57:52.696 4587 7001 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash)/@0x35453ff 10-15 15:57:52.697 4587 7001 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867})/@0x7243759, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 10-15 15:57:52.697 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537124868192] 10-15 15:57:52.697 4587 7001 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537124868192] 10-15 15:57:52.697 4587 7001 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867})/@0x7243759 10-15 15:57:52.699 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11524 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash#1 10-15 15:57:52.700 4587 7001 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash)/@0xcbf0ad6 10-15 15:57:52.702 4245 4268 I Layer : id=11523 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash#0 (63) 10-15 15:57:52.706 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:52.708 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.samsung.android.game.gamehome 10-15 15:57:52.708 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.game.gamehome, useThemeIcon: false, height: 189, width: 189, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=44b17d2, pid=31220: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=INPUT_METHOD fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x7f130142 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: fl=81800108 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: pfl=12000000 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: fitTypes=STATUS_BARS NAVIGATION_BARS 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: fitSides=LEFT TOP RIGHT 10-15 15:57:52.712 4587 7001 V WindowManager: fitIgnoreVis dimDuration=150 naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:52.713 31220 31220 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x688b994 / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1814 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:52.714 31220 31220 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0xd3a4c3d / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:52.714 31220 31220 I ViewRootImpl@8e8af64[InputMethod]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,2131,1080,2340) req=(1080,209)4 dur=20 res=0x1 s={false 0} ch=false fn=-1 10-15 15:57:52.716 31220 31220 I HBD : CandidateExpandButtonFrame Init expand button state by global layout listener 10-15 15:57:52.734 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / OP:PendingIntent{a290157: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:52.735 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543248823 10-15 15:57:52.744 4587 7001 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T160036 now=543248831 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{89f92d: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:52.744 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543248832 10-15 15:57:52.752 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.arzone 10-15 15:57:52.752 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.arzone 10-15 15:57:52.753 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.arzone, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.753 4587 6998 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / OP:PendingIntent{a78fe62: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:52.755 4587 6998 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543248843 10-15 15:57:52.758 4587 7001 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T160036 now=543248845 - CU:10095/CP:30881/OP:PendingIntent{4d25bf3: PendingIntentRecord{16acb4d com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.scheduler broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:57:52.758 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543248846 10-15 15:57:52.766 4587 5056 I WindowManager: Cancelling animation restarting=true, leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash)/@0xcbf0ad6 10-15 15:57:52.766 4587 5056 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867})/@0x7243759, destroy=false, surface=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 10-15 15:57:52.767 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537264250176] 10-15 15:57:52.767 4587 5056 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537264250176] 10-15 15:57:52.767 4587 5056 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0, leashParent=Surface(name=WindowToken{2c31614 android.os.Binder@527b867})/@0x7243759 10-15 15:57:52.767 4245 4268 I SurfaceFlinger: id=11525 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash#0 10-15 15:57:52.769 4587 5056 D WindowManager: makeSurface duration=2 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash)/@0xec9eae 10-15 15:57:52.770 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 30825 , caller uid : 10149 10-15 15:57:52.770 31220 31220 I HBD : i updateConfigs 10-15 15:57:52.770 31220 31220 I HBD : i isEnabledNightMode : true 10-15 15:57:52.771 31220 31220 I HBD : a IC have been binded, InputConnectionWrapper{idHash=#93b3c32 mMissingMethods=} 10-15 15:57:52.772 31220 31220 I HBD : h [EditorInputType]setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 10-15 15:57:52.772 31220 31220 I HBD : h [EditorInputType]PrivateImeOptionsMap is empty 10-15 15:57:52.773 31220 31220 I HBD : b incognitoMode : false 10-15 15:57:52.773 31220 31220 I HBD : a needOff = true , isJpnConvertState : false, isForceOff = false 10-15 15:57:52.774 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:52.774 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:52.774 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:52.775 4245 4268 I Layer : id=11524 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=44b17d2 InputMethod)/@0x9e12fa0 - animation-leash#1 (64) 10-15 15:57:52.779 4587 6998 D SamsungIMMSHWKeyboard: isConnectedDexOnPC false 10-15 15:57:52.779 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263284416] 10-15 15:57:52.779 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263284416] 10-15 15:57:52.779 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject s[537263284320] 10-15 15:57:52.779 30825 30825 I SurfaceControl: nativeRelease nativeObject e[537263284320] 10-15 15:57:52.781 4587 6998 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 10-15 15:57:52.786 30995 31037 I gs.intelligenc: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 159.071ms 10-15 15:57:52.807 4587 6998 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:52.808 4587 6998 D SdpManagerService: Not an enterprise user : 0 10-15 15:57:52.810 31220 31220 I HBD : h getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 10-15 15:57:52.811 31220 31220 I HBD : a currentState : 0 10-15 15:57:52.812 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.messaging 10-15 15:57:52.812 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.messaging 10-15 15:57:52.812 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.messaging, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.813 31220 31220 I HBD : h load selected json info : {"version":"1.0","currentLanguageOrder":0,"selected":[{"activeOptionList":["auto_replace","auto_spacing"],"engName":"Italian","id":2162688,"inputType":"qwerty","isUsed":true}]} 10-15 15:57:52.815 31220 31220 I HBD : a [UpdatePolicy] [post] a: 0 cl: 2162688 kit: [0/0] vt: 0 ir: 1 10-15 15:57:52.816 31220 31220 I HBD : a onStartInput 10-15 15:57:52.829 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [LanguageItem] Italian / [KeyboardViewTypeItem] 0 / [KeyboardInputTypeItem] mainType(0), subType(0) / [CurrentLanguageInputTypeItem] mainType(0), subType(0) / [KeyboardInputRangeItem] 1 / [HandwritingModeItem] false / [SelectedLanguageItem] 1 / [LocaleItem] it-IT / [TextOrNullInputClassItem] true / [DateInputTypeItem] false / [DateTimeInputTypeItem] false / 10-15 15:57:52.830 31481 31616 I EmergencyDataUpdater: isDeviceProtectedStorage : true 10-15 15:57:52.830 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [DecimalNumberInputTypeItem] false / [NumberOnlyInputTypeItem] false / [NumberPasswordInputTypeItem] false / [PhoneNumberInputClassItem] false / [SignedDecimalNumberInputTypeItem] false / [SignedNumberInputTypeItem] false / [EmailInputTypeItem] false / [UrlInputTypeItem] false / [UrlEmailModeItem] false / [PasswordInputTypeItem] false / [WebPasswordEditorItem] false / 10-15 15:57:52.830 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [NumberInputClassItem] false / [DateTimeInputClassItem] false / [DigitEditorItem] false / [MonthInputTypeItem] false / [YearDateTimeInputTypeItem] false / [IPAddressInputTypeItem] false / [FileNameInputTypeItem] false / [CustomSymbolsForPeriodKeyItem] false / [OptionInputTypeItem] false / [DisableHanjaInputItem] false / [DisableCmKeyInputItem] false / 10-15 15:57:52.832 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [DisableCommaKeyInputItem] false / [DisableLanguageChangeKeyItem] false / [DisableSpaceKeyItem] false / [NumberPickerInputItem] false / [NumberKeyFirstLineItem] true / [AlternativeCharacterItem] false / [HighContrastItem] false / [TouchAndHoldSpaceBarTypeItem] cursor_control / [UseContinuousInputItem] false / [UseToolBarItem] true / [OrientationItem] false / 10-15 15:57:52.833 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [DensityItem] 2.625 / [DisplayWidthItem] 0x1080 / [DisplayHeightItem] 0x2218 / [MainTextLabelItem] 1 / [LanguageSwitchingUsingSpaceBarItem] true / [LanguageSwitchingUsingKeyItem] false / [TransliterationTypingModeItem] false / [CoverDisplayModeItem] false / [TalkBackEnabledItem] false / [Japanese8FlickCustomisationItem] false / [VoiceEnabledItem] true / 10-15 15:57:52.834 31220 31220 I HBD : b updateConfig: [SamsungVoiceImeItem] true / [PredictionStatusItem] true / 10-15 15:57:52.834 31220 31220 I HBD : a updateKeyboardViewHolder: MAKE NEW 10-15 15:57:52.858 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.sec.android.gallery3d 10-15 15:57:52.858 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.sec.android.gallery3d 10-15 15:57:52.859 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.gallery3d, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.892 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.dialer 10-15 15:57:52.892 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.dialer 10-15 15:57:52.892 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.dialer, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.930 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.bixby.agent 10-15 15:57:52.930 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.bixby.agent 10-15 15:57:52.930 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.977 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.sec.android.app.camera 10-15 15:57:52.977 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.camera, useThemeIcon: false, height: 256, width: 256, density: 640 10-15 15:57:52.985 31220 31220 I HBD : d [NormalPresenterLocator] processLocateKeyboard: isUseCached(false), isUseKeysCafe(false) 10-15 15:57:53.008 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.samsung.android.game.gamehome, Unblock option : true 10-15 15:57:53.017 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.samsung.android.app.tips 10-15 15:57:53.017 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.samsung.android.app.tips 10-15 15:57:53.017 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.samsung.android.app.tips, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.034 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.035 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=192-192, dr=192-192, forDefault=true, density=640 10-15 15:57:53.036 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, size=144, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=6, scale=0.72, isCrop=false] 10-15 15:57:53.038 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: default container[Contain], pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=184-184, dr=144-144 10-15 15:57:53.038 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 184, width: 184, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.046 31341 31647 W android.vendin: Long monitor contention with owner FinskyEventLog (31571) at java.lang.Object aooc.a()(PG:22) waiters=0 in java.lang.Object aooc.a() for 345ms 10-15 15:57:53.063 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog 10-15 15:57:53.063 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog 10-15 15:57:53.063 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.WatchDog, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.079 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.079 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=192-192, dr=192-192, forDefault=true, density=640 10-15 15:57:53.080 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, size=144, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=6, scale=0.72, isCrop=false] 10-15 15:57:53.082 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: default container[Contain], pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=184-184, dr=144-144 10-15 15:57:53.082 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 184, width: 184, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.105 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 10-15 15:57:53.105 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 10-15 15:57:53.105 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.124 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.124 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.124 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 216, width: 216, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.149 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:53.149 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio 10-15 15:57:53.149 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: appinventor.ai_damonteluca6.ProvaTirocinio, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.165 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsContainerView: bindAppsUpdates() => add: 0, update: 27, remove: 0 10-15 15:57:53.166 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 31, rank: 0, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 30, dirty: false, title: Telefono, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.169 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 32, rank: 1, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 30, dirty: false, title: Messaggi, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.170 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 33, rank: 2, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 30, dirty: false, title: Archivio, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.171 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 37, rank: 0, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Chrome, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.171 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.171 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 38, rank: 1, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Gmail, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.171 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 39, rank: 2, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Maps, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 40, rank: 3, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: YouTube, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 41, rank: 4, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Drive, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 42, rank: 5, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Google TV, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 43, rank: 6, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Meet, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 44, rank: 7, screenId: 0, cellX: -1, cellY: -1, container: 35, dirty: false, title: Foto, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.172 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 49, rank: 2, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Play Store, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.173 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 50, rank: 3, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Galaxy Store, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.174 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 51, rank: 4, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Facebook, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.174 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=192-192, dr=192-192, forDefault=true, density=640 10-15 15:57:53.175 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, size=144, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=6, scale=0.72, isCrop=false] 10-15 15:57:53.175 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 52, rank: 5, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Camera, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.176 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 53, rank: 6, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 1, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Galleria, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.177 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 55, rank: 8, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Rubrica, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.177 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: default container[Contain], pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=184-184, dr=144-144 10-15 15:57:53.177 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 56, rank: 9, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Impostazioni, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.178 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 184, width: 184, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.178 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 59, rank: 11, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 2, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Bixby, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.178 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] tbf.t(284): Loaded library for account: [BI0iEPZr5fFYDtKyFF8iNxdlpLwioHL0flJwoaxOotY] 10-15 15:57:53.179 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 60, rank: 12, screenId: 0, cellX: 0, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Game Launcher, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.179 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] tbf.t(353): Finished loading 1 libraries. 10-15 15:57:53.180 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 62, rank: 13, screenId: 0, cellX: 1, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Spazio AR, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.181 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 65, rank: 14, screenId: 0, cellX: 2, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Suggerimenti, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.182 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 66, rank: 15, screenId: 0, cellX: 3, cellY: 3, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Play Musica, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.182 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 70, rank: 0, screenId: 1, cellX: 0, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: Screen Alive, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.183 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Screen Alive display : 1 count : 1 10-15 15:57:53.184 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 71, rank: 1, screenId: 1, cellX: 1, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: MIT AI2 Companion, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.185 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 79, rank: 2, screenId: 1, cellX: 2, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: WatchDog, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.186 30825 30825 I Launcher.AppsPagedView: UpdateItems => id: 80, rank: 3, screenId: 1, cellX: 3, cellY: 0, container: -102, dirty: false, title: ProvaTirocinio, isFolder: false, user: UserHandle{0}, disabled: false, screenType: 0 10-15 15:57:53.190 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawBackground : 8 10-15 15:57:53.192 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = null 10-15 15:57:53.195 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=null, bg=192-192, dr=258-258, forDefault=true, density=0 10-15 15:57:53.198 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: scale down, pkg=null, dr=216-216, bg=216-216 10-15 15:57:53.201 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=null, size=216, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=0, scale=1.0, isCrop=true] 10-15 15:57:53.211 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: default container[CROP], pkg=null, bg=216-216, dr=216-216 10-15 15:57:53.221 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawChildIcons : 8, 9 10-15 15:57:53.223 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Gmail display : 2 count : 2 10-15 15:57:53.223 30825 30825 I IconView: applyDotState itemInfo : Drive display : 2 count : 1 10-15 15:57:53.224 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawBackground : 8 10-15 15:57:53.224 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = null 10-15 15:57:53.225 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=null, bg=192-192, dr=258-258, forDefault=true, density=0 10-15 15:57:53.226 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: scale down, pkg=null, dr=216-216, bg=216-216 10-15 15:57:53.227 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=null, size=216, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=0, scale=1.0, isCrop=true] 10-15 15:57:53.230 30825 30825 I AppIconSolution: default container[CROP], pkg=null, bg=216-216, dr=216-216 10-15 15:57:53.234 31341 31647 I Finsky : [29271] qns.apply(712): Installer: Registering atomic install listeners with package installer 10-15 15:57:53.234 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: drawChildIcons : 8, 9 10-15 15:57:53.235 31341 31650 I Finsky : [29273] qoc.a(936): Installer: Checking for orphaned groups 10-15 15:57:53.236 30825 30825 I FolderIconView: applyDotState FolderInfo : Google display : 0 count : 3 10-15 15:57:53.237 30825 30825 I CapturePreview: sendMessageForCapture 10-15 15:57:53.239 30825 30825 I BadgeRenderer: Invalid count : 0 10-15 15:57:53.262 31341 31647 I Finsky : [29271] thx.E(6): getDownloads() 10-15 15:57:53.275 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.maps 10-15 15:57:53.276 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=192-192, dr=224-224, forDefault=true, density=640 10-15 15:57:53.277 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, size=168, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=4, scale=0.72, isCrop=false] 10-15 15:57:53.280 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: default container[Contain], pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps, bg=222-222, dr=168-168 10-15 15:57:53.281 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps, useThemeIcon: false, height: 222, width: 222, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.325 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.gm 10-15 15:57:53.327 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: start to load, pkg=com.google.android.gm, bg=192-192, dr=192-192, forDefault=true, density=640 10-15 15:57:53.328 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getIconScale, pkg=com.google.android.gm, size=192, iconScale=IconScale[alpha=19, scale=0.72, isCrop=false] 10-15 15:57:53.331 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: default container[Contain], pkg=com.google.android.gm, bg=214-214, dr=192-192 10-15 15:57:53.331 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.gm, useThemeIcon: false, height: 214, width: 214, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.333 31220 31220 I HBD : a [PresenterCacheManager] addKeyboard: cached size = 1 10-15 15:57:53.338 31220 31220 I HBD : HoneyBoardService [PF_OP][onStartInput] 567949230 ns 10-15 15:57:53.342 31220 31329 W HBD : b [SKE_SDK] [WARN] Using deprecated config file format, have top level parameter modifiers, assuming them to be multipliers 10-15 15:57:53.342 31220 31329 W HBD : 10-15 15:57:53.343 31220 31329 W HBD : b [SKE_SDK] [WARN] Using deprecated config file format, have top level parameter modifiers, assuming them to be multipliers 10-15 15:57:53.343 31220 31329 W HBD : 10-15 15:57:53.343 31220 31220 I Choreographer: Skipped 48 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 10-15 15:57:53.363 31220 31220 I HBD : a registerUpdater: size = 9 10-15 15:57:53.407 4587 7001 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode: uid=10111 packageName=com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:53.408 4587 7001 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 10-15 15:57:53.410 4587 4631 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 10-15 15:57:53.419 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{44b17d2 u0 InputMethod}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x126 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=44b17d2, pid=31220: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=INPUT_METHOD fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x7f130142 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: fl=81800108 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: pfl=12000000 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: fitTypes=STATUS_BARS NAVIGATION_BARS 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: fitSides=LEFT TOP RIGHT 10-15 15:57:53.427 4587 5056 V WindowManager: fitIgnoreVis dimDuration=150 naviIconColor=0} 10-15 15:57:53.429 31220 31220 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0x688b994 / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1814 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:53.429 31220 31220 I SurfaceControl: assignNativeObject: nativeObject = 0 Surface(name=null)/@0xd3a4c3d / android.view.SurfaceControl.readFromParcel:1121 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayout:1824 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9005 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3360 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2618 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:9971 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1010 android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:809 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:744 android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run:995 10-15 15:57:53.429 31220 31220 I ViewRootImpl@8e8af64[InputMethod]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2131,1080,2340) new=(0,2131,1080,2340) req=(1080,126)8 dur=10 res=0x1 s={false 0} ch=false fn=-1 10-15 15:57:53.432 4159 4159 D Zygote : Forked child process 31672 10-15 15:57:53.441 4587 4631 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31672:com.android.vending:background/u0a111 for service {com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.ipcservers.background.BackgroundGrpcServerAndroidService} 10-15 15:57:53.477 31672 31672 E ding:backgroun: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-15 15:57:53.487 31672 31672 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator 10-15 15:57:53.487 31672 31672 D ActivityThread: setConscryptValidator - put 10-15 15:57:53.490 4587 7001 I ActivityManager: DSS OFF for com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:53.491 4587 7001 D ActivityManager: attachApplicationLocked() app=ProcessRecord{950f00c 31672:com.android.vending:background/u0a111} app.isolatedEntryPoint=null instr2=null 10-15 15:57:53.502 31672 31672 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication()++ app=com.android.vending:background 10-15 15:57:53.532 31672 31672 I ding:backgroun: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-15 15:57:53.640 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:53.640 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:53.644 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.docs, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.687 31672 31672 W ding:backgroun: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:53.688 31672 31672 W ding:backgroun: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:53.688 31672 31672 W ding:backgroun: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:53.688 31672 31672 W ding:backgroun: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 10-15 15:57:53.703 31672 31672 D LoadedApk: LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext=android.app.ContextImpl@6deb094 appContext.mOpPackageName=com.android.vending appContext.mBasePackageName=com.android.vending appContext.mPackageInfo=android.app.LoadedApk@d16773d 10-15 15:57:53.704 31672 31672 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:53.712 31672 31672 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-15 15:57:53.712 31672 31672 D ActivityThread: handleBindApplication() -- skipGraphicsSupport=false 10-15 15:57:53.721 4587 30762 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 101 10-15 15:57:53.723 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] kdb.i(84): Process created at version: 37.9.18-29 [0] [PR] 571399392 10-15 15:57:53.728 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: getThemeIconWithBG called with public API, pkg = com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:53.728 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.docs 10-15 15:57:53.730 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.google.android.apps.docs, useThemeIcon: false, height: 232, width: 232, density: 640 10-15 15:57:53.759 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.samsung.android.dialer, block option : true 10-15 15:57:53.768 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, Unblock option : true 10-15 15:57:53.775 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.samsung.android.aremoji, Unblock option : true 10-15 15:57:53.778 30825 30917 I DisableCandidateAppCacheImp: com.samsung.android.app.contacts, block option : true 10-15 15:57:53.834 31220 31220 W HBD : b [PresenterContainerImpl] onTimerExpired: onLayout is so late 10-15 15:57:53.834 31220 31220 I HBD : b [PresenterContainerImpl] onFirstOnLayoutChanged: set touch listeners 10-15 15:57:53.949 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461644839481805 10-15 15:57:53.950 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] ahzv.bD(289): Finished reading experiment flags from file [0tGUNCGIkbk4o6-fQ335kUYSKwVj4lusnHT-A5Dsy08] numFlags=1339. 10-15 15:57:54.046 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] ahzv.bD(289): Finished reading experiment flags from file [WMQeixblEbdliLSyNdTD8iwEZqv0L3RNsLckGd-Wly0] numFlags=1785. 10-15 15:57:54.067 4587 5056 I GenerationRegistry: mBackingStore.isClosed() : false 10-15 15:57:54.112 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] wdd.(69): wcv - Registering in memory receiver for android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED 10-15 15:57:54.151 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] rxv.onCreate(9): IPC-SERVER: Starting gRPC host service... 10-15 15:57:54.163 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] jlw.h(311): This process start was not selected for Play memory metrics collection. 10-15 15:57:54.179 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 15 10-15 15:57:54.181 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 80 10-15 15:57:54.188 31220 31220 I HBD : a [PF_EN] updateSelectList() t, 89 10-15 15:57:54.208 31672 31705 I Finsky:background: [29265] nmv.i(6): getDownloads() 10-15 15:57:54.223 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:54.225 4587 5056 E system_server: Invalid class loader spec: =UnsupportedClassLoaderContext= 10-15 15:57:54.225 4587 5056 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context? 10-15 15:57:54.242 31220 31391 I roid.honeyboar: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker 10-15 15:57:54.258 31220 31246 I roid.honeyboar: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:54.271 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:54.271 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:54.272 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:54.299 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:54.300 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:54.300 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:54.308 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:54.309 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_listeners 10-15 15:57:54.310 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_assistant 10-15 15:57:54.310 4587 4623 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = enabled_notification_policy_access_packages 10-15 15:57:54.312 31672 31708 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:54.313 30881 31529 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:54.313 4587 6998 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:57:54.314 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:57:54.319 31672 31708 D ConnectivityManager: ConnectivityManager() mContext=com.google.android.finsky.application.classic.ClassicApplication@4984a74 getOpPackageName()=com.android.vending getBasePackageName()=com.android.vending getPackageName()=com.android.vending 10-15 15:57:54.327 4587 6998 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10111/31672 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2583, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] 10-15 15:57:54.328 4587 4769 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 10-15 15:57:54.329 4587 4843 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2583, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:54.330 4587 4764 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2583, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:54.330 4587 4764 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2583, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:54.330 4924 4924 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2583, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10111 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10111 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] with score 0 and providerId 0 10-15 15:57:54.334 31672 31708 I Finsky:background: [29267] oru.i(184): All invisible downloads are finished. 10-15 15:57:54.334 31672 31708 I Finsky:background: [29267] nqu.c(6): Stopping invisible download job 10-15 15:57:54.424 31220 31391 I roid.honeyboar: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 181.916ms 10-15 15:57:54.429 31220 31246 I roid.honeyboar: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on ClassLinker for 171.697ms 10-15 15:57:54.445 31220 31234 I roid.honeyboar: WaitForGcToComplete blocked RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 7.418ms 10-15 15:57:54.474 4924 4936 I m.android.phon: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 86987(5544KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(36KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 5888KB/11MB, paused 472us total 139.343ms 10-15 15:57:54.510 31220 31220 I HBD : e Package : com.sec.android.app.launcher has meta data. I: false, S : true, G : true, C : false 10-15 15:57:54.582 31220 31220 I IceCone : b Koin already started : 2 10-15 15:57:54.591 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3633892 102983176 w 1533458 30972876 d 141544 124373712 f 339631 562726 iot 1837020 1543499 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461645.481 10-15 15:57:54.607 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:54.627 31672 31708 I Finsky:background: [29267] zry.(55): Resetting scheduler db 10-15 15:57:54.645 31672 31714 I Finsky:background: [29270] zrk.a(15): SCH: no pending jobs to schedule. 10-15 15:57:54.649 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] thx.E(6): getDownloads() 10-15 15:57:54.651 31672 31705 I Finsky:background: [29265] nmv.i(6): getDownloads() 10-15 15:57:54.656 31341 31647 I Finsky : [29271] qgi.run(13): Installer: Installer starting 10-15 15:57:54.659 31341 31647 I Finsky : [29271] qgi.run(457): Installer: Installer started 10-15 15:57:54.706 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] qqa.R(85): Installer: found apps to install. apps=[] 10-15 15:57:54.750 31341 31715 I Finsky : [29283] qtt.a(793): IV2: found recoverable installs: [] 10-15 15:57:54.770 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] rxv.onCreate(9): IPC-SERVER: Starting gRPC host service... 10-15 15:57:54.796 31672 31672 I Finsky:background: [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 80 10-15 15:57:54.800 31220 31220 I IceCone : b Koin already started : 3 10-15 15:57:54.809 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] ttw.onTrimMemory(13): Memory trim requested to level 80 10-15 15:57:54.810 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] nmp.accept(78): Flushing in-memory image cache 10-15 15:57:54.862 31220 31220 I IceCone : b Koin already started : 4 10-15 15:57:54.977 31341 31718 I Finsky : [29286] qzk.D(6): IQ: Pruning inactive install requests 10-15 15:57:54.992 31341 31717 I Finsky : [29285] vvo.accept(132): Pruning stale session for mainline_train_primary 10-15 15:57:54.998 31341 31341 I Finsky : [2] aazq.a(9): Connecting InstallListener to SplitInstallService broadcaster... 10-15 15:57:55.000 31341 31718 I Finsky : [29286] zry.(55): Resetting scheduler db 10-15 15:57:55.042 31341 31717 I Finsky : [29285] wcg.j(45): PackageInstaller: Abandoned the session for mainline_train_primary, sessionId: 2062666638 10-15 15:57:55.107 31220 31220 I IceCone : a [SM] register 10-15 15:57:55.112 31220 31220 I IceCone : b Koin already started : 5 10-15 15:57:55.165 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 1-1337, CT: 1697353666502, Constraints: [{ L: 43008064, D: 86208064, C: 1, I: 1, N: 1 }] 10-15 15:57:55.174 4945 5119 D TileServices: recalculateBindAllowance 10-15 15:57:55.194 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 3-198, CT: 1697376110801, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.195 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 3-199, CT: 1697376110801, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.196 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 10-79, CT: 1697353666141, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 1 }] 10-15 15:57:55.247 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 24-77777777, CT: 1697310400765, Constraints: [{ L: 1, D: 82800000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 0 }] 10-15 15:57:55.248 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 26-1414141414, CT: 1697353659805, Constraints: [{ L: 43199999, D: 44099999, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }] 10-15 15:57:55.249 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-46, CT: 1697328332300, Constraints: [{ L: 79199407, D: 1375199407, C: 1, I: 1, N: 1 }] 10-15 15:57:55.259 31220 31220 I IceCone : f PrivateImeOptionsMap is empty 10-15 15:57:55.290 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-47, CT: 1697328218736, Constraints: [{ L: 51318508, D: 1347318508, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }, { L: 51318508, D: 1347318508, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.291 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-48, CT: 1697328218736, Constraints: [{ L: 197030584, D: 1493030584, C: 1, I: 1, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.292 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-49, CT: 1697328331808, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 1296000000, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }, { L: 0, D: 1296000000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.398 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] yvv.apply(29): SCH: Scheduling 0 system job(s) 10-15 15:57:55.409 31220 31725 I IceCone : b loadRecentInfo. Take time : 135 ms 10-15 15:57:55.452 31341 31397 I android.vendin: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:55.498 31341 31722 I Finsky : [29289] zrp.apply(33): SCH: Canceling job 3-198 10-15 15:57:55.530 31341 31557 I Finsky : [29249] zrk.a(15): SCH: no pending jobs to schedule. 10-15 15:57:55.574 31341 31722 I Finsky : [29289] zrp.apply(33): SCH: Canceling job 3-199 10-15 15:57:55.578 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-47, CT: 1697328218736, Constraints: [{ L: 51318508, D: 1347318508, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }, { L: 51318508, D: 1347318508, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.579 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 34-49, CT: 1697328331808, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 1296000000, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }, { L: 0, D: 1296000000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.662 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] yvv.apply(29): SCH: Scheduling 2 system job(s) 10-15 15:57:55.664 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] zrm.d(263): SCH: Scheduling system job Id: 9638, L: 0, D: 1246056146, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-15 15:57:55.687 31341 31505 I Finsky : [29239] zrm.d(263): SCH: Scheduling system job Id: 9639, L: 0, D: 1246056122, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-15 15:57:55.755 31341 31397 I android.vendin: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 303.278ms 10-15 15:57:55.775 31341 31718 I Finsky : [29286] qza.apply(1458): IQ: Creating job 200, for (REQ_DEVICE_IDLE, REQ_GEARHEAD_PROJECTION_OFF, MIN_BATTERY=20, SHOULD_APPLY_BUDGET=true, NETWORK=UNMETERED, PROVISIONING_STATE=PROVISIONED, BACKUP_MANAGER_STATE=BACKUP_READY) 10-15 15:57:55.776 31341 31718 I Finsky : [29286] qza.apply(1458): IQ: Creating job 201, for (REQ_CHARGING, REQ_DEVICE_IDLE, REQ_GEARHEAD_PROJECTION_OFF, NETWORK=UNMETERED, PROVISIONING_STATE=PROVISIONED, BACKUP_MANAGER_STATE=BACKUP_READY) 10-15 15:57:55.782 31341 31718 I Finsky : [29286] qzk.G(93): IQ: Bulk scheduling created jobs 10-15 15:57:55.788 31341 31360 I android.vendin: WaitForGcToComplete blocked CollectorTransition on ProfileSaver for 32.458ms 10-15 15:57:55.808 31341 31426 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:55.808 31341 31426 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 10-15 15:57:55.812 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:55.815 4587 5292 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10111 10-15 15:57:55.816 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10111) : 7 10-15 15:57:55.845 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] abcv.c(17): SSM: Start staged session task with 0 tracked staged sessions 10-15 15:57:55.851 31341 31557 I Finsky : [29249] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 3-200, CT: 1697378275783, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C: 1, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.852 31341 31557 I Finsky : [29249] yte.accept(361): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 3-201, CT: 1697378275783, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C: 2, I: 2, N: 2 }] 10-15 15:57:55.866 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] yvv.apply(29): SCH: Scheduling 2 system job(s) 10-15 15:57:55.867 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] zrm.d(263): SCH: Scheduling system job Id: 9638, L: 0, D: 86399917, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-15 15:57:55.897 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] zrm.d(263): SCH: Scheduling system job Id: 9639, L: 0, D: 86399887, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-15 15:57:56.238 30825 30825 I CapturePreview: canCapture status : false false false false false false 10-15 15:57:56.238 30825 30825 I CapturePreview: startCaptureScreen fail : com.android.launcher3.LauncherRootView{85b2204 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a018c app:id/launcher} 10-15 15:57:56.550 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method La/o;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.550 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroid/support/v4/media/MediaBrowserCompat$b;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.550 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroid/support/v4/media/MediaBrowserCompat$b;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.551 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroid/support/v4/media/MediaBrowserCompat$b;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.e is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.f is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/i$d;.g is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/m;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/m;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.e is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.f is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.g is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.h is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.552 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/core/app/n;.i is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.553 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/fragment/app/g;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.553 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/media/MediaBrowserServiceCompat$e;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.553 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/media/MediaBrowserServiceCompat$e;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.553 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Landroidx/media/MediaBrowserServiceCompat$m;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.555 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/a/m/a/b;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.e is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.g is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.556 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/b/a;.h is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.557 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/airbnb/lottie/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.557 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/airbnb/lottie/a;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.560 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/clearcut/y;.m is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.563 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/samsungpass/common/policy/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.567 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/b/a/a/d/b/b;.M0 is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.568 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/b/a/a/d/f/b;.m is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.568 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/b/a/a/d/g/b0;.m is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.569 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/b/a/b/b0/d;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.570 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/d/a/a/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.571 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/d/a/a/b$a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.571 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/d/a/a/b;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.571 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/d/a/a/b;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.571 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/d/b/b;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.575 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/a/b$b;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.575 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/a/b$b;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.576 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lb/l/a/b$b;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk 10-15 15:57:56.593 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3634196 102997584 w 1533525 30974204 d 141558 124373960 f 339672 562789 iot 1837204 1543653 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461647.483 10-15 15:57:57.135 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/scloud/oem/lib/sync/e/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.135 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/scloud/oem/lib/sync/e/a;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.135 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/scloud/oem/lib/sync/e/a;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.135 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/scloud/oem/lib/sync/e/d;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.135 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lcom/samsung/android/scloud/oem/lib/sync/e/d;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.138 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/g/c/l/f/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.138 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/i/a/a/b/o/c;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.138 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/l/a/q;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.140 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lf/j0/p/c/k0/d/b/i;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.140 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lf/j0/p/c/k0/d/b/i;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.140 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lf/j0/p/c/k0/d/b/i;.c is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.140 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lf/j0/p/c/k0/d/b/i;.d is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.142 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Li/f/f/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.152 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/g/c/h/d;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.152 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/i/a/a/f/i/a;.a is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.152 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Ld/i/a/a/f/i/a;.b is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.153 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Le/a/a/a/n/d/h;.k is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.154 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Lf/j0/p/c/k0/b/e1/l;.g is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.158 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Li/a/a/a/l/a/j;.g is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.158 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Method Li/a/a/b/b/l;.f is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an interface in dex file /system/priv-app/SamsungPass/SamsungPass.apk!classes2.dex 10-15 15:57:57.169 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:57.170 4587 4612 E system_server: Invalid class loader spec: =UnsupportedClassLoaderContext= 10-15 15:57:57.170 4587 4612 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context? 10-15 15:57:57.212 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:57:57.215 30881 31529 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:57:57.217 4587 5292 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:57:57.217 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:57:57.282 31220 31220 I [PASS][HBDPI]HoneyboardPlugIn: onCreate 10-15 15:57:57.290 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:57.335 31220 31391 W roid.honeyboar: Unsupported class loader 10-15 15:57:57.336 4587 4612 E system_server: Invalid class loader spec: =UnsupportedClassLoaderContext= 10-15 15:57:57.337 4587 4612 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context? 10-15 15:57:57.359 4587 4612 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10095 pid :30881 / OP:PendingIntent{85ac7e7: PendingIntentRecord{35bb49f com.google.android.gms/ startService}} 10-15 15:57:57.360 4587 4612 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T155758, set=543254285, now=543253447 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: Exception thrown while unbinding 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zzjp@6857de6 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1887) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1954) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:810) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.ConnectionTracker.zza(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.3.0:55) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.ConnectionTracker.unbindService(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.3.0:50) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zziv.zzag(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:245) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zziv.zzal(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:262) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zziv.zzc(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:336) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zziu.zza(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:2) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zzai.run(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:7) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-15 15:57:57.379 31403 31515 W ConnectionTracker: at com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.zzfy.run(com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-impl@@17.5.0:21) 10-15 15:57:57.436 31220 31326 I [PASS][HBDPI]HoneyboardPlugIn: setPluginBeeCallback 10-15 15:57:57.451 31220 31220 I [PASS][HBDPI]HoneyboardPlugIn: updateState 10-15 15:57:57.460 31220 31220 I [PASS][HBDPI]HoneyboardPlugIn: setPluginBoardCallback 10-15 15:57:57.464 31220 31220 I [PASS][HBDPI]HoneyboardPlugIn: updateState 10-15 15:57:58.198 4587 4716 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 10-15 15:57:58.203 4587 4716 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10095 action=com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT alarm=Alarm{b39af94 type 2 when 543254285 com.google.android.gms} 10-15 15:57:58.205 4587 4716 D ActivityManager: Received BROADCAST intent 0x22d202f Key{broadcastIntent pkg=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.gcm intent=act=com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT flags=0x4000000 u=0} requestCode=0 sent=0 from uid 1000 10-15 15:57:58.224 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160036, set=543412233, now=543254311 10-15 15:57:58.226 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256087, now=543254313 10-15 15:57:58.237 4587 4622 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDeviceIdleTempWhitelist: appids: [0]10095 (uid: 1000 pid: 4587) 10-15 15:57:58.596 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3634350 103009804 w 1533527 30974304 d 141559 124373964 f 339673 562791 iot 1837284 1543715 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461649.486 10-15 15:57:58.694 31672 31692 I ding:backgroun: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-15 15:57:58.706 31672 31692 I ding:backgroun: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on RunEmptyCheckpoint for 11.981ms 10-15 15:57:58.949 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461649840161225 10-15 15:57:59.999 4587 4716 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 10-15 15:58:00.000 4587 4716 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 L=65db326:TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{5cc2232 type 3 when 543256087 android} 10-15 15:58:00.002 4587 4716 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20231015T155900 now=543256089 - CU:1000/CP:4587/L:65db326:TIME_TICK 10-15 15:58:00.003 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160036, set=543412233, now=543256090 10-15 15:58:00.003 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256088, now=543256091 10-15 15:58:00.009 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160036, set=543412233, now=543256096 10-15 15:58:00.009 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155800, set=543256088, now=543256097 10-15 15:58:00.010 4587 4716 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 10-15 15:58:00.011 4587 4716 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10149 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{f01fb83 type 1 when 1697378280000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 10-15 15:58:00.017 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 10-15 15:58:00.018 4587 4716 D ActivityManager: Received BROADCAST intent 0xb56adb4 Key{broadcastIntent pkg=com.sec.android.app.launcher intent=act=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE flags=0x0 u=0} requestCode=0 sent=0 from uid 1000 10-15 15:58:00.019 4945 5301 D QSClockBellTower: onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null 10-15 15:58:00.019 4945 4945 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 10-15 15:58:00.019 4945 5301 D QSClockBellTower: onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null 10-15 15:58:00.020 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 10-15 15:58:00.021 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: updateLiveIcon type:0 10-15 15:58:00.021 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 21 10-15 15:58:00.021 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160036, set=543412233, now=543256109 10-15 15:58:00.022 30825 30825 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-15 15:58:00.022 30825 30825 I LiveIconViewUpdater: onUpdateLiveIcon 54 10-15 15:58:00.022 4587 4716 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155847, set=543303323, now=543256109 10-15 15:58:00.023 4945 4945 D FaceWidgetPagesController: onTimeChanged() 10-15 15:58:00.024 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: cancelMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:58:00.024 4587 5292 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10149 pid :30825 / OP:PendingIntent{bdf0d39: PendingIntentRecord{b56adb4 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:58:00.026 30825 30825 I LiveIconUpdateEventHandler: setMinuteChangeAlarm 10-15 15:58:00.028 4945 4945 D QSClockBellTower: He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:3:58, TimeContentDescription:3:58 PM, DateText:Dom 15 Ottobre, ShortDateText:Dom 15 Ott, Demofalse))) 10-15 15:58:00.028 4587 7001 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20231015T155900 now=543256116 - CU:10149/CP:30825/OP:PendingIntent{7162f7e: PendingIntentRecord{b56adb4 com.sec.android.app.launcher broadcastIntent}} 10-15 15:58:00.029 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20231015T160036, set=543412233, now=543256116 10-15 15:58:00.029 4587 7001 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20231015T155847, set=543303323, now=543256116 10-15 15:58:00.034 4945 4945 D QSClockHomeIndicatorView: Home Indicator status_bar_clock notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:3:58, TimeContentDescription:3:58 PM, DateText:Dom 15 Ottobre, ShortDateText:Dom 15 Ott, Demofalse) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{37c8fe8 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-75,83 #7f0a037c app:id/left_clock_container} 10-15 15:58:00.035 4945 4945 D QSClockBellTower: Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1697378280026, getTime():Sun Oct 15 15:58:00 GMT+02:00 2023, getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/Rome",mRawOffset=3600000,mEarliestRawOffset=2996000,mUseDst=true,mDstSavings=3600000,transitions=173]) 10-15 15:58:00.035 4945 4945 D QSClockBellTower: He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:3:58, TimeContentDescription:3:58 PM, DateText:Dom 15 Ottobre, ShortDateText:Dom 15 Ott, Demofalse))) 10-15 15:58:00.035 4945 4945 D QSClockHomeIndicatorView: Home Indicator status_bar_clock notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:3:58, TimeContentDescription:3:58 PM, DateText:Dom 15 Ottobre, ShortDateText:Dom 15 Ott, Demofalse) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{37c8fe8 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-75,83 #7f0a037c app:id/left_clock_container} 10-15 15:58:00.035 4945 4945 D QSClockBellTower: Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1697378280035, getTime():Sun Oct 15 15:58:00 GMT+02:00 2023, getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[id="Europe/Rome",mRawOffset=3600000,mEarliestRawOffset=2996000,mUseDst=true,mDstSavings=3600000,transitions=173]) 10-15 15:58:00.038 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: has_icon_container is maintained so ignore icon processing, pkg = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:58:00.040 30825 30917 I ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.sec.android.app.clockpackage class. reuse it 10-15 15:58:00.041 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon was called in ClockPackage 10-15 15:58:00.043 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: getLiveIcon res = com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:58:00.044 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: stdIconSize : 126 , targetIconSize : 152 10-15 15:58:00.045 30825 30917 I LiveIconUtil: mIconDpi : 640 , mTargetIconDpi : 420 10-15 15:58:00.087 30825 30917 I AppIconSolution: load= live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, from overlay = false 10-15 15:58:00.087 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: Load live icon for com.sec.android.app.clockpackage 10-15 15:58:00.087 30825 30917 I LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.sec.android.app.clockpackage, useThemeIcon: false, height: 288, width: 288, density: 640 10-15 15:58:00.095 30825 30825 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 10-15 15:58:00.603 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3634406 103010312 w 1533598 30974728 d 141559 124373964 f 339673 562791 iot 1837308 1543737 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461651.492 10-15 15:58:01.079 30881 31092 I NearbyConnections: Client 0p:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing disconnecting 10-15 15:58:01.080 30881 31092 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.082 30881 31124 I NearbyConnections: Because they unbound from our service, all state for client 192274748 will now be cleaned up. 10-15 15:58:01.099 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.118 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.134 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.135 30881 31124 I NearbyConnections: Generated local endpoint id OO0W for client 192274748 10-15 15:58:01.137 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.139 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.139 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.152 30881 31124 I Nearby : (REDACTED) Successfully shutdown executor %s. 10-15 15:58:01.486 31341 31426 I Finsky : [29230] wnc.h(14): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 10-15 15:58:01.528 31341 31539 I Finsky : [29244] jlv.run(43): Initializing the instant apps module. 10-15 15:58:01.719 31341 31426 I Finsky : [29230] wnc.h(68): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 10-15 15:58:01.720 31341 31603 I Finsky : [29255] wnc.h(14): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 10-15 15:58:01.830 31341 31603 I Finsky : [29255] wnc.h(68): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 10-15 15:58:01.832 31341 31433 W android.vendin: Long monitor contention with owner BlockingExecutor #0 (31426) at int wnc.h()(PG:71) waiters=1 in int wnc.h() for 338ms 10-15 15:58:01.834 31341 31433 I Finsky : [29231] wnc.h(14): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 10-15 15:58:01.948 31341 31433 I Finsky : [29231] wnc.h(68): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 10-15 15:58:02.029 31341 31740 I Finsky : [29296] oxn.run(202): Wrote row to frosting DB: 1234 10-15 15:58:02.094 4587 7001 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.wearsupport.WearSupportService newState = 2 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:58:02.095 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] kar.run(784): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wearsupport.WearSupportService disabled via PackageManager. 10-15 15:58:02.099 4587 7001 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.wearsupport.WearChangeListenerService newState = 2 callingPackage = 10111/com.android.vending 10-15 15:58:02.101 31341 31558 I Finsky : [29250] kar.run(784): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wearsupport.WearChangeListenerService disabled via PackageManager. 10-15 15:58:02.104 4158 4280 E Netd : getNetworkForDns: getNetId from enterpriseCtrl is netid 0 10-15 15:58:02.108 30881 31529 W elsd : [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1} 10-15 15:58:02.111 4587 7001 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 0, 10095 10-15 15:58:02.112 4587 4837 E NetdEventListenerService: DNS failed (10095) : 7 10-15 15:58:02.153 31341 31539 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->drawPatch(Landroid/graphics/NinePatch;Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V (greylist-max-o, linking, denied) 10-15 15:58:02.154 31341 31539 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->drawPatch(Landroid/graphics/NinePatch;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V (greylist-max-o, linking, denied) 10-15 15:58:02.165 31341 31539 W Finsky : [29244] xye.a(61): PreloadClasses: Unable to load [androidx.compose.ui.platform.WindowRecomposerFactory$Companion$LifecycleAware$1, androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot$Companion$registerApplyObserver$2, androidx.compose.ui.platform.WrapperVerificationHelperMethods, androidx.compose.ui.platform.DisposableSaveableStateRegistry_androidKt$DisposableSaveableStateRegistry$registered$1, androidx.compose.animation.core.EasingKt$LinearEasing$1, androidx.compose.foundation.layout.BoxKt$boxMeasurePolicy$1$measure$2, androidx.compose.animation.core.Transition$updateTarget$2, androidx.compose.material.TextKt$Text$1, androidx.compose.ui.layout.SubcomposeLayoutKt$SubcomposeLayout$$inlined$ComposeNode$1, androidx.compose.foundation.layout.BoxKt$EmptyBoxMeasurePolicy$1$measure$1] 10-15 15:58:02.193 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): onSignalStrengthsChanged level=4 10-15 15:58:02.193 4945 5119 D NetworkController.SecMobileSignalController(0/2147483647): Display signal bar by emergency only[true][true] 10-15 15:58:02.194 4945 5119 D MobileSignalIconsSelector: getDataIconGroup(): 0 10-15 15:58:02.381 31190 31190 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 10-15 15:58:02.608 4067 4067 I io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 3634870 103022436 w 1533644 30975532 d 141567 124374092 f 339701 562833 iot 1837496 1543903 th 51200 51200 40088 pt 96 inp 0 0 461653.498 10-15 15:58:03.950 4245 4245 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=461654840478798