@SimpleFunction(description = "Website source-code") public void GetCEP() { AsynchUtil.runAsynchronously(new Runnable() { // Always do get request Asynchronously @Override public void run() { try { BufferedReader readStream = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new URL("https://viacep.com.br/ws/01001000/json").openStream())); // Open stream and read the content from streamReader to BufferedReader String readLine; // Variable which will have one line of data StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); // The result data will be stored here while ((readLine = readStream.readLine()) != null) data.append(readLine); // Read all the lines from the readStream readStream.close(); // IMPORTANT close the stream final String finalData = data.toString(); // Make the string final with the data variable activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { // Always raise events on UI thread @Override public void run() { GotCEP(finalData); // You're event with data } }); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // Error occured } } }); } @SimpleEvent(description = "voltou") public void GotCEP (String cep){ EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(this, "GotCEP", cep); } } Java code using these blocks, can teach me how to make these blocks below, like java code https://i.ibb.co/V3LYWPq/component-method-7.png https://i.ibb.co/tJMKCbN/component-event-2.png